Exemplo n.º 1
    def getDistance(geoHash1, geoHash2):
        Estimate the distance between 2 geohashes in uint64 format

#        return abs(geoHash1 - geoHash2)
            coords1 = hasher.decode(geoHash1)
            coords2 = hasher.decode(geoHash2)
            return math.sqrt(math.pow(coords1[0] - coords2[0], 2) +
                         math.pow(coords1[1] - coords2[1], 2))
        except Exception, e:
            print e
            return None
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get(ip, redisConn):
        Get a range and all its data by ip
        ipnum = IPRange.ip2long(ip)

        #get the location record from redis
        record = redisConn.zrangebyscore(IPRange._indexKey, ipnum ,'+inf', 0, 1, True)
        if not record:
            #not found? k!
            return None

        #extract location id
            geoKey,rng = record[0][0].split('@')
            lat,lon = hasher.decode(long(geoKey))
            rngMin, rngMax, zipcode =  rng.split(':')
            rngMin = int(rngMin)
            rngMax = int(rngMax)
        except IndexError:
            return None

        #address not in any range
        if not rngMin <= ipnum <= rngMax:
            return None
        return IPRange(rngMin, rngMax, lat, lon, zipcode)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def getIds(self, redisConn, lat, lon, radius, text=''):

        if not text:

            ids = self.geoIndex.getIds(redisConn, lat, lon, radius, False)
            #nodes = filter(lambda c: c and Location.getLatLonDistance((lat, lon), c[1]) <= radius, ids)
            return [id[0] for id in ids]

            #store matching elements from text key
            nameKey = self.textIndex.getIds(redisConn, text, True)
            geoKeys = self.geoIndex.getIds(redisConn, lat, lon, radius, True)

            if nameKey and geoKeys:

                tmpKey = 'tk:%s::%%s' % (hash(
                    '%s' % [lat, lon, radius, text or '']))
                with TimeSampler(None, 'Getting shit done'):
                    p = redisConn.pipeline(False)
                    for id, gk in enumerate(geoKeys):
                        p.zinterstore(tmpKey % id, {gk: 1, nameKey: 0}, 'SUM')
                    for id, gk in enumerate(geoKeys):
                        p.zrevrange(tmpKey % id, 0, -1, True)

                    rx = p.execute()
                with TimeSampler(None, 'Filtering shit out'):
                    ids = filter(
                        lambda x: Location.getLatLonDistance(
                            (lat, lon), x[1]) <= radius,
                        ((x[0], hasher.decode(long(x[1])))
                         for x in itertools.chain(*(rx[len(geoKeys):]))))

                return [id[0] for id in ids]
                return []
Exemplo n.º 4
    def getDistance(geoHash1, geoHash2):
        Estimate the distance between 2 geohashes in uint64 format

        #        return abs(geoHash1 - geoHash2)

            coords1 = hasher.decode(geoHash1)
            coords2 = hasher.decode(geoHash2)
            return Location.getLatLonDistance(coords1, coords2)
            #return math.sqrt(math.pow(coords1[0] - coords2[0], 2) +
            #math.pow(coords1[1] - coords2[1], 2))
        except Exception, e:
            print e
            return None
Exemplo n.º 5
    def get(ip, redisConn):
        Get a range and all its data by ip
        ipnum = IPRange.ip2long(ip)

        #get the location record from redis
        record = redisConn.zrangebyscore(IPRange._indexKey, ipnum ,'+inf', 0, 1, True)
        if not record:
            #not found? k!
            return None

        #extract location id
            geoKey,rng = record[0][0].split('@')
            lat,lon = hasher.decode(long(geoKey))
            rngMin, rngMax, zipcode =  rng.split(':')
            rngMin = int(rngMin)
            rngMax = int(rngMax)
        except IndexError:
            return None

        #address not in any range
        if not rngMin <= ipnum <= rngMax:
            return None
        return IPRange(rngMin, rngMax, lat, lon, zipcode)
Exemplo n.º 6
 def getIds(self, redisConn, lat, lon,  radius, text = ''):
     if not text:
         ids = self.geoIndex.getIds(redisConn, lat, lon, radius, False)
         #nodes = filter(lambda c: c and Location.getLatLonDistance((lat, lon), c[1]) <= radius, ids)
         return [id[0] for id in ids]
         #store matching elements from text key
         nameKey = self.textIndex.getIds(redisConn, text, True)
         geoKeys = self.geoIndex.getIds(redisConn, lat, lon, radius, True)
         if nameKey and geoKeys:
             tmpKey = 'tk:%s::%%s' % (hash('%s' % [lat,lon,radius,text or '']))
             with TimeSampler(None, 'Getting shit done'):
                 p = redisConn.pipeline(False)
                 for id, gk in enumerate(geoKeys):
                     p.zinterstore(tmpKey % id, {gk: 1, nameKey: 0}, 'SUM')
                 for id, gk in enumerate(geoKeys):
                     p.zrevrange(tmpKey % id, 0, -1, True)
                 rx = p.execute()
             with TimeSampler(None, 'Filtering shit out'):
                 ids = filter(lambda x:  Location.getLatLonDistance((lat, lon), x[1]) <= radius, ((x[0], hasher.decode(long(x[1]))) for x in itertools.chain(*(rx[len(geoKeys):]))))
             return [id[0] for id in ids]
             return []
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_lat_lon_by_geohash(geohash):
        Returns the tuple with lat and lon elements.
    return hasher.decode(long(geohash))