Exemplo n.º 1
class Simulation:
    def __init__(self,

        std_deviation = 0.07
        variation = np.random.normal(
            loc=1, scale=std_deviation, size=(1, num_individuals)
        )  # is late used to make the agents differ in weight and size

        # Constants
        self.L = room_size  # size of square room (m)
        self.N = num_individuals  # quantity of pedestrians
        self.tau = tau  # time-step (s)
        self.num_steps = num_steps  # number of steps for integration

        # Agent information
        self.radii = 0.4 * (np.ones(self.N) *
                            variation).squeeze()  # radii of pedestrians (m)
        self.v_des = v_des * np.ones(self.N)  # desired velocity (m/s)
        self.m = 80 * (np.ones(self.N) *
                       variation).squeeze()  # mass of pedestrians (kg)
        self.forces = None  # forces on the agents
        self.agents_escaped = None  #number of agents escaped by timesteps
        self.v = np.zeros(
            (2, self.N, self.num_steps))  # Three dimensional array of velocity
        self.y = np.zeros(
            (2, self.N, self.num_steps)
        )  # Three dimensional array of place: x = coordinates, y = Agent, z=Time

        # other
        self.room = Room(room,
                         room_size)  # kind of room the simulation runs in
        self.method = getattr(Integrators,
                              method)  # method used for integration
        self.diff_equ = Diff_Equ(self.N, self.L, self.tau, self.room,
                                 self.m)  # initialize Differential equation

    # function set_time, set_steps give the possiblity to late change these variable when needed
    def set_steps(self, steps):
        self.num_steps = steps

    # function to change the methode of integration if needed
    def set_methode(self, method):
        self.method = getattr(Integrators, method)

    def dont_touch(
        self, i, x
    ):  # yields false if people don't touch each other and true if they do
        for j in range(i - 1):
            if np.linalg.norm(x - self.y[:, j, 0]) < 3 * self.radii[i]:
                return True
        return False

    # fills the spawn zone with agents with random positions
    def fill_room(self):
        spawn = self.room.get_spawn_zone()
        len_right = spawn[0, 1] - spawn[0, 0]
        len_left = spawn[1, 1] - spawn[1, 0]
        max_len = max(len_left, len_right)

        # checks if the area is too small for the agents to fit in
        area_people = 0
        for i in range(self.N):
            area_people += 4 * self.radii[i]**2
        if area_people >= 0.7 * max_len**2:
                'Too much people! Please change the size of the room/spawn-zone or the amount of people.'
        # checks if the agent touches another agent/wall and if so gives it a new random position in the spawn-zone
        for i in range(self.N):
            # The pedestrians don't touch the wall
            x = len_right * np.random.rand() + spawn[0, 0]
            y = len_left * np.random.rand() + spawn[1, 0]
            pos = [x, y]

            # The pedestrians don't touch each other
            while self.dont_touch(i, x):
                x = len_right * np.random.rand() + spawn[0, 0]
                y = len_left * np.random.rand() + spawn[1, 0]
                pos = [x, y]
            self.y[:, i, 0] = pos

        self.v[:, :, 0] = self.v_des * self.diff_equ.e_t(self.y[:, :, 0])

    # calls the method of integration with the starting positions, diffequatial equation, number of steps, and delta t = tau
    def run(self):
        self.y, self.agents_escaped, self.forces = self.method(
            self.y[:, :, 0], self.v[:, :, 0], self.diff_equ.f, self.num_steps,
            self.tau, self.room)

    # Displayes the simulation in pygame
    def show(self, wait_time, sim_size):
        display_graph(self.agents_escaped, self.forces, self.m)
        display_events(self.y, self.room, wait_time, self.radii, sim_size,