Exemplo n.º 1
def _isArrowHead(stroke, matcher):
    numPts = 11
    sNorm = GeomUtils.strokeNormalizeSpacing(stroke, numpoints = numPts)
    curvatures = GeomUtils.strokeGetPointsCurvature(sNorm)
    maxCurv = max(curvatures)
    maxCurvIdx = curvatures.index(maxCurv)
    #Make sure the max curvature is roughly in the middle of the stroke before even bothering
    #   with more complicated checks
    if maxCurvIdx > (numPts / 5.0) and maxCurvIdx < ( 4 * numPts / 5.0): 
        strkLen = GeomUtils.strokeLength(stroke)
        arrowHeadStroke = GeomUtils.strokeNormalizeSpacing(Stroke([sNorm.Points[0], sNorm.Points[maxCurvIdx], sNorm.Points[-1]]), numpoints = strkLen) #What would the approximated arrowhead look like?
        origStroke = GeomUtils.strokeNormalizeSpacing(stroke, numpoints = strkLen)
        approxAcc = GeomUtils.strokeDTWDist(sNorm, arrowHeadStroke)
        #logger.debug("Stroke approximates arrowhead with %s accuracy" % (approxAcc))

        return approxAcc < 500000
        #_isArrowHead_Template(stroke, matcher) or _isArrowHead_Template(Stroke(list(reversed(stroke.Points))), matcher)
    return False
Exemplo n.º 2
    def tagBox(self, stroke):

        endPointDistPct = 0.10 #How close (as % of length) the points have to be to each other
        boxApproxThresh = 50000 #The DTW distance between the stroke and how it best fits a box
        stkLen = GeomUtils.strokeLength(stroke)
        ep1, ep2 = stroke.Points[0], stroke.Points[-1]
        epDistSqr = GeomUtils.pointDistanceSquared(ep1.X, ep1.Y, ep2.X, ep2.Y)
        if  epDistSqr > (endPointDistPct * stkLen) ** 2:
            print "Endpoints aren't close enough to be a box"
        overshoot = max(1, len(stroke.Points)/10)
        norm_stroke = GeomUtils.strokeSmooth(GeomUtils.strokeNormalizeSpacing(Stroke(stroke.Points + stroke.Points[0:overshoot]), numpoints = 70))
        curvatures = GeomUtils.strokeGetPointsCurvature(norm_stroke)
        corners = set([])
        curvatures_cpy = list(curvatures)
        while len(corners) < 4:
            crnr_idx = curvatures_cpy.index(max(curvatures_cpy))
            crnr = curvatures_cpy[crnr_idx] * 57.295
            for nBor in range(crnr_idx -2, crnr_idx + 3):
                if nBor < len(curvatures_cpy) and nBor > 0:
                    curvatures_cpy[nBor] = 0
            if crnr > 0: #30 and crnr < 150:
                #Have a curvature, and we haven't already classified its immed neighbors as a corner
        if len(corners) != 4:
            c_list = [norm_stroke.Points[c_idx] for c_idx in sorted(list(corners))]
            cornerStroke = Stroke(c_list + c_list[:2])
            boxStroke = GeomUtils.strokeNormalizeSpacing(Stroke(c_list + [c_list[0]]))
            origStroke = GeomUtils.strokeNormalizeSpacing(Stroke(stroke.Points + [stroke.Points[0]]))
            approxAcc = GeomUtils.strokeDTWDist(boxStroke, origStroke)
            print "Box approximates original with %s accuracy" % (approxAcc)
            if approxAcc < boxApproxThresh:
                self.getBoard().AnnotateStrokes([stroke], BoxAnnotation(c_list))