beginyear,endyear = fun.begin_and_end_years()

print "Generating graphics for years ",beginyear, " to ",endyear

weblink = ''

for j in range(beginyear,endyear):

    # 1. Pull exoplanet data using NASA API

    print 'Retrieving planets detected before ',str(j)

    disc = '+AND+pl_disc<'+str(j+1)
    radii = exo.pull_exoplanet_radii(extraconditions=disc)

    # If requested, pull planets with masses and calculate radii

    if guess_radius_from_mass:
        print 'Retrieving other planets with masses'
        disc = disc+'+AND+pl_rade+is+null'
        masses = exo.pull_exoplanet_masses(extraconditions=disc)
        guessradii = fun.guess_radii_from_masses_PHL(masses)
        # Add to confirmed candidate list
        if(len(radii) > 0):
            radii = np.concatenate((radii,guessradii),axis=0)
            radii = guessradii
Exemplo n.º 2
area_spacing_factor = 2.0 # Increases the area of the circle to allow gaps
placing_spacing = 1.1 # Tolerance for distance between planets. 1=planets can touch
graphic_border = 1.4 # How big is the graphic relative to the area of the annulus/circle?

guess_radius_from_mass = True # Set this to true to estimate planet radius from mass

# 1. Pull exoplanet data using NASA API

weblink = ''
# First confirmed exoplanets

print 'Retrieving confirmed planets'

radii = exo.pull_exoplanet_radii()

# Now candidate exoplanets (Kepler)

print 'Retrieving Kepler Candidates'

radii_c = exo.pull_candidate_exoplanet_radii()

# If requested, pull planets with masses and calculate radii

if guess_radius_from_mass:
    print 'Retrieving other planets with masses'
    masses = exo.pull_exoplanet_masses(extraconditions='+AND+pl_rade+is+null')
    guessradii = fun.guess_radii_from_masses_PHL(masses)