Exemplo n.º 1
            wavefiles += glob.glob(os.path.join(data_directory,
                                                '.'.join([pick.station, '*'])))
    wavefiles = list(set(wavefiles))
    for wavefile in wavefiles:
        print ' '.join(['Reading data from', wavefile])
        if 'st' not in locals():
            st = read(wavefile)
            st += read(wavefile)

    st = st.merge(fill_value='interpolate')
    day = st[0].stats.starttime.date

    # Process the data with our required parameters
    for tr in st:
        tr = pre_processing.dayproc(tr, 1.0, 20.0, 3, 100.0,\
                                    debug, day)

    # Use the template generation function to cut our templates
    template = template_gen._template_gen(picks, st, length=1.0, swin='all',
                                          prepick=0.1, plot=True)
    # This will generate an obspy.Stream object
    # Append this Stream to the list of templates
    templates += [template]
    template_names.append('_'.join(['tutorial', str(i)]))

    # Save template for later
    template.write(os.path.join(data_directory, '_'.join([template_names[i],
    # Delete excess information from memory If you are re-using this script
    # with the same templates you should be able to comment out this loop
Exemplo n.º 2
    stations = list(set([tr.stats.station for tr in st]))

    # Set how many cores we want to parallel across, we will set this to four
    # as this is the number of templates, if your machine has fewer than four
    # cores/CPUs the multiprocessing will wait until there is a free core.
    # Setting this to be higher than the number of templates will have no
    # increase in speed as only detections for each template are computed in
    # parallel.  It may also slow your processing by using more memory than
    # needed, to the extent that swap may be filled.
    ncores = 4

    # Pre-process the data to set frequency band and sampling rate
    # Note that this is, and MUST BE the same as the parameters used for the
    # template creation.
    print("Processing the seismic data")
    st = pre_processing.dayproc(st, lowcut=2.0, highcut=9.0, filt_order=4, samp_rate=20.0, debug=0, starttime=t1)
    # Convert from list to stream
    st = Stream(st)

    # Now we can conduct the matched-filter detection
    detections = match_filter.match_filter(
Exemplo n.º 3
def from_contbase(sfile, contbase_list, lowcut, highcut, samp_rate, filt_order,\
                 length, prepick, swin, debug=0):
    Function to read in picks from sfile then generate the template from the
    picks within this and the wavefiles from the continous database of day-long
    files.  Included is a section to sanity check that the files are daylong and
    that they start at the start of the day.  You should ensure this is the case
    otherwise this may alter your data if your data are daylong but the headers
    are incorrectly set.

    :type sfile: string
    :param sfile: sfilename must be the path to a seisan nordic type s-file \
            containing waveform and pick information, all other arguments can \
            be numbers save for swin which must be either P, S or all \
    :type contbase_list: List of tuple of string
    :param contbase_list: List of tuples of the form ['path', 'type', 'network']\
                    Where path is the path to the continuous database, type is\
                    the directory structure, which can be either Yyyyy/Rjjj.01,\
                    which is the standard IRIS Year, julian day structure, or,\
                    yyyymmdd which is a single directory for every day.
    :type lowcut: float
    :param lowcut: Low cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template\
            defaults file
    :type highcut: float
    :param lowcut: High cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template\
            defaults file
    :type samp_rate: float
    :param samp_rate: New sampling rate in Hz, if set to None will look in\
            template defaults file
    :type filt_order: int
    :param filt_order: Filter level, if set to None will look in\
            template defaults file
    :type length: float
    :param length: Extract length in seconds, if None will look in template\
            defaults file.
    :type prepick: float
    :param prepick: Pre-pick time in seconds
    :type swin: str
    :param swin: Either 'all', 'P' or 'S', to select which phases to output.
    :type debug: int
    :param debug: Level of debugging output, higher=more
    # Perform some checks first
    import os, sys
    if not os.path.isfile(sfile):
        raise IOError('sfile does not exist')

    # import some things
    from eqcorrscan.utils import Sfile_util
    from eqcorrscan.utils import pre_processing
    import glob
    from obspy import UTCDateTime

    # Read in the header of the sfile

    # Read in pick info
    print "I have found the following picks"
    for pick in picks:
        if not pick.station+pick.channel in pick_chans and pick.phase in ['P','S']:
            print pick
            for contbase in contbase_list:
                if contbase[1] == 'yyyy/mm/dd':
                elif contbase[1]=='Yyyyy/Rjjj.01':
                elif contbase[1]=='yyyymmdd':
                if 'wavefiles' in locals():
        elif pick.phase in ['P','S']:
            print 'Duplicate pick '+pick.station+' '+pick.channel+' '+pick.phase+\
            ' '+str(pick.time)
        elif pick.phase =='IAML':
            print 'Amplitude pick '+pick.station+' '+pick.channel+' '+pick.phase+\
            ' '+str(pick.time)

    # Read in waveform file
    from obspy import read as obsread
    for wavefile in wavefiles:
        print "I am going to read waveform data from: "+wavefile
        if 'st' in locals():
    # Porcess waveform data
    for tr in st:
        tr=pre_processing.dayproc(tr, lowcut, highcut, filt_order,\
                                samp_rate, debug, day)
    # Cut and extract the templates
    st1=_template_gen(picks, st, length, swin, prepick=prepick)
    return st1
Exemplo n.º 4

    st=st.merge(fill_value='interpolate') # Enforce trace continuity
    if not 'st' in locals():
        print 'No data found for day: '+str(day)
    elif len(actual_stations) < matchdef.minsta:
        print 'Data from fewer than '+str(matchdef.minsta)+' stations found, will not detect'
        if not Test:
            # Process data
            print 'Processing the data for day '+daydir
            if matchdef.debug >= 4:
                for tr in st:
                    tr=pre_processing.dayproc(tr, templatedef.lowcut, templatedef.highcut,\
                                            templatedef.filter_order, templatedef.samp_rate,\
                                            matchdef.debug, day)
                st=Parallel(n_jobs=10)(delayed(pre_processing.dayproc)(tr, templatedef.lowcut,\
                                                                   matchdef.debug, day)\
                                for tr in st)
        if not Prep:
            # For some reason st is now a list rather than a stream
            if 'stream_st' in locals():
                del stream_st
            for tr in st:
                if 'stream_st' in locals():
Exemplo n.º 5
def plot_detection_wavs(family, tribe, wav_dirs, start=None, end=None,
                        save=False, save_dir=None, no_dets=5):
    Wrapper on detection_multiplot() for our dataset
    :param cat: catalog of detections
    :param temp_dir: template waveform dict
    :param det_dir: detection waveform dict
    :return: matplotlib.pyplot.Figure

    # Random range of dates in detections
    rand_inds = np.random.choice(range(len(family)), no_dets, replace=False)
    cat = Catalog(events=[det.event for i, det in enumerate(family)
                          if i in rand_inds])
    # Always plot self_detection
    cat += [det.event for det in family
            if det.detect_val / det.no_chans == 1.0][0]
    cat.events.sort(key=lambda x: x.picks[0].time)
    sub_fam = Family(template=family.template, detections=[det for i, det in
                                                           if i in rand_inds])
    sub_fam.detections.extend([det for det in family
                               if det.detect_val / det.no_chans == 1.0])
    temp = tribe[sub_fam.template.name]
    if start:
        cat_start = datetime.strptime(start, '%d/%m/%Y')
        cat_end = datetime.strptime(end, '%d/%m/%Y')
        cat_start = cat[0].picks[0].time.date
        cat_end = cat[-1].picks[0].time.date
    for date in date_generator(cat_start, cat_end):
        dto = UTCDateTime(date)
        dets = [det for det in sub_fam if dto
                < det.detect_time < dto + 86400]
        if len(dets) == 0:
            print('No detections on: {!s}'.format(dto))
        print('Running for date: %s' % str(dto))
        stachans = {}
        for det in dets:
            ev = det.event
            for pk in ev.picks:
                sta = pk.waveform_id.station_code
                chan = pk.waveform_id.channel_code
                if sta not in stachans:
                    stachans[sta] = [chan]
                elif chan not in stachans[sta]:
        # Grab day's wav files
        wav_ds = ['%s%d' % (d, dto.year) for d in wav_dirs]
        stream = grab_day_wavs(wav_ds, dto, stachans)
        st1 = pre_processing.dayproc(stream, temp.lowcut, temp.highcut,
                                        temp.filt_order, temp.samp_rate,
                                        starttime=dto, num_cores=3)
        for det in dets:
            det_st = st1.slice(starttime=det.detect_time - 3,
                               endtime=det.detect_time + 7).copy()
            fname = '{}/{}.png'.format(
            det_t = 'Template {}: {}'.format(temp.name, det.detect_time)
            detection_multiplot(det_st, temp.st, [det.detect_time],
                                save=save, savefile=fname, title=det_t)
Exemplo n.º 6
def from_client(catalog, client_id, lowcut, highcut, samp_rate, filt_order,
                length, prepick, swin, debug=0, plot=False):
    r"""Function to generate templates from a SeisHub database.Must be given \
    an obspy.Catalog class and the SeisHub url as input. The function returns \
    a list of obspy.Stream classes containting steams for each desired \

    :type catalog: obspy.Catalog
    :param catalog: Catalog class containing desired template events
    :type url: string
    :param url: url of SeisHub database instance
    :type lowcut: float
    :param lowcut: Low cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template\
            defaults file
    :type highcut: float
    :param lowcut: High cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template\
            defaults file
    :type samp_rate: float
    :param samp_rate: New sampling rate in Hz, if set to None will look in\
            template defaults file
    :type filt_order: int
    :param filt_order: Filter level, if set to None will look in\
            template defaults file
    :type length: float
    :param length: Extract length in seconds, if None will look in template\
            defaults file.
    :type prepick: float
    :param prepick: Pre-pick time in seconds
    :type swin: str
    :param swin: Either 'all', 'P' or 'S', to select which phases to output.
    :type debug: int
    :param debug: Level of debugging output, higher=more
    :type plot: bool
    :param plot: Plot templates or not.

    :returns: obspy.Stream Newly cut template
    # This import section copes with namespace changes between obspy versions
    import obspy
    if int(obspy.__version__.split('.')[0]) >= 1:
        from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
        from obspy.clients.fdsn.header import FDSNException
        from obspy.fdsn import Client
        from obspy.fdsn.header import FDSNException
    from eqcorrscan.utils import pre_processing
    from obspy import UTCDateTime
    import warnings

    client = Client(client_id)
    temp_list = []
    for event in catalog:
        # Figure out which picks we have
        day = event.origins[0].time
        print("Fetching the following traces from " + client_id)
        for pick in event.picks:
            net = pick.waveform_id.network_code
            sta = pick.waveform_id.station_code
            chan = pick.waveform_id.channel_code
            loc = pick.waveform_id.location_code
            starttime = UTCDateTime(pick.time.date)
            endtime = starttime + 86400
            # Here we download a full day of data.  We do this so that minor
            # differences in processing during processing due to the effect
            # of resampling do not impinge on our cross-correaltions.
            if debug > 0:
                print('start-time: ' + str(starttime))
                print('end-time: ' + str(endtime))
                print('pick-time: ' + str(pick.time))
                print('pick phase: ' + pick.phase_hint)
            print('.'.join([net, sta, loc, chan]))
            if 'st' not in locals():
                    st = client.get_waveforms(net, sta, loc, chan,
                                              starttime, endtime)
                except FDSNException:
                    warnings.warn('Found no data for this station')
                    st += client.get_waveforms(net, sta, loc, chan,
                                               starttime, endtime)
                except FDSNException:
                    warnings.warn('Found no data for this station')
        if debug > 0:
        print('Pre-processing data for event: '+str(event.resource_id))
        st1 = pre_processing.dayproc(st, lowcut, highcut, filt_order,
                                     samp_rate, starttime=starttime,
                                     debug=debug, parallel=True)
        if debug > 0:
        template = _template_gen(event.picks, st1, length, swin, prepick,
        del st, st1
    return temp_list
Exemplo n.º 7
def run_tutorial(plot=False):
    """Main function to run the tutorial dataset."""

    from eqcorrscan.utils import pre_processing
    from eqcorrscan.utils import plotting
    from eqcorrscan.core import match_filter
    import glob

    # This import section copes with namespace changes between obspy versions
    import obspy
    if int(obspy.__version__.split('.')[0]) >= 1:
        from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
        from obspy.fdsn import Client
    from obspy import UTCDateTime, Stream, read

    # First we want to load our templates
    template_names = glob.glob('tutorial_template_*.ms')

    if len(template_names) == 0:
        raise IOError('Template files not found, have you run the template ' +
                      'creation tutorial?')

    templates = [read(template_name) for template_name in template_names]

    # Work out what stations we have and get the data for them
    stations = []
    for template in templates:
        for tr in template:
            stations.append((tr.stats.station, tr.stats.channel))
    # Get a unique list of stations
    stations = list(set(stations))

    # We are going to look for detections on the day of our template, however, to
    # generalize, we will write a loop through the days between our templates, in
    # this case that is only one day.

    template_days = []
    for template in templates:
    template_days = sorted(template_days)
    kdays = (template_days[-1] - template_days[0]).days + 1

    unique_detections = []

    for i in range(kdays):
        t1 = UTCDateTime(template_days[0]) + (86400 * i)
        t2 = t1 + 86400

        # Generate the bulk information to query the GeoNet database
        bulk_info = []
        for station in stations:
            bulk_info.append(('NZ', station[0], '*',
                              station[1][0] + 'H' + station[1][-1], t1, t2))

        # Set up a client to access the GeoNet database
        client = Client("GEONET")

        # Note this will take a little while.
        print('Downloading seismic data, this may take a while')
        st = client.get_waveforms_bulk(bulk_info)
        # Merge the stream, it will be downloaded in chunks

        # Work out what data we actually have to cope with possible lost data
        stations = list(set([tr.stats.station for tr in st]))

        # Set how many cores we want to parallel across, we will set this to four
        # as this is the number of templates, if your machine has fewer than four
        # cores/CPUs the multiprocessing will wait until there is a free core.
        # Setting this to be higher than the number of templates will have no
        # increase in speed as only detections for each template are computed in
        # parallel.  It may also slow your processing by using more memory than
        # needed, to the extent that swap may be filled.
        ncores = 4

        # Pre-process the data to set frequency band and sampling rate
        # Note that this is, and MUST BE the same as the parameters used for the
        # template creation.
        print('Processing the seismic data')
        st = pre_processing.dayproc(st, lowcut=2.0, highcut=9.0,
                                    filt_order=4, samp_rate=20.0,
                                    debug=0, starttime=t1, num_cores=ncores)
        # Convert from list to stream
        st = Stream(st)

        # Now we can conduct the matched-filter detection
        detections = match_filter.match_filter(template_names=template_names,
                                               st=st, threshold=8.0,
                                               trig_int=6.0, plotvar=plot,
                                               plotdir='.', cores=ncores,
                                               tempdir=False, debug=1,

        # Now lets try and work out how many unique events we have just to compare
        # with the GeoNet catalog of 20 events on this day in this sequence
        for master in detections:
            keep = True
            for slave in detections:
                if not master == slave and\
                   abs(master.detect_time - slave.detect_time) <= 1.0:
                    # If the events are within 1s of each other then test which
                    # was the 'best' match, strongest detection
                    if not master.detect_val > slave.detect_val:
                        keep = False
            if keep:

    print('We made a total of ' + str(len(unique_detections)) + ' detections')

    for detection in unique_detections:
        print('Detection at :' + str(detection.detect_time) +
              ' for template ' + detection.template_name +
              ' with a cross-correlation sum of: ' +
        # We can plot these too
        if plot:
            stplot = st.copy()
            template = templates[template_names.index(detection.template_name)]
            lags = sorted([tr.stats.starttime for tr in template])
            maxlag = lags[-1] - lags[0]
            stplot.trim(starttime=detection.detect_time - 10,
                        endtime=detection.detect_time + maxlag + 10)
            plotting.detection_multiplot(stplot, template,
    return unique_detections
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_match_filter(samp_rate=20.0, debug=0):
    Function to test the capabilities of match_filter and just check that it\
    is working!  Uses synthetic templates and seeded, randomised data.

    :type debug: int
    :param debug: Debug level, higher the number the more output.
    from eqcorrscan.utils import pre_processing
    from eqcorrscan.utils import EQcorrscan_plotting as plotting
    from eqcorrscan.core import match_filter
    from obspy import UTCDateTime
    import string
    # Generate a random dataset
    templates, data, seeds = generate_synth_data(nsta=5,
    # Notes to the user: If you use more templates you should ensure they are
    # more different, e.g. set the data to have larger moveouts, otherwise
    # similar templates will detect events seeded by another template.
    # Test the pre_processing functions
    for tr in data:
    if debug > 0:
    # Filter the data and the templates
    for template in templates:
        if debug > 0:
    template_names = list(string.ascii_lowercase)[0:len(templates)]
    detections = match_filter.match_filter(template_names=template_names,
    # Compare the detections to the seeds
    print('This test made ' + str(len(detections)) + ' detections')
    ktrue = 0
    kfalse = 0
    for detection in detections:
        i = template_names.index(detection.template_name)
        t_seeds = seeds[i]
        dtime_samples = int(
            (detection.detect_time - UTCDateTime(0)) * samp_rate)
        if dtime_samples in t_seeds['time']:
            j = list(t_seeds['time']).index(dtime_samples)
            print('Detection at SNR of: ' + str(t_seeds['SNR'][j]))
            ktrue += 1
            min_diff = min(abs(t_seeds['time'] - dtime_samples))
            if min_diff < 10:
                # If there is a match within ten samples then its good enough
                j = list(abs(t_seeds['time'] - dtime_samples)).index(min_diff)
                print('Detection at SNR of: ' + str(t_seeds['SNR'][j]))
                ktrue += 1
                print('Detection at sample: ' + str(dtime_samples) +
                      ' does not match anything in seed times:')
                kfalse += 1
            print('Minimum difference in samples is: ' + str(min_diff))
    # Plot the detections
    if debug > 3:
        for i, template in enumerate(templates):
            times = [
                d.detect_time.datetime for d in detections
                if d.template_name == template_names[i]
            plotting.detection_multiplot(data, template, times)
    # Set an 'acceptable' ratio of positive to false detections
        str(ktrue) + ' true detections and ' + str(kfalse) +
        ' false detections')
    if kfalse / ktrue < 0.25:
        return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 9
def from_contbase(sfile,
    r"""Function to read in picks from sfile then generate the template from \
    the picks within this and the wavefiles from the continous database of \
    day-long files.  Included is a section to sanity check that the files are \
    daylong and that they start at the start of the day.  You should ensure \
    this is the case otherwise this may alter your data if your data are \
    daylong but the headers are incorrectly set.

    :type sfile: string
    :param sfile: sfilename must be the path to a seisan nordic type s-file \
            containing waveform and pick information, all other arguments can \
            be numbers save for swin which must be either P, S or all \
    :type contbase_list: List of tuple of string
    :param contbase_list: List of tuples of the form \
        ['path', 'type', 'network'].  Where path is the path to the \
        continuous database, type is the directory structure, which can be \
        either Yyyyy/Rjjj.01, which is the standard IRIS Year, julian day \
        structure, or, yyyymmdd which is a single directory for every day.
    :type lowcut: float
    :param lowcut: Low cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template \
            defaults file
    :type highcut: float
    :param lowcut: High cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template \
            defaults file
    :type samp_rate: float
    :param samp_rate: New sampling rate in Hz, if set to None will look in \
            template defaults file
    :type filt_order: int
    :param filt_order: Filter level, if set to None will look in \
            template defaults file
    :type length: float
    :param length: Extract length in seconds, if None will look in template \
            defaults file.
    :type prepick: float
    :param prepick: Pre-pick time in seconds
    :type swin: str
    :param swin: Either 'all', 'P' or 'S', to select which phases to output.
    :type debug: int
    :param debug: Level of debugging output, higher=more
    :type plot: bool
    :param plot: Turns template plotting on or off.

    :returns: obspy.Stream Newly cut template
    # Perform some checks first
    import os
    if not os.path.isfile(sfile):
        raise IOError('sfile does not exist')

    # import some things
    from eqcorrscan.utils import pre_processing
    from eqcorrscan.utils import Sfile_util
    import glob
    from obspy import read as obsread

    # Read in the header of the sfile
    event = Sfile_util.readheader(sfile)
    day = event.origins[0].time

    # Read in pick info
    catalog = Sfile_util.readpicks(sfile)
    picks = catalog[0].picks
    print("I have found the following picks")
    pick_chans = []
    used_picks = []
    for pick in picks:
        station = pick.waveform_id.station_code
        channel = pick.waveform_id.channel_code
        phase = pick.phase_hint
        pcktime = pick.time
        if station + channel not in pick_chans and phase in ['P', 'S']:
            pick_chans.append(station + channel)
            # #########Left off here
            for contbase in contbase_list:
                if contbase[1] == 'yyyy/mm/dd':
                    daydir = os.path.join([
                elif contbase[1] == 'Yyyyy/Rjjj.01':
                    daydir = os.path.join([
                        'Y' + str(day.year),
                        'R' + str(day.julday).zfill(3) + '.01'
                elif contbase[1] == 'yyyymmdd':
                    daydir = day.datetime.strftime('%Y%m%d')
                if 'wavefiles' not in locals():
                    wavefiles = (glob.glob(
                            [contbase[0], daydir, '*' + station + '.*'])))
                    wavefiles += glob.glob(
                            [contbase[0], daydir, '*' + station + '.*']))
        elif phase in ['P', 'S']:
            print(' '.join(
                ['Duplicate pick', station, channel, phase,
        elif phase == 'IAML':
            print(' '.join(
                ['Amplitude pick', station, channel, phase,
    picks = used_picks
    wavefiles = list(set(wavefiles))

    # Read in waveform file
    for wavefile in wavefiles:
        print("I am going to read waveform data from: " + wavefile)
        if 'st' not in locals():
            st = obsread(wavefile)
            st += obsread(wavefile)
    # Process waveform data
    for tr in st:
        tr = pre_processing.dayproc(tr, lowcut, highcut, filt_order, samp_rate,
                                    debug, day)
    # Cut and extract the templates
    st1 = _template_gen(picks, st, length, swin, prepick=prepick, plot=plot)
    return st1
Exemplo n.º 10
    for rawfile in raw_files:
        if not 'st' in locals():
            st = read(rawfile)
            st += read(rawfile)

    # Merge the data to account for miniseed files being written in chunks
    # We need continuous day-long data, so data are padded if there are gaps
    st = st.merge(fill_value='interpolate')

    # Work out what day we are working on, required as we will pad the data to be daylong
    day = st[0].stats.starttime.date

    # Process the data in the same way as the template
    for tr in st:
        tr=pre_processing.dayproc(tr, 1.0, 20.0, 3, 100.0,\
                                  matchdef.debug, day)

    #Set directory for match filter output plots
    # plot_dir = '/projects/nesi00228/data/plots/'
    plot_dir = '/home/chet/data/plot/'
    # Compute detections
    detections=match_filter.match_filter(template_names, templates, st,\
                                         8.0, matchdef.threshtype,\
                                         matchdef.trig_int, True, plot_dir, cores=10)

    # We now have a list of detections! We can output these to a file to check later
    for detection in detections:
        f.write(detection.template_name+', '+str(detection.detect_time)+\
                ', '+str(detection.detect_val)+', '+str(detection.threshold)+\
                ', '+str(detection.no_chans)+'\n')
    del detections
Exemplo n.º 11
def template_gen(method, lowcut, highcut, samp_rate, filt_order,
                 length, prepick, swin="all", process_len=86400,
                 all_horiz=False, delayed=True, plot=False, plotdir=None,
                 return_event=False, min_snr=None, parallel=False,
                 num_cores=False, save_progress=False, skip_short_chans=False,
    Generate processed and cut waveforms for use as templates.

    :type method: str
    :param method:
        Template generation method, must be one of ('from_client',
        'from_seishub', 'from_sac', 'from_meta_file'). - Each method requires
        associated arguments, see note below.
    :type lowcut: float
    :param lowcut: Low cut (Hz), if set to None will not apply a lowcut.
    :type highcut: float
    :param highcut: High cut (Hz), if set to None will not apply a highcut.
    :type samp_rate: float
    :param samp_rate: New sampling rate in Hz.
    :type filt_order: int
    :param filt_order: Filter level (number of corners).
    :type length: float
    :param length: Length of template waveform in seconds.
    :type prepick: float
    :param prepick: Pre-pick time in seconds
    :type swin: str
    :param swin:
        P, S, P_all, S_all or all, defaults to all: see note in
    :type process_len: int
    :param process_len: Length of data in seconds to download and process.
    :type all_horiz: bool
    :param all_horiz:
        To use both horizontal channels even if there is only a pick on one of
        them.  Defaults to False.
    :type delayed: bool
    :param delayed: If True, each channel will begin relative to it's own \
        pick-time, if set to False, each channel will begin at the same time.
    :type plot: bool
    :param plot: Plot templates or not.
    :type plotdir: str
    :param plotdir:
        The path to save plots to. If `plotdir=None` (default) then the figure
        will be shown on screen.
    :type return_event: bool
    :param return_event: Whether to return the event and process length or not.
    :type min_snr: float
    :param min_snr:
        Minimum signal-to-noise ratio for a channel to be included in the
        template, where signal-to-noise ratio is calculated as the ratio of
        the maximum amplitude in the template window to the rms amplitude in
        the whole window given.
    :type parallel: bool
    :param parallel: Whether to process data in parallel or not.
    :type num_cores: int
    :param num_cores:
        Number of cores to try and use, if False and parallel=True, will use
        either all your cores, or as many traces as in the data (whichever is
    :type save_progress: bool
    :param save_progress:
        Whether to save the resulting templates at every data step or not.
        Useful for long-running processes.
    :type skip_short_chans: bool
    :param skip_short_chans:
        Whether to ignore channels that have insufficient length data or not.
        Useful when the quality of data is not known, e.g. when downloading
        old, possibly triggered data from a datacentre

    :returns: List of :class:`obspy.core.stream.Stream` Templates
    :rtype: list

    .. note::
        By convention templates are generated with P-phases on the
        vertical channel and S-phases on the horizontal channels, normal
        seismograph naming conventions are assumed, where Z denotes vertical
        and N, E, R, T, 1 and 2 denote horizontal channels, either oriented
        or not.  To this end we will **only** use Z channels if they have a
        P-pick, and will use one or other horizontal channels **only** if
        there is an S-pick on it.

    .. warning::
        If there is no phase_hint included in picks, and swin=all, all channels
        with picks will be used.

    .. note::
        If swin=all, then all picks will be used, not just phase-picks (e.g. it
        will use amplitude picks). If you do not want this then we suggest
        that you remove any picks you do not want to use in your templates
        before using the event.

    .. note::
        *Method specific arguments:*

        - `from_client` requires:
            :param str client_id:
                string passable by obspy to generate Client, or any object
                with a `get_waveforms` method, including a Client instance.
            :param `obspy.core.event.Catalog` catalog:
                Catalog of events to generate template for
            :param float data_pad: Pad length for data-downloads in seconds
        - `from_seishub` requires:
            :param str url: url to seishub database
            :param `obspy.core.event.Catalog` catalog:
                Catalog of events to generate template for
            :param float data_pad: Pad length for data-downloads in seconds
        - `from_sac` requires:
            :param list sac_files:
                osbpy.core.stream.Stream of sac waveforms, or list of paths to
                sac waveforms.
            .. note::
                See `eqcorrscan.utils.sac_util.sactoevent` for details on
                how pick information is collected.
        - `from_meta_file` requires:
            :param str meta_file:
                Path to obspy-readable event file, or an obspy Catalog
            :param `obspy.core.stream.Stream` st:
                Stream containing waveform data for template. Note that this
                should be the same length of stream as you will use for the
                continuous detection, e.g. if you detect in day-long files,
                give this a day-long file!
            :param bool process:
                Whether to process the data or not, defaults to True.

    .. note::
        process_len should be set to the same length as used when computing
        detections using match_filter.match_filter, e.g. if you read
        in day-long data for match_filter, process_len should be 86400.

        .. rubric:: Example

    >>> from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
    >>> from eqcorrscan.core.template_gen import template_gen
    >>> client = Client('NCEDC')
    >>> catalog = client.get_events(eventid='72572665', includearrivals=True)
    >>> # We are only taking two picks for this example to speed up the
    >>> # example, note that you don't have to!
    >>> catalog[0].picks = catalog[0].picks[0:2]
    >>> templates = template_gen(
    ...    method='from_client', catalog=catalog, client_id='NCEDC',
    ...    lowcut=2.0, highcut=9.0, samp_rate=20.0, filt_order=4, length=3.0,
    ...    prepick=0.15, swin='all', process_len=300, all_horiz=True)
    >>> templates[0].plot(equal_scale=False, size=(800,600)) # doctest: +SKIP

    .. figure:: ../../plots/template_gen.from_client.png

    .. rubric:: Example

    >>> from obspy import read
    >>> from eqcorrscan.core.template_gen import template_gen
    >>> # Get the path to the test data
    >>> import eqcorrscan
    >>> import os
    >>> TEST_PATH = os.path.dirname(eqcorrscan.__file__) + '/tests/test_data'
    >>> st = read(TEST_PATH + '/WAV/TEST_/' +
    ...           '2013-09-01-0410-35.DFDPC_024_00')
    >>> quakeml = TEST_PATH + '/20130901T041115.xml'
    >>> templates = template_gen(
    ...    method='from_meta_file', meta_file=quakeml, st=st, lowcut=2.0,
    ...    highcut=9.0, samp_rate=20.0, filt_order=3, length=2, prepick=0.1,
    ...    swin='S', all_horiz=True)
    >>> print(len(templates[0]))
    >>> templates = template_gen(
    ...    method='from_meta_file', meta_file=quakeml, st=st, lowcut=2.0,
    ...    highcut=9.0, samp_rate=20.0, filt_order=3, length=2, prepick=0.1,
    ...    swin='S_all', all_horiz=True)
    >>> print(len(templates[0]))

    .. rubric:: Example

    >>> from eqcorrscan.core.template_gen import template_gen
    >>> import glob
    >>> # Get all the SAC-files associated with one event.
    >>> sac_files = glob.glob(TEST_PATH + '/SAC/2014p611252/*')
    >>> templates = template_gen(
    ...    method='from_sac', sac_files=sac_files, lowcut=2.0, highcut=10.0,
    ...    samp_rate=25.0, filt_order=4, length=2.0, swin='all', prepick=0.1,
    ...    all_horiz=True)
    >>> print(templates[0][0].stats.sampling_rate)
    >>> print(len(templates[0]))
    client_map = {'from_client': 'fdsn', 'from_seishub': 'seishub'}
    assert method in ('from_client', 'from_seishub', 'from_meta_file',
    if not isinstance(swin, list):
        swin = [swin]
    process = True
    if method in ['from_client', 'from_seishub']:
        catalog = kwargs.get('catalog', Catalog())
        data_pad = kwargs.get('data_pad', 90)
        # Group catalog into days and only download the data once per day
        sub_catalogs = _group_events(
            catalog=catalog, process_len=process_len, template_length=length,
        if method == 'from_client':
            client_id = kwargs.get('client_id', None)
            if hasattr(client_id, 'get_waveforms'):
                client = client_id
            elif isinstance(client_id, str):
                client = FDSNClient(client_id)
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "client_id must be an FDSN client string, or a Client "
                    "with a get_waveforms method"
            available_stations = []
            client = SeisHubClient(kwargs.get('url', None), timeout=10)
            available_stations = client.waveform.get_station_ids()
    elif method == 'from_meta_file':
        if isinstance(kwargs.get('meta_file'), Catalog):
            catalog = kwargs.get('meta_file')
        elif kwargs.get('meta_file'):
            catalog = read_events(kwargs.get('meta_file'))
            catalog = kwargs.get('catalog')
        sub_catalogs = [catalog]
        st = kwargs.get('st', Stream())
        process = kwargs.get('process', True)
    elif method == 'from_sac':
        sac_files = kwargs.get('sac_files')
        if isinstance(sac_files, list):
            if isinstance(sac_files[0], (Stream, Trace)):
                # This is a list of streams...
                st = Stream(sac_files[0])
                for sac_file in sac_files[1:]:
                    st += sac_file
                sac_files = [read(sac_file)[0] for sac_file in sac_files]
                st = Stream(sac_files)
            st = sac_files
        # Make an event object...
        catalog = Catalog([sactoevent(st)])
        sub_catalogs = [catalog]

    temp_list = []
    process_lengths = []
    catalog_out = Catalog()

    if "P_all" in swin or "S_all" in swin or all_horiz:
        all_channels = True
        all_channels = False
    for sub_catalog in sub_catalogs:
        if method in ['from_seishub', 'from_client']:
            Logger.info("Downloading data")
            st = _download_from_client(
                client=client, client_type=client_map[method],
                catalog=sub_catalog, data_pad=data_pad,
                process_len=process_len, available_stations=available_stations,
        Logger.info('Pre-processing data')
        if len(st) == 0:
            Logger.info("No data")
        if process:
            data_len = max([len(tr.data) / tr.stats.sampling_rate
                            for tr in st])
            if 80000 < data_len < 90000:
                daylong = True
                starttime = min([tr.stats.starttime for tr in st])
                min_delta = min([tr.stats.delta for tr in st])
                # Cope with the common starttime less than 1 sample before the
                #  start of day.
                if (starttime + min_delta).date > starttime.date:
                    starttime = (starttime + min_delta)
                # Check if this is stupid:
                if abs(starttime - UTCDateTime(starttime.date)) > 600:
                    daylong = False
                starttime = starttime.date
                daylong = False
            # Check if the required amount of data have been downloaded - skip
            # channels if arg set.
            for tr in st:
                if np.ma.is_masked(tr.data):
                    _len = np.ma.count(tr.data) * tr.stats.delta
                    _len = tr.stats.npts * tr.stats.delta
                if _len < process_len * .8:
                        "Data for {0} are too short, skipping".format(
                    if skip_short_chans:
                # Trim to enforce process-len
                tr.data = tr.data[0:int(process_len * tr.stats.sampling_rate)]
            if len(st) == 0:
                Logger.info("No data")
            if daylong:
                st = pre_processing.dayproc(
                    st=st, lowcut=lowcut, highcut=highcut,
                    filt_order=filt_order, samp_rate=samp_rate,
                    parallel=parallel, starttime=UTCDateTime(starttime),
                st = pre_processing.shortproc(
                    st=st, lowcut=lowcut, highcut=highcut,
                    filt_order=filt_order, parallel=parallel,
                    samp_rate=samp_rate, num_cores=num_cores)
        data_start = min([tr.stats.starttime for tr in st])
        data_end = max([tr.stats.endtime for tr in st])

        for event in sub_catalog:
            stations, channels, st_stachans = ([], [], [])
            if len(event.picks) == 0:
                    'No picks for event {0}'.format(event.resource_id))
            use_event = True
            # Check that the event is within the data
            for pick in event.picks:
                if not data_start < pick.time < data_end:
                        "Pick outside of data span: Pick time {0} Start "
                        "time {1} End time: {2}".format(
                            str(pick.time), str(data_start), str(data_end)))
                    use_event = False
            if not use_event:
                Logger.error('Event is not within data time-span')
            # Read in pick info
            Logger.debug("I have found the following picks")
            for pick in event.picks:
                if not pick.waveform_id:
                        'Pick not associated with waveforms, will not use:'
                        ' {0}'.format(pick))
            # Check to see if all picks have a corresponding waveform
            for tr in st:
            # Cut and extract the templates
            template = _template_gen(
                event.picks, st, length, swin, prepick=prepick, plot=plot,
                all_horiz=all_horiz, delayed=delayed, min_snr=min_snr,
            process_lengths.append(len(st[0].data) / samp_rate)
            catalog_out += event
        if save_progress:
            if not os.path.isdir("eqcorrscan_temporary_templates"):
            for template in temp_list:
                        os.path.sep, template[0].stats.starttime.strftime(
        del st
    if return_event:
        return temp_list, catalog_out, process_lengths
    return temp_list
Exemplo n.º 12
def from_client(catalog, client_id, lowcut, highcut, samp_rate, filt_order,
                length, prepick, swin, debug=0, plot=False):
    Generate multiplexed template from FDSN client.
    Function to generate templates from an FDSN client. Must be given \
    an obspy.Catalog class and the client_id as input. The function returns \
    a list of obspy.Stream classes containing steams for each desired \

    :type catalog: obspy.core.event.Catalog
    :param catalog: Catalog class containing desired template events
    :type client_id: str
    :param client_id: Name of the client, either url, or Obspy \
    :type lowcut: float
    :param lowcut: Low cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template\
            defaults file
    :type highcut: float
    :param lowcut: High cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template\
            defaults file
    :type samp_rate: float
    :param samp_rate: New sampling rate in Hz, if set to None will look in\
            template defaults file
    :type filt_order: int
    :param filt_order: Filter level, if set to None will look in\
            template defaults file
    :type length: float
    :param length: Extract length in seconds, if None will look in template\
            defaults file.
    :type prepick: float
    :param prepick: Pre-pick time in seconds
    :type swin: str
    :param swin: Either 'all', 'P' or 'S', to select which phases to output.
    :type debug: int
    :param debug: Level of debugging output, higher=more
    :type plot: bool
    :param plot: Plot templates or not.

    :returns: obspy.core.stream.Stream Newly cut template

    .. rubric:: Example

    >>> import obspy
    >>> if int(obspy.__version__.split('.')[0]) >= 1:
    ...     from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
    ... else:
    ...     from obspy.fdsn import Client
    >>> from obspy.core.event import Catalog
    >>> from eqcorrscan.core.template_gen import from_client
    >>> client = Client('NCEDC')
    >>> catalog = client.get_events(eventid='72572665', includearrivals=True)
    >>> # We are only taking two picks for this example to speed up the example,
    >>> # note that you don't have to!
    >>> catalog[0].picks = catalog[0].picks[0:2]
    >>> templates = from_client(catalog=catalog, client_id='NCEDC',
    ...                         lowcut=2.0, highcut=9.0, samp_rate=20.0,
    ...                         filt_order=4, length=3.0, prepick=0.15,
    ...                         swin='all')
    Fetching the following traces from NCEDC
    Pre-processing data for event: quakeml:nc.anss.org/Event/NC/72572665
    >>> templates[0].plot(equal_scale=False, size=(800,600)) # doctest: +SKIP

    .. figure:: ../../plots/template_gen.from_client.png
    # This import section copes with namespace changes between obspy versions
    import obspy
    if int(obspy.__version__.split('.')[0]) >= 1:
        from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
        from obspy.clients.fdsn.header import FDSNException
        from obspy.fdsn import Client
        from obspy.fdsn.header import FDSNException
    from eqcorrscan.utils import pre_processing
    from obspy import UTCDateTime
    import warnings

    client = Client(client_id)
    temp_list = []
    for event in catalog:
        # Figure out which picks we have
        day = event.origins[0].time
        print("Fetching the following traces from " + client_id)
        dropped_pick_stations = 0
        for pick in event.picks:
            net = pick.waveform_id.network_code
            sta = pick.waveform_id.station_code
            chan = pick.waveform_id.channel_code
            loc = pick.waveform_id.location_code
            starttime = UTCDateTime(pick.time.date)
            endtime = starttime + 86400
            # Here we download a full day of data.  We do this so that minor
            # differences in processing during processing due to the effect
            # of resampling do not impinge on our cross-correlations.
            if debug > 0:
                print('start-time: ' + str(starttime))
                print('end-time: ' + str(endtime))
                print('pick-time: ' + str(pick.time))
                print('pick phase: ' + pick.phase_hint)
            print('.'.join([net, sta, loc, chan]))
            if 'st' not in locals():
                    st = client.get_waveforms(net, sta, loc, chan,
                                              starttime, endtime)
                except FDSNException:
                    warnings.warn('Found no data for this station')
                    dropped_pick_stations += 1
                    st += client.get_waveforms(net, sta, loc, chan,
                                               starttime, endtime)
                except FDSNException:
                    warnings.warn('Found no data for this station')
                    dropped_pick_stations += 1
        if debug > 0:
        if not st and dropped_pick_stations == len(event.picks):
            raise FDSNException('No data available, is the server down?')
        print('Pre-processing data for event: '+str(event.resource_id))
        st1 = pre_processing.dayproc(st, lowcut, highcut, filt_order,
                                     samp_rate, starttime=starttime,
                                     debug=debug, parallel=True)
        if debug > 0:
        template = _template_gen(event.picks, st1, length, swin, prepick,
                                 plot=plot, debug=debug)
        del st, st1
    return temp_list
Exemplo n.º 13
def from_seishub(catalog, url, lowcut, highcut, samp_rate, filt_order,
                 length, prepick, swin, debug=0, plot=False):
    Generate multiplexed template from SeisHub database.
    Function to generate templates from a SeisHub database. Must be given \
    an obspy.Catalog class and the SeisHub url as input. The function returns \
    a list of obspy.Stream classes containting steams for each desired \

    :type catalog: obspy.core.event.Catalog
    :param catalog: Catalog class containing desired template events
    :type url: str
    :param url: url of SeisHub database instance
    :type lowcut: float
    :param lowcut: Low cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template \
            defaults file
    :type highcut: float
    :param highcut: High cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template \
            defaults file
    :type samp_rate: float
    :param samp_rate: New sampling rate in Hz, if set to None will look in \
            template defaults file
    :type filt_order: int
    :param filt_order: Filter level, if set to None will look in \
            template defaults file
    :type length: float
    :param length: Extract length in seconds, if None will look in template \
            defaults file.
    :type prepick: float
    :param prepick: Pre-pick time in seconds
    :type swin: str
    :param swin: Either 'all', 'P' or 'S', to select which phases to output.
    :type debug: int
    :param debug: Level of debugging output, higher=more
    :type plot: bool
    :param plot: Plot templates or not.

    :returns: obspy.core.stream.Stream Newly cut template
    # This import section copes with namespace changes between obspy versions
    import obspy
    if int(obspy.__version__.split('.')[0]) >= 1:
        from obspy.clients.seishub import Client
        from obspy.seishub import Client
    from eqcorrscan.utils import pre_processing
    from obspy import UTCDateTime
    client = Client(url, timeout=10)
    temp_list = []
    for event in catalog:
        # Figure out which picks we have
        day = event.origins[0].time
        picks = event.picks
        print("Fetching the following traces from SeisHub")
        for pick in picks:
            if pick.waveform_id.network_code:
                net = pick.waveform_id.network_code
                raise IOError('No network code defined for pick: ' + pick)
            if pick.waveform_id.station_code:
                sta = pick.waveform_id.station_code
                raise IOError('No station code defined for pick: ' + pick)
            if pick.waveform_id.channel_code:
                chan = pick.waveform_id.channel_code
                raise IOError('No channel code defined for pick: ' + pick)
            if pick.waveform_id.location_code:
                loc = pick.waveform_id.location_code
                loc = '*'
            starttime = UTCDateTime(pick.time.date)
            endtime = starttime + 86400
            # Here we download a full day of data.  We do this so that minor
            # differences in processing during processing due to the effect
            # of resampling do not impinge on our cross-correlations.

            if debug > 0:
                print('start-time: ' + str(starttime))
                print('end-time: ' + str(endtime))
                print('pick-time: ' + str(pick.time))
            print('.'.join([net, sta, loc, chan]))
            if sta in client.waveform.get_station_ids(network=net):
                if 'st' not in locals():
                    st = client.waveform.get_waveform(net, sta, loc, chan,
                                                     starttime, endtime)
                    st += client.waveform.get_waveform(net, sta, loc, chan,
                                                      starttime, endtime)
                print('Station not found in SeisHub DB')
        if len(st) == 0:
            raise IOError('No waveforms found')
        if debug > 0:
        print('Preprocessing data for event: '+str(event.resource_id))
        st1 = pre_processing.dayproc(st, lowcut, highcut, filt_order,
                                     samp_rate, starttime=starttime,
        template = _template_gen(event.picks, st1, length, swin, prepick,
                                 plot=plot, debug=debug)
        del st, st1
    return temp_list
Exemplo n.º 14
def from_quakeml(quakeml, st, lowcut, highcut, samp_rate, filt_order,
                 length, prepick, swin, debug=0, plot=False):
    Generate a multiplexed template from a local quakeML file.

    Function to generate a template from a local quakeml file \
    and an obspy.Stream object.

    :type quakeml: str
    :param quakeml: QuakeML file containing pick information, can contain \
        multiple events.
    :type st: obspy.core.stream.Stream
    :param st: Stream containing waveform data for template (hopefully). \
        Note that this should be the same length of stream as you will use \
        for the continuous detection, e.g. if you detect in day-long files, \
        give this a day-long file!
    :type lowcut: float
    :param lowcut: Low cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template \
            defaults file
    :type highcut: float
    :param lowcut: High cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template \
            defaults file
    :type samp_rate: float
    :param samp_rate: New sampling rate in Hz, if set to None will look in \
            template defaults file
    :type filt_order: int
    :param filt_order: Filter level, if set to None will look in \
            template defaults file
    :type length: float
    :param length: Extract length in seconds, if None will look in template \
            defaults file.
    :type prepick: float
    :param prepick: Pre-pick time in seconds
    :type swin: str
    :param swin: Either 'all', 'P' or 'S', to select which phases to output.
    :type debug: int
    :param debug: Level of debugging output, higher=more
    :type plot: bool
    :param plot: Display template plots or not

    :returns: list of obspy.Stream Newly cut templates

    .. warning:: We suggest giving this function a full day of data, to \
        ensure templates are generated with **exactly** the same processing \
        as the continuous data.  Not doing this will result in slightly \
        reduced cross-correlation values.

    .. rubric:: Example

    >>> from obspy import read
    >>> from eqcorrscan.core.template_gen import from_quakeml
    >>> st = read('eqcorrscan/tests/test_data/WAV/TEST_/' +
    ...           '2013-09-01-0410-35.DFDPC_024_00')
    >>> quakeml = 'eqcorrscan/tests/test_data/20130901T041115.xml'
    >>> templates = from_quakeml(quakeml=quakeml, st=st, lowcut=2.0,
    ...                          highcut=9.0, samp_rate=20.0, filt_order=3,
    ...                          length=2, prepick=0.1, swin='S')
    >>> print(len(templates[0]))
    # Perform some checks first
    import os
    import warnings
    if not os.path.isfile(quakeml):
        raise IOError('QuakeML file does not exist')
    import obspy
    if int(obspy.__version__.split('.')[0]) >= 1:
        from obspy import read_events
        from obspy import readEvents as read_events
    from obspy import UTCDateTime
    from eqcorrscan.utils import pre_processing
    stations = []
    channels = []
    st_stachans = []
    # Process waveform data
    # Work out if the data are daylong or not...
    data_len = max([len(tr.data)/tr.stats.sampling_rate for tr in st])
    if 80000 < data_len < 90000:
        daylong = True
        daylong = False
    if daylong:
        st = pre_processing.dayproc(st, lowcut, highcut, filt_order,
                                    samp_rate, debug=debug,
        st = pre_processing.shortproc(st, lowcut, highcut, filt_order,
                                      samp_rate, debug=debug)
    data_start = min([tr.stats.starttime for tr in st])
    data_end = max([tr.stats.endtime for tr in st])
    # Read QuakeML file into Catalog class
    catalog = read_events(quakeml)
    templates = []
    for event in catalog:
        use_event = True
        # Check that the event is within the data
        for pick in event.picks:
            if not data_start < pick.time < data_end:
                if debug > 0:
                    print('Pick outside of data span:')
                    print('Pick time: ' + str(pick.time))
                    print('Start time: ' + str(data_start))
                    print('End time: ' + str(data_end))
                use_event = False
        if not use_event:
            warnings.warn('Event is not within data time-span')
        # Read in pick info
        if debug > 0:
            print("I have found the following picks")
        for pick in event.picks:
            if debug > 0:
                print(' '.join([pick.waveform_id.station_code,
                                pick.phase_hint, str(pick.time)]))
        # Check to see if all picks have a corresponding waveform
        for tr in st:
            st_stachans.append('.'.join([tr.stats.station, tr.stats.channel]))
        for i in range(len(stations)):
            if not '.'.join([stations[i], channels[i]]) in st_stachans:
                warnings.warn('No data provided for ' + stations[i] + '.' +
        st1 = st.copy()
        # Cut and extract the templates
        template = _template_gen(event.picks, st1, length, swin,
                                 prepick=prepick, plot=plot, debug=debug)
    return templates
Exemplo n.º 15
def from_contbase(sfile, contbase_list, lowcut, highcut, samp_rate, filt_order,
                  length, prepick, swin, debug=0, plot=False):
    r"""Function to read in picks from sfile then generate the template from \
    the picks within this and the wavefiles from the continous database of \
    day-long files.  Included is a section to sanity check that the files are \
    daylong and that they start at the start of the day.  You should ensure \
    this is the case otherwise this may alter your data if your data are \
    daylong but the headers are incorrectly set.

    :type sfile: string
    :param sfile: sfilename must be the path to a seisan nordic type s-file \
            containing waveform and pick information, all other arguments can \
            be numbers save for swin which must be either P, S or all \
    :type contbase_list: List of tuple of string
    :param contbase_list: List of tuples of the form \
        ['path', 'type', 'network'].  Where path is the path to the \
        continuous database, type is the directory structure, which can be \
        either Yyyyy/Rjjj.01, which is the standard IRIS Year, julian day \
        structure, or, yyyymmdd which is a single directory for every day.
    :type lowcut: float
    :param lowcut: Low cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template \
            defaults file
    :type highcut: float
    :param lowcut: High cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template \
            defaults file
    :type samp_rate: float
    :param samp_rate: New sampling rate in Hz, if set to None will look in \
            template defaults file
    :type filt_order: int
    :param filt_order: Filter level, if set to None will look in \
            template defaults file
    :type length: float
    :param length: Extract length in seconds, if None will look in template \
            defaults file.
    :type prepick: float
    :param prepick: Pre-pick time in seconds
    :type swin: str
    :param swin: Either 'all', 'P' or 'S', to select which phases to output.
    :type debug: int
    :param debug: Level of debugging output, higher=more
    :type plot: bool
    :param plot: Turns template plotting on or off.

    :returns: obspy.Stream Newly cut template
    # Perform some checks first
    import os
    if not os.path.isfile(sfile):
        raise IOError('sfile does not exist')

    # import some things
    from eqcorrscan.utils import pre_processing
    from eqcorrscan.utils import sfile_util
    import glob
    from obspy import read as obsread

    # Read in the header of the sfile
    event = sfile_util.readheader(sfile)
    day = event.origins[0].time

    # Read in pick info
    catalog = sfile_util.readpicks(sfile)
    picks = catalog[0].picks
    print("I have found the following picks")
    pick_chans = []
    used_picks = []
    for pick in picks:
        station = pick.waveform_id.station_code
        channel = pick.waveform_id.channel_code
        phase = pick.phase_hint
        pcktime = pick.time
        if station + channel not in pick_chans and phase in ['P', 'S']:
            pick_chans.append(station + channel)
            # #########Left off here
            for contbase in contbase_list:
                if contbase[1] == 'yyyy/mm/dd':
                    daydir = os.path.join([str(day.year),
                elif contbase[1] == 'Yyyyy/Rjjj.01':
                    daydir = os.path.join(['Y' + str(day.year),
                                           'R' + str(day.julday).zfill(3) +
                elif contbase[1] == 'yyyymmdd':
                    daydir = day.datetime.strftime('%Y%m%d')
                if 'wavefiles' not in locals():
                    wavefiles = (glob.glob(os.path.join([contbase[0], daydir,
                                                         '*' + station +
                    wavefiles += glob.glob(os.path.join([contbase[0], daydir,
                                                         '*' + station +
        elif phase in ['P', 'S']:
            print(' '.join(['Duplicate pick', station, channel,
                            phase, str(pcktime)]))
        elif phase == 'IAML':
            print(' '.join(['Amplitude pick', station, channel,
                            phase, str(pcktime)]))
    picks = used_picks
    wavefiles = list(set(wavefiles))

    # Read in waveform file
    for wavefile in wavefiles:
        print("I am going to read waveform data from: " + wavefile)
        if 'st' not in locals():
            st = obsread(wavefile)
            st += obsread(wavefile)
    # Process waveform data
    for tr in st:
        tr = pre_processing.dayproc(tr, lowcut, highcut, filt_order,
                                    samp_rate, debug, day)
    # Cut and extract the templates
    st1 = _template_gen(picks, st, length, swin, prepick=prepick, plot=plot)
    return st1
Exemplo n.º 16
def from_quakeml(quakeml,
    r"""Function to generate a template from a local quakeml file \
    and an obspy.Stream object.

    :type quakeml: string
    :param quakeml: QuakeML file containing pick information, can contain \
        multiple events.
    :type st: class: obspy.Stream
    :param st: Stream containing waveform data for template (hopefully)
    :type lowcut: float
    :param lowcut: Low cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template \
            defaults file
    :type highcut: float
    :param lowcut: High cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template \
            defaults file
    :type samp_rate: float
    :param samp_rate: New sampling rate in Hz, if set to None will look in \
            template defaults file
    :type filt_order: int
    :param filt_order: Filter level, if set to None will look in \
            template defaults file
    :type length: float
    :param length: Extract length in seconds, if None will look in template \
            defaults file.
    :type prepick: float
    :param prepick: Pre-pick time in seconds
    :type swin: str
    :param swin: Either 'all', 'P' or 'S', to select which phases to output.
    :type debug: int
    :param debug: Level of debugging output, higher=more
    :type plot: bool
    :param plot: Display template plots or not

    :returns: list of obspy.Stream Newly cut templates
    # Perform some checks first
    import os
    import warnings
    if not os.path.isfile(quakeml):
        raise IOError('QuakeML file does not exist')
    import obspy
    if int(obspy.__version__.split('.')[0]) >= 1:
        from obspy import read_events
        from obspy import readEvents as read_events
    from obspy import UTCDateTime
    from eqcorrscan.utils import pre_processing
    stations = []
    channels = []
    st_stachans = []
    # Process waveform data
    for tr in st:
        tr = pre_processing.dayproc(tr, lowcut, highcut, filt_order,
                                    samp_rate, debug,
    # Read QuakeML file into Catalog class
    catalog = read_events(quakeml)
    templates = []
    for event in catalog:
        # Read in pick info
        print("I have found the following picks")
        for pick in event.picks:
            print(' '.join([
                pick.waveform_id.station_code, pick.waveform_id.channel_code,
        # Check to see if all picks have a corresponding waveform
        for tr in st:
            st_stachans.append('.'.join([tr.stats.station, tr.stats.channel]))
        for i in xrange(len(stations)):
            if not '.'.join([stations[i], channels[i]]) in st_stachans:
                warnings.warn('No data provided for ' + stations[i] + '.' +
        st1 = st.copy()
        # Cut and extract the templates
        template = _template_gen(event.picks,
    return templates
Exemplo n.º 17
def from_quakeml(quakeml, st, lowcut, highcut, samp_rate, filt_order,
                 length, prepick, swin, debug=0, plot=False):
    r"""Function to generate a template from a local quakeml file \
    and an obspy.Stream object.

    :type quakeml: string
    :param quakeml: QuakeML file containing pick information, can contain \
        multiple events.
    :type st: class: obspy.Stream
    :param st: Stream containing waveform data for template (hopefully). \
        Note that this should be the same length of stream as you will use \
        for the continuous detection, e.g. if you detect in day-long files, \
        give this a day-long file!
    :type lowcut: float
    :param lowcut: Low cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template \
            defaults file
    :type highcut: float
    :param lowcut: High cut (Hz), if set to None will look in template \
            defaults file
    :type samp_rate: float
    :param samp_rate: New sampling rate in Hz, if set to None will look in \
            template defaults file
    :type filt_order: int
    :param filt_order: Filter level, if set to None will look in \
            template defaults file
    :type length: float
    :param length: Extract length in seconds, if None will look in template \
            defaults file.
    :type prepick: float
    :param prepick: Pre-pick time in seconds
    :type swin: str
    :param swin: Either 'all', 'P' or 'S', to select which phases to output.
    :type debug: int
    :param debug: Level of debugging output, higher=more
    :type plot: bool
    :param plot: Display template plots or not

    :returns: list of obspy.Stream Newly cut templates

    .. warning:: We suggest giving this function a full day of data, to \
        ensure templates are generated with **exactly** the same processing \
        as the continuous data.  Not doing this will result in slightly \
        reduced cross-correlation values.
    # Perform some checks first
    import os
    import warnings
    if not os.path.isfile(quakeml):
        raise IOError('QuakeML file does not exist')
    import obspy
    if int(obspy.__version__.split('.')[0]) >= 1:
        from obspy import read_events
        from obspy import readEvents as read_events
    from obspy import UTCDateTime
    from eqcorrscan.utils import pre_processing
    stations = []
    channels = []
    st_stachans = []
    # Process waveform data
    for tr in st:
        tr = pre_processing.dayproc(tr, lowcut, highcut, filt_order,
                                    samp_rate, debug=debug,
    # Read QuakeML file into Catalog class
    catalog = read_events(quakeml)
    templates = []
    for event in catalog:
        # Read in pick info
        print("I have found the following picks")
        for pick in event.picks:
            print(' '.join([pick.waveform_id.station_code,
                            pick.phase_hint, str(pick.time)]))
        # Check to see if all picks have a corresponding waveform
        for tr in st:
            st_stachans.append('.'.join([tr.stats.station, tr.stats.channel]))
        for i in xrange(len(stations)):
            if not '.'.join([stations[i], channels[i]]) in st_stachans:
                warnings.warn('No data provided for ' + stations[i] + '.' +
        st1 = st.copy()
        # Cut and extract the templates
        template = _template_gen(event.picks, st1, length, swin,
                                 prepick=prepick, plot=plot)
    return templates
Exemplo n.º 18
                                   ds.q.channel == chans,
                                   ds.q.starttime >= q_start,
                                   ds.q.endtime <= q_end):
             st += station.raw_recording
 wav_read_stop = timer()
 print('Reading waveforms took %.3f seconds' %
       (wav_read_stop - wav_read_start))
 merg_strt = timer()
 merg_stp = timer()
 print('Merging took %.3f seconds' % (merg_stp - merg_strt))
 proc_strt = timer()
 st1 = pre_processing.dayproc(st,
 del st
 proc_stp = timer()
 print('Pre-processing took %.3f seconds' % (proc_stp - proc_strt))
 # Grab all detections from this day
 day_dets = [det for det in detect_list if det.detect_time.julday == day]
 # Select random sample from list of dets for plotting purposes
 rand_dets = [
     day_dets[i] for i in np.random.choice(range(len(day_dets)), 30)
 # Create new catalog for day_dets
 new_cat = cat_util.detections_2_cat(
Exemplo n.º 19
         if glob.glob(fname):
             if not 'stream' in locals():
 # Process the stream
 if not Test:
     print 'Processing the data'
                     # Merge stream so that each trace is a single channel to
                    # send to pre-processing
     if not parallel:
         for tr in stream:
             # tr.plot()
             tr=pre_processing.dayproc(tr, brightedef.lowcut, brightdef.highcut,\
                                         brightdef.filter_order, brightdef.samp_rate,\
                                         templatedef.debug, day)
         stream=Parallel(n_jobs=10)(delayed(pre_processing.dayproc)(tr, brightdef.lowcut,\
                                                                templatedef.debug, day)\
                             for tr in stream)
         print stream
 if not Prep:
     #stream_copy=stream.copy() # Keep the stream safe
     print "Running the detection routine"
     # Check that the data are okay
     detect_templates, detect_nodes=bright_lights.brightness(stations, \
Exemplo n.º 20
def cat_2_stefan_SAC(cat, inv, wav_dirs, outdir, start=None, end=None):
    Temp gen function for Stefan SAC files
    :param cat:
    :param wav_dirs:
    :param outdir:
    :param start:
    :param end:
    import os
    from obspy import UTCDateTime
    import datetime
    from eqcorrscan.utils import pre_processing

    cat.events.sort(key=lambda x: x.origins[-1].time)
    if start:
        cat_start = datetime.datetime.strptime(start, '%d/%m/%Y')
        cat_end = datetime.datetime.strptime(end, '%d/%m/%Y')
        cat_start = cat[0].origins[-1].time.date
        cat_end = cat[-1].origins[-1].time.date
    for date in date_generator(cat_start, cat_end):
        dto = UTCDateTime(date)
        print('Processing templates for: %s' % str(dto))
        # Establish which events are in this day
        sch_str_start = 'time >= %s' % str(dto)
        sch_str_end = 'time <= %s' % str(dto + 86400)
        tmp_cat = cat.filter(sch_str_start, sch_str_end)
        if len(tmp_cat) == 0:
            print('No events on: %s' % str(dto))
        stations = list(
                pk.waveform_id.station_code for ev in tmp_cat
                for pk in ev.picks
        wav_ds = ['%s%d' % (d, dto.year) for d in wav_dirs]
        sta_st = grab_day_wavs_stations(wav_ds, dto, stations)
        print('Processing data:')
        # Process the stream
            st1 = pre_processing.dayproc(sta_st,
        except NotImplementedError or Exception as e:
            print('Found error in dayproc, noting date and continuing')
            with open('%s/dayproc_errors.txt' % outdir, mode='a') as fo:
                fo.write('%s\n%s\n' % (str(date), e))
        for event in tmp_cat:
            if len(event.picks) < 5:
                print('Too few picks for event. Continuing.')
            ev_name = str(event.resource_id).split('/')[-1]
            if not os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (outdir, ev_name)):
                os.mkdir('%s/%s' % (outdir, ev_name))
            elif os.path.exists('%s/%s' % (outdir, ev_name)):
                print('Event already written. Moving to next.')
            big_o = event.origins[-1]
            ev_time = big_o.time
            tr_starttime = ev_time - 5
            tr_endtime = ev_time + 25
            for pick in event.picks:
                # Only take waveforms for stations with P-picks
                # Take all channels for these stations
                # Stefan will make S-picks himself
                pk_sta = pick.waveform_id.station_code
                if pick.phase_hint != 'P':
                # Grab just this station from whole day stream
                sta_wavs = st1.select(station=pk_sta)
                # Copy it out of the way and trim
                work_st = sta_wavs.copy().trim(tr_starttime, tr_endtime)
                if len(work_st) == 0:
                rel_origin_t = ev_time - work_st[0].stats.starttime
                # Grab stationXML
                sta_inv = inv.select(station=pick.waveform_id.station_code)
                for tr in work_st:
                    stachan = '%s.%s' % (tr.stats.station, tr.stats.channel)
                    print('Populating SAC header for ' + stachan)
                    # For each trace manually set the ref time to origin
                    # Create SAC dictionary
                    tr.stats.sac = {}
                    # Reference times (note microsec --> millisec change)
                    tr.stats['sac']['nzyear'] = tr_starttime.year
                    tr.stats['sac']['nzjday'] = tr_starttime.julday
                    tr.stats['sac']['nzhour'] = tr_starttime.hour
                    tr.stats['sac']['nzmin'] = tr_starttime.minute
                    tr.stats['sac']['nzsec'] = tr_starttime.second
                    tr.stats['sac']['nzmsec'] = int(tr_starttime.microsecond //
                    # Origin time in relation to relative time
                    tr.stats['sac']['o'] = rel_origin_t
                    tr.stats['sac']['iztype'] = 9
                    # Event info
                    tr.stats['sac']['evdp'] = big_o.depth / 1000
                    tr.stats['sac']['evla'] = big_o.latitude
                    tr.stats['sac']['evlo'] = big_o.longitude
                    # Network/Station info
                    tr.stats['sac']['knetwk'] = sta_inv[0].code
                    tr.stats['sac']['kstnm'] = sta_inv[0][0].code
                    tr.stats['sac']['stla'] = sta_inv[0][0].latitude
                    tr.stats['sac']['stlo'] = sta_inv[0][0].longitude
                    tr.stats['sac']['stel'] = sta_inv[0][0].elevation
                    # Channel specific info
                    for chan in sta_inv[0][0]:
                        if chan.code == tr.stats.channel:
                            tr.stats['sac']['stdp'] = chan.depth
                            tr.stats['sac']['cmpaz'] = chan.azimuth
                            tr.stats['sac']['kcmpnm'] = chan.code
                            # SAC cmpinc is deg from vertical (not horiz)
                            if chan.dip == -90.0:
                                tr.stats['sac']['cmpinc'] = 180.0
                                tr.stats['sac']['lpspol'] = False
                            elif chan.dip == 90.0:
                                tr.stats['sac']['cmpinc'] = 0.0
                                tr.stats['sac']['lpspol'] = True
                                tr.stats['sac']['cmpinc'] = 90.0
                    # Assign the pick time and type if exists
                    if tr.stats.channel == pick.waveform_id.channel_code and \
                            pick.phase_hint == 'P':
                        print('Writing pick to "a" header')
                        tr.stats['sac']['a'] = pick.time - tr.stats.starttime
                        tr.stats['sac']['ka'] = pick.phase_hint
                    elif tr.stats.channel == pick.waveform_id.channel_code and \
                            pick.phase_hint == 'S':
                        tr.stats['sac']['t0'] = pick.time - tr.stats.starttime
                        tr.stats['sac']['kt0'] = pick.phase_hint
                        print('No pick on %s' % stachan)
                    filename = '%s/%s/%s%s_%s_%s.sac' % (
                        outdir, ev_name, ev_name, tr.stats.network,
                        tr.stats.station, tr.stats.channel)
                    print('Writing event ' + filename + ' to file...')
                    tr.write(filename, format="SAC")
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_match_filter(self, samp_rate=20.0, debug=0):
        Function to test the capabilities of match_filter and just check that \
        it is working!  Uses synthetic templates and seeded, randomised data.

        :type debug: int
        :param debug: Debug level, higher the number the more output.
        from eqcorrscan.utils import pre_processing
        from eqcorrscan.utils import plotting
        from eqcorrscan.core import match_filter
        from eqcorrscan.utils.synth_seis import generate_synth_data
        from obspy import UTCDateTime
        import string
        # Generate a random dataset
        templates, data, seeds = generate_synth_data(nsta=5, ntemplates=2,
                                                     t_length=6.0, max_amp=5.0,
        # Notes to the user: If you use more templates you should ensure they
        # are more different, e.g. set the data to have larger moveouts,
        # otherwise similar templates will detect events seeded by another
        # template.
        # Test the pre_processing functions
        data = pre_processing.dayproc(st=data, lowcut=2.0, highcut=8.0,
                                      filt_order=3, samp_rate=samp_rate,
                                      debug=0, starttime=UTCDateTime(0))
        if debug > 0:
        # Filter the data and the templates
        for template in templates:
            pre_processing.shortproc(st=template, lowcut=2.0, highcut=8.0,
                                     filt_order=3, samp_rate=samp_rate)
            if debug > 0:
        template_names = list(string.ascii_lowercase)[0:len(templates)]
        detections = match_filter.match_filter(template_names=template_names,
                                               st=data, threshold=10.0,
        # Compare the detections to the seeds
        print('This test made ' + str(len(detections)) + ' detections')
        ktrue = 0
        kfalse = 0
        for detection in detections:
            i = template_names.index(detection.template_name)
            t_seeds = seeds[i]
            dtime_samples = int((detection.detect_time - UTCDateTime(0)) *
            if dtime_samples in t_seeds['time']:
                j = list(t_seeds['time']).index(dtime_samples)
                print('Detection at SNR of: ' + str(t_seeds['SNR'][j]))
                ktrue += 1
                min_diff = min(abs(t_seeds['time'] - dtime_samples))
                if min_diff < 10:
                    # If there is a match within ten samples then it is
                    # good enough
                    j = list(abs(t_seeds['time'] -
                    print('Detection at SNR of: ' + str(t_seeds['SNR'][j]))
                    ktrue += 1
                    print('Detection at sample: ' + str(dtime_samples) +
                          ' does not match anything in seed times:')
                    kfalse += 1
                print('Minimum difference in samples is: ' + str(min_diff))
        # Plot the detections
        if debug > 3:
            for i, template in enumerate(templates):
                times = [d.detect_time.datetime for d in detections
                         if d.template_name == template_names[i]]
                plotting.detection_multiplot(data, template, times)
        # Set an 'acceptable' ratio of positive to false detections
        print(str(ktrue) + ' true detections and ' + str(kfalse) +
              ' false detections')
        self.assertTrue(kfalse / ktrue < 0.25)
Exemplo n.º 22
def run():
    """Internal run function so that this can be called from interactive \
    python session for debugging."""
    from eqcorrscan.utils import pre_processing
    from eqcorrscan.utils.archive_read import read_data
    from eqcorrscan.core.match_filter import match_filter
    from obspy import UTCDateTime, Stream
    from eqcorrscan.utils.parameters import read_parameters
    import warnings
    import os
    import datetime as dt
    from obspy import read
    import copy

    # Read parameter files
    par = read_parameters('../parameters/VSP_parameters.txt')
    # Log the input parameters
    log_name = ('EQcorrscan_detection_log_' +
                dt.datetime.now().strftime('%Y.%j.%H:%M:%S') + '.log')
    f = open(os.path.join('..', 'detections', log_name), 'w')
    for parameter in par.__dict__.keys():
        f.write(parameter + ': ' + str(par.__dict__.get(parameter)) + '\n')
    f.write('template, detect-time, cccsum, threshold, number of channels\n')

    days = (par.enddate.date - par.startdate.date).days
    dates = [par.startdate + (i * 86400) for i in range(days)]

    # Read in templates
    templates = [
        read(os.path.join('..', 'templates', template))
        for template in par.template_names
    # We don't need the full file path in the match-filter routine, just the
    # final 'name'
    template_names_short = [
        t_name.split(os.sep)[-1] for t_name in par.template_names
    warnings.warn('Unable to check whether filters are correct in templates')
    # Check that the sampling rate is correct...
    for st in templates:
        for tr in st:
            if not tr.stats.sampling_rate == par.samp_rate:
                msg = 'Template sampling rate is not correct: ' + tr.__str__()
                raise IOError(msg)
    # Work out which stations and channels we will be using
    stachans = [(tr.stats.station, tr.stats.channel) for st in templates
                for tr in st]
    stachans = list(set(stachans))
    # Loop through days
    for date in dates:
        # Read in the data
        st = read_data(par.archive, par.arc_type, date.date, stachans)
        # Process the data
        st = pre_processing.dayproc(st,
        # Will remove templates if they are deemed useless
        # (eg no matching channels)
        template_names_short_copy = copy.deepcopy(template_names_short)
        templates_copy = copy.deepcopy(templates)
        # Now conduct matched-filter
        detections = match_filter(template_names=template_names_short_copy,
        # Log the output
        for detection in detections:
            f.write(', '.join([
                str(detection.no_chans) + '\n'
Exemplo n.º 23
 for wavefile in wavefiles:
     print 'Reading data from '+wavefile
     if not 'st' in locals():
 for tr in st:
     tr=pre_processing.dayproc(tr, 1.0, 20.0, 3, 100.0,\
                               matchdef.debug, day)
 # Apply a small amoutn of delay before the pick
 for pick in picks:
 template=template_gen._template_gen(picks, st, 1.0, 'all',\
 # This will generate an obspy.Stream object
 # Append this Stream to the list of templates
 # Plot the template just to check that all is well!
 template.plot(size=(800,600), equal_scale=False)
 # Save template for later
Exemplo n.º 24
def plot_network_arrivals(wav_dirs,
    Plot data for the whole network at a given dto

    This is intended for plotting teleseismic arrivals to check polarities
    :param dto:
    :param wav_dirs:
    if not sta_list:
        sta_list = [
            'ALRZ', 'ARAZ', 'HRRZ', 'NS01', 'NS02', 'NS03', 'NS04', 'NS05',
            'NS06', 'NS07', 'NS08', 'NS09', 'NS10', 'NS11', 'NS12', 'NS13',
            'NS14', 'NS15', 'NS16', 'NS18', 'PRRZ', 'RT01', 'RT02', 'RT03',
            'RT05', 'RT06', 'RT07', 'RT08', 'RT09', 'RT10', 'RT11', 'RT12',
            'RT13', 'RT14', 'RT15', 'RT16', 'RT17', 'RT18', 'RT19', 'RT20',
            'RT21', 'RT22', 'RT23', 'THQ2', 'WPRZ'
    stachans = {sta: ['EHZ'] for sta in sta_list}
    if ev:
        dto = ev.origins[-1].time
    # Get start of day
    dto_start = copy.deepcopy(dto)
    dto_start.hour = 0
    dto_start.minute = 0
    dto_start.second = 0
    dto_start.microsecond = 0
    st = grab_day_wavs(wav_dirs, dto_start, stachans)
    pf_dict = {
        'MERC': [0.001, 1.0, 35., 45.],
        'WPRZ': [0.001, 0.5, 35., 45.],
        'GEONET': [0.001, 0.01, 40., 48.]
        key=lambda x: inv.select(station=x.stats.station)[0][0].latitude)
    st1 = pre_processing.dayproc(st,
    trimmed = st1.trim(starttime=dto + start, endtime=dto + end)
    for tr in trimmed:
        sta = tr.stats.station
        if sta.endswith('Z'):
            if sta == 'WPRZ':
                prefilt = pf_dict['WPRZ']
                prefilt = pf_dict['GEONET']
            prefilt = pf_dict['MERC']
        if remove_resp:
            # Cosine taper and demeaning applied by default
            tr.remove_response(inventory=inv, pre_filt=prefilt, output='DISP')
    labels = []
    for tr in trimmed:
        tr.data = tr.data / max(tr.data)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 6))
    vert_steps = np.linspace(0, len(trimmed), len(trimmed))
    for tr, vert_step in zip(trimmed, vert_steps):
        ax.plot(tr.data + vert_step, color='k', linewidth=0.3)
    ax.set_yticklabels(labels, fontsize=8)