Exemplo n.º 1
def analyze_all_hands(em, num_generations):
    all_hand_dict = {}
    for generation in range(num_generations):
        all_hand_dict[generation] = []
        em.gm.generation = generation
        grasp_list = em.gm.get_all_grasps()
        hand_list = em.interface.load_hands_for_grasps(grasp_list)

        grasp_dict = grasp_sorting_utils.get_grasps_by_hand(grasp_list)

        for hand in hand_list:
            hand.energy_list = []
        hand_dict = dict()
        for h in hand_list:
            hand_dict[h.hand_id] = h
            total_energy = 1e10
                total_energy = em.eval_functor(grasp_dict[h.hand_id], h)
            except Exception as e:
                print "analyze_all_hands::Exception %s"%(e);
    return all_hand_dict
def GA_get_elite_hands(grasp_list, hand_list, eval_functor):
    new_hand_list = list()

    #Organize the grasp list
    grasp_dict = grasp_sorting_utils.get_grasps_by_hand(grasp_list)

    #organize the hand list into a dictionary sorted by hand_id keys.
    hand_dict = dict()
    for h in hand_list:
        hand_dict[h.hand_id] = h

    energy_list = list()

    #Evaluate the score of each hand using the grasp_dict. Lower scores are better.
    key_list = []
    for k in hand_dict:
            #If the evaluation fails, assign an arbitrarily high score.
            print k

    #Now we get the best hands by lowest energy
    import pdb
    sorted_key_indices = [hand_dict.keys()[i] for i in argsort(energy_list)]
    elite_list_len = 4
    elite_hand_list = [hand_dict[k] for k in sorted_key_indices[:elite_list_len]]
    return elite_hand_list, energy_list
def GA_generation(grasp_list, hand_list, eval_functor, rel_stdev):
    @brief Run the GA on an entire generation

    @param grasp_list - The list of grasps for all hands in this generation to be considered
    @param hand_list - The list of hands to mutate and cross
    @param eval_functor - The function to use to generate a score for each hand
    @param rel_stdev - The scaling factor for mutation to use.

    @returns A list of new hands derived from the old hands.
    new_hand_list = list()

    #Organize the grasp list
    grasp_dict = grasp_sorting_utils.get_grasps_by_hand(grasp_list)

    #organize the hand list into a dictionary sorted by hand_id keys.
    hand_dict = dict()
    for h in hand_list:
        hand_dict[h.hand_id] = h

    energy_list = list()

    #Evaluate the score of each hand using the grasp_dict. Lower scores are better.
    for k in hand_dict:
            hand_dict[k].energy_list = list()
            #If the evaluation fails, assign an arbitrarily high score.
            print k

    #Now we get the best hands by lowest energy

    sorted_key_indices = [hand_dict.keys()[i] for i in argsort(energy_list)]
    elite_list_len = 4
    elite_hand_list = [hand_dict[k] for k in sorted_key_indices[:elite_list_len]]

    #Get a list of all pairs of the elite hands
    #and then pair them all to generate a set of new hands
    hand_pair_list = itertools.combinations(elite_hand_list, 2)

    for pair in hand_pair_list:
        new_hand = GA_pair(pair[0], pair[1])
        if new_hand:

    #Now get 6 mutated hands - The parent hands are selected randomly from the elite hand list.
    mutation_number = 6
    rand_ind_list = [rnd.randrange(0,elite_list_len) for i in range(mutation_number)]

    for ind in rand_ind_list:
        new_hand = []
        #Not all generated hands will be legal, try ten times to generate a valid hand.
        #This is kind of arbitrary
        for i in range(10):
            new_hand = GA_mutate(elite_hand_list[ind], rel_stdev)
            if new_hand:

    #Now, the elite hand list is passed on to the next generation unmodified.
    #update the hand generation to reflect this
    for hand in elite_hand_list:
        hand.generation.append(hand.generation[-1] + 1)

    return new_hand_list
Exemplo n.º 4
def GA_generation(grasp_list, hand_list, eval_functor, rel_stdev):
    @brief Run the GA on an entire generation

    @param grasp_list - The list of grasps for all hands in this generation to be considered
    @param hand_list - The list of hands to mutate and cross
    @param eval_functor - The function to use to generate a score for each hand
    @param rel_stdev - The scaling factor for mutation to use.

    @returns A list of new hands derived from the old hands.
    new_hand_list = list()

    #Organize the grasp list
    grasp_dict = grasp_sorting_utils.get_grasps_by_hand(grasp_list)

    #organize the hand list into a dictionary sorted by hand_id keys.
    hand_dict = dict()
    for h in hand_list:
        hand_dict[h.hand_id] = h

    energy_list = list()

    #Evaluate the score of each hand using the grasp_dict. Lower scores are better.
    for k in hand_dict:
            #If the evaluation fails, assign an arbitrarily high score.
            print k

    #Now we get the best hands by lowest energy

    sorted_key_indices = [hand_dict.keys()[i] for i in argsort(energy_list)]
    elite_list_len = 4
    elite_hand_list = [hand_dict[k] for k in sorted_key_indices[:elite_list_len]]

    #Get a list of all pairs of the elite hands
    #and then pair them all to generate a set of new hands
    hand_pair_list = itertools.combinations(elite_hand_list, 2)

    for pair in hand_pair_list:
        new_hand = GA_pair(pair[0], pair[1])
        if new_hand:

    #Now get 6 mutated hands - The parent hands are selected randomly from the elite hand list.
    mutation_number = 6
    rand_ind_list = [rnd.randrange(0,elite_list_len) for i in range(mutation_number)]

    for ind in rand_ind_list:
        new_hand = []
        #Not all generated hands will be legal, try ten times to generate a valid hand.
        #This is kind of arbitrary
        for i in range(10):
            new_hand = GA_mutate(elite_hand_list[ind], rel_stdev)
            if new_hand:

    #Now, the elite hand list is passed on to the next generation unmodified.
    #update the hand generation to reflect this
    for hand in elite_hand_list:
        hand.generation.append(hand.generation[-1] + 1)

    return new_hand_list