def linesPointAtEachother(linepair1, linepair2):
    ep1 = linepair1[1]
    ep2 = linepair2[1]
    pointsToRadius = max(15, 0.26 * GeomUtils.pointDistance(ep1.X, ep1.Y, ep2.X, ep2.Y) ) #Span out the valid radius at about 30 degrees
    l1_to_l2 = GeomUtils.linePointsTowards(linepair1[0], linepair1[1], linepair2[1], pointsToRadius)
    l2_to_l1 = GeomUtils.linePointsTowards(linepair2[0], linepair2[1], linepair1[1], pointsToRadius)
    ss_logger.debug("l1 points to l2: %s" % (l1_to_l2))
    ss_logger.debug("l2 points to l1: %s" % (l2_to_l1))
    return (l1_to_l2 and l2_to_l1)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _matchHeadtoTail(self, head = None, tail = None, point = None):
        """Input head stroke or tail stroke. If head is specified, match it to a tail. If tail is specified, match it to a head.
           Parameter 'point' should be the tip if head is specified, the end-point if tail is specified.
           Returns a list of tuples: (tip, head_stroke) if tail is specified, (endpoint, tail_stroke) if head is specified."""
        retlist = []
        if point is None:
            return retlist

        if head is not None and tail is None: #Head is specified, find the tail
            tip = point
            ep1, ep2 = head.Points[0], head.Points[-1]
            headBreadth = GeomUtils.pointDistance(ep1.X, ep1.Y, ep2.X, ep2.Y)
            for endpoint, tailStroke in self._endpoints:
                if GeomUtils.strokeLength(head) < GeomUtils.strokeLength(tailStroke) \
                and _isPointWithHead(endpoint, head, tip): #Make sure the proportions aren't totally off
                    logger.debug("Head stroke has a tail close and within cone")
                    pointingLength = len(tailStroke.Points) / 5
                    if endpoint == tailStroke.Points[0]:
                        linept1, linept2 = tailStroke.Points[pointingLength], endpoint
                    elif endpoint== tailStroke.Points[-1]:
                        linept1, linept2 = tailStroke.Points[-pointingLength], endpoint
                    pointsTo = GeomUtils.linePointsTowards(linept1, linept2, tip, headBreadth)
                    if pointsTo:
                        retlist.append( (endpoint, tailStroke) )

        elif tail is not None and head is None: #Find the head
            endpoint = point
            pointingLength = len(tail.Points) / 5
            if endpoint == tail.Points[0]:
                linept1, linept2 = tail.Points[pointingLength], endpoint
            elif endpoint== tail.Points[-1]:
                linept1, linept2 = tail.Points[-pointingLength], endpoint

            for tip, headStroke in self._arrowHeads:
                ep1, ep2 = headStroke.Points[0], headStroke.Points[-1]
                headBreadth = GeomUtils.pointDistance(ep1.X, ep1.Y, ep2.X, ep2.Y)
                if GeomUtils.strokeLength(headStroke) < GeomUtils.strokeLength(tail) \
                and _isPointWithHead(endpoint, headStroke, tip):
                    logger.debug("Tail stroke is close and within cone of an arrowhead")
                    pointsTo = GeomUtils.linePointsTowards(linept1, linept2, tip, headBreadth)
                    if pointsTo:
                        retlist.append( (tip, headStroke) )
        return retlist
Exemplo n.º 3
 def tipToNode( self, arrow_anno, circle_anno ):
     "return true if the tip of the arrow points to the circle"
     lineDist = min(10, max(len(arrow_anno.tailstroke.Points) / 10, 1)) #Check the last 10th of the stroke points the right way
     #lineseg: two points from arrow "neck" to arrowhead tip 
     #lineseg2: two points from arrow "neck" to last point in tail stroke
     if arrow_anno.direction == "tail2head":
         lineSeg = ( arrow_anno.tailstroke.Points[-lineDist], arrow_anno.tip )
         lineSeg2 = ( arrow_anno.tailstroke.Points[-lineDist], arrow_anno.tailstroke.Points[-1] )
     else: #direction == 'head2tail'
         lineSeg = ( arrow_anno.tailstroke.Points[lineDist], arrow_anno.tip )
         lineSeg2 = ( arrow_anno.tailstroke.Points[lineDist], arrow_anno.tailstroke.Points[0] )
     if GeomUtils.pointDist( arrow_anno.tip, ) < circle_anno.radius* DiGraphAnnotation.MATCHING_DISTANCE:
         if GeomUtils.linePointsTowards( lineSeg[0], lineSeg[1],, circle_anno.radius * DiGraphAnnotation.POINTSTO_DISTANCE):
             return True
         if GeomUtils.linePointsTowards( lineSeg2[0], lineSeg2[1],, circle_anno.radius * DiGraphAnnotation.POINTSTO_DISTANCE):
             return True
     return False
Exemplo n.º 4
 def tailToNode( self, arrow_anno, circle_anno ):
     "return true if the tail of the arrow comes from the circle"
     lineDist = max(len(arrow_anno.tailstroke.Points) / 10, 1) #Check the last 10th of the stroke points the right way
     if arrow_anno.direction == "tail2head":
         lineSeg = ( arrow_anno.tailstroke.Points[lineDist], arrow_anno.tailstroke.Points[0] )
     else: #direction == 'head2tail'
         lineSeg = ( arrow_anno.tailstroke.Points[-lineDist], arrow_anno.tailstroke.Points[-1] )
     if GeomUtils.pointDist( arrow_anno.tail, ) < circle_anno.radius* DiGraphAnnotation.MATCHING_DISTANCE:
         if GeomUtils.linePointsTowards( lineSeg[0], lineSeg[1],, circle_anno.radius * DiGraphAnnotation.POINTSTO_DISTANCE):
             return True
     return False
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _matchHeadtoTail(self, head = None, tail = None, point = None):
        """Input head stroke or tail stroke. If head is specified, match it to a tail. If tail is specified, match it to a head.
           Parameter 'point' should be the tip if head is specified, the end-point if tail is specified.
           Returns a list of tuples: (tip, head_stroke) if tail is specified, (endpoint, tail_stroke) if head is specified."""
        retlist = []
        if point is None:
            return retlist

        headStroke = head
        tailStroke = tail

        if headStroke is not None and tail is None: #Head is specified, find the tail
            tip = point
            ep1, ep2 = headStroke.Points[0], headStroke.Points[-1]
            headBreadth = GeomUtils.pointDistance(ep1.X, ep1.Y, ep2.X, ep2.Y)
            for endpoint, origStk, tailStroke in self._endpoints:
                pointingLength = len(tailStroke.Points) / 10
                if endpoint == tailStroke.Points[0]: #Treat as drawn head2tail
                    tailpoints = tailStroke.Points
                    linept1, linept2 = tailStroke.Points[pointingLength], endpoint
                elif endpoint== tailStroke.Points[-1]: #Treat as drawn tail2head
                    tailpoints = list(reversed(tailStroke.Points))
                    linept1, linept2 = tailStroke.Points[-(pointingLength+1)], endpoint

                headLen = GeomUtils.strokeLength(headStroke) 
                tailLen = GeomUtils.strokeLength(tailStroke)
                pointWithHead = _isPointWithHead(tailpoints, headStroke, tip)
                if headLen < tailLen * 2 \
                and pointWithHead:
                    logger.debug("Head stroke has a tail close and within cone")
                    pointsTo = GeomUtils.linePointsTowards(linept1, linept2, tip, headBreadth)
                    if pointsTo:
                        logger.debug("  Tail points to head")
                        retlist.append( (endpoint, origStk) )
                        logger.debug("  Tail does NOT point to head")
                    if headLen < tailLen * 2:
                        logger.debug("  Head stroke scale is okay for this arrowhead")
                        logger.debug("  Head stroke scale is BAD for this arrowhead")
                        logger.debug("  Head Len: %s, tail Len: %s" % (headLen, tailLen))
                    if not pointWithHead:
                        logger.debug("  Head stroke is NOT close or within cone of an arrowhead\n")
                        logger.debug("  Head stroke is close and within cone of an arrowhead\n")

        elif tailStroke is not None and headStroke is None: #Find the head
            endpoint = point
            pointingLength = len(tailStroke.Points) / 10

            if endpoint == tailStroke.Points[0]: #Treat as drawn head2tail
                tailpoints = tailStroke.Points
                linept1, linept2 = tailStroke.Points[pointingLength], endpoint
            elif endpoint== tailStroke.Points[-1]: #Treat as drawn tail2head
                tailpoints = list(reversed(tailStroke.Points))
                linept1, linept2 = tailStroke.Points[-pointingLength], endpoint

            for tip, origStk, headStroke in self._arrowHeads:
                ep1, ep2 = headStroke.Points[0], headStroke.Points[-1]
                headBreadth = GeomUtils.pointDistance(ep1.X, ep1.Y, ep2.X, ep2.Y)
                headLen = GeomUtils.strokeLength(headStroke) 
                tailLen = GeomUtils.strokeLength(tailStroke)
                pointWithHead = _isPointWithHead(tailpoints, headStroke, tip)
                if headLen < tailLen * 2\
                and pointWithHead:
                    logger.debug("Tail stroke is close and within cone of an arrowhead")
                    pointsTo = GeomUtils.linePointsTowards(linept1, linept2, tip, headBreadth)
                    if pointsTo:
                        logger.debug("  Tail points to head")
                        retlist.append( (tip, origStk) )
                        logger.debug("  Tail does NOT point to head")
                    if headLen < tailLen * 2:
                        logger.debug("  Tail stroke scale is okay for this arrowhead")
                        logger.debug("  Tail stroke scale is BAD for this arrowhead")
                        logger.debug("  Head Len: %s, tail Len: %s" % (headLen, tailLen))

                    if not pointWithHead:
                        logger.debug("  Tail stroke is NOT close or within cone of an arrowhead\n")
                        logger.debug("  Tail stroke is close and within cone of an arrowhead\n")
        return retlist