Exemplo n.º 1
    def _get_joystick_control(self,joystick):
        control = VehicleControl()
        tmp1 = 0.6 * joystick.get_axis(1)

        if (tmp1 <= 0):
            control.throttle = -tmp1
            control.brake = 0
            control.throttle = 0
            control.brake = tmp1

        control.steer = joystick.get_axis(2)
        control.steer = 0.5 * control.steer * control.steer * control.steer
        # print('steer....',control.steer)

        #provide a stable autopilot
        autopilot = joystick.get_button(0)
        if autopilot == 1:
            self._enable_autopilot = not self._enable_autopilot

        # provide a stable reverse
        reverse = joystick.get_button(2)
        if reverse == 1:
            self._is_on_reverse = not self._is_on_reverse

        control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
        return control
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _get_joystick_control(self, joystick):
        control = VehicleControl()
        tmp1 = 0.6 * joystick.get_axis(1)

        if (tmp1 <= 0):
            control.throttle = -tmp1
            control.brake = 0
            control.throttle = 0
            control.brake = tmp1

        control.steer = joystick.get_axis(2)
        control.steer = 0.5 * control.steer * control.steer * control.steer
        # print('steer....',control.steer)

        #provide a stable autopilot
        autopilot = joystick.get_button(0)
        if autopilot == 1:
            self._enable_autopilot = not self._enable_autopilot

        # provide a stable reverse
        reverse = joystick.get_button(2)
        if reverse == 1:
            self._is_on_reverse = not self._is_on_reverse

        control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
        return control
Exemplo n.º 3
 def accelerate(self):
   control = VehicleControl()
   control.throttle = 1.0
   if (self.too_close_to('vehicle', self.vehicle_distance_threshold)):
     control.throttle = self.measurements.player_measurements.autopilot_control.throttle
   control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
Exemplo n.º 4
    def decode_control(self, cod):
        control = VehicleControl()

        control.steer = 0
        control.throttle = 0
        control.brake = 0
        control.hand_brake = False
        control.reverse = False

        if cod > 9:
            control.hand_brake = True
            if cod == 10:
                control.steer = -1
            elif cod == 10:
                control.steer = -1
            return control

        if cod == 9:
            control.reverse = True
            control.throttle = 1
            return control

        if cod % 3 == 1:
            control.brake = 1
        elif cod % 3 == 2:
            control.throttle = 1

        if cod // 3 == 1:
            control.steer = 1
        elif cod // 3 == 2:
            control.steer = -1

        return control
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _get_keyboard_control(self, keys, args):
        Return a VehicleControl message based on the pressed keys. Return None
        if a new episode was requested.
        global flg_warning

        if keys[K_r]:
            return None
        control = VehicleControl()
        if keys[K_LEFT] or keys[K_a]:
            control.steer = -1.0
        if keys[K_RIGHT] or keys[K_d]:
            control.steer = 1.0
        if keys[K_UP] or keys[K_w]:
            control.throttle = 1.0
        if keys[K_DOWN] or keys[K_s]:
            control.brake = 1.0
        if keys[K_SPACE]:
            control.hand_brake = True
        if keys[K_q]:
            self._is_on_reverse = not self._is_on_reverse
        if keys[K_p]:
            self._enable_autopilot = not self._enable_autopilot

        if args.app == 'Control':
            if flg_warning == -1:
                control.throttle = 0.0

        control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
        return control
Exemplo n.º 6
    def run_step(self, measurements, sensor_data, directions, target, frame):
        actions = [-1.0, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1, 0, 0.5, 1.0]
        control = VehicleControl()
        if frame < 30:
            control.throttle = 0

            control.throttle = 0.6

        return control
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _get_keyboard_control(self, keys):
        Return a VehicleControl message based on the pressed keys. Return None
        if a new episode was requested.
        if keys[K_r]:
            return None
        control = VehicleControl()
        ################################################### YOU CAN EDIT IT ACCORDING YOU....

        if keys[K_LEFT] or keys[K_a]:
            self._val1 = -1
            if (pid.prev > 0):
                pid.prev = 0
        elif keys[K_RIGHT] or keys[K_d]:
            self._val1 = 1
            if (pid.prev < 0):
                pid.prev = 0
        pid.prev += self._val1
        output = pid.kp * self._val1 + pid.ki * pid.prev
        control.steer = output  #Imp Line

        if keys[K_UP] or keys[K_w]:
            self._val2 = 1
            pid.prev = 0

        elif keys[K_DOWN] or keys[K_s]:
            control.brake = 1
            pid.prev = 0
        if (self._velocity < 77):
            control.throttle = self._val2  #Imp Line
            control.throttle = self._val2 * 0.8
        if keys[K_SPACE]:
            control.hand_brake = True
            pid.prev = 0
        if keys[K_f]:
            self._val3 = 1 - self._val3
        if keys[K_q]:
            self._is_on_reverse = not self._is_on_reverse
            pid.prev = 0
        if keys[K_p]:
            self._enable_autopilot = not self._enable_autopilot
        control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
        return control
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _get_joystick_control(self):
        control = VehicleControl()
        control.steer = self._joystick.get_axis(0)
        control.throttle = max(self._joystick.get_axis(1) * -1, 0)
        control.brake = max(self._joystick.get_axis(1), 0)

        return control
Exemplo n.º 9
 def steer_right(self):
   control = VehicleControl()
   control.steer = min(control.steer + 0.01, 0.05)
   control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
   control.throttle = self.measurements.player_measurements.autopilot_control.throttle
Exemplo n.º 10
    def action_joystick(self):
        # joystick
        steering_axis = self.joystick.get_axis(0)
        acc_axis = self.joystick.get_axis(2)
        brake_axis = self.joystick.get_axis(5)
        # print("axis 0 %f, axis 2 %f, axis 3 %f" % (steering_axis, acc_axis, brake_axis))

        if (self.joystick.get_button(3)):
            self._rear = True
        if (self.joystick.get_button(2)):
            self._rear = False

        control = VehicleControl()
        control.steer = steering_axis
        control.throttle = (acc_axis + 1) / 2.0
        control.brake = (brake_axis + 1) / 2.0
        if control.brake < 0.001:
            control.brake = 0.0
        control.hand_brake = 0
        control.reverse = self._rear

        control.steer -= 0.0822

        #print("steer %f, throttle %f, brake %f" % (control.steer, control.throttle, control.brake))

        return control
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _compute_action(self, rgb_image, speed, directions=None):

        #shit for demo
        img = cv2.cvtColor(rgb_image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)
        cv2.imwrite(self.img_dir + "/image_" + str(self.nr_img) + ".jpg", img)
        #shit for demo

        rgb_image = rgb_image[self._image_cut[0]:self._image_cut[1], :]

        steer, acc, brake = self._control_function(rgb_image, speed,

        # This a bit biased, but is to avoid fake breaking
        if brake < 0.1:
            brake = 0.0

        if acc > brake:
            brake = 0.0

        # We limit speed to 35 km/h to avoid
        if speed > 10.0 and brake == 0:
            acc = 0.0

        control = VehicleControl()
        control.steer = steer
        control.throttle = acc
        control.brake = brake
        control.hand_brake = 0
        control.reverse = 0

        return control
Exemplo n.º 12
    def control(self):
        vcontrol = VehicleControl()

        # Press Y
        if self.controller.get_button(3):
            return None

        # Left stick
        steer = self.controller.get_axis(0)
        if abs(steer) >= 0.1:
            vcontrol.steer = steer / 2.
            # Right stick
        throttle = -self.controller.get_axis(4)
        if throttle > 0:
            vcontrol.throttle = abs(throttle) / 1.5
            vcontrol.brake = abs(throttle)

        # Press right stick
        if self.controller.get_button(10):
            vcontrol.hand_brake = True


            'Throttle'] = vcontrol.throttle if throttle > 0 else -vcontrol.brake
        self.info['Steer'] = vcontrol.steer
Exemplo n.º 13
def send_control_command(client, throttle, steer, brake, 
                         hand_brake=False, reverse=False):
    """Send control command to CARLA client.
    Send control command to CARLA client.

        client: The CARLA client object
        throttle: Throttle command for the sim car [0, 1]
        steer: Steer command for the sim car [-1, 1]
        brake: Brake command for the sim car [0, 1]
        hand_brake: Whether the hand brake is engaged
        reverse: Whether the sim car is in the reverse gear
    control = VehicleControl()
    # Clamp all values within their limits
    steer = np.fmax(np.fmin(steer, 1.0), -1.0)
    throttle = np.fmax(np.fmin(throttle, 1.0), 0)
    brake = np.fmax(np.fmin(brake, 1.0), 0)

    control.steer = steer
    control.throttle = throttle
    control.brake = brake
    control.hand_brake = hand_brake
    control.reverse = reverse
Exemplo n.º 14
    def get_control(self, wp_angle, wp_angle_speed, speed_factor, current_speed):
        control = VehicleControl()
        current_speed = max(current_speed, 0)

        steer = self.params['steer_gain'] * wp_angle
        if steer > 0:
            control.steer = min(steer, 1)
            control.steer = max(steer, -1)

        if math.fabs(wp_angle_speed) < 0.1:
            target_speed_adjusted = self.params['target_speed'] * speed_factor
        # Depending on the angle of the curve the speed is either 20 (beginning) 15 (most of it)
        elif math.fabs(wp_angle_speed) < 0.5:
            target_speed_adjusted = 20 * speed_factor
            target_speed_adjusted = 15 * speed_factor

        self.pid.target = target_speed_adjusted
        pid_gain = self.pid(feedback=current_speed)
        throttle = min(max(self.params['default_throttle'] - 1.3 * pid_gain, 0),

        if pid_gain > 0.5:
            brake = min(0.35 * pid_gain * self.params['brake_strength'], 1)
            brake = 0

        control.throttle = max(throttle, 0)
        control.brake = brake

        return control
Exemplo n.º 15
 def _get_keyboard_control(self, keys, measurements):
     Return a VehicleControl message based on the pressed keys. Return None
     if a new episode was requested.
     if keys[K_p]:
         control = measurements.player_measurements.autopilot_control
         control.steer += random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1)
         return control
     if keys[K_r]:
         return None
     control = VehicleControl()
     if keys[K_LEFT] or keys[K_a]:
         control.steer = -1.0
     if keys[K_RIGHT] or keys[K_d]:
         control.steer = 1.0
     if keys[K_UP] or keys[K_w]:
         control.throttle = 1.0
     if keys[K_DOWN] or keys[K_s]:
         control.brake = 1.0
     if keys[K_SPACE]:
         control.hand_brake = True
     if keys[K_q]:
         self._is_on_reverse = not self._is_on_reverse
     control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
     return control
Exemplo n.º 16
 def _get_keyboard_control(self, keys):
     Return a VehicleControl message based on the pressed keys. Return None
     if a new episode was requested.
     if keys[K_r]:
         return None
     control = VehicleControl()
     if keys[K_LEFT] or keys[K_a]:
         control.steer = -0.5
     if keys[K_RIGHT] or keys[K_d]:
         control.steer = 0.5
     if keys[K_UP] or keys[K_w]:
         control.throttle = 0.7
     if keys[K_DOWN] or keys[K_s]:
         control.brake = 1.0
     if keys[K_SPACE]:
         control.hand_brake = True
     if keys[K_q]:
         self._is_on_reverse = not self._is_on_reverse
     if keys[K_p]:
         self._enable_autopilot = not self._enable_autopilot
     if keys[K_2]:
         self._command = 2
     if keys[K_3]:
         self._command = 3
     if keys[K_4]:
         self._command = 4
     if keys[K_5]:
         self._command = 5
     control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
     return control
Exemplo n.º 17
 def _get_keyboard_control(self, keys):
     Return a VehicleControl message based on the pressed keys. Return None
     if a new episode was requested.
     if keys[K_r]:
         return None
     control = VehicleControl()
     if keys[K_LEFT] or keys[K_a]:
         control.steer = -0.5
     if keys[K_RIGHT] or keys[K_d]:
         control.steer = 0.5
     if keys[K_UP] or keys[K_w]:
         control.throttle = 0.7
     if keys[K_DOWN] or keys[K_s]:
         control.brake = 1.0
     if keys[K_SPACE]:
         control.hand_brake = True
     if keys[K_q]:
         self._is_on_reverse = not self._is_on_reverse
     if keys[K_p]:
         self._enable_autopilot = not self._enable_autopilot
     if keys[K_2]:
         self._command = 2
     if keys[K_3]:
         self._command = 3
     if keys[K_4]:
         self._command = 4
     if keys[K_5]:
         self._command = 5
     control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
     return control
    def _control_using_agent(self, action):
        Here we pass the action output by our agent
        and control the car
        outputs :
        As of now consider the agent also outputs the keys W, A, S, D, space, reverse
        so according to the output vector "action"
        For example : 
        action = [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0] => it uses throttle and steer left
        action = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] => car will be on reverse gear
        '''To be completed'''
        # if action[6]:
        #     # if r is pressed
        #     return None

        control = VehicleControl()

        if action[1]:
            control.steer = -1.0
        if action[3]:
            control.steer = 1.0
        if action[0]:
            control.throttle = 1.0
        if action[2]:
            control.brake = 1.0
        if action[4]:
            control.hand_brake = True
        if action[5]:
            self._is_on_reverse = not self._is_on_reverse
        control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
        return control
Exemplo n.º 19
 def _get_keyboard_control(self, keys):
     Return a VehicleControl message based on the pressed keys. Return None
     if a new episode was requested.
     if keys[K_r]:
         return None
     control = VehicleControl()
     if keys[K_LEFT] or keys[K_a]:
         self._control.steer += -0.02
         self._control.steer = max(self._control.steer, -1.0)
         control.steer = -1.0
     if keys[K_RIGHT] or keys[K_d]:
         self._control.steer += 0.02
         self._control.steer = min(self._control.steer, 1.0)
         control.steer = 1.0
     if keys[K_l] or keys[K_SPACE]:
         self._control.steer = 0
     if keys[K_UP] or keys[K_w]:
         control.throttle = 1.0
         self._control.throttle = 0.6
         self._control.throttle = min(self._control.throttle, 1)
         self._control.brake = 0.0
     if keys[K_DOWN] or keys[K_s]:
         control.brake = 1.0
         self._control.brake = 1.0
         self._control.throttle = 0.0
     if keys[K_q]:
         self._is_on_reverse = not self._is_on_reverse
     if keys[K_p]:
         self._enable_autopilot = not self._enable_autopilot
     control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
     self._control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
     return control
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: ZRiowa/candy
    def _get_keyboard_control(self, keys):
        Return a VehicleControl message based on the pressed keys. Return None
        if a new episode was requested.
        if keys[K_r]:
            return None, None
        if keys[K_t]:
            self.should_display = not self.should_display
            return 'done', None
        if keys[K_m]:
            self.manual = True
            return 'done', None
        if keys[K_n]:
            self.manual = False
            return 'done', None
        if keys[K_v]:
            self.endnow = True
            return 'done', None
        control = VehicleControl()
        if keys[K_LEFT] or keys[K_a]:
            control.steer = -1.0
        if keys[K_RIGHT] or keys[K_d]:
            control.steer = 1.0
        if keys[K_UP] or keys[K_w]:
            control.throttle = 1.0
        if keys[K_DOWN] or keys[K_s]:
            control.brake = 1.0
        if keys[K_SPACE]:
            control.hand_brake = True
        if keys[K_q]:
            self._is_on_reverse = not self._is_on_reverse
        if keys[K_c]:
            self.manual_control = not self.manual_control
        if keys[K_p]:
            self._enable_autopilot = not self._enable_autopilot
        control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse

        reward = None
        if keys[K_1]:
            reward = -1
        if keys[K_2]:
            reward = -0.5
        if keys[K_3]:
            reward = -0.25
        if keys[K_4]:
            reward = -0.1
        if keys[K_5]:
            reward = 0
        if keys[K_6]:
            reward = 0.1
        if keys[K_7]:
            reward = 0.25
        if keys[K_8]:
            reward = 0.5
        if keys[K_9]:
            reward = 1

        return control, reward
Exemplo n.º 21
def get_control_from_a(a):
    control = VehicleControl()
    control.steer = a[0]
    control.throttle = a[1]
    control.brake = a[2]
    control.hand_brake = bool(a[3])
    control.reverse = bool(a[4])
    return control
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _get_keyboard_control(self, keys, measurements, sensor_data):
        Return a VehicleControl message based on the pressed keys. Return None
        if a new episode was requested.
        self._at_intersection = False
        if keys[K_r]:
            return None

        if self._NNagent_drives:
            if keys[K_LEFT] or keys[K_a]:
                control = self.NNagent.run_step(measurements, sensor_data, 3,
            elif keys[K_RIGHT] or keys[K_d]:
                control = self.NNagent.run_step(measurements, sensor_data, 4,
            elif keys[K_UP] or keys[K_w]:
                control = self.NNagent.run_step(measurements, sensor_data, 2,
                control = self.NNagent.run_step(measurements, sensor_data, -1,

            if keys[K_q]:
                self._is_on_reverse = not self._is_on_reverse
            if keys[K_p]:
                self._enable_autopilot = True
                self._NNagent_drives = not self._NNagent_drives
            if keys[K_n]:
                print("Turning off")
                self._NNagent_drives = not self._NNagent_drives
            if keys[K_i]:
                self._at_intersection = True
            control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
            control = VehicleControl()
            if keys[K_LEFT] or keys[K_a]:
                control.steer = -1.0
            if keys[K_RIGHT] or keys[K_d]:
                control.steer = 1.0
            if keys[K_UP] or keys[K_w]:
                control.throttle = 1.0
            if keys[K_DOWN] or keys[K_s]:
                control.brake = 1.0
            if keys[K_SPACE]:
                control.hand_brake = True
            if keys[K_q]:
                self._is_on_reverse = not self._is_on_reverse
            if keys[K_p]:
                self._enable_autopilot = not self._enable_autopilot
            if keys[K_n]:
                print("Turning on")
                self._NNagent_drives = not self._NNagent_drives
                self._enable_autopilot = False
            if keys[K_i]:
                self._at_intersection = True
            control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
        return control
Exemplo n.º 23
    def _get_XBOX_control(self, joystick):
        control = VehicleControl()
        control.throttle = 0.4 * (joystick.get_axis(5) + 1)
        if control.throttle > 0.6:
            control.throttle = 0.6
        # if control.throttle <0.3:
        #     control.throttle = 0
        # elif control.throttle<0.7:
        #     control.throttle = 0.5
        # else:
        #     control.throttle =1.0

        control.brake = 0.5 * (joystick.get_axis(2) + 1)
        control.brake = max(0, control.brake - 0.1)

        control.steer = joystick.get_axis(0)
            control.steer = 0
        if control.steer <=-0.05:
            control.steer += 0.05
        if control.steer >=0.05:
            control.steer -= 0.05
        control.steer = 0.8 * control.steer

        control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
        # command = joystick.get_hat(0)
        # if command[0] == -1:
        #     self._command = 3
        # elif command[0] == 1:
        #     self._command = 4
        # if command[1] == -1:
        #     self._command = 5
        # elif command[1] == 1:
        #     self._command = 2
        # return control
        if joystick.get_axis(3) > 0.5:
            self._command = 4
        elif joystick.get_axis(3) < -0.5:
            self._command = 3
        elif joystick.get_axis(4) > 0.5:
            self._command = 5
        elif joystick.get_axis(4) < -0.5:
            self._command = 2
        return control
Exemplo n.º 24
    def _get_autopilot_control(self, measurements):
        control = VehicleControl()

        control.steer = measurements.player_measurements.autopilot_control.steer
        control.throttle = measurements.player_measurements.autopilot_control.throttle
        control.brake = measurements.player_measurements.autopilot_control.brake
        control.hand_brake = measurements.player_measurements.autopilot_control.hand_brake
        control.reverse = measurements.player_measurements.autopilot_control.reverse
        return control
Exemplo n.º 25
 def _get_steering_control(self):
     numAxes = self.js.get_numaxes()
     jsInputs = [float(self.js.get_axis(i)) for i in range(numAxes)]
     # print('Js inputs [%s]' % ', '.join(map(str, jsInputs)))
     control = VehicleControl()
     control.steer = jsInputs[0]
     if ((1 - jsInputs[1]) / 2) > 0.001:
         control.brake = (1 - jsInputs[1]) / 2
         control.brake = 0
     if ((1 - jsInputs[2]) / 2) > 0.001:
         control.throttle = (1 - jsInputs[2]) / 2
         control.throttle = 0
     control.hand_brake = 0.0
     control.reverse = 0.0
     # print(control)
     return control
Exemplo n.º 26
    def _get_XBOX_control(self, joystick):
        control = VehicleControl()
        control.throttle = 0.4 * (joystick.get_axis(5) + 1)
        if control.throttle > 0.6:
            control.throttle = 0.6
        # if control.throttle <0.3:
        #     control.throttle = 0
        # elif control.throttle<0.7:
        #     control.throttle = 0.5
        # else:
        #     control.throttle =1.0

        control.brake = 0.5 * (joystick.get_axis(2) + 1)
        control.brake = max(0, control.brake - 0.1)

        control.steer = joystick.get_axis(0)
        if (abs(control.steer) < 0.05):
            control.steer = 0
        if control.steer <= -0.05:
            control.steer += 0.05
        if control.steer >= 0.05:
            control.steer -= 0.05
        control.steer = 0.8 * control.steer

        control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
        # command = joystick.get_hat(0)
        # if command[0] == -1:
        #     self._command = 3
        # elif command[0] == 1:
        #     self._command = 4
        # if command[1] == -1:
        #     self._command = 5
        # elif command[1] == 1:
        #     self._command = 2
        # return control
        if joystick.get_axis(3) > 0.5:
            self._command = 4
        elif joystick.get_axis(3) < -0.5:
            self._command = 3
        elif joystick.get_axis(4) > 0.5:
            self._command = 5
        elif joystick.get_axis(4) < -0.5:
            self._command = 2
        return control
Exemplo n.º 27
	def _on_loop(self, frame):

		skip_frames = 40
		measurements, sensor_data = self.client.read_data()
		current_position = vec3tovec2(measurements.player_measurements.transform.location)
		self._velocities.append(measurements.player_measurements.forward_speed * 3.6) # convert to km/h

		steer = 0.0
		acceleration = 0.0
		for name, measurement in sensor_data.items():
			model_input = preprocess(measurement.data)
			model_input = np.array(model_input / 127.5 - 1, dtype=np.float32)
			model_input = np.expand_dims(model_input, axis=0)
			ret = self._model.predict(model_input)[0]
			steer = ret[0]
			acceleration = ret[1]

			if measurements.player_measurements.forward_speed * 3.6 < MINIMAL_SPEED:
				acceleration = 0.7
			elif measurements.player_measurements.forward_speed * 3.6 > MAXIMAL_SPEED:
				acceleration = 0

		control = VehicleControl()
		control.steer = steer
		control.throttle = acceleration
		if frame < skip_frames:
			logging.info("Skipping first {} frames...".format(skip_frames))
			return True


		if len(self.line_points) > 1:
			dist_from_start = distance(self.line_points[0], current_position)
			dist_from_start = 10000

		if dist_from_start < 1 and frame > skip_frames + 100:
			logging.info("Position: {} is already logged".format(current_position))
			return False

		if self._timer.elapsed_seconds_since_lap() > 0.5:
			logging.info("Add point: [{:.4f},{:.4f}], points count: {:0>4d}, distance from start: {:.4f}".format(

		return True
Exemplo n.º 28
    def decode_control(self, cod):
        control = VehicleControl()

        control.steer = 0
        control.throttle = 0
        control.brake = 0
        control.hand_brake = False
        control.reverse = False

        th, steer = cod
        if th > 0:
            control.throttle = min(th, 1.0)
        if th < 0:
            control.brake = min(-th, 1.0)

        control.steer = max(min(steer, 1.0), -1.0)

        # if cod > 9:
        # 	control.hand_brake = True
        # 	if cod == 10:
        # 		control.steer = -1
        # 	elif cod == 11:
        # 		control.steer = 1
        # 	return control

        # if cod == 9:
        # 	control.reverse = True
        # 	control.throttle = 1
        # 	return control

        # if cod % 3 == 1:
        # 	control.brake = 1
        # elif cod % 3 == 2:
        # 	control.throttle = 1

        # if cod // 3 == 1:
        # 	control.steer = 1
        # elif cod // 3 == 2:
        # 	control.steer = -1

        return control
Exemplo n.º 29
def getKeyboardControl():
    control = VehicleControl()
    if win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(ord('A')):
        control.steer = -1.0
    if win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(ord('D')):
        control.steer = 1.0
    if win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(ord('W')):
        control.throttle = 1.0
    if win32api.GetAsyncKeyState(ord('S')):
        control.brake = 1.0
    return control
Exemplo n.º 30
    def _get_joystick_control(self):
        # define ids of important axes on joystick
        TRIGGERS = 2
        X_AXIS = 0

        control = VehicleControl()
        control.throttle = 0
        control.brake = 0
        # dont know why but axes in PYGAME are inverted, LEFT_TRIGGGER is >0 and RIGHT_TRIGGER <0
        # LEFT_TRIGGER is for braking
        trigger_value = self._current_joystick.get_axis(TRIGGERS)
        if trigger_value > 0:
            control.brake = trigger_value
        # RIGHT_TRIGGER is for throttle
        elif trigger_value < 0:
            control.throttle = -trigger_value

        control.steer = self._current_joystick.get_axis(X_AXIS)
        if X_AXIS_DEADZONE[0] < control.steer < X_AXIS_DEADZONE[1]:
            control.steer = 0

        return control
Exemplo n.º 31
    def action_to_control(self, action, last_measurements=None):
        control = VehicleControl()
        if self.action_type == 'carla-original':
            if type(action) == np.ndarray:
                action = action.item()
            if type(action) != int:
                print('Unexpected action got {}'.format(type(action)))
            assert type(action) == int, 'Action should be an int'
            action = self.discrete_actions[action]
            if last_measurements is not None and last_measurements.player_measurements.forward_speed * 3.6 < 30:
                control.throttle = action[0]
            elif action[0] > 0.:
                control.throttle = 0.
            control.steer = action[1]

        elif self.action_type == 'continuous':
            control.throttle = min(1, max(0.0, action[0]))
            control.brake = min(1, max(0.0, action[1]))
            control.steer = min(1, max(-1, action[2]))

        # print('Control: {}, {}, {}'.format(control.throttle, control.brake, control.steer))
        return control
Exemplo n.º 32
    def _get_gamepad_control(self):
        control = VehicleControl()
        gamepad = GamepadManager()
        control.steer = gamepad.axis_states[GamepadManager.AxisMap.LEFT_X]
        control.throttle = (gamepad.axis_states[GamepadManager.AxisMap.RT] +
                            1) / 2.0
        control.brake = (gamepad.axis_states[GamepadManager.AxisMap.LT] +
                         1) / 2.0

        if gamepad.button_states[GamepadManager.ButtonMap.X]:
            self._is_on_reverse = not self._is_on_reverse
        if gamepad.button_states[GamepadManager.ButtonMap.B]:
            self._enable_autopilot = not self._enable_autopilot
        control.reverse = self._is_on_reverse
        return control
Exemplo n.º 33
    def _get_keyboard_control(self, keys):
        control = VehicleControl()
        if keys[pl.K_LEFT] or keys[pl.K_a]:
            control.steer = -1.0
        if keys[pl.K_RIGHT] or keys[pl.K_d]:
            control.steer = 1.0
        if keys[pl.K_UP] or keys[pl.K_w]:
            control.throttle = 1.0
        if keys[pl.K_DOWN] or keys[pl.K_s]:
            control.brake = 1.0
        if keys[pl.K_SPACE]:
            control.hand_brake = True
        control.reverse = self._vehicle_in_reverse

        return control
Exemplo n.º 34
    def run_step(self, measurements, sensor_data, directions, target):
        control = VehicleControl()
        control.throttle = 0.9

        return control