Exemplo n.º 1
    def collect(self, src, recurse=1, empties=1, exclude_globs=()):
        """Use files in src as the content of the Inno script.
The script will use every file in that directory, and (by default) its
subdirectories.  You can call this more than once to collect
several directories.
@param src: stuff to package
@param recurse: Whether to descend subdirectories
@param empties: Whether to keep empty directories in the package
@param exclude_globs: list of patterns relative to src which will be
packaged (dirs or files)
@type exclude_globs: iterable
        self._base = psrc = path(src)

        assert psrc.isdir()

        def filtername(pth):
            for pat in exclude_globs:
                if pth.fnmatch(pat):
                    return 0
            return 1

        all_dirs = list(psrc.walkdirs())
        filtered_dirs = [d for d in all_dirs if filtername(d)]
        for d in [psrc] + filtered_dirs:
            all = d.files()
            filtered = [f for f in all if filtername(f)]
            if empties and len(filtered) == 0:
Exemplo n.º 2
 def do_add(self, glob):
     """grab all files (not subdirectories) in this dir matching the
     hits = matches(self.cwd, glob, self.exclusions)
     [hits.remove(x) for x in hits[:] if path(x[1]).isdir()]
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, replacements={}, *args, **kwargs):
     cmd.Cmd.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
     self.replacements = replacements
     self.exclusions = []
     self.replaceDuplicates = 0
     self.data = OrderedDict()
     self.cwd = path('.')
Exemplo n.º 4
 def do_diradd(self, glob):
     """add directories matching this glob (not its contents -
     use for empty dirs)
     hits = []
     for m in matches(self.cwd, glob, self.exclusions):
         hits.append((m[0] + os.sep, m[1]))
     [hits.remove(x) for x in hits[:] if path(x[1]).isfile()]
Exemplo n.º 5
def matches(curdir, glob, xglobs=()):
    """Return the entries that match glob and do not match any xglob"""
    old = os.getcwd()
        # sanity check.. make sure glob uses os.sep
        if glob in ('', None): glob = '*'
        glob = path(glob).normpath()
        components = str(glob).split(os.sep)
        return gatherHits('.', components, xglobs)
Exemplo n.º 6
def distutilsData(fmscript, replaceDuplicates=0, prefix=''):
    """Return a list of items compatible with distutils' datafiles setup arg:
    [(dirname, (source_items_in_dirname)), ...]
    prefix is prepended to each dirname so you can control where they go after
    installation.  (Does not take care of fixing distutils' brain-dead
    handling of data files.   See Google for recipes to fix that. :-)
    items = sourceItems(fmscript, replaceDuplicates)
    thedirs = {}
    for i in items:
        thedirs.setdefault(str(path(i).dirname()), []).append(i)
    return thedirs.items()
Exemplo n.º 7
def gatherHits(curdir, components, xglobs=()):
    if len(components)==0:
        return []
    gathered = OrderedDict()
    add = lambda d,s: gathered.__setitem__(str(d), str(s))
    here = path(curdir)
    comp = path(components.pop(0))
    # the rule is:
    # 1. normal globs match files or dirs in the current directory
    # 2. ** recursive globs match any dir in the subtree including '.'
    # 3. unless there are no components left to process, in which case
    #    treat as a normal glob.
    if len(components)==0:
        matcher = here.listdir
        if str(comp)=='**':
            matcher = lambda g: chain((here,), here.walkdirs(g))
            matcher = here.dirs
    xrelist = [] # list of regular expressions for matching excluded files
    for xg in xglobs:
        cre = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(xg))
    for f in matcher(comp):
        excluded = 0
        # filter with xglobs
        for xg, xg_re in zip(xglobs, xrelist):
            if re.match(xg_re, f) or f.fnmatch(xg):
                excluded = 1
        if not excluded:
            add(f, f.abspath())
            if f.isdir():
                for d, s in gatherHits(f, components[:], xglobs):
    return gathered.items()
Exemplo n.º 8
def sibpath(file1, name):
    return path(file1).dirname()/path(name)