Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: moc.py Projeto: tboch/mocpy
    def from_lonlat(cls, lon, lat, max_norder):
        Creates a MOC from astropy lon, lat `astropy.units.Quantity`.
        lon : `astropy.units.Quantity`
            The longitudes of the sky coordinates belonging to the MOC.
        lat : `astropy.units.Quantity`
            The latitudes of the sky coordinates belonging to the MOC.
        max_norder : int
            The depth of the smallest HEALPix cells contained in the MOC.
        result : `~mocpy.moc.MOC`
            The resulting MOC
        hp = HEALPix(nside=(1 << max_norder), order='nested')
        ipix = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(lon, lat)
        ipix = ipix.astype(np.uint64)

        shift = np.uint8(2) * (AbstractMOC.HPY_MAX_NORDER - np.uint8(max_norder))
        intervals = np.vstack((ipix << shift, (ipix + np.uint64(1)) << shift)).T

        interval_set = IntervalSet(intervals)
        return cls(interval_set)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def filter_table(self, table, ra_column, dec_column, keep_inside=True):
        Filter an `~astropy.table.Table` to keep only rows inside (or outside) the mocpy object instance

        table : `~astropy.table.Table`
        ra_column : str
            name of the RA column to consider in the table
        dec_column : str
            name of the DEC column to consider in the table
        keep_inside : bool, optional
            True by default. In this case, the filtered table contains only observations that are located into
            the mocpy object. If ``keep_inside`` is False, the filtered table contains all observations lying outside
            the mocpy object.

        table : `~astropy.table.Table`
            The (newly created) filtered Table
        m = self._get_max_order_pix(keep_inside=keep_inside)
        hp = HEALPix(nside=(1 << self.max_order), order='nested')
        pix_arr = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(table[ra_column] * u.deg,
                                       table[dec_column] * u.deg)

        filtered_rows = m[pix_arr]
        return table[filtered_rows]
Exemplo n.º 3
    def contains(self, ra, dec, keep_inside=True):
        Get a mask array (e.g. a numpy boolean array) of positions being inside (or outside) the
        mocpy object instance.

        ra : `astropy.units.Quantity`
            right ascension array
        dec: `astropy.units.Quantity`
            declination array
        keep_inside : bool, optional
            True by default. If so the filtered table contains only observations that are located into
            the mocpy object. If ``keep_inside`` is False, the filtered table contains all observations lying outside
            the mocpy object.

        array : `~numpy.darray`
            A mask boolean array
        m = self._get_max_order_pix(keep_inside=keep_inside)
        hp = HEALPix(nside=(1 << self.max_order), order='nested')
        pix_arr = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(ra, dec)

        return m[pix_arr]
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: moc.py Projeto: tboch/mocpy
    def from_skycoords(cls, skycoords, max_norder):
        Creates a MOC from an `astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`.

        skycoords : `astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`
            The sky coordinates that will belong to the MOC.
        max_norder : int
            The depth of the smallest HEALPix cells contained in the MOC.
        result : `~mocpy.moc.MOC`
            The resulting MOC
        hp = HEALPix(nside=(1 << max_norder), order='nested')
        ipix = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(skycoords.icrs.ra, skycoords.icrs.dec)
        ipix = ipix.astype(np.uint64)

        shift = np.uint8(2) * (AbstractMOC.HPY_MAX_NORDER - np.uint8(max_norder))
        intervals = np.vstack((ipix << shift, (ipix + np.uint64(1)) << shift)).T

        interval_set = IntervalSet(intervals)
        return cls(interval_set)
Exemplo n.º 5
def write_order(outdir, ra_v, dec_v, columns, order, order_splits):
    print('Writing order', order)
    rootorder = os.path.join(outdir, 'Norder%i' % order)

    colnames = [c.name for c in columns]
    hdr = '\t'.join(colnames) + '\n'

    # indices of which sources to include
    ordersel = N.where(order_splits == order)[0]

    # write all sky file
    if order<=3:
        allskyfile = os.path.join(rootorder, 'Allsky.tsv')
        write_cat(allskyfile, hdr, columns, ordersel)

    # split into pixels
    hp = HEALPix(2**order, order='nested')
    pixels = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(ra_v[ordersel]*u.deg, dec_v[ordersel]*u.deg)

    madedir = set()

    # iterate over each pixel for the order
    for pix in range(0, 12*4**order):
        diridx = (pix // 10000)*10000
        thedir = os.path.join(rootorder, 'Dir%i' % diridx)
        if diridx not in madedir:
            print(' Making', thedir)
        outpixfile = os.path.join(thedir, 'Npix%i.tsv' % pix)

        # lookup subset in subset
        idxs = ordersel[N.where(pixels==pix)[0]]
        write_cat(outpixfile, hdr, columns, idxs)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def reproject(self, new_wcs, new_shape):
     Implement nearest-neighbour reprojection of data from one wcs to another
     wcs 'grid' image.
     CURRENTLY: only HEALPIX -> WCS supported
         work will be done to allow WCS -> WCS in future
     new_x, new_y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(new_shape[0]),
     new_coords = new_wcs.pixel_to_world(new_x, new_y)
     if type(self.wcs) is dict:
         #HEALPIX projection
         hp = HEALPix(nside=self.wcs['nside'],
         new_coords_hpx = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(new_coords.l, new_coords.b)
         new_map = np.zeros(new_shape)
         new_map[:] = np.nan
         new_map = self.map[new_coords_hpx]
         print('Not yet supported')
     new_map_obj = AstroMap(self.name,
     return new_map_obj
Exemplo n.º 7
    def from_image(cls, header, moc_order, mask_arr=None):
        Create a `~mocpy.moc.MOC` from an image stored as a fits file

        header : `~astropy.io.fits.Header`
            fits header containing all the info of where the image is located (position, size, etc...)
        moc_order : int
            the moc resolution
        mask_arr : `~numpy.ndarray`, optional
            a 2D boolean array of the same size of the image where pixels having the value 1 are part of
            the final MOC and pixels having the value 0 are not.

        moc : `~mocpy.moc.MOC`
            the MOC object loaded from the ``mask_arr`` and ``header`` extracted from the image

        # load the image data
        height = header['NAXIS2']
        width = header['NAXIS1']

        # use wcs from astropy to locate the image in the world coordinates
        w = wcs.WCS(header)

        if mask_arr is not None:
            # We have an array of pixels that are part of of survey
            y, x = np.where(mask_arr)
            pix_crd = np.dstack((x, y))[0]
            # If we do not have a mask array we create the moc of all the image
            step_pix = 1
            Coords returned by wcs_pix2world method correspond to pixel centers. We want to retrieve the moc pix
            crossing the borders of the image so we have to add 1/2 to the pixels coords before computing the lonlat.
            The step between two pix_crd is set to `step_pix` but can be diminished to have a better precision at the 
            borders so that all the image is covered (a too big step does not retrieve all
            the moc pix crossing the borders of the image).
            x, y = np.mgrid[0.5:(width + 0.5 + step_pix):step_pix,
                            0.5:(height + 0.5 + step_pix):step_pix]
            pix_crd = np.dstack((x.ravel(), y.ravel()))[0]

        world_pix_crd = w.wcs_pix2world(pix_crd, 1)

        hp = HEALPix(nside=(1 << moc_order), order='nested', frame=ICRS())
        i_pix_l = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(lon=world_pix_crd[:, 0] * u.deg,
                                       lat=world_pix_crd[:, 1] * u.deg)
        # remove doubles
        i_pix_l = np.unique(i_pix_l)
        moc = MOC()
        moc.add_pix_list(order=moc_order, i_pix_l=i_pix_l)
        # this will be consistent when one will do operations on the moc (union, inter, ...) or
        # simply write it to a fits or json file

        return moc
Exemplo n.º 8
    def plot(self, title='MOC', coord='C'):
        Plot the MOC object in a mollweide view

        This method uses matplotlib.

        title : str
            the title of the plot
        coord : str
            type of coord (ICRS, Galactic, ...) in which the moc pix will be plotted.
            only ICRS coordinates are supported for the moment.
            #TODO handle Galactic coordinates
        from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        plot_order = 8
        if self.max_order > plot_order:
            plotted_moc = self.degrade_to_order(plot_order)
            plotted_moc = self

        num_pixels_map = 768
        delta = 2 * np.pi / num_pixels_map

        x = np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi, delta)
        y = np.arange(-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2, delta)
        lon_rad, lat_rad = np.meshgrid(x, y)

        m = np.zeros(nside2npix(2**plotted_moc.max_order))
        for val in plotted_moc.best_res_pixels_iterator():
            m[val] = 1

        hp = HEALPix(nside=(1 << plotted_moc.max_order),

        pix_map = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(lon_rad * u.rad, lat_rad * u.rad)
        z = np.flip(m[pix_map], axis=1)

        plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
        ax = plt.subplot(111, projection="mollweide")
            '150°', '120°', '90°', '60°', '30°', '0°', '330°', '300°', '270°',
            '240°', '210°', '180°'

        color_map = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('w2r',
                                                      ['#eeeeee', '#aa0000'])

        ax.pcolormesh(x, y, z, cmap=color_map, vmin=0, vmax=1)
        ax.tick_params(labelsize=14, labelcolor='#000000')
        plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=1, color='#555555')

Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: moc.py Projeto: tboch/mocpy
    def contains(self, ra, dec, keep_inside=True):
        Returns a boolean mask array of the positions lying inside (or outside) the MOC instance.

        ra : `astropy.units.Quantity`
            Right ascension array
        dec : `astropy.units.Quantity`
            Declination array
        keep_inside : bool, optional
            True by default. If so the mask describes coordinates lying inside the MOC. If ``keep_inside``
            is false, contains will return the mask of the coordinates lying outside the MOC.

        array : `~np.ndarray`
            A mask boolean array
        depth = self.max_order
        m = np.zeros(nside2npix(1 << depth), dtype=bool)

        pix_id = self._best_res_pixels()
        m[pix_id] = True

        if not keep_inside:
            m = np.logical_not(m)

        hp = HEALPix(nside=(1 << depth), order='nested')
        pix = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(ra, dec)

        return m[pix]
Exemplo n.º 10
def decomposition_IT20(sp_mass, sp_am_unit_vector):
    Perform disc/spheroid decomposition of simulated galaxies based on the method introduced in Irodotou and Thomas 2020 (hereafter IT20)
    This function takes as arguments the mass and angular momentum of stellar particles and returns two masks that contain disc and spheroid particles
    and the disc-to-total stellar mass ratio of the galaxy.

    # Step (i) in Section 2.2 Decomposition of IT20 #
    :param sp_mass: list of stellar particles's (sp) masses.
    :param sp_am_unit_vector: list of stellar particles's (sp) normalised angular momenta (am) unit vectors.
    :return: disc_mask_IT20, spheroid_mask_IT20, disc_fraction_IT20

    # Step (ii) in Section 2.2 Decomposition of IT20 #
    # Calculate the azimuth (alpha) and elevation (delta) angle of the angular momentum of all stellar particles #
    alpha = np.degrees(np.arctan2(sp_am_unit_vector[:, 1], sp_am_unit_vector[:, 0]))  # In degrees.
    delta = np.degrees(np.arcsin(sp_am_unit_vector[:, 2]))  # In degrees.

    # Step (ii) in Section 2.2 Decomposition of IT20 #
    # Generate the pixelisation of the angular momentum map #
    nside = 2 ** 4  # Define the resolution of the grid (number of divisions along the side of a base-resolution grid cell).
    hp = HEALPix(nside=nside)  # Initialise the HEALPix pixelisation class.
    indices = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(alpha * u.deg, delta * u.deg)  # Create a list of HEALPix indices from particles's alpha and delta.
    densities = np.bincount(indices, minlength=hp.npix)  # Count number of data points in each HEALPix grid cell.

    # Step (iii) in Section 2.2 Decomposition of IT20 #
    # Smooth the angular momentum map with a top-hat filter of angular radius 30 degrees #
    smoothed_densities = np.zeros(hp.npix)
    # Loop over all grid cells #
    for i in range(hp.npix):
        mask = hlp.query_disc(nside, hlp.pix2vec(nside, i), np.pi / 6.0)  # Do a 30 degree cone search around each grid cell.
        smoothed_densities[i] = np.mean(densities[mask])  # Average the densities of the ones inside and assign this value to the grid cell.

    # Step (iii) in Section 2.2 Decomposition of IT20 #
    # Find the location of the density maximum #
    index_densest = np.argmax(smoothed_densities)
    alpha_densest = (hp.healpix_to_lonlat([index_densest])[0].value + np.pi) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi  # In radians.
    delta_densest = (hp.healpix_to_lonlat([index_densest])[1].value + np.pi / 2) % (2 * np.pi) - np.pi / 2  # In radians.

    # Step (iv) in Section 2.2 Decomposition of IT20 #
    # Calculate the angular separation of each stellar particle from the centre of the densest grid cell #
    Delta_theta = np.arccos(np.sin(delta_densest) * np.sin(np.radians(delta)) + np.cos(delta_densest) * np.cos(np.radians(delta)) * np.cos(
        alpha_densest - np.radians(alpha)))  # In radians.

    # Step (v) in Section 2.2 Decomposition of IT20 #
    # Calculate the disc mass fraction as the mass within 30 degrees from the densest grid cell #
    disc_mask_IT20, = np.where(Delta_theta < (np.pi / 6.0))
    spheroid_mask_IT20, = np.where(Delta_theta >= (np.pi / 6.0))
    disc_fraction_IT20 = np.sum(sp_mass[disc_mask_IT20]) / np.sum(sp_mass)

    # Step (vi) in Section 2.2 Decomposition of IT20 #
    # Normalise the disc fractions #
    chi = 0.5 * (1 - np.cos(np.pi / 6))
    disc_fraction_IT20 = np.divide(1, 1 - chi) * (disc_fraction_IT20 - chi)

    return disc_mask_IT20, spheroid_mask_IT20, disc_fraction_IT20
Exemplo n.º 11
    def from_skycoords(cls, skycoords, max_norder):
        Create a MOC from astropy skycoords
        hp = HEALPix(nside=(1 << max_norder), order='nested')
        ipix = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(skycoords.icrs.ra, skycoords.icrs.dec)

        shift = 2 * (AbstractMOC.HPY_MAX_NORDER - max_norder)
        intervals_arr = np.vstack((ipix << shift, (ipix + 1) << shift)).T

        interval_set = IntervalSet.from_numpy_array(intervals_arr)
        return cls(interval_set)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def from_lonlat(cls, lon, lat, max_norder):
        Create a MOC from astropy lon, lat quantities
        hp = HEALPix(nside=(1 << max_norder), order='nested')
        ipix = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(lon, lat)

        shift = 2 * (AbstractMOC.HPY_MAX_NORDER - max_norder)
        intervals_arr = np.vstack((ipix << shift, (ipix + 1) << shift)).T

        interval_set = IntervalSet.from_numpy_array(intervals_arr)
        return cls(interval_set)
Exemplo n.º 13
def split_catalog(ra_v, dec_v, score_v, aim=100, minorder=1):
    """Do splitting into orders.

    ra_v, dec_v: ra and dec
    score_v: score (higher values more likely to be shown first.

    print('Splitting catalog into orders')

    tot_num = len(ra_v)
    splits = N.zeros(tot_num, dtype=N.int32)-1

    # lower threshold by factor ratio until the median number of
    # objects in cels is greater than aim
    ratio = 0.99
    score = N.max(score_v)*ratio
    tot_sel = 0

    order = minorder
    while True:
        hp = HEALPix(2**order, order='nested')
        sel = (splits<0) & (score_v>=score)
        num_sel = N.sum(sel)
        if num_sel > 0:
            pix = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(ra_v[sel]*u.deg, dec_v[sel]*u.deg)
            pix, cts = N.unique(pix, return_counts=True)
            medcts = N.median(cts[cts>0])

        if (num_sel==0 or len(pix) < 4 or medcts < aim) and tot_sel+num_sel != tot_num:
            score *= ratio

            print(N.percentile(cts[cts>0], [5, 50, 95]))

            splits[sel] = order
            tot_sel += num_sel
            print(' setting order=%i using score=%g (%i objects)' % (
                order, score, num_sel))
            if N.sum(splits<0) == 0:
            order += 1

    return order, splits
Exemplo n.º 14
    def add_position(self, ra, dec, max_norder):
        Add the HEALPix bin containing the (ra, dec) position

        ra : `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Longitude`
            the longitude of the pixel to add
        dec : `~astropy.coordinates.angles.Latitude`
            the latitude of the pixel to add
        max_norder : int
            the moc order resolution
        hp = HEALPix(nside=(1 << max_norder), order='nested')
        i_pix = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(ra * u.deg, dec * u.deg)

        if isinstance(i_pix, np.ndarray):
            self.add_pix_list(order=max_norder, i_pix_l=i_pix)
            self.add_pix(max_norder, i_pix)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def get_pix(self, gl, gb):
     hp = HEALPix(nside=self.meta["NSIDE"], order=self.meta["ORDERING"])
     return (hp.lonlat_to_healpix(gl * u.deg, gb * u.deg))
Exemplo n.º 16
for r in res:
    field = r['id']
    print field
    hdu = fits.open(
        field + '/image_full_ampphase_di_m.NS_shift.int.facetRestored.fits')
    wcs[field] = WCS(hdu[0].header)
    t = Table.read(field + '/image_full_ampphase_di_m.NS.cat.fits')
    # cut a circle
    w = wcs[field]
    x, y, _, __ = w.wcs_world2pix(t['RA'], t['DEC'], 0, 0, 0)
    r = (x - 9922)**2.0 + (y - 9922)**2.0
    t = t[r < 4960**2.0]
    t['field'] = field
    pixels = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(t['RA'], t['DEC'])
    t['pixel'] = pixels
    plist = list(set(pixels))
    print len(plist), 'unique healpix pixels'
    overlap_removed = []
    print len(t), 'sources originally'
    for pix in plist:
        if pix not in healpix:
            # this pixel does not overlap with anything
            healpix[pix] = [field]
            for overlap_field in healpix[pix]:
                if overlap_field in overlap_removed:
                w = wcs[overlap_field]
                overlap_pos = w.wcs_world2pix(t['RA'], t['DEC'], 0, 0, 0)
Exemplo n.º 17
def makeMoc(outdir, ras, decs, maxorder=7):
    """Write Moc coverage files."""

    print('Constructing MOC')

    ra_deg = ras * u.deg
    dec_deg = decs * u.deg

    # work out coverage of pixels
    hp = HEALPix(2**maxorder, order='nested')
    pix = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(ra_deg, dec_deg)
    pix = list(N.unique(pix))

    # combine sets of four pixels to lower orders
    order = maxorder
    out = []
    while order>0:
        nextpix = []
        i = 0
        while i < len(pix)-3:
            vi = pix[i]
            if vi%4==0 and pix[i+1]==vi+1 and pix[i+2]==vi+2 and pix[i+3]==vi+3:
                pix = pix[:i]+pix[i+4:]
                i += 1
        out.insert(0, (order, N.array(pix)))
        pix = nextpix
        if len(pix)==0:
        order -= 1

    if len(pix) > 0:
        out.insert(0, (order, N.array(pix)))

    # write json
    out_json = {}
    for order, pixels in out:
        out_json[str(order)] = [int(i) for i in pixels]

    with open(os.path.join(outdir, 'Moc.json'), 'w') as fout:
        fout.write('#MOCORDER %i\n' % maxorder)
        json.dump(out_json, fout)

    # now write in FITS format
    fits_pixels = []
    for order, pixels in out:
        fits_pixels.append(4 * 4**order + pixels)
    fits_pixels = N.concatenate(fits_pixels)
    print(' Included', len(fits_pixels), 'healpix pixels, up to level', order)

    cols = fits.ColDefs([
        fits.Column(name='NPIX', format='J', array=fits_pixels)])    
    hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(cols)
    hdr = hdu.header
    hdr['PIXTYPE'] = 'HEALPIX'
    hdr['ORDERING'] = 'NUNIQ'
    hdr['COORDSYS'] = 'C'
    hdr['MOCORDER'] = maxorder
    hdr['MOCTOOL'] = builder
    hdr['DATE'] = getDate()

    hdulist = fits.HDUList([fits.PrimaryHDU(), hdu])
    hdulist.writeto(os.path.join(outdir, 'Moc.fits'), overwrite=True)
Exemplo n.º 18
def healpix_to_image(healpix_data, coord_system_in, wcs_out, shape_out,
                     order='bilinear', nested=False):
    Convert image in HEALPIX format to a normal FITS projection image (e.g.
    CAR or AIT).

    healpix_data : `numpy.ndarray`
        HEALPIX data array
    coord_system_in : str or `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame`
        The coordinate system for the input HEALPIX data, as an Astropy
        coordinate frame or corresponding string alias (e.g. ``'icrs'`` or
    wcs_out : `~astropy.wcs.WCS`
        The WCS of the output array
    shape_out : tuple
        The shape of the output array
    order : int or str, optional
        The order of the interpolation (if ``mode`` is set to
        ``'interpolation'``). This can be either one of the following strings:

            * 'nearest-neighbor'
            * 'bilinear'

        or an integer. A value of ``0`` indicates nearest neighbor
    nested : bool
        The order of the healpix_data, either nested or ring.  Stored in
        FITS headers in the ORDERING keyword.

    reprojected_data : `numpy.ndarray`
        HEALPIX image resampled onto the reference image
    footprint : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Footprint of the input array in the output array. Values of 0 indicate
        no coverage or valid values in the input image, while values of 1
        indicate valid values.

    healpix_data = np.asarray(healpix_data, dtype=float)

    # Look up lon, lat of pixels in reference system
    yinds, xinds = np.indices(shape_out)
    lon_out, lat_out = wcs_out.wcs_pix2world(xinds, yinds, 0)

    # Convert between celestial coordinates
    coord_system_in = parse_coord_system(coord_system_in)
    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
        lon_in, lat_in = convert_world_coordinates(lon_out, lat_out, wcs_out, (coord_system_in, u.deg, u.deg))

    lon_in = u.Quantity(lon_in, unit=u.deg, copy=False)
    lat_in = u.Quantity(lat_in, unit=u.deg, copy=False)

    if isinstance(order, six.string_types):
        order = ORDER[order]

    nside = npix_to_nside(len(healpix_data))

    hp = HEALPix(nside=nside, order='nested' if nested else 'ring')

    if order == 1:
        data = hp.interpolate_bilinear_lonlat(lon_in, lat_in, healpix_data)
    elif order == 0:
        ipix = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(lon_in, lat_in)
        data = healpix_data[ipix]
        raise ValueError("Only nearest-neighbor and bilinear interpolation are supported")

    footprint = np.ones(data.shape, bool)

    return data, footprint
Exemplo n.º 19
    def plot(self, title='MOC', frame=None):
        Plot the MOC object in a mollweide view

        This method uses matplotlib.

        title : str
            the title of the plot
        frame : `astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame`, optional
            Describes the coordinate system the plot will be (ICRS, Galactic are the only coordinate systems supported).
        frame = ICRS() if frame is None else frame

        from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        plot_order = 8
        if self.max_order > plot_order:
            plotted_moc = self.degrade_to_order(plot_order)
            plotted_moc = self

        num_pixels_map = 1024
        delta = 2 * np.pi / num_pixels_map

        x = np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi, delta)
        y = np.arange(-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2, delta)
        lon_rad, lat_rad = np.meshgrid(x, y)
        hp = HEALPix(nside=(1 << plotted_moc.max_order), order='nested')

        if frame and not isinstance(frame, BaseCoordinateFrame):
            raise ValueError(
                "Only Galactic/ICRS coordinate systems are supported."
                "Please set `coord` to either 'C' or 'G'.")

        pix_map = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(lon_rad * u.rad, lat_rad * u.rad)

        m = np.zeros(nside2npix(1 << plotted_moc.max_order))
        pix_id_arr = plotted_moc._best_res_pixels()

        # change the HEALPix cells if the frame of the MOC is not the same as the one associated with the plot method.
        if isinstance(frame, Galactic):
            lon, lat = hp.boundaries_lonlat(pix_id_arr, step=2)
            sky_crd = SkyCoord(lon, lat, unit='deg')
            pix_id_arr = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(sky_crd.galactic.l,

        m[pix_id_arr] = 1

        z = np.flip(m[pix_map], axis=1)

        plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))

        ax = plt.subplot(111, projection="mollweide")
            '150°', '120°', '90°', '60°', '30°', '0°', '330°', '300°', '270°',
            '240°', '210°', '180°'

        color_map = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('w2r',
                                                      ['#eeeeee', '#aa0000'])

        ax.pcolormesh(x, y, z, cmap=color_map, vmin=0, vmax=1)
        ax.tick_params(labelsize=14, labelcolor='#000000')
        plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=1, color='#555555')

Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: moc.py Projeto: marxide/mocpy
    def plot(self, title='MOC', frame=None):
        Plot the MOC object using a mollweide projection.

        **Deprecated**: New `fill` and `border` methods produce more reliable results and allow you to specify additional 
        matplotlib style parameters.

        title : str
            The title of the plot
        frame : `astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame`, optional
            Describes the coordinate system the plot will be (ICRS, Galactic are the only coordinate systems supported).
        import warnings
        warnings.warn('This method is deprecated and is no longer tested.'
                      'Please refer to this documentation page for plotting MOCs using'
                      'matplotlib: https://mocpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/examples.html#loading-and-plotting-the-moc-of-sdss', DeprecationWarning)

        frame = ICRS() if frame is None else frame

        from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        plot_order = 8
        if self.max_order > plot_order:
            plotted_moc = self.degrade_to_order(plot_order)
            plotted_moc = self

        num_pixels_map = 1024
        delta = 2. * np.pi / num_pixels_map

        x = np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi, delta)
        y = np.arange(-np.pi/2, np.pi/2, delta)
        lon_rad, lat_rad = np.meshgrid(x, y)
        hp = HEALPix(nside=(1 << plotted_moc.max_order), order='nested')

        if frame and not isinstance(frame, BaseCoordinateFrame):
            raise ValueError("Only Galactic/ICRS coordinate systems are supported."
                             "Please set `coord` to either 'C' or 'G'.")

        pix_map = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(lon_rad * u.rad, lat_rad * u.rad)

        m = np.zeros(12*4**(plotted_moc.max_order))
        pix_id = core.flatten_pixels(plotted_moc._interval_set._intervals, plotted_moc.max_order)

        # change the HEALPix cells if the frame of the MOC is not the same as the one associated with the plot method.
        if isinstance(frame, Galactic):
            lon, lat = hp.boundaries_lonlat(pix_id, step=2)
            sky_crd = SkyCoord(lon, lat, unit='deg')
            pix_id = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(sky_crd.galactic.l, sky_crd.galactic.b)

        m[pix_id] = 1

        z = np.flip(m[pix_map], axis=1)

        plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))

        ax = plt.subplot(111, projection="mollweide")
        ax.set_xticklabels(['150°', '120°', '90°', '60°', '30°', '0°', '330°', '300°', '270°', '240°', '210°', '180°'])

        color_map = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('w2r', ['#eeeeee', '#aa0000'])

        ax.pcolormesh(x, y, z, cmap=color_map, vmin=0, vmax=1)
        ax.tick_params(labelsize=14, labelcolor='#000000')
        plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=1, color='#555555')

Exemplo n.º 21
def create_external_skymap(ra, dec, error, pipeline, notice_type=111):
    """Create a sky map, either a gaussian or a single
    pixel sky map, given an RA, dec, and error radius.

    If from Fermi, convolves the sky map with both a core and
    tail Gaussian and then sums these to account for systematic
    effects as measured in :doi:`10.1088/0067-0049/216/2/32`

    If from Swift, converts the error radius from that containing 90% of the
    credible region to ~68% (see description of Swift error

    ra : float
        right ascension in deg
    dec: float
        declination in deg
    error: float
        error radius in deg

    skymap : numpy array
        sky map array

    max_nside = 2048
    if error:
        # Correct 90% containment to 1-sigma for Swift
        if pipeline == 'Swift':
            error /= np.sqrt(-2 * np.log1p(-.9))
        error_radius = error * u.deg
        nside = pixel_resolution_to_nside(error_radius, round='up')
        nside = np.inf
    if nside >= max_nside:
        nside = max_nside

        #  Find the one pixel the event can localized to
        hpx = HEALPix(nside, 'ring', frame=ICRS())
        skymap = np.zeros(hpx.npix)
        ind = hpx.lonlat_to_healpix(ra * u.deg, dec * u.deg)
        skymap[ind] = 1.
        #  If larger error, create gaussian sky map
        hpx = HEALPix(nside, 'ring', frame=ICRS())
        ipix = np.arange(hpx.npix)

        #  Evaluate Gaussian.
        center = SkyCoord(ra * u.deg, dec * u.deg)
        distance = hpx.healpix_to_skycoord(ipix).separation(center)
        skymap = np.exp(-0.5 * np.square(distance / error_radius).to_value(
        skymap /= skymap.sum()
    if pipeline == 'Fermi':
        # Correct for Fermi systematics based on recommendations from GBM team
        # Convolve with both a narrow core and wide tail Gaussian with error
        # radius determined by the scales respectively, each comprising a
        # fraction determined by the weights respectively
        if notice_type == gcn.NoticeType.FERMI_GBM_FLT_POS:
            # Flight notice
            # Values from first row of Table 7
            weights = [0.897, 0.103]
            scales = [7.52, 55.6]
        elif notice_type == gcn.NoticeType.FERMI_GBM_GND_POS:
            # Ground notice
            # Values from first row of Table 3
            weights = [0.804, 0.196]
            scales = [3.72, 13.7]
        elif notice_type == gcn.NoticeType.FERMI_GBM_FIN_POS:
            # Final notice
            # Values from second row of Table 3
            weights = [0.900, 0.100]
            scales = [3.71, 14.3]
            raise AssertionError(
                'Need to provide a supported Fermi notice type')
        skymap = sum(weight *
                     hp.sphtfunc.smoothing(skymap, sigma=np.radians(scale))
                     for weight, scale in zip(weights, scales))

    # Renormalize due to possible lack of precision
    return skymap / skymap.sum()
Exemplo n.º 22
from astropy import units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from multiprocessing import Pool
from tqdm import tqdm

hp = HEALPix(nside=256)

print('HP pixels are', hp.npix)
print('HP pixel area is', 60 * 60 * hp.pixel_area.value * (180 / np.pi)**2,
      'sq arcmin')

t = Table.read('source_lr.fits')

lhp = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(t['RA'], t['DEC'])

lpix = sorted(list(set(lhp)))

print('There are', len(lpix), 'LOFAR pixels')

print('Loading optical catalogue')

optcat = 'optical.fits'
opt = Table.read(optcat)
idname = 'ID'
rast = 'RA'
decst = 'DEC'

print('Instrumenting it with sizes')
Exemplo n.º 23
# Converting the latitude values into co-latitude values
print("Converting the latitude values into co-latitude values...")
a = Angle((np.pi / 2) * u.rad)
colat_1 = a - lat_1
colat_2 = a - lat_2
colat_3 = a - lat_3
colat_4 = a - lat_4
colat_5 = a - lat_5

lng = Angle(-(np.pi / 2) * u.rad)

# Obtaining the bright spot for each point
print("Obtaining the bright spot for each point...")
print("Bright point 1...")
bs_1 = map.lonlat_to_healpix([lng] * u.rad, [lat_1] * u.rad)
print("Bright point 2...")
bs_2 = map.lonlat_to_healpix([lng] * u.rad, [lat_2] * u.rad)
print("Bright point 3...")
bs_3 = map.lonlat_to_healpix([lng] * u.rad, [lat_3] * u.rad)
print("Bright point 4...")
bs_4 = map.lonlat_to_healpix([lng] * u.rad, [lat_4] * u.rad)
print("Bright point 5...")
bs_5 = map.lonlat_to_healpix([lng] * u.rad, [lat_5] * u.rad)

# Drawing the simulated map for each bright spot
print("Drawing the simulated map for each bright spot")
print("Drawing simulated map 1...")
sim_map_1 = draw_albedo_map(nside=nside, view_map=False, bright_spot=bs_1)
print("Drawing simulated map 2...")
sim_map_2 = draw_albedo_map(nside=nside, view_map=False, bright_spot=bs_2)
Exemplo n.º 24
lat_5 = Angle((0) * u.rad)

# Converting the latitude values nto co-latitude values
a = Angle((np.pi / 2) * u.rad)
colat_1 = a - lat_1
colat_2 = a - lat_2
colat_3 = a - lat_3
colat_4 = a - lat_4
colat_5 = a - lat_5

# Setting longitude to be -pi/2
one_lng = Angle(-(0.8) * u.rad)
one_lng = Angle((-np.pi / 2) * u.rad)

# Obtaining the bright spot for each point
bs_1 = map.lonlat_to_healpix([one_lng] * u.rad, [lat_1] * u.rad)
bs_2 = map.lonlat_to_healpix([one_lng] * u.rad, [lat_2] * u.rad)
bs_3 = map.lonlat_to_healpix([one_lng] * u.rad, [lat_3] * u.rad)
bs_4 = map.lonlat_to_healpix([one_lng] * u.rad, [lat_4] * u.rad)
bs_5 = map.lonlat_to_healpix([one_lng] * u.rad, [lat_5] * u.rad)

# Drawing the simulated map for each bright spot
sim_map_1 = draw_albedo_map(nside=nside, view_map=False, bright_spot=bs_1)
sim_map_2 = draw_albedo_map(nside=nside, view_map=False, bright_spot=bs_2)
sim_map_3 = draw_albedo_map(nside=nside, view_map=False, bright_spot=bs_3)
sim_map_4 = draw_albedo_map(nside=nside, view_map=False, bright_spot=bs_4)
sim_map_5 = draw_albedo_map(nside=nside, view_map=False, bright_spot=bs_5)

# Analytic solution
analytic_1 = analytic_lightcurve_2(colat=colat_1,
Exemplo n.º 25
def my_plot(moc,
    frame = Galactic() if frame is None else frame

    from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    plot_order = 8
    if moc.max_order > plot_order and degrade:
        plotted_moc = moc.degrade_to_order(plot_order)
        plotted_moc = moc

    num_pixels_map = 1024
    delta = 2. * np.pi / num_pixels_map

    x = np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi, delta)
    y = np.arange(-np.pi / 2, np.pi / 2, delta)
    lon_rad, lat_rad = np.meshgrid(x, y)
    hp = HEALPix(nside=(1 << plotted_moc.max_order), order='nested')

    if frame and not isinstance(frame, BaseCoordinateFrame):
        raise ValueError(
            "Only Galactic/ICRS coordinate systems are supported.")

    pix_map = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(lon_rad * u.rad, lat_rad * u.rad)

    m = np.zeros(12 * 4**(plotted_moc.max_order))
    pix_id = core.flatten_pixels(plotted_moc._interval_set._intervals,

    # change the HEALPix cells if the frame of the MOC is not the same as the one associated with the plot method.
    if isinstance(frame, Galactic):
        lon, lat = hp.boundaries_lonlat(pix_id, step=2)
        sky_crd = SkyCoord(lon, lat, unit='deg')
        pix_id = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(sky_crd.galactic.l, sky_crd.galactic.b)

    m[pix_id] = 1

    z = np.flip(m[pix_map], axis=1)

    figsize = (12, 10)
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection="aitoff")

    color_map = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('w2r', ['white', color])

    # Note I flip x
    ax.pcolormesh(x, y, z, cmap=color_map, vmin=0, vmax=1)
    if labels: ax.tick_params(labelsize=14, labelcolor='#000000')
    if title: plt.title(title)
    if grid: plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=1, color='#555555')

        '210', '240', '270', '300', '330', '0', '30', '60', '90', '120', '150'


    if not labels:  # disable tick labels

    if save:
Exemplo n.º 26
# Using the relation between exocartographer's inputs and the numeric
# code's inputs here
phi_orb = 0  # xi_0
obl_orientation = sol_phase  # xi_s

# Creating the point of the ``bright spot''
lat_1 = Angle((np.pi / 2) * u.rad)
lng = Angle((-np.pi / 2) * u.rad)

# Converting the latitude value into co-latitude values
a = Angle((np.pi / 2) * u.rad)
colat_1 = a - lat_1

# Obtaining the HEALPix index for the bright spot
bs = map.lonlat_to_healpix([lng] * u.rad, [lat_1] * u.rad)

# Drawing the simulated map for the bright spot
sim_map = draw_albedo_map(nside=nside, view_map=False, bright_spot=bs)

# Defining all the angles that we need :

# The vector-rotating EXOCARTOGRAPHER's code
e_phi_o = np.zeros_like(times)
e_phi_s = np.zeros_like(times)
e_th_o = np.zeros_like(times)
e_th_s = np.zeros_like(times)

# My analytic solution's code
a_phi_o = np.zeros_like(times)
a_phi_s = np.zeros_like(times)
Exemplo n.º 27
import sys
from astropy.table import Table, vstack

t1 = Table.read('Winter/final-v0.5_photoz_v0.1_joined-physical.fits')
t2 = Table.read('Spring-40-45/final-v0.4_photoz_v0.1_north-physical.fits')
t3 = Table.read('Spring-60-65/final-v0.8_photoz_v0.1-physical.fits')
t4 = Table.read('Fall/final-v0.6_photoz_v0.1-physical.fits')
t1['field'] = '8h'
t2['field'] = '13h40'
t3['field'] = '13h60'
t4['field'] = '0h'

hp = HEALPix(nside=256)

t1_pixel = np.array(
    hp.lonlat_to_healpix(t1['RA'].quantity.value * u.deg,
                         t1['DEC'].quantity.value * u.deg))
t2_pixel = np.array(
    hp.lonlat_to_healpix(t2['RA'].quantity.value * u.deg,
                         t2['DEC'].quantity.value * u.deg))

t1_pixels = np.unique(t1_pixel)
t2_pixels = np.unique(t2_pixel)

overlap = np.intersect1d(t1_pixels, t2_pixels)

from_t1 = np.setdiff1d(t1_pixels, overlap)  # the ones not in overlap
from_t2 = np.setdiff1d(t2_pixels, overlap)

print(len(overlap), 'overlapping pixels')
for p in overlap:
    if np.sum(t1_pixel == p) > np.sum(t2_pixel == p):
Exemplo n.º 28
def healpix_to_image(healpix_data,
    Convert image in HEALPIX format to a normal FITS projection image (e.g.
    CAR or AIT).

    healpix_data : `numpy.ndarray`
        HEALPIX data array
    coord_system_in : str or `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame`
        The coordinate system for the input HEALPIX data, as an Astropy
        coordinate frame or corresponding string alias (e.g. ``'icrs'`` or
    wcs_out : `~astropy.wcs.WCS`
        The WCS of the output array
    shape_out : tuple
        The shape of the output array
    order : int or str, optional
        The order of the interpolation (if ``mode`` is set to
        ``'interpolation'``). This can be either one of the following strings:

            * 'nearest-neighbor'
            * 'bilinear'

        or an integer. A value of ``0`` indicates nearest neighbor
    nested : bool
        The order of the healpix_data, either nested or ring.  Stored in
        FITS headers in the ORDERING keyword.

    reprojected_data : `numpy.ndarray`
        HEALPIX image resampled onto the reference image
    footprint : `~numpy.ndarray`
        Footprint of the input array in the output array. Values of 0 indicate
        no coverage or valid values in the input image, while values of 1
        indicate valid values.

    healpix_data = np.asarray(healpix_data, dtype=float)

    # Look up lon, lat of pixels in reference system
    yinds, xinds = np.indices(shape_out)
    lon_out, lat_out = wcs_out.wcs_pix2world(xinds, yinds, 0)

    # Convert between celestial coordinates
    coord_system_in = parse_coord_system(coord_system_in)
    with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
        lon_in, lat_in = convert_world_coordinates(
            lon_out, lat_out, wcs_out, (coord_system_in, u.deg, u.deg))

    lon_in = u.Quantity(lon_in, unit=u.deg, copy=False)
    lat_in = u.Quantity(lat_in, unit=u.deg, copy=False)

    if isinstance(order, six.string_types):
        order = ORDER[order]

    nside = npix_to_nside(len(healpix_data))

    hp = HEALPix(nside=nside, order='nested' if nested else 'ring')

    if order == 1:
        data = hp.interpolate_bilinear_lonlat(lon_in, lat_in, healpix_data)
    elif order == 0:
        ipix = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(lon_in, lat_in)
        data = healpix_data[ipix]
        raise ValueError(
            "Only nearest-neighbor and bilinear interpolation are supported")

    footprint = np.ones(data.shape, bool)

    return data, footprint
Exemplo n.º 29
Arquivo: moc.py Projeto: tboch/mocpy
    def plot(self, title='MOC', frame=None):
        Plot the MOC object using a mollweide projection.

        **Deprecated**: New `fill` and `border` methods produce more reliable results and allow you to specify additional 
        matplotlib style parameters.

        title : str
            The title of the plot
        frame : `astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame`, optional
            Describes the coordinate system the plot will be (ICRS, Galactic are the only coordinate systems supported).
        frame = ICRS() if frame is None else frame

        from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        plot_order = 8
        if self.max_order > plot_order:
            plotted_moc = self.degrade_to_order(plot_order)
            plotted_moc = self

        num_pixels_map = 1024
        delta = 2. * np.pi / num_pixels_map

        x = np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi, delta)
        y = np.arange(-np.pi/2, np.pi/2, delta)
        lon_rad, lat_rad = np.meshgrid(x, y)
        hp = HEALPix(nside=(1 << plotted_moc.max_order), order='nested')

        if frame and not isinstance(frame, BaseCoordinateFrame):
            raise ValueError("Only Galactic/ICRS coordinate systems are supported."
                             "Please set `coord` to either 'C' or 'G'.")

        pix_map = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(lon_rad * u.rad, lat_rad * u.rad)

        m = np.zeros(nside2npix(1 << plotted_moc.max_order))
        pix_id = plotted_moc._best_res_pixels()

        # change the HEALPix cells if the frame of the MOC is not the same as the one associated with the plot method.
        if isinstance(frame, Galactic):
            lon, lat = hp.boundaries_lonlat(pix_id, step=2)
            sky_crd = SkyCoord(lon, lat, unit='deg')
            pix_id = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(sky_crd.galactic.l, sky_crd.galactic.b)

        m[pix_id] = 1

        z = np.flip(m[pix_map], axis=1)

        plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))

        ax = plt.subplot(111, projection="mollweide")
        ax.set_xticklabels(['150°', '120°', '90°', '60°', '30°', '0°', '330°', '300°', '270°', '240°', '210°', '180°'])

        color_map = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('w2r', ['#eeeeee', '#aa0000'])

        ax.pcolormesh(x, y, z, cmap=color_map, vmin=0, vmax=1)
        ax.tick_params(labelsize=14, labelcolor='#000000')
        plt.grid(True, linestyle='--', linewidth=1, color='#555555')

Exemplo n.º 30
import os
from astropy_healpix import HEALPix
from astropy import units as u
import sys
from astropy.table import Table

hp = HEALPix(nside=256)
print(hp.npix,'total healpix pixels on sky')
print('area of one healpix is',area,'sq. deg')
print('typical source separation should be <',np.sqrt(area)*3600.0,'arcsec')

for f in sys.argv[1:]:
    if 'ID_ra' in t.colnames:

    #print(len(pixels),'total distinct pixels')
    #print('Area is',len(pixels)*area,'sq. deg')
    print("%-15s %6i %6i %4.1f %6i %4.1f %6.1f" % (path,nsources,nid,nid*100.0/nsources,nz,nz*100.0/nsources,len(pixels)*area))
Exemplo n.º 31
        return []

def slice_multi(hpv):
    filt = (hps == hpv)
    return (names[filt], optras[filt], optdecs[filt])

print('*** process_overlap starting ***')
with open('optical.pickle') as pf:
    (names, optras, optdecs) = pickle.load(pf)

hd = {}
hp = HEALPix(nside=512)
hps = hp.lonlat_to_healpix(optras * u.deg, optdecs * u.deg)

p = Pool(cpu_count())

hpl = list(set(hps))
for i, result in enumerate(
        tqdm(p.imap(slice_multi, hpl), total=len(hpl),
             desc='Make dictionary')):
    hd[hpl[i]] = result
del (p)

p = Pool(48)
badlist = []
for result in tqdm(p.imap(select_multi, range(len(optras))),