Exemplo n.º 1
    def _sub(self, data):
        import datetime
        if data.get('aa', False):
            from databundles.geo.analysisarea import get_analysis_area

            aa = get_analysis_area(self.bundle.library, **data['aa'])    
            aa_d  = dict(aa.__dict__)
            aa_d['aa_name'] = aa_d['name']
            del  aa_d['name']
            data = dict(data.items() + aa_d.items())

        data['bundle_name'] = self.bundle.identity.name
        data['date'] = datetime.datetime.now().date().isoformat()

        data['query'] = data.get('query','').format(**data)
        data['extract_where'] = data.get('extract_where','').format(**data)
        data['title'] = data.get('title','').format(**data)
        data['description'] = data.get('description','').format(**data)
        data['name'] = data.get('name','').format(**data)
        data['layer_name'] = data.get('layer_name','').format(**data)
        data['path'] = self.bundle.filesystem.path('extracts',format(data['name']))
        data['done_if'] = data.get('done_if','').format(**data)
        return data
Exemplo n.º 2
    def make_hdf(self):
        import databundles.geo as dg
        from databundles.geo.analysisarea import get_analysis_area
        from osgeo.gdalconst import GDT_Float32
        import numpy as np

        aa = get_analysis_area(self.library, place=place, scale=10)
        trans = aa.get_translator()
        a = aa.new_array()

        k = dg.GaussianKernel(33,11)

        k.matrix *= ( 1000000  / aa.scale**2 ) # Convert to count / km^2

        p = self.partitions.find(table='pitc10')

        lr = self.init_log_rate()
        for row in p.query("""SELECT *, 
         Y(Transform(geometry, 4326)) as lat, X(Transform(geometry, 4326)) as lon
         FROM pitc10"""):
            p =  trans(row['lon'], row['lat'])
            lr("Add raster point")

        raster = self.partitions.new_hdf_partition(table='pitc10r') 
        raster.database.put_geo(place, a, aa)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_sfschema(self):
        from databundles.geo.sfschema import TableShapefile
        from databundles.geo.analysisarea import get_analysis_area
        _, communities = self.bundle.library.dep('communities')
        csrs = communities.get_srs()
        gp = self.bundle.partitions.new_geo_partition(table='geot2')
        with gp.database.inserter(source_srs=csrs) as ins:
            for row in communities.query("""
            SELECT *, 
            X(Transform(Centroid(geometry), 4326)) AS lon, 
            Y(Transform(Centroid(geometry), 4326)) as lat,
            AsText(geometry) as wkt,
            AsBinary(geometry) as wkb
            FROM communities"""):
                r = {'name':row['cpname'], 'lat': row['lat'], 'lon': row['lon'], 'wkt': row['wkt']}
        aa = get_analysis_area(self.bundle.library, geoid = 'CG0666000')
        path1 = '/tmp/geot1.kml'
        if os.path.exists(path1): os.remove(path1)
        sfs1 = TableShapefile(self.bundle, path1, 'geot1' )
        path2 = '/tmp/geot2.kml'
        if os.path.exists(path2): os.remove(path2)
        sfs2 = TableShapefile(self.bundle, path2, 'geot2', source_srs=communities.get_srs())        
        print sfs1.type, sfs2.type
        for row in communities.query("""
         SELECT *, 
         X(Transform(Centroid(geometry), 4326)) AS lon, 
         Y(Transform(Centroid(geometry), 4326)) as lat,
         AsText(geometry) as wkt,
         AsBinary(geometry) as wkb
         FROM communities"""):
            sfs1.add_feature( {'name':row['cpname'], 'lat': row['lat'], 'lon': row['lon'], 'wkt': row['wkt']})
            sfs2.add_feature( {'name':row['cpname'], 'lat': row['lat'], 'lon': row['lon'], 'wkt': row['wkt']})

Exemplo n.º 4
    def x_test_basic(self):
        from databundles.geo.analysisarea import get_analysis_area,  draw_edges
        from databundles.geo import Point
        from databundles.geo.kernel import GaussianKernel
        aa = get_analysis_area(self.bundle.library, geoid = 'CG0666000')
        a = aa.new_array()

        print a.shape, a.size
        gaussian = GaussianKernel(11,6)
        for i in range(0,400, 20):
            p = Point(100+i,100+i)
        aa.write_geotiff('/tmp/box.tiff',  a,  data_type=GDT_Float32)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def demo(self):
        '''A commented demonstration of how to create crime data extracts as GeoTIFF 
        Run with: python bundle.py run demo
        from databundles.geo.analysisarea import get_analysis_area,  draw_edges
        from databundles.geo.util import create_bb
        from databundles.geo import Point
        from databundles.geo.kernel import GaussianKernel
        from databundles.geo.array import statistics, unity_norm, std_norm
        from osgeo.gdalconst import GDT_Float32, GDT_Byte, GDT_Int16
        from numpy import ma
        import random
        # Get the San Diego analysis area from the GEOID ( Defined by the US Census)
        # you can look up geoids in clarinova.com-extents-2012-7ba4/meta/san-diego-places.csv,
        # or query the places table in clarinova.com-extents-2012-7ba4.db
        aa = get_analysis_area(self.library, geoid = 'CG0666000')    
        # Get a function to translate coodinates from the default lat/lon, WGS84, 
        # into the cordinate system of the AnalysisArea, which in this case
        # is 20m square cells in an area based on a California StatePlane Zone
        trans = aa.get_translator()

        print "\n---- Display Analysis Area ----"
        print aa
        # This should print a small value, something close to (0,0). 
        # It won't be exactly (0,0), since the analysis area envelope must be
        # larger than the envelop of the place to account for rotation from 
        # re-projection
        print "Origin", trans(aa.lonmin, aa.latmin)
        # At the Sandiego latitude, 1/5000 of a degree, .0002, is about 20 meters, 
        # So incrementing by that amount should advance our cell position by one
        print "\n---- Check translation function ----"
        import numpy as np
        for i,x in enumerate(np.arange(0,.002,.0002)):
            print i,x,trans(aa.lonmin+x, aa.latmin+x)
        # Now we can load in the crime incident data, translate the lat/lon points
        # to our array coordinates, and produce an image. 
        # Get a reference to the bundle named as "crime" in the bundle.yaml configuration
        # file.   crime = spotcrime.com-us_crime_incidents-orig-7ba4
        r = self.library.dep('crime')

        # Fill in the values for the extents of the analysis area into the
        # query template. 
        q = self.config.build.incident_query.format(**aa.__dict__)
        q += " AND type = 'Theft' "
        # A 'Kernel' is a matrix in a process called 'convolution'. We're doing something
        # somewhat different, but are re-using the name. This kernel is added
        # onto the output array for each crime incident, and represents a Normal
        # distribution, so it spreads out the influence over a larger area than
        # a single cell.
        # The matrix is square, 9 cells to a side. The function has 1/2 of its
        # maximun ( Full-Width-Half Maximum, FWHM) three cells from the center. 
        kernel =  GaussianKernel(33,11)
        # We're going to need an output array. This creates a numpy array that 
        # has the correct size
        a = aa.new_array() # Main array
        ar = aa.new_array() # Array with random perturbation 
        rs = 4
        print "Array shape: ",a.shape
        for i,row in enumerate(r.bundle.database.connection.execute(q)):
            if i > 0 and i%1000 == 0:
                print "Processed {} rows".format(i)
            if i > 5000:
            point = trans(row['longitude'], row['latitude'])

            # The source data is coded to the 'hundred block' address, 
            # such as: 12XX Main Street. This make the points quantized, so
            # add a little randomness for a smoother map. 
            rpoint = Point(point.x+random.randint(-rs, rs),
                           point.y+random.randint(-rs, rs))
        # make a helper to store files in the extracts directory
        ed = lambda f: self.filesystem.path('extracts','demo',f+'.tiff')
        print "\n--- Statistics, Before Normalizing ---"
        print statistics(a)
        aa.write_geotiff(ed('orig'),  a,  type_=GDT_Float32)
        print "\n--- Statistics, After Masking Normalizing ---"
        # Masking marks some values as invalid, so they don't get used in statistics. 
        # I this case, we are making 0 invalid, which will keep it from being
        # considered in the std deviation later in std_norm. 
        a = ma.masked_equal(a,0)  
        print statistics(a)
        aa.write_geotiff(ed('masked'),  a,  type_=GDT_Float32)
        print "\n--- Statistics, After StdDev Normalizing ---"
        o = std_norm(a)
        print statistics(o)
        aa.write_geotiff(ed('stddev'),  o,  type_=GDT_Float32)

        print "\n--- Statistics, After Unity Normalizing ---"
        o = unity_norm(a)
        print statistics(o)
        aa.write_geotiff(ed('unity'),  o,  type_=GDT_Float32)
        # Write the array with randomness
        ar = ma.masked_equal(ar,0)  
        aa.write_geotiff('/tmp/random.tiff', std_norm(ar),  type_=GDT_Float32)