def calculateStatistics(self): ''' calculate spread statistics ''' res = {} res['micro'] = rank(self.params['change'].sum(), self.change) res['macro'] = rank(self.params['mktValue'].sum(), self.value) res['last'] = self.params['mktValue'].sum() return Series(res,
def calculateStatistics(self): ''' calculate spread statistics ''' res = {} res['micro'] = rank(self.params['change'].sum(),self.change) res['macro'] = rank(self.params['mktValue'].sum(), self.value) res['last'] = self.params['mktValue'].sum() return Series(res,
def calculateStatistics(self, other=None): ''' calculate spread statistics, save internally ''' res = {} res['micro'] = rank(self.returns[-1], self.returns) res['macro'] = rank(self.value[-1], self.value) res['last'] = self.value[-1] if other is not None: res['corr'] = self.returns.corr(returns(other)) return Series(res,
def calculateStatistics(self,other=None): ''' calculate spread statistics, save internally ''' res = {} res['micro'] = rank(self.returns[-1],self.returns) res['macro'] = rank(self.value[-1], self.value) res['last'] = self.value[-1] if other is not None: res['corr'] = self.returns.corr(returns(other)) return Series(res,
if specific_subjects: df = df.loc[df['Subjects'].apply(offers_subjects, subjects=specific_subjects)] weights = [1 for x in range(len(df.columns) - 1)] # Get weights from sliders weights_expander = st.beta_expander('Change Weights') with weights_expander: weights_columns = st.beta_columns(int((len(df.columns) - 1) / 2)) for ind, col in enumerate(df.columns): if col == 'Subjects': continue weights[ind] = weights_columns[int(ind/2)].slider(f'{col} Weighting', max_value=10, step=1, value=1, key=str(ind)) # Rank the universities df = rank(df, weights) # Set columns to show on table columns = ['Rank', '% Satisfied with Teaching', '% Satisfied with Course', '% Satisfied with Assessment', 'Continuation %', '% Graduates in High Skilled Work', 'Applications to Acceptance (%)', 'Student/Staff Ratio', 'Average Salary', 'Academic Services Expenditure per Student', 'Facilities Expenditure per Student'] df = df[columns]
def ranking(api): fc.rank(api)
def main(): functions.clear_screen() rank = functions.open_rank() print(functions.get_info()) opc_usr = int(input("[0 a 5] >>> ")) if opc_usr == 1: # NOTE: listar os times em ordem alfabetica print("\n--- Ordem alfabetica:") sorted_rank = sorted(rank) functions.rank(0, len(rank), sorted_rank) print("---\n") elif opc_usr == 2: # NOTE: todas as 20 colocacoes print("\n--- 20 primeiros colocados:") functions.rank(0, 20, rank) print("---\n") elif opc_usr == 3: # NOTE: pesquisar por nome print("\n--- Pesquisar por nome:") print( "- Digite o nome (ou parte dele) do time a ser pesquisado [sem acentuaçao]:" ) search = str(input("- >>> ")).upper().strip() teams_found = [] for team in rank: if search in team: teams_found.append(team) if len(teams_found) > 0: for team in teams_found: index = rank.index(team) print(f"- {index+1:>2}°\t{rank[index]}") else: print("Este time não consta entre os 20 classificados..." "Verifique se o nome foi digitado corretamente.") print("---\n") elif opc_usr == 4: # NOTE: apenas as 4 ultimas colocacoes print("\n--- 4 ultimas colocacoes:") lenght = len(rank) functions.rank(lenght - 4, lenght, rank) print("---\n") elif opc_usr == 5: # NOTE: apenas as 5 primeiras colocacoes print("\n--- 5 primeiras colocacoes:") functions.rank(0, 5, rank) print("---\n") elif opc_usr == 0: print("Saindo imediatamente...") exit() else: print("ERRO: opcao invalida, tente novamente") input("Para continuar digite ENTER: ") main()