Exemplo n.º 1
 def recordPID(self):
     """Save the pid of the AppServer to a file."""
     if self.setting('PidFile') is None:
         self._pidFile = None
     pidpath = self.serverSidePath(self.setting('PidFile'))
         self._pidFile = PidFile(pidpath)
     except ProcessRunning:
         raise ProcessRunning('The file ' + pidpath + ' exists\n'
             'and contains a process id corresponding to a running process.\n'
             'This indicates that there is an AppServer already running.\n'
             'If this is not the case, delete this file and restart the AppServer.')
Exemplo n.º 2
def stop(*args, **kw):
    """Stop the AppServer (which may be in a different process)."""
    print "Stopping the AppServer..."
    workDir = kw.get('workDir')
    if workDir:
        pidfile = None
        if globalAppServer:
            pidfile = globalAppServer._pidFile
            pidfile = None
        if not pidfile:
            workDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    if not pidfile:
        pidfile = PidFile(os.path.join(workDir, 'appserver.pid'), create=0)
    except Exception:
        from traceback import print_exc
        print "WebKit cannot terminate the running process."
Exemplo n.º 3
def stop(*args, **kw):
    """Stop the AppServer (which may be in a different process)."""
    print "Stopping the AppServer..."
    workDir = kw.get('workDir')
    if workDir:
        pidfile = None
        if globalAppServer:
            pidfile = globalAppServer._pidFile
            pidfile = None
        if not pidfile:
            workDir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    if not pidfile:
        pidfile = PidFile(os.path.join(workDir, 'appserver.pid'), create=0)
    except Exception:
        from traceback import print_exc
        print "WebKit cannot terminate the running process."
Exemplo n.º 4
	def recordPID(self):
		"""Save the pid of the AppServer to a file."""
		if self.setting('PidFile') is None:
			self._pidFile = None
		pidpath = self.serverSidePath(self.setting('PidFile'))
			self._pidFile = PidFile(pidpath)
		except ProcessRunning:
			raise ProcessRunning('The file ' + pidpath + ' exists\n'
				'and contains a process id corresponding to a running process.\n'
				'This indicates that there is an AppServer already running.\n'
				'If this is not the case, delete this file and restart the AppServer.')
Exemplo n.º 5
class AppServer(ConfigurableForServerSidePath):
    """The AppServer singleton.

    Purpose and usage are explained in the module docstring.

    ## Init ##

    def __init__(self, path=None):
        """Sets up and starts the `AppServer`.

        `path` is the working directory for the AppServer
        (directory in which AppServer is contained, by default)

        This method loads plugins, creates the Application object,
        and starts the request handling loop.
        self._running = 0
        self._startTime = time()

        global globalAppServer
        if globalAppServer:
            raise ProcessRunning('More than one AppServer'
                ' or __init__() invoked more than once.')
        globalAppServer = self

        # Set up the import manager:
        self._imp = ImportManager()

        if path is None:
            path = os.path.dirname(__file__)  # os.getcwd()
        self._serverSidePath = os.path.abspath(path)
        self._webKitPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        self._webwarePath = os.path.dirname(self._webKitPath)


        self._verbose = self.setting('Verbose')
        if self._verbose:
            self._silentURIs = self.setting('SilentURIs')
            if self._silentURIs:
                import re
                self._silentURIs = re.compile(self._silentURIs)
            self._silentURIs = None
        self._plugIns = []
        self._requestID = 0

        self.config()  # cache the config
        if self.setting('CheckInterval') is not None:
        self._app = self.createApplication()

        # @@ 2003-03 ib: shouldn't this just be in a subclass's __init__?
        if self.isPersistent():
            self._closeEvent = Event()
            self._closeThread = Thread(target=self.closeThread,
            # self._closeThread.setDaemon(1)
        self._running = 1

    def checkForInstall(self):
        """Check whether Webware was installed.

        Exits with an error message if Webware was not installed.
        Called from `__init__`.
        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._webwarePath, 'install.log')):
            sys.stdout = sys.stderr
            print 'ERROR: You have not installed Webware.'
            print 'Please run install.py from inside the Webware directory.'
            print 'For example:'
            print '> cd ..'
            print '> python install.py'

    def readyForRequests(self):
        """Declare ready for getting requests.

        Should be invoked by subclasses when they are finally ready to
        accept requests. Records some stats and prints a message.
        if Profiler.startTime is None:
            Profiler.startTime = self._startTime
        Profiler.readyTime = time()
        Profiler.readyDuration = Profiler.readyTime - Profiler.startTime
        print "Ready (%.2f seconds after launch)." % Profiler.readyDuration

    def closeThread(self):
        """This method is called when the shutdown sequence is initiated."""
        if self.isPersistent():

    def initiateShutdown(self):
        """Ask the master thread to begin the shutdown."""
        if self.isPersistent():

    def recordPID(self):
        """Save the pid of the AppServer to a file."""
        if self.setting('PidFile') is None:
            self._pidFile = None
        pidpath = self.serverSidePath(self.setting('PidFile'))
            self._pidFile = PidFile(pidpath)
        except ProcessRunning:
            raise ProcessRunning('The file ' + pidpath + ' exists\n'
                'and contains a process id corresponding to a running process.\n'
                'This indicates that there is an AppServer already running.\n'
                'If this is not the case, delete this file and restart the AppServer.')

    def shutDown(self):
        """Shut down the AppServer.

        Subclasses may override and normally follow this sequence:
            1. set self._running = 1 (request to shut down)
            2. class specific statements for shutting down
            3. Invoke super's shutDown() e.g., `AppServer.shutDown(self)`
            4. set self._running = 0 (server is completely down)
        if self._running:
            print "AppServer is shutting down..."
            self._running = 1
            del self._plugIns
            del self._app
            if self._pidFile:
                self._pidFile.remove()  # remove the pid file
            del self._pidFile
            if Profiler.profiler:
                # The profile stats will be dumped by Launch.py.
                # You might also considering having a page/servlet
                # that lets you dump the stats on demand.
                print 'AppServer ran for %0.2f seconds.' % (
                    time() - Profiler.startTime)
            print "AppServer has been shutdown."
            self._running = 0

    ## Configuration ##

    def defaultConfig(self):
        """The default AppServer.config."""
        return defaultConfig  # defined on the module level

    def configFilename(self):
        """Return the name of the AppServer configuration file."""
        return self.serverSidePath('Configs/AppServer.config')

    def configReplacementValues(self):
        """Get config values that need to be escaped."""
        # Since these strings may be eval'ed as ordinary strings,
        # we need to use forward slashes instead of backslashes.
        # Note: This is only needed for old style config files.
        # In new style config files, they are note eval'ed, but used
        # directly, so double escaping would be a bad idea here.
        return dict(
            WebwarePath = self._webwarePath.replace('\\', '/'),
            WebKitPath = self._webKitPath.replace('\\', '/'),
            serverSidePath = self._serverSidePath.replace('\\', '/'))

    ## Network Server ##

    def createApplication(self):
        """Create and return an application object. Invoked by __init__."""
        return Application(server=self)

    def printStartUpMessage(self):
        """Invoked by __init__, prints a little intro."""
        print 'WebKit AppServer', self.version()
        print 'Part of Webware for Python.'
        print 'Copyright 1999-2010 by Chuck Esterbrook. All Rights Reserved.'
        print 'WebKit and Webware are open source.'
        print 'Process id is', os.getpid()
        print 'Date/time is', asclocaltime()
        print 'Python is', sys.version.replace(') [', ')\n[')
        if self.setting('PrintConfigAtStartUp'):

    ## Plug-in loading ##

    def plugIns(self):
        """Return a list of the plug-ins loaded by the app server.

        Each plug-in is a Python package.
        return self._plugIns

    def plugIn(self, name, default=NoDefault):
        """Return the plug-in with the given name."""
        # @@ 2001-04-25 ce: linear search. yuck.
        # Plus we should guarantee plug-in name uniqueness anyway
        for plugin in self._plugIns:
            if plugin.name() == name:
                return plugin
        if default is NoDefault:
            raise KeyError(name)
            return default

    def loadPlugIn(self, path):
        """Load and return the given plug-in.

        May return None if loading was unsuccessful (in which case this method
        prints a message saying so). Used by `loadPlugIns` (note the **s**).
        path = self.serverSidePath(path)
            plugIn = PlugIn(self, path)
            willNotLoadReason = plugIn.load()
            if willNotLoadReason:
                print ('    Plug-in %s cannot be loaded because:\n'
                    '    %s' % (path, willNotLoadReason))
                return None
        except Exception:
            print 'Plug-in', path, 'raised exception.'
        return plugIn

    def loadPlugIns(self):
        """Load all plug-ins.

        A plug-in allows you to extend the functionality of WebKit without
        necessarily having to modify its source. Plug-ins are loaded by
        AppServer at startup time, just before listening for requests.
        See the docs in `WebKit.PlugIn` for more info.
        plugIns = [self.serverSidePath(path)
            for path in self.setting('PlugIns')]

        # Scan each directory named in the PlugInDirs list.
        # If those directories contain Python packages (that don't have
        # a "dontload" file) then add them to the plugs in list.
        for plugInDir in self.setting('PlugInDirs'):
            plugInDir = self.serverSidePath(plugInDir)
            for filename in sorted(os.listdir(plugInDir)):
                filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(plugInDir, filename))
                if (os.path.isdir(filename)
                        and os.path.exists(os.path.join(filename, '__init__.py'))
                        and os.path.exists(os.path.join(filename, 'Properties.py'))
                        and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(filename, 'dontload'))
                        and os.path.basename(filename) != 'WebKit'
                        and filename not in plugIns):

        print 'Plug-ins list:', ', '.join(plugIns) or 'empty'

        # Now that we have our plug-in list, load them...
        for plugInPath in plugIns:
            plugIn = self.loadPlugIn(plugInPath)
            if plugIn:

    ## Accessors ##

    def version(self):
        """Return WebKit version."""
        if not hasattr(self, '_webKitVersionString'):
            from MiscUtils.PropertiesObject import PropertiesObject
            props = PropertiesObject(os.path.join(self.webKitPath(), 'Properties.py'))
            self._webKitVersionString = props['versionString']
        return self._webKitVersionString

    def application(self):
        """Return the Application singleton."""
        return self._app

    def startTime(self):
        """Return the time the app server was started.

        The time is given as seconds, like time().
        return self._startTime

    def numRequests(self):
        """Return the number of requests.

        Returns the number of requests received by this app server
        since it was launched.
        return self._requestID

    def isPersistent(self):
        """Check whether the AppServer is persistent.

        When using `OneShot`, the AppServer will exist only for a single
        request, otherwise it will stay around indefinitely.
        raise AbstractError(self.__class__)

    def serverSidePath(self, path=None):
        """Return the absolute server-side path of the WebKit app server.

        If the optional path is passed in, then it is joined with the
        server side directory to form a path relative to the app server.
        if path:
            return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self._serverSidePath, path))
            return self._serverSidePath

    def webwarePath(self):
        """Return the Webware path."""
        return self._webwarePath

    def webKitPath(self):
        """Return the WebKit path."""
        return self._webKitPath
Exemplo n.º 6
class AppServer(ConfigurableForServerSidePath):
    """The AppServer singleton.

    Purpose and usage are explained in the module docstring.


    ## Init ##

    def __init__(self, path=None):
        """Sets up and starts the `AppServer`.

        `path` is the working directory for the AppServer
        (directory in which AppServer is contained, by default)

        This method loads plugins, creates the Application object,
        and starts the request handling loop.

        self._running = 0
        self._startTime = time()

        global globalAppServer
        if globalAppServer:
            raise ProcessRunning("More than one AppServer" " or __init__() invoked more than once.")
        globalAppServer = self

        # Set up the import manager:
        self._imp = ImportManager()

        if path is None:
            path = os.path.dirname(__file__)  # os.getcwd()
        self._serverSidePath = os.path.abspath(path)
        self._webKitPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
        self._webwarePath = os.path.dirname(self._webKitPath)


        self._verbose = self.setting("Verbose")
        if self._verbose:
            self._silentURIs = self.setting("SilentURIs")
            if self._silentURIs:
                import re

                self._silentURIs = re.compile(self._silentURIs)
            self._silentURIs = None
        self._plugIns = []
        self._requestID = 0

        self.config()  # cache the config
        if self.setting("CheckInterval") is not None:
        self._app = self.createApplication()

        # @@ 2003-03 ib: shouldn't this just be in a subclass's __init__?
        if self.isPersistent():
            self._closeEvent = Event()
            self._closeThread = Thread(target=self.closeThread, name="CloseThread")
            # self._closeThread.setDaemon(1)
        self._running = 1

    def checkForInstall(self):
        """Check whether Webware was installed.

        Exits with an error message if Webware was not installed.
        Called from `__init__`.

        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._webwarePath, "install.log")):
            sys.stdout = sys.stderr
            print "ERROR: You have not installed Webware."
            print "Please run install.py from inside the Webware directory."
            print "For example:"
            print "> cd .."
            print "> python install.py"

    def readyForRequests(self):
        """Declare ready for getting requests.

        Should be invoked by subclasses when they are finally ready to
        accept requests. Records some stats and prints a message.

        if Profiler.startTime is None:
            Profiler.startTime = self._startTime
        Profiler.readyTime = time()
        Profiler.readyDuration = Profiler.readyTime - Profiler.startTime
        print "Ready (%.2f seconds after launch)." % Profiler.readyDuration

    def closeThread(self):
        """This method is called when the shutdown sequence is initiated."""
        if self.isPersistent():

    def initiateShutdown(self):
        """Ask the master thread to begin the shutdown."""
        if self.isPersistent():

    def recordPID(self):
        """Save the pid of the AppServer to a file."""
        if self.setting("PidFile") is None:
            self._pidFile = None
        pidpath = self.serverSidePath(self.setting("PidFile"))
            self._pidFile = PidFile(pidpath)
        except ProcessRunning:
            raise ProcessRunning(
                "The file " + pidpath + " exists\n"
                "and contains a process id corresponding to a running process.\n"
                "This indicates that there is an AppServer already running.\n"
                "If this is not the case, delete this file and restart the AppServer."

    def shutDown(self):
        """Shut down the AppServer.

        Subclasses may override and normally follow this sequence:
            1. set self._running = 1 (request to shut down)
            2. class specific statements for shutting down
            3. Invoke super's shutDown() e.g., `AppServer.shutDown(self)`
            4. set self._running = 0 (server is completely down)

        if self._running:
            print "AppServer is shutting down..."
            self._running = 1
            del self._plugIns
            del self._app
            if self._pidFile:
                self._pidFile.remove()  # remove the pid file
            del self._pidFile
            if Profiler.profiler:
                # The profile stats will be dumped by Launch.py.
                # You might also considering having a page/servlet
                # that lets you dump the stats on demand.
                print "AppServer ran for %0.2f seconds." % (time() - Profiler.startTime)
            print "AppServer has been shutdown."
            self._running = 0

    ## Configuration ##

    def defaultConfig(self):
        """The default AppServer.config."""
        return defaultConfig  # defined on the module level

    def configFilename(self):
        """Return the name of the AppServer configuration file."""
        return self.serverSidePath("Configs/AppServer.config")

    def configReplacementValues(self):
        """Get config values that need to be escaped."""
        # Since these strings may be eval'ed as ordinary strings,
        # we need to use forward slashes instead of backslashes.
        # Note: This is only needed for old style config files.
        # In new style config files, they are note eval'ed, but used
        # directly, so double escaping would be a bad idea here.
        return dict(
            WebwarePath=self._webwarePath.replace("\\", "/"),
            WebKitPath=self._webKitPath.replace("\\", "/"),
            serverSidePath=self._serverSidePath.replace("\\", "/"),

    ## Network Server ##

    def createApplication(self):
        """Create and return an application object. Invoked by __init__."""
        return Application(server=self)

    def printStartUpMessage(self):
        """Invoked by __init__, prints a little intro."""
        print "WebKit AppServer", self.version()
        print "Part of Webware for Python."
        print "Copyright 1999-2010 by Chuck Esterbrook. All Rights Reserved."
        print "WebKit and Webware are open source."
        print "Please visit: http://www.webwareforpython.org"
        print "Process id is", os.getpid()
        print "Date/time is", asclocaltime()
        print "Python is", sys.version.replace(") [", ")\n[")
        if self.setting("PrintConfigAtStartUp"):

    ## Plug-in loading ##

    def plugIns(self):
        """Return a list of the plug-ins loaded by the app server.

        Each plug-in is a Python package.

        return self._plugIns

    def plugIn(self, name, default=NoDefault):
        """Return the plug-in with the given name."""
        # @@ 2001-04-25 ce: linear search. yuck.
        # Plus we should guarantee plug-in name uniqueness anyway
        for plugin in self._plugIns:
            if plugin.name() == name:
                return plugin
        if default is NoDefault:
            raise KeyError(name)
            return default

    def loadPlugIn(self, path):
        """Load and return the given plug-in.

        May return None if loading was unsuccessful (in which case this method
        prints a message saying so). Used by `loadPlugIns` (note the **s**).

        plugIn = None
        path = self.serverSidePath(path)
            plugIn = PlugIn(self, path)
            willNotLoadReason = plugIn.load()
            if willNotLoadReason:
                print ("    Plug-in %s cannot be loaded because:\n" "    %s" % (path, willNotLoadReason))
                return None
        except Exception:
            print "Plug-in", path, "raised exception."
        return plugIn

    def loadPlugIns(self):
        """Load all plug-ins.

        A plug-in allows you to extend the functionality of WebKit without
        necessarily having to modify its source. Plug-ins are loaded by
        AppServer at startup time, just before listening for requests.
        See the docs in `WebKit.PlugIn` for more info.

        plugIns = [self.serverSidePath(path) for path in self.setting("PlugIns")]

        # Scan each directory named in the PlugInDirs list.
        # If those directories contain Python packages (that don't have
        # a "dontload" file) then add them to the plugs in list.
        for plugInDir in self.setting("PlugInDirs"):
            plugInDir = self.serverSidePath(plugInDir)
            for filename in sorted(os.listdir(plugInDir)):
                filename = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(plugInDir, filename))
                if (
                    and os.path.exists(os.path.join(filename, "__init__.py"))
                    and os.path.exists(os.path.join(filename, "Properties.py"))
                    and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(filename, "dontload"))
                    and os.path.basename(filename) != "WebKit"
                    and filename not in plugIns

        print "Plug-ins list:", ", ".join(plugIns) or "empty"

        # Now that we have our plug-in list, load them...
        for plugInPath in plugIns:
            plugIn = self.loadPlugIn(plugInPath)
            if plugIn:

    ## Accessors ##

    def version(self):
        """Return WebKit version."""
        if not hasattr(self, "_webKitVersionString"):
            from MiscUtils.PropertiesObject import PropertiesObject

            props = PropertiesObject(os.path.join(self.webKitPath(), "Properties.py"))
            self._webKitVersionString = props["versionString"]
        return self._webKitVersionString

    def application(self):
        """Return the Application singleton."""
        return self._app

    def startTime(self):
        """Return the time the app server was started.

        The time is given as seconds, like time().

        return self._startTime

    def numRequests(self):
        """Return the number of requests.

        Returns the number of requests received by this app server
        since it was launched.

        return self._requestID

    def isPersistent(self):
        """Check whether the AppServer is persistent.

        When using `OneShot`, the AppServer will exist only for a single
        request, otherwise it will stay around indefinitely.

        raise AbstractError(self.__class__)

    def serverSidePath(self, path=None):
        """Return the absolute server-side path of the WebKit app server.

        If the optional path is passed in, then it is joined with the
        server side directory to form a path relative to the app server.

        if path:
            return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self._serverSidePath, path))
            return self._serverSidePath

    def webwarePath(self):
        """Return the Webware path."""
        return self._webwarePath

    def webKitPath(self):
        """Return teh WebKit path."""
        return self._webKitPath
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: app.py Projeto: cdeler/woogle
                        help=f'output (default: {CHOICE_OUTPUT[0]})',
    arg_s = parser.add_argument(
        help='turn on silent mode, use with output=stdout (default: False)',

    arg = vars(parser.parse_args())
    if arg['silent'] and arg['output'] != 'stdout':
        msg = "isn't used with argument -o|--output equal 'stdout'"
        raise argparse.ArgumentError(arg_s, msg)

    arguments_for_crawler = functools.reduce(
        lambda x, y: x + y, [f"{key}={value} " for key, value in arg.items()],
    logging.info(f"Crawler starts with options: {arguments_for_crawler}")
    # call crawler with given parameters
    # command for running looks like: scrapy runspider spider.py -a [arg1=val1
    # arg2=val2 ...]

    # call(["scrapy", "runspider", os.path.join("crawler", "WikiSpider.py"),
    #      "-a", f'arg={arguments_for_crawler}'])
    with PidFile():
        logging.info("Start crawler")
        process.crawl(WikiSpider, arg=arguments_for_crawler)
        )  # the script will block here until the crawling is finished