Exemplo n.º 1
 def plenum_meeting_number(self):
     res = None
     parts = self.parts.filter(body__contains=u'ישיבה')
     if parts.count() > 0:
         r = re.search(u'ישיבה (.*)$', self.parts.filter(body__contains=u'ישיבה').first().body)
         if r:
             res = gematria_to_int(r.groups()[0])
     return res
Exemplo n.º 2
 def plenum_meeting_number(self):
     res = None
     parts = self.parts.filter(body__contains=u'ישיבה')
     if parts.count() > 0:
         r = re.search(u'ישיבה (.*)$', self.parts.filter(body__contains=u'ישיבה').first().body)
         if r:
             res = gematria_to_int(r.groups()[0])
     return res
Exemplo n.º 3
 def get_file_stem(self, s):
     sefer, perek = s.split('/')
     if sefer == 'ספר בראשית':
         if gematria_to_int(perek) < 12:
             return 'ספר בראשית - א-יא'
         elif gematria_to_int(perek) < 37:
             return 'ספר בראשית - יב-לו'
             return 'ספר בראשית - לז-נ'
     elif sefer == 'ספר תהלים':
         if gematria_to_int(perek) < 42:
             return 'ספר תהלים - ראשון'
         elif gematria_to_int(perek) < 73:
             return 'ספר תהלים - שני'
         elif gematria_to_int(perek) < 90:
             return 'ספר תהלים - שלישי'
         elif gematria_to_int(perek) < 107:
             return 'ספר תהלים - רביעי'
             return 'ספר תהלים - חמישי'
     elif ' ' in perek:
         section = perek.split(' ')[0]
         # replace quotes, which can make a filename invalid, with proper gershayim
         section = section.replace('"', chr(0x05f4))
         return '{} - {}'.format(sefer, section)
         return sefer
Exemplo n.º 4
def parse(line, songname, set):
    if line.__contains__('origin'):
        startIndex = line.find('\'origin\': \'')
        endIndex = line.find('\'score\':')
        index = -(len(line) - endIndex)
        s = line[startIndex:index]
        arr = s.split('\'')
        name = arr[3].split(',')
        filename = name[0] + '.txt'
        pasuk = gematria_to_int(name[1][1:])
        new_line = str(pasuk) + " : " + songname + '\n'
        if not set.__contains__(new_line):
            file = open(filename, 'a')
            set += new_line
    return set
Exemplo n.º 5
 def booklet_meeting_num(self):
     return gematria_to_int(self.booklet_meeting_num_heb.decode('utf-8'))
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_ref_string(matches_index):
    ans_link = ""
    ans = ""
    index_in_loop = 0
    for match2 in matches_index:
        link = match2['origin']
        link_arr = link.split(',')
        link_arr = link_arr[0]
        link_arr = link_arr.split(' ')
        # print(link_arr[0])
        if (link_arr[0] in books):
            index_link = books.index(link_arr[0])
            if (index_link < 10):
                index_link = '0' + str(index_link)
            if (len(link_arr) == 3):
                if (link_arr[1] == 'א'):
                    str_g = gematria_to_int(link_arr[2])
                    if (str_g < 10):
                        str_g = '0' + str(str_g)
                    ans_link = 't' + str(index_link) + 'a' + str(str_g)
                    str_g = gematria_to_int(link_arr[2])
                    ans_link = 't' + str(index_link) + 'b' + str(str_g)
                str_g = gematria_to_int(link_arr[1])
                if (str_g < 10):
                    str_g = '0' + str(str_g)
                ans_link = 't' + str(index_link) + str(str_g)

            if (link_arr[0] == 'עזרא'):
                str_g = gematria_to_int(link_arr[1])
                if (str_g < 10):
                    str_g = '0' + str(str_g)
                ans_link = 't35a' + str(str_g)
            elif (link_arr[0] == 'נחמיה'):
                str_g = gematria_to_int(link_arr[1])
                if (str_g < 10):
                    str_g = '0' + str(str_g)
                ans_link = 't35b' + str(str_g)
                index_link = books.index(link_arr[0] + " " + link_arr[1])
                if (index_link < 10):
                    index_link = '0' + str(index_link)
                episode = gematria_to_int(link_arr[2])
                if (episode < 10):
                    episode = '0' + str(episode)
                ans_link = 't' + str(index_link) + str(episode)

        # index_link=books.index(link_arr[0])
        # if(index_link==-1):

        #  print(ans_link)
        if (index_in_loop == 0):
            ans = ans + """                                                <A HREF=""" + "'" + ans_link + """.htm' class="button">                                                         """ + \
                  match2['text'] + " - " + match2[
                      'origin'] + """                                                         </A> """
            ans = ans + """<br>  <A HREF=""" + "'" + ans_link + """.htm' class="button">                                                                     """ + \
                  match2['text'] + " - " + match2[
                      'origin'] + """                                                                     </A> """
        index_in_loop = index_in_loop + 1
    ans = ans + """</div> </div> </div>"""

    return ans
 def booklet_num(self):
     return gematria_to_int(decode(self.booklet_num_heb, 'utf-8'))
Exemplo n.º 8
 def booklet_meeting_num(self):
     return gematria_to_int(self.booklet_meeting_num_heb.decode('utf-8'))
def Func(update, context, chapter):
    ---- imports ----

    import Program.Get_Bot_Variables as Get_Bot_Variables

    from Program.Send import Send as Send

    from Program.Button import Button as Button


    Bot_Variables = Get_Bot_Variables.Func([update, context])

    # - Variables - #
    TOKEN = Bot_Variables[0]
    Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1]
    First_Name = Bot_Variables[2]
    UserName = Bot_Variables[3]
    Message = Bot_Variables[4]
    Message_ID = Bot_Variables[5]
    File_ID = Bot_Variables[6]
    Virtual_Location = Bot_Variables[7]
    User_Privileges = Bot_Variables[8]
    User_Lang = Bot_Variables[9]
    Mongo_Collections = Bot_Variables[10]
    Json_Message = Bot_Variables[11]
    Update = Bot_Variables[12]
    Other_Variables = Bot_Variables[13]
    Context = Bot_Variables[14]
    --- Send Class ---

Send.Message(Bot_Variables,"Paste Text Here")

Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here",
                  Button.Markup("button 1"),
                  Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6"))

#NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax:
# ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"]
# the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction)

Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" ,
                         Button.Inline(  ["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"] ,  ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) ,
                         Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"])

# send edited keyboard, its edit current inline keyboard and change buttons give deep navigation effect

Send.Edited_Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables,"Text Here",
                            Button.Inline(["u","URL Button","www.google.co.il"])

Send.Callback_Answer(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Answer")

Send.Callback_Alert(Bot_Variables,"Callback Query Alert")


# send any file by file id , type : video/voice message/photo/document/sticker

--- Buttons Types ---

# regular markup button
Button.Markup("button text1","button text2")

# make button markup to send user location
Button.Markup_Location("button text")

# make button markup to send user phone number
Button.Markup_Phone("button text")

# regular inline button
Button.Inline( ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"])


* each time activated gives 1 rows of buttons

#Markup synatx
Send.Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here",
                  Button.Markup("button 1"),
                  Button.Markup( Button.Markup_Phone("Send_Phone") , "button 5", "button 6"))

#Inline synatx
#NOTE: when when you used Button.Inline() for creating buttons for inline keyboard this is the syntax:
# ["URL/CALLBACK Button type( u/c )","button text","the url or callback name"]
# the callback name is the name you gave to the file you created in "Inline_Function" folder (not include the .py extinction)

Send.Inline_Keyboard(Bot_Variables, "Text Here" ,
                         Button.Inline(  ["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"] ,  ["C","Callback Button","Template"] ) ,
                         Button.Inline(["C","Callback Button","Template"] ,["U","URL Button","https://www.google.co.il/"])


        chapter = int(chapter)
        chapter = gematria_to_int(chapter)
    chapter = chapter - 1

    if chapter > -1 and chapter < 151:

        Chat_ID = Bot_Variables[1]
        Users = Bot_Variables[10][0]

        user = Users.find_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID})

        book_chapters = user["book"]["chapters"]
        write_type = user["write_type"]

        Users.update_one({"chat_id": Chat_ID},
                         {"$set": {
                             "book.bookmark": chapter

            Bot_Variables, Send_Book.Func(chapter, Bot_Variables),
                "C", "⬅️",
                rolling_left.Func(chapter, book_chapters, write_type)
            ], ["C", favoriets_name.Func(update, context), "Favorite"], [
                "C", "➡️",
                rolling_right.Func(chapter, book_chapters, write_type)
                           is_read_name.Func(update, context), "is_read"]))


            '❌ חיפוש שגוי, מספר הפרקים בתהילים הוא 150 , ניתן לחפש בטווח 1 - 150 א - ק"נ ❌'