Exemplo n.º 1
def followers_list(email, type, params):
    DBconnect.exist(entity="user", identifier="email", value=email)
    if type == "follower":
        where = "followee"
    if type == "followee":
        where = "follower"

    query = "SELECT " + type + " FROM follower JOIN user ON user.email = follower." + type + \
            " WHERE " + where + " = %s "

    if "since_id" in params:
        query += " AND user.id >= " + str(params["since_id"])
    if "order" in params:
        query += " ORDER BY user.name " + params["order"]
        query += " ORDER BY user.name DESC "
    if "limit" in params:
        query += " LIMIT " + str(params["limit"])

    followers_ids_tuple = DBconnect.select_query(query=query, params=(email, ))

    f_list = []
    for id in followers_ids_tuple:
        id = id[0]

    return f_list
Exemplo n.º 2
def details(connect,id, related):
    thread = DBconnect.select_query(connect,
        'select date, forum, id, isClosed, isDeleted, message, slug, title, user, dislikes, likes, points, posts '
        'FROM thread WHERE id = %s LIMIT 1;', (id, )
    if len(thread) == 0:
        raise Exception('No thread exists with id=' + str(id))
    thread = thread[0]
    thread = {
        'date': str(thread[0]),
        'forum': thread[1],
        'id': thread[2],
        'isClosed': bool(thread[3]),
        'isDeleted': bool(thread[4]),
        'message': thread[5],
        'slug': thread[6],
        'title': thread[7],
        'user': thread[8],
        'dislikes': thread[9],
        'likes': thread[10],
        'points': thread[11],
        'posts': thread[12],

    if "user" in related:
        thread["user"] = users.details(connect,thread["user"])
    if "forum" in related:
        thread["forum"] = forums.details(connect=connect,short_name=thread["forum"], related=[])

    return thread
Exemplo n.º 3
def details(id, related):
    thread = DBconnect.select_query(
        '''select date, forum, id, isClosed, isDeleted, message, slug, title, user, dislikes, likes, points, IFNULL(posts.posts, 0) FROM thread LEFT JOIN (SELECT thread, COUNT(*) as posts 
                                   FROM post
                                   WHERE post.isDeleted = FALSE
                                   GROUP BY thread) posts ON posts.thread = thread.id
           WHERE id = %s''', (id, )
    if len(thread) == 0:
        raise Exception('No thread exists with id=' + str(id))
    thread = thread[0]
    thread = {
        'date': str(thread[0]),
        'forum': thread[1],
        'id': thread[2],
        'isClosed': bool(thread[3]),
        'isDeleted': bool(thread[4]),
        'message': thread[5],
        'slug': thread[6],
        'title': thread[7],
        'user': thread[8],
        'dislikes': thread[9],
        'likes': thread[10],
        'points': thread[11],
        'posts': thread[12],

    if "user" in related:
        thread["user"] = users.details(thread["user"])
    if "forum" in related:
        thread["forum"] = forums.details(short_name=thread["forum"], related=[])

    return thread
Exemplo n.º 4
def details():
    request_data = get_json(request)
    required_data = ["user"]
        choose_required(data=request_data, required=required_data)
        user_details = users.details(email=request_data["user"])
    except Exception as e:
        return json.dumps({"code": 1, "response": (e.message)})
    return json.dumps({"code": 0, "response": user_details})
Exemplo n.º 5
def details(connect,short_name, related):
    forum = DBconnect.select_query(connect,
        'select id, name, short_name, user FROM forum WHERE short_name = %s LIMIT 1;', (short_name, )
    if len(forum) == 0:
        raise ("No forum with exists short_name=" + short_name)
    forum = forum_description(forum)

    if "user" in related:
        forum["user"] = users.details(connect,forum["user"])
    return forum
Exemplo n.º 6
def remove_follow(email1, email2):
    follows = DBconnect.select_query(
        'SELECT id FROM follower WHERE follower = %s AND followee = %s', (email1, email2, )

    if len(follows) != 0:
        DBconnect.update_query('DELETE FROM follower WHERE follower = %s AND followee = %s', (email1, email2, ))
        raise Exception("No such following")

    return users.details(email1)
Exemplo n.º 7
def details(connect,details_id, related):
    post = post_query(connect,details_id)
    if post is None:
        raise Exception("no post with id = " + details_id)

    if "user" in related:
        post["user"] = users.details(connect,post["user"])
    if "forum" in related:
        post["forum"] = forums.details(connect=connect,short_name=post["forum"], related=[])
    if "thread" in related:
        post["thread"] = threads.details(connect=connect,id=post["thread"], related=[])

    return post
Exemplo n.º 8
def add_follow(email1, email2):
    DBconnect.exist(entity="user", identifier="email", value=email1)
    DBconnect.exist(entity="user", identifier="email", value=email2)

    if email1 == email2:
        raise Exception("User with email=" + email1 + " can't follow himself")

    follows = DBconnect.select_query(
        'SELECT id FROM follower WHERE follower = %s AND followee = %s', (email1, email2, )

    if len(follows) == 0:
        DBconnect.update_query('INSERT INTO follower (follower, followee) VALUES (%s, %s)', (email1, email2, ))

    user = users.details(email1)
    return user
Exemplo n.º 9
def thread_list(entity, identifier, related, params):
        # DBconnect.exist(entity="user", identifier="email", value=identifier)
    query = "SELECT date, forum, id, isClosed, isDeleted, message, slug, title, user, dislikes, likes, points, posts FROM thread WHERE " + entity + " = %s "
    parameters = [identifier]

    if "since" in params:
        query += " AND date >= %s"
    if "order" in params:
        query += " ORDER BY date " + params["order"]
        query += " ORDER BY date DESC "
    if "limit" in params:
        query += " LIMIT " + str(params["limit"])
    begin = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
    thread_ids_tuple = DBconnect.select_query(query=query, params=parameters)
    end = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
    print(end - begin)
    begin = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
    thread_list = []
    for thread in thread_ids_tuple:
        thread = {
            'date': str(thread[0]),
            'forum': thread[1],
            'id': thread[2],
            'isClosed': bool(thread[3]),
            'isDeleted': bool(thread[4]),
            'message': thread[5],
            'slug': thread[6],
            'title': thread[7],
            'user': thread[8],
            'dislikes': thread[9],
            'likes': thread[10],
            'points': thread[11],
            'posts': thread[12],
        if "user" in related:
            thread["user"] = users.details(thread["user"])
        if "forum" in related:
            thread["forum"] = forums.details(short_name=thread["forum"], related=[])
    end = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
    print(end - begin)
    return thread_list
Exemplo n.º 10
def posts_list(connect, entity, params, identifier, related=[]):
    query = "SELECT date, dislikes, forum, id, isApproved, isDeleted, isEdited, isHighlighted, isSpam, likes, message, " \
            "parent, points, thread, user FROM post WHERE " + entity + " = %s "

    parameters = [identifier]
    if "since" in params:
        query += " AND date >= %s"

    query += " ORDER BY date " + params["order"]

    if "limit" in params:
        query += " LIMIT " + str(params["limit"])

    post_ids = DBconnect.select_query(connect=connect,query=query, params=parameters)
    post_list = []
    for post in post_ids:
        pf = {
                'date': str(post[0]),
                'dislikes': post[1],
                'forum': post[2],
                'id': post[3],
                'isApproved': bool(post[4]),
                'isDeleted': bool(post[5]),
                'isEdited': bool(post[6]),
                'isHighlighted': bool(post[7]),
                'isSpam': bool(post[8]),
                'likes': post[9],
                'message': post[10],
                'parent': post[11],
                'points': post[12],
                'thread': post[13],
                'user': post[14],
        if "user" in related:
            pf["user"] = users.details(connect,pf["user"])
        if "forum" in related:
            pf["forum"] = forums.details(connect,short_name=pf["forum"], related=[])
        if "thread" in related:
            pf["thread"] = threads.details(connect,id=pf["thread"], related=[])
    return post_list
Exemplo n.º 11
def thread_list(connect,entity, identifier, related, params):
    query = "SELECT date, forum, id, isClosed, isDeleted, message, slug, title, user, dislikes, likes, points, posts " \
            "FROM thread WHERE " + entity + " = %s "
    parameters = [identifier]

    if "since" in params:
        query += " AND date >= %s"
    if "order" in params:
        query += " ORDER BY date " + params["order"]
        query += " ORDER BY date DESC "
    if "limit" in params:
        query += " LIMIT " + str(params["limit"])
    thread_ids_tuple = DBconnect.select_query(connect,query=query, params=parameters)
    thread_list = []
    for thread in thread_ids_tuple:
        thread = {
            'date': str(thread[0]),
            'forum': thread[1],
            'id': thread[2],
            'isClosed': bool(thread[3]),
            'isDeleted': bool(thread[4]),
            'message': thread[5],
            'slug': thread[6],
            'title': thread[7],
            'user': thread[8],
            'dislikes': thread[9],
            'likes': thread[10],
            'points': thread[11],
            'posts': thread[12],
        if "user" in related:
            thread["user"] = users.details(connect,thread["user"])
        if "forum" in related:
            thread["forum"] = forums.details(connect=connect,short_name=thread["forum"], related=[])
    return thread_list
Exemplo n.º 12
def posts_list(entity, params, identifier, related=[]):
    # if entity == "forum":
    #     DBconnect.exist(entity="forum", identifier="short_name", value=identifier)
    # if entity == "thread":
    #     DBconnect.exist(entity="thread", identifier="id", value=identifier)
    # if entity == "user":
    #     DBconnect.exist(entity="user", identifier="email", value=identifier)
    query = "SELECT date, dislikes, forum, id, isApproved, isDeleted, isEdited, isHighlighted, isSpam, likes, message, " \
            "parent, points, thread, user, path FROM post WHERE " + entity + " = %s "

    parameters = [identifier]
    if "since" in params:
        query += " AND date >= %s"

    if "sort" in params:
        if params["sort"] == "flat":
            query += " ORDER BY date "
        elif params["sort"] == "tree":
            if params["order"] == "desc":
                query += " ORDER BY  SUBSTRING_INDEX(path, '.', 2) DESC, TRIM(LEADING SUBSTRING_INDEX(path, '.', 2) FROM path) "
                query += " ORDER BY path "
            if "limit" in params:
                query += " LIMIT " + str(params["limit"])
            bound_query = "SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(MIN(t.path), '.', 2) AS left_bound FROM "\
                "(SELECT path FROM post WHERE thread = %s AND parent IS NULL ORDER BY path " + params["order"] or ""
            if "limit" in params:
                bound_query += " LIMIT " + str(params["limit"])
            bound_query += ") AS t;"
            left = DBconnect.select_query(bound_query, (identifier, ))[0][0]
            bound_query = "SELECT MAX(t.path) AS left_bound FROM "\
                "(SELECT path FROM post WHERE thread = %s AND parent IS NULL ORDER BY path " + params["order"] or ""
            if "limit" in params:
                bound_query += " LIMIT " + str(params["limit"])
            bound_query += ") AS t;"
            right = DBconnect.select_query(bound_query, (identifier, ))[0][0]

            query += " AND SUBSTRING_INDEX(path, '.', 2) BETWEEN %s AND %s ORDER BY " + \
                params["order"] == "desc" and " SUBSTRING_INDEX(path, '.', 2) DESC, " \
                "TRIM(LEADING SUBSTRING_INDEX(path, '.', 2) FROM path) " or " path "
        if "order" in params:
            query += " ORDER BY date " + params["order"]
            query += " ORDER BY date DESC"
        if "limit" in params:
            query += " LIMIT " + str(params["limit"])

    post_ids = DBconnect.select_query(query=query, params=parameters)
    post_list = []

    if "sort" in params and params["sort"] != "flat":
        for post in post_ids:
            path = post[15].split('.')[1:]
            if len(path) == 1:
                pf = {
                    'date': str(post[0]),
                    'dislikes': post[1],
                    'forum': post[2],
                    'id': post[3],
                    'isApproved': bool(post[4]),
                    'isDeleted': bool(post[5]),
                    'isEdited': bool(post[6]),
                    'isHighlighted': bool(post[7]),
                    'isSpam': bool(post[8]),
                    'likes': post[9],
                    'message': post[10],
                    'parent': post[11],
                    'points': post[12],
                    'thread': post[13],
                    'user': post[14],
                    'childs': walk(post_ids, path[0], 2)
        for post in post_ids:
            pf = {
                'date': str(post[0]),
                'dislikes': post[1],
                'forum': post[2],
                'id': post[3],
                'isApproved': bool(post[4]),
                'isDeleted': bool(post[5]),
                'isEdited': bool(post[6]),
                'isHighlighted': bool(post[7]),
                'isSpam': bool(post[8]),
                'likes': post[9],
                'message': post[10],
                'parent': post[11],
                'points': post[12],
                'thread': post[13],
                'user': post[14],
            if "user" in related:
                pf["user"] = users.details(pf["user"])
            if "forum" in related:
                pf["forum"] = forums.details(short_name=pf["forum"], related=[])
            if "thread" in related:
                pf["thread"] = threads.details(id=pf["thread"], related=[])
    return post_list
Exemplo n.º 13
def remove_follow(connect,email1, email2):
    DBconnect.update_query(connect,'DELETE FROM follower WHERE follower = %s AND followee = %s', (email1, email2, ))
    return users.details(connect,email1)
Exemplo n.º 14
def add_follow(connect,email1, email2):
    DBconnect.update_query(connect,'INSERT INTO follower (follower, followee) VALUES (%s, %s)', (email1, email2, ))
    user = users.details(connect,email1)
    return user