Exemplo n.º 1
class Precision(TrainExtension):
    def __init__(self):
        self.predictor = None
        self.precision_list = []

    def setup(self, model, dataset, algorithm):
        self.predictor = Predictor(model)

    def on_monitor(self, model, dataset, algorithm, stat_dic=None):
        import sys
        from utils import values

        if stat_dic is None:
            from utils.casting import label_lists2types
            # obtaining validating set
            valid_x = algorithm.monitoring_dataset['valid'].X
            valid_y = algorithm.monitoring_dataset['valid'].y
            y_pred = self.predictor.get_predictions(valid_x)
            stat_dic = label_lists2types(valid_y, y_pred)

        # precision = TP/(TP + FP)
        if stat_dic[values.TP] == 0:
            precision = 0
            precision = float(stat_dic[values.TP])/(stat_dic[values.TP] + stat_dic[values.FP])

        print "precision:", precision
Exemplo n.º 2
class Accuracy(TrainExtension):
    def __init__(self):
        self.predictor = None
        self.accuracy_list = []

    def setup(self, model, dataset, algorithm):
        self.predictor = Predictor(model)

    def on_monitor(self, model, dataset, algorithm, stat_dic=None):
        import sys
        from utils import values

        if stat_dic is None:
            from utils.casting import label_lists2types
            # obtaining validating set
            valid_x = algorithm.monitoring_dataset['valid'].X
            valid_y = algorithm.monitoring_dataset['valid'].y

            y_pred = self.predictor.get_predictions(valid_x)
            stat_dic = label_lists2types(valid_y, y_pred)

        # accuracy = (TP + TN) / TOTAL
        if (stat_dic[values.TP] + stat_dic[values.TN]) == 0:
            accuracy = 0
            accuracy = float(stat_dic[values.TP]+stat_dic[values.TN])/sum(stat_dic.values())

        print "accuracy:", accuracy
Exemplo n.º 3
class StatisticsSymmetricThreshold(TrainExtension):
    def __init__(self, call_list):
        :type call_list: list containing objects to calculate certain statistics
        self.predictor = None
        self.symmetric_threshold = None
        self.call_list = call_list

    def setup(self, model, dataset, algorithm):
        self.predictor = Predictor(model)
        self.symmetric_threshold = SymmetricThresholdWRTF1Score()
        for extension in self.call_list:
            extension.setup(model, dataset, algorithm)

    def on_monitor(self, model, dataset, algorithm):
        import sys
        from utils.casting import label_lists2types
        from utils import values


        valid_x = algorithm.monitoring_dataset['valid'].X
        valid_y = algorithm.monitoring_dataset['valid'].y
        y_pred = self.predictor.get_predictions(valid_x)
        threshold, score = self.symmetric_threshold.compute_optimal_threshold_and_score(valid_y, y_pred)
        print "Best threshold", threshold, '\ncorresponding F1Score:', score
        stat_dic = label_lists2types(valid_y, y_pred, sym_t=threshold)

        print values.TP, ':', stat_dic[values.TP], '\t\t', values.TN, ':', stat_dic[values.TN], '\n', \
            values.FP, ':', stat_dic[values.FP], '\t\t', values.FN, ':', stat_dic[values.FN], '\n', \
            values.FNP, ':', stat_dic[values.FNP], '\t\t', values.FNN, ':', stat_dic[values.FNN]

        for extension in self.call_list:
            # TODO: consider using inspect.getargspec()
                extension.on_monitor(model, dataset, algorithm, stat_dic)
            except TypeError:
                extension.on_monitor(model, dataset, algorithm)
Exemplo n.º 4
class F1Score(TrainExtension):
    def __init__(self, save_best_model_path=None, save=False):
        self.predictor = None
        self.score_list = []
        self.debug = True
        self.saving_path = save_best_model_path
        self.save = save

    def setup(self, model, dataset, algorithm):
        self.predictor = Predictor(model)

    def on_monitor(self, model, dataset, algorithm):
        import numpy as np
        # this shall never happen but better safe than sorry
        if self.predictor is None:
            self.setup(model, dataset, algorithm)

        # obtaining validating set #
        valid_x = algorithm.monitoring_dataset['valid'].X
        valid_y = algorithm.monitoring_dataset['valid'].y
        y_pred = self.predictor.get_predictions(valid_x)
        y_classes = [np.argmax(pred) for pred in y_pred]
        score = f1_score(y_true=valid_y, y_pred=y_classes)

        if self.saving_path is not None and self.save:
            if max(self.score_list) == score:
                    # Make sure that saving does not serialize the dataset
                    dataset._serialization_guard = SerializationGuard()
                    save_path = self.saving_path
                    serial.save(save_path, model,
                    dataset._serialization_guard = None

        print "F1 score:", score
Exemplo n.º 5
class StatisticsNoThreshold(TrainExtension):
    def __init__(self, call_list):
        :type call_list: list containing objects to calculate certain statistics
        self.predictor = None
        self.call_list = call_list

    def setup(self, model, dataset, algorithm):
        self.predictor = Predictor(model)
        for extension in self.call_list:
            extension.setup(model, dataset, algorithm)

    def on_monitor(self, model, dataset, algorithm):
        import sys
        from utils.casting import label_lists2types
        from utils import values


        valid_x = algorithm.monitoring_dataset['valid'].X
        valid_y = algorithm.monitoring_dataset['valid'].y
        y_pred = self.predictor.get_predictions(valid_x)
        stat_dic = label_lists2types(valid_y, y_pred)

        print values.TP, ':', stat_dic[values.TP], '\t\t', values.TN, ':', stat_dic[values.TN], '\n', \
            values.FP, ':', stat_dic[values.FP], '\t\t', values.FN, ':', stat_dic[values.FN], '\n', \
            values.FNP, ':', stat_dic[values.FNP], '\t\t', values.FNN, ':', stat_dic[values.FNN]

        for extension in self.call_list:
            # TODO: consider using inspect.getargspec()
                extension.on_monitor(model, dataset, algorithm, stat_dic)
            except TypeError:
                extension.on_monitor(model, dataset, algorithm)
Exemplo n.º 6
class SymmetricThresholdWRTF1Score(F1Score):
    def __init__(self, save_best_model_path=None, save=False):
        super(SymmetricThresholdWRTF1Score, self).__init__()
        self.threshold_list = []
        self.saving_path = save_best_model_path
        self.save = save

    def setup(self, model, dataset, algorithm):
        self.predictor = Predictor(model)

    def on_monitor(self, model, dataset, algorithm):
        # this shall never happen but better safe than sorry
        if self.predictor is None:
            self.setup(model, dataset, algorithm)

        # obtaining validating set # TODO: finally we want to have train-validation-test set. Or sth.
        valid_x = algorithm.monitoring_dataset['valid'].X
        valid_y = algorithm.monitoring_dataset['valid'].y
        predictions = self.predictor.get_predictions(valid_x)
        threshold, score = self.compute_optimal_threshold_and_score(valid_y, predictions)


        if self.saving_path is not None and self.save:
            if max(self.score_list) == score:
                    # Make sure that saving does not serialize the dataset
                    dataset._serialization_guard = SerializationGuard()
                    save_path = self.saving_path
                    serial.save(save_path, model,
                    dataset._serialization_guard = None

        print "F1Score1Threshold score", score, "\ncorresponding threshold:", threshold

    def compute_optimal_threshold_and_score(true_y, predictions):
        # F1_score = 2TP/(2TP + FN + FP)
        # our F1_score to deal with not classifying some examples:
        # if some example isn't classified (is between thresholds) it counts as 1/2 of classifying it wrongly
        # therefore the F1_score becomes: 2TP/(2TP + FN +FP + 0.5 * unclassified)

        from numpy import argmax, mean
        import sys
        from utils import values

        dic = {}
        # the threshold will be symmetric, so we only care about how far away is the prediction from 0.5
        # therefore we fold the dictionary in half
        for index in xrange(len(true_y)):
            if argmax(predictions[index]) != true_y[index]:     # FALSE NEGATIVE OR FALSE POSITIVE
                # floating to get a hashable float instead of unhashable numpy array
                # we also need max max because numpy...
                dic[float(abs(0.5 - max(max(predictions[index]))))] = values.FN_FP
            elif argmax(predictions[index]) == 1:   # TRUE POSITIVE
                dic[float(abs(0.5 - max(max(predictions[index]))))] = values.TP
            # else TRUE NEGATIVE, we have no interest in this one

        TP = sum(1 for x in dic.values() if x == values.TP)
        FP_FN = len(dic)-TP
        unclassified = 0
        scores = []
        sorted_dic_keys = sorted(dic)   # don't want to sort dic over and over again
        for key in sorted_dic_keys:
            unclassified += 1
            if dic[key] == values.FN_FP:   # it was FN or FP
                FP_FN -= 1
                TP -= 1         # it was TP
            scores.append(2*TP/(2*TP + FP_FN + 0.5 * unclassified))

        best_score_index = argmax(scores)
        max_score = scores[best_score_index]
        t1 = sorted_dic_keys[best_score_index]
        t2 = sorted_dic_keys[best_score_index-1]
        best_threshold = 0.5 + mean([t1, t2])   # adding 0.5 as the dictionary has been folded in half

        return best_threshold, max_score
Exemplo n.º 7
 def setup(self, model, dataset, algorithm):
     self.predictor = Predictor(model)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def setup(self, model, dataset, algorithm):
     self.predictor = Predictor(model)
     self.symmetric_threshold = SymmetricThresholdWRTF1Score()
     for extension in self.call_list:
         extension.setup(model, dataset, algorithm)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def setup(self, model, dataset, algorithm):
     self.predictor = Predictor(model)
     for extension in self.call_list:
         extension.setup(model, dataset, algorithm)
Exemplo n.º 10
class ROC_Yoduen(F1Score):
    def __init__(self, save_best_model_path=None, save=False):
        super(ROC_Yoduen, self).__init__()
        self.threshold_list = []
        self.saving_path = save_best_model_path
        self.save = save

    def setup(self, model, dataset, algorithm):
        self.predictor = Predictor(model)

    def on_monitor(self, model, dataset, algorithm):
        # this shall never happen but better safe than sorry
        if self.predictor is None:
            self.setup(model, dataset, algorithm)

        # obtaining validating set # TODO: finally we want to have train-validation-test set. Or sth.
        valid_x = algorithm.monitoring_dataset['valid'].X
        valid_y = algorithm.monitoring_dataset['valid'].y
        predictions = self.predictor.get_predictions(valid_x)
        best_threshold, best_score = self.compute_optimal_threshold_and_score(valid_y, predictions)


        if self.saving_path is not None and self.save:
            if max(self.score_list) == best_score:
                    # Make sure that saving does not serialize the dataset
                    dataset._serialization_guard = SerializationGuard()
                    # TODO: this should actually be: save_path = self.saving_path
                    save_path = 'best_model_roc_youden.model'
                    serial.save(save_path, model,
                    dataset._serialization_guard = None

        stat_dic = types_dict(valid_y, predictions, threshold=best_threshold)

        print '\nSHOWING STATISTICS FOR ROC with Youden metric'
        print "ROC using Youden metric\nscore:", best_score, "\ncorresponding threshold:", best_threshold
        print values.TP, ':', stat_dic[values.TP], '\t\t', values.TN, ':', stat_dic[values.TN], '\n', \
            values.FP, ':', stat_dic[values.FP], '\t\t', values.FN, ':', stat_dic[values.FN], '\n', \
            values.FNP, ':', stat_dic[values.FNP], '\t\t', values.FNN, ':', stat_dic[values.FNN]

        precision = float(stat_dic[values.TP])/(stat_dic[values.TP] + stat_dic[values.FP])
        recall = float(stat_dic[values.TP])/(stat_dic[values.TP] + stat_dic[values.FN])
        f1score = 0
        if precision+recall != 0:
            f1score = 2*precision*recall/(precision+recall)
        print 'precision:', precision
        print "recall:", recall
        print "f1score", f1score

    def compute_optimal_threshold_and_score(true_y, predictions):
        axis = sorted([[pred[0][1], label] for pred, label in zip(predictions, true_y)])

        # active     1    [[ 0. 1. 0. ]]    [[ 0. 1. ]]
        # nonactive  0    [[ 1. 0. 0. ]]    [[ 1. 0. ]]
        # middle    -1    [[ 0. 0. 1. ]]

        actives = sum([1 for arr_pred_lab in axis if arr_pred_lab[1] == 1])
        nonactives = len(axis) - actives

        # threshold is zero, it means we label ALL the samples as negatives
        TP = actives
        FP = nonactives
        TN = 0
        FN = 0

        best_score = 0
        best_threshold = float(0)
        next_pred_after_best_threshold = 0
        update_next = False
        for prediction, label in axis:
            if label[0] == 1:
                TP -= 1     # after moving threshold we have one well classified positive example less
                FN += 1     # and that means we classify wrongly one positive example more
            else:   # label is 0 - means nonactive
                TN += 1     # we have one well classified negative example more
                FP -= 1     # so that's one wrongly classified negative example less
            # calculating score according to Youden's metric
            score = (float(TP)/(float(TP) + float(FN))) - (float(FP)/(float(FP) + float(TN)))
            # print 'TP:', TP, '\tFP:', FP, '\nFN:', FN, '\tTN:', TN
            # print 'score:', score, 'threshold:', prediction, '\n\n'

            if update_next:
                update_next = False
                next_pred_after_best_threshold = prediction
            if score == best_score:
                #print 'TP:', TP, '\tFP:', FP, '\nFN:', FN, '\tTN:', TN
            if score > best_score:
                #print 'TP:', TP, '\tFP:', FP, '\nFN:', FN, '\tTN:', TN
                best_score = score
                best_threshold = prediction
                update_next = True

        # compute optimal threshold
        best_threshold = (best_threshold + next_pred_after_best_threshold)/2.0
        return best_threshold, best_score
Exemplo n.º 11
class TwoThresholdWRTF1Score(F1Score):
    def __init__(self, save_best_model_path=None, save=False):
        super(TwoThresholdWRTF1Score, self).__init__()
        self.thresholds_list = []
        self.saving_path = save_best_model_path
        self.save = save

    def setup(self, model, dataset, algorithm):
        self.predictor = Predictor(model)

    def on_monitor(self, model, dataset, algorithm):
        # this shall never happen but better safe than sorry
        if self.predictor is None:
            self.setup(model, dataset, algorithm)

        # obtaining validating set # TODO: finally we want to have train-validation-test set. Or sth.
        valid_x = algorithm.monitoring_dataset['valid'].X
        valid_y = algorithm.monitoring_dataset['valid'].y
        predictions = self.predictor.get_predictions(valid_x)
        lower_threshold, upper_threshold, score = self.compute_optimal_threshold_and_score(valid_y, predictions)

        self.thresholds_list.append((upper_threshold, lower_threshold))

        if self.saving_path is not None and self.save:
            if max(self.score_list) == score:
                    # Make sure that saving does not serialize the dataset
                    dataset._serialization_guard = SerializationGuard()
                    save_path = self.saving_path
                    serial.save(save_path, model,
                    dataset._serialization_guard = None

        print "\n\nTwoThreshold score", score, "\ncorresponding threshold pair:", lower_threshold, ':', upper_threshold

    def compute_optimal_threshold_and_score(true_y, predictions):
        axis = sorted([[pred[0][1], label] for pred, label in zip(predictions, true_y)])

        x = len(axis)
        y = 0

        while y < x and axis[y][1] == 0:
            y += 1

        while x > y and axis[x-1][1] == 1:
            x -= 1

        tn_global = y
        tp_global = len(axis) - x
        fn_global = 0
        fp_global = 0

        maximal_score = -1.0
        best_y_idx = y
        best_x_idx = x

        for i in xrange(y, x+1):
            tp_local = tp_global
            fp_local = fp_global

            for j in xrange(x, i-1, -1):
                middle = len(axis) - tp_local - fp_local - tn_global - fn_global
                if tp_local == 0:
                    score_local = 0
                    score_local = 2.0 * tp_local / (2 * tp_local + fp_local + fn_global + 0.5 * middle)

                if score_local > maximal_score:
                    maximal_score = score_local
                    best_y_idx, best_x_idx = i, j

                if axis[j-1][1] == 1:
                    tp_local += 1
                    fp_local += 1

            if i == x:

            if axis[i][1] == 0:
                tn_global += 1
                fn_global += 1

        best_y = 0 if best_y_idx == 0 else 1
        if len(axis) > best_y_idx > 0:
            best_y = (axis[best_y_idx-1][0] + axis[best_y_idx][0]) / 2.0

        best_x = 0 if best_x_idx == 0 else 1
        if len(axis) > best_x_idx > 0:
            best_x = (axis[best_x_idx-1][0] + axis[best_x_idx][0]) / 2.0

        return best_y, best_x, maximal_score