Exemplo n.º 1
	def __init__(self, source) :

		Argument : a filename or a list of strings that represent sequences.

		- mysequences = genepy.seqarray("from_genbank.gb") -- loads the sequences
		in from_genbank.gb as BioPython Bio.Seq objects.
		- mysequences = genepy.seqarray(seq_list), where seq_list is a list of 
		strings ( such as ["ACTG", "AGTA", "TTGC"] ) converts these to BioPython
		Bio.Seq objects using the generic_dna alphabet ( for now ).

		# If we're reading in a sequence set from a file
		if type(source) is str :
			if os.path.isfile(source) :
				self.seq = genepy.readalignment(source)
				self.filename = source
			else :
				print "%s not found, aborting." % source

		# If we're fed a list
		elif type(source) is list :
			self.seq = [SeqRecord.SeqRecord(s) for s in source]
			self.filename = "genepy.fasta"

		else :
			raise TypeError("Expected a filename or a list of strings.")

		# Generate static members
Exemplo n.º 2
	def align(self, force = True, it = False, full = False, full_iter = False, auto = True, threads = False) :
		"""Align the array of sequences using ClustalO.

		-- force : True / False; overwrite filename, if it exists
		-- it : False, integers > 0; iterate the guide tree
		-- full : True / False; use full distance matrix for guide-tree calculation
		-- full_iter : True / False; use full distance matrix during iteration only
		-- auto : True / False; automatically select options for speed and accuracy
		-- threads : False, integers > 0; limit the number of threads; False uses all

		# System call to ClustalO
		genepy.align(self.filename, force, threads, full, full_iter, it, auto)

		# Read aligned sequence array
		self.seq = genepy.readalignment(os.path.splitext(self.filename)[0] + "_aligned_genepy.phy")

		# Update static members