def handle_train_classifier(self): classifier = self.CLASSIFIERS_OF_CLASS[self.command_args.classifier_type]() classifier.load_pickled_dataset(self.command_args.input_path) classifier.train_using_single_set(self.VALIDATION_SET_SIZE) current_time ="%Y%m%d_%I%M%S") + "_" + current_time + ".classifier") Logger.log("AudioIdentificationCommandline: classifier trained: %s" % self.command_args.output_path + "_" + current_time + ".classifier")
def __init__(self): self.db = DAL('sqlite://ccaccounts.db') self.db.define_table('accounts', Field('name'), Field('account_number', 'integer'), Field('balance', 'integer'), Field('balance_limit', 'integer')) self.log = Logger()
def __init__(self): self.conn_type = c.CONNECTOR_TYPE self.log = Logger() if self.conn_type == 'DB': self.conn = DBConnector() else: self.log.log_message('NCS')
def learn_reduction_for_dataset(self, base_path): Logger.log("Datasets_Manager: learning reduction from %s" % base_path) data_file_names = [file_name for file_name in os.listdir(base_path) if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base_path,file_name))) and ("DS" not in file_name)] for file_name in data_file_names: loaded_signal = self.stepwise_load_signal(os.path.join(base_path,file_name)) self.stepwise_learn_reduction(loaded_signal) del loaded_signal
class Application(object): settings = None log = system = None # Placeholders to be filled later. growl = None # Can be 'None' if no Growl found. def __init__(self, is_daemon=True): self.settings = self._assembleSettings(is_daemon=is_daemon) self.log = Logger(self) self.log.install() self.log.debug("Logging installed.") self.system = System(self) self.log.debug("Application initialisation finished.") def _assembleSettings(self, is_daemon): """Assemple application settings (such as log dir, etc).""" return _AppConfig({ "is_daemon": is_daemon, "log_dir": os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "logs"), }) def doWork(self): """Called when caller wants for application to perform its actual functionality.""" self.system.loadPlugins() self.log.debug("System plugins loaded.") # Growl app is so specific and widespread that it makes sense to # care about it even on the top application level. if self.system.plugins.growl.isRunning(): self.growl = self.system.plugins.growl self.growl.setGlobalGrowlingApplicationOptions("OsXRuleActions") # Now to call call user configuration. from config import main as mainConfig try: mainConfig.execute(self.system) except: self.log.exception("Error happened during config run.") @classmethod def consoleRun(cls, options): """Called when application is initialized from console.""" _app = cls(is_daemon=options.is_daemon) try: _app.doWork() except: _app.showBadException("Error in main application loop.") def showBadException(self, msg): """Show top-level exception. Called only when everything else fails.""" _str = StringIO() traceback.print_exc(file=_str), 0) _str = _pop = subprocess.Popen("open -tf", shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) _pop.stdin.write("Error happend: %s\n%s" % (msg, _str)) _pop.communicate()
def __init__(self): self.log = Logger().custom_logger() self.db_client = DataBaseClient() opts = Options() opts.log.level = "fatal" self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=path_to_driver, options=opts) self.driver.implicitly_wait(60) self.wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 60) self.start_url = start_url
def preprocess_file(self, base_path, file_name, strip_silence=True, subtract_original=True): Logger.log("AudioFilesPreprocessor: preprocessing file: %s" % file_name) signal = self.get_signal_array_from_file(base_path, file_name) self.strip_silence_from_file(self.original_sound_base_path, self.original_sound_file_name) self.original_signal = self.get_signal_array_from_file(os.path.join(self.original_sound_base_path,self.silence_stripped_path), self.original_sound_file_name) ## TDOD: REMOVE THIS!!!! -> self.original_signal = np.zeros(1) ## TDOD: REMOVE THIS!!!! <- if strip_silence: self.strip_silence_from_file(base_path, file_name) if subtract_original: self.subtract_original_signal_from_picked_signal(self.original_signal,signal)
def __init__(self): # State here the possible stages and their handlers self.STAGE_OF_HANDLER = {"preprocess": self.handle_preprocess, "reduce_dataset": self.handle_reduce_dataset, "train_classifier": self.handle_train_classifier, "classify": self.handle_classify, "evaluate_testset": self.handle_evaluate_testset} self.parse_commandline_arguments() Logger.set_log_path(self.command_args.log_path) self.call_stage_method()
def train_and_choose_parameters(self, training_labels, validation_labels): best_score = 0 best_classifier = None for n_estimator in self.n_estimators: for criterion_string in self.criterion: classifier, score = self.train_with_parameters(n_estimator, criterion_string, training_labels, validation_labels) if score >= best_score: best_score = score best_classifier = classifier Logger.log("RF: Classifier trained with accuracy %s" % best_score) Logger.log("RF: Classifiers parameters are: %s" % best_classifier.get_params()) return best_classifier, best_score
def train_and_choose_parameters(self, training_labels, validation_labels): best_score = 0 best_classifier = None for c_value in self.C: for pen in self.penalty: classifier, score = self.train_with_parameters(c_value, pen,training_labels, validation_labels) if score >= best_score: best_score = score best_classifier = classifier Logger.log("LOGISTICREG: Classifier trained with accuracy %s" % best_score) Logger.log("LOGISTICREG: Classifiers parameters are: %s" % best_classifier.get_params()) return best_classifier, best_score
def handle_preprocess(self): afp = AudioFilesPreprocessor(self.command_args.input_path, self.RECORDING_CONF, self.ORIGINAL_FILE_PATH, self.ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME) afp.preprocess_dataset(subtract_original=self.command_args.subtract_original) if os.path.islink(self.command_args.output_path): os.unlink(self.command_args.output_path) if self.command_args.subtract_original: os.symlink(os.path.join(self.command_args.input_path,AudioFilesPreprocessor.original_signal_substracted_path), self.command_args.output_path) else: os.symlink(os.path.join(self.command_args.input_path,AudioFilesPreprocessor.silence_stripped_path), self.command_args.output_path) Logger.log("AudioIdentificationCommandline: preprocessing done")
def transform_and_reduce_dataset(self, time_domain_dataset): # This is only to make sure that all signals are of the same length, otherwise we will not have the same granularity in the frequency domain. signal_lengths = [len(signal) for signal in time_domain_dataset] assert min(signal_lengths) == max(signal_lengths) self.signals_length = max(signal_lengths) freq_domain_dataset = np.array([self.seperate_real_and_imaginary_parts(rfft(signal)) for signal in time_domain_dataset]) self.pca = decomposition.PCA(n_components=self.reduced_dimentionality) Logger.log("DSManager_DFTDimReduction: fitting PCA to frequency domain dataset to reduce dimensionality") reduced_freq_domain_dataset = self.pca.transform(freq_domain_dataset) Logger.log("DFTDimReduction: PCA was fitted and the dimensionality reduced") return reduced_freq_domain_dataset
def load_signals_dataset(self, base_path): Logger.log("Datasets_Manager: loading dataset from %s" % base_path) data_file_names = [file_name for file_name in os.listdir(base_path) if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base_path,file_name))) and ("DS" not in file_name)] np_arrays_dataset = [np.load(os.path.join(base_path,file_name)) for file_name in data_file_names] signal_lengths = [len(np_array) for np_array in np_arrays_dataset] self.maximal_signal_length = max(signal_lengths) x = np.array([np.pad(signal,(0,self.maximal_signal_length-len(signal)),mode="constant",constant_values=(0,)).tolist() for signal in np_arrays_dataset]) y_loc = np.array([self.get_location_label_from_filename(file_name) for file_name in data_file_names]) y_obj = np.array([self.get_object_label_from_filename(file_name) for file_name in data_file_names]) Logger.log("Datasets_Manager: dataset loaded") return x, y_loc, y_obj
def __init__(self, args, logFile=sys.stderr): # Analogous to command line arguments self.argAll = args['all'] self.argBugs = args['bugs'] self.argFunction = args['function'] self.argNoColor = args['no_color'] self.argRemotes = args['remotes'] self.argShowStash = args['show_stash'] self.argSubmodules = args['submodules'] self.argVerbose = args['verbose'] # File like object to log to self.logger = Logger(logFile, not self.argNoColor)
def train_and_choose_parameters(self, training_labels, validation_labels): linear_classifier, linear_score = self.best_linear_classifier(training_labels, validation_labels) rfb_classifier, rbf_score = self.best_rbf_classifier(training_labels, validation_labels) if linear_score >= rbf_score: best_classifier = linear_classifier best_score = linear_score else: best_classifier = rfb_classifier best_score = rbf_score Logger.log("SVM: Classifier trained with accuracy %s" % best_score) Logger.log("SVM: Classifiers parameters are: %s" % best_classifier.get_params()) return best_classifier, best_score
def train_and_choose_parameters(self, training_labels, validation_labels): best_score = 0 best_classifier = None for k in self.k_neighbors: for w in self.weights: for l in self.leaf_size: for p in self.p_value: classifier, score = self.train_with_parameters(k,w,l,p, training_labels, validation_labels) if score >= best_score: best_score = score best_classifier = classifier Logger.log("KNN: Classifier trained with accuracy %s" % best_score) Logger.log("KNN: Classifiers parameters are: %s" % best_classifier.get_params()) return best_classifier, best_score
def transform_dataset_according_to_learnt_reduction(self, base_path): Logger.log("Datasets_Manager: transforming %s according to reduction" % base_path) data_file_names = [file_name for file_name in os.listdir(base_path) if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(base_path,file_name))) and ("DS" not in file_name)] x = np.empty((0,self.reduced_dimensionality), dtype=np.float32) y_loc = np.empty((0,1), dtype=int) y_obj = np.empty((0,1), dtype=int) for file_name in data_file_names: loaded_signal = self.stepwise_load_signal(os.path.join(base_path,file_name)) reduced_signal = self.stepwise_reduce_signal(loaded_signal) x = np.append(x,reduced_signal, axis=0) y_loc = np.append(y_loc, self.get_location_label_from_filename(file_name), axis=0) y_obj = np.append(y_obj, self.get_object_label_from_filename(file_name), axis=0) del loaded_signal del reduced_signal return x, y_loc, y_obj
def __init__(self, is_daemon=True): self.settings = self._assembleSettings(is_daemon=is_daemon) self.log = Logger(self) self.log.install() self.log.debug("Logging installed.") self.system = System(self) self.log.debug("Application initialisation finished.")
def strip_silence_from_file(self, base_path, file_name): file_absolute_path = os.path.join(base_path, file_name).replace(" ","\ ").replace("(", "\(").replace(")","\)") output_file = os.path.join(base_path, self.silence_stripped_path, file_name).replace(" ","\ ").replace("(", "\(").replace(")","\)") sox_command = "/usr/local/bin/sox -e %s -b%d -L -r%d -c1 %s %s " % (self.audio_configuration["encoding"], self.audio_configuration["encoding_size"], self.audio_configuration["sample_rate"], file_absolute_path, output_file) silence_filter = "silence %d %d %s reverse silence %d %d %s reverse" % (self.silence_configuration["below_period"], self.silence_configuration["override_duration"], str(self.silence_configuration["threshold"]) + 'd', self.silence_configuration["below_period"], self.silence_configuration["override_duration"], str(self.silence_configuration["threshold"]) + 'd') Logger.log("AudioFilesPreprocessor: removing silence: %s" % (sox_command + silence_filter)) Logger.log("AudioFilesPreprocessor: execution result: %s" % os.popen(sox_command + silence_filter).read())
def subtract_original_signal_from_dataset(self, original_signal_base_path, original_signal_file_name): self.strip_silence_from_file(original_signal_base_path, original_signal_file_name) self.original_signal = self.get_signal_array_from_file(os.path.join(original_signal_base_path,self.silence_stripped_path), original_signal_file_name) ## TDOD: REMOVE THIS!!!! -> self.original_signal = np.zeros(1) ## TDOD: REMOVE THIS!!!! <- files_list = [file_name for file_name in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.base_path,self.silence_stripped_path)) if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.base_path,self.silence_stripped_path,file_name)) and ("DS" not in file_name))] for file_name in files_list: Logger.log("AudioFilesPreprocessor: removing original sound: %s from: %s" % (os.path.join(original_signal_base_path,original_signal_file_name),file_name)) signal = self.get_signal_array_from_file(os.path.join(self.base_path,self.silence_stripped_path), file_name) substracted_signal = self.subtract_original_signal_from_picked_signal(self.original_signal,signal),self.original_signal_substracted_path,file_name),substracted_signal) self.maximal_signal_length = max(self.maximal_signal_length, len(signal))
def __init__(self, name="", account_number=0, balance=0, balance_limit=0, amount=0): self.connector = Connector() self.log = Logger() if amount > 0: = name self.amount = amount elif type(name) == str and type(account_number) == int and type( balance_limit) == int: = name self.account_number = account_number self.balance = balance self.balance_limit = balance_limit self.amount = amount else: self.log.log_message('ICPT') pass
def reset_all(self): """ reset all variables and the layout """ self.log = Logger() self.currentFileIndex = 0 self.sphinxProjectBase = None self.fileNameList = [None for i in range(self.maxDocuments)] self.filePathList = [None for i in range(self.maxDocuments)] self.fileLangList = [None for i in range(self.maxDocuments)] self.editorList = [None for i in range(16)] self.background = []
def main(): Logger.make_logger() sys.excepthook = log_unhandled_exception app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) queue = Queue() thread = QtCore.QThread() receiver = MessageReceiver(queue) window = DownloaderForRedditGUI(queue, receiver) receiver.output_signal.connect(window.update_output) receiver.moveToThread(thread) thread.started.connect( receiver.finished.connect(thread.quit) receiver.finished.connect(receiver.deleteLater) thread.finished.connect(thread.deleteLater) thread.start() sys.exit(app.exec_())
def downloadData(baseURL, baseOutputFilename, opts=sys.argv): log = Logger() getFootyOptions(log, opts) (algoCfg, mailCfg) = getFootyConfig() seasons = algoCfg['seasons'] rangeMap = algoCfg['rangeMap'] leagues = rangeMap.keys() for l in leagues: for s in seasons: resultsURL = baseURL.format(s, l)'Downloading...' + resultsURL) with readCSVFileAsDict(resultsURL) as resultsReader: outputFilename = baseOutputFilename.format(l, s)'Output to...' + outputFilename) # Correct the first header field i = resultsReader.__iter__() headers = i.__next__() headers[0] = 'Div' with newCSVFile(outputFilename, headers) as outputWriter: for row in i: outputWriter.writerow(row)
class DBConnector: def __init__(self): self.db = DAL('sqlite://ccaccounts.db') self.db.define_table('accounts', Field('name'), Field('account_number', 'integer'), Field('balance', 'integer'), Field('balance_limit', 'integer')) self.log = Logger() def check_accounts(self, name): if self.db( == name).count() == 0: self.log.log_message('NAE') return False else: return True def add_account(self, name, account_number, balance, balance_limit): # check that non zero or negative numbers are being passed # in the account number or in the balance limit # checks if account name and account number already exist # in the DB and returns error if the account exists if self.db( == name).count() > 0 or self.db( self.db.accounts.account_number == account_number).count() > 0: self.log.log_message('AAE') else: # inserts the row into the DB with the balance limit as the initial balance. self.db.accounts.insert(name=name, account_number=account_number, balance=balance, balance_limit=balance_limit) self.db.commit() def charge_account(self, name, amount): # find row that matches the name given to do a check on balance limits for row in self.db( == name).select( self.db.accounts.balance, self.db.accounts.balance_limit): account_limit = row.balance_limit balance = row.balance if 'balance' in locals(): # get the sum of the balance and amount charged new_balance = int(amount) + int(balance) # make sure the balance will not exceed the balance limit. if new_balance > account_limit: self.log.log_message('SAL') else: self.db( == name).update( balance=new_balance) self.db.commit() else: self.log.log_message('NBRCH') pass def credit_account(self, name, amount): # find row that matches the name given to do a check on balance limits for row in self.db( == name).select( self.db.accounts.balance, self.db.accounts.balance_limit): balance = row.balance if 'balance' in locals(): # get the difference of the balance and amount credited new_balance = int(balance) - int(amount) self.db( == name).update(balance=new_balance) self.db.commit() else: self.log.log_message('NBRCR') pass def account_balances(self): if __name__ == '__main__': for row in self.db().select(, self.db.accounts.account_number, self.db.accounts.balance, name = acct_number = row.account_number balance = row.balance print "{}, {}: {}".format(name, acct_number, balance)
def makeFootyHistory(resultsURLTmpl, opts=sys.argv): log = Logger() getFootyOptions(log, opts) (algoCfg, mailCfg) = getFootyConfig() rangeMap = algoCfg['rangeMap'] seasons = algoCfg['seasons'] ''' Looks like if you go back too far with the historical data it starts to mess up the results, I suspect this is because the league composition has changed enough to mean that the newer and older season data don't play well together... ''' + ' : ' + model.__class__.__name__) for league in rangeMap.keys():'League : {}...'.format(league)) os.makedirs('{}/{}'.format(analysisDir, league), exist_ok=True) summaryData = {} with newCSVFile('{}/{}/History.{}.csv'.format(analysisDir, league, model.__class__.__name__), ['Date', 'HomeTeam', 'AwayTeam', 'Mark', 'Result']) \ as historyWriter: for season in seasons: resultsURL = resultsURLTmpl.format(season, league) log.debug('Processing...{}'.format(resultsURL)) try: with readCSVFileAsDict(resultsURL) as resultsReader: # Assembling as list so that the iterator can be reset res = list(resultsReader) data = model.processMatches(res) # Resetting iterator here... for row in iter(res): try: date, ht, at, mark, hForm, aForm = \ model.markMatch(data, row['Date'], row['HomeTeam'], row['AwayTeam']) except KeyError: continue if mark is None or row['FTR'] == '': continue mark = int(mark) matchResult = row['FTR'].strip() historyWriter.writerow( [date, ht, at, mark, matchResult]) if mark not in summaryData: summaryData[mark] = {'A': 0, 'D': 0, 'H': 0} summaryData[mark][matchResult] += 1 except BaseException: log.error(sys.exc_info()[0:1]) continue'Writing summary data...') with newCSVFile('{}/{}/Summary.{}.csv'.format(analysisDir, league, model.__class__.__name__), ['Mark', 'Frequency', '%H','HO', '%D', 'DO', '%A', 'AO']) \ as summaryWriter: x = [] hY = [] dY = [] aY = [] hist = {} for mark in summaryData: if mark > 15 or mark < -15: continue awayF = summaryData[mark]['A'] drawF = summaryData[mark]['D'] homeF = summaryData[mark]['H'] totalF = awayF + drawF + homeF awayP = awayF / totalF * 100 drawP = drawF / totalF * 100 homeP = homeF / totalF * 100 x.append(mark) hY.append(homeP) dY.append(drawP) aY.append(awayP) awayO = awayP if awayP == 0 else 100 / awayP drawO = drawP if drawP == 0 else 100 / drawP homeO = homeP if homeP == 0 else 100 / homeP hist[mark] = (homeF, homeP) summaryWriter.writerow([ mark, totalF, '{:>4.2f}'.format(homeP), '{:>4.2f}'.format(homeO), '{:>4.2f}'.format(drawP), '{:>4.2f}'.format(drawO), '{:>4.2f}'.format(awayP), '{:>4.2f}'.format(awayO) ]) s = '' for h in sorted(hist.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][0], reverse=True): s += '{:d} ({:d} {:>5.2f}) '.format(h[0], h[1][0], h[1][1]) with newCSVFile('{}/{}/Stats.{}.csv'.format(analysisDir, league, model.__class__.__name__), ['Result', 'Slope', 'Intercept', 'P', 'R', 'R^2', 'Err']) \ as statsWriter: slope, intercept, r, p, stderr = stats.linregress(x, hY) r2 = r**2 'Home: {:>4.2f} {:>4.2f} {:>4.2} {:>4.2f} {:>4.2f} {:>4.2}'. format(slope, intercept, p, r, r2, stderr)) statsWriter.writerow([ 'H', '{:>4.2f}'.format(slope), '{:>4.2f}'.format(intercept), '{:>4.2f}'.format(p), '{:>4.2f}'.format(r), '{:>4.2f}'.format(r2), '{:>4.2f}'.format(stderr) ]) slope, intercept, r, p, stderr = stats.linregress(x, dY) r2 = r**2 'Draw: {:>4.2f} {:>4.2f} {:>4.2} {:>4.2f} {:>4.2f} {:>4.2}'. format(slope, intercept, p, r, r2, stderr)) statsWriter.writerow([ 'D', '{:>4.2f}'.format(slope), '{:>4.2f}'.format(intercept), '{:>4.2f}'.format(p), '{:>4.2f}'.format(r), '{:>4.2f}'.format(r2), '{:>4.2f}'.format(stderr) ]) slope, intercept, r, p, stderr = stats.linregress(x, aY) r2 = r**2 'Away: {:>4.2f} {:>4.2f} {:>4.2} {:>4.2f} {:>4.2f} {:>4.2}'. format(slope, intercept, p, r, r2, stderr)) statsWriter.writerow([ 'A', '{:>4.2f}'.format(slope), '{:>4.2f}'.format(intercept), '{:>4.2f}'.format(p), '{:>4.2f}'.format(r), '{:>4.2f}'.format(r2), '{:>4.2f}'.format(stderr) ])
def analyseFixtures(resultsURLTmpl, fixturesURL, opts=sys.argv): log = Logger() (sendMail, rangeMap) = getFootyOptions(log, opts) (algoCfg, mailCfg) = getFootyConfig() rangeMap = algoCfg['rangeMap'] season = algoCfg['season'] teamErrorMap = algoCfg['teamErrorMap'] mailText = '<table border=1><tr><th>Lge</th><th>Date</th><th>HomeTeam</th><th>AwayTeam</th><th>Mark</th><th>H#</th><th>H%</th><th>H Odds</th><th>HomeTeamForm</th><th>AwayTeamForm</th></tr>' s = '{:<4s} {:<8s} {:<16s} {:<16s} {:<4s} {:s} {:<37s} {:<37s}'.format( 'Lge', 'Date', 'HomeTeam', 'AwayTeam', 'Mark', fST(('H#', 'H%', 'HO')), 'HomeTeamForm', 'AwayTeamForm') termText = '\n' + hl(s) + '\n' with newCSVFile( '{}/Betting.{}.csv'.format(analysisDir, model.__class__.__name__), [ 'Lge', 'Date', 'HomeTeam', 'AwayTeam', 'Mark', 'H#', 'H%', 'HOdds', 'HomeTeamForm', 'AwayTeamForm' ]) as bettingWriter: league = '' data = {} summaryData = {} with readCSVFileAsDict(fixturesURL) as fixturesReader: for fix in fixturesReader: log.debug(fix) ind = 'b\"Div' try: fix['b\"Div'] except: ind = 'b\'Div' if fix[ind] not in rangeMap: continue if league != fix[ind]: league = fix[ind] resultsURL = resultsURLTmpl.format(season, league) with readCSVFileAsDict(resultsURL) as resultsReader: data = model.processMatches(resultsReader) with readCSVFileAsDict( '{}/{}/Summary.{}.csv'.format(analysisDir, league, model.__class__.__name__)) \ as summaryReader: for summ in summaryReader: mark = int(summ['Mark']) f = int(summ['Frequency']) hP = float(summ['%H']) dP = float(summ['%D']) aP = float(summ['%A']) summaryData[mark] = { 'H': (int(f * (hP / 100)), float(summ['%H']), float(summ['HO'])), 'D': (int(f * (dP / 100)), float(summ['%D']), float(summ['DO'])), 'A': (int(f * (aP / 100)), float(summ['%A']), float(summ['AO'])) } ht = fix['HomeTeam'] if ht in teamErrorMap: ht = teamErrorMap[ht] at = fix['AwayTeam'] if at in teamErrorMap: at = teamErrorMap[at] date, ht, at, mark, hForm, aForm = model.markMatch( data, fix['Date'], ht, at) if mark is None or mark not in range(-15, 16): continue hSD = summaryData[mark]['H'] aSD = summaryData[mark]['A'] dSD = summaryData[mark]['D'] s = '{:<4s} {:<8s} {:<16s} {:<16s} {:4d} {:s} ({:s}) ({:s})'\ .format(league, date, ht, at, mark, fSD(hSD), hForm, aForm) mail_s = '<tr><td>{:s}</td><td>{:s}</td><td>{:s}</td><td>{:s}</td><td align="right">{:>4d}</td><td align="right">{:>4d}</td><td align="right">{:>6.2f}%</td><td align="right">{:>5.2f}</td><td align="right">{:s}</td><td align="right">{:s}</td></tr>'.format( league, date, ht, at, mark, hSD[0], hSD[1], hSD[2], hForm, aForm) if mark in rangeMap[league]: termText += hl(s) + '\n' mailText += mail_hl(mail_s) else: termText += s + '\n' mailText += mail_s bettingWriter.writerow((league, date, ht, at, mark, hSD[0], hSD[1], hSD[2], hForm, aForm)) mailText += '</table>' mailText = 'MIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/html\nSubject: Footy Bets\n\n{}'.format( mailText) if sendMail: fromAddr = mailCfg['fromAddr'] toAddrs = mailCfg['toAddrs'] server = smtplib.SMTP(mailCfg['svr'], int(mailCfg['port'])) server.ehlo() server.starttls() server.ehlo() server.login(fromAddr, mailCfg['pwd']) server.sendmail(fromAddr, toAddrs, mailText) server.quit()'email sent to: {!s}'.format(toAddrs))
def preprocess_dataset(self, strip_silence=True, subtract_original=True): if strip_silence: self.strip_silence_from_entire_dataset() if subtract_original: self.subtract_original_signal_from_dataset(self.original_sound_base_path, self.original_sound_file_name) Logger.log("AudioFilesPreprocessor:dataset preprocessed. Maximal signal length is %s " % self.maximal_signal_length)
def stepwise_load_and_reduce_dataset(self, base_path): Logger.log("Datasets_Manager: loading dataset step by step from %s" % base_path) self.learn_reduction_for_dataset(base_path) return self.transform_dataset_according_to_learnt_reduction(base_path)
class Sysgit: """Contains the Sysgit logic""" def __init__(self, args, logFile=sys.stderr): # Analogous to command line arguments self.argAll = args['all'] self.argBugs = args['bugs'] self.argFunction = args['function'] self.argNoColor = args['no_color'] self.argRemotes = args['remotes'] self.argShowStash = args['show_stash'] self.argSubmodules = args['submodules'] self.argVerbose = args['verbose'] # File like object to log to self.logger = Logger(logFile, not self.argNoColor) def log(self, message): """Log `message' to this instance's logFile.""" if self.argVerbose: self.logger.log(message) def getReposInPath(self): """Return a list of repositories found in SYSGIT_PATH env var.""" self.log('Enumerating repositories in SYSGIT_PATH') paths = [ os.path.expanduser(path) for path in os.environ['SYSGIT_PATH'].split(':') ] repoLocations = list() # Recursively find all of the repositories in our path for path in paths: #pylint: disable=unused-variable for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(path): for direntry in dirnames: if '.git' in direntry: repoLocations.append(dirpath) break return repoLocations or [] def rejectIgnoredRepos(self, repoList): """ If SYSGIT_IGNORE is set in the environment, removes these entries from the list `repoList' """ # Try removing all paths in SYSGIT_IGNORE try: ignoredRepos = [ os.path.expanduser(path) for path in os.environ['SYSGIT_IGNORE'].split(':') ] self.log('Ignoring repos in SYSGIT_IGNORE') validRepoList = list() for repo in repoList: for ignoredRepo in ignoredRepos: if ignoredRepo not in repo: validRepoList.append(repo) repoList = validRepoList except KeyError: # If SYSGIT_IGNORE doesn't exit, we should carry on normally. pass return repoList def findUnversionedDirectories(self, repoList): """ Locates directories in SYSGIT_PATH that are not in SYSGIT_IGNORE, at the same filesystem depth as other git repositories, but not under version control, and prints a warning message about each. """ pathList = copy.deepcopy(repoList) while pathList: path = pathList.pop(0) #pylint: disable=unused-variable for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(os.path.dirname(path)): for entry in dirnames: entry = dirpath + '/' + entry if entry == path: continue elif entry in pathList: pathList.remove(entry) continue else: self.log('{} is not versioned by git'.format(entry)) break def buildRepoList(self): """ Get a list of Repository objects corresponding to top-level git repositories in the path. """ repoList = self.rejectIgnoredRepos(self.getReposInPath()) self.log('Discovered {} repositories'.format(len(repoList))) # If we were invoked with -v,--verbose; then warn about un-versioned # directories in SYSGIT_PATH if self.argVerbose: self.findUnversionedDirectories(repoList) # Construct RepositoryFlags object repoFlags = RepositoryFlags(submodules=self.argSubmodules, bugs=self.argBugs, colors=not self.argNoColor, stash=self.argShowStash, remotes=self.argRemotes, verbose=self.argVerbose) # Construct repository objects repoInstances = list() for repo in repoList: repoInstances.append(Repository(repo, repoFlags=repoFlags)) return repoInstances def execute(self): """Executes the function of this invocation.""" # The dict of function handlers. funcs = {'list': self.listHandler} handler = funcs[self.argFunction] self.log('Executing {}'.format(self.argFunction)) if not handler(): self.log('Exiting normally') else: self.log('Exiting with errors') ########################################################################### # HANDLERS ### def listHandler(self): """ List all of the repos in the path """ # Sanity check if self.argFunction != 'list': raise RuntimeError('The wrong handler was called.') if self.argAll: self.argSubmodules = True self.argBugs = True self.argShowStash = True self.argRemotes = True repos = self.buildRepoList() for repo in repos: stats = '' changes, stats = repo.status(stats) if changes or self.argVerbose: print(stats, end='') return 0
def footyBackTest(resultsURLTmpl, opts=sys.argv): (algoCfg, mailCfg) = getFootyConfig() rangeMap = algoCfg['rangeMap'] seasons = algoCfg['seasons'] log = Logger() (sm, rm) = getFootyOptions(log, opts) rangeMap = rm if rm else rangeMap for league in rangeMap.keys(): summaryData = {} with readCSVFileAsDict('{}/{}/Summary.{}.csv'.format( analysisDir, league, model.__class__.__name__)) as summaryReader: for row in summaryReader: mark = int(row['Mark']) summaryData[mark] = { 'H': (float(row['%H']), float(row['HO'])), 'D': (float(row['%D']), float(row['DO'])), 'A': (float(row['%A']), float(row['AO'])) } with newCSVFile( '{}/{}/BackTest.{}.csv'.format(analysisDir, league, model.__class__.__name__), [ 'Date', 'HomeTeam', 'AwayTeam', 'Mark', 'Result', 'MyBet', 'MyOdds', 'Bookie', 'BookieOdds', 'Winnings', 'PnL', 'T_Stk', 'T_W', 'Yield' ]) as backTestWriter: ts = tw = y = 0 for season in seasons: resultsURL = resultsURLTmpl.format(season, league) log.debug('Processing...{}'.format(resultsURL)) with readCSVFileAsDict(resultsURL) as resultsReader: # Assemble results as list so that we can reset the iterator res = list(resultsReader) data = model.processMatches(res) # Resetting the iterator here for row in iter(res): date, ht, at, mark, hForm, aForm = model.markMatch( data, row['Date'], row['HomeTeam'], row['AwayTeam']) if mark is None: continue if mark in rangeMap[league]: bestH = 0 bestD = 0 bestA = 0 bookie = '' try: b365H = float(row['B365H']) b365D = float(row['B365D']) b365A = float(row['B365A']) if b365H > bestH: bestH = b365H bookie = 'B365' except BaseException: log.error('No B365 data - skipping : {} {} {}'\ .format(date, ht, at)) try: bwH = float(row['BWH']) bwD = float(row['BWD']) bwA = float(row['BWA']) if bwH > bestH: bestH = bwH bookie = 'BW' except BaseException: log.error('No BW data - skipping : {} {} {}'\ .format(date, ht, at)) try: iwH = float(row['IWH']) iwD = float(row['IWD']) iwA = float(row['IWA']) if iwH > bestH: bestH = iwH bookie = 'IW' except BaseException: log.error('No IW data - skipping : {} {} {}'\ .format(date, ht, at)) try: lbH = float(row['LBH']) lbD = float(row['LBD']) lbA = float(row['LBA']) if lbH > bestH: bestH = lbH bookie = 'LB' except BaseException: log.error('No LB data - skipping : {} {} {}'\ .format(date, ht, at)) try: whH = float(row['WHH']) whD = float(row['WHD']) whA = float(row['WHA']) if whH > bestH: bestH = whH bookie = 'WH' except BaseException: log.error('No WH data - skipping : {} {} {}'\ .format(date, ht, at)) try: vcH = float(row['VCH']) vcD = float(row['VCD']) vcA = float(row['VCA']) if vcH > bestH: bestH = vcH bookie = 'VC' except BaseException: log.error('No VC data - skipping : {} {} {}'\ .format(date, ht, at)) hSD = summaryData[mark]['H'] aSD = summaryData[mark]['A'] dSD = summaryData[mark]['D'] myBet = '' myOdds = 0.0 myPercent = 0.0 bookieOdds = 0.0 winnings = 0.0 pnl = 0.0 if bestH > hSD[1]: # and bestH < (hSD[1] * 2): myBet = 'H' myOdds = hSD[1] #myOdds = (1.97*mark+45.42)*0.9 myPercent = hSD[0] bookieOdds = bestH winnings = bookieOdds pnl = winnings - 1 if False and myPercent < dSD[0] and bestD > dSD[1]: #if myPercent < dSD[0] and b365D > dSD[1]: myBet = 'D' myOdds = dSD[1] myPercent = dSD[0] bookieOdds = bestD winnings = bookieOdds pnl = winnings - 1 if False and myPercent < aSD[0] and bestA > aSD[1]: #if myPercent < aSD[0] and b365A > aSD[1]: myBet = 'A' myOdds = aSD[1] myPercent = aSD[0] bookieOdds = bestA winnings = bookieOdds pnl = winnings - 1 matchResult = row['FTR'] if myBet != '': if matchResult != myBet: winnings = 0.0 pnl = -1.0 ts += 1 tw += winnings y = (tw - ts) / ts backTestWriter.writerow( (date, ht, at, mark, matchResult, myBet, myOdds, bookie, bookieOdds, winnings, pnl, ts, tw, y)) '{:<5s} - Staked: GBP{:>6.2f} Won: GBP{:>6.2f} Yield: {:>6.2f}%'. format(league, ts, tw, y * 100))
@author: saulius ''' import time import select import sys TYPE_TIMEOUT = 1 TYPE_CLOSED = 2 EVENT_TYPE_FD = 1 EVENT_TYPE_TIME = 2 from Logging import Logger from Logging import Level events = [] logger = Logger("EVENT", Level.INFO) def getCurrentMills(): return int(round(time.time() * 1000)) def eventTimeout(timeMs, callback, argument, strId): event = EventData(EVENT_TYPE_TIME, callback, argument) event.time = getCurrentMills() + timeMs = strId logger.log(Level.DEBUG, "Registering timeout " + str(event)) events.append(event) def eventTimeoutDelete(callback, argument): for event in events: if event.type == EVENT_TYPE_TIME and event.callback == callback and event.argument == argument: logger.log(Level.DEBUG, "Deleting " + str(event))
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Table, Column, Integer, String, MetaData, ForeignKey from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from sqlalchemy_utils import database_exists, create_database from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import TEXT from settings import host_db, name_db, username_db,password_db from Logging import Logger Base = declarative_base() log = Logger().custom_logger() #?charset=utf8mb4 class DataBaseClient: def __init__(self): self.engine = create_engine(f'mysql+pymysql://{username_db}:{password_db}@{host_db}/{name_db}') if not database_exists(self.engine.url): create_database(self.engine.url) log.successfully('Database successfully created') Base.metadata.create_all(self.engine) Session = sessionmaker(bind=self.engine) self.session = Session() class ModelRecord(Base): __tablename__ = 'Records' number_record = Column(String(100), primary_key=True, unique = True, index = True) record_categoty = Column(String(100)) title = Column(String(100)) price = Column(String(50))
class Controller: def __init__(self,viewType=None): ''' construct an instance of the controller class to use invoke the method initialize ''' ## determine location cwd = os.getcwd() if os.path.split(cwd)[1] == 'gdiqt4': self.baseDir = cwd elif os.path.split(cwd)[1] == 'tests': self.baseDir = os.path.join(os.path.split(cwd)[0],'gdiqt4') else: print "ERROR: cannot determine current working directory" ## basic application wide variables self.viewType = viewType self.appName = "Gene Data Integrator" self.fontName = 'Arial' #'Helvetica' self.verbose = True self.reset_workspace() def reset_workspace(self): self.projectID = None self.homeDir = None self.model = Model() self.log = Logger() self.subsampleIndices = None def save(self): self.log.write() def initialize_project(self,projectID,loadExisting=False): self.projectID = projectID self.homeDir = os.path.join(self.baseDir,"projects",self.projectID) self.log.initialize(self.projectID,self.homeDir,load=loadExisting) self.model.initialize(self.projectID,self.homeDir) ################################################################################################## # # data dealings -- handling file, project, model and figure data # ################################################################################################## def create_new_project(self,view=None,projectID=None): #fcsFileName = str(fcsFileName) createNew = True ## create projects dir if necssary if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.baseDir,'projects')) == False: print "INFO: projects dir did not exist. creating..." os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.baseDir,'projects')) ## get project id if projectID != None: pass elif createNew == True and projectID == None: projectID, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(view, self.appName, 'Enter the name of your new project:') projectID = str(projectID) if ok == False: createNew = False else: createNew = False print "ERROR: creating a new project" if createNew == True: print 'initializing project...' self.initialize_project(projectID) else: print "WARNING: did not initialize project" return False # remove previous if self.homeDir != None and os.path.exists(self.homeDir) == True and createNew == True: print 'overwriting...', self.homeDir self.remove_project(self.homeDir) if createNew == True and self.homeDir != None: os.mkdir(self.homeDir) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.homeDir,"data")) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.homeDir,"figs")) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.homeDir,"models")) os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.homeDir,"results")) return True def remove_project(self,homeDir): for fileOrDir in os.listdir(homeDir): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(homeDir,fileOrDir)) == True: os.remove(os.path.join(homeDir,fileOrDir)) elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(homeDir,fileOrDir)) == True: for fileOrDir2 in os.listdir(os.path.join(homeDir,fileOrDir)): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(homeDir,fileOrDir,fileOrDir2)) == True: os.remove(os.path.join(homeDir,fileOrDir,fileOrDir2)) elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(homeDir,fileOrDir,fileOrDir2)) == True: for fileOrDir3 in os.listdir(os.path.join(homeDir,fileOrDir,fileOrDir2)): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(homeDir,fileOrDir,fileOrDir2,fileOrDir3)) == True: os.remove(os.path.join(homeDir,fileOrDir,fileOrDir2,fileOrDir3)) elif os.path.isdir(os.path.join(homeDir,fileOrDir,fileOrDir2,fileOrDir3)) == True: for fileName in os.listdir(os.path.join(homeDir,fileOrDir,fileOrDir2,fileOrDir3)): os.remove(os.path.join(homeDir,fileOrDir,fileOrDir2,fileOrDir3,fileName)) os.rmdir(os.path.join(homeDir,fileOrDir,fileOrDir2,fileOrDir3)) os.rmdir(os.path.join(homeDir,fileOrDir,fileOrDir2)) os.rmdir(os.path.join(homeDir,fileOrDir)) os.rmdir(homeDir) def rm_file(self,fileName): if os.path.isfile(fileName) == False: print "ERROR: could not rm file: %s"%fileName else: os.remove(fileName) self.view.status.set("file removed") def load_fcs_files(self,fileList,dataType='fcs',transform='log'): if type(fileList) != type([]): print "INPUT ERROR: load_fcs_files: takes as input a list of file paths" script = os.path.join(self.baseDir,"") self.log.log['transform'] = transform for filePath in fileList: proc = subprocess.Popen("%s %s -f %s -h %s -d %s -t %s"%(pythonPath,script,filePath,self.homeDir,dataType,transform), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) while True: try: next_line = proc.stdout.readline() if next_line == '' and proc.poll() != None: break ## to debug uncomment the following line print next_line except: break ## check to see that files were made newFileName = re.sub('\s+','_',os.path.split(filePath)[-1]) newFileName = re.sub('\.fcs|\.txt|\.out','',newFileName) newDataFileName = newFileName +"_data_original.pickle" newChanFileName = newFileName +"_channels_original.pickle" newFileName = re.sub('\s+','_',filePath[-1]) if filePath == fileList[0]: self.log.log['selectedFile'] = re.sub("\.pickle","",newDataFileName) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.homeDir,'data',newDataFileName)) == False: print "ERROR: data file was not successfully created", os.path.join(self.homeDir,'data',newDataFileName) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.homeDir,'data',newChanFileName)) == False: print "ERROR: channel file was not successfully created", os.path.join(self.homeDir,'data',newChanFileName) #def load_additional_fcs_files(self,fileName=None,view=None): # loadFile = True # fcsFileName = None # if fileName == None: # fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open FCS file') # # if not'\.fcs',fileName): # fcsFileName = None # view.display_warning("File '%s' was not of type *.fcs"%fileName) # else: # fcsFileName = fileName # # if fcsFileName != None: # self.load_fcs_file(fcsFileName) # return True # else: # print "WARNING: bad attempt to load file name" # return False def get_component_states(self): try: return self.view.resultsNavigationLeft.get_component_states() except: return None ################################################################################################## # # log files # ################################################################################################## def run_selected_model(self,progressBar=None,view=None): numItersMCMC = 1100 selectedModel = self.log.log['modelToRun'] numComponents = self.log.log['numComponents'] if self.subsampleIndices == None: fileList = get_fcs_file_names(self.homeDir) elif self.subsampleIndices != None: fileList = get_fcs_file_names(self.homeDir,getPickles=True) percentDone = 0 totalIters = float(len(fileList)) * numItersMCMC percentagesReported = [] for fileName in fileList: if selectedModel == 'dpmm': script = os.path.join(self.baseDir,"") if os.path.isfile(script) == False: print "ERROR: Invalid model run file path ", script proc = subprocess.Popen("%s %s -h %s -f %s -k %s"%(pythonPath,script,self.homeDir,fileName,numComponents), shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE) while True: try: next_line = proc.stdout.readline() if next_line == '' and proc.poll() != None: break ## to debug uncomment the following 2 lines if not"it =",next_line): print next_line if"it =",next_line): progress = 1.0 / totalIters percentDone+=progress * 100.0 if progressBar != None: progressBar.move_bar(int(round(percentDone))) else: if int(round(percentDone)) not in percentagesReported: percentagesReported.append(int(round(percentDone))) if int(round(percentDone)) != 100: print "\r",int(round(percentDone)),"percent complete", else: print "\r",int(round(percentDone)),"percent complete" except: break else: print "ERROR: invalid selected model", selectedModel
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import socket import struct import json import Event import sys from random import randint from Logging import Logger from Logging import Level # 基本功能包 lftpSockets = [] logger = Logger("LFTP", Level.TRACE) def createSocket(addr, port): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.bind((addr, port)) lftpSocket = LftpSocket(sock) lftpSocket.addr_src = sock.getsockname() lftpSockets.append(lftpSocket) Event.eventFd(sock.fileno(), handleDataAvailable, lftpSocket, "DataReceived") return lftpSocket def closeSocket(lftpSocket): ''' Called by user application ''' for rs in lftpSockets: if rs == lftpSocket: logger.log(Level.INFO, "Closing socket:" + str(rs))
def reset_workspace(self): self.projectID = None self.homeDir = None self.model = Model() self.log = Logger() self.subsampleIndices = None
def handle_reduce_dataset(self): dsm = self.REDUCER_OF_CLASS[self.command_args.reducer_type](self.command_args.target_dimension, self.RECORDING_CONF) dsm.load_learning_dataset(self.command_args.input_path) #standardize=self.command_args.normalize) current_time ="%Y%m%d_%I%M%S") + "_" + current_time+ ".reduced") Logger.log("AudioIdentificationCommandline: data reduced to: %s" % self.command_args.output_path + "_" + current_time+ ".reduced")
def handle_classify(self): classifier = Classifier.loader(self.command_args.input_path) base_path, file_name = os.path.split(self.command_args.output_path) prediction = classifier.predict_object_label_for_file(base_path, file_name,self.RECORDING_CONF, self.ORIGINAL_FILE_PATH, self.ORIGINAL_FILE_NAME) Logger.log("Prediction: %s" % prediction)
''' Created on May 10, 2013 @author: Saulius Alisauskas ''' import socket import struct import json import Event import sys from random import randint from Logging import Logger from Logging import Level rudpSockets = [] logger = Logger("RUDP", Level.TRACE) def createSocket(addr, port): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.bind((addr, port)) rudpSocket = RudpSocket(sock) rudpSocket.addr_src = sock.getsockname() rudpSockets.append(rudpSocket) Event.eventFd(sock.fileno(), handleDataAvailable, rudpSocket, "DataReceived") return rudpSocket def closeSocket(rudpSocket): ''' Called by user application '''
def evaluate_accuracy_on_test_set(self, test_set_path): self.load_test_set_from_folder(test_set_path) predicted_y = self.obj_classifier.predict(self.datasets.x_test) # Note this is tightly coupled with the definitions in AudioDatasets - should be fixed and updated with the right names target_names = ["C","K", "M", "S"] Logger.log(classification_report(self.datasets.y_obj_test, predicted_y, target_names=target_names))
class Connector: def __init__(self): self.conn_type = c.CONNECTOR_TYPE self.log = Logger() if self.conn_type == 'DB': self.conn = DBConnector() else: self.log.log_message('NCS') def query_accounts(self, name): if self.conn_type == 'DB': return self.conn.check_accounts(name) else: self.log.log_message('NCS') def add_account(self, name, account_number, balance, balance_limit): if self.conn_type == 'DB': self.conn.add_account(name, account_number, balance, balance_limit) else: self.log.log_message('NCS') def remove_record(self): pass def charge_account(self, name, amount): if self.conn_type == 'DB': self.conn.charge_account(name, amount) else: self.log.log_message('NCS') def credit_account(self, name, amount): if self.conn_type == 'DB': self.conn.credit_account(name, amount) else: self.log.log_message('NCS') def account_balances(self): if self.conn_type == 'DB': self.conn.account_balances() else: self.log.log_message('NCS')
class Controller: def __init__(self,debug=False): ''' construct an instance of the controller class to use invoke the method initialize ''' ## basic application wide variables self.appName = "lpEdit" self.debug = debug self.maxDocuments = 16 self.version = __version__ self.baseDir = __basedir__ if self.debug == True: self.verbose = True else: self.verbose = False ## initialize self.reset_all() def reset_all(self): """ reset all variables and the layout """ self.log = Logger() self.currentFileIndex = 0 self.sphinxProjectBase = None self.fileNameList = [None for i in range(self.maxDocuments)] self.filePathList = [None for i in range(self.maxDocuments)] self.fileLangList = [None for i in range(self.maxDocuments)] self.editorList = [None for i in range(16)] self.background = [] def load_file(self,filePath,verbose=True,fileLang=None): ''' takes a file path and loads the file into lpEdit ''' ## ensure we have absolute file path if filePath != None: filePath = os.path.realpath(filePath) if os.path.exists(filePath) == False: print "WARNING: controller.load_file -- bad file path specified" ## check to see if already loaded fileName = os.path.split(filePath)[-1] if fileName in self.fileNameList: if verbose == True: print "WARNING: file of same name already loaded -- aborting load" return False numActive = self.get_number_active_files() if numActive >= self.maxDocuments: if verbose == True: print "WARNING: too many files already open -- aborting load" self.currentFileIndex = numActive self.filePathList[self.currentFileIndex] = filePath self.fileNameList[self.currentFileIndex] = fileName if fileLang != None: self.fileLangList[self.currentFileIndex] = fileLang elif"\.Rnw|\.rnw",fileName): self.fileLangList[self.currentFileIndex] = 'R' else: self.fileLangList[self.currentFileIndex] = 'Python' ## set the sphinx project path if self.sphinxProjectBase == None: self.sphinxProjectBase = os.path.split(filePath)[0] return True def remove_file(self,fileName): ''' removes a file from the list of loaded files' ''' if fileName not in self.fileNameList: print "ERROR: Controller cannot remove file that is not present -- ignoring" return ## variables to change fileToRemoveIndex = self.fileNameList.index(fileName) fileName = self.fileNameList[fileToRemoveIndex] filePath = self.filePathList[fileToRemoveIndex] editor = self.editorList[fileToRemoveIndex] ## close the editor if editor != None: editor.close() self.fileNameList.remove(fileName) self.filePathList.remove(filePath) self.editorList.pop(fileToRemoveIndex) self.fileLangList.pop(fileToRemoveIndex) self.fileNameList = self.fileNameList + [None] self.filePathList = self.filePathList + [None] self.editorList = self.editorList + [None] self.fileLangList = self.fileLangList + [None] def clean_file(self,filePath): ''' function to be used with unittests to ensure examples are working may also be used to ensure a new project ''' filePathBase = os.path.split(filePath)[0] fileName = os.path.split(filePath)[-1] pdfFilePath = re.sub("\.rnw|\.nw|.rst",".pdf",filePath,flags=re.IGNORECASE) if"\.rnw|\.nw",fileName,flags=re.IGNORECASE): dirName = "_latex" else: dirName = "_sphinx" dirPath = os.path.join(filePathBase,dirName) if os.path.isdir(dirPath) == False: return ## remove pdf file if present if os.path.exists(pdfFilePath): os.remove(pdfFilePath) ## remove all files in lp generated dir if os.path.isdir(dirPath): shutil.rmtree(dirPath) def save(self): ''' saves changes to the log file ''' self.log.write() def get_python_path(self,mainWindow=None): ''' attempts to find the python path based on the system path and by searching ''' if self.log.log['python_path'] != None: pythonPath = self.log.log['python_path'] if os.path.exists(pythonPath) == False: msg = "ERROR: Controller -- given python path does not exist -- using default" if mainWindow != None: mainWindow.display_info(msg) print msg else: return pythonPath cmdsToTry = ['python','python2.8','python2.7','python2.6'] for cmd in cmdsToTry: pythonPath = self.find_command_path(cmd) if pythonPath != None and os.path.exists(pythonPath): return pythonPath return None def find_command_path(self,cmd): """ used to search for a given command on a multiple operating systems """ ## try to see if cmd is in the system path cmdPath = None try: if sys.platform == 'win32': p = os.popen('where %s'%cmd) else: p = os.popen('which %s'%cmd) cmdPath = p.readline() cmdPath = cmdPath[:-1] except: cmdPath = None if cmdPath != None and os.path.exists(cmdPath): return cmdPath ## look for cmd in several commonly installed places if sys.platform == 'win32': pathsToTry = [] if cmd == 'python': pathsToTry = ["C:\Python28\python.exe", "C:\Python27\python.exe", "C:\Python26\python.exe"] elif sys.platform == 'darwin': pathsToTry = [os.path.join("/","usr","bin",cmd), os.path.join("/","usr","local","bin",cmd), os.path.join("/","opt","local","bin",cmd)] else: pathsToTry = [os.path.join("/","usr","bin",cmd), os.path.join("/","usr","local","bin",cmd)] for cmdPath in pathsToTry: if cmdPath != None and os.path.exists(cmdPath) == True: return cmdPath return None def get_sphinx_path(self,mainWindow=None): """ attempts to find the sphinx (sphinx-build) path based on the system path and by searching """ if self.log.log['sphinx_path'] != None: sphinxPath = self.log.log['sphinx_path'] if os.path.exists(sphinxPath) == False: msg = "ERROR: Controller -- given sphinx path does not exist -- using default" if mainWindow != None: mainWindow.display_info(msg) print msg else: return sphinxPath cmdsToTry = ['sphinx-build','sphinx-build-2.8','sphinx-build-2.7','sphinx-build-2.6'] for cmd in cmdsToTry: sphinxPath = self.find_command_path(cmd) if sphinxPath != None and os.path.exists(sphinxPath): return sphinxPath return None def get_latex_path(self,mainWindow=None): ''' returns the latex path based on the system path or a provided one ''' if self.log.log['latex_path'] != None: latexPath = self.log.log['latex_path'] if os.path.exists(latexPath) == False: msg = "ERROR: Controller -- given latex path does not exist -- using default" if mainWindow != None: mainWindow.display_info(msg) print msg else: return latexPath cmdsToTry = ['pdflatex'] for cmd in cmdsToTry: latexPath = self.find_command_path(cmd) if latexPath != None and os.path.exists(latexPath): return latexPath return None def find_r_path_windows(self): dirsToTry = ["C:/Program Files/R","C:/Program Files (x86)/R"] r_path = None for rbaseDir in dirsToTry: if os.path.isdir(rbaseDir) == False: continue installedInstances = os.listdir(rbaseDir) if len(installedInstances) > 0: installedInstances.sort() rdir = installedInstances[-1] r_path = os.path.join(rbaseDir,rdir,"bin","R.exe") break return r_path def get_latex2html_path(self): """ returns the path of the specified program to convert latex to html """ if self.log.log['latex2html_path'] != None: rPath = self.log.log['latex2html_path'] if sys.platform == 'win32': pthsToTry = ["C:/Program Files/latex2html.exe", "C:/Program Files (x86)/latex2html.exe", "C:/Program Files/tth.exe", "C:/Program Files (x86)/tth.exe"] else: pthsToTry = ["/usr/bin/latex2html", "/usr/local/bin/latex2html", "/opt/local/bin/latex2html", "/usr/bin/tth", "/usr/local/bin/tth", "/opt/local/bin/tth"] latex2html_path = None for pth in pthsToTry: if os.path.exists(pth) == True: latex2html_path = pth break return latex2html_path def get_r_path(self,mainWindow=None): ''' returns the r path based on the system path or a provided one ''' if self.log.log['r_path'] != None: rPath = self.log.log['r_path'] if os.path.exists(rPath) == False: msg = "ERROR: Controller -- given R path does not exist -- Please install R or specify a new path" if mainWindow != None: mainWindow.display_info(msg) print msg else: return rPath ## windows if sys.platform == 'win32': rPath = self.find_r_path_windows() return rPath cmdsToTry = ['R'] for cmd in cmdsToTry: rPath = self.find_command_path(cmd) if rPath != None and os.path.exists(rPath): return rPath return None def find_adobe_path_windows(self): """ finds the adobe acrobat program file path in windows """ dirsToTry = ["C:/Program Files/Adobe","C:/Program Files (x86)/Adobe"] adobe_path = None for abaseDir in dirsToTry: if os.path.isdir(abaseDir) == False: continue installedInstances = os.listdir(abaseDir) if len(installedInstances) > 0: installedInstances.sort() adir = installedInstances[-1] adobe_path = os.path.join(abaseDir,adir,"Reader","AcroRd32.exe") break return adobe_path def get_pdfviewer_path(self,mainWindow=None): """ finds the pdfviewer path (on windows it looks for adobe) """ if self.log.log['pdfviewer_path'] != None: pdfviewerPath = self.log.log['pdfviewer_path'] ## exceptions if pdfviewerPath == 'open' and sys.platform == 'darwin': return pdfviewerPath if os.path.exists(pdfviewerPath) == False: msg = "ERROR: the pdfviewer path does not exist -- using default" if mainWindow != None: mainWindow.display_info(msg) print msg else: return pdfviewerPath if sys.platform == 'win32': return self.find_adobe_path_windows() elif sys.platform == 'darwin': return "open" cmdsToTry = ['okular','evince','acroread'] for cmd in cmdsToTry: pdfviewerPath = self.find_command_path(cmd) if pdfviewerPath != None and os.path.exists(pdfviewerPath): return pdfviewerPath return None def ensure_dir_present(self,filePath): """ Given a file path create a dir next to the Rnw or otherwise valid file It is assumed that the same root used for all open rst files """ fileName = os.path.split(filePath)[-1] if"\.rnw|\.nw",fileName,flags=re.IGNORECASE): lpDirName = "_latex" filePathBase = os.path.split(filePath)[0] elif"\.rst",fileName,flags=re.IGNORECASE): lpDirName = "_sphinx" filePathBase = self.sphinxProjectBase lpDirPath = os.path.join(filePathBase,lpDirName) ## create the directory if necessary if os.path.isdir(lpDirPath) == False: os.mkdir(lpDirPath) return lpDirPath def get_number_active_files(self): ''' returns the number of active files ''' totalActive = 0 for fileName in self.fileNameList: if fileName != None: totalActive += 1 return totalActive def sanitize_check(self,script): """ standard function to sanitize file name inputs """ if">|<|\*|\||^\$|;|#|\@|\&",script): return False else: return True def get_templates_dir(self): """ return the directory path for templates """ templatesDir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.baseDir,'templates')) return templatesDir def get_styfiles_dir(self): """ return the directory path for sty files """ styfilesDir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.baseDir,'styfiles')) return styfilesDir def get_sphinx_files_dir(self): """ return the directory path for sphinx files """ sphinxfilesDir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.baseDir,'sphinxfiles')) return sphinxfilesDir def initialize_sphinx_project(self,filePath): """ If necessary create index.rst and and subdirectories """ ## variables sphinxDir = self.get_sphinx_files_dir() filePathBase,fileName = os.path.split(filePath) ## check to see if index.rst and need to be created for fName in [""]: fPath = os.path.join(self.sphinxProjectBase,fName) if os.path.exists(fPath) == False: shutil.copy(os.path.join(sphinxDir,fName),fPath) createIndex = False for fName in ["index.rst"]: fPath = os.path.join(self.sphinxProjectBase,fName) if os.path.exists(fPath) == False: createIndex = True ## create the _build and _source dirs if necessary for dirName in ["_build", "_source","_static",]: if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.sphinxProjectBase,'_sphinx',dirName)) == False: os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.sphinxProjectBase,'_sphinx',dirName)) ## add to any newly created index.rst if one does not exist if createIndex == True: indexFilePath = os.path.join(self.sphinxProjectBase,'index.rst') fid = open(indexFilePath,'w') fid.write(".. master file, created automatically by lpEdit\n") fid.write("\nContents\n=========================\n\n") fid.write(".. toctree::\n :maxdepth: 1\n\n") for rstFile in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.sphinxProjectBase)): if not"\.rst",rstFile): continue if rstFile == 'index.rst': continue fid.write(" %s\n"%re.sub("\.rst","",rstFile,flags=re.IGNORECASE)) fid.close() shutil.copy(indexFilePath,os.path.join(dirPath,'index.rst')) def copy_sphinx_files(self): """ Move all source files into target dir unless already present sphinx files can exist in a directory without a leading underscore directory trees can be only 1 subdirectory deep however """ def create_link(source,target): if os.path.islink(target): return os.symlink(source,target) dirRoot = self.sphinxProjectBase for fName in os.listdir(dirRoot): sourceFilePath = os.path.join(dirRoot,fName) targetFilePath = os.path.join(dirRoot,'_sphinx',fName) if"\.rst",fName,flags=re.IGNORECASE): if"\~$|\.backup",fName): continue if os.path.exists(targetFilePath) == False: shutil.copy(sourceFilePath,targetFilePath) elif os.path.isdir(fName) and fName[0] != '_': subdirRoot = os.path.join(self.sphinxProjectBase,fName) ## create subdir if needed subdirName = fName if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dirRoot,'_sphinx',subdirName)): os.mkdir(os.path.join(dirRoot,'_sphinx',subdirName)) for ffName in os.listdir(subdirRoot): sourceFilePath = os.path.join(subdirRoot,ffName) subdirName = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(sourceFilePath)) targetFilePath = os.path.join(dirRoot,'_sphinx',subdirName,ffName) if"\.rst",ffName,flags=re.IGNORECASE): if"\~$|\.backup",ffName): continue if os.path.exists(targetFilePath) == False: shutil.copy(sourceFilePath,targetFilePath) elif not os.path.isdir(sourceFilePath): create_link(sourceFilePath,targetFilePath) else: if"\~$|\.backup|^\.",fName) or fName[0] == '_': continue create_link(sourceFilePath,targetFilePath) def language_quickcheck(self,chunksFilePath,fileLanguage): """ look into the extracted code and see if there are obvious signs that the language selected is incorrect """ ## variables pythonSpecific = ["import","from"] rSpecific = ["<-"] fileLanguage = fileLanguage.lower() if os.path.exists(chunksFilePath) == False: return fid = open(chunksFilePath,'r') isValid = True for linja in fid: if fileLanguage == 'python': for kw in rSpecific: if,linja): isValid = False if fileLanguage == 'r': for kw in pythonSpecific: if,linja): isValid = False fid.close() return isValid
#coding:utf-8 from fcoin3 import Fcoin from Logging import Logger import time import json import sys import traceback import math import config fcoin = Fcoin() fcoin.auth(config.key, config.secret) # 授权 # 写日志 log = Logger('all.log', level='debug') # 例子 # log.logger.debug('debug') #'info') # log.logger.warning('警告') # log.logger.error('报错') # log.logger.critical('严重') #平价买卖 def get_ticket1(): r = fcoin.get_market_ticker(config.symbol['name']) num = (r['data']['ticker'][2] + r['data']['ticker'][4]) / 2.0 return pricedecimal(num) #精度控制
class ScrappOlx: def __init__(self): self.log = Logger().custom_logger() self.db_client = DataBaseClient() opts = Options() opts.log.level = "fatal" self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(executable_path=path_to_driver, options=opts) self.driver.implicitly_wait(60) self.wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 60) self.start_url = start_url def parse(self): self.driver.get(start_url) self.log.start('Pareser started ad {}'.format(start_url)) self.wait.until( EC.element_to_be_clickable( (By.XPATH, '//*[@id="homeShowAllAds"]'))) self.all_caregories = self.driver.find_elements( By.XPATH, '//div[contains(@class, "subcategories-list")]/div/a[contains(@class, "inlblk")]' ) self.hrefs_to_categorys = (no_blank for no_blank in ( item.get_attribute('href') for item in self.all_caregories) if len(no_blank) > 2) #возвращаем ссылки на все категории return self.hrefs_to_categorys def get_info_category(self): hrefs = self.parse() for item in hrefs: self.first_page = True self.driver.get(item)'Getting info from category {item}') self.max_page = self.driver.find_elements( By.XPATH, '//span[contains(@class, "item fleft")][last()]')[0].text for number in range(1, int(self.max_page) + 1): if not self.first_page: self.new_url = item + f'?page={number}' self.driver.get(self.new_url) all_records_on_page = self.driver.find_elements( By.XPATH, '//tr[contains(@class, "wrap")]//a[contains(@class, "linkWithHash detailsLink")]' ) href_to_records = [ item.get_attribute('href') for item in all_records_on_page ] self.first_page = False href_to_records = list(set(href_to_records)) self.get_info_record(href_to_records) def get_phone_number(self): try: self.driver.find_element( By.XPATH, '//div[contains(@id, "cookiesBar")]/button[contains(@class, "cookiesBarClose")]' ).click() except Exception as err: pass try: self.wait.until( EC.element_to_be_clickable(( By.XPATH, '//div[contains(@class, "contact-button link-phone")]/strong[contains(@class, "xx-large")]' ))).click() phone = self.driver.find_element( By.XPATH, '//div[contains(@class, "contact-button link-phone")]/strong[contains(@class, "xx-large")]' ).text test = search(r'\d+', phone) except (exceptions.TimeoutException, exceptions.NoSuchElementException) as no_element: test = 1 self.log.warning(f'No phone on record: {self.driver.current_url}') phone = ' ' except exceptions.StaleElementReferenceException as err: self.driver.refresh() try: self.wait.until( EC.element_to_be_clickable(( By.XPATH, '//div[contains(@class, "contact-button link-phone")]/strong[contains(@class, "xx-large")]' ))).click() phone = self.driver.find_element( By.XPATH, '//div[contains(@class, "contact-button link-phone")]/strong[contains(@class, "xx-large")]' ).text test = search(r'\d+', phone) except (exceptions.TimeoutException, exceptions.NoSuchElementException) as no_element: test = 1 self.log.warning( f'No phone on record: {self.driver.current_url}') phone = ' ' while not test: if phone == 'Показать телефон': self.wait.until( EC.element_to_be_clickable(( By.XPATH, '//div[contains(@class, "contact-button link-phone")]/strong[contains(@class, "xx-large")]' ))).click() phone = self.driver.find_element( By.XPATH, '//strong[contains(@class, "xx-large")]').text test = search(r'\d+', phone) return phone def get_info_record(self, hrefs): for item in hrefs:'Start parse record\n{item}') self.driver.get(item) self.wait.until( EC.element_to_be_clickable( (By.XPATH, '//span[contains(@class, "link inlblk")]'))) try: no_active = driver.find_element(By.XPATH, '//h3/strong').text is_record_active = False except: is_record_active = True if is_record_active: info = self.driver.find_elements( By.XPATH, '//a[contains(@class, "link nowrap")]/span') city = info[0].text.split(' ')[-1] try: record_categoty = f'{info[1].text.replace(city, "")} --> {info[2].text.replace(city, "")}' except: record_categoty = f'{info[1].text.replace(city, "")}' title = self.driver.find_element( By.XPATH, '//div[contains(@class, "offer-titlebox")]/h1').text price = self.driver.find_element( By.XPATH, '//div[contains(@class, "pricelabel")]').text description = self.driver.find_element( By.XPATH, '//div[contains(@id, "textContent")]').text bottombar_items = self.driver.find_elements( By.XPATH, '//div[contains(@id, "offerbottombar")]/ul/li//strong') date_publish = bottombar_items[0].text.replace('в', '') views = bottombar_items[1].text number_record = bottombar_items[2].text name_user = self.driver.find_element( By.XPATH, '//div[contains(@class, "offer-user__actions")]/h4').text phone = self.get_phone_number() try: image_href = self.driver.find_element( By.XPATH, '//div[contains(@id, "descImage")]/img').get_attribute( 'src') except Exception as err: self.log.warning(f'Can not get image href: {err.args}') record_url = self.driver.current_url try: record = ModelRecord(number_record=number_record, record_categoty=record_categoty, title=title, price=price, description=description, date_publish=date_publish, views=views, name_user=name_user, phone=phone, image_href=image_href, record_url=record_url) self.db_client.session.merge(record) self.db_client.session.commit()'Record {number_record} added to DB') except Exception as err: self.log.error( 'Record {number_record} nont added to DB {err.args}') def __del__(self): self.driver.clsoe()'Scrapping end')
logger.write("Cant load music {} because: {}".format(name, ex), logger.ERROR) def text(text, color): font = pygame.font.Font(None, 30) string_rendered = font.render(text, 1, color) return string_rendered def terminate(): pygame.quit() sys.exit() def load_background(photo): # Photo должно лежать в папке sprites return pygame.transform.scale(load_image(photo), (width, height)) pygame.init() size = width, height = 608, 608 screen_rect = pygame.Rect(0, 0, width, height) screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size) pygame.display.set_caption("Tanks 2D") logger = Logger() # Логирование событий в текстовик pygame.display.set_icon(load_image("icon.png"))
def run(self, initial_point): additional_data = {} n = initial_point.get_number_of_dimensions() for i in range(n): #if(initial_point.getElement(0, i) < self.lower_bounds[i] or initial_point.getElement(0, i) > self.upper_bounds[i]): if not self.explicit_constraints[i].is_satisfied( initial_point.get_value_at_dimension(i)): print "The given initial_point is not within the explicit constraints." return centroid = initial_point.copy() accepted_points = [] accepted_points.append(initial_point) for t in range(2 * n): elements = [] for i in range(n): elements.append(0) R = random.uniform(0, 1) elements[i] = self.explicit_constraints[i].get_lower_bound( ) + R * (self.explicit_constraints[i].get_upper_bound() - self.explicit_constraints[i].get_lower_bound()) new_point = Point(elements) for j in range(len(self.implicit_constraints)): while (not self.implicit_constraints[j].is_satisfied(new_point) ): new_point = (new_point + centroid).multiply_by_scalar(0.5) accepted_points.append(new_point) #calculate new centroid (with new accepted initial_point) sum_elements = [] for i in range(n): sum_elements.append(0) sum = Point(sum_elements) for i in range(len(accepted_points)): sum = sum + accepted_points[i] #centroid = sum/(simplex.length - 2); centroid = sum.multiply_by_scalar(1.0 / len(accepted_points)) keepGoing = True iteration_number = 1 logger = Logger(self.function) logger.set_implicit_constraints(self.implicit_constraints) while (keepGoing): MIN = float('-inf') max = MIN value_at_xh = MIN value_at_xh2 = MIN xh_index = 0 xh2_index = 0 for i in range(len(accepted_points)): if (self.function.value_at(accepted_points[i]) > self.function.value_at(accepted_points[xh_index])): xh2_index = xh_index xh_index = i #calculate centroid without xh sum_elements = [] for i in range(n): sum_elements.append(0) sum = Point(sum_elements) #for (int i = 0; i < accepted_points.size(); i++) { for i in range(len(accepted_points)): if (i == xh_index): pass else: sum = sum + accepted_points[i] #centroid = Matrix.scalarMultiply(sum, (1.0/(len(accepted_points) - 1))) centroid = sum.multiply_by_scalar( (1.0 / (len(accepted_points) - 1))) xr = self.reflect(centroid, accepted_points[xh_index], self.alpha) for i in range(n): #if(xr.getElement(0,i) < self.lower_bounds[i]): lower_bound = self.explicit_constraints[i].get_lower_bound() upper_bound = self.explicit_constraints[i].get_upper_bound() if (xr.get_value_at_dimension(i) < lower_bound): xr.set_value_at_dimension(i, lower_bound) elif (xr.get_value_at_dimension(i) > upper_bound): xr.set_value_at_dimension(i, upper_bound) for i in range(len(self.implicit_constraints)): while (not self.implicit_constraints[i].is_satisfied(xr)): xr = (xr + centroid).multiply_by_scalar(0.5) if (self.function.value_at(xr) > self.function.value_at( accepted_points[xh2_index])): xr = (xr + centroid).multiply_by_scalar(0.5) accepted_points[xh_index] = xr keepGoing = False for i in range(len(accepted_points)): if (abs( self.function.value_at(accepted_points[i]) - self.function.value_at(centroid)) > self.epsilon): keepGoing = True #TODO check if this is the correct place to log the additional_data points xh_description = "xh - The initial_point in which the function value is highest" xr_description = "xr - Reflected initial_point" xc_description = "xc - Centroid" xh_tuple = (accepted_points[xh_index], xh_description) xr_tuple = (xr, xr_description) xc_tuple = (centroid, xc_description) additional_data["xh"] = xh_tuple additional_data["xr"] = xr_tuple additional_data["xc"] = xc_tuple currentIteration = Iteration(iteration_number, self.function.value_at(centroid), centroid, additional_data, self.function.get_number_of_calls()) logger.add_iteration(currentIteration) iteration_number = iteration_number + 1 return centroid, logger
class AccountManager: # @param name string Name of the account owner # @param account_number int Account number # @param balance int Account balance # return None def __init__(self, name="", account_number=0, balance=0, balance_limit=0, amount=0): self.connector = Connector() self.log = Logger() if amount > 0: = name self.amount = amount elif type(name) == str and type(account_number) == int and type( balance_limit) == int: = name self.account_number = account_number self.balance = balance self.balance_limit = balance_limit self.amount = amount else: self.log.log_message('ICPT') pass # account_check does a count to see if the account name exists # @param name string Name of the account owner # return Boolean def account_check(self, name): if self.connector.query_accounts(name): self.log.log_message('NAE') return False else: return True # add adds an account to the database # return None def add(self): if # check for null string in name parameter if self.account_number > 0 and self.balance_limit > 0: self.connector.add_account(, self.account_number, self.balance, self.balance_limit) else: self.log.log_message('IANB') else: self.log.log_message('NNP') # charge increases the account balance based on the amount given # @param name string Name of the account owner # @param amount int amount to increment the balance by # return None def charge(self): if self.connector.query_accounts( if self.amount > 0: self.connector.charge_account(, self.amount) else: self.log.log_message('ANOZ') else: pass # credit decreases the account balance based on the amount given # @param name string Name of the account owner # @param amount int amount to increment the balance by # return None def credit(self): if self.connector.query_accounts( if self.amount > 0: self.connector.credit_account(, self.amount) else: self.log.log_message('ANOZ') else: pass # balances prints out the accounts and balances in the correct format and in alphabetical order # return None def balances(self): self.connector.account_balances()
if not cfg.randomize: # set fixed seed random.seed(cfg.seed) np.random.seed(cfg.seed) torch.manual_seed(cfg.seed) torch.cuda.manual_seed(cfg.seed) log_path = os.path.join(cfg.log_dir, cfg.exp_name) mkdir_if_missing(log_path) snap_path = os.path.join(cfg.snap_dir, cfg.exp_name) mkdir_if_missing(snap_path) summary_writer = None if not cfg.no_log: log_name = cfg.exp_name + "_log_" + \ strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S", gmtime()) + '.txt' sys.stdout = Logger(os.path.join(log_path, log_name)) summary_writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=log_path) print("Input Args: ") pprint.pprint(cfg) train_loader, test_loader, num_classes, img_size = get_data_loader( data_name=cfg.data_name, data_dir=cfg.data_dir, batch_size=cfg.batch_size, test_batch_size=cfg.eval_batch_size, num_workers=4) model = create_model(name=cfg.model_name, num_classes=num_classes) # optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(),, # weight_decay=0.0005, amsgrad=False) optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(),