        sleep(start_time + i - time() + 1) # to keep in time
    mean_temp = numpy.mean(temp)
    var_temp = numpy.var(temp)
    mean_hum = numpy.mean(hum)
    var_hum = numpy.var(hum)
    lin_model = stats.linregress(measured_seconds, co2)
    slope = lin_model[0]
    intercept = lin_model[1]
    r_squared = lin_model[2]*lin_model[2]
    slope_err = lin_model[4]
    return [mean_temp, var_temp, mean_hum, var_hum, slope, intercept, r_squared, slope_err]

sender.start() # starts sender in a concurrent thread

    while True:
        for addr in range(1, 15):   # address 0 is reserved for flushing with air
            gpio.set_addr(0)        # set flushing address
            sleep(60)              # flush for 60 seconds
            gpio.reset()            # stop flushing
            gpio.set_addr(addr)     # start measuring wait 60 seconds, 240 measure
  , origin="RaspberryPi Kammer Nr. " + str(addr))
            writer.flush()          # close the file in order to "feed" sender
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print 'Stopped measurement loop.'
Exemplo n.º 2
    lin_model = stats.linregress(measured_seconds, co2)
    slope = lin_model[0]
    intercept = lin_model[1]
    r_squared = lin_model[2] * lin_model[2]
    slope_err = lin_model[4]
    return [
        mean_temp, var_temp, mean_hum, var_hum, slope, intercept, r_squared,

sender.start()  # starts sender in a concurrent thread

    while True:
        for addr in range(1,
                          15):  # address 0 is reserved for flushing with air
            gpio.set_addr(0)  # set flushing address
            sleep(60)  # flush for 60 seconds
            gpio.reset()  # stop flushing

            gpio.set_addr(addr)  # start measuring wait 60 seconds, 240 measure
                        origin="RaspberryPi Kammer Nr. " + str(addr))
            writer.flush()  # close the file in order to "feed" sender
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print 'Stopped measurement loop.'
Exemplo n.º 3
class RaspberryPiClient(BayEOSGatewayClient):
    """Raspberry Pi client class."""

    def init_writer(self):
        """Overwrites the init_writer() method of the BayEOSGatewayClient class."""
        # gpio pins
        ADDR_PINS = [11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18]  # GPIO 17, 18, 27, 22, 23, 24
        DATA_PIN = 24  # GPIO 8
        EN_PIN = 26  # GPIO 7
        self.gpio = GPIO(ADDR_PINS, EN_PIN, DATA_PIN)

        self.addr = 1  # current address

    def read_data(self):
        """Overwrites the read_data() method of the BayEOSGatewayClient class."""
        # address 0 is reserved for flushing with air
        self.gpio.set_addr(0)  # set flushing address
        sleep(.6)  # flush for 60 seconds
        self.gpio.reset()  # stop flushing

        self.gpio.set_addr(self.addr)  # start measuring wait 60 seconds, 240 measure
        measurement_data = self.measure(3)

        return measurement_data

    def save_data(self, values=[], origin='CO2_Chambers'):
        """Overwrites the save_data() method of the BayEOSGatewayClient class.""", origin='RaspberryPi-Chamber-' + str(self.addr))
        print 'saved data: ' + str(values)
        self.addr += 1
        if self.addr > 15:
            self.addr = 1

    def init_sensors(self):
        """Initializes the I2C Bus including the SHT21 and MCP3424 sensors."""
            self.i2c = I2C()
            self.sht21 = SHT21(1)
            self.mcp3424 = MCP3424(self.i2c.get_smbus())
        except IOError as err:
            sys.stderr.write('I2C Connection Error: ' + str(err) + '. This must be run as root. Did you use the right device number?')

    def measure(self, seconds=10):
        """Measures temperature, humidity and CO2 concentration.
        @param seconds: how long should be measured
        @return statistically calculated parameters 
        measured_seconds = []
        temp = []
        hum = []
        co2 = []
        start_time = time()
        for i in range(0, seconds):
            start_new_thread(temp.append, (self.sht21.read_temperature(),))
            start_new_thread(hum.append, (self.sht21.read_humidity(),))
            start_new_thread(co2.append, (self.mcp3424.read_voltage(1),))
            sleep(start_time + i - time() + 1) # to keep in time
        mean_temp = numpy.mean(temp)
        var_temp = numpy.var(temp)
        mean_hum = numpy.mean(hum)
        var_hum = numpy.var(hum)
        lin_model = stats.linregress(measured_seconds, co2)
        slope = lin_model[0]
        intercept = lin_model[1]
        r_squared = lin_model[2]*lin_model[2]
        slope_err = lin_model[4]
        return [mean_temp, var_temp, mean_hum, var_hum, slope, intercept, r_squared, slope_err]