Exemplo n.º 1
def healpixellize(f_in,theta_in,phi_in,nside,fancy=False):
    """ A dumb method for converting data f sampled at points theta and phi (not on a healpix grid) into a healpix at resolution nside """

    # Input arrays are likely to be rectangular, but this is inconvenient
    f = f_in.flatten()
    theta = theta_in.flatten()
    phi = phi_in.flatten()
    pix = hp.ang2pix(nside,theta,phi)

    map = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside))
    hits = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside))
    # Simplest gridding is map[pix] = val. This tries to do some
    #averaging Better would be to do some weighting by distance from
    #pixel center or something ...
    if (fancy):
        for i,v in enumerate(f):
            # Find the nearest pixels to the pixel in question
            neighbours,weights = hp.get_neighbours(nside,theta[i],phi[i])
            # Add weighted values to map
            map[neighbours] += v*weights
            # Keep track of weights
            hits[neighbours] += weights
        map = map/hits
        wh_no_hits = np.where(hits == 0)
        map[wh_no_hits[0]] = hp.UNSEEN
        for i,v in enumerate(f):
            map[pix[i]] += v
            hits[pix[i]] +=1
        map = map/hits

    return map
Exemplo n.º 2
def contour_pix(map, vals, all_neighbours=True):
	given a healpix map (map) and a set of values, we find and return lists of pixels that constitute the boarder of those sets
	npix = len(map)
	nside = hp.npix2nside(npix)

	### separate into pixel sets based in p_values
	pix = np.arange(npix)
	boarders = []
	for val in vals:
		_pix = pix[map>=val] ### pull out included pixels

		truth = np.zeros((npix,), bool)
		truth[_pix] = True

		boarder = np.zeros((npix,),bool) ### defines which modes are in the boarder
		for ipix in _pix:
			if all_neighbours:
				boarder[ipix] = not truth[[n for n in hp.get_all_neighbours(nside, ipix) if n != -1]].all()
				boarder[ipix] = not truth[[n for n in hp.get_neighbours(nside, ipix)[0] if n != -1]].all()

		boarders.append( pix[boarder] )

	return boarders
Exemplo n.º 3
def healpixellize(f_in,theta_in,phi_in,nside,weighted=True):
    """ A brute force method for converting data f sampled at points theta and phi (not on a healpix grid) into a healpix at resolution nside """

    # Input arrays are likely to be rectangular, but this is inconvenient
    f = f_in.flatten()
    theta = theta_in.flatten()
    phi = phi_in.flatten()
    pix = hp.ang2pix(nside,theta,phi)

    map = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside))
    hits = np.zeros(hp.nside2npix(nside))
    # Default method is gridding based on weighted four-point interpolation to
    # the nearest pixel (from healpy).  Simply finding the nearest pixel is
    # what will happen if weighted is set to False
    if (weighted):
        for i,v in enumerate(f):
            # Find the nearest pixels to the pixel in question
            neighbours,weights = hp.get_neighbours(nside,theta[i],phi[i])
            # Add weighted values to map
            map[neighbours] += v*weights
            # Keep track of weights
            hits[neighbours] += weights
        map = map/hits
        wh_no_hits = np.where(hits == 0)
        map[wh_no_hits[0]] = hp.UNSEEN
        for i,v in enumerate(f):
            map[pix[i]] += v
            hits[pix[i]] +=1
        map = map/hits

    return (map,hits)
    def _weighting(self,interpPoints, values):
        interpPoints is a numpy array where interpolation is desired
        values are the model values.
        result = np.zeros( (interpPoints.size, np.size(values[0])) ,dtype=float)

        inRange = np.where( (interpPoints['airmass'] <= np.max(self.dimDict['airmass'])) &
                            (interpPoints['airmass'] >= np.min(self.dimDict['airmass']))  )
        usePoints = interpPoints[inRange]
        # Find the neighboring healpixels
        hpids, hweights =  hp.get_neighbours(self.nside, np.pi/2.-usePoints['altEclip'],
                                             usePoints['azEclipRelSun'] )

        badhp = np.in1d(hpids.ravel(), self.dimDict['hpid'], invert=True).reshape(hpids.shape)
        hweights[badhp] = 0.

        norm = np.sum(hweights,axis=0)
        good= np.where(norm != 0.)[0]
        hweights[:,good] = hweights[:,good]/norm[good]

        amRightIndex, amLeftIndex, amRightW, amLeftW = self.indxAndWeights(usePoints['airmass'],

        nhpid = self.dimDict['hpid'].size
        # loop though the hweights and the airmass weights
        for hpid,hweight in zip(hpids,hweights):
            for amIndex, amW in zip([amRightIndex,amLeftIndex], [amRightW,amLeftW] ):
                weight = hweight*amW
                result[inRange] += weight[:,np.newaxis]*values[amIndex*nhpid+hpid]

        return result
    def _weighting(self, interpPoints, values):


        result = np.zeros((interpPoints.size, np.size(values[0])), dtype=float)

        # Check that moonAltitude is in range, otherwise return zero array
        if np.max(interpPoints['moonAltitude']) < np.min(
            return result

        # Find the neighboring healpixels
        hpids, hweights = hp.get_neighbours(self.nside,
                                            np.pi / 2. - interpPoints['alt'],

        badhp = np.in1d(hpids.ravel(), self.dimDict['hpid'],
        hweights[badhp] = 0.

        norm = np.sum(hweights, axis=0)
        good = np.where(norm != 0.)[0]
        hweights[:, good] = hweights[:, good] / norm[good]

        # Find the neighboring moonAltitude points in the grid
        rightMAs, leftMAs, maRightW, maLeftW = self.indxAndWeights(
            interpPoints['moonAltitude'], self.dimDict['moonAltitude'])

        # Find the neighboring moonSunSep points in the grid
        rightMss, leftMss, mssRightW, mssLeftW = self.indxAndWeights(
            interpPoints['moonSunSep'], self.dimDict['moonSunSep'])

        nhpid = self.dimDict['hpid'].size
        nMA = self.dimDict['moonAltitude'].size
        # Convert the hpid to an index.
        tmp = intid2id(hpids.ravel(), self.dimDict['hpid'],
        hpindx = tmp.reshape(hpids.shape)
        # loop though the hweights and the moonAltitude weights

        for hpid, hweight in zip(hpindx, hweights):
            for maid, maW in zip([rightMAs, leftMAs], [maRightW, maLeftW]):
                for mssid, mssW in zip([rightMss, leftMss],
                                       [mssRightW, mssLeftW]):
                    weight = hweight * maW * mssW
                    result += weight[:,
                                     np.newaxis] * values[mssid * nhpid * nMA +
                                                          maid * nhpid + hpid]

        return result
    def _weighting(self, interpPoints, values):


        result = np.zeros( (interpPoints.size, np.size(values[0])) ,dtype=float)

        # Check that moonAltitude is in range, otherwise return zero array
        if np.max(interpPoints['moonAltitude']) < np.min(self.dimDict['moonAltitude']):
            return result

        # Find the neighboring healpixels
        hpids, hweights =  hp.get_neighbours(self.nside, np.pi/2.-interpPoints['alt'],
                                                interpPoints['azRelMoon'] )

        badhp = np.in1d(hpids.ravel(), self.dimDict['hpid'], invert=True).reshape(hpids.shape)
        hweights[badhp] = 0.

        norm = np.sum(hweights,axis=0)
        good= np.where(norm != 0.)[0]
        hweights[:,good] = hweights[:,good]/norm[good]

        # Find the neighboring moonAltitude points in the grid
        rightMAs, leftMAs, maRightW, maLeftW = self.indxAndWeights(interpPoints['moonAltitude'],

        # Find the neighboring moonSunSep points in the grid
        rightMss, leftMss, mssRightW, mssLeftW = self.indxAndWeights(interpPoints['moonSunSep'],

        nhpid = self.dimDict['hpid'].size
        nMA = self.dimDict['moonAltitude'].size
        # Convert the hpid to an index.
        tmp = intid2id(hpids.ravel(),  self.dimDict['hpid'],
                          np.arange( self.dimDict['hpid'].size))
        hpindx = tmp.reshape(hpids.shape)
        # loop though the hweights and the moonAltitude weights

        for hpid,hweight in zip(hpindx,hweights):
            for maid,maW in zip([rightMAs,leftMAs],[maRightW,maLeftW] ):
                for mssid,mssW in zip([rightMss,leftMss], [mssRightW,mssLeftW]):
                    weight = hweight*maW*mssW
                    result += weight[:,np.newaxis]*values[mssid*nhpid*nMA+maid*nhpid+hpid]

        return result
Exemplo n.º 7
def orth(base_UT22, start_UT22, unit, show=False):
    UT22_interp = np.zeros_like(base_UT22)
    c = 0
    for i, val in enumerate(start_UT22):
        if np.isnan(val):
            c += 1
            theta, phi = hp.pix2ang(nside, i)
            neybs = hp.get_neighbours(nside, theta, phi=phi) 
            UT22_interp[i] = np.nanmean(start_UT22[neybs[0]])

            UT22_interp[i] = val

    print(c, 'NaN vals')

    hp.orthview(UT22_interp, rot=[0, 90], min=0, max=2, unit=unit, title='SAST 00:00 2012-02-13', half_sky=True)
    if show:

    return UT22_interp
    def _weighting(self, interpPoints, values):
        interpPoints is a numpy array where interpolation is desired
        values are the model values.
        result = np.zeros((interpPoints.size, np.size(values[0])), dtype=float)

        inRange = np.where(
            (interpPoints['airmass'] <= np.max(self.dimDict['airmass']))
            & (interpPoints['airmass'] >= np.min(self.dimDict['airmass'])))
        usePoints = interpPoints[inRange]
        # Find the neighboring healpixels
        hpids, hweights = hp.get_neighbours(self.nside,
                                            np.pi / 2. - usePoints['altEclip'],

        badhp = np.in1d(hpids.ravel(), self.dimDict['hpid'],
        hweights[badhp] = 0.

        norm = np.sum(hweights, axis=0)
        good = np.where(norm != 0.)[0]
        hweights[:, good] = hweights[:, good] / norm[good]

        amRightIndex, amLeftIndex, amRightW, amLeftW = self.indxAndWeights(
            usePoints['airmass'], self.dimDict['airmass'])

        nhpid = self.dimDict['hpid'].size
        # loop though the hweights and the airmass weights
        for hpid, hweight in zip(hpids, hweights):
            for amIndex, amW in zip([amRightIndex, amLeftIndex],
                                    [amRightW, amLeftW]):
                weight = hweight * amW
                result[inRange] += weight[:, np.newaxis] * values[amIndex *
                                                                  nhpid + hpid]

        return result
Exemplo n.º 9
			print 'issue with %s'%filename
			UT22[p] = np.nan
print c,'IOErrors'	
hp.orthview(UT22,rot=[0,90],max=2,unit=r'rad m$^{-1}$',title='SAST 00:00 2012-02-13',half_sky=True)
print UT22
print 'Interpolating NaNs'
UT22_interp = np.zeros_like(UT22)
for i,val in enumerate(UT22):
	if np.isnan(val):
		theta,phi = hp.pix2ang(nside,i)
		neybs = hp.get_neighbours(nside,theta,phi=phi) 
		v = np.nanmean(UT22[neybs[0]])
		UT22_interp[i] = v
	else: UT22_interp[i]=val
print c,'NaN vals'	
hp.orthview(UT22_interp,rot=[0,90],min=0,max=2,unit=r'rad m$^{-1}$',title='SAST 00:00 2012-02-13',half_sky=True)

UT22_interp_2 = np.zeros_like(UT22)
for i,val in enumerate(UT22_interp):
	if np.isnan(val):
		theta,phi = hp.pix2ang(nside,i)