def specialWrite(): """ ./ -swrite Write TCuts from waveSkim files into splitSkim files. """ from ROOT import TFile, TNamed, TObject cal = dsi.CalInfo() runList = cal.GetSpecialRuns("longCal", 5) for run in runList: dsNum = dsi.GetDSNum(run) wavePath = "%s/waves/waveSkimDS%d_run%d.root" % (dsi.specialDir, dsNum, run) waveFile = TFile(wavePath) theCut = waveFile.Get("theCut").GetTitle() print(wavePath) splitFiles = glob.glob("%s/split/splitSkimDS%d_run%d*.root" % (dsi.specialDir, dsNum, run)) for idx in range(len(splitFiles)): if idx == 0: splitPath = "%s/split/splitSkimDS%d_run%d.root" % ( dsi.specialDir, dsNum, run) else: splitPath = "%s/split/splitSkimDS%d_run%d_%d.root" % ( dsi.specialDir, dsNum, run, idx) if not os.path.isfile(splitPath): print("File doesn't exist:", splitPath) return splitFile = TFile(splitPath, "UPDATE") thisCut = TNamed("theCut", theCut) thisCut.Write("", TObject.kOverwrite) print(splitFiles[-1])
def splitTree(): dsNum, subNum = 0, 25 inPath = "/global/homes/w/wisecg/project/waveskim/waveSkimDS%d_%d.root" % (dsNum, subNum) outPath = "./cutSkimDS%d_%d.root" % (dsNum, subNum) inFile = TFile(inPath) bigTree = inFile.Get("skimTree") theCut = inFile.Get("theCut").GetTitle() bigTree.Draw(">>elist",theCut,"entrylist") elist = gDirectory.Get("elist") bigTree.SetEntryList(elist) nList = elist.GetN() outFile = TFile(outPath,"RECREATE") lilTree = TTree() lilTree.SetMaxTreeSize(150000000) lilTree = bigTree.CopyTree("") lilTree.Write("",TObject.kOverwrite) thisCut = TNamed("theCut",theCut) thisCut.Write()
def splitTree(dsNum, subNum=None, runNum=None): """ ./ -split (-sub dsNum subNum) (-run dsNum runNum) Split a SINGLE waveSkim file into small (~50MB) files to speed up LAT parallel processing. Can call 'batchSplit' instead to submit each run in the list as a job, splitting the files in parallel. NOTE: The cut written into the first file is NOT copied into the additional files (I couldn't get it to work within this function -- kept getting "file not closed" errors.) To clean up, do that with the 'writeCut' function below, potentially AFTER a big parallel job. """ from ROOT import TFile, TTree, gDirectory, TEntryList, TNamed, TObject, gROOT print("Splitting tree. dsNum:", dsNum, "subNum:", subNum, "runNum:", runNum) # Set input and output paths. Clear out any files from a previous # try before you attempt a copy (avoid the double underscore) inPath, outPath = "", "" if runNum == None: # bg mode inPath = "%s/waveSkimDS%d_%d.root" % (dsi.waveDir, dsNum, subNum) outPath = "%s/splitSkimDS%d_%d.root" % (dsi.splitDir, dsNum, subNum) fileList = sorted( glob.glob("%s/splitSkimDS%d_%d*.root" % (dsi.splitDir, dsNum, subNum))) for f in fileList: os.remove(f) elif subNum == None: # cal mode inPath = "%s/waveSkimDS%d_run%d.root" % (dsi.calWaveDir, dsNum, runNum) outPath = "%s/splitSkimDS%d_run%d.root" % (dsi.calSplitDir, dsNum, runNum) fileList = sorted( glob.glob("%s/splitSkimDS%d_run%d*.root" % (dsi.calSplitDir, dsNum, runNum))) for f in fileList: os.remove(f) inFile = TFile(inPath) bigTree = inFile.Get("skimTree") theCut = inFile.Get("theCut").GetTitle() bigTree.Draw(">>elist", theCut, "entrylist") elist = gDirectory.Get("elist") bigTree.SetEntryList(elist) nList = elist.GetN() outFile = TFile(outPath, "RECREATE") lilTree = TTree() lilTree.SetMaxTreeSize(50000000) # 50 MB thisCut = TNamed("theCut", theCut) thisCut.Write("", TObject.kOverwrite) lilTree = bigTree.CopyTree( "") # this does NOT write the cut into the extra files lilTree.Write("", TObject.kOverwrite)
def complicatedCopy(): gFile = TFile("~/project/mjddatadir/gatified/mjd_run13071.root") bFile = TFile("~/project/mjddatadir/built/OR_run13071.root") gatTree = gFile.Get("mjdTree") bltTree = bFile.Get("MGTree") gatTree.AddFriend(bltTree) theCut = "mH > 1 && !EventDC1Bits && Entry$ < 320" gatTree.Draw(">>elist", theCut, "entrylist") elist = gDirectory.Get("elist") gatTree.SetEntryList(elist) nList = elist.GetN() print "Using cut:\n", theCut print "Found", gatTree.GetEntries(), "input events." print "Found", nList, "events passing cuts." print "Starting event loop ..." for iList in range(nList): entry = gatTree.GetEntryNumber(iList) gatTree.LoadTree(entry) gatTree.GetEntry(entry) nChans = # Loop over hits passing cuts numPass = gatTree.Draw("channel", theCut, "GOFF", 1, iList) chans = gatTree.GetV1() chanList = list(set(int(chans[n]) for n in xrange(numPass))) hitList = (iH for iH in xrange(nChans) if in chanList ) # a 'generator expression' for iH in hitList: # Load data run = chan = dataENF = print "run %d iList %d chan %d enf %.2f" % (run, iList, chan, dataENF) print "Copying tree with same cut ..." outFile = TFile("~/project/lat/copyTree_test.root", "RECREATE") outTree = gatTree.CopyTree("") outTree.Write() print "Wrote", outTree.GetEntries(), "events." cutUsed = TNamed("theCut", theCut) cutUsed.Write()
def writeCut(dsNum, subNum=None, runNum=None, calList=[]): """ ./ -writeCut (-ds dsNum) (-sub dsNum subNum) (-run dsNum subNum) [-cal] Assumes the cut used in the FIRST file (even in the whole DS) should be applied to ALL files. This should be a relatively safe assumption. """ from ROOT import TFile, TNamed, TObject fileList = [] bkg = dsi.BkgInfo() # bg if not calList: dsMap = bkg.dsMap() # -ds if subNum == None and runNum == None: for i in range(dsMap[dsNum] + 1): inPath = "%s/splitSkimDS%d_%d*" % (dsi.splitDir, dsNum, i) fileList.extend(sorted(glob.glob(inPath))) # -sub elif runNum == None: inPath = "%s/splitSkimDS%d_%d*" % (dsi.splitDir, dsNum, subNum) fileList.extend(sorted(glob.glob(inPath))) # -run elif subNum == None: inPath = "%s/splitSkimDS%d_run%d*" % (dsi.splitDir, dsNum, runNum) fileList.extend(sorted(glob.glob(inPath))) # cal else: dsRanges = bkg.dsRanges() for run in calList: for key in dsRanges: if dsRanges[key][0] <= run <= dsRanges[key][1]: dsNum = key inPath = "%s/splitSkimDS%d_run%d*" % (dsi.calSplitDir, dsNum, run) fileList.extend(sorted(glob.glob(inPath))) # Pull the cut off the FIRST file and add it to the sub-files if len(fileList) <= 1: print("No files found! Exiting...") exit(1) firstFile = TFile(fileList[0]) theCut = firstFile.Get("theCut").GetTitle() print("Applying this cut:\n", theCut) for f in fileList: print(f) subRangeFile = TFile(f, "UPDATE") thisCut = TNamed("theCut", theCut) thisCut.Write("", TObject.kOverwrite)
def save_command_line_in_tfile(output_tfile_, command_line_): from ROOT import TNamed from ROOT import gDirectory current_directory = gDirectory mkdir_cd_rootfile(output_tfile_, "") TNamed("command_line_TNamed", command_line_).Write()
def __init__(self): TNamed.__init__(self, 'Kernel', 'Kernel') self.FlowList = [] self.wb = None = None self.dataset = None self.treename = None self.samplename = None self.inputpath = None self.outputpath = None self.outputdump = None self.corrections = [] self.systematics = [] self.totalflow = None self.inputtree = None self.outputtree = None self._tempVec = [] self._tempTree = {}
def test11WriteTObjArray(self): """Test writing of a TObjArray""" f = TFile(self.fname, 'RECREATE') t = TTree(self.tname, self.ttitle) o = TObjArray() t.Branch('mydata', o) nameds = [TNamed(name, name) for name in self.testnames] for name in nameds: o.Add(name) self.assertEqual(len(o), len(self.testnames)) t.Fill() f.Write() f.Close()
def AnalyzeDataSet(): CSVMWP = 0.8484 DCSVMWP = 0.6324 NEntries = skimmedTree.GetEntries() # NEntries = 1000 h_total = TH1F('h_total', 'h_total', 2, 0, 2) h_total_mcweight = TH1F('h_total_mcweight', 'h_total_mcweight', 2, 0, 2) triglist = [ 'HLT_IsoMu20', 'HLT_Ele27_WPLoose_Gsf', 'HLT_PFMETNoMu90_PFMHTNoMu90_IDTight_v', 'HLT_PFMETNoMu120_PFMHTNoMu120_IDTight_v' ] outfile = TFile(outfilename, 'RECREATE') outTree = TTree('outTree', 'tree branches') samplepath = TNamed('samplepath', str(sys.argv[1])) st_runId = numpy_.zeros(1, dtype=int) st_lumiSection = array('L', [0]) st_eventId = array('L', [0]) st_pfMetCorrPt = array('f', [0.]) st_pfMetCorrPhi = array('f', [0.]) st_isData = array('b', [0]) for trigs in triglist: exec("st_" + trigs + " = array( 'b', [ 0 ] )") # st_HLT_IsoMu20 = array( 'b', [ 0 ] ) # st_HLT_Ele27_WPLoose_Gsf = array( 'b', [ 0 ] ) maxn = 10 st_THINnJet = array('L', [0]) #ROOT.std.vector('int')() st_THINjetP4 = ROOT.std.vector('TLorentzVector')() st_THINjetCISVV2 = ROOT.std.vector('float')() st_THINjetHadronFlavor = ROOT.std.vector('int')() st_THINjetNHadEF = ROOT.std.vector('float')() st_THINjetCHadEF = ROOT.std.vector('float')() st_AK4deepCSVnJet = array('L', [0]) #ROOT.std.vector('int')() st_AK4deepCSVjetP4 = ROOT.std.vector('TLorentzVector')() st_AK4deepCSVjetDeepCSV_b = ROOT.std.vector('float')() st_nEle = array('L', [0]) #ROOT.std.vector('int')() st_eleP4 = ROOT.std.vector('TLorentzVector')() st_eleIsPassLoose = ROOT.std.vector('bool')() st_eleIsPassMedium = ROOT.std.vector('bool')() st_eleIsPassTight = ROOT.std.vector('bool')() st_nMu = array('L', [0]) #ROOT.std.vector('int')() st_muP4 = ROOT.std.vector('TLorentzVector')() st_isLooseMuon = ROOT.std.vector('bool')() st_isMediumMuon = ROOT.std.vector('bool')() st_isTightMuon = ROOT.std.vector('bool')() st_muChHadIso = ROOT.std.vector('float')() st_muNeHadIso = ROOT.std.vector('float')() st_muGamIso = ROOT.std.vector('float')() st_muPUPt = ROOT.std.vector('float')() st_muCharge = ROOT.std.vector('int')() st_trigResult = ROOT.std.vector('bool')() st_trigName = ROOT.std.vector('string')() st_HPSTau_n = array('L', [0]) #ROOT.std.vector('int')() st_HPSTau_4Momentum = ROOT.std.vector('TLorentzVector')() mcweight = array('f', [0]) st_pu_nTrueInt = array('f', [0]) #ROOT.std.vector('std::vector<float>')() st_nGenPar = array('L', [0]) st_genParId = ROOT.std.vector('int')() st_genMomParId = ROOT.std.vector('int')() st_genParSt = ROOT.std.vector('int')() st_genParP4 = ROOT.std.vector('TLorentzVector')() WenuRecoil = array('f', [0.]) Wenumass = array('f', [0.]) WenuPhi = array('f', [0.]) WmunuRecoil = array('f', [0.]) Wmunumass = array('f', [0.]) WmunuPhi = array('f', [0.]) ZeeRecoil = array('f', [0.]) ZeeMass = array('f', [0.]) ZeePhi = array('f', [0.]) ZmumuRecoil = array('f', [0.]) ZmumuMass = array('f', [0.]) ZmumuPhi = array('f', [0.]) TOPRecoil = array('f', [0.]) TOPPhi = array('f', [0.]) outTree.Branch('st_runId', st_runId, 'st_runId/L') outTree.Branch('st_lumiSection', st_lumiSection, 'st_lumiSection/L') outTree.Branch('st_eventId', st_eventId, 'st_eventId/L') outTree.Branch('st_pfMetCorrPt', st_pfMetCorrPt, 'st_pfMetCorrPt/F') outTree.Branch('st_pfMetCorrPhi', st_pfMetCorrPhi, 'st_pfMetCorrPhi/F') outTree.Branch('st_isData', st_isData, 'st_isData/O') for trigs in triglist: exec("outTree.Branch( 'st_" + trigs + "', st_" + trigs + " , 'st_" + trigs + "/O')") # outTree.Branch( 'st_HLT_IsoMu20', st_HLT_IsoMu20 , 'st_HLT_IsoMu20/O') # outTree.Branch( 'st_HLT_Ele27_WPLoose_Gsf', st_HLT_Ele27_WPLoose_Gsf , 'st_HLT_Ele27_WPLoose_Gsf/O') outTree.Branch('st_THINnJet', st_THINnJet, 'st_THINnJet/L') #outTree.Branch( 'st_THINnJet',st_AK4deepCSVnJet, 'st_AK4deepCSVnJet/L' ) outTree.Branch('st_THINjetP4', st_THINjetP4) #outTree.Branch( 'st_THINjetP4',st_AK4deepCSVjetP4 ) outTree.Branch('st_THINjetCISVV2', st_THINjetCISVV2) #outTree.Branch( 'st_THINjetCISVV2',st_AK4deepCSVjetDeepCSV_b ) outTree.Branch('st_THINjetHadronFlavor', st_THINjetHadronFlavor) outTree.Branch('st_THINjetNHadEF', st_THINjetNHadEF) outTree.Branch('st_THINjetCHadEF', st_THINjetCHadEF) outTree.Branch('st_AK4deepCSVnJet', st_AK4deepCSVnJet, 'st_AK4deepCSVnJet/L') outTree.Branch('st_AK4deepCSVjetP4', st_AK4deepCSVjetP4) outTree.Branch('st_AK4deepCSVjetDeepCSV_b', st_AK4deepCSVjetDeepCSV_b) outTree.Branch('st_nEle', st_nEle, 'st_nEle/L') outTree.Branch('st_eleP4', st_eleP4) outTree.Branch('st_eleIsPassLoose', st_eleIsPassLoose) #, 'st_eleIsPassLoose/O' ) outTree.Branch('st_eleIsPassMedium', st_eleIsPassMedium) #, 'st_eleIsPassMedium/O' ) outTree.Branch('st_eleIsPassTight', st_eleIsPassTight) #, 'st_eleIsPassTight/O' ) outTree.Branch('st_nMu', st_nMu, 'st_nMu/L') outTree.Branch('st_muP4', st_muP4) outTree.Branch('st_isLooseMuon', st_isLooseMuon) #, 'st_isLooseMuon/O' ) outTree.Branch('st_isMediumMuon', st_isMediumMuon) #, 'st_isMediumMuon/O' ) outTree.Branch('st_isTightMuon', st_isTightMuon) #, 'st_isTightMuon/O' ) outTree.Branch('st_muChHadIso', st_muChHadIso) #, 'st_muChHadIso/F') outTree.Branch('st_muNeHadIso', st_muNeHadIso) #, 'st_muNeHadIso/F') outTree.Branch('st_muGamIso', st_muGamIso) #, 'st_muGamIso/F') outTree.Branch('st_muPUPt', st_muPUPt) #, 'st_muPUPt/F') outTree.Branch('st_trigName', st_trigName) outTree.Branch('st_trigResult', st_trigResult) outTree.Branch('st_HPSTau_n', st_HPSTau_n, 'st_HPSTau_n/L') outTree.Branch('st_HPSTau_4Momentum', st_HPSTau_4Momentum) outTree.Branch('st_pu_nTrueInt', st_pu_nTrueInt, 'st_pu_nTrueInt/F') outTree.Branch('mcweight', mcweight, 'mcweight/F') outTree.Branch('st_nGenPar', st_nGenPar, 'st_nGenPar/L') #nGenPar/I outTree.Branch('st_genParId', st_genParId) #vector<int> outTree.Branch('st_genMomParId', st_genMomParId) outTree.Branch('st_genParSt', st_genParSt) outTree.Branch('st_genParP4', st_genParP4) outTree.Branch('WenuRecoil', WenuRecoil, 'WenuRecoil/F') outTree.Branch('Wenumass', Wenumass, 'Wenumass/F') outTree.Branch('WenuPhi', WenuPhi, 'WenuPhi/F') outTree.Branch('WmunuRecoil', WmunuRecoil, 'WmunuRecoil/F') outTree.Branch('Wmunumass', Wmunumass, 'Wmunumass/F') outTree.Branch('WmunuPhi', WmunuPhi, 'WmunuPhi/F') outTree.Branch('ZeeRecoil', ZeeRecoil, 'ZeeRecoil/F') outTree.Branch('ZeeMass', ZeeMass, 'ZeeMass/F') outTree.Branch('ZeePhi', ZeePhi, 'ZeePhi/F') outTree.Branch('ZmumuRecoil', ZmumuRecoil, 'ZmumuRecoil/F') outTree.Branch('ZmumuMass', ZmumuMass, 'ZmumuMass/F') outTree.Branch('ZmumuPhi', ZmumuPhi, 'ZmumuPhi/F') outTree.Branch('TOPRecoil', TOPRecoil, 'TOPRecoil/F') outTree.Branch('TOPPhi', TOPPhi, 'TOPPhi/F') for ievent in range(NEntries): # print "\n*****\nWARNING: *Test run* Processing 200 events only.\n*****\n" # for ievent in range(200): if ievent % 100 == 0: print "Processed " + str(ievent) + " of " + str( NEntries) + " events." skimmedTree.GetEntry(ievent) ## Get all relevant branches run = skimmedTree.__getattr__('runId') lumi = skimmedTree.__getattr__('lumiSection') event = skimmedTree.__getattr__('eventId') # print "Run:"+str(run)+"; Lumi:"+str(lumi)+"; Event:"+str(event) trigName = skimmedTree.__getattr__('hlt_trigName') trigResult = skimmedTree.__getattr__('hlt_trigResult') filterName = skimmedTree.__getattr__('hlt_filterName') filterResult = skimmedTree.__getattr__('hlt_filterResult') pfMet = skimmedTree.__getattr__('pfMetCorrPt') pfMetPhi = skimmedTree.__getattr__('pfMetCorrPhi') nTHINJets = skimmedTree.__getattr__('THINnJet') thinjetP4 = skimmedTree.__getattr__('THINjetP4') thinJetCSV = skimmedTree.__getattr__('THINjetCISVV2') passThinJetLooseID = skimmedTree.__getattr__('THINjetPassIDLoose') THINjetHadronFlavor = skimmedTree.__getattr__('THINjetHadronFlavor') thinjetNhadEF = skimmedTree.__getattr__('THINjetNHadEF') thinjetChadEF = skimmedTree.__getattr__('THINjetCHadEF') try: nTHINdeepCSVJets = skimmedTree.__getattr__('AK4deepCSVnJet') thindeepCSVjetP4 = skimmedTree.__getattr__('AK4deepCSVjetP4') thinJetdeepCSV = skimmedTree.__getattr__('AK4deepCSVjetDeepCSV_b') except: if ievent == 0: print "\n**********WARNING: Looks like the ntuple is from an older version, as DeepCSV jet collection is missing. DeepCSV information will NOT be stored.**********\n" nEle = skimmedTree.__getattr__('nEle') eleP4 = skimmedTree.__getattr__('eleP4') eleIsPassLoose = skimmedTree.__getattr__('eleIsPassLoose') eleIsPassMedium = skimmedTree.__getattr__('eleIsPassMedium') eleIsPassTight = skimmedTree.__getattr__('eleIsPassTight') eleCharge = skimmedTree.__getattr__('eleCharge') nMu = skimmedTree.__getattr__('nMu') muP4 = skimmedTree.__getattr__('muP4') isLooseMuon = skimmedTree.__getattr__('isLooseMuon') isMediumMuon = skimmedTree.__getattr__('isMediumMuon') isTightMuon = skimmedTree.__getattr__('isTightMuon') muChHadIso = skimmedTree.__getattr__('muChHadIso') muNeHadIso = skimmedTree.__getattr__('muNeHadIso') muGamIso = skimmedTree.__getattr__('muGamIso') muPUPt = skimmedTree.__getattr__('muPUPt') muCharge = skimmedTree.__getattr__('muCharge') nTau = skimmedTree.__getattr__('HPSTau_n') tauP4 = skimmedTree.__getattr__('HPSTau_4Momentum') isDecayModeFinding = skimmedTree.__getattr__('disc_decayModeFinding') passLooseTauIso = skimmedTree.__getattr__( 'disc_byLooseIsolationMVA3oldDMwLT') isData = skimmedTree.__getattr__('isData') mcWeight = skimmedTree.__getattr__('mcWeight') pu_nTrueInt = skimmedTree.__getattr__('pu_nTrueInt') #int() # print skimmedTree.__getattr__('pu_nTrueInt') # print pu_nTrueInt # print nGenPar = skimmedTree.__getattr__('nGenPar') genParId = skimmedTree.__getattr__('genParId') genMomParId = skimmedTree.__getattr__('genMomParId') genParSt = skimmedTree.__getattr__('genParSt') genParP4 = skimmedTree.__getattr__('genParP4') # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MC Weights ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mcweight[0] = 0.0 if isData == 1: mcweight[0] = 1.0 if not isData: if mcWeight < 0: mcweight[0] = -1.0 if mcWeight > 0: mcweight[0] = 1.0 h_total.Fill(1.) h_total_mcweight.Fill(1., mcweight[0]) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Trigger selection # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- itrig_ = 0 trig1 = False trig2 = False trig3 = False trig4 = False trig5 = False trig6 = False trig7 = False trig8 = False trig9 = False trig10 = False trig11 = False trig12 = False trig1 = CheckFilter(trigName, trigResult, 'HLT_PFMET170_') # added from monojet trig2 = CheckFilter(trigName, trigResult, 'HLT_PFMET170_NoiseCleaned') trig3 = CheckFilter(trigName, trigResult, 'HLT_PFMET170_JetIdCleaned_v') trig4 = CheckFilter(trigName, trigResult, 'HLT_PFMET170_HBHECleaned_v') trig5 = CheckFilter(trigName, trigResult, 'HLT_PFMETNoMu90_PFMHTNoMu90_IDTight_v') trig6 = CheckFilter(trigName, trigResult, 'HLT_PFMETNoMu100_PFMHTNoMu100_IDTight_v' ) #added from tt+DM all hadronic analysis trig7 = CheckFilter(trigName, trigResult, 'HLT_PFMETNoMu110_PFMHTNoMu110_IDTight_v') trig8 = CheckFilter(trigName, trigResult, 'HLT_PFMETNoMu120_PFMHTNoMu120_IDTight_v') trig9 = CheckFilter(trigName, trigResult, 'HLT_PFMET110_PFMHT110_') trig10 = CheckFilter( trigName, trigResult, 'HLT_IsoMu24_v') #added from tt+DM all hadronic analysis trig11 = CheckFilter( trigName, trigResult, 'HLT_IsoTkMu24_v') #added from tt+DM all hadronic analysis trig12 = CheckFilter( trigName, trigResult, 'HLT_Ele27_WPTight_Gsf') #added from Siew Yan slides # trig13 = CheckFilter(trigName, trigResult, 'HLT_IsoMu20') #Added from AN CR trig13 = CheckFilter( trigName, trigResult, 'HLT_IsoMu24') #Instead of IsoMu20 which is absent era E onwards trig14 = CheckFilter(trigName, trigResult, 'HLT_Ele27_WPLoose_Gsf') #Added from AN CR # print list(trigName) # print [bool(i) for i in list(trigResult)] # print ievent # for itrig in range(len(list(trigResult))): # if bool(list(trigResult)[itrig]): print list(trigName)[itrig] # if 'HLT_IsoMu20' in list(trigName): # print 'HLT_IsoMu20' # if 'HLT_Ele27_WPLoose_Gsf' in list(trigName): # print 'HLT_Ele27_WPLoose_Gsf' # print list(trigName) # for itr in list(trigName): # if itr.find('IsoMu')!=-1: print itr ## if itr.find('HLT_Ele27_WPLoose_Gsf')!=-1: print itr ### print (trig13,trig14) # print # if not isData: # trigstatus = False # triggers are not required for MC # if isData: # trigstatus = trig1 | trig2 | trig3 | trig4 | trig5 | trig6 | trig7 | trig8 | trig9 | trig10 | trig11 | trig12 #to include data with above triggers # if not isData: # if trigstatus == True : continue trigstatus = trig1 | trig2 | trig3 | trig4 | trig5 | trig6 | trig7 | trig8 | trig9 | trig10 | trig11 | trig12 | trig13 | trig14 if not trigstatus: continue #Currently doing this for both MC and data for itrig in range(len(list(trigName))): st_trigName.push_back(list(trigName)[itrig]) st_trigResult.push_back(bool(list(trigResult)[itrig])) # print (isData,trigstatus) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Filter selection # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- filterstatus = False filter1 = False filter2 = False filter3 = False filter4 = False filter5 = False filter6 = False ifilter_ = 0 filter1 = CheckFilter(filterName, filterResult, 'Flag_HBHENoiseFilter') filter2 = CheckFilter(filterName, filterResult, 'Flag_globalTightHalo2016Filter') filter3 = CheckFilter(filterName, filterResult, 'Flag_eeBadScFilter') filter4 = CheckFilter(filterName, filterResult, 'Flag_goodVertices') filter5 = CheckFilter(filterName, filterResult, 'Flag_EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter') filter6 = True #Flag_HBHENoiseIsoFilter if not isData: filterstatus = True if isData: filterstatus = filter1 & filter2 & filter3 & filter4 & filter5 & filter6 if filterstatus == False: continue # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## PFMET Selection # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # if samplename=="all": pfmetstatus = (pfMet > 200.0) # if pfmetstatus == False : continue # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- thinjetpassindex = [] nBjets = 0 for ithinjet in range(nTHINJets): j1 = thinjetP4[ithinjet] #if (j1.Pt() > 30.0)&(abs(j1.Eta())<2.4)&(bool(passThinJetLooseID[ithinjet])==True)&(bool(passThinJetPUID[ithinjet]) == True): if (j1.Pt() > 30.0) & (abs(j1.Eta()) < 2.4) & (bool( passThinJetLooseID[ithinjet]) == True): thinjetpassindex.append(ithinjet) if thinJetCSV[ithinjet] > CSVMWP: nBjets += 1 # print ('njet: ',len(thinjetpassindex)) # if len(thinjetpassindex) < 1 : continue # print nBjets # if nBjets < 1: continue thindCSVjetpassindex = [] ndBjets = 0 try: for jthinjet in range(nTHINdeepCSVJets): j1 = thindeepCSVjetP4[jthinjet] #if (j1.Pt() > 30.0)&(abs(j1.Eta())<2.4)&(bool(passThinJetLooseID[ithinjet])==True)&(bool(passThinJetPUID[ithinjet]) == True): if (j1.Pt() > 30.0) & (abs(j1.Eta()) < 2.4) & (bool( passThinJetLooseID[jthinjet]) == True): thindCSVjetpassindex.append(jthinjet) if thinJetdeepCSV[jthinjet] > DCSVMWP: ndBjets += 1 if len(thinjetpassindex) < 1 and len(thindCSVjetpassindex) < 1: continue except: if len(thinjetpassindex) < 1: continue # print ('njet: ',len(thinjetpassindex)) # if len(thindCSVjetpassindex) < 1 : continue # print nBjets # if nBjets < 1: continue # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Electron Veto # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- myEles = [] for iele in range(nEle): if (eleP4[iele].Pt() > 10.) & (abs(eleP4[iele].Eta()) < 2.5) & ( bool(eleIsPassLoose[iele]) == True): myEles.append(iele) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Muon Veto # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- myMuos = [] for imu in range(nMu): if (muP4[imu].Pt() > 10.) & (abs(muP4[imu].Eta()) < 2.4) & (bool( isLooseMuon[imu]) == True): relPFIso = (muChHadIso[imu] + max( 0., muNeHadIso[imu] + muGamIso[imu] - 0.5 * muPUPt[imu])) / muP4[imu].Pt() if relPFIso < 0.25: myMuos.append(imu) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Tau Veto # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- myTaus = [] for itau in range(nTau): if (tauP4[itau].Pt() > 18.) & (abs(tauP4[itau].Eta()) < 2.3) & ( bool(isDecayModeFinding[itau]) == True) & (bool( passLooseTauIso[itau]) == True): myTaus.append(itau) st_runId[0] = long(run) st_lumiSection[0] = lumi st_eventId[0] = event # print '-----------'+str(st_runId)+", "+str(st_lumiSection)+", "+str(st_eventId) st_pfMetCorrPt[0] = pfMet st_pfMetCorrPhi[0] = pfMetPhi st_isData[0] = isData st_HLT_PFMETNoMu90_PFMHTNoMu90_IDTight_v[0] = trig5 st_HLT_PFMETNoMu120_PFMHTNoMu120_IDTight_v[0] = trig8 st_HLT_IsoMu20[0] = trig13 st_HLT_Ele27_WPLoose_Gsf[0] = trig14 st_THINjetP4.clear() st_THINjetCISVV2.clear() st_THINjetHadronFlavor.clear() st_THINjetNHadEF.clear() st_THINjetCHadEF.clear() st_AK4deepCSVjetP4.clear() st_AK4deepCSVjetDeepCSV_b.clear() st_eleP4.clear() st_muP4.clear() st_muChHadIso.clear() st_muGamIso.clear() st_muNeHadIso.clear() st_HPSTau_4Momentum.clear() st_genParId.clear() st_genMomParId.clear() st_genParSt.clear() st_genParP4.clear() st_THINnJet[0] = len(thinjetpassindex) for ithinjet in thinjetpassindex: st_THINjetP4.push_back(thinjetP4[ithinjet]) st_THINjetCISVV2.push_back(thinJetCSV[ithinjet]) st_THINjetHadronFlavor.push_back(THINjetHadronFlavor[ithinjet]) st_THINjetNHadEF.push_back(thinjetNhadEF[ithinjet]) st_THINjetCHadEF.push_back(thinjetChadEF[ithinjet]) try: st_AK4deepCSVnJet[0] = len(thindCSVjetpassindex) for ithinjet in thindCSVjetpassindex: st_AK4deepCSVjetP4.push_back(thindeepCSVjetP4[ithinjet]) st_AK4deepCSVjetDeepCSV_b.push_back(thinJetdeepCSV[ithinjet]) except: pass st_nEle[0] = len(myEles) for iele in myEles: st_eleP4.push_back(eleP4[iele]) st_eleIsPassLoose.push_back(bool(eleIsPassLoose[iele])) st_eleIsPassMedium.push_back(bool(eleIsPassMedium[iele])) st_eleIsPassTight.push_back(bool(eleIsPassTight[iele])) st_nMu[0] = len(myMuos) for imu in myMuos: st_muP4.push_back(muP4[imu]) st_isLooseMuon.push_back(bool(isLooseMuon[imu])) st_isTightMuon.push_back(bool(isTightMuon[imu])) st_isMediumMuon.push_back(bool(isMediumMuon[imu])) st_muChHadIso.push_back(muChHadIso[imu]) st_muNeHadIso.push_back(muNeHadIso[imu]) st_muGamIso.push_back(muGamIso[imu]) st_muPUPt.push_back(muPUPt[imu]) st_HPSTau_n[0] = len(myTaus) for itau in myTaus: st_HPSTau_4Momentum.push_back(tauP4[itau]) st_pu_nTrueInt[0] = pu_nTrueInt # print pu_nTrueInt # print st_pu_nTrueInt[0] st_nGenPar[0] = nGenPar for igp in range(nGenPar): st_genParId.push_back(genParId[igp]) st_genMomParId.push_back(genMomParId[igp]) st_genParSt.push_back(genParSt[igp]) st_genParP4.push_back(genParP4[igp]) ## Fill variables for the CRs. WenuRecoil[0] = -1.0 Wenumass[0] = -1.0 WenuPhi[0] = -10. WmunuRecoil[0] = -1.0 Wmunumass[0] = -1.0 WmunuPhi[0] = -1.0 ZeeMass[0] = -1.0 ZeeRecoil[0] = -1.0 ZeePhi[0] = -10. ZmumuMass[0] = -1.0 ZmumuRecoil[0] = -1.0 ZmumuPhi[0] = -10. TOPRecoil[0] = -1.0 TOPPhi[0] = -10. ## for dielectron if len(myEles) >= 2: # ele1 = myEles[0] # ele2 = myEles[1] # p4_ele1 = eleP4[ele1] # p4_ele2 = eleP4[ele2] for iele1 in myEles: p4_ele1 = eleP4[iele1] for iele2 in myEles: if iele2 > iele1 and eleCharge[iele1] * eleCharge[ iele2] < 0: p4_ele2 = eleP4[iele2] ee_mass = (p4_ele1 + p4_ele2).M() zeeRecoilPx = -(pfMet * math.cos(pfMetPhi) - p4_ele1.Px() - p4_ele2.Px()) zeeRecoilPy = -(pfMet * math.sin(pfMetPhi) - p4_ele1.Py() - p4_ele2.Py()) ZeeRecoilPt = math.sqrt(zeeRecoilPx * zeeRecoilPx + zeeRecoilPy * zeeRecoilPy) if ee_mass > 70.0 and ee_mass < 110.0 and ZeeRecoilPt > 200.: ZeeRecoil[0] = ZeeRecoilPt ZeeMass[0] = ee_mass ZeePhi[0] = arctan(-zeeRecoilPx, -zeeRecoilPy) break # ee_mass = ( p4_ele1 + p4_ele2 ).M() # # #if not ( (ee_mass > 70.0 ) & (ee_mass < 110.0) ): continue # if not ( eleCharge[ele1] * eleCharge[ele2] > 0 ) : # zeeRecoilPx = -( pfMet*math.cos(pfMetPhi) - p4_ele1.Px() - p4_ele2.Px()) # zeeRecoilPy = -( pfMet*math.sin(pfMetPhi) - p4_ele1.Py() - p4_ele2.Py()) # ZeeRecoil[0] = math.sqrt(zeeRecoilPx * zeeRecoilPx + zeeRecoilPy*zeeRecoilPy) # ZeeMass[0] = ee_mass ## hardrecoil cut for ZJETS sample # if samplename == "ZJETS": # ZeeRecoilstatus =(ZeeRecoil > 200) # print(samplename,ZeeRecoilstatus) # if ZeeRecoilstatus == False : continue ## for dimu if len(myMuos) >= 2: # mu1 = myMuos[0] # mu2 = myMuos[1] # p4_mu1 = muP4[mu1] # p4_mu2 = muP4[mu2] # # mumu_mass = ( p4_mu1 + p4_mu2 ).M() # # #if not ( (mumu_mass > 70.0 ) & (mumu_mass < 110.0) ): continue # if not ( muCharge[mu1] * muCharge[mu2] > 0 ) : # zmumuRecoilPx = -( pfMet*math.cos(pfMetPhi) - p4_mu1.Px() - p4_mu2.Px()) # zmumuRecoilPy = -( pfMet*math.sin(pfMetPhi) - p4_mu1.Py() - p4_mu2.Py()) # ZmumuRecoil[0] = math.sqrt(zmumuRecoilPx * zmumuRecoilPx + zmumuRecoilPy*zmumuRecoilPy) # ZmumuMass[0] = mumu_mass for imu1 in myMuos: p4_mu1 = muP4[imu1] for imu2 in myMuos: if imu2 > imu1 and muCharge[imu1] * muCharge[imu2] < 0: p4_mu2 = muP4[imu2] mumu_mass = (p4_mu1 + p4_mu2).M() zmumuRecoilPx = -(pfMet * math.cos(pfMetPhi) - p4_mu1.Px() - p4_mu2.Px()) zmumuRecoilPy = -(pfMet * math.sin(pfMetPhi) - p4_mu1.Py() - p4_mu2.Py()) ZmumuRecoilPt = math.sqrt( zmumuRecoilPx * zmumuRecoilPx + zmumuRecoilPy * zmumuRecoilPy) if mumu_mass > 70.0 and mumu_mass < 110.0 and ZmumuRecoilPt > 200.: ZmumuRecoil[0] = ZmumuRecoilPt ZmumuMass[0] = mumu_mass ZeePhi[0] = arctan(-zmumuRecoilPx, -zmumuRecoilPy) break ## hardrecoil cut for ZJETS sample # if samplename == "ZJETS": if len(myEles) >= 2: ZRecoilstatus = (ZeeRecoil[0] > 200) elif len(myMuos) >= 2: ZRecoilstatus = (ZmumuRecoil[0] > 200) else: ZRecoilstatus = False # print(samplename,ZRecoilstatus) # if ZRecoilstatus == False : continue ## for Single electron if len(myEles) == 1: ele1 = myEles[0] p4_ele1 = eleP4[ele1] e_mass = MT( p4_ele1.Pt(), pfMet, DeltaPhi(p4_ele1.Phi(), pfMetPhi) ) #transverse mass defined as sqrt{2pT*MET*(1-cos(dphi)} #if not ( (e_mass > 50.0 ) & (e_mass < 160.0) ): continue WenuRecoilPx = -(pfMet * math.cos(pfMetPhi) - p4_ele1.Px()) WenuRecoilPy = -(pfMet * math.sin(pfMetPhi) - p4_ele1.Py()) WenuRecoilPt = math.sqrt(WenuRecoilPx * WenuRecoilPx + WenuRecoilPy * WenuRecoilPy) if WenuRecoilPt > 200.: WenuRecoil[0] = WenuRecoilPt Wenumass[0] = e_mass WenuPhi[0] = arctan(-WenuRecoilPx, -WenuRecoilPy) ## hardrecoil cut for WJETS sample # if samplename == "WJETS": # WenuRecoilstatus =(WenuRecoil > 200) # print(samplename,WenuRecoilstatus) # if WenuRecoilstatus == False : continue ## for Single muon if len(myMuos) == 1: mu1 = myMuos[0] p4_mu1 = muP4[mu1] mu_mass = MT( p4_mu1.Pt(), pfMet, DeltaPhi(p4_mu1.Phi(), pfMetPhi) ) #transverse mass defined as sqrt{2pT*MET*(1-cos(dphi)} #if not ( (mu_mass > 50.0 ) & (mu_mass < 160.0) ): continue WmunuRecoilPx = -(pfMet * math.cos(pfMetPhi) - p4_mu1.Px()) WmunuRecoilPy = -(pfMet * math.sin(pfMetPhi) - p4_mu1.Py()) WmunuRecoilPt = math.sqrt(WmunuRecoilPx * WmunuRecoilPx + WmunuRecoilPy * WmunuRecoilPy) if WmunuRecoilPt > 200.: WmunuRecoil[0] = WmunuRecoilPt Wmunumass[0] = mu_mass WmunuPhi[0] = arctan(-WmunuRecoilPx, -WmunuRecoilPy) ## hardrecoil cut for WJETS sample # if samplename == "WJETS": if len(myEles) == 1: WRecoilstatus = (WenuRecoil[0] > 200) elif len(myMuos) == 1: WRecoilstatus = (WmunuRecoil[0] > 200) else: WRecoilstatus = False # print(samplename,WRecoilstatus) # if WRecoilstatus == False : continue ## for Single electron && Single Muon if len(myEles) >= 1 and len(myMuos) >= 1: # ele1 = myEles[0] # p4_ele1 = eleP4[ele1] # mu1 = myMuos[0] # p4_mu1 = muP4[mu1] # # #e_mass = MT(p4_ele1.Pt(),pfMet, DeltaPhi(p4_ele1.Phi(),pfMetPhi)) #transverse mass defined as sqrt{2pT*MET*(1-cos(dphi)} # #mu_mass = MT(p4_mu1.Pt(),pfMet, DeltaPhi(p4_mu1.Phi(),pfMetPhi)) # #if not ( (e_mass > 50.0 ) & (e_mass < 160.0) ): continue # # TOPenumunuRecoilPx = -( pfMet*math.cos(pfMetPhi) - p4_mu1.Px() -p4_ele1.Px()) # TOPenumunuRecoilPy = -( pfMet*math.sin(pfMetPhi) - p4_mu1.Py() -p4_ele1.Py()) # TOPRecoil[0] = math.sqrt(TOPenumunuRecoilPx * TOPenumunuRecoilPx + TOPenumunuRecoilPy*TOPenumunuRecoilPy) for iele in myEles: p4_ele1 = eleP4[iele] for imu in myMuos: p4_mu1 = muP4[imu] TOPenumunuRecoilPx = -(pfMet * math.cos(pfMetPhi) - p4_mu1.Px() - p4_ele1.Px()) TOPenumunuRecoilPy = -(pfMet * math.sin(pfMetPhi) - p4_mu1.Py() - p4_ele1.Py()) TOPenumunuRecoilPt = math.sqrt( TOPenumunuRecoilPx * TOPenumunuRecoilPx + TOPenumunuRecoilPy * TOPenumunuRecoilPy) if TOPenumunuRecoilPt > 200: TOPRecoil[0] = TOPenumunuRecoilPt TOPPhi[0] = arctan(-TOPenumunuRecoilPx, -TOPenumunuRecoilPy) break TOPRecoilstatus = (TOPRecoil[0] > 200) if pfmetstatus == False and ZRecoilstatus == False and WRecoilstatus == False and TOPRecoilstatus == False: continue # if ZRecoilstatus: # print ('Z: ',nEle, nMu, ZeeMass[0], ZmumuMass[0]) # if WRecoilstatus: # print ('W: ', Wenumass[0], Wmunumass[0]) # if TOPRecoilstatus: # print ('T: ',nEle, nMu, TOPenumunuRecoilPt) outTree.Fill() h_total_mcweight.Write() h_total.Write() samplepath.Write() outfile.Write()
def tag(self, name, content): named = TNamed(name, content) oldDir = gDirectory named.Write()
def __init__(self, key, value): """Initialize a string value.""" TNamed.__init__(self, key, value)
# Declare the file file_Output_S = TFile( "%s_VFAT%s_ID_%s_ScurveOutput.root" % (TestName, pos, port), "RECREATE", "", 1) dir_S_ChipID = file_Output_S.mkdir("ChipID") dir_S_Thresholds = file_Output_S.mkdir("Thresholds") dir_S_TrimDACValues = file_Output_S.mkdir("TrimDACValues") dir_S_SCurveMeanByChan = file_Output_S.mkdir( "SCurveMeanByChannel") dir_S_SCurveSigma = file_Output_S.mkdir("SCurvesSigma") dir_S_SCurveByChan = file_Output_S.mkdir("SCurveByChannel") dir_S_SCurveExample = file_Output_S.mkdir("SCurveExample") dir_S_SCurveSeparation = file_Output_S.mkdir( "SCurveSeparation") chipID = TNamed("VFAT%s" % (pos), str(port)) chipID.Write() chipID.Write() Canvas = TCanvas() #Number of the example channel for which the SCURVE and its fit are printed. SCUVRE = 15 # build a rectangle in axes coords VCALmean14 = [ ] #to plot VCal means for one channel (SCUVRE) for all chips VCALcov14 = [ ] #to plot VCal covs for one channel (SCUVRE) for all chips Threshold_2 = False
def main(argv): print("=======================================") print("LAT started:",time.strftime('%X %x %Z')) startT = time.clock() # gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 3001;") # suppress ROOT error messages global batMode intMode, batMode, rangeMode, fileMode, gatMode, singleMode, pathMode, cutMode = False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False dontUseTCuts = False dsNum, subNum, runNum, plotNum = -1, -1, -1, 1 pathToInput, pathToOutput, manualInput, manualOutput, customPar = ".", ".", "", "", "" if len(argv)==0: return for i,opt in enumerate(argv): if opt == "-r": rangeMode, dsNum, subNum = True, int(argv[i+1]), int(argv[i+2]) print("Scanning DS-%d sub-range %d" % (dsNum, subNum)) if opt == "-p": pathMode, manualInput, manualOutput = True, argv[i+1], argv[i+2] print("Manually set input/output files:\nInput: %s\nOutput: %s" % (manualInput, manualOutput)) if opt == "-d": pathToInput, pathToOutput = argv[i+1], argv[i+2] print("Custom paths: Input %s, Output %s" % (pathToInput,pathToOutput)) if opt == "-f": fileMode, dsNum, runNum = True, int(argv[i+1]), int(argv[i+2]) print("Scanning DS-%d, run %d" % (dsNum, runNum)) if opt == "-g": gatMode, runNum = True, int(argv[i+1]) print("GATDataSet mode. Scanning run %d" % (runNum)) if opt == "-s": singleMode, pathToInput = True, argv[i+1] print("Single file mode. Scanning {}".format(pathToInput)) if opt == "-i": intMode, plotNum = True, int(argv[i+1]) print("Interactive mode selected. Use \"p\" for previous and \"q\" to exit.") if opt == "-x": dontUseTCuts = True print("DC TCuts deactivated. Retaining all events ...") if opt == "-c": cutMode, customPar = True, str(argv[i+1]) print("Using custom cut parameter: {}".format(customPar)) if opt == "-b": batMode = True import matplotlib # if os.environ.get('DISPLAY','') == '': # print('No display found. Using non-interactive Agg backend') matplotlib.use('Agg') print("Batch mode selected. A new file will be created.") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import gridspec import matplotlib.ticker as mtick'pltTalks.mplstyle') from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm, Normalize # File I/O inFile, outFile, bltFile = TFile(), TFile(), TFile() gatTree, bltTree, out = TTree(), TTree(), TTree() theCut, inPath, outPath = "", "", "" # Set input and output files if rangeMode: inPath = "%s/waveSkimDS%d_%d.root" % (pathToInput, dsNum, subNum) outPath = "%s/latSkimDS%d_%d.root" % (pathToOutput, dsNum, subNum) if fileMode: inPath = "%s/waveSkimDS%d_run%d.root" % (pathToInput, dsNum, runNum) outPath = "%s/latSkimDS%d_run%d.root" % (pathToOutput, dsNum, runNum) if pathMode: inPath, outPath = manualInput, manualOutput if gatMode: ds = GATDataSet() gatPath = ds.GetPathToRun(runNum,GATDataSet.kGatified) bltPath = ds.GetPathToRun(runNum,GATDataSet.kBuilt) outPath = "%s/lat_run%d.root" % (pathToOutput, runNum) if pathMode and gatMode: outPath = manualOutput # Initialize trees if rangeMode or fileMode or pathMode: inFile = TFile(inPath) gatTree = inFile.Get("skimTree") print(gatTree.GetEntries(),"entries in input tree.") elif gatMode: inFile = TFile(gatPath) bltFile = TFile(bltPath) gatTree = inFile.Get("mjdTree") bltTree = bltFile.Get("MGTree") gatTree.AddFriend(bltTree) if singleMode: inFile = TFile(pathToInput) gatTree = inFile.Get("skimTree") # apply cut to tree if (rangeMode or fileMode or pathMode) and not dontUseTCuts: try: theCut = inFile.Get("theCut").GetTitle() except ReferenceError: theCut = "" if cutMode: # theCut += customPar # theCut = "(channel==672 || channel==674) && mH==2" # sync chan: 672, extp chan: 674 # theCut += " && fitSlo < 10" # theCut = "trapENFCal > 1 && trapENFCal < 10 && riseNoise > 2" theCut = "trapENFCal > 20 && trapENFCal < 100 && riseNoise > 2" print("WARNING: Custom cut in use! : ",theCut) gatTree.Draw(">>elist", theCut, "entrylist") elist = gDirectory.Get("elist") gatTree.SetEntryList(elist) nList = elist.GetN() print("Using cut:\n",theCut) print("Found",gatTree.GetEntries(),"input entries.") print("Found",nList,"entries passing cuts.") # Output: In batch mode (-b) only, create an output file+tree & append new branches. if batMode and not intMode: outFile = TFile(outPath, "RECREATE") print("Attempting tree copy to",outPath) out = gatTree.CopyTree("") out.Write() print("Wrote",out.GetEntries(),"entries.") cutUsed = TNamed("theCut",theCut) cutUsed.Write() waveS1, waveS2 = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() waveS3, waveS4, waveS5 = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() bcMax, bcMin = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() bandMax, bandTime = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() den10, den50, den90 = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() oppie = std.vector("double")() fitMu, fitAmp, fitSlo = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() fitTau, fitBL = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() matchMax, matchWidth, matchTime = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() pol0, pol1, pol2, pol3 = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() fails, fitChi2, fitLL = std.vector("int")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() riseNoise = std.vector("double")() t0_SLE, t0_ALE, lat, latF = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() latAF, latFC, latAFC = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() nMS = std.vector("int")() tE50, latE50, wfStd = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() wfAvgBL, wfRMSBL = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() fitErr = std.vector("int")() # It's not possible to put the "out.Branch" call into a class initializer (waveLibs::latBranch). You suck, ROOT. b1, b2 = out.Branch("waveS1",waveS1), out.Branch("waveS2",waveS2) b3, b4, b5 = out.Branch("waveS3",waveS3), out.Branch("waveS4",waveS4), out.Branch("waveS5",waveS5) b7, b8 = out.Branch("bcMax",bcMax), out.Branch("bcMin",bcMin) b9, b10 = out.Branch("bandMax",bandMax), out.Branch("bandTime",bandTime) b11, b12, b13 = out.Branch("den10",den10), out.Branch("den50",den50), out.Branch("den90",den90) b14 = out.Branch("oppie",oppie) b15, b16, b17 = out.Branch("fitMu", fitMu), out.Branch("fitAmp", fitAmp), out.Branch("fitSlo", fitSlo) b18, b19 = out.Branch("fitTau",fitTau), out.Branch("fitBL",fitBL) b20, b21, b22 = out.Branch("matchMax", matchMax), out.Branch("matchWidth", matchWidth), out.Branch("matchTime", matchTime) b23, b24, b25, b26 = out.Branch("pol0", pol0), out.Branch("pol1", pol1), out.Branch("pol2", pol2), out.Branch("pol3", pol3) b27, b28, b29 = out.Branch("fails",fails), out.Branch("fitChi2",fitChi2), out.Branch("fitLL",fitLL) b30 = out.Branch("riseNoise",riseNoise) b31, b32, b33, b34 = out.Branch("t0_SLE",t0_SLE), out.Branch("t0_ALE",t0_ALE), out.Branch("lat",lat), out.Branch("latF",latF) b35, b36, b37 = out.Branch("latAF",latAF), out.Branch("latFC",latFC), out.Branch("latAFC",latAFC) b38 = out.Branch("nMS",nMS) b39, b40, b41 = out.Branch("tE50", tE50), out.Branch("latE50", latE50), out.Branch("wfStd", wfStd) b42, b43 = out.Branch("wfAvgBL", wfAvgBL), out.Branch("wfRMSBL", wfRMSBL) b44 = out.Branch("fitErr",fitErr) # make a dictionary that can be iterated over (avoids code repetition in the loop) brDict = { "waveS1":[waveS1, b1], "waveS2":[waveS2, b2], "waveS3":[waveS3, b3], "waveS4":[waveS4, b4], "waveS5":[waveS5, b5], "bcMax":[bcMax, b7], "bcMin":[bcMin, b8], "bandMax":[bandMax, b9], "bandTime":[bandTime, b10], "den10":[den10, b11], "den50":[den50, b12], "den90":[den90, b13], "oppie":[oppie, b14], "fitMu":[fitMu, b15], "fitAmp":[fitAmp, b16], "fitSlo":[fitSlo, b17], "fitTau":[fitTau, b18], "fitBL":[fitBL,b19], "matchMax":[matchMax, b20], "matchWidth":[matchWidth, b21], "matchTime":[matchTime, b22], "pol0":[pol0, b23], "pol1":[pol1, b24], "pol2":[pol2, b25], "pol3":[pol3, b26], "fails":[fails,b27], "fitChi2":[fitChi2,b28], "fitLL":[fitLL,b29], "riseNoise":[riseNoise,b30], "t0_SLE":[t0_SLE,b31], "t0_ALE":[t0_ALE,b32], "lat":[lat,b33], "latF":[latF,b34], "latAF":[latAF,b35], "latFC":[latFC,b36], "latAFC":[latAFC,b37], "nMS":[nMS,b38], "tE50":[tE50,b39], "latE50":[latE50,b40], "wfStd":[wfStd,b41], "wfAvgBL":[wfAvgBL,b42], "wfRMSBL":[wfRMSBL,b43], "fitErr":[fitErr,b44] } # Make a figure (-i option: select different plots) # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9), facecolor='w') fig = plt.figure() if plotNum==0 or plotNum==7 or plotNum==8: p0 = plt.subplot(111) # 0-raw waveform, 7-new trap filters elif plotNum==1 or plotNum==2: p0 = plt.subplot(211) # 1-wavelet, 2-time points, bandpass filters, tail slope p1 = plt.subplot(212) elif plotNum==3: p0 = plt.subplot2grid((2,5), (0,0), colspan=3) # oppie / freq-domain matched filter p1 = plt.subplot2grid((2,5), (0,3), colspan=2) p2 = plt.subplot2grid((2,5), (1,0), colspan=3) elif plotNum==4: p0 = plt.subplot(111) # time-domain matched filter elif plotNum==5: p0 = plt.subplot(111) # bandpass / bandTime elif plotNum==6: p0 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (0,0), colspan=10, rowspan=3) # waveform fit p1 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (3,0), colspan=10, rowspan=1) # residual p2 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (4,0), colspan=2, rowspan=2) # traces p3 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (4,2), colspan=2, rowspan=2) p4 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (4,4), colspan=2, rowspan=2) p5 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (4,6), colspan=2, rowspan=2) p6 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (4,8), colspan=2, rowspan=2) elif plotNum==9: p0 = plt.subplot2grid((5,1), (0,0)) # 9- wpt on wf fit residual p1 = plt.subplot2grid((5,1), (1,0), rowspan=2) p2 = plt.subplot2grid((5,1), (3,0), rowspan=2) if not batMode: # Load a fast signal template - used w/ the freq-domain matched filter # print("Generating signal template ...") tSamp, tR, tZ, tAmp, tST, tSlo = 5000, 0, 15, 100, 2500, 10 # tOrig, tOrigTS = wl.MakeSiggenWaveform(tSamp,tR,tZ,tAmp,tST,tSlo) # Damn you to hell, PDSF templateFile = np.load("%s/data/lat_template.npz" % os.environ['LATDIR']) if dsNum==2 or dsNum==6: templateFile = np.load("%s/data/lat_ds2template.npz" % os.environ['LATDIR']) tOrig, tOrigTS = templateFile['arr_0'], templateFile['arr_1'] # Load stuff from DS1 forced acq. runs npzfile = np.load("%s/data/fft_forcedAcqDS1.npz" % os.environ['LATDIR']) noise_asd, noise_xFreq, avgPwrSpec, xPwrSpec, data_forceAcq, data_fft = npzfile['arr_0'],npzfile['arr_1'],npzfile['arr_2'],npzfile['arr_3'],npzfile['arr_4'],npzfile['arr_5'] # Loop over events print("Starting event loop ...") iList = -1 while True: iList += 1 if intMode==True and iList != 0: value = input() if value=='q': break # quit if value=='p': iList -= 2 # go to previous if (value.isdigit()): iList = int(value) # go to entry number elif intMode==False and batMode==False: plt.pause(0.00001) # rapid-draw mode if iList >= nList: break # bail out, goose! entry = gatTree.GetEntryNumber(iList); gatTree.LoadTree(entry) gatTree.GetEntry(entry) nChans = event = MGTEvent() if gatMode: event = bltTree.event # Reset all branch vectors # NOTE: The events sometimes contain 'straggler' hits that do not pass the # given TCut. This line sets ALL the new parameters to -88888 by default. # If you see this value in a plot, then you must be including hits that # passed the cut in wave-skim but did not pass the (different?) cut in LAT. for key in brDict: brDict[key][0].assign(nChans,-88888) brDict["fails"][0].assign(nChans,0) # set error code to 'true' by default errorCode = [0,0,0,0] # Loop over hits passing cuts numPass = gatTree.Draw("channel",theCut,"GOFF",1,iList) chans = gatTree.GetV1() chanList = list(set(int(chans[n]) for n in range(numPass))) hitList = (iH for iH in range(nChans) if in chanList) # a 'generator expression' for iH in hitList: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Waveform processing # load data run = chan = dataENFCal = dataENM = dataTSMax =*10. - 4000 wf = MGTWaveform() iEvent = 0 if gatMode: wf = event.GetWaveform(iH) iEvent = entry else: wf = iEvent = gatTree.iEvent # print("%d: run %d chan %d trapENFCal %.2f" % (iList, run, chan, dataENFCal)) # be absolutely sure you're matching the right waveform to this hit if wf.GetID() != chan: print("ERROR -- Vector matching failed. iList %d run %d iEvent %d" % (iList,run,iEvent)) return # Let's start the show - grab a waveform. # Remove first 4 samples when we have multisampling # Remove last 2 samples to get rid of the ADC spike at the end of all wf's. truncLo, truncHi = 0, 2 if dsNum==6 or dsNum==2: truncLo = 4 signal = wl.processWaveform(wf,truncLo,truncHi) data = signal.GetWaveRaw() data_blSub = signal.GetWaveBLSub() dataTS = signal.GetTS() dataBL,dataNoise = signal.GetBaseNoise() # wavelet packet transform wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data_blSub, 'db2', 'symmetric', maxlevel=4) nodes = wp.get_level(4, order='freq') wpCoeff = np.array([ for n in nodes],'d') wpCoeff = abs(wpCoeff) # wavelet parameters # First get length of wavelet on the time axis, the scale axis will always be the same # due to the number of levels in the wavelet wpLength = len(wpCoeff[1,:]) waveS1[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[0:1,1:wpLength//4+1]) # python3 : floor division (//) returns an int waveS2[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[0:1,wpLength//4+1:wpLength//2+1]) waveS3[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[0:1,wpLength//2+1:3*wpLength//4+1]) waveS4[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[0:1,3*wpLength//4+1:-1]) waveS5[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:-1,1:-1]) S6 = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:9,1:wpLength//4+1]) S7 = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:9,wpLength//4+1:wpLength//2+1]) S8 = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:9,wpLength//2+1:3*wpLength//4+1]) S9 = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:9,3*wpLength//4+1:-1]) S10 = np.sum(wpCoeff[9:,1:wpLength//4+1]) S11 = np.sum(wpCoeff[9:,wpLength//4+1:wpLength//2+1]) S12 = np.sum(wpCoeff[9:,wpLength//2+1:3*wpLength//4+1]) S13 = np.sum(wpCoeff[9:,3*wpLength//4+1:-1]) sumList = [S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S13] bcMax[iH] = np.max(sumList) bcMin[iH] = 1. if np.min(sumList) < 1 else np.min(sumList) # reconstruct waveform w/ only lowest frequency. new_wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data=None, wavelet='db2', mode='symmetric') new_wp['aaa'] = wp['aaa'].data data_wlDenoised = new_wp.reconstruct(update=False) # resize in a smart way diff = len(data_wlDenoised) - len(data_blSub) if diff > 0: data_wlDenoised = data_wlDenoised[diff:] # waveform high/lowpass filters - parameters are a little arbitrary B1,A1 = butter(2, [1e5/(1e8/2),1e6/(1e8/2)], btype='bandpass') data_bPass = lfilter(B1, A1, data_blSub) # used in the multisite tagger B2, A2 = butter(1, 0.08) data_filt = filtfilt(B2, A2, data_blSub) data_filtDeriv = wl.wfDerivative(data_filt) filtAmp = np.amax(data_filtDeriv) # scale the max to match the amplitude data_filtDeriv = data_filtDeriv * (dataENM / filtAmp) B3, A3 = butter(2,1e6/(1e8/2), btype='lowpass') data_lPass = lfilter(B3, A3, data_blSub) idx = np.where((dataTS > dataTS[0]+100) & (dataTS < dataTS[-1]-100)) windowingOffset = dataTS[idx][0] - dataTS[0] bandMax[iH] = np.amax(data_bPass[idx]) bandTime[iH] = dataTS[ np.argmax(data_bPass[idx])] - windowingOffset # timepoints of low-pass waveforms tpc = MGWFTimePointCalculator(); tpc.AddPoint(.2) tpc.AddPoint(.5) tpc.AddPoint(.9) mgtLowPass = wl.MGTWFFromNpArray(data_lPass) tpc.FindTimePoints(mgtLowPass) den10[iH] = tpc.GetFromStartRiseTime(0)*10 den50[iH] = tpc.GetFromStartRiseTime(1)*10 den90[iH] = tpc.GetFromStartRiseTime(2)*10 # ================ xgauss waveform fitting ================ amp, mu, sig, tau, bl = dataENM, dataTSMax, 600., -72000., dataBL floats = np.asarray([amp, mu, sig, tau, bl]) temp = xgModelWF(dataTS, floats) if not batMode: MakeTracesGlobal() # get the noise of the denoised wf denoisedNoise,_,_ = wl.baselineParameters(data_wlDenoised) # NOTE: fit is to wavelet-denoised data, BECAUSE there are no HF components in the model, # AND we'll still calculate fitChi2 w/r/t the data, not the denoised data. # datas = [dataTS, data, dataNoise] # fit data datas = [dataTS, data_wlDenoised + dataBL, denoisedNoise] # fit wavelet-denoised data w/ Bl added back in # Set bounds - A,mu,sig,tau,bl. # bnd = ((None,None),(None,None),(None,None),(None,None),(None,None)) # often gets caught at sig=0 bnd = ((None,None),(None,None),(2.,None),(-72001.,-71999.),(None,None)) # gets caught much less often. # L-BGFS-B with numerical gradient. start = time.clock() result = op.minimize(lnLike, floats, args=datas, method="L-BFGS-B", options=None, bounds=bnd) fitSpeed = time.clock() - start fitErr[iH] = 0 if not result["success"]: # print("fit fail: ", result["message"]) fitErr[iH] = 1 errorCode[0] = 1 amp, mu, sig, tau, bl = result["x"] # save parameters fitMu[iH], fitAmp[iH], fitSlo[iH], fitTau[iH], fitBL[iH] = mu, amp, sig, tau, bl floats = np.asarray([amp, mu, sig, tau, bl]) fit = xgModelWF(dataTS, floats) # print("%d/%d iH %d e %-10.2f fs %-8.2f f %d" % (iList, nList, iH, dataENFCal, fitSlo[iH], fitErr[iH])) # log-likelihood of this fit fitLL[iH] = result["fun"] # chi-square of this fit # Textbook is (observed - expected)^2 / expected, # but we'll follow and do (observed - expected)^2 / NDF. # NOTE: we're doing the chi2 against the DATA, though the FIT is to the DENOISED DATA. fitChi2[iH] = np.sum(np.square(data-fit)) / (len(data)-1)/dataNoise # get wavelet coeff's for rising edge only. normalize to bcMin # view this w/ plot 1 # find the window of rising edge fit_blSub = fit - bl fitMaxTime = dataTS[np.argmax(fit_blSub)] fitStartTime = dataTS[0] idx = np.where(fit_blSub < 0.1) if len(dataTS[idx] > 0): fitStartTime = dataTS[idx][-1] fitRiseTime50 = (fitMaxTime + fitStartTime)/2. # bcMin is 32 samples long in the x-direction. # if we make the window half as wide, it'll have the same # of coeff's as bcMin. # this is still 'cheating' since we're not summing over the same rows. numXRows = wpCoeff.shape[1] wpCtrRise = int((fitRiseTime50 - dataTS[0]) / (dataTS[-1] - dataTS[0]) * numXRows) wpLoRise = wpCtrRise - 8 if wpLoRise < 0: wpLoRise = 0 wpHiRise = wpCtrRise + 8 if wpHiRise > numXRows: wpHiRise = numXRows # sum all HF wavelet components for this edge. riseNoise[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:-1,wpLoRise:wpHiRise]) / bcMin[iH] # print("%d %d %d %d e %-5.2f bmax %-6.2f bmin %-6.2f mu %-5.2f a %-5.2f s %-5.2f bl %-5.2f rn %.2f" % (run,iList,iH,chan,dataENFCal,bcMax[iH],bcMin[iH],fitMu[iH],fitAmp[iH],fitSlo[iH],fitBL[iH],riseNoise[iH])) # ========================================================= # optimal matched filter (freq. domain) # we use the pysiggen fast template (not the fit result) to keep this independent of the wf fitter. # pull in the template, shift it, and make sure it's the same length as the data guessTS = tOrigTS - 15000. idx = np.where((guessTS > -5) & (guessTS < dataTS[-1])) guessTS, guess = guessTS[idx], tOrig[idx] if len(guess)!=len(data): if len(guess)>len(data): guess, guessTS = guess[0:len(data)], guessTS[0:len(data)] else: guess = np.pad(guess, (0,len(data)-len(guess)), 'edge') guessTS = np.pad(guessTS, (0,len(data)-len(guessTS)), 'edge') data_fft = np.fft.fft(data_blSub) # can also try taking fft of the low-pass data temp_fft = np.fft.fft(guess) datafreq = np.fft.fftfreq(data.size) * 1e8 power_vec = np.interp(datafreq, noise_xFreq, noise_asd) # load power spectra from file # Apply the filter optimal = data_fft * temp_fft.conjugate() / power_vec optimal_time = 2 * np.fft.ifft(optimal) # Normalize the output df = np.abs(datafreq[1] - datafreq[0]) # freq. bin size sigmasq = 2 * (temp_fft * temp_fft.conjugate() / power_vec).sum() * df sigma = np.sqrt(np.abs(sigmasq)) SNR = abs(optimal_time) / (sigma) oppie[iH] = np.amax(SNR) # time-domain matched filter. use the baseline-subtracted wf as data, and fit_blSub too. # make a longer best-fit waveform s/t it can be shifted L/R. matchTS = np.append(dataTS, np.arange(dataTS[-1], dataTS[-1] + 20000, 10)) # add 2000 samples match = xgModelWF(matchTS, [amp, mu+10000., sig, tau, bl]) # shift mu accordingly match = match[::-1] - bl # time flip and subtract off bl # line up the max of the 'match' (flipped wf) with the max of the best-fit wf # this kills the 1-1 matching between matchTS and dataTS (each TS has some offset) matchMaxTime = matchTS[np.argmax(match)] matchTS = matchTS + (fitMaxTime - matchMaxTime) # resize match, matchTS to have same # samples as data, dataTS. # this is the only case we really care about # ("too early" and "too late" also happen, but the shift is larger than the trigger walk, making it unphysical) if matchTS[0] <= dataTS[0] and matchTS[-1] >= dataTS[-1]: idx = np.where((matchTS >= dataTS[0]) & (matchTS <= dataTS[-1])) match, matchTS = match[idx], matchTS[idx] sizeDiff = len(dataTS)-len(matchTS) if sizeDiff < 0: match, matchTS = match[:sizeDiff], matchTS[:sizeDiff] elif sizeDiff > 0: match = np.hstack((match, np.zeros(sizeDiff))) matchTS = np.hstack((matchTS, dataTS[-1*sizeDiff:])) if len(match) != len(data): print("FIXME: match filter array manip is still broken.") # compute match filter parameters matchMax[iH], matchWidth[iH], matchTime[iH] = -888, -888, -888 if len(match)==len(data): smoothMF = gaussian_filter(match * data_blSub, sigma=5.) matchMax[iH] = np.amax(smoothMF) matchTime[iH] = matchTS[ np.argmax(smoothMF) ] idx = np.where(smoothMF > matchMax[iH]/2.) if len(matchTS[idx]>1): matchWidth[iH] = matchTS[idx][-1] - matchTS[idx][0] # Fit tail slope to polynomial. Guard against fit fails idx = np.where(dataTS >= fitMaxTime) tail, tailTS = data[idx], dataTS[idx] popt1,popt2 = 0,0 try: popt1,_ = op.curve_fit(wl.tailModelPol, tailTS, tail) pol0[iH], pol1[iH], pol2[iH], pol3[iH] = popt1[0], popt1[1], popt1[2], popt1[3] except: # print("curve_fit tailModelPol failed, run %i event %i channel %i" % (run, iList, chan)) errorCode[2] = 1 pass # ========================================================= # new trap filters. # params: t0_SLE, t0_ALE, lat, latF, latAF, latFC, latAFC # calculate trapezoids # standard trapezoid - prone to walking, less sensitive to noise. use to find energy eTrap = wl.trapFilter(data_blSub, 400, 250, 7200.) eTrapTS = np.arange(0, len(eTrap)*10., 10) eTrapInterp = interpolate.interp1d(eTrapTS, eTrap) # short trapezoid - triggers more quickly, sensitive to noise. use to find t0 sTrap = wl.trapFilter(data_blSub, 100, 150, 7200.) sTrapTS = np.arange(0, len(sTrap)*10., 10) # asymmetric trapezoid - used to find the t0 only aTrap = wl.asymTrapFilter(data_blSub, 4, 10, 200, True) # (0.04us, 0.1us, 2.0us) aTrapTS = np.arange(0, len(aTrap)*10., 10) # find leading edges (t0 times) # limit the range from 0 to 10us, and use an ADC threshold of 1.0 as suggested by DCR t0_SLE[iH],_ = wl.walkBackT0(sTrap, eTrapTS[-1]+7000-4000-2000, 1., 0, 1000) # (in ns) finds leading edge from short trap t0_ALE[iH],_ = wl.walkBackT0(aTrap, eTrapTS[-1]+7000-4000-2000, 1., 0, 1000) # (in ns) finds leading edge from asymmetric trap # standard energy trapezoid w/ a baseline padded waveform data_pad = np.pad(data_blSub,(200,0),'symmetric') pTrap = wl.trapFilter(data_pad, 400, 250, 7200.) pTrapTS = np.linspace(0, len(pTrap)*10, len(pTrap)) pTrapInterp = interpolate.interp1d(pTrapTS, pTrap) # calculate energy parameters # standard amplitude. basically trapEM, but w/o NL correction if the input WF doesn't have it. lat[iH] = np.amax(eTrap) # Calculate DCR suggested amplitude, using the 50% to the left and right of the maximum point t0_F50,t0fail1 = wl.walkBackT0(pTrap, thresh=lat[iH]*0.5, rmin=0, rmax=len(pTrap)-1) t0_B50,t0fail2 = wl.walkBackT0(pTrap, thresh=lat[iH]*0.5, rmin=0, rmax=len(pTrap)-1, forward=True) t0_E50 = (t0_F50 + t0_B50)/2.0 #TODO -- if it's necessary due to the trigger walk, we could potentially add a way to recursively increase the threshold until a timepoint is found, however it will still always fail for most noise events if not t0fail1 or not t0fail2: latE50[iH] = 0 # Set amplitude to 0 if one of the evaluations failed else: latE50[iH] = pTrapInterp(t0_E50) # Maybe I should call this latDCR50 to confuse people tE50[iH] = t0_B50 - t0_F50 # Save the difference between the middle points, can be used as a cut later # standard amplitude with t0 from the shorter traps # If either fixed pickoff time (t0) is < 0, use the first sample as the amplitude (energy). latF[iH] = eTrapInterp( np.amax([t0_SLE[iH]-7000+4000+2000, 0.]) ) # This should be ~trapEF latAF[iH] = eTrapInterp( np.amax([t0_ALE[iH]-7000+4000+2000, 0.]) ) # amplitude from padded trapezoid, with t0 from short traps and a correction function # function is under development. currently: f() = exp(p0 + p1*E), p0 ~ 7.8, p1 ~ -0.45 and -0.66 # functional walk back distance is *either* the minimum of the function value, or 5500 (standard value) # t0_corr = -7000+6000+2000 # no correction t0_corr = -7000+6000+2000 - np.amin([np.exp(7.8 - 0.45*lat[iH]),1000.]) t0A_corr = -7000+6000+2000 - np.amin([np.exp(7.8 - 0.66*lat[iH]),1000.]) latFC[iH] = pTrapInterp( np.amax([t0_SLE[iH] + t0_corr, 0.]) ) latAFC[iH] = pTrapInterp( np.amax([t0_ALE[iH] + t0A_corr, 0.]) ) # ========================================================= # the genius multisite event tagger - plot 8 # decide a threshold dIdx = np.argmax(data_filtDeriv) dMax = data_filtDeriv[dIdx] dRMS,_,_ = wl.baselineParameters(data_filtDeriv) # msThresh = np.amax([dMax * .2, dRMS * 5.]) # msThresh = dMax * .15 msThresh = 50. # I don't know. this seems like a good value # run peak detect algorithm maxtab,_ = wl.peakdet(data_filtDeriv, msThresh) # profit msList = [] for iMax in range(len(maxtab)): idx = int(maxtab[iMax][0]) val = maxtab[iMax][1] msList.append(dataTS[idx]) # print("%d idx %d TS %d val %.2f thresh %.2f" % (iList, idx, dataTS[idx], val, msThresh)) nMS[iH] = len(maxtab) # ========================================================= # wfStd analysis wfAvgBL[iH] = dataBL wfRMSBL[iH] = dataNoise wfStd[iH] = np.std(data[5:-5]) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End waveform processing. # Calculate error code fails[iH] = 0 for i,j in enumerate(errorCode): if j==1: fails[iH] += int(j)<<i # print("fails:",fails[iH]) # Make plots! if batMode: continue if plotNum==0: # raw data p0.cla() p0.plot(dataTS,data,'b') p0.set_title("Run %d Entry %d Channel %d ENFCal %.2f" % (run,iList,chan,dataENFCal)) p0.set_xlabel("Time (ns)", ha='right', x=1.) p0.set_ylabel("Voltage (ADC)", ha='right', y=1.) if plotNum==1: # wavelet plot p0.cla() p0.margins(x=0) p0.plot(dataTS,data_blSub,color='blue',label='data (%.2f keV)' % dataENFCal) p0.plot(dataTS,data_wlDenoised,color='cyan',label='denoised',alpha=0.7) p0.axvline(fitRiseTime50,color='green',label='fit 50%',linewidth=2) p0.plot(dataTS,fit_blSub,color='red',label='bestfit',linewidth=2) # p0.set_title("Run %d Entry %d Channel %d ENFCal %.2f flo %.0f fhi %.0f fhi-flo %.0f" % (run,iList,chan,dataENFCal,fitStartTime,fitMaxTime,fitMaxTime-fitStartTime)) p0.legend(loc='best') p0.set_xlabel("Time (ns)", ha='right', x=1.) p0.set_ylabel("Voltage (ADC)", ha='right', y=1.) p1.cla() p1.imshow(wpCoeff, interpolation='nearest', aspect="auto", origin="lower",extent=[0, 1, 0, len(wpCoeff)],cmap='viridis') p1.axvline(float(wpLoRise)/numXRows,color='orange',linewidth=2) p1.axvline(float(wpHiRise)/numXRows,color='orange',linewidth=2) # p1.set_title("waveS5 %.2f bcMax %.2f bcMin %.2f riseNoise %.2f" % (waveS5[iH], bcMax[iH], bcMin[iH], riseNoise[iH])) # p1.set_xlabel("Time (%wf)", ha='right', x=1.) p1.set_ylabel("WPT Coefficients", ha='right', y=1.) if plotNum==2: # time points, bandpass filters, tail slope p0.cla() p0.plot(dataTS,data,color='blue',label='data') p0.axvline(den10[iH],color='black',label='lpTP') p0.axvline(den50[iH],color='black') p0.axvline(den90[iH],color='black') p0.plot(dataTS,fit,color='magenta',label='bestfit') if errorCode[2]!=1: p0.plot(tailTS, wl.tailModelPol(tailTS, *popt1), color='orange',linewidth=2, label='tailPol') p0.legend(loc='best') p0.set_title("Run %d Entry %d Channel %d ENFCal %.2f" % (run,iEvent,chan,dataENFCal)) p1.cla() p1.plot(dataTS,data_lPass,color='blue',label='lowpass') p1.plot(dataTS,data_filtDeriv,color='green',label='filtDeriv') p1.plot(dataTS,data_filt,color='black',label='filtfilt') p1.plot(dataTS,data_bPass,color='red',label='bpass') p1.axvline(bandTime[iH],color='orange',label='bandTime') p1.legend(loc='best') if plotNum==3: # freq-domain matched filter p0.cla() p0.plot(dataTS,data,'b') p0.plot(dataTS,temp,'r') p0.plot(dataTS,fit,color='cyan') p0.set_title("Run %d Entry %d Channel %d ENFCal %.2f" % (run,iEvent,chan,dataENFCal)) data_asd, data_xFreq = plt.psd(data, Fs=1e8, NFFT=2048, pad_to=2048, visible=False) temp_asd, temp_xFreq = plt.psd(temp, Fs=1e8, NFFT=2048, pad_to=2048, visible=False) p1.cla() p1.loglog(data_xFreq, np.sqrt(data_asd), 'b') p1.loglog(noise_xFreq, np.sqrt(noise_asd), 'g') p1.loglog(temp_xFreq, np.sqrt(temp_asd), 'r') p1.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') p1.set_ylabel('ASD') p1.grid('on') p2.cla() p2.plot(dataTS, SNR) p2.set_title('oppie %.1f' % (oppie[iH])) p2.set_xlabel('Offset time (s)') p2.set_ylabel('SNR') if plotNum==4: # time domain match filter plot p0.cla() p0.plot(dataTS,data_blSub,color='blue',label='data',alpha=0.7) p0.plot(dataTS,fit_blSub,color='red',label='bestfit',linewidth=3) p0.axvline(matchTime[iH],color='orange',label='matchTime',linewidth=2) p0.plot(matchTS,smoothMF,color='magenta',label='smoothMF',linewidth=3) p0.plot(matchTS,match,color='cyan',label='match',linewidth=3) p0.set_xlabel('Time (s)') p0.set_ylabel('Voltage (arb)') p0.legend(loc='best') p0.set_title("Run %d Entry %d Channel %d ENFCal %.2f matchMax %.2f matchTime %.2f matchWidth %.2f" % (run,iEvent,chan,dataENFCal,matchMax[iH],matchTime[iH],matchWidth[iH])) if plotNum==5: # bandTime plot p0.cla() p0.plot(dataTS,data_blSub,color='blue',label='data',alpha=0.7) p0.plot(dataTS,data_lPass,color='magenta',label='lowpass',linewidth=4) p0.plot(dataTS,data_bPass,color='red',label='bpass',linewidth=4) p0.axvline(bandTime[iH],color='orange',label='bandTime',linewidth=4) p0.legend(loc='best') p0.set_xlabel('Time (ns)') p0.set_ylabel('ADC (arb)') p0.set_title("Run %d Entry %d Channel %d ENFCal %.2f" % (run,iEvent,chan,dataENFCal)) if plotNum==6: # waveform fit plot p0.cla() p0.plot(dataTS,data,color='blue',label='data') # p0.plot(dataTS,data_wlDenoised,color='cyan',label='wlDenoised',alpha=0.5) p0.plot(dataTS,temp,color='orange',label='xgauss guess') p0.plot(dataTS,fit,color='red',label='xgauss fit') p0.set_title("Run %d evt %d chan %d trapENFCal %.1f trapENM %.1f deltaBL %.1f\n amp %.2f mu %.2f sig %.2f tau %.2f chi2 %.2f spd %.3f" % (run,iList,chan,dataENFCal,dataENM,dataBL-bl,amp,mu,sig,tau,fitChi2[iH],fitSpeed)) p0.legend(loc='best') p1.cla() p1.plot(dataTS,data-fit,color='blue',label='residual') p1.legend(loc='best') p2.cla() p2.plot(ampTr[1:],label='amp',color='red') p2.legend(loc='best') p3.cla() p3.plot(muTr[1:],label='mu',color='green') p3.legend(loc='best') p4.cla() p4.plot(sigTr[1:],label='sig',color='blue') p4.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%.1e')) p4.legend(loc='best') p5.cla() p5.plot(tauTr[1:],label='tau',color='black') p5.legend(loc='best') p6.cla() p6.plot(blTr[1:],label='bl',color='magenta') p6.legend(loc='best') print(, sig) if plotNum==7: # new traps plot p0.cla() p0.plot(dataTS, data_blSub, color='blue', label='data') p0.plot(sTrapTS, sTrap, color='red', label='sTrap') p0.axvline(t0_SLE[iH], color='red') p0.plot(aTrapTS, aTrap, color='orange', label='aTrap') p0.axvline(t0_ALE[iH], color='orange') p0.plot(eTrapTS, eTrap, color='green', label='eTrap') p0.axhline(lat[iH],color='green') p0.plot(pTrapTS, pTrap, color='magenta', label='pTrap') p0.axhline(latAFC[iH], color='magenta') p0.axhline(latE50[iH], color='cyan') p0.set_title("trapENFCal %.2f trapENM %.2f || latEM %.2f latEF %.2f latEAF %.2f latEFC %.2f latEAFC %.2f latE50 %.2f" % (dataENFCal,dataENM,lat[iH],latF[iH],latAF[iH],latFC[iH],latAFC[iH], latE50[iH])) p0.legend(loc='best') if plotNum==8: # multisite tag plot p0.cla() p0.plot(dataTS, data_blSub, color='blue', label='data') p0.plot(dataTS, data_filtDeriv, color='red', label='filtDeriv') for mse in msList: p0.axvline(mse, color='green') p0.axhline(msThresh,color='red') p0.legend() if plotNum==9: # wavelet vs wf fit residual plot # wavelet packet transform on wf fit residual fitResid = data-fit wpRes = pywt.WaveletPacket(fitResid, 'db2', 'symmetric', maxlevel=4) nodesRes = wpRes.get_level(4, order='freq') wpCoeffRes = np.array([ for n in nodesRes], 'd') wpCoeffRes = abs(wpCoeffRes) R6 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[2:9,1:wpLength//4+1]) R7 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[2:9,wpLength//4+1:wpLength//2+1]) R8 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[2:9,wpLength//2+1:3*wpLength//4+1]) R9 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[2:9,3*wpLength//4+1:-1]) R10 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[9:,1:wpLength//4+1]) R11 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[9:,wpLength//4+1:wpLength//2+1]) R12 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[9:,wpLength//2+1:3*wpLength//4+1]) R13 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[9:,3*wpLength//4+1:-1]) RsumList = [R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13] bcMinRes = 1. if np.min(RsumList) < 1 else np.min(RsumList) riseNoiseRes = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[2:-1,wpLoRise:wpHiRise]) / bcMinRes rnCut = 1.1762 + 0.00116 * np.log(1 + np.exp((dataENFCal-7.312)/0.341)) p0.cla() p0.margins(x=0) p0.plot(dataTS,data_blSub,color='blue',label='data') # p0.plot(dataTS,data_wlDenoised,color='cyan',label='denoised',alpha=0.7) # p0.axvline(fitRiseTime50,color='green',label='fit 50%',linewidth=2) p0.plot(dataTS,fit_blSub,color='red',label='bestfit',linewidth=2) # p0.set_title("Run %d Entry %d Channel %d ENFCal %.2f flo %.0f fhi %.0f fhi-flo %.0f" % (run,iList,chan,dataENFCal,fitStartTime,fitMaxTime,fitMaxTime-fitStartTime)) # p0.legend(loc='best') p0.set_title("Run %d Entry %d Channel %d ENFCal %.2f flo %.0f fhi %.0f fhi-flo %.0f approxFitE %.2f" % (run,iList,chan,dataENFCal,fitStartTime,fitMaxTime,fitMaxTime-fitStartTime,fitAmp[iH]*0.4)) p1.cla() p1.plot(dataTS,fitResid,color='blue') p2.cla() p2.set_title("riseNoise %.2f rnCut %.2f riseNoiseRes %.2f bcMinRes %.2f bcMin %.2f max %.2f" % (riseNoise[iH],rnCut,riseNoiseRes,bcMinRes,bcMin[iH],wpCoeffRes.max())) p2.imshow(wpCoeffRes, interpolation='nearest', aspect="auto", origin="lower",extent=[0, 1, 0, len(wpCoeff)],cmap='viridis') plt.tight_layout() plt.pause(0.000001) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End loop over hits, fill branches if batMode: for key in brDict: brDict[key][1].Fill() if iList%5000 == 0 and iList!=0: out.Write("",TObject.kOverwrite) print("%d / %d entries saved (%.2f %% done), time: %s" % (iList,nList,100*(float(iList)/nList),time.strftime('%X %x %Z'))) # End loop over events if batMode and not intMode: out.Write("",TObject.kOverwrite) print("Wrote",out.GetBranch("channel").GetEntries(),"entries in the copied tree,") print("and wrote",b1.GetEntries(),"entries in the new branches.") stopT = time.clock() print("Stopped:",time.strftime('%X %x %Z'),"\nProcess time (min):",(stopT - startT)/60) print(float(nList)/((stopT-startT)/60.),"entries per minute.")
def main(argv): # gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 3001;") # suppress ROOT error messages startT = time.clock() print "Started:", time.strftime('%X %x %Z') intMode, batMode, rangeMode, fileMode, dsNum, subNum, runNum = False, False, False, False, -1, -1, -1 for i, opt in enumerate(argv): if opt == "-i": intMode = True print "Interactive mode selected. Use \"p\" for previous and \"q\" to exit." if opt == "-r": rangeMode = True dsNum, subNum = int(argv[i + 1]), int(argv[i + 2]) print "Scanning DS-%d range %d" % (dsNum, subNum) if opt == "-f": fileMode = True dsNum, runNum = int(argv[i + 1]), int(argv[i + 2]) if opt == "-b": batMode = True import matplotlib if os.environ.get('DISPLAY', '') == '': print('No display found. Using non-interactive Agg backend') matplotlib.use('Agg') print "Batch mode selected. A new file will be created." import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Set file I/O and cuts inFile = "./data/waveSkimDS4_test.root" outFile = "./data/waveletSkimDS4_test.root" if (rangeMode): inFile = "~/project/v2-waveskim/waveSkimDS%d_%d.root" % (dsNum, subNum) outFile = "~/project/v2-processwfs/waveletSkimDS%d_%d.root" % (dsNum, subNum) if (fileMode): # inFile = "~/project/cal-wave-skim/waveSkimDS%d_run%d.root" % (dsNum,runNum) # outFile = "~/project/cal-wavelet-skim/waveletSkimDS%d_run%d.root" % (dsNum,runNum) inFile = "./waveSkimDS%d_run%d.root" % (dsNum, runNum) outFile = "./waveletSkimDS%d_run%d.root" % (dsNum, runNum) inputFile = TFile(inFile) waveTree = inputFile.Get("skimTree") print "Found", waveTree.GetEntries(), "input entries." theCut = inputFile.Get("theCut").GetTitle() # theCut = "trapENFCal > 0.8 && gain==0 && mHClean==1 && isGood && !muVeto && !isLNFill1 && !isLNFill2 && P!=0 && D!=0 && trapETailMin<0" # theCut += " && Entry$ < 2000" # theCut += " && trapENFCal > 20" print "Using cut:\n", theCut, "\n" print "Attempting entrylist draw ..." waveTree.Draw(">>elist", theCut, "GOFF entrylist") elist = gDirectory.Get("elist") waveTree.SetEntryList(elist) nList = elist.GetN() print "Found", nList, "entries passing cuts." # In batch mode ONLY, create an output file+tree & append new branches outputFile = TFile() outTree = TTree() if (batMode == True): outputFile = TFile(outFile, "RECREATE") print "Attempting tree copy to", outFile outTree = waveTree.CopyTree("") outTree.Write() print "Wrote", outTree.GetEntries(), "entries." cutUsed = TNamed("cutUsedHere", theCut) cutUsed.Write() waveS0 = std.vector("double")() waveS1 = std.vector("double")() waveS2 = std.vector("double")() waveS3 = std.vector("double")() waveS4 = std.vector("double")() waveS5 = std.vector("double")() wpar4 = std.vector("double")() waveEnt = std.vector("double")() butterMax = std.vector("double")() butterTime = std.vector("double")() tOffset = std.vector("double")() lastZeroTime = std.vector("double")() pol0 = std.vector("double")() pol1 = std.vector("double")() pol2 = std.vector("double")() pol3 = std.vector("double")() exp0 = std.vector("double")() exp1 = std.vector("double")() rt10 = std.vector("double")() rt20 = std.vector("double")() rt50 = std.vector("double")() rt90 = std.vector("double")() bWaveS0 = outTree.Branch("waveS0", waveS0) bWaveS1 = outTree.Branch("waveS1", waveS1) bWaveS2 = outTree.Branch("waveS2", waveS2) bWaveS3 = outTree.Branch("waveS3", waveS3) bWaveS4 = outTree.Branch("waveS4", waveS4) bWaveS5 = outTree.Branch("waveS5", waveS5) bWPar4 = outTree.Branch("wpar4", wpar4) bWaveEnt = outTree.Branch("waveEnt", waveEnt) bButterMax = outTree.Branch("butterMax", butterMax) bButterTime = outTree.Branch("butterTime", butterTime) bTOffset = outTree.Branch("tOffset", tOffset) bLastZeroTime = outTree.Branch("lastZeroTime", lastZeroTime) bPol0 = outTree.Branch("pol0", pol0) bPol1 = outTree.Branch("pol1", pol1) bPol2 = outTree.Branch("pol2", pol2) bPol3 = outTree.Branch("pol3", pol3) bExp0 = outTree.Branch("exp0", exp0) bExp1 = outTree.Branch("exp1", exp1) bRt10 = outTree.Branch("rt10", rt10) bRt20 = outTree.Branch("rt20", rt20) bRt50 = outTree.Branch("rt50", rt50) bRt90 = outTree.Branch("rt90", rt90) # Make a figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 7), facecolor='w') p1 = plt.subplot(211) p2 = plt.subplot(212) if not batMode: # Begin loop over events iList = -1 while True: iList += 1 if intMode == True and iList != 0: value = raw_input() if value == 'q': break # quit if value == 'p': iList -= 2 # go to previous if (value.isdigit()): iList = int(value) # go to entry number elif intMode == False and batMode == False: plt.pause(0.001) # rapid-draw mode if iList >= nList: break # bail out, goose! entry = waveTree.GetEntryNumber(iList) waveTree.LoadTree(entry) waveTree.GetEntry(entry) nChans = waveS1.assign(nChans, -999) waveS0.assign(nChans, -999) waveS1.assign(nChans, -999) waveS2.assign(nChans, -999) waveS3.assign(nChans, -999) waveS4.assign(nChans, -999) waveS5.assign(nChans, -999) wpar4.assign(nChans, -999) waveEnt.assign(nChans, -999) butterMax.assign(nChans, -999) butterTime.assign(nChans, -999) tOffset.assign(nChans, -999) lastZeroTime.assign(nChans, -999) pol0.assign(nChans, -999) pol1.assign(nChans, -999) pol2.assign(nChans, -999) pol3.assign(nChans, -999) exp0.assign(nChans, -999) exp1.assign(nChans, -999) rt10.assign(nChans, -999) rt20.assign(nChans, -999) rt50.assign(nChans, -999) rt90.assign(nChans, -999) # Loop over hits passing cuts numPass = waveTree.Draw("channel", theCut, "GOFF", 1, iList) chans = waveTree.GetV1() chanList = list(set(int(chans[n]) for n in xrange(numPass))) hitList = (iH for iH in xrange(nChans) if in chanList ) # a 'generator expression' for iH in hitList: run = iEvent = waveTree.iEvent chan = energy = wf = startTime = blrwfFMR50 = if wf.GetID() != chan: print "Warning!! Vector matching failed! iList %d run %d iEvent %d" % ( iList, run, iEvent) break signal = wl.processWaveform(wf, opt='full') waveBLSub = signal.GetWaveBLSub() waveFilt = signal.GetWaveFilt() waveTS = signal.GetTS() waveletYOrig, waveletYTrans = signal.GetWavelet() # waveFTX, waveFTY, waveFTPow = signal.GetFourier() # waveTrap = signal.GetTrapezoid() # waveTrapF = signal.GetFiltTrapezoid() # waveTrapX = np.linspace(0, len(waveTrap), num=len(waveTrap)) # _,waveletFilt = wl.waveletTransform(waveFilt,level=3) # testing other levels on the filtered WF # Wavelet cut parameters waveS0[iH] = np.sum(waveletYTrans[0:1, 1:-1]) waveS1[iH] = np.sum(waveletYTrans[0:1, 1:33]) waveS2[iH] = np.sum(waveletYTrans[0:1, 33:65]) waveS3[iH] = np.sum(waveletYTrans[0:1, 65:97]) waveS4[iH] = np.sum(waveletYTrans[0:1, 97:-1]) waveS5[iH] = np.sum(waveletYTrans[2:-1, 1:-1]) wpar4[iH] = np.amax(waveletYTrans[0:1, 1:-1]) # Waveform entropy parameters d1 = 2. * np.multiply( waveletYTrans[0:1, 1:65], np.log(waveletYTrans[0:1, 1:65] / waveS0[iH] / 2.0)) d2 = np.multiply(waveletYTrans[0:1, 65:-1], np.log(waveletYTrans[0:1, 65:-1] / waveS0[iH])) waveEnt[iH] = np.abs(np.sum(d1)) + np.abs(np.sum(d2)) # Smoothed derivative params waveFiltDeriv = wl.wfDerivative(waveFilt) butterMax[iH] = np.amax(waveFiltDeriv) butterTime[iH] = np.argmax( waveFiltDeriv[100:]) * 10 + signal.GetOffset() + 1000 tOffset[iH] = signal.GetOffset() # print "max %.3f ts %.0f ns offset %.0f ns" % (butterMax[iH], butterTime[iH], tOffset[iH]) # Make a super denoised waveform wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data=waveBLSub, wavelet='haar', mode='symmetric', maxlevel=3) new_wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data=None, wavelet='haar', mode='symmetric') new_wp['aaa'] = wp['aaa'].data superDenoisedWF = new_wp.reconstruct(update=False) mgtSDWF = wl.MGTWFFromNpArray(superDenoisedWF) # Try to get start time by finding the super denoised last zero crossing lastZero = 0 zeros = np.asarray(np.where(superDenoisedWF < 0.1)) if (zeros.size > 0): lastZero = zeros[0, -1] lastZeroTime[iH] = waveTS[lastZero] # Time point calculator timePointCalc = MGWFTimePointCalculator() timePointCalc.AddPoint(.1) timePointCalc.AddPoint(.2) timePointCalc.AddPoint(.5) timePointCalc.AddPoint(.9) timePointCalc.FindTimePoints(mgtSDWF) rt10[iH] = timePointCalc.GetFromStartRiseTime(0) * 10 rt20[iH] = timePointCalc.GetFromStartRiseTime(1) * 10 rt50[iH] = timePointCalc.GetFromStartRiseTime(2) * 10 rt90[iH] = timePointCalc.GetFromStartRiseTime(3) * 10 # print "lastZero %.2f startTime %.2f 10 %.2f 20 %.2f 50 %.2f 90 %.2f" % (lastZeroTime[iH], startTime,rt10, rt20, rt50, rt90) # Fit tail slope (2 methods). Guard against fit fails idxMax = np.where(waveTS > rt90[iH]) # returns an array/tuple idxMax = idxMax[0][0] # "cast" to int tail, tailTS = waveBLSub[idxMax:], waveTS[idxMax:] try: popt1, _ = curve_fit(wl.tailModelPol, tailTS, tail) pol0[iH], pol1[iH], pol2[iH], pol3[iH] = popt1[0], popt1[ 1], popt1[2], popt1[3] except: pass try: popt2, _ = curve_fit(wl.tailModelExp, tailTS, tail, p0=[energy, 72000]) exp0[iH], exp1[iH] = popt2[0], popt2[1] except: # print "curve_fit tailModelExp failed, run %i event %i channel %i" % (run, iList, chan) pass # Make a plot if not batMode: print "i %d run %d iEvent(i) %d iH(j+1) %d/%d chan %d energy %.2f bt %.2f" % ( iList, run, iEvent, iH + 1, nChans, chan, energy, butterTime[iH]) # Waveform plot p1.cla() p1.plot(waveTS, waveBLSub, color='blue') p1.plot(waveTS, superDenoisedWF, color='red') p1.plot(tailTS, wl.tailModelPol(tailTS, *popt1), color='cyan') p1.plot(tailTS, wl.tailModelExp(tailTS, *popt2), color='orange') p1.set_xlabel("Time (ns)") p1.set_ylabel("ADC") p1.set_title( "Run %d Ch %d Energy %.2f \n S5 %.2f (S3-S2)/E %.2f (S3-S4)/E %.2f" % (run, chan, energy, waveS5[iH], ((waveS3[iH] - waveS2[iH]) / energy), ((waveS3[iH] - waveS4[iH]) / energy))) # Wavelet plot p2.cla() p2.imshow(waveletYTrans, interpolation='nearest', aspect="auto", origin="lower", extent=[0, 1, 0, len(waveletYTrans)], cmap='jet') plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=.2, top=0.92) plt.pause(0.00001) # End loop over hits if (batMode == True): bWaveS0.Fill() bWaveS1.Fill() bWaveS2.Fill() bWaveS3.Fill() bWaveS4.Fill() bWaveS5.Fill() bWPar4.Fill() bWaveEnt.Fill() bButterMax.Fill() bButterTime.Fill() bTOffset.Fill() bLastZeroTime.Fill() bPol0.Fill() bPol1.Fill() bPol2.Fill() bPol3.Fill() bExp0.Fill() bExp1.Fill() bRt10.Fill() bRt20.Fill() bRt50.Fill() bRt90.Fill() if iList % 5000 == 0: outTree.Write("", TObject.kOverwrite) print "%d / %d entries saved (%.2f %% done)." % ( iList, nList, 100 * (float(iList) / nList)) # End loop over events if (batMode == True): outTree.Write("", TObject.kOverwrite) print "Wrote", outTree.GetBranch( "channel").GetEntries(), "entries in the copied tree," print "and wrote", bWaveS0.GetEntries(), "entries in the new branches." stopT = time.clock() print "Process time (min): ", (stopT - startT) / 60
def main(): EffName = "Eff" WMMName = "MM" # Bin Definitions binHeader = "bindefs" # binname = fluxmodel binname = "bin0" # ROOT Output OutFile = "response_matrix.root" # fout = ROOT.TFile(OutFile, "RECREATE") fout = ROOT.TFile(OutFile, "UPDATE") # Check if bin directory exists, quit if so, otherwise create it! if ( not fout.GetDirectory(binname) ): pdir = fout.mkdir(binname,"Bin number 0") else: fout.Close() print("\n=========================\n") errormessage = "Directory %s already exists!\nEither try another bin number or delete %s and start again. Exiting...\n"%(binname,OutFile) raise ValueError(errormessage) # Go to home of ROOT file # formatted_df = pd.read_csv('../formatted-dataframe.csv') formatted_df_outfile = os.path.join('/data/user/jbourbeau/composition/unfolding', 'unfolding-dataframe-PyUnfold-formatted.csv') df_flux = pd.read_csv(formatted_df_outfile, index_col='log_energy_bin_idx') counts = df_flux['counts'].values res_mat_file = os.path.join('/data/user/jbourbeau/composition/unfolding', 'response.txt') # res_mat_file = os.path.join('/data/user/jbourbeau/composition/unfolding', # 'block_response.txt') block_response = np.loadtxt(res_mat_file) res_mat_err_file = os.path.join('/data/user/jbourbeau/composition/unfolding', 'response_err.txt') # res_mat_err_file = os.path.join('/data/user/jbourbeau/composition/unfolding', # 'block_response_err.txt') block_response_err = np.loadtxt(res_mat_err_file) cbins = len(counts)+1 carray = np.arange(cbins, dtype=float) print('carray = {}'.format(carray)) print('cbins = {}'.format(cbins)) ebins = len(counts)+1 earray = np.arange(ebins, dtype=float) print('earray = {}'.format(earray)) cbins -= 1 ebins -= 1 # Prepare Combined Weighted Histograms - To be Normalized by Model After Filling # Isotropic Weights of Causes - For Calculating Combined Species Efficiency Eff = TH1F("%s"%(EffName), 'Non-Normed Combined Efficiency', cbins, carray) Eff.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Causes') Eff.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Efficiency") Eff.SetStats(0) Eff.Sumw2() # Isotropic Weighted Mixing Matrix - For Calculating Combined Species MM WMM = TH2F("%s"%(WMMName), 'Weighted Combined Mixing Matrix', cbins, carray, ebins, earray) WMM.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Causes') WMM.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Effects') WMM.SetStats(0) WMM.Sumw2() # # Isotropic Weighted Mixing Matrix - For Calculating Combined Species MM # ModelMM = TH2F("Model_%s"%(WMMName),'Model Weighted Combined Matrix',cbins,carray,ebins,earray) # ModelMM.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Causes') # ModelMM.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Effects') # ModelMM.SetStats(0) # ModelMM.Sumw2() # Raw Number of Events in Each Bin NMM = TH2F("NMM", 'Number of Events Matrix', cbins, carray, ebins, earray) NMM.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Causes') NMM.GetYaxis().SetTitle('Effects') NMM.SetStats(0) NMM.Sumw2() throwArea = 1. for ci in xrange(0,cbins): # Calculate Flux-Weighted Efficiency # Eval = Eff.GetBinContent(ci+1)/binwidth[ci]/throwArea # dEval = Eff.GetBinError(ci+1)/binwidth[ci]/throwArea dEval, Eval = 1, 1 Eff.SetBinContent(ci+1, Eval) # Eff.SetBinError(ci+1, dEval) # Normalize Species Probability Matrix sum2 = 0 for ek in xrange(0,ebins): # Calculate Flux-Weighted Mixing Matrix # wmm_val = WMM.GetBinContent(ci+1,ek+1)/binwidth[ci]/throwArea # dwmm_val = WMM.GetBinError(ci+1,ek+1)/binwidth[ci]/throwArea # wmm_val, dwmm_val = block_response[ebins-ek-1][ci], block_response_err[ebins-ek-1][ci] wmm_val, dwmm_val = block_response[ek][ci], block_response_err[ek][ci] sum2 += dwmm_val**2 WMM.SetBinContent(ci+1, ek+1, wmm_val) WMM.SetBinError(ci+1, ek+1, dwmm_val) Eff.SetBinError(ci+1, np.sqrt(sum2)) # Write model name to file modelName = 'whatever' MODELNAME = TNamed("ModelName",modelName) MODELNAME.Write() # Write Cuts to file cuts = '' cuts_theta = cuts.replace("rec.zenithAngle","theta") CUTS = TNamed("cuts",cuts_theta) CUTS.Write() # Write the cause and effect arrays to file CARRAY = TH1F("CARRAY","Cause Array", cbins, carray) CARRAY.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Causes') EARRAY = TH1F("EARRAY","Effect Array", ebins, earray) EARRAY.GetXaxis().SetTitle('Effects') CARRAY.Write() EARRAY.Write() # Write the weighted histograms to file addtitle = r'Test' WMM.SetTitle(WMM.GetTitle()+addtitle) # ModelMM.SetTitle(ModelMM.GetTitle()+addtitle) Eff.SetTitle(Eff.GetTitle()+addtitle) WMM.Write() Eff.Write() # ModelMM.Write() NMM.Write() fout.Write() fout.Close() print("Saving output file %s\n"%OutFile) print("\n=========================\n") print("Finished here! Exiting...")
def plotDiscriminant(self, discriminant, signal_idx, bkg_idx, weights = None, save_disc = True, rejection_power=True): ''' Plot the discriminants and the resulting ROC curve derived from them. Keyword args: discriminant --- The score of the BDT (set in the setProbas method) signal_idx --- The true indices of all signal events bkg_idx ---The true indices of all background events save_disc --- Flag indicating if the discriminant plots should be saved. rejection_power --- Whether or not to calculate bkg power: 1/eff in addtion to 1-eff ''' import ROOT as root from ROOT import TH2D, TCanvas, TFile, TNamed, TH1F, TLegend import numpy as np from root_numpy import fill_hist import functions as fn import os # stop showing plots to screen root.gROOT.SetBatch(True) if not os.path.exists(self.output_path): os.makedirs(self.output_path) fo = TFile.Open(self.output_path+"/"+self.output_prefix+str(self.job_id)+'.root','RECREATE') bins = 100 # when creating the plots do it over the range of all probas (scores) discriminant_bins = np.linspace(np.min(discriminant), np.max(discriminant), bins) hist_bkg = TH1F("Background Discriminant","Discriminant",bins, np.min(discriminant), np.max(discriminant)) hist_sig = TH1F("Signal Discriminant","Discriminant",bins, np.min(discriminant), np.max(discriminant)) # fill the signal and background histograms if weights is not None: fill_hist(hist_bkg,discriminant[bkg_idx], weights[bkg_idx]) fill_hist(hist_sig,discriminant[signal_idx], weights[signal_idx]) else: fill_hist(hist_bkg,discriminant[bkg_idx]) fill_hist(hist_sig,discriminant[signal_idx]) if hist_bkg.Integral() != 0: hist_bkg.Scale(1/hist_bkg.Integral()) if hist_sig.Integral() != 0: hist_sig.Scale(1/hist_sig.Integral()) hist_sig.SetLineColor(4) hist_bkg.SetLineColor(2) #hist_sig.SetFillColorAlpha(4, 0.5); hist_sig.SetFillStyle(3004) #hist_bkg.SetFillColorAlpha(2, 0.5); hist_bkg.SetFillStyle(3005) hist_sig.Write() hist_bkg.Write() c = TCanvas() leg = TLegend(0.8,0.55,0.9,0.65);leg.SetFillColor(root.kWhite) leg.AddEntry(hist_sig, "Signal","l") leg.AddEntry(hist_bkg, "Background", "l") max_y = max(hist_sig.GetMaximum(), hist_bkg.GetMaximum()) hist_sig.SetMaximum(max_y*1.2) hist_bkg.SetMaximum(max_y*1.2) hist_sig.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Signal Probability") hist_sig.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Normalised Entries") hist_bkg.GetXaxis().SetTitle("Signal Probability") hist_bkg.GetYaxis().SetTitle("Normalised Entries") hist_sig.Draw('hist') hist_bkg.Draw('histsame') c.Write() if save_disc == True: if not os.path.exists('disc_plots'): os.makedirs('disc_plots') c.SaveAs('disc_plots/discriminants_'+str(self.job_id)+'.png') # before deciding whether to do a left or right cut for the roc curve we have to find the median. sig_median = np.median(discriminant[signal_idx]) bkg_median = np.median(discriminant[bkg_idx]) if sig_median > bkg_median: roc_cut = 'R' else: roc_cut = 'L' # create the single sided roccurve with the code from Sam self.roc_graph = fn.RocCurve_SingleSided(hist_sig, hist_bkg, self.sig_eff,self.bkg_eff, roc_cut) self.roc_graph.SetName('BackgroundRejection') self.roc_graph.SetTitle('BackgroundRejection') self.roc_graph.Write() # get teh background rejection power at 50% signal efficiency # store the efficiencies first self.ROC_sig_efficiency, self.ROC_bkg_rejection = fn.getEfficiencies(self.roc_graph) self.bkgRejectionPower() # write the roc score as a string to the output file rej_string = 'rejection_power_'+str(self.ROC_rej_power_05) rej_n = TNamed(rej_string,rej_string) rej_n.Write() if rejection_power: c.SetLogy() self.roc_graph_power = fn.RocCurve_SingleSided(hist_sig, hist_bkg, self.sig_eff,self.bkg_eff, roc_cut, rejection=False) self.roc_graph_power.SetName('BackgroundPower') self.roc_graph_power.SetTitle('BackgroundPower') self.roc_graph_power.Write() # write the decision function to the root file as well, if it is defined. if len(self.decision_function) > 0: self.decisionFunctionCanvas() # add the legends leg2 = TLegend(0.8,0.55,0.9,0.65);leg2.SetFillColor(root.kWhite) leg2.AddEntry(self.df_sig, "Signal","l") leg2.AddEntry(self.df_bkg, "Background", "l") # canvas to draw them on c2 = TCanvas('Decision Functions') self.df_sig.Draw('hist') self.df_bkg.Draw('histsame') leg2.Draw('same') c2.Write() # now write the df histograms as well self.df_sig.Write() self.df_bkg.Write() self.hist_sig = hist_sig.Clone(); self.hist_sig.SetDirectory(0) self.hist_bkg = hist_bkg.Clone(); self.hist_bkg.SetDirectory(0) fo.Close()
def main(argv): """ Interactive-fit or 'rapid'-fit waveforms that pass a given TCut. BUG: Doesn't always work with a TChain. Add input files together with hadd and use a single TFile. """ scanSpeed = 0.2 iList = -1 opt1 = "" intMode, batMode = False, False if (len(argv) >= 1): opt1 = argv[0] if "-i" in (opt1): intMode = True print "Interactive mode selected." if "-b" in (opt1): batMode = True print "Batch mode selected. A new file will be created." # Load template waveform (created by npzfile = np.load("./data/genTemplateWF.npz") temp, tempTS, tempE, tempST = npzfile['arr_0'] + 1, npzfile[ 'arr_1'], npzfile['arr_2'], npzfile['arr_3'] * 10 # Set cuts # theCut = inputFile.Get("cutUsedHere").GetTitle() # DS3 "big DC" cut - PRELIMINARY theCut = "trapENFCal > 0.8 && gain==0 && mHClean==1 && isGood && !muVeto && !wfDCBits && !isLNFill1 && !isLNFill2 && trapETailMin < 0 && channel!=596 && channel!=676 && channel!=676 && channel!=612 && channel!=1104 && channel!=1200 && channel!=1334 && channel!=1336 && tOffset < 10 && waveS5/TMath::Power(trapENFCal,1/4) < 1200 && (waveS3-waveS2)/trapENFCal > 100 && (waveS3-waveS2)/trapENFCal < 300 && !(channel==692 && (run==16974 || run==16975 || run==16976 || run==16977 || run==16978 || run==16979)) && butterTime < 11000" # theCut += " && trapENFCal > 1.5 && trapENFCal < 2.1" # theCut += " && trapENFCal < 20 && trapENFCal > 2 && run > 17480" # theCut += " && kvorrT/trapENFCal > 2.2 && trapENFCal > 2 && trapENFCal < 10" # Set file I/O and create entry lists startT = time.clock() inFile = "~/project/wavelet-skim/waveletSkimDS3_1.root" # inFile = "~/project/wavelet-skim/hadd/waveletSkimDS3.root" outFile = "~/project/fit-skim/fitSkimDS3_1.root" inputFile = TFile(inFile) waveTree = inputFile.Get("skimTree") print "Found", waveTree.GetEntries( ), "input entries. Using cut:\n", theCut, "\n" waveTree.Draw(">>elist", theCut, "entrylist") elist = gDirectory.Get("elist") waveTree.SetEntryList(elist) nList = elist.GetN() print "Found", nList, "entries passing cuts." stopT = time.clock() print "Data loading time (s): ", (stopT - startT) # In batch mode ONLY, create an output file+tree & append new branches outputFile = TFile() outTree = TTree() if batMode: outputFile = TFile(outFile, "RECREATE") print "Attempting tree copy to", outFile outTree = waveTree.CopyTree("") outTree.Write() print "Wrote", outTree.GetEntries(), "entries." cutUsed = TNamed("cutUsedHere", theCut) cutUsed.Write() fitStart = std.vector("double")() fitE = std.vector("double")() fitSlo = std.vector("double")() fitStartSD = std.vector("double")() fitESD = std.vector("double")() fitSloSD = std.vector("double")() fitChi2NDF = std.vector("double")() fitLnLike = std.vector("double")() tExp1 = std.vector("double")() tExp2 = std.vector("double")() tPol0 = std.vector("double")() tPol1 = std.vector("double")() tPol2 = std.vector("double")() tPol3 = std.vector("double")() baseAvg = std.vector("double")() baseNoise = std.vector("double")() bFitStart = outTree.Branch("fitStart", fitStart) bFitE = outTree.Branch("fitE", fitE) bFitSlo = outTree.Branch("fitSlo", fitSlo) bFitStart_sd = outTree.Branch("fitStartSD", fitStartSD) bFitE_sd = outTree.Branch("fitESD", fitESD) bFitSlo_sd = outTree.Branch("fitSloSD", fitSloSD) bFitChi2NDF = outTree.Branch("fitChi2NDF", fitChi2NDF) bFitLnLike = outTree.Branch("fitLnLike", fitLnLike) bTExp1 = outTree.Branch("tExp1", tExp1) bTExp2 = outTree.Branch("tExp2", tExp2) bTPol0 = outTree.Branch("tPol0", tPol0) bTPol1 = outTree.Branch("tPol1", tPol1) bTPol2 = outTree.Branch("tPol2", tPol2) bTPol3 = outTree.Branch("tPol3", tPol3) bBaseAvg = outTree.Branch("baseAvg", baseAvg) bBaseNoise = outTree.Branch("baseNoise", baseNoise) # Make a figure # with PdfPages('multipage_pdf.pdf') as pdf: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11, 7), facecolor='w') p1 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (0, 0), colspan=4, rowspan=2) # original p2 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (2, 0), colspan=4, rowspan=3) # rising edge p3 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (5, 0), colspan=4, rowspan=1) # residual p4 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (0, 4), colspan=3, rowspan=2) # trace 1 p5 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (2, 4), colspan=3, rowspan=2, sharex=p4) # trace 2 p6 = plt.subplot2grid((6, 7), (4, 4), colspan=3, rowspan=2, sharex=p4) # trace 3 if not batMode: # Setup multiprocessing manager = Manager() returnDict = manager.dict() # Loop over events while (True): saveMe = False iList += 1 if intMode == True and iList != 0: value = raw_input() if value == 'q': break if value == 's': saveMe = True if value == 'p': iList -= 2 # previous if (value.isdigit()): iList = int(value) # go to entry if iList >= elist.GetN(): break entry = waveTree.GetEntryNumber(iList) waveTree.LoadTree(entry) waveTree.GetEntry(entry) nChans = numPass = waveTree.Draw("channel", theCut, "GOFF", 1, iList) chans = waveTree.GetV1() chanList = list(set(int(chans[n]) for n in xrange(numPass))) fitStart.assign(nChans, -9999) fitE.assign(nChans, -9999) fitSlo.assign(nChans, -9999) fitStartSD.assign(nChans, -9999) fitESD.assign(nChans, -9999) fitSloSD.assign(nChans, -9999) fitChi2NDF.assign(nChans, -9999) fitLnLike.assign(nChans, -9999) tExp1.assign(nChans, -9999) tExp2.assign(nChans, -9999) tPol0.assign(nChans, -9999) tPol1.assign(nChans, -9999) tPol2.assign(nChans, -9999) tPol3.assign(nChans, -9999) baseAvg.assign(nChans, -9999) baseNoise.assign(nChans, -9999) # Loop over hits passing cuts hitList = (iH for iH in xrange(nChans) if in chanList ) # a 'generator expression' for iH in hitList: # Load waveform for this hit run = chan = dataE = dataST = # replace with blrwfFMR50? toe = / dataE print "%d / %d Run %d nCh %d chan %d trapENF %.1f t/e %.1f" % ( iList, nList, run, nChans, chan, dataE, toe) signal = wl.processWaveform(, opt='full') waveBLSub = signal.GetWaveBLSub() waveFilt = signal.GetWaveFilt() waveTS = signal.GetTS() dataBaseline, dataNoise = signal.GetBaseNoise() # Denoise the data waveform (take only lowest-frequency components) wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data=waveBLSub, wavelet='haar', mode='symmetric', maxlevel=3) new_wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data=None, wavelet='haar', mode='symmetric') new_wp['aaa'] = wp['aaa'].data waveDenoised = new_wp.reconstruct(update=False) # Window the fit around rising edge - start time calculator method loWin, hiWin = dataST - 1000, dataST + 4000 # ns if loWin < waveTS[0] or hiWin > waveTS[-1]: print "Window out of range! dataST: %.1f loWin %.1f hiWin %.1f" % ( dataST, loWin, hiWin) idx = np.where((waveTS >= loWin) & (waveTS <= hiWin)) data = waveBLSub[idx] # data = waveDenoised[idx] dataTS = waveTS[idx] # Pack into lists rawList = [waveBLSub, waveTS, dataE, dataST] dataList = [data, dataTS, dataE, dataST, loWin, hiWin] tempList = [temp, tempTS, tempE, tempST] # Optionally save something to a file if saveMe: print "Saved entry", iList, iH np.savez("./data/tailSlopeInputs.npz", rawList, tempList) # Recreate the guess and the guess's rising edge guessFull, guessFullTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [dataST, dataE, 1.], opt="full") guess, guessTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [dataST, dataE, 1.], opt="!fancy") # Make an "almost complete" guess - no MCMC # st, en, slo = dataST-100, dataE, 5 # InterpFn = interpolate.interp1d(tempTS, temp, kind="linear", copy="False", assume_sorted="True") # model, modelTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [st,en,slo], fn=InterpFn) # Fit with MCMC and get best-fit parameters numSteps, burnIn = 3000, 1800 # default: 10000, 5000. fast: 3000, 1800 long test: 20000,10000 wfModel = wm.TemplateModel(dataList, dataNoise, tempList) p = Process(target=RunMCMC, args=(wfModel, numSteps, burnIn, returnDict)) p.start() p.join() startTimeTr = returnDict["startTimeTr"] energyTr = returnDict["energyTr"] slownessTr = returnDict["slownessTr"] st = np.median(startTimeTr[burnIn:]) en = np.median(energyTr[burnIn:]) slo = np.median(slownessTr[burnIn:]) InterpFn = interpolate.interp1d(tempTS, temp, kind="linear", copy="False", assume_sorted="True") model, modelTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [st, en, slo], fn=InterpFn) # Save some extra parameters for the ROOT output # Calculate residual, Chi2/NDF, likelihood, etc. st_std = np.std(startTimeTr[burnIn:]) en_std = np.std(energyTr[burnIn:]) slo_std = np.std(slownessTr[burnIn:]) residual = model - data frac = (np.power(data - model, 2)) / np.abs(model) chi2NDF = np.sum(frac) / len(model) inv_sigma2 = 1.0 / (dataNoise**2) lnLike = -0.5 * (np.sum((data - model)**2 * inv_sigma2 - np.log(inv_sigma2))) # ** Do a separate & simple fit of the tail slope ** # TODO: Add this to idxMax = np.where( guessFull == guessFull.max()) # returns an array/tuple idxMax = idxMax[0][0] # "cast" to int tail, tailTS = waveDenoised[idxMax:], waveTS[idxMax:] popt, _ = curve_fit(wl.tailModelPol, tailTS, tail) # poly fit pol0, pol1, pol2, pol3 = popt[0], popt[1], popt[2], popt[3] a, b = dataE, 72000 popt2, _ = curve_fit(wl.tailModelExp, tailTS, tail, p0=[a, b]) # expo fit e1, e2 = popt2[0], popt2[1] # Assign values to output vectors and fill branches fitStart[iH], fitStartSD[iH] = st, st_std fitE[iH], fitESD[iH] = en, en_std fitSlo[iH], fitSloSD[iH] = slo, slo_std fitChi2NDF[iH] = chi2NDF fitLnLike[iH] = lnLike tExp1[iH], tExp2[iH] = e1, e2 tPol0[iH], tPol1[iH], tPol2[iH], tPol3[iH] = pol0, pol1, pol2, pol3 baseAvg[iH] = dataBaseline baseNoise[iH] = dataNoise if batMode: bFitStart.Fill() bFitE.Fill() bFitSlo.Fill() bFitStart_sd.Fill() bFitE_sd.Fill() bFitSlo_sd.Fill() bFitChi2NDF.Fill() bFitLnLike.Fill() bTExp1.Fill() bTExp2.Fill() bTPol0.Fill() bTPol1.Fill() bTPol2.Fill() bTPol3.Fill() bBaseAvg.Fill() bBaseNoise.Fill() if iList % 5000 == 0: outTree.Write("", TObject.kOverwrite) print "%d / %d entries saved (%.2f %% done)." % ( iList, nList, 100 * (float(iList) / nList)) # If not in batch mode, fill the figure if batMode: continue p1.cla() p1.set_ylabel("ADC") p1.set_title( "Run %d Channel %d Entry %d\ntrapENFCal %.1f T/E %.1f ST %.1f" % (run, chan, iList, dataE, toe, dataST)) p1.plot(waveTS, waveBLSub, color='blue') p1.plot(waveTS, waveDenoised, color='red', alpha=0.8) p1.plot(guessFullTS, guessFull, color='orange', linewidth=2) p1.axvline(x=dataST, color='green', linewidth=2) p1.axvline(x=loWin, color='black') p1.axvline(x=hiWin, color='black') p1.plot(tailTS, wl.tailModelPol(tailTS, *popt), color='cyan', linewidth=1) # tail poly fit p1.plot(tailTS, wl.tailModelExp(tailTS, *popt2), color='cyan', linewidth=1) # tail expo fit p2.cla() p2.plot(dataTS, data, color='blue', label='Data') p2.plot(guessTS, guess, color='orange', label='Guess') # special: plot the values of the trace after burn-in # to see how the model is covering the "money-zone"/rising edge after it's converged. # for i in range(burnIn,numSteps): # st_tr, en_tr, slo_tr = M.trace('startTime')[i], M.trace('energy')[i], M.trace('slowness')[i] # trace, traceTS = wm.MakeModel(dataList, tempList, [st_tr,en_tr,slo_tr], fn=InterpFn) # p2.plot(traceTS, trace, color='red',alpha=0.1,linewidth=2) p2.plot(modelTS, model, color='red', linewidth=3, alpha=0.7, label='Best Fit') p2.legend(loc=4) p3.cla() p3.set_xlabel("Time [ns]", x=0.95, ha='right') p3.set_ylabel("Residual [ADC]") p3.plot(modelTS, residual, color='red') p3.axhline(y=0, color='blue', alpha=0.3) p3.axhline(y=dataNoise, color='blue', alpha=0.3) p3.axhline(y=-1.0 * dataNoise, color='blue', alpha=0.3) p4.cla() minST = tempST - tempTS[-1] + hiWin maxST = tempST - tempTS[0] + loWin p4.set_title( "startTime %.1f Energy %.2f\nSlow %.1f chi2/ndf %.1f Min %d Max %d" % (st, en, slo, chi2NDF, minST, maxST)) p4.plot(startTimeTr[:]) p4.set_ylabel('startTime') p4.axvline(x=burnIn, color='red', alpha=0.5) p5.cla() p5.plot(energyTr[:]) p5.set_ylabel('energy') p5.axvline(x=burnIn, color='red', alpha=0.5) p6.cla() p6.plot(slownessTr[:]) p6.set_ylabel('slowness') p6.axvline(x=burnIn, color='red', alpha=0.5) plt.tight_layout() plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.35) plt.pause(scanSpeed) # pdf.savefig() # End loop over events if batMode: outTree.Write("", TObject.kOverwrite) print "Wrote", outTree.GetBranch( "channel").GetEntries(), "entries in the copied tree," print "and wrote", bFitStart.GetEntries( ), "entries in the new branches."
def ApplyChannelCuts(dsNum, cutType, dType): """ ./ -cut [dsNum] [cutType] This runs over whole datasets. cutTypes: fs, rn, wf, fs+rn, fs+wf, rn+wf, fs+rn+wf dTypes: bkg, cal """ # load the database calDB = db.TinyDB('../calDB.json') pars = db.Query() # setup a loop over modules and dataset ranges gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 3001;") cInfo = ds.CalInfo() nMods = [1] if dsNum == 4: nMods = [2] if dsNum == 5: nMods = [1,2] # Dummy string for file writing -- adds nothing to the directories if background dString = "" if dType == "cal": dString = "cal" for modNum in nMods: # Changed so range of idx are set here to take advantage of module number nRanges = [] if dType == "bkg": nRanges = [0, ds.dsMap[dsNum]] # if dsNum==5: nRanges[0] = 80 # exclude DS-5A elif dType == "cal": nRanges = [0, len(cInfo.master['ds%d_m%d'%(dsNum, modNum)])-1] else: print "cal or bkg not set, returning" return 0 # Loop over bkgIdx, even though for calibration runs this will represent calIdx for bkgIdx in range(nRanges[0], nRanges[1]+1): # load the chains and find the right calIdx's. skimTree = TChain("skimTree") # build the file list fRegex = "" fList = [] if dType == "bkg": fRegex = "/global/homes/w/wisecg/project/bg-lat/latSkimDS%d_%d_*.root" % (dsNum, bkgIdx) fList = glob.glob(fRegex) skimTree.Add(fRegex) elif dType == "cal": calList = cInfo.GetCalList("ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum), bkgIdx, runLimit=10) for i in calList: fList += glob.glob("/global/homes/w/wisecg/project/cal-lat/latSkimDS%d_run%d_*.root"%(dsNum,i)) skimTree.Add("/global/homes/w/wisecg/project/cal-lat/latSkimDS%d_run%d_*.root" % (dsNum, i)) file0 = fList[0] print "DS-%d subset %d, Mod-%d. N_files: %d" % (dsNum, bkgIdx, modNum, len(fList)) # Print some basic info about files f = TFile(file0) firstRun, lastRun, calIdxLo, calIdxHi = 0,0,0,0 theCut = f.Get("theCut").GetTitle() if dType == "bkg": skimTree.GetEntry(0) firstRun = skimTree.GetEntry(skimTree.GetEntries()-1) lastRun = calIdxLo = cInfo.GetCalIdx("ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum), firstRun) calIdxHi = cInfo.GetCalIdx("ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum), lastRun) elif dType == "cal": # All the idx are the same for calibration! calIdxLo = calIdxHi = bkgIdx firstRun, lastRun = calList[0], calList[-1] print " Entries %d firstRun %d lastRun %d calIdxLo %d calIdxHi %d" % (skimTree.GetEntries(),firstRun,lastRun,calIdxLo,calIdxHi) # build the channel list (remove 692 and 1232 from DS5 for now.) chList = ds.GetGoodChanList(dsNum) if dsNum==5 and modNum==1: chList = [ch for ch in chList if ch < 1000 and ch!=692] if dsNum==5 and modNum==2: chList = [ch for ch in chList if ch > 1000 and ch!=1232] # -- create a dict of cuts for each channel, covering each calIdx. -- cutDict = {} for calIdx in range(calIdxLo, calIdxHi+1): runCovMin = cInfo.master["ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum)][calIdx][1] runCovMax = cInfo.master["ds%d_m%d" % (dsNum, modNum)][calIdx][2] runCut = "run>=%d && run<=%d" % (runCovMin, runCovMax) fsD = ds.getDBRecord("fitSlo_ds%d_idx%d_m%d_Peak" % (dsNum, calIdx, modNum), False, calDB, pars) rnSD = ds.getDBRecord("riseNoise_ds%d_idx%d_m%d_SoftPlus" % (dsNum, calIdx, modNum), False, calDB, pars) rnCD = ds.getDBRecord("riseNoise_ds%d_idx%d_m%d_Continuum" % (dsNum, calIdx, modNum), False, calDB, pars) wfD = ds.getDBRecord("wfstd_ds%d_idx%d_mod%d" % (dsNum, calIdx, modNum), False, calDB, pars) for ch in chList: fsCut, rnCut, wfCut, chanCut = None, None, None, None # print ch,":",fsD[ch][2] # fitSlo: check the 90% value is positive if fsD[ch][2] > 0: fsCut = "fitSlo<%.2f" % fsD[ch][2] # riseNoise: check the softplus curvature is positive if rnSD[ch][3] > 0: rnCut = "riseNoise<(%.3f+%.5f*TMath::Log(1+TMath::Exp((trapENFCal-(%.3f))/%.3f)))" % (max(rnSD[ch][0],rnCD[ch][4]), rnSD[ch][1], rnSD[ch][2], rnSD[ch][3]) # wfStd: check if ralph says this is ok to use if wfD!=0 and ch in wfD.keys() and wfD[ch][0]==u'y': wfCut = "abs(wfstd - sqrt((%.4e + %.4e*trapENFCal + %.4e*trapENFCal**2 + %.2e*pow(trapENFCal,3) + %.2e*pow(trapENFCal,4))**2 + %.4f)) < (%.2f+%.3f*trapENFCal)" % (wfD[ch][3], wfD[ch][4], wfD[ch][5], wfD[ch][6], wfD[ch][7], wfD[ch][8], wfD[ch][9], wfD[ch][10]) # set the combination channel cut if cutType == "fs" and fsCut!=None: chanCut = "(%s && %s)" % (runCut, fsCut) if cutType == "rn" and rnCut!=None: chanCut = "(%s && %s)" % (runCut, rnCut) if cutType == "wf" and wfCut!=None: chanCut = "(%s && %s)" % (runCut, wfCut) if cutType == "fs+rn" and fsCut!=None and rnCut!=None: chanCut = "(%s && %s && %s)" % (runCut, fsCut, rnCut) if cutType == "fs+wf" and fsCut!=None and wfCut!=None: chanCut = "(%s && %s && %s)" % (runCut, fsCut, wfCut) if cutType == "rn+wf" and rnCut!=None and wfCut!=None: chanCut = "(%s && %s && %s)" % (runCut, rnCut, wfCut) if cutType == "fs+rn+wf" and fsCut!=None and rnCut!=None and wfCut!=None: chanCut = "(%s && %s && %s && %s)" % (runCut, fsCut, rnCut, wfCut) # create dict entry for this channel or append to existing, taking care of parentheses and OR's. if ch in cutDict.keys() and chanCut!=None: cutDict[ch] += " || %s" % chanCut elif ch not in cutDict.keys() and chanCut!=None: cutDict[ch] = "(%s" % chanCut # close the parens for each channel entry for key in cutDict: cutDict[key] += ")" # -- finally, loop over each channel we have an entry for, get its cut, and create an output file. -- for ch in cutDict: # TODO: threshold cut (or at least save the value for each bkgIdx) chanCut = theCut + "&& gain==0 && channel==%d" % ch if cutType == "fs": outFile = "~/project/cuts/%sfs/%sfitSlo-DS%d-%d-ch%d.root" % (dString, dString, dsNum, bkgIdx, ch) chanCut += "&& fitSlo>0 && %s" % cutDict[ch] if cutType == "rn": outFile = "~/project/cuts/%srn/%sriseNoise-DS%d-%d-ch%d.root" % (dString, dString, dsNum, bkgIdx, ch) chanCut += "&& %s" % cutDict[ch] if cutType == "wf": outFile = "~/project/cuts/%swf/%swfstd-DS%d-%d-ch%d.root" % (dString, dString, dsNum, bkgIdx, ch) chanCut += "&& %s" % cutDict[ch] if cutType == "fs+rn": outFile = "~/project/cuts/%sfs_rn/%sfs_rn-DS%d-%d-ch%d.root" % (dString, dString, dsNum, bkgIdx, ch) chanCut += "&& fitSlo>0 && %s" % cutDict[ch] if cutType == "fs+wf": outFile = "~/project/cuts/%sfs_wf/%sfs_wf-DS%d-%d-ch%d.root" % (dString, dString, dsNum, bkgIdx, ch) chanCut += "&& fitSlo>0 && %s" % cutDict[ch] if cutType == "rn+wf": outFile = "~/project/cuts/%srn_wf/%srn_wf-DS%d-%d-ch%d.root" % (dString, dString, dsNum, bkgIdx, ch) chanCut += "&& %s" % cutDict[ch] if cutType == "fs+rn+wf": outFile = "~/project/cuts/%sfs_rn_wf/%sfs_rn_wf-DS%d-%d-ch%d.root" % (dString, dString, dsNum, bkgIdx, ch) chanCut += "&& fitSlo>0 && %s" % cutDict[ch] print " Writing to:",outFile print " Cut used:",chanCut,"\n" outFile = TFile(outFile,"RECREATE") outTree = TTree() outTree = skimTree.CopyTree(chanCut) outTree.Write() cutUsed = TNamed("chanCut",chanCut) cutUsed.Write() print "Wrote",outTree.GetEntries(),"entries." outFile.Close()
def createinputs(fname, sampleset, observables, bins, **kwargs): """Create histogram inputs in ROOT file for datacards. fname: filename pattern of ROOT file sampleset: SampleSet object observables: list of Variables objects bins: list of Selection objects """ #LOG.header("createinputs") outdir = kwargs.get('outdir', "") tag = kwargs.get('tag', "") # file tag htag = kwargs.get('htag', "") # hist tag for systematic filters = kwargs.get('filter', None) # only create histograms for these processes vetoes = kwargs.get('veto', None) # veto these processes parallel = kwargs.get('parallel', True) # MultiDraw histograms in parallel recreate = kwargs.get('recreate', False) # recreate ROOT file replaceweight = kwargs.get('replaceweight', None) # replace weight extraweight = kwargs.get('weight', "") # extraweight shiftQCD = kwargs.get('shiftQCD', 0) # e.g 0.30 for 30% verbosity = kwargs.get('verb', 0) option = 'RECREATE' if recreate else 'UPDATE' method = 'QCD_OSSS' if filters == None or 'QCD' in filters else None method = kwargs.get('method', method) # FILE LOGISTICS: prepare file and directories files = {} ensuredir(outdir) fname = os.path.join(outdir, fname) for obs in observables: obsname = obs.filename ftag = tag + obs.tag fname_ = repkey(fname, OBS=obsname, TAG=tag) file = TFile.Open(fname_, option) if recreate: print ">>> created file %s" % (fname_) for selection in bins: if not obs.plotfor(selection): continue obs.changecontext(selection) ensureTDirectory(file, selection.filename, cd=True, verb=verbosity) if recreate: string = joincuts(selection.selection, obs.cut) TNamed("selection", string).Write( ) # write exact selection string to ROOT file for the record / debugging #TNamed("weight",sampleset.weight).Write() LOG.verb( "%s selection %r: %r" % (obsname,, string), verbosity, 1) files[obs] = file # GET HISTS for selection in bins: bin = selection.filename # bin name print ">>>\n>>> " + color( " %s " % (bin), 'magenta', bold=True, ul=True) if htag: print ">>> systematic uncertainty: %s" % (color( htag.lstrip('_'), 'grey')) if recreate or verbosity >= 1: print ">>> %r" % (selection.selection) hists = sampleset.gethists(observables, selection, method=method, split=True, parallel=parallel, filter=filters, veto=vetoes) # SAVE HIST ljust = 4 + max(11, len(htag)) # extra space TAB = LOG.table("%10.1f %10d %-18s %s") TAB.printheader('events', 'entries', 'variable', 'process'.ljust(ljust)) for obs, hist in hists.iterhists(): name = lreplace(hist.GetName(), obs.filename).strip( '_') # histname = $VAR_$NAME (see Sample.gethist) if not name.endswith(htag): name += htag # HIST = $PROCESS_$SYSTEMATIC name = repkey(name, BIN=bin) drawopt = 'E1' if 'data' in name else 'EHIST' lcolor = kBlack if any( s in name for s in ['data', 'ST', 'VV']) else hist.GetFillColor() hist.SetOption(drawopt) hist.SetLineColor(lcolor) hist.SetFillStyle(0) # no fill in ROOT file hist.SetName(name) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(obs.title) for i, yval in enumerate(hist): if yval < 0: print ">>> replace bin %d (%.3f<0) of %r" % ( i, yval, hist.GetName()) hist.SetBinContent(i, 0) files[obs].cd(bin) # $FILE:$BIN/$PROCESS_$SYSTEMATC hist.Write(name, TH1.kOverwrite) TAB.printrow(hist.GetSumOfWeights(), hist.GetEntries(), obs.printbins(), name) deletehist(hist) # clean memory # CLOSE for obs, file in files.iteritems(): file.Close()