def END_CMD(command, ok, output, info, stats) : #assert f.opened_task #assert f.opened_subtask #assert f.opened_cmd if ok : f.content.append( '<span class="command_ok">[OK]</span>' ) else: f.content.append( '<span class="command_failure">[FAILURE]</span>' ) f.content.append( '<div id="output%d" class="output">' '<div class="output_header">OUTPUT:</div>' '<div class="plain_text">%s</div>' '</div>' % (f.id_output, deansi.deansi(output) ) ) if output.count('\n') > 10 : f.content.append( '<script type="text/javascript">togglesize(\'output%d\');</script>' % f.id_output ) f.id_output += 1 if info : f.content.append( '<div id="info%d" class="info">' '<div class="info_header">INFO:</div>\n' '<div class="plain_text">%s</div></div>' % ( f.id_info, deansi.deansi(info) ) ) if info.count('\n') > 10 : f.content.append( '<script type="text/javascript">togglesize(\'info%d\');</script>' % f.id_info ) f.id_info += 1 if stats : f.content.append( '<div class="stats_header">Statistics:</div>' '<div class="stats">' + '<br />'.join(['<b>%s:</b> %s'%(item) for item in stats.iteritems() ]) + '</div>' ) f.content.append( '</div>' ) f.opened_cmd = False
def _streaming_gen(): yield '<style>{}</style>'.format(deansi.styleSheet()) yield FOLLOW_LOG_JS yield '<div class="ansi_terminal">' buffer = [] for log in container.logs(stdout=True, stderr=True, stream=True, follow=True): char = str(log) buffer.append(char) if char == '\n': yield deansi.deansi(''.join(buffer)) buffer = [] if buffer: yield deansi.deansi(''.join(buffer)) yield '</div>'
def END_CMD(command, ok, output, info, stats): #assert f.opened_task #assert f.opened_subtask #assert f.opened_cmd if ok: f.content.append('<span class="command_ok">[OK]</span>') else: f.content.append( '<span class="command_failure">[FAILURE]</span>') f.content.append('<div id="output%d" class="output">' '<div class="output_header">OUTPUT:</div>' '<div class="plain_text">%s</div>' '</div>' % (f.id_output, deansi.deansi(output))) if output.count('\n') > 10: f.content.append( '<script type="text/javascript">togglesize(\'output%d\');</script>' % f.id_output) f.id_output += 1 if info: f.content.append('<div id="info%d" class="info">' '<div class="info_header">INFO:</div>\n' '<div class="plain_text">%s</div></div>' % (f.id_info, deansi.deansi(info))) if info.count('\n') > 10: f.content.append( '<script type="text/javascript">togglesize(\'info%d\');</script>' % f.id_info) f.id_info += 1 if stats: f.content.append('<div class="stats_header">Statistics:</div>' '<div class="stats">' + '<br />'.join([ '<b>%s:</b> %s' % (item) for item in stats.iteritems() ]) + '</div>') f.content.append('</div>') f.opened_cmd = False
def contentBlock(self, kind, content, id): id = kind + id return ('<div id="{id}" class="{kind}">\n' '<div class="{kind}_header">{KIND}:</div>\n' '<div class="plain_text">{content}</div>\n' '</div>\n' '{expander}'.format( id=id, kind=kind, KIND=kind.upper(), content=deansi.deansi(content), expander="" if content.count("\n") <= 10 else "<script type='text/javascript'>" "togglesize('{0}');</script>\n".format(id), ))
def get_docker_image(self): docker_image_name = self.context.repository.replace('/', '-') output = [] docker_image = self.docker.images(docker_image_name) if not docker_image or self.context.rebuild: dockerfile = os.path.join(self.context.clone_path, self.spec.dockerfile) build_options = { 'tag': docker_image_name, 'rm': True, 'stream': True, 'decode': True, 'nocache': self.context.nocache, } if not os.path.exists(dockerfile): logger.warning( 'No Dockerfile: %s found for repo: %s, using simple runner image', dockerfile, self.context.repository ) dockerfile_content = 'FROM messense/badwolf-test-runner:python\n' fileobj = io.BytesIO(dockerfile_content.encode('utf-8')) build_options['fileobj'] = fileobj else: build_options['dockerfile'] = self.spec.dockerfile build_success = False'Building Docker image %s', docker_image_name) self.update_build_status('INPROGRESS', 'Building Docker image') res =, **build_options) for log in res: if 'errorDetail' in log: msg = log['errorDetail']['message'] elif 'error' in log: # Deprecated # msg = log['error'] else: msg = log['stream'] if 'Successfully built' in msg: build_success = True output.append(deansi.deansi(msg))'`docker build` : %s', msg.strip()) if not build_success: return None, ''.join(output) return docker_image_name, ''.join(output)
def run(self): start_time = time.time() branch = self.context.source['branch'] context = { 'context': self.context, 'build_log_url': self.build_status.url, 'branch': branch['name'], 'scripts': self.spec.scripts, 'ansi_termcolor_style': deansi.styleSheet(), } self.update_build_status('INPROGRESS', 'Test in progress') docker_image_name, build_output = self.get_docker_image() context.update({ 'build_logs': Markup(build_output), 'elapsed_time': int(time.time() - start_time), }) if not docker_image_name: self.update_build_status('FAILED', 'Build or get Docker image failed') context['exit_code'] = -1 self.send_notifications(context) return exit_code, output = self.run_in_container(docker_image_name) logger.debug('Docker run output: %s', output) if exit_code == 0: # Success'Test succeed for repo: %s', self.context.repository) self.update_build_status('SUCCESSFUL', '1 of 1 test succeed') else: # Failed'Test failed for repo: %s, exit code: %s', self.context.repository, exit_code) if exit_code == 137: self.update_build_status('FAILED', 'build cancelled') else: self.update_build_status('FAILED', '1 of 1 test failed') context.update({ 'logs': Markup(deansi.deansi(output)), 'exit_code': exit_code, 'elapsed_time': int(time.time() - start_time), }) self.send_notifications(context) return exit_code == 0
def contentBlock(self, kind, content, id) : id = kind+id return ( '<div id="{id}" class="{kind}">\n' '<div class="{kind}_header">{KIND}:</div>\n' '<div class="plain_text">{content}</div>\n' '</div>\n' '{expander}' .format( id = id, kind = kind, KIND = kind.upper(), content = deansi.deansi(content), expander = "" if content.count("\n") <= 10 else "<script type='text/javascript'>" "togglesize('{}');</script>\n".format(id), ) )
def execute(scriptname): import os scripts = configScripts() parameters = ns(request.form.items()) params_list = [] output_file = False if 'parameters' in scripts[scriptname]: for parm_name,parm_data in scripts[scriptname]['parameters'].items(): if parm_data.get('type', None) == 'FILE': filename=os.path.join(configdb.upload_folder,session[parm_name]) parameters[parm_name] = filename elif parm_data.get('type', None) == 'FILEDOWN': session[parm_name]=next(tmpfile()) filename=os.path.join(configdb.download_folder,session[parm_name]) parameters[parm_name] = filename output_file = parm_name if not parameters.get(parm_name, None) and scripts[scriptname]['parameters'][parm_name].get('default',None): parameters[parm_name] = scripts[scriptname]['parameters'][parm_name]['default'] script = scripts[scriptname].script if type(script) is not list: script = shlex.split(script) commandline = [ piece.format(**parameters) for piece in script ] commandline = [cmd.replace('SOME_SRC',configdb.prefix) for cmd in commandline] return_code=0 try: output=subprocess.check_output(commandline,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: output=e.output return_code=e.returncode try: output_decoded=output.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: output_decoded=output.decode('latin-1') return json.dumps(dict( script_name=scriptname, output_file=output_file, return_code=return_code, response=deansi.deansi(output_decoded), commandline=commandline, ))
def get_docker_image(self): docker_image_name = self.context.repository.replace('/', '-') output = [] try: docker_image = self.docker.images.get(docker_image_name) except ImageNotFound: docker_image = None if not docker_image or self.context.rebuild: build_options = { 'tag': docker_image_name, 'rm': True, 'forcerm': True, 'stream': True, 'decode': True, 'nocache': self.context.nocache } if self.spec.image: from_image_name, from_image_tag = self.spec.image.split(':', 2)'Pulling Docker image %s', self.spec.image) self.docker.images.pull(from_image_name, tag=from_image_tag)'Pulled Docker image %s', self.spec.image) dockerfile_content = 'FROM {}\n'.format(self.spec.image) fileobj = io.BytesIO(dockerfile_content.encode('utf-8')) build_options['fileobj'] = fileobj else: dockerfile = os.path.join(self.context.clone_path, self.spec.dockerfile) if os.path.exists(dockerfile): build_options['dockerfile'] = self.spec.dockerfile else: logger.warning( 'No Dockerfile: %s found for repo: %s, using simple runner image', dockerfile, self.context.repository) dockerfile_content = 'FROM messense/badwolf-test-runner:python\n' fileobj = io.BytesIO(dockerfile_content.encode('utf-8')) build_options['fileobj'] = fileobj build_success = False'Building Docker image %s', docker_image_name) self.update_build_status('INPROGRESS', 'Building Docker image') # Use low level API instead of high level API to get raw output res =, **build_options) for log in res: if 'errorDetail' in log: msg = log['errorDetail']['message'] elif 'error' in log: # Deprecated # msg = log['error'] elif 'status' in log: msg = log['status'] else: msg = log.get('stream') if not msg: continue if 'Successfully tagged' in msg: build_success = True output.append(deansi.deansi(msg))'`docker build` : %s', msg.strip()) if not build_success: return None, ''.join(output) return docker_image_name, ''.join(output)
def sendMail( sender, to, subject, text=None, html=None, md=None, ansi=None, cc=[], bcc=[], replyto=[], attachments = [], template=None, config=None, stylesheets = [], dump = None, verbose=True ): import smtplib from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.encoders import encode_base64 from email.utils import formataddr, parseaddr if not config: from config import smtp else: import imp smtp=imp.load_source('config',config).smtp def formatAddress(address): return formataddr(parseaddr(address)) def formatAddresses(addresses): return ', '.join(formatAddress(a) for a in addresses) # Headers msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = formatAddress(sender) msg['To'] = formatAddresses(to) if cc: msg['CC'] = formatAddresses(cc) if bcc: msg['BCC'] = formatAddresses(bcc) if replyto: msg['Reply-To'] = formatAddresses(replyto) recipients = to + (cc if cc else []) + (bcc if bcc else []) # Attachments for filename in attachments: step("Attaching {}...".format(filename)) part = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream") part.set_payload(open(filename, "rb").read()) encode_base64(part) import os part.add_header( 'Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="{}"'.format( os.path.basename(filename.replace('"', '')))) msg.attach(part) # Content formatting style='' for stylesheet in stylesheets or []: with open(stylesheet) as stylefile: if md: step("Formating markdown input...") import markdown text = md # TODO: Format plain text html = htmltemplate.format( style = style, body = markdown.markdown(md, output_format='html') ) if ansi: step("Formating ansi input...") import deansi text = ansi # TODO: Clean ansi sequences html = htmltemplate.format( style = deansi.styleSheet()+style, body = "<div class='ansi_terminal'>"+deansi.deansi(ansi)+"</div>", ) content = MIMEMultipart('alternative') if text: content.attach(MIMEText(text,'plain','utf8')) if html: step("Adapting html to mail clients...") import premailer html = premailer.transform(html) content.attach(MIMEText(html,'html','utf8')) import sys #sys.stdout.write(html) msg.attach(content) if dump: with open(dump,'w') as dumpfile: dumpfile.write(msg.as_string()) success("Email dumped as {}".format(dump)) return return # Sending step("Connecting to {host}:{port} as {user}...".format(**smtp)) server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp['host'], smtp['port']) server.starttls() server.login(smtp['user'], smtp['password']) step("\tSending...") server.sendmail(sender, recipients, msg.as_string()) success("\tMail sent") server.quit()
def sendMail(sender, to, subject, text=None, html=None, md=None, ansi=None, cc=[], bcc=[], replyto=[], attachments=[], template=None, config=None, stylesheets=[], dump=None, verbose=True): from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.encoders import encode_base64 from email.utils import formataddr, parseaddr def formatAddress(address): return formataddr(parseaddr(address)) def formatAddresses(addresses): return ', '.join(formatAddress(a) for a in addresses) # Headers msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['Subject'] = subject msg['From'] = formatAddress(sender) msg['To'] = formatAddresses(to) if cc: msg['CC'] = formatAddresses(cc) if bcc: msg['BCC'] = formatAddresses(bcc) if replyto: msg['Reply-To'] = formatAddresses(replyto) recipients = to + (cc if cc else []) + (bcc if bcc else []) # Attachments for filename in attachments: step("Attaching {}...".format(filename)) part = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream") part.set_payload(open(filename, "rb").read()) encode_base64(part) import os part.add_header( 'Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="{}"'.format( os.path.basename(filename.replace('"', '')))) msg.attach(part) # Content formatting style = '' for stylesheet in stylesheets or []: with open(stylesheet) as stylefile: style += if md: step("Formating markdown input...") import markdown text = md # TODO: Format plain text html = htmltemplate.format(style=style, body=markdown.markdown( md, output_format='html')) if ansi: step("Formating ansi input...") import deansi text = ansi # TODO: Clean ansi sequences html = htmltemplate.format( style=deansi.styleSheet() + style, body="<div class='ansi_terminal'>" + deansi.deansi(ansi) + "</div>", ) content = MIMEMultipart('alternative') if text: content.attach(MIMEText(text, 'plain', 'utf8')) if html: step("Adapting html to mail clients...") import premailer html = premailer.transform(html) content.attach(MIMEText(html, 'html', 'utf8')) import sys #sys.stdout.write(html) msg.attach(content) if dump: with open(dump, 'w') as dumpfile: dumpfile.write(msg.as_string()) success("Email dumped as {}".format(dump)) return # Sending sendOverSmtp(config, sender, recipients, msg)