Exemplo n.º 1
    def showimg(self):
        adimg, cksum = request.params['adimg'].split(",")
        maptype = request.params['maptype']
        variant = request.params['variant']
        response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/png'
        response.headers['Pragma'] = ''
        response.headers['Cache-Control'] = 'max-age=120'

        if maptype == 'chart':
            return parse_landing_chart.get_chart_png(adimg, cksum)

            width, height = parse_landing_chart.get_width_height(adimg, cksum)
            projs = meta.Session.query(AirportProjection).filter(
                sa.and_(AirportProjection.user == session['user'],
                        AirportProjection.mapchecksum == cksum)).all()
            assert len(projs) <= 1
            if len(projs) == 1 and not all(
                [x == 0 for x in projs[0].matrix[4:6]]):
                matrix = projs[0].matrix
                print "Using real projection", matrix
                #scale = number of pixels per latlon-increment
                matrix = self.invent_matrix(cksum, variant)

            A = matrix[0:4]
            T = matrix[4:6]
            transform = customproj.Transform(A, T)

            llc = transform.to_latlon((width / 2, height / 2))
            print "Center of map in pixels is on lat lon", llc

            ll1 = transform.to_latlon((0, 0))
            ll2 = transform.to_latlon((0, height))
            ll3 = transform.to_latlon((width, height))
            ll4 = transform.to_latlon((width, 0))
            im = transform_map.get_png(width, height, ll1, ll2, ll3, ll4)
            io = StringIO.StringIO()
            im.save(io, format='png')
            return io.read()
Exemplo n.º 2
        cksum = request.params.get("cksum")
        if cksum == None:
            cksum, proj = self.get_sel_cksum(chartname)
            assert cksum

        if version != 1 and version != 2:
            print "bad version"
            writeInt(2)  #error, bad version
            return None
        if not self.checkpass():
            print "badpassword"
            writeInt(1)  #error, bad pass
            return None

        width, height = parse_landing_chart.get_width_height(
            chartname=chartname, cksum=cksum)

        dummy, cksum0 = parse_landing_chart.get_chart(blobname=chartname,
        assert cksum0 == cksum
        proj = get_proj(cksum0)
        if proj:
            matrix = proj.matrix
            matrix = [0.0 for x in xrange(6)]
        zeromat = all([abs(x) < 1e-13 for x in matrix])
        writeInt(0)  #no error
        writeInt(version)  #version

        writeInt(5)  #numlevels