Exemplo n.º 1
    def pull_values(self, id_coords):
        #use id_coordinates as center values of new map.
        ra_cent = float(id_coords.ra.to_string(decimal=True))
        dec_cent = float(id_coords.dec.to_string(decimal=True))

        ref_head = self.astrometry  #make a copy of the reference header, need to change center values.
        ref_head['CRVAL1'] = ra_cent
        ref_head['CRVAL2'] = dec_cent

        #Galactic Coordinate System
        hp = HEALPix(
            nside=2048, order='ring', frame='galactic'
        )  #this is with nside for the Planck Maps for the Planck Maps.

        #create a grid representing the potential map
        planck_pix = hp.pixel_resolution.to(
            u.arcsecond).value  #pixel size of the planck parameter maps

        #the 1.5 factor is to oversize the maps
        map_deg_x = self.x_size * self.r_pix / (1.5 * 3600
                                                )  #mapsize in degrees.
        map_deg_y = self.y_size * self.r_pix / (1.5 * 3600)

        npixxside = ceil(
            map_deg_x * 3600 /
            planck_pix)  #number of pixels along each axis in reference map
        npixyside = ceil(map_deg_y * 3600 / planck_pix)

        #oversized to account for interpolation later
        ra = np.linspace(ra_cent - map_deg_x, ra_cent + map_deg_x,
                         npixxside) * u.deg
        dec = np.linspace(dec_cent - map_deg_y, dec_cent + map_deg_y,
                          npixyside) * u.deg
        ra_grid, dec_grid = np.meshgrid(ra, dec)

        #commit coordinate grid to a skycoord class
        coords = SkyCoord(ra=ra_grid.ravel(),

        #pull in the parameters at these specified coordiantes
        beta = hp.interpolate_bilinear_skycoord(coords, self.full_params[2])
        T = hp.interpolate_bilinear_skycoord(coords, self.full_params[1])
        Tau = hp.interpolate_bilinear_skycoord(coords, self.full_params[0])

        I = calc_intensity(beta, Tau, T,
                           nu=self.nu) * 1e20  #1e20 for conversion to Mjy

        #reshape the map to a 2D array as opposed to a 1D array.
        I_map = np.reshape(I, (npixxside, npixyside))

        #interpolate to match the reference astrometry.
        interped_map, ragrd, decgrd = interp_back_to_ref(
            I_map, ra_grid, dec_grid, ref_head)
        #calculate the rms and surface brightness for this realization.
        rms = np.sqrt(np.mean(interped_map))

        return rms
Exemplo n.º 2
def read_in_fits(filename, center, ref_head, ref_pixsize=8, ref_mapsize=260):
    Purpose : This function reads in the fits files for the components and parses them so that we are left with data only for our field.
    Inputs: filename (str) - the singular filename for a component used in the MBB fit
            center (float array) - center of the field of interest
            ref_head (Astropy.header) - header for the reference field
            ref_pixsize - pixel size of the reference map
            ref_mapsize - mapsize of the reference map
    Outputs: map (float array) - an array of flux values at the given field
             pixsize (float) - pixel size of the uninterpolated component maps
             x_side (int) - the length of the x-axis of the map
             y_side (int) - the length of the y-axis of the map
             RA_grid (float array) - grid of the Right Ascension values used to pull out components
             DEC_grid (float array) - grid of the Declination values used to pull out components

    hdul = fits.open(filename)
    head = hdul[1].header
    if 'Temperature' in filename:
        data = hdul[1].data.field('TEMP')
        error = hdul[1].data.field('ERR_TEMP')
    elif 'Spectral-Index' in filename:
        data = hdul[1].data.field('BETA')
        error = hdul[1].data.field('ERR_BETA')

    elif 'Opacity' in filename:
        data = hdul[1].data.field('TAU353')
        error = hdul[1].data.field('ERR_TAU')

        data = hdul[1].data.field(0)
    nside = head['NSIDE']
    order = head['ORDERING']

    #Galactic Coordinate System
    hp = HEALPix(nside=nside, order=order, frame='galactic')
    #create a pixel grid in terms of the nu=353 grid for GNILC to create our intensity maps
    pixsize = hp.pixel_resolution.to(u.arcsecond).value

    #* 2 is for boosting the size of the map so to fix edge effects from interpolation
    map_arc_x = ref_mapsize[0] * 2 * ref_pixsize #map size in arcseconds
    map_arc_y = ref_mapsize[1] * 2 * ref_pixsize

    npixxside = ceil(map_arc_x / pixsize) #convert to map size in pixels for nu = 353 map.
    npixyside = ceil(map_arc_y / pixsize)

    #* 2 is for boosting the size of the map so to fix edge effects from interpolation
    x  = np.linspace(0, ref_mapsize[0] * 2,   npixxside)
    y  = np.linspace(0, ref_mapsize[1] * 2,   npixyside)

    X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    w = world(ref_head)
    skycoords = pixel_to_skycoord(X.ravel(), Y.ravel(), wcs=w, origin=0)
    RA_grid = np.asarray(skycoords.ra.to_string(decimal=True), dtype='float') * u.deg
    DEC_grid = np.asarray(skycoords.dec.to_string(decimal=True), dtype='float') * u.deg

    # coords = SkyCoord(RA_grid.ravel(), DEC_grid.ravel(), frame='icrs')
    coords = SkyCoord(ra=RA_grid.ravel(), dec=DEC_grid.ravel(), frame='icrs')
    gal_coords = coords.galactic

    map = hp.interpolate_bilinear_skycoord(gal_coords, data)

    x_side = len(x)
    y_side = len(y)
    return map, pixsize, y_side, x_side, RA_grid, DEC_grid