Exemplo n.º 1
 def __init__(self):
     self.memory = MemoryD(self.memory_size)
     self.ale = ALE(display_screen="true",
     self.nnet = NeuralNet(self.state_size, self.number_of_actions,
                           "ai/deepmind-params.cfg", "layer4")
Exemplo n.º 2
class Main:
    def __init__(self):
        self.minibatch_size = 32  # Given in the paper
        self.number_of_actions = 4  # XXX Game "Breakout" has 4 possible actions

        # Properties of the neural net which come from the paper
        self.nnet = NeuralNet([1, 4, 84, 84],
                              filter_shapes=[[16, 4, 8, 8], [32, 16, 4, 4]],
                              strides=[4, 2],
        self.ale = ALE()
        self.frames_played = 0
        self.iterations_per_choice = 4
        self.games = games.Games()

    def compute_epsilon(self):
        From the paper: "The behavior policy during training was epsilon-greedy
        with annealed linearly from 1 to 0.1 over the first million frames, and fixed at 0.1 thereafter."
        @param frames_played: How far are we with our learning?
        return max(1 - 0.9 * (float(self.frames_played) / 1e6), 0.1)

    def play_game(self, training_callback):
        """Play  a game,  calling  training_callback every  iteration.
        Returns a history of the game."""
        game = games.Game(self.ale)
        while not game.game_over():
            if ((random.uniform(0, 1) < self.compute_epsilon())
                    or (game.number_frames() < 4)):
                action = random.choice(range(self.number_of_actions))
                print 'chose randomly', action,
                rewards = self.nnet.predict_rewards([game.last_state()])
                action = np.argmax(rewards)
                print 'chose q-func  ', action, 'based on rewards', rewards,
            self.frames_played += 1
            print 'reward', game.rewards[-1]
            if (self.frames_played % self.minibatch_size) == 0:
        return game

    def play_games(self):
        while True:
            if self.games.number_unprocessed() < 20 * self.minibatch_size:
                training_callback = lambda: None
                training_callback = lambda: self.nnet.train(
            print 'Currently', len(self.games.games) + 1, 'games'
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self):
        self.memory = MemoryD(self.memory_size)
        self.minibatch_size = 32  # Given in the paper
        self.number_of_actions = 4  # Game "Breakout" has 4 possible actions

        # Properties of the neural net which come from the paper
        self.nnet = NeuralNet([1, 4, 84, 84],
                              filter_shapes=[[16, 4, 8, 8], [32, 16, 4, 4]],
                              strides=[4, 2],
        self.ale = ALE(self.memory)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self):
        self.minibatch_size = 32  # Given in the paper
        self.number_of_actions = 4  # XXX Game "Breakout" has 4 possible actions

        # Properties of the neural net which come from the paper
        self.nnet = NeuralNet([1, 4, 84, 84],
                              filter_shapes=[[16, 4, 8, 8], [32, 16, 4, 4]],
                              strides=[4, 2],
        self.ale = ALE()
        self.frames_played = 0
        self.iterations_per_choice = 4
        self.games = games.Games()
Exemplo n.º 5
    def __init__(self):
        self.memory = MemoryD(self.memory_size)
        self.minibatch_size = 32  # Given in the paper
        self.number_of_actions = 4  # Game "Breakout" has 4 possible actions

        # Properties of the neural net which come from the paper
        self.nnet = NeuralNet([1, 4, 84, 84], filter_shapes=[[16, 4, 8, 8], [32, 16, 4, 4]],
                              strides=[4, 2], n_hidden=256, n_out=self.number_of_actions)
        self.ale = ALE(self.memory)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def __init__(self):
     self.memory = MemoryD(self.memory_size)
     self.ale = ALE(self.memory)
     self.nnet = NeuralNet(self.state_size, self.number_of_actions, "ai/deepmind-layers.cfg", "ai/deepmind-params.cfg", "layer4")
Exemplo n.º 7
class Main:
    # How many transitions to keep in memory?
    memory_size = 300000

    # Size of the mini-batch, 32 was given in the paper
    minibatch_size = 32

    # Number of possible actions in a given game, 4 for "Breakout"
    number_of_actions = 4

    # Size of one state is four 84x84 screens
    state_size = 4*84*84

    # Discount factor for future rewards
    discount_factor = 0.9

    # Memory itself
    memory = None

    # Neural net
    nnet = None

    # Communication with ALE
    ale = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.memory = MemoryD(self.memory_size)
        self.ale = ALE(self.memory)
        self.nnet = NeuralNet(self.state_size, self.number_of_actions, "ai/deepmind-layers.cfg", "ai/deepmind-params.cfg", "layer4")

    def compute_epsilon(self, frames_played):
        From the paper: "The behavior policy during training was epsilon-greedy
        with annealed linearly from 1 to 0.1 over the first million frames, and fixed at 0.1 thereafter."
        @param frames_played: How far are we with our learning?
        return max(1.0 - frames_played / (1000000 * 1.0), 0.1)

    def predict_best_action(self, last_state):
        assert last_state.shape[0] == self.state_size
        assert len(last_state.shape) == 1

        # last_state contains only one state, so we have to convert it into batch of size 1
        last_state.shape = (last_state.shape[0], 1)
        scores = self.nnet.predict(last_state)
        assert scores.shape[1] == self.number_of_actions

        self.output_file.write(str(scores).strip().replace(' ', ',')[2:-2] + '\n')
        # return action (index) with maximum score
        return np.argmax(scores)

    def train_minibatch(self, minibatch):
        Train function that transforms (state,action,reward,state) into (input, expected_output) for neural net
        and trains the network
        @param minibatch: list of arrays: prestates, actions, rewards, poststates
        prestates = minibatch[0]
        actions = minibatch[1]
        rewards = minibatch[2]
        poststates = minibatch[3]

        assert prestates.shape[0] == self.state_size
        assert prestates.shape[1] == self.minibatch_size
        assert poststates.shape[0] == self.state_size
        assert poststates.shape[1] == self.minibatch_size
        assert actions.shape[0] == self.minibatch_size
        assert rewards.shape[0] == self.minibatch_size

        # predict scores for poststates
        post_scores = self.nnet.predict(poststates)
        assert post_scores.shape[0] == self.minibatch_size
        assert post_scores.shape[1] == self.number_of_actions

        # take maximum score of all actions
        max_scores = np.max(post_scores, axis=1)
        assert max_scores.shape[0] == self.minibatch_size
        assert len(max_scores.shape) == 1

        # predict scores for prestates, so we can keep scores for other actions unchanged
        scores = self.nnet.predict(prestates)
        assert scores.shape[0] == self.minibatch_size
        assert scores.shape[1] == self.number_of_actions

        # update the Q-values for the actions we actually performed
        for i, action in enumerate(actions):
            scores[i][action] = rewards[i] + self.discount_factor * max_scores[i]

        # we have to transpose prediction result, as train expects input in opposite order
        cost = self.nnet.train(prestates, scores.transpose().copy())
        return cost

    def play_games(self, n):
        Main cycle: plays many games and many frames in each game. Also learning is performed.
        @param n: total number of games allowed to play

        games_to_play = n
        games_played = 0
        frames_played = 0
        game_scores = []
        scores_file = open("../log/scores" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M") + ".txt", "w")
        self.output_file = open("../log/Q_history"+time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M")+".csv","w")

        # Play games until maximum number is reached
        while games_played < games_to_play:

            # Start a new game
            print "starting game", games_played+1, "frames played so far:", frames_played
            game_score = 0
            self.nnet.epoch = games_played

            # Play until game is over
            while not self.ale.game_over:

                # Epsilon decreases over time
                epsilon = self.compute_epsilon(frames_played)

                # Before AI takes an action we must make sure it is safe for the human race
                if   injury_to_a_human_being    is not None:
                    raise Exception('The First Law of Robotics is violated!')
                elif conflict_with_orders_given is not None:
                    raise Exception('The Second Law of Robotics is violated!')
                elif threat_to_my_existence     is not None:
                    raise Exception('The Third Law of Robotics is violated!')

                # Some times random action is chosen
                if random.uniform(0, 1) < epsilon:
                    action = random.choice(range(self.number_of_actions))

                # Usually neural net chooses the best action
                    action = self.predict_best_action(self.memory.get_last_state())

                # Make the move
                reward = self.ale.move(action)
                game_score += reward

                # Store new information to memory

                # Start a training session
                minibatch = self.memory.get_minibatch(self.minibatch_size)
                frames_played += 1

            # After "game over" increase the number of games played
            games_played += 1
            # Store game state every 100 games
            if games_played % 100 == 0:

                # Store state of the network as cpickle as Convnet does
                # Store the weights and biases of all layers
                layer_dict = {}
                for layer_name in layers_list:
                    w = m.nnet.layers[layer_name]["weights"][0].copy()
                    b = m.nnet.layers[layer_name]["biases"][0].copy()
                    layer_dict[layer_name] = {'weights': w, 'biases': b}
                filename = "../log/weights_at_" + str(games_played) + "_games.pkl"
                weights_file = open(filename, "wb")
                cPickle.dump(layer_dict, weights_file)

            # write the game score to a file 

            # And do stuff after end game (store information, let ALE know etc)

        print game_scores
Exemplo n.º 8
class Main:
    # How many transitions to keep in memory?
    memory_size = 500000

    # Size of the mini-batch, 32 was given in the paper
    minibatch_size = 32

    # Number of possible actions in a given game, 6 for "Breakout"
    number_of_actions = 6

    # Size of one frame
    frame_size = 84*84

    # Size of one state is four 84x84 screens
    state_size = 4 * frame_size

    # Discount factor for future rewards
    discount_factor = 0.9

    # Exploration rate annealing speed
    epsilon_frames = 1000000.0

    # Epsilon during testing
    test_epsilon = 0.05

    # Total frames played, only incremented during training
    total_frames_trained = 0

    # Number of random states to use for calculating Q-values
    nr_random_states = 100

    # Random states that we use to calculate Q-values
    random_states = None

    # Memory itself
    memory = None

    # Neural net
    nnet = None

    # Communication with ALE
    ale = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.memory = MemoryD(self.memory_size)
        self.ale = ALE(self.memory)
        self.nnet = NeuralNet(self.state_size, self.number_of_actions, "ai/deepmind-layers.cfg", "ai/deepmind-params.cfg", "layer4")

    def compute_epsilon(self, frames_played):
        From the paper: "The behavior policy during training was epsilon-greedy
        with annealed linearly from 1 to 0.1 over the first million frames, and fixed at 0.1 thereafter."
        @param frames_played: How far are we with our learning?
        return max(1.0 - frames_played / self.epsilon_frames, 0.1)

    def predict_best_action(self, last_state):
        # last_state contains only one state, so we have to convert it into batch of size 1
        last_state.shape = (last_state.shape[0], 1)

        # use neural net to predict Q-values for all actions
        qvalues = self.nnet.predict(last_state)
        #print "Predicted action Q-values: ", qvalues

        # return action (index) with maximum Q-value
        return np.argmax(qvalues)

    def train_minibatch(self, minibatch):
        Train function that transforms (state,action,reward,state) into (input, expected_output) for neural net
        and trains the network
        @param minibatch: list of arrays: prestates, actions, rewards, poststates
        prestates, actions, rewards, poststates = minibatch

        # predict Q-values for prestates, so we can keep Q-values for other actions unchanged
        qvalues = self.nnet.predict(prestates)
        #print "Prestate q-values: ", qvalues[0,:]
        #print "Action was: %d, reward was %d" % (actions[0], rewards[0])

        # predict Q-values for poststates
        post_qvalues = self.nnet.predict(poststates)
        #print "Poststate q-values: ", post_qvalues[0,:]

        # take maximum Q-value of all actions
        max_qvalues = np.max(post_qvalues, axis = 1)

        # update the Q-values for the actions we actually performed
        for i, action in enumerate(actions):
            qvalues[i][action] = rewards[i] + self.discount_factor * max_qvalues[i]
        #print "Corrected q-values: ", qvalues[0,:]

        # we have to transpose prediction result, as train expects input in opposite order
        cost = self.nnet.train(prestates, qvalues.transpose().copy())

        #qvalues = self.nnet.predict(prestates)
        #print "After training: ", qvalues[0,:]

        return cost

    def play_games(self, nr_frames, train, epsilon = None):
        Main cycle: starts a game and plays number of frames.
        @param nr_frames: total number of games allowed to play
        @param train: true or false, whether to do training or not
        @param epsilon: fixed epsilon, only used when not training
        assert train or epsilon is not None

        frames_played = 0
        game_scores = []

        # Start a new game
        game_score = 0

        # Play games until maximum number is reached
        while frames_played < nr_frames:

            # Epsilon decreases over time only when training
            if train:
                epsilon = self.compute_epsilon(self.total_frames_trained)
                #print "Current annealed epsilon is %f at %d frames" % (epsilon, self.total_frames_trained)

            # Some times random action is chosen
            if random.uniform(0, 1) < epsilon:
                action = random.choice(range(self.number_of_actions))
                #print "Chose random action %d" % action
            # Usually neural net chooses the best action
                action = self.predict_best_action(self.memory.get_last_state())
                #print "Neural net chose action %d" % int(action)

            # Make the move
            points = self.ale.move(action)
            if points > 0:
                print "    Got %d points" % points
            game_score += points
            frames_played += 1
            #print "Played frame %d" % frames_played

            # Only if training
            if train:
                # Store new information to memory
                # Increase total frames only when training
                self.total_frames_trained += 1
                # Fetch random minibatch from memory
                minibatch = self.memory.get_minibatch(self.minibatch_size)
                # Train neural net with the minibatch
                #print "Trained minibatch of size %d" % self.minibatch_size

            # Play until game is over
            if self.ale.game_over:
                print "    Game over, score = %d" % game_score
                # After "game over" increase the number of games played
                game_score = 0
                # And do stuff after end game

        # reset the game just in case

        return game_scores

    def run(self, epochs, training_frames, testing_frames):
        # Open log files and write headers
        timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M")
        log_train = open("../log/training_" + timestamp + ".csv", "w")
        log_test = open("../log/testing_" + timestamp + ".csv", "w")
        log_train_scores = open("../log/training_scores_" + timestamp + ".txt", "w")
        log_test_scores = open("../log/testing_scores_" + timestamp + ".txt", "w")
        log_weights = open("../log/weights_" + timestamp + ".csv", "w")

        for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1):
            print "Epoch %d:" % epoch

            if training_frames > 0:
                # play number of frames with training and epsilon annealing
                print "  Training for %d frames" % training_frames
                training_scores = self.play_games(training_frames, train = True)

                # log training scores
                log_train_scores.write(NL.join(map(str, training_scores)) + NL)

                # log aggregated training data
                train_data = (epoch, len(training_scores), sum(training_scores), np.mean(training_scores), training_frames, self.total_frames_trained, self.compute_epsilon(self.total_frames_trained), self.memory.count)
                log_train.write(','.join(map(str, train_data)) + NL)

                weights = self.nnet.get_weight_stats()
                if epoch == 1:
                    # write header
                    wlayers = []
                    for (layer, index) in weights:
                        wlayers.extend([layer, index, ''])
                    log_weights.write(','.join(wlayers) + NL)
                    wlabels = []
                    for (layer, index) in weights:
                        wlabels.extend(['weights', 'weightsInc', 'incRatio'])
                    log_weights.write(','.join(wlabels) + NL)
                wdata = []
                for w in weights.itervalues():
                    wdata.extend([str(w[0]), str(w[1]), str(w[1] / w[0] if w[0] > 0 else 0)])
                log_weights.write(','.join(wdata) + NL)

                # save network state
                print   # save_network()'s output doesn't include newline

            if testing_frames > 0:
                # play number of frames without training and without epsilon annealing
                print "  Testing for %d frames" % testing_frames
                testing_scores = self.play_games(testing_frames, train = False, epsilon = self.test_epsilon)

                # log testing scores
                log_test_scores.write(NL.join(map(str, testing_scores)) + NL)

                # Pick random states to calculate Q-values for
                if self.random_states is None and self.memory.count > self.nr_random_states:
                    print "  Picking %d random states for Q-values" % self.nr_random_states
                    self.random_states = self.memory.get_minibatch(self.nr_random_states)[0]

                # Do not calculate Q-values when mamory is empty
                if self.random_states is not None:
                    # calculate Q-values 
                    qvalues = self.nnet.predict(self.random_states)
                    assert qvalues.shape[0] == self.nr_random_states
                    assert qvalues.shape[1] == self.number_of_actions
                    max_qvalues = np.max(qvalues, axis = 1)
                    assert max_qvalues.shape[0] == self.nr_random_states
                    assert len(max_qvalues.shape) == 1
                    avg_qvalue = np.mean(max_qvalues)
                    avg_qvalue = 0

                # log aggregated testing data
                test_data = (epoch, len(testing_scores), sum(testing_scores), np.mean(testing_scores), avg_qvalue, testing_frames, self.test_epsilon, self.memory.count)
                log_test.write(','.join(map(str, test_data)) + NL)

Exemplo n.º 9
class Main:
    # How many transitions to keep in memory?
    memory_size = 100000

    # Memory itself
    memory = None

    # Neural net
    nnet = None

    # Communication with ALE
    ale = None

    # Size of the mini-batch which will be sent to learning in Theano
    minibatch_size = None

    # Number of possible actions in a given game
    number_of_actions = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.memory = MemoryD(self.memory_size)
        self.minibatch_size = 32  # Given in the paper
        self.number_of_actions = 4  # Game "Breakout" has 4 possible actions

        # Properties of the neural net which come from the paper
        self.nnet = NeuralNet([1, 4, 84, 84], filter_shapes=[[16, 4, 8, 8], [32, 16, 4, 4]],
                              strides=[4, 2], n_hidden=256, n_out=self.number_of_actions)
        self.ale = ALE(self.memory)

    def compute_epsilon(self, frames_played):
        From the paper: "The behavior policy during training was epsilon-greedy
        with annealed linearly from 1 to 0.1 over the first million frames, and fixed at 0.1 thereafter."
        @param frames_played: How far are we with our learning?
        return max(0.9 - frames_played / (self.memory_size * 1.0), 0.1)

    def play_games(self, n):
        Main cycle: plays many games and many frames in each game. Also learning is performed.
        @param n: total number of games allowed to play

        games_to_play = n
        games_played = 0
        frames_played = 0

        # Play games until maximum number is reached
        while games_played < games_to_play:
            # Start a new game

            # Play until game is over
            while not self.ale.game_over:

                # Epsilon decreases over time
                epsilon = self.compute_epsilon(frames_played)
                #print "espilon is", epsilon
                # Before AI takes an action we must make sure it is safe for the human race
                if   injury_to_a_human_being    is not None:
                    raise Exception('The First Law of Robotics is violated!')
                elif conflict_with_orders_given is not None:
                    raise Exception('The Second Law of Robotics is violated!')
                elif threat_to_my_existence     is not None:
                    raise Exception('The Third Law of Robotics is violated!')

                # Some times random action is chosen
                if random.uniform(0, 1) < epsilon:
                    action = random.choice(range(self.number_of_actions))
                    #print "chose randomly ", action

                # Usually neural net chooses the best action
                    #print "chose by neural net"
                    action = self.nnet.predict_best_action([self.memory.get_last_state()])
                    print action

                # Make the move

                # Store new information to memory

                # Start a training session

                frames_played += 1
            # After "game over" increase the number of games played
            games_played += 1

            # And do stuff after end game (store information, let ALE know etc)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def __init__(self):
     self.memory = MemoryD(self.memory_size)
     self.ale = ALE(self.memory, display_screen="true", skip_frames=4, game_ROM='../libraries/ale/roms/breakout.bin')
     self.nnet = NeuralNet(self.state_size, self.number_of_actions, "ai/deepmind-layers.cfg", "ai/deepmind-params.cfg", "layer4")
Exemplo n.º 11
class Main:
    # How many transitions to keep in memory?
    memory_size = 500000

    # Size of the mini-batch, 32 was given in the paper
    minibatch_size = 32

    # Number of possible actions in a given game, 6 for "Breakout"
    number_of_actions = 6

    # Size of one frame
    frame_size = 84*84

    # Size of one state is four 84x84 screens
    state_size = 4 * frame_size

    # Discount factor for future rewards
    discount_factor = 0.9

    # Exploration rate annealing speed
    epsilon_frames = 1000000.0

    # Epsilon during testing
    test_epsilon = 0.05

    # Total frames played, only incremented during training
    total_frames_trained = 0

    # Number of random states to use for calculating Q-values
    nr_random_states = 100

    # Random states that we use to calculate Q-values
    random_states = None

    # Memory itself
    memory = None

    # Neural net
    nnet = None

    # Communication with ALE
    ale = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.memory = MemoryD(self.memory_size)
        self.ale = ALE(self.memory, display_screen="true", skip_frames=4, game_ROM='../libraries/ale/roms/breakout.bin')
        self.nnet = NeuralNet(self.state_size, self.number_of_actions, "ai/deepmind-layers.cfg", "ai/deepmind-params.cfg", "layer4")

    def compute_epsilon(self, frames_played):
        From the paper: "The behavior policy during training was epsilon-greedy
        with annealed linearly from 1 to 0.1 over the first million frames, and fixed at 0.1 thereafter."
        @param frames_played: How far are we with our learning?
        return max(1.0 - frames_played / self.epsilon_frames, 0.1)

    def predict_best_action(self, last_state):
        # last_state contains only one state, so we have to convert it into batch of size 1
        last_state.shape = (last_state.shape[0], 1)

        # use neural net to predict Q-values for all actions
        qvalues = self.nnet.predict(last_state)
        #print "Predicted action Q-values: ", qvalues

        # return action (index) with maximum Q-value
        return np.argmax(qvalues)

    def train_minibatch(self, minibatch):
        Train function that transforms (state,action,reward,state) into (input, expected_output) for neural net
        and trains the network
        @param minibatch: list of arrays: prestates, actions, rewards, poststates
        prestates, actions, rewards, poststates = minibatch

        # predict Q-values for prestates, so we can keep Q-values for other actions unchanged
        qvalues = self.nnet.predict(prestates)
        #print "Prestate q-values: ", qvalues[0,:]
        #print "Action was: %d, reward was %d" % (actions[0], rewards[0])

        # predict Q-values for poststates
        post_qvalues = self.nnet.predict(poststates)
        #print "Poststate q-values: ", post_qvalues[0,:]

        # take maximum Q-value of all actions
        max_qvalues = np.max(post_qvalues, axis = 1)

        # update the Q-values for the actions we actually performed
        for i, action in enumerate(actions):
            qvalues[i][action] = rewards[i] + self.discount_factor * max_qvalues[i]
        #print "Corrected q-values: ", qvalues[0,:]

        # we have to transpose prediction result, as train expects input in opposite order
        cost = self.nnet.train(prestates, qvalues.transpose().copy())

        #qvalues = self.nnet.predict(prestates)
        #print "After training: ", qvalues[0,:]

        return cost

    def play_games(self, nr_frames, train, epsilon = None):
        Main cycle: starts a game and plays number of frames.
        @param nr_frames: total number of games allowed to play
        @param train: true or false, whether to do training or not
        @param epsilon: fixed epsilon, only used when not training
        assert train or epsilon is not None

        frames_played = 0
        game_scores = []

        # Start a new game
        game_score = 0

        # Play games until maximum number is reached
        while frames_played < nr_frames:

            # Epsilon decreases over time only when training
            if train:
                epsilon = self.compute_epsilon(self.total_frames_trained)
                #print "Current annealed epsilon is %f at %d frames" % (epsilon, self.total_frames_trained)

            # Some times random action is chosen
            if random.uniform(0, 1) < epsilon:
                action = random.choice(range(self.number_of_actions))
                #print "Chose random action %d" % action
            # Usually neural net chooses the best action
                action = self.predict_best_action(self.memory.get_last_state())
                #print "Neural net chose action %d" % int(action)

            # Make the move
            points = self.ale.move(action)
            if points > 0:
                print "    Got %d points" % points
            game_score += points
            frames_played += 1
            #print "Played frame %d" % frames_played

            # Only if training
            if train:
                # Store new information to memory
                # Increase total frames only when training
                self.total_frames_trained += 1
                # Fetch random minibatch from memory
                minibatch = self.memory.get_minibatch(self.minibatch_size)
                # Train neural net with the minibatch
                #print "Trained minibatch of size %d" % self.minibatch_size

            # Play until game is over
            if self.ale.game_over:
                print "    Game over, score = %d" % game_score
                # After "game over" increase the number of games played
                game_score = 0
                # And do stuff after end game

        # reset the game just in case

        return game_scores

    def run(self, epochs, training_frames, testing_frames):
        # Open log files and write headers
        timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M")
        log_train = open("../log/training_" + timestamp + ".csv", "w")
        log_test = open("../log/testing_" + timestamp + ".csv", "w")
        log_train_scores = open("../log/training_scores_" + timestamp + ".txt", "w")
        log_test_scores = open("../log/testing_scores_" + timestamp + ".txt", "w")
        log_weights = open("../log/weights_" + timestamp + ".csv", "w")

        for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1):
            print "Epoch %d:" % epoch

            if training_frames > 0:
                # play number of frames with training and epsilon annealing
                print "  Training for %d frames" % training_frames
                training_scores = self.play_games(training_frames, train = True)

                # log training scores
                log_train_scores.write(NL.join(map(str, training_scores)) + NL)

                # log aggregated training data
                train_data = (epoch, len(training_scores), sum(training_scores), np.mean(training_scores), training_frames, self.total_frames_trained, self.compute_epsilon(self.total_frames_trained), self.memory.count)
                log_train.write(','.join(map(str, train_data)) + NL)

                weights = self.nnet.get_weight_stats()
                if epoch == 1:
                    # write header
                    wlayers = []
                    for (layer, index) in weights:
                        wlayers.extend([layer, index, ''])
                    log_weights.write(','.join(wlayers) + NL)
                    wlabels = []
                    for (layer, index) in weights:
                        wlabels.extend(['weights', 'weightsInc', 'incRatio'])
                    log_weights.write(','.join(wlabels) + NL)
                wdata = []
                for w in weights.itervalues():
                    wdata.extend([str(w[0]), str(w[1]), str(w[1] / w[0] if w[0] > 0 else 0)])
                log_weights.write(','.join(wdata) + NL)

                # save network state
                print   # save_network()'s output doesn't include newline

            if testing_frames > 0:
                # play number of frames without training and without epsilon annealing
                print "  Testing for %d frames" % testing_frames
                testing_scores = self.play_games(testing_frames, train = False, epsilon = self.test_epsilon)

                # log testing scores
                log_test_scores.write(NL.join(map(str, testing_scores)) + NL)

                # Pick random states to calculate Q-values for
                if self.random_states is None and self.memory.count > self.nr_random_states:
                    print "  Picking %d random states for Q-values" % self.nr_random_states
                    self.random_states = self.memory.get_minibatch(self.nr_random_states)[0]

                # Do not calculate Q-values when mamory is empty
                if self.random_states is not None:
                    # calculate Q-values 
                    qvalues = self.nnet.predict(self.random_states)
                    assert qvalues.shape[0] == self.nr_random_states
                    assert qvalues.shape[1] == self.number_of_actions
                    max_qvalues = np.max(qvalues, axis = 1)
                    assert max_qvalues.shape[0] == self.nr_random_states
                    assert len(max_qvalues.shape) == 1
                    avg_qvalue = np.mean(max_qvalues)
                    avg_qvalue = 0

                # log aggregated testing data
                test_data = (epoch, len(testing_scores), sum(testing_scores), np.mean(testing_scores), avg_qvalue, testing_frames, self.test_epsilon, self.memory.count)
                log_test.write(','.join(map(str, test_data)) + NL)

Exemplo n.º 12
 def __init__(self):
     self.memory = MemoryD(self.memory_size)
     self.ale = ALE(self.memory)
     self.nnet = NeuralNet(self.state_size, self.number_of_actions,
                           "ai/deepmind-params.cfg", "layer4")
Exemplo n.º 13
class Main:
    # How many transitions to keep in memory?
    memory_size = 1000000

    # Size of the mini-batch, 32 was given in the paper
    minibatch_size = 32

    # Number of possible actions in a given game, 4 for "Breakout"
    number_of_actions = 4

    # Size of one frame
    frame_size = 84 * 84

    # How many frames form a history
    history_length = 4

    # Size of one state is four 84x84 screens
    state_size = history_length * frame_size

    # Discount factor for future rewards
    discount_factor = 0.9

    # How many frames to play to choose random frame
    init_frames = 1000

    # How many epochs to run
    epochs = 200

    # Number of frames to play during one training epoch
    training_frames = 50000

    # Number of frames to play during one testing epoch
    testing_frames = 10000

    # Exploration rate annealing speed
    epsilon_frames = 1000000.0

    # Total frames played, only incremented during training
    total_frames_trained = 0

    # Number of random states to use for calculating Q-values
    nr_random_states = 100

    # Random states that we use to calculate Q-values
    random_states = None

    # Memory itself
    memory = None

    # Neural net
    nnet = None

    # Communication with ALE
    ale = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.memory = MemoryD(self.memory_size)
        self.ale = ALE(self.memory)
        self.nnet = NeuralNet(self.state_size, self.number_of_actions,
                              "ai/deepmind-params.cfg", "layer4")

    def compute_epsilon(self, frames_played):
        From the paper: "The behavior policy during training was epsilon-greedy
        with annealed linearly from 1 to 0.1 over the first million frames, and fixed at 0.1 thereafter."
        @param frames_played: How far are we with our learning?
        return max(1.0 - frames_played / self.epsilon_frames, 0.1)

    def predict_best_action(self, last_state):
        assert last_state.shape[0] == self.state_size
        assert len(last_state.shape) == 1

        # last_state contains only one state, so we have to convert it into batch of size 1
        last_state.shape = (last_state.shape[0], 1)
        qvalues = self.nnet.predict(last_state)
        assert qvalues.shape[0] == 1
        assert qvalues.shape[1] == self.number_of_actions
        #print "Predicted action Q-values: ", qvalues

        # return action (index) with maximum Q-value
        return np.argmax(qvalues)

    def train_minibatch(self, minibatch):
        Train function that transforms (state,action,reward,state) into (input, expected_output) for neural net
        and trains the network
        @param minibatch: list of arrays: prestates, actions, rewards, poststates
        prestates = minibatch[0]
        actions = minibatch[1]
        rewards = minibatch[2]
        poststates = minibatch[3]

        assert prestates.shape[0] == self.state_size
        assert prestates.shape[1] == self.minibatch_size
        assert poststates.shape[0] == self.state_size
        assert poststates.shape[1] == self.minibatch_size
        assert actions.shape[0] == self.minibatch_size
        assert rewards.shape[0] == self.minibatch_size

        # predict Q-values for poststates
        post_qvalues = self.nnet.predict(poststates)
        assert post_qvalues.shape[0] == self.minibatch_size
        assert post_qvalues.shape[1] == self.number_of_actions

        # take maximum Q-value of all actions
        max_qvalues = np.max(post_qvalues, axis=1)
        assert max_qvalues.shape[0] == self.minibatch_size
        assert len(max_qvalues.shape) == 1

        # predict Q-values for prestates, so we can keep Q-values for other actions unchanged
        qvalues = self.nnet.predict(prestates)
        assert qvalues.shape[0] == self.minibatch_size
        assert qvalues.shape[1] == self.number_of_actions

        # update the Q-values for the actions we actually performed
        for i, action in enumerate(actions):
                action] = rewards[i] + self.discount_factor * max_qvalues[i]

        # we have to transpose prediction result, as train expects input in opposite order
        cost = self.nnet.train(prestates, qvalues.transpose().copy())
        return cost

    def play_games(self, nr_frames, train, epsilon):
        Main cycle: starts a game and plays number of frames.
        @param nr_frames: total number of games allowed to play
        @param train: true or false, whether to do training or not
        @param epsilon: fixed epsilon, only used when not training

        frames_played = 0
        game_scores = []

        # Start a new game
        game_score = 0

        # Play games until maximum number is reached
        while frames_played < nr_frames:

            # Epsilon decreases over time only when training
            if train:
                epsilon = self.compute_epsilon(self.total_frames_trained)
                #print "Current annealed epsilon is %f at %d frames" % (epsilon, self.total_frames_trained)

            # Some times random action is chosen
            if random.uniform(0, 1) < epsilon:
                action = random.choice(range(self.number_of_actions))
                #print "Chose random action %d" % action
            # Usually neural net chooses the best action
                action = self.predict_best_action(self.memory.get_last_state())
                #print "Neural net chose action %d" % int(action)

            # Make the move
            reward = self.ale.move(action)
            if reward:
                print "    Got reward of %d!!!" % reward
                reward = 1
            game_score += reward
            frames_played += 1
            #print "Played frame %d" % frames_played

            # Store new information to memory

            # Only if training
            if train:
                # Increase total frames only when training
                self.total_frames_trained += 1
                # Train neural net with random minibatch
                minibatch = self.memory.get_minibatch(self.minibatch_size)
                #print "Trained minibatch of size %d" % self.minibatch_size

            # Play until game is over
            if self.ale.game_over:
                print "   Game over!!! Score = %d" % game_score
                # After "game over" increase the number of games played
                game_score = 0
                # And do stuff after end game

        # reset the game just in case

        return game_scores

    def run(self):
        # Play number of random games and pick random states to calculate Q-values for
        print "Playing %d games with random policy" % self.init_frames
        self.play_games(self.init_frames, False, 1)
        self.random_states = self.memory.get_minibatch(

        # Open log file and write header
        log_file = open(
            "../log/scores" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M") + ".csv", "w")

        for epoch in range(1, self.epochs + 1):
            print "Epoch %d:" % epoch
            # play number of frames with training and epsilon annealing
            print "  Training for %d frames" % self.training_frames
            self.play_games(self.training_frames, True, None)
            # play number of frames without training and without epsilon annealing
            print "  Testing for %d frames" % self.testing_frames
            game_scores = self.play_games(self.testing_frames, False, 0.05)

            # calculate Q-values
            qvalues = self.nnet.predict(self.random_states)
            assert qvalues.shape[0] == self.nr_random_states
            assert qvalues.shape[1] == self.number_of_actions
            max_qvalues = np.max(qvalues, axis=1)
            assert max_qvalues.shape[0] == self.nr_random_states
            assert len(max_qvalues.shape) == 1
            avg_qvalue = np.mean(max_qvalues)

            # calculate average scores
            sum_score = sum(game_scores)
            nr_games = len(game_scores)
            avg_score = np.mean(game_scores)
            epsilon = self.compute_epsilon(self.total_frames_trained)

            # log average scores in file
                "%d,%d,%f,%f,%d,%f,%d,%f,%d\n" %
                (epoch, nr_games, sum_score, avg_score, self.testing_frames,
                 avg_qvalue, self.total_frames_trained, epsilon,

Exemplo n.º 14
class Main:
    # How many transitions to keep in memory?
    memory_size = 1000000

    # Size of the mini-batch, 32 was given in the paper
    minibatch_size = 32

    # Number of possible actions in a given game, 6 for "Breakout"
    number_of_actions = 18

    # Size of one frame
    frame_size = 80 * 80

    # Size of one state is four 80x80 screens
    state_size = 4 * frame_size

    # Discount factor for future rewards
    discount_factor = 0.9

    # Exploration rate annealing speed
    epsilon_frames = 1000000.0

    # Epsilon during testing
    test_epsilon = 0.05

    # Total frames played, only incremented during training
    total_frames_trained = 0

    # Number of random states to use for calculating Q-values
    nr_random_states = 1000

    # Random states that we use to calculate Q-values
    random_states = None

    # Memory itself
    memory = None

    # Neural net
    nnet = None

    # Communication with ALE
    ale = None

    # The last 4 frames the system has seen
    current_state = None

    def __init__(self):
        #self.memory = MemoryD(self.memory_size)
        self.memory = DataSet(80, 80, self.memory_size, 4)
        self.ale = ALE(display_screen="true",
        self.nnet = NeuralNet(self.state_size,
        #self.nnet = CNNQLearner(self.number_of_actions, 4, 80, 80, discount=self.discount_factor, learning_rate=.0001, batch_size=32, approximator='none')

    def compute_epsilon(self, frames_played):
        From the paper: "The behavior policy during training was epsilon-greedy
        with annealed linearly from 1 to 0.1 over the first million frames, and fixed at 0.1 thereafter."
        @param frames_played: How far are we with our learning?
        return max(0.9 - frames_played / self.epsilon_frames, 0.1)

    def predict_best_action(self, last_state):

        # Uncomment this to see the 4 images that go into q_vals function
        #a = np.hstack(last_state)
        #img = PIL.Image.fromarray(a)

        # use neural net to predict Q-values for all actions
        qvalues = self.nnet.q_vals(last_state)
        print "Predicted action Q-values: ", qvalues, "\n best action is", np.argmax(

        # return action (index) with maximum Q-value
        return np.argmax(qvalues)

    def train_minibatch(self, prestates, actions, rewards, poststates):
        Train function that transforms (state,action,reward,state) into (input, expected_output) for neural net
        and trains the network
        @param minibatch: list of arrays: prestates, actions, rewards, poststates

        cost = self.nnet.train(prestates, actions, rewards, poststates)
        #print "trained network, the network thinks cost is: ", type(cost), np.shape(cost), cost

        return cost

    def play_games(self, nr_frames, train, epsilon=None):
        Main cycle: starts a game and plays number of frames.
        @param nr_frames: total number of games allowed to play
        @param train: true or false, whether to do training or not
        @param epsilon: fixed epsilon, only used when not training
        assert train or epsilon is not None

        frames_played = 0
        game_scores = []

        # Start a new game
        last_frame = self.ale.new_game()

        # We need to initialize/update the current state
        self.current_state = [

        game_score = 0

        # Play games until maximum number is reached
        while frames_played < nr_frames:

            # Epsilon decreases over time only when training
            if train:
                epsilon = self.compute_epsilon(self.total_frames_trained)

            # Some times random action is chosen
            if random.uniform(0, 1) < epsilon or frames_played < 4:
                action = random.choice(range(self.number_of_actions))

            # Usually neural net chooses the best action
                action = self.predict_best_action(self.current_state)

            # Make the move. Returns points received and the new state
            points, next_frame = self.ale.move(action)

            # Changing points to rewards
            if points > 0:
                print "    Got %d points" % points
                reward = 1
                reward = 0

            # Book keeping
            game_score += points
            frames_played += 1

            # We need to update the current state
            self.current_state = self.current_state[1:] + [next_frame]

            # Only if training
            if train:

                # Store new information to memory
                self.memory.add_sample(last_frame, action, reward,
                last_frame = next_frame

                if self.memory.count >= self.minibatch_size:
                    # Fetch random minibatch from memory
                    prestates, actions, rewards, poststates, terminals = self.memory.get_minibatch(

                    # Uncomment this to save the minibatch as an image every time we train
                    #b = []
                    #for a in prestates:
                    #    b.append(np.hstack(a))
                    #c = np.vstack(b)
                    #img = PIL.Image.fromarray(c)

                    # Train neural net with the minibatch
                    self.train_minibatch(prestates, actions, rewards,

                    # Increase total frames only when training
                    self.total_frames_trained += 1

            # Play until game is over
            if self.ale.game_over:
                print "    Game over, score = %d" % game_score
                # After "game over" increase the number of games played
                game_score = 0

                # And do stuff after end game

                last_frame = self.ale.new_game()

                # We need to update the current state
                self.current_state = self.current_state[1:] + [last_frame]

        # reset the game just in case

        return game_scores

    def run(self, epochs, training_frames, testing_frames):
        # Open log files and write headers
        timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M")
        log_train = open("../log/training_" + timestamp + ".csv", "w")
        log_test = open("../log/testing_" + timestamp + ".csv", "w")
        log_train_scores = open("../log/training_scores_" + timestamp + ".txt",
        log_test_scores = open("../log/testing_scores_" + timestamp + ".txt",
        log_weights = open("../log/weights_" + timestamp + ".csv", "w")

        for epoch in range(1, epochs + 1):
            print "Epoch %d:" % epoch

            if training_frames > 0:
                # play number of frames with training and epsilon annealing
                print "  Training for %d frames" % training_frames
                training_scores = self.play_games(training_frames, train=True)

                # log training scores
                log_train_scores.write(NL.join(map(str, training_scores)) + NL)

                # log aggregated training data
                train_data = (epoch, len(training_scores),
                              sum(training_scores), np.mean(training_scores),
                              training_frames, self.total_frames_trained,
                log_train.write(','.join(map(str, train_data)) + NL)

            if testing_frames > 0:
                # play number of frames without training and without epsilon annealing
                print "  Testing for %d frames" % testing_frames
                testing_scores = self.play_games(testing_frames,

                # log testing scores
                log_test_scores.write(NL.join(map(str, testing_scores)) + NL)

                # Pick random states to calculate Q-values for
                if self.random_states is None and self.memory.count > self.nr_random_states:
                    print "  Picking %d random states for Q-values" % self.nr_random_states
                    self.random_states = self.memory.get_minibatch(

                # Do not calculate Q-values when memory is empty
                if self.random_states is not None:
                    # calculate Q-values
                    qvalues = []
                    for state in self.random_states:
                    #assert qvalues.shape[0] == self.nr_random_states
                    #assert qvalues.shape[1] == self.number_of_actions
                    max_qvalues = np.max(qvalues, axis=1)
                    #assert max_qvalues.shape[0] == self.nr_random_states
                    #assert len(max_qvalues.shape) == 1
                    avg_qvalue = np.mean(max_qvalues)
                    avg_qvalue = 0

                # log aggregated testing data
                test_data = (epoch, len(testing_scores), sum(testing_scores),
                             np.mean(testing_scores), avg_qvalue,
                             testing_frames, self.test_epsilon,
                log_test.write(','.join(map(str, test_data)) + NL)

Exemplo n.º 15
class Main:
    # How many transitions to keep in memory?
    memory_size = 1000000

    # Size of the mini-batch, 32 was given in the paper
    minibatch_size = 32

    # Number of possible actions in a given game, 4 for "Breakout"
    number_of_actions = 4

    # Size of one frame
    frame_size = 84*84

    # How many frames form a history
    history_length = 4

    # Size of one state is four 84x84 screens
    state_size = history_length * frame_size

    # Discount factor for future rewards
    discount_factor = 0.9

    # How many frames to play to choose random frame
    init_frames = 1000
    # How many epochs to run
    epochs = 200

    # Number of frames to play during one training epoch
    training_frames = 50000

    # Number of frames to play during one testing epoch
    testing_frames = 10000

    # Exploration rate annealing speed
    epsilon_frames = 1000000.0

    # Total frames played, only incremented during training
    total_frames_trained = 0

    # Number of random states to use for calculating Q-values
    nr_random_states = 100

    # Random states that we use to calculate Q-values
    random_states = None

    # Memory itself
    memory = None

    # Neural net
    nnet = None

    # Communication with ALE
    ale = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.memory = MemoryD(self.memory_size)
        self.ale = ALE(self.memory)
        self.nnet = NeuralNet(self.state_size, self.number_of_actions, "ai/deepmind-layers.cfg", "ai/deepmind-params.cfg", "layer4")

    def compute_epsilon(self, frames_played):
        From the paper: "The behavior policy during training was epsilon-greedy
        with annealed linearly from 1 to 0.1 over the first million frames, and fixed at 0.1 thereafter."
        @param frames_played: How far are we with our learning?
        return max(1.0 - frames_played / self.epsilon_frames, 0.1)

    def predict_best_action(self, last_state):
        assert last_state.shape[0] == self.state_size
        assert len(last_state.shape) == 1

        # last_state contains only one state, so we have to convert it into batch of size 1
        last_state.shape = (last_state.shape[0], 1)
        qvalues = self.nnet.predict(last_state)
        assert qvalues.shape[0] == 1
        assert qvalues.shape[1] == self.number_of_actions
        #print "Predicted action Q-values: ", qvalues

        # return action (index) with maximum Q-value
        return np.argmax(qvalues)

    def train_minibatch(self, minibatch):
        Train function that transforms (state,action,reward,state) into (input, expected_output) for neural net
        and trains the network
        @param minibatch: list of arrays: prestates, actions, rewards, poststates
        prestates = minibatch[0]
        actions = minibatch[1]
        rewards = minibatch[2]
        poststates = minibatch[3]

        assert prestates.shape[0] == self.state_size
        assert prestates.shape[1] == self.minibatch_size
        assert poststates.shape[0] == self.state_size
        assert poststates.shape[1] == self.minibatch_size
        assert actions.shape[0] == self.minibatch_size
        assert rewards.shape[0] == self.minibatch_size

        # predict Q-values for poststates
        post_qvalues = self.nnet.predict(poststates)
        assert post_qvalues.shape[0] == self.minibatch_size
        assert post_qvalues.shape[1] == self.number_of_actions

        # take maximum Q-value of all actions
        max_qvalues = np.max(post_qvalues, axis=1)
        assert max_qvalues.shape[0] == self.minibatch_size
        assert len(max_qvalues.shape) == 1

        # predict Q-values for prestates, so we can keep Q-values for other actions unchanged
        qvalues = self.nnet.predict(prestates)
        assert qvalues.shape[0] == self.minibatch_size
        assert qvalues.shape[1] == self.number_of_actions

        # update the Q-values for the actions we actually performed
        for i, action in enumerate(actions):
            qvalues[i][action] = rewards[i] + self.discount_factor * max_qvalues[i]

        # we have to transpose prediction result, as train expects input in opposite order
        cost = self.nnet.train(prestates, qvalues.transpose().copy())
        return cost

    def play_games(self, nr_frames, train, epsilon):
        Main cycle: starts a game and plays number of frames.
        @param nr_frames: total number of games allowed to play
        @param train: true or false, whether to do training or not
        @param epsilon: fixed epsilon, only used when not training

        frames_played = 0
        game_scores = []

        # Start a new game
        game_score = 0

        # Play games until maximum number is reached
        while frames_played < nr_frames:

            # Epsilon decreases over time only when training
            if train:
                epsilon = self.compute_epsilon(self.total_frames_trained)
                #print "Current annealed epsilon is %f at %d frames" % (epsilon, self.total_frames_trained)

            # Some times random action is chosen
            if random.uniform(0, 1) < epsilon:
                action = random.choice(range(self.number_of_actions))
                #print "Chose random action %d" % action
            # Usually neural net chooses the best action
                action = self.predict_best_action(self.memory.get_last_state())
                #print "Neural net chose action %d" % int(action)

            # Make the move
            reward = self.ale.move(action)
            if reward:
                print "    Got reward of %d!!!" % reward
                reward = 1
            game_score += reward
            frames_played += 1
            #print "Played frame %d" % frames_played

            # Store new information to memory

            # Only if training
            if train:
                # Increase total frames only when training
                self.total_frames_trained += 1
                # Train neural net with random minibatch
                minibatch = self.memory.get_minibatch(self.minibatch_size)
                #print "Trained minibatch of size %d" % self.minibatch_size

            # Play until game is over
            if self.ale.game_over:
                print "   Game over!!! Score = %d" % game_score
                # After "game over" increase the number of games played
                game_score = 0
                # And do stuff after end game

        # reset the game just in case

        return game_scores

    def run(self):
        # Play number of random games and pick random states to calculate Q-values for
        print "Playing %d games with random policy" % self.init_frames
        self.play_games(self.init_frames, False, 1)
        self.random_states = self.memory.get_minibatch(self.nr_random_states)[0]

        # Open log file and write header
        log_file = open("../log/scores" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M") + ".csv", "w")

        for epoch in range(1, self.epochs + 1):
            print "Epoch %d:" % epoch
            # play number of frames with training and epsilon annealing
            print "  Training for %d frames" % self.training_frames
            self.play_games(self.training_frames, True, None)
            # play number of frames without training and without epsilon annealing
            print "  Testing for %d frames" % self.testing_frames
            game_scores = self.play_games(self.testing_frames, False, 0.05)

            # calculate Q-values 
            qvalues = self.nnet.predict(self.random_states)
            assert qvalues.shape[0] == self.nr_random_states
            assert qvalues.shape[1] == self.number_of_actions
            max_qvalues = np.max(qvalues, axis=1)
            assert max_qvalues.shape[0] == self.nr_random_states
            assert len(max_qvalues.shape) == 1
            avg_qvalue = np.mean(max_qvalues)

            # calculate average scores
            sum_score = sum(game_scores)
            nr_games = len(game_scores)
            avg_score = np.mean(game_scores)
            epsilon = self.compute_epsilon(self.total_frames_trained)
            # log average scores in file
            log_file.write("%d,%d,%f,%f,%d,%f,%d,%f,%d\n" % (epoch, nr_games, sum_score, avg_score, self.testing_frames, avg_qvalue, self.total_frames_trained, epsilon, self.memory.count))

Exemplo n.º 16
class Main:
    # How many transitions to keep in memory?
    memory_size = 100000

    # Memory itself
    memory = None

    # Neural net
    nnet = None

    # Communication with ALE
    ale = None

    # Size of the mini-batch which will be sent to learning in Theano
    minibatch_size = None

    # Number of possible actions in a given game
    number_of_actions = None

    def __init__(self):
        self.memory = MemoryD(self.memory_size)
        self.minibatch_size = 32  # Given in the paper
        self.number_of_actions = 4  # Game "Breakout" has 4 possible actions

        # Properties of the neural net which come from the paper
        self.nnet = NeuralNet([1, 4, 84, 84],
                              filter_shapes=[[16, 4, 8, 8], [32, 16, 4, 4]],
                              strides=[4, 2],
        self.ale = ALE(self.memory)

    def compute_epsilon(self, frames_played):
        From the paper: "The behavior policy during training was epsilon-greedy
        with annealed linearly from 1 to 0.1 over the first million frames, and fixed at 0.1 thereafter."
        @param frames_played: How far are we with our learning?
        return max(0.9 - frames_played / self.memory_size, 0.1)

    def play_games(self, n):
        Main cycle: plays many games and many frames in each game. Also learning is performed.
        @param n: total number of games allowed to play

        games_to_play = n
        games_played = 0
        frames_played = 0

        # Play games until maximum number is reached
        while games_played < games_to_play:
            # Start a new game

            # Play until game is over
            while not self.ale.game_over:

                # Epsilon decreases over time
                epsilon = self.compute_epsilon(frames_played)

                # Some times random action is chosen
                if random.uniform(0, 1) < epsilon:
                    action = random.choice(range(self.number_of_actions))
                    print "chose randomly ", action

                # Usually neural net chooses the best action
                    print "chose by neural net"
                    action = self.nnet.predict_best_action(
                    print action

                # Make the move

                # Store new information to memory

                # Start a training session


            # After "game over" increase the number of games played
            games_played += 1

            # And do stuff after end game (store information, let ALE know etc)