Exemplo n.º 1
def Run2( flist ):
    aps = AllPossStrings( 'ACGT',7)
    NF = len( flist ) # the number of files
    for i in range( NF ):
        print 'Working on ',flist[i]
        # get the data
        dna = fasta.Fasta( 'bacteria/' + flist[i] )
        # count the number of genes
        NG = len( dna )
        # if there are multiple genes then combine
        if NG >1:
            t = []
            for j in range( NG ):
                t.append( dna[j][1] )
            st = ''.join(t)
            del t
            st = dna[0][1]
        del dna
        # for every million bases make a plot
        NP = int(len( st )/1000000)
        #if NP > 3:
            #NP = 3
        for j in range( NP ):
            print '\tPortion',j,'of',NP
            ctr = Counter( aps, st[j*1000000:j*1000000+1000000] )
            akando.a2i( ctr ).save('work/chaos'+str(i)+'c'+str(j)+'.gif' )
Exemplo n.º 2
def Run2(flist):
    aps = AllPossStrings('ACGT', 7)
    NF = len(flist)  # the number of files
    for i in range(NF):
        print 'Working on ', flist[i]
        # get the data
        dna = fasta.Fasta('bacteria/' + flist[i])
        # count the number of genes
        NG = len(dna)
        # if there are multiple genes then combine
        if NG > 1:
            t = []
            for j in range(NG):
            st = ''.join(t)
            del t
            st = dna[0][1]
        del dna
        # for every million bases make a plot
        NP = int(len(st) / 1000000)
        #if NP > 3:
        #NP = 3
        for j in range(NP):
            print '\tPortion', j, 'of', NP
            ctr = Counter(aps, st[j * 1000000:j * 1000000 + 1000000])
            akando.a2i(ctr).save('work/chaos' + str(i) + 'c' + str(j) + '.gif')
Exemplo n.º 3
def MakeColorPic(mmb, data):
    pic = zeros((512, 512, 3), int)
    NC = len(mmb)  # number of clusters = number of colors
    for i in range(NC):
        # for each color
        for j in mmb[i]:
            x, y = (data[j] + 1) * 240
            x, y = int(x), int(y)
            pic[x, y, 0] = 250 - 250 / NC * i  # red
            if i > 150: pic[x, y, 1] = (i - 150) * 20  # green
            pic[x, y, 2] = i * 250  # blue
    r = akando.a2i(pic[:, :, 0])
    g = akando.a2i(pic[:, :, 1])
    b = akando.a2i(pic[:, :, 2])
    mg = Image.merge('RGB', (r, g, b))
    return mg
Exemplo n.º 4
def Color4( net ):
    # net from Make SOM
    # convert 4 channels to 3colors
    V,H,N = net.shape
    red = zeros( (V,H), float )
    green = zeros( (V,H), float )
    # first channel
    blue = net[:,:,0] + 0.67*net[:,:,1] + 0.33*net[:,:,2]
    green = 0.1*net[:,:,0] + 0.4*net[:,:,1] + 0.4*net[:,:,2]+0.1*net[:,:,3]
    red = net[:,:,3] + 0.67*net[:,:,2] + 0.33*net[:,:,1]
    r = akando.a2i( red )
    g = akando.a2i( green )
    b = akando.a2i( blue )
    mg = Image.merge( 'RGB', (r,g,b) )
    return mg
Exemplo n.º 5
def MakeColorPic( mmb, data ):
    pic = zeros( (512,512,3), int )
    NC = len( mmb ) # number of clusters = number of colors
    for i in range( NC ):
        # for each color
        for j in mmb[i]:
            x,y = (data[j]+1)*240
            x,y = int(x), int(y)
            pic[x,y,0] = 250 - 250/NC*i # red
            if i>150: pic[x,y,1] = (i-150) *20 # green
            pic[x,y,2] = i*250 # blue
    r = akando.a2i( pic[:,:,0] )
    g = akando.a2i( pic[:,:,1] )
    b = akando.a2i( pic[:,:,2] )
    mg = Image.merge( 'RGB', (r,g,b) )
    return mg
Exemplo n.º 6
def MakePic(data):
    # assume that the maximum radius of the data is 1
    pic = zeros((512, 512), int)
    for i in data:
        x, y = (i + 1) * 240
        pic[int(x), int(y)] += 1
    mg = akando.a2i(pic)
    return mg
Exemplo n.º 7
def MakePic( data ):
    # assume that the maximum radius of the data is 1
    pic = zeros( (512,512), int )
    for i in data:
        x,y = (i+1)*240
        pic[ int(x), int(y)] +=1
    mg = akando.a2i( pic )
    return mg
Exemplo n.º 8
def Color4(net):
    # net from Make SOM
    # convert 4 channels to 3colors
    V, H, N = net.shape
    red = zeros((V, H), float)
    green = zeros((V, H), float)
    # first channel
    blue = net[:, :, 0] + 0.67 * net[:, :, 1] + 0.33 * net[:, :, 2]
    green = 0.1 * net[:, :, 0] + 0.4 * net[:, :,
                                           1] + 0.4 * net[:, :,
                                                          2] + 0.1 * net[:, :,
    red = net[:, :, 3] + 0.67 * net[:, :, 2] + 0.33 * net[:, :, 1]
    r = akando.a2i(red)
    g = akando.a2i(green)
    b = akando.a2i(blue)
    mg = Image.merge('RGB', (r, g, b))
    return mg
Exemplo n.º 9
def Run1():
    data = genbank.ReadGenbank( '/science/bartlett/genbank/nc_00918.gb.txt')
    dna = genbank.ParseDNA( data )
    aps = AllPossStrings( 'cgat' )
    ctr = Counter( aps, dna )
    akando.a2i( ctr ).save('dud.gif')
Exemplo n.º 10
def Run1():
    data = genbank.ReadGenbank('/science/bartlett/genbank/nc_00918.gb.txt')
    dna = genbank.ParseDNA(data)
    aps = AllPossStrings('cgat')
    ctr = Counter(aps, dna)
Exemplo n.º 11
def SOMmg( som ):
    r = akando.a2i( som[:,:,0] )
    g = akando.a2i( som[:,:,1] )
    b = akando.a2i( som[:,:,2] )
    mg = Image.merge( 'RGB', (r,g,b) )
    return mg
Exemplo n.º 12
def SOMmg(som):
    r = akando.a2i(som[:, :, 0])
    g = akando.a2i(som[:, :, 1])
    b = akando.a2i(som[:, :, 2])
    mg = Image.merge('RGB', (r, g, b))
    return mg