Exemplo n.º 1
def run_some_without_error(value):
    Cooperatively iterator over two iterators consecutively and the
    result of the final one is returned.

    :param value: Any sequence.
    #  first deferred
    result = yield accumulate(i_get_tenth_11(range(110, 150)))

    log.msg("accumulated {}".format(result))
    result = yield accumulate(i_get_tenth_11(value))
Exemplo n.º 2
def run_some_with_error(value):
    Cooperatively iterator over two iterators consecutively, but
     the second one will always raise an IndexError, which is caught,
     logged and a message is returned.

    #  first deferred
    result = yield accumulate(i_get_tenth_11(value))

        result2 = yield accumulate(i_get_tenth_11(result))
    except IndexError, e:
        defer.returnValue("Couldn't get second result, "
                          "but the first result is {}".format(result))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_accumulate(self):
        Ensure that within an inline callback function,
        a accumulate wrapped generator
        yields the result of the output of the generator.

        result = yield accumulate(i_get_tenth_11(range(110, 150)))
        self.assertEqual(result, deque([120, 121]))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_multi_winner_chain(self):
        Ensure multiple inline callback functions will run cooperatively.

        Ensure the result of gatherResults can be chained together
        in order.

        called = []

        def watcher(value):
            A pass through generator for i_get_tenth_11 that
            captures the value in a list, which can show the
            order of the generator iteration.

            :param value:
            for item in i_get_tenth_11(value):
                yield item

        result = yield defer.gatherResults([
            accumulate(watcher(range(0, 15))),
            accumulate(watcher(range(15, 100))),
            accumulate(watcher(range(98, 200))),
            accumulate(watcher(range(145, 189)))

        final_result = list(chain.from_iterable(result))

        self.assertEqual(final_result, [10, 11, 25, 26, 108, 109, 155, 156])
        self.assertEqual(set(called), set(final_result))
        self.assertNotEqual(called, final_result)
        #  The iteration is shown to alternate between generators passed
        #   to cooperate.
        self.assertEqual(called, [10, 25, 108, 155, 11, 26, 109, 156])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_trice_winner(self):
        Ensure multiple inline callback functions will run cooperatively.

        d1 = run_some_without_error(range(15))
        d2 = run_some_without_error(range(15, 100))
        d3 = accumulate(i_get_tenth_11(range(4, 50)))
        result = yield defer.gatherResults([d1, d2, d3])

        self.assertEqual(result, [deque([10, 11]),
                                  deque([25, 26]),
                                  deque([14, 15])])
Exemplo n.º 6
    def run(self):
        Cooperatively iterator over two iterators consecutively and the
        result of the final one is returned.

        #  first deferred
        self.count += 1
        result = yield accumulate(i_get_tenth_11(range(110, 150)), self.cooperator)

        log.msg("accumulated {} at {}".format(result, self.count))
        result = yield batch_accumulate(2, range(self.count), self.cooperator)
        log.msg("batch accumulated {} at {}".format(result, self.count))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_multi_deux_batched(self):
        Ensure multiple inline callback functions will run cooperatively.

        Ensure the result of gatherResults can be chained together
        in order.

        Ensure cooperatively run generators will complete
        no matter the length.

        Ensure the longest one will continue to iterate after the
        others run out of iterations.

        Ensure those called with batch_accumulate will
        iterate over the generator in batches the size of max_size.

        called = []

        def watcher(value):
            A pass through generator for i_get_tenth_11 that
            captures the value in a list, which can show the
            order of the generator iteration.

            :param value:
            for item in i_get_tenth_11(value):
                yield item

        def deux_watcher(value):
            A pass through generator for i_get_tenth_11 that
            captures the value in a list, which can show the
            order of the generator iteration.

            :param value:
            for item in i_get_tenth_11(value):
                yield item
            for item in i_get_tenth_11(value):
                yield item

        result = yield defer.gatherResults([
            accumulate(watcher(range(0, 15))),
            accumulate(watcher(range(15, 100))),
            batch_accumulate(3, deux_watcher(range(1098, 10200))),
            accumulate(watcher(range(145, 189)))

        final_result = list(chain.from_iterable(result))

                         [10, 11, 25, 26, 1108, 1109, 1108, 1109, 155, 156])
        self.assertEqual(set(called), set(final_result))
        self.assertNotEqual(called, final_result)
        #  The iteration is shown to alternate between generators passed
        #   to cooperate, except the batched one does three at a time
        #   when it is it's turn.
                         [10, 25, 1108, 1109, 1108, 155, 11, 26, 1109, 156])