Exemplo n.º 1
def variables():
    v = ArgumentParser()
    v.path = os.path.join(testpath, 'testdata', 'results')
    v.targetpath = os.path.join(testpath, 'testdata', 'targets')
    v.miseqpath = os.path.join(testpath, 'testdata')
    v.miseqfolder = 'flowcell'
    v.readlengthforward = '1'
    v.readlengthreverse = '0'
    v.customsamplesheet = os.path.join(v.miseqpath, v.miseqfolder,
    v.copy = True
    v.debug = True
    return v
Exemplo n.º 2
def variables():
    v = ArgumentParser()
    v.sequencepath = os.path.join(testpath, 'testdata')
    v.referencefilepath = os.path.join(v.sequencepath, 'databases')
    v.customsamplesheet = os.path.join(v.sequencepath, 'SampleSheet.csv')
    v.debug = True
    v.numreads = 2
    v.kmerrange = '21'
    v.preprocess = False
    v.basicassembly = True
    v.threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    v.startingtime = time()
    v.commit = b''
    v.homepath = scriptpath
    return v
Exemplo n.º 3
def variables():
    v = ArgumentParser()
    v.sequencepath = os.path.join(testpath, 'testdata')
    v.referencefilepath = os.path.join(v.sequencepath, 'databases')
    v.customsamplesheet = os.path.join(v.sequencepath, 'SampleSheet.csv')
    v.debug = True
    v.numreads = 2
    v.kmerrange = '21'
    v.preprocess = False
    v.basicassembly = True
    v.threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    v.startingtime = time()
    v.commit = b''
    v.homepath = scriptpath
    return v
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, tag_size):

        # The python bindings for the April Tag library require this strange configuration:
        parser = ArgumentParser(description='test apriltag Python bindings')
        parser.families = 'tag36h11'
        parser.border = 1  # how wide (in bit-sizes) is the black border? (usually 1)
        parser.nthreads = 4  #(int) number of threads to use
        parser.quad_decimate = 1.0  #(float) Decimate input image by this factor
        parser.quad_blur = 0.0  #(float) Apply low-pass blur to input; negative sharpens
        parser.refine_edges = True  #(bool) Set to True to spend more time to align edges of tags
        parser.refine_decode = True  #(bool) Set to True to spend more time to decode tags
        parser.refine_pose = True  #(bool) Set to True to spend more time to precisely localize tags
        parser.debug = False  #(bool)Enable/Disable debugging output (slow when enabled)
        parser.quad_contours = True

        self.options = parser.parse_args()
        self.options.tag_size = tag_size