from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix def printn(*args, **kwargs): for i in args: sys.stdout.write(str(i)) gnucap.command("set trace") gnucap.command("set lang=acs") ## Set gnucap run mode runmode = gnucap.SET_RUN_MODE(gnucap.rBATCH) gnucap.command("set lang=spice") gnucap.parse("Vin 1 0 dc 0 ac 1.0") gnucap.parse("R1 1 2 1e3") gnucap.parse("R2 1 3 1e3") gnucap.parse("C2 1 4 1") gnucap.parse("R2 2 4 1e3") gnucap.parse("L2 3 5 1m") gnucap.parse("C1 2 0 1e-8") gnucap.command("list") class MyAC(gnucap.SIM): def do_it(self, cmd, scope): self._scope = scope self._sim.set_command_ac() self._sim.init()
def port_name(self, x): return ["P", "N"][x] def value_name(self): return "incomplete" s = myvs() # s._y[0] not yet. how to do that? s._y[0] print("mtest", s.max_nodes(), s.long_label()) s2 = s.clone() print("mtest", s2.max_nodes(), s2.long_label()) # s.clone() print("TT", type(s)) a = install_device("myvs", s) # b = gnucap.command_installer("myvs", s) gnucap.command("set lang=verilog") gnucap.parse("resistor #(.r(1)) r(1 0)") # gnucap.parse("vsource #(.dc(1)) s(1 0)") gnucap.parse("myvs #() s(1 0)") gnucap.command("list") gnucap.command("print dc fourtytwo(s) i(r) v(s) nodeprobe(s) v(nodes)") gnucap.command("dc r 1 3 .5") print("done")
# testing environment override import os os.environ["GNUCAP_LANG"] = "verilog" import gnucap gnucap.parse("resistor r1(0,1)") gnucap.command("list") gnucap.parse("error_1") gnucap.command("error_2") # TODO: can't see any error
# Copyright (C) 2018 Felix Salfelder # Author: Felix Salfelder <*****@*****.**> from __future__ import print_function import gnucap gnucap.command("set lang spice") gnucap.parse("V1 1 0 ac 1") gnucap.command("set lang verilog") gnucap.parse("capacitor #(.c(1u)) c(1 nout)") gnucap.parse("resistor #(.r(1k)) s(nout 0)") gnucap.command("store ac v(nout)") gnucap.command("ac 1 1024 * 4") w = gnucap.CKT_BASE_find_wave("v(nout)") b = iter(w) for i in range(6): n = next(b) print(n[0], ' {:.6e}'.format(n[1])) try: next(b) assert (False) except StopIteration: pass for i in w:
def tr_iwant_matrix(self): pass def tr_probe_num(self, s): return 4. # uses default if not specified. # def clone(self): # return __class__(self) d4 = mytype4() b2 = install_device("mytype4", d4) command("set lang verilog") parse("dummy #() d();") parse("mytype #() a1();") parse("mytype4 #() a4(0, 0);") parse("resistor #() r(0,0);") cl = CARD_LIST().card_list_() for a in cl: print(a.long_label(), a.dev_type()) import sys sys.stdout.flush() command("list") command("print op test(*)") command("op")
# (C) 2018 Felix Salfelder # GPLv3 # # this is part of gnucap-python import gnucap, os, sys from gnucap import command, parse f=open("crash.sp", "w") f.write("spice\n") f.write(".subckt a 1 2 3\n") f.write("r1 1 2 3\n") f.write(".ends\n") f.close() command("get crash.sp") os.remove("crash.sp") parse("X1 1 3 4 a") command("list") print("end of crashtest")
return 0; def port_number(self): return 2 def port_name(self,x): return ["P","N"][x] def value_name(self): return "incomplete" s = somecomponent() print("mtest", s.max_nodes(), s.long_label()) s2 = s.clone() # s2.tr_begin() print("mtest", s2.max_nodes(), s2.long_label()) # s.clone() print("TT", type(s)) a = install_device("somecomp", s) # b = gnucap.command_installer("somecomp2", s) gnucap.command("set lang=verilog") gnucap.parse("vsource #(.dc(1)) v(1 0)") gnucap.parse("somecomp #() s(1 0)") gnucap.command("list") gnucap.command("print dc fourtytwo(s) v(s)") gnucap.command("dc v 0 1 .5") gnucap.command("print transient fourtytwo(s) v(s)") gnucap.command("transient 0 1 .5") print("done")
def custom(self): return 42 def clone(self): print("somelt clone") x = mytype(self) self.HACK.append(x) x.__class__ = mytype return x s = mytype() d1 = install_device("mytype", s) command("set lang verilog") parse("mytype #() a();") parse("resistor #() r(0,0);") cl = CARD_LIST().card_list_() print("tst") for a in cl: print(a.long_label(), "..") if(isinstance(a, mytype)): print(".. is mytype") assert(42==a.custom()) assert(isinstance(a, ELEMENT)) if(isinstance(a, ELEMENT)): print(".. is element") assert(isinstance(a, COMPONENT))
ELEMENT.__init__(self) else: ELEMENT.__init__(self, other) def custom(self): return 42 def dev_type(self): return "mytype0" def clone(self): s = mytype(self) return s m = mytype() a = install("mytype0|y", m) b = install("y", m) command("set lang verilog") parse("mytype0 #() a0();") parse("mytype1 #() a1();") parse("mytype2 #() a2();") parse("resistor #() r(0,0);") cl = CARD_LIST().card_list_() for a in cl: print(a.long_label(), a.dev_type()) command("simcmd")
# inspired by "" 2009-2011 Henrik Johansson from __future__ import print_function import os import numpy as np import gnucap gnucap.command("set trace") gnucap.command("set lang=acs") ## Set gnucap run mode runmode = gnucap.SET_RUN_MODE(gnucap.rBATCH) gnucap.command("set lang=spice") gnucap.parse("Vin 1 0 dc 0 ac 1.0") gnucap.parse("R1 1 2 1e3") gnucap.parse("C1 2 0 1e-8") gnucap.command("list") class MyAC(gnucap.SIM): def do_it(self, cmd, scope): self._scope = scope self._sim.set_command_ac() self._sim.init() self._sim.alloc_vectors() acx = self._sim._acx acx.reallocate()
def net_nodes(self): return 2 def max_nodes(self): return 2 def ac_iwant_matrix(self): pass def tr_iwant_matrix(self): pass def tr_probe_num(self, s): return 4. # uses default if not specified. # def clone(self): # return __class__(self) command("set lang verilog") parse("mytype2 #() a2();") parse("mytype3 #() a3();") parse("mytype4 #() a4(0, 0);") cl = CARD_LIST().card_list_() for a in cl: print(a.long_label(), a.dev_type()) import sys sys.stdout.flush() command("list") command("print op test(*)") command("op")