Exemplo n.º 1
def get_time_list(initial, end, interval):
    """the purpose of this function is to calculate the amount and at what
    intervals they should occur."""
    import datetime as dt
    # ensure data is actually legit
        initial = dt.datetime.strptime(initial, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        end = dt.datetime.strptime(end, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    except ValueError:
        fl.flask("Internal Server Error", "error")
        return None
    except TypeError:
    # time delta indicates the period we need to calculate over
    time_delta = end - initial
    # now divide this between the interval
    int = dt.timedelta(days=interval)
    # now create and return a list of each interval
    name = []
    start_date = []
    end_date = []
    for i in range(0, round(time_delta.days / int.days), 1):
        t_start = initial + dt.timedelta(i * int.days)
        t_end = t_start + dt.timedelta(7 - 1)
            dt.datetime.strftime(t_start, "%d-%m-%y") + "->" +
            dt.datetime.strftime(t_end, "%d-%m-%y"))
    return name, start_date, end_date
Exemplo n.º 2
def hello_world(name):
return "Hello, {}!".format(name)

if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host=’’, port=8080)

# In[ ]:

from flask import flask
app = flask(__name__)

# request from url 
@app.route(’ company’, methods=[’GET’])
##def hello_world(name):
##return "Hello, {}!".format(name) ##return render template?

get_resp = requests.get(’ company’, timeout=5)

##post_resp = requests.post(URL_STRING, data=DICTIONARY)

# Download the HTML of this website and extract the name and purpose of the generated company.
# beautiful soup to parse through HTML
# repeat x50 with sleeps

## write to external file, use file handler
with open() as fh
 def post(self):
     if 'logout' in flask.request.form:
         flask.session.pop('username', None)
         return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('index'))
     required = ['username', 'passwd']
     for r in required:
         if r not in flask.request.form:
             flask.flask("Error: {0} is required.".format(r))
             return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('index'))
         username = flask.request.form['username']
         passwd = flask.request.form['passwd']
         if username in users and users[username] == passwd:
             flask.session['username'] = username
             flask.flash("Username doesn't exist or incorrect password")
         return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('index'))
Exemplo n.º 4
# Flask Tutorial: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/creating-a-web-app-from-scratch-using-python-flask-and-mysql--cms-22972

from flask import flask

app = flask(option_app)
Exemplo n.º 5
from flask import flask
@app.route ('/')
aef hello();
 return "ciao" 
Exemplo n.º 6
def main():

    hours = [744, 672, 744, 720, 744, 720, 744, 744, 720, 744, 720, 744]

    month = 9

    value = 0

    powerUsage = []

    modelUsage = []

    deltas = [0]
    # Uncomment below to run a simulation using different delta perameters
    # while(value < 3):
    #     deltas.append(value)
    #     value = value+0.5

    # Uncomment below to run a simulation using different time thresholds
    # timeThresh=[]
    # value=1
    # while(value < 10):
    #     timeThresh.append(value)
    #     value = value+0.5

    # power = [0.2]

    models = [1, 2, 3, 4]

    kVals = [15]
    pelt = []

    # Uncomment below to run a simulation using different temperature thresholds
    # thresh=10
    # kVals = []
    # while(thresh<15.5):
    #     kVals.append(thresh)
    #     thresh+=0.5
    # visualiseAllTemp()


    for i in models:
        month = 9
        for delta in deltas:
            for k in kVals:

                # Change 0.2 to change the power of the Peltier device used
                fl = flask(i, k, delta, 0.2)

                with open("temp.csv") as f:  # Change to step.csv to view the step response
                    for temp in f:
                        value = value + 1

                        if (value > hours[month % 12]):

                            circ = circuit(  # Calculates the monthly energy usage of the device
                                (fl.peltierTime/(60**2)), hours[month % 12])
                            value = 0
                            month = (month+1)

                            fl.peltierTime = 0

                            # if((month % 12) == 2):            #Saves the time that the peltier is on during the worst month
                            #     pelt.append(fl.secondsOn)

                            fl.secondsOn = []

                # modelUsage.append(powerUsage)
                powerUsage = []

                # Uncomment below to visualise various aspects of the device, used in finding optimal perameters and viewing the device's functioning
                # Uncomment to stop visualising the flask's internal temperature during the simulation
Exemplo n.º 7
from flask import Flask as flask
from flask import request
from flask import render_template
import leds

app = flask(__name__)

@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def index(name=None):
	if request.method=='POST':
		value = request.form['btn']
		print value, type(value)
		if value=='1':
			leds.fade(leds.encode(255, 0, 0))
		elif value=='2':
			leds.fade(leds.encode(0, 255, 0))
		elif value=='3':
			leds.fade(leds.encode(0, 0, 255))
	return render_template('index.html', name=name)

if __name__ == '__main__':
	app.debug = True
Exemplo n.º 8
from flask import flask, fender_template

app - flask(__name__)

def home():
    return "WEbsite Title goes here!"

if __name__ == "__main__":
Exemplo n.º 9
from flask import flask
imdb_api =flask(__name__)

def home_page():
    return "I've created my first API service!"

if __name__ ='__main__':

Exemplo n.º 10
from flask import flask
app = flask(__app__)
""" Flask te permite usar plantillas para el contenido dinámico de páginas web.
se utiliza para generar resultados a partir de un archivo de plantilla basado en el motor Jinja2 que se encuentra en la carpeta de plantillas de la aplicación.

Exemplo n.º 11
from flask import flask.render_template

app - flask(_name_)

det index():
	name='kyaw kyaw'
	return render_template('index.htal'.name=name)^S^X
Exemplo n.º 12
from flask import Flask as flask
from flask import redirect, url_for, render_template, flash, session, request
import psycopg2 as psql
import MySQLdb
from login import login_api

#connection = psql.connect(user = "******",
#                                  password = "******",
#                                  host = "",
#                                  port = "5432",
#                                  database = "webapp")

connection = MySQLdb.connect("localhost", "root", "", "webapp")
con = connection.cursor()
app = flask(__name__, template_folder = 'templates')
app.secret_key = "A34562EF"
#con.execute('use webapp')
if __name__  == "__main__":
@app.route('/signup', methods = ['GET', 'POST'])
def signup():

    if request.method == 'POST':

        username = request.form.get('username')
        password = request.form.get('password')

        check_sql_1 = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '******'".format(username,)
Exemplo n.º 13
from flask import flask  # Import Flask to allow us to create our app.
app = flask(__name__)    # Global variable __name__ tells Flask whether or not we are running the file
                         # directly, or importing it as a module.
print(__name__)          # Just for fun, print __name__ to see what it is
@app.route('/')          # The "@" symbol designates a "decorator" which attaches the following
                         # function to the '/' route. This means that whenever we send a request to
                         # localhost:5000/ we will run the following "hello_world" function.
def hello_world():
    return 'Hello World!'  # Return the string 'Hello World!' as a response.
if __name__=="__main__":   # If __name__ is "__main__" we know we are running this file directly and not importing
                           # it from a different module
    app.run(debug=True)    # Run the app in debug mode.
def success():
  return "success"
@app.route('/hello/<name>') # for a route '/hello/____' anything after '/hello/' gets passed as a variable 'name'
def hello(name):
    return "hello "+name
@app.route('/users/<username>/<id>') # for a route '/users/____/____', two parameters in the url get passed as username and id
def show_user_profile(username, id):
    return "username: "******", id: " + id
Exemplo n.º 14
from flask import flask
application = flask(__name__)

def hello();
	return "Hello World"

if __name__ == "__main__";
Exemplo n.º 15
from flask import flask, request
import json

app = flask("Web App Mahasiswa")

data_mahasiswa = [{"nim": 123, "nama": "Andi"}, {"nim": 234, "nama": "Budi"}]

@app.route('/mahasiswa', methods=['POST'])
def add_mahasiswa():
    nim = request.json['nim']
    nama = request.json['nama']
    mahasiswa_baru = {"nim": nim, "nama": nama}
    json_mahasiswa = json.dumps(data_mahasiswa)
    return json_mahasiswa

@app.route('/mahasiswa', methods=['GET'])
def edit_mahasiswa():
    nim = request.json['nim']
    nama = request.json['nama']
    mahasiswa_baru = {"nim": nim, "nama": nama}

@app.route('/mahasiswa/', methods=['GET'])
def delete_mahasiswa():
    nim = request.json['nim']
    nama = request.json['nama']
    mahasiswa_baru = {"nim": nim, "nama": nama}
Exemplo n.º 16
# Flask Tutorial: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/creating-a-web-app-from-scratch-using-python-flask-and-mysql--cms-22972 

from flask import flask
app = flask(option_app)
Exemplo n.º 17
from flask import flask

def index();
  return 'hello, world'
Exemplo n.º 18
from flask import Flask as flask, render_template, request, send_from_directory, jsonify
import json
import query
import signal
import socket

app = flask(__name__, static_url_path='', static_folder='templates/')

@app.route('/query', methods=['POST'])
def queryAnalyzer():
    nlq = str(request.form['query'])
    print("Query: " + nlq)
    results = query.query(nlq)
    print("query done")
    # print(results)
    return json.dumps({'query': nlq, 'data': results})

@app.route('/shutdown', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def shutdown_server():
    func = request.environ.get('werkzeug.server.shutdown')
    if func is None:
        raise RuntimeError('Not running with the Werkzeug Server')
    print('Quitting! Bye!')
    return 'Shut Down'

def home():
Exemplo n.º 19
from flask import flask

app = flask(__name__)

def index():
    return "hello, world"
Exemplo n.º 20
from flask import flask
app = flask(_name_)  #_name_ 代表目前執行的模組

@app.route("/")  # decorator 附加功能
def home():
    return "Hello Flask"

if _name_ == "_main_":  #如果主程式執行
    app.run()  #立即啟動伺服器