Exemplo n.º 1
	def __init__(self, n_shares):
		'''Each position is associated with: initial investment value (1000), number of shares, an unfair coin, and an array with entries representing each share's value'''

		self.investment = 1000
		self.nshares = n_shares
		#You can only buy the shares in $1, $10, $100, $1000 denominations so nshares must be 1000, 100, 10 or 1
        	if self.nshares not in [1,10,100,1000]:
			raise InvalidPositionError

			self.heads_return = 2 #Know that returns are either x0 or x2. Associate flipping heads on the coin with a x2 return. 
			self.coin = UnfairCoin()	
			self.shares = np.empty(self.nshares) #Array representing the position (set of shares). Each is valued at 1000/n_shares.
Exemplo n.º 2
class Position(object):
	'''Represents a set of shares with total value $1000 on the following investment:
	With a one-day holding time, there is 51% chance the return is 1 (value doubles) and 49% chance that the return is -1 (all value is lost).'''

	def __init__(self, n_shares):
		'''Each position is associated with: initial investment value (1000), number of shares, an unfair coin, and an array with entries representing each share's value'''

		self.investment = 1000
		self.nshares = n_shares
		#You can only buy the shares in $1, $10, $100, $1000 denominations so nshares must be 1000, 100, 10 or 1
        	if self.nshares not in [1,10,100,1000]:
			raise InvalidPositionError

			self.heads_return = 2 #Know that returns are either x0 or x2. Associate flipping heads on the coin with a x2 return. 
			self.coin = UnfairCoin()	
			self.shares = np.empty(self.nshares) #Array representing the position (set of shares). Each is valued at 1000/n_shares.

	def n_flips(self):
		'''Flip an unfair coin nshares number of times.'''
		flips = []
		for f in range(self.nshares):
		return np.asarray(flips)

	def evaluate_return(self,arr):
		'''Take a flip array and convert it to corresponding returns array: 2 for heads (1) and 0 for tails (0) using elementwise multiplication'''
		return arr*self.heads_return
	def simulate(self):

	        '''Flip a coin nshares number of times and evaluate the return that each flip corresponds to.
            	The return on investment is the sum of the element-wise product of evaluation*shares'''
		return (self.evaluate_return(self.n_flips()) * self.shares).sum()