Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    i = 0
    jira = JIRA("http://localhost:8080", basic_auth=('pro', 'pro'))

    projects = jira.projects()

    for project in projects:
        print("Project Name: " + project.name)
        roles = jira.project_roles(project)

        for role in roles:
            print("Role Name: " + role)

            the_role = jira.project_role(project, role)
            for actor in role.actors:
                print("Actor Name: " + actor)


    my_array = []

    for group in groups:
        j = 0
        print("Group Name: " + group)
        j = j + 1
        members = jira.group_members(group)

        for member in members:
            print("     Member: " + member)
            j = j + 1
        i = i + 1

    pickle.dump(my_array, open("groupBackup.p", "wb"))
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    i = 0
    jira = JIRA("http://localhost:8080", basic_auth=('pro', 'pro'))

    groups = jira.groups(maxResults=250)

    my_array = []

    for group in groups:
        j = 0
        print("Group Name: " + group)
        j = j + 1
        members = jira.group_members(group)

        for member in members:
            print("     Member: " + member)
            j = j + 1
        i = i + 1

    pickle.dump(my_array, open("groupBackup.p", "wb"))
Exemplo n.º 3
from jira import JIRA
import sys
import os

(_, group) = sys.argv

with open(os.path.expanduser("~/.jira"), "r") as f:
    (u, p) = f.readline().strip("\n").split(" ")

api = JIRA("https://tools.crowdtwist.com/issues", basic_auth=(u, p))

users = api.group_members(group)
users = [k for k,v in users.iteritems() if v['active']]

with open("%s" % os.path.join(os.getcwd(), group), "w") as f:

print "group: '%s' - %s users written in %s/jira-users.txt" % (group,
Exemplo n.º 4
def create_jira_ticket(summary, description, **kwargs):
    Create a new jira ticket, returning the associated number.


        Synchronously create a jira ticket::

            create_jira_ticket("Test Ticket", "This is a test")

        Asynchronously create a jira ticket::

            create_jira_ticket.delay("Test Ticket", "This is a test")


    .. note:: watchers and watcher_group are mutually exclusive.

        :summary: The ticket summary
        :description: The ticket description
        :assignee: Who the ticket should be assigned to. Defaults to "-1" which
                   is analogous to selecting "automatic" on the JIRA web form.
        :reporter: Who created the ticket (or is responsible for QCing it).
                   Defaults to "automaticagent".
        :issuetype: The type of issue. Defaults to "Task".
        :project: The project the ticket should be created in. Defaults to
                  "ST", which is Product Support.
        :priority: Ticket Priority. Defaults to "Major".
        :components: A list of components this ticket belongs to.
        :watchers: A list of user names to add as watchers of this ticket.
        :watcher_group: A group to assign as watchesr.


    .. note:: The instance isn't returned because we need the ability to pass
              the results to another asynchronous task without blocking, which
              requires that all arguments be serializable.

        The ticket key which corresponds to the created JIRA ticket.
    jira = JIRA(options=options, basic_auth=housekeeping_auth)

    assignee = {'name': kwargs.setdefault('assignee', '-1')}
    reporter = {'name': kwargs.setdefault('reporter', 'automationagent')}
    issuetype = {'name': kwargs.setdefault('issuetype', 'Task')}
    project = {'key': kwargs.setdefault('project', 'ST')}
    priority = {'name': kwargs.setdefault('priority', 'Major')}
    components = [{
        'name': name
    } for name in kwargs.setdefault('components', [])]

    watchers = kwargs.setdefault('watchers', set())
    if 'watcher_group' in kwargs:
        watchers = watchers.union(

    if assignee == reporter:
        raise ValueError("Assignee and reporter must be different.")

    fields = {
        'project': project,
        'summary': summary,
        'description': description,
        'issuetype': issuetype,
        'priority': priority,
        'reporter': reporter,
        'assignee': assignee,
        'components': components,

    issue = jira.create_issue(fields=fields)

    for watcher in watchers:
        jira.add_watcher(issue, watcher)

    return issue.key
Exemplo n.º 5
    role = jira.project_role(project, roleid)
    roledescription = role.description or "<role description missing>"
    print(f"   role = {rolename} ({roleid}, {roledescription})")

    #   then look in that role's members, either groups or users or both
    for actor in role.actors:
        actorid = actor.id
        actorname = actor.name
        actordisplayname = actor.displayName
        actortype = actor.type
        actortype_display = "UNKNOWN"

        #   if it's a user, then print the user's data
        if (actortype == "atlassian-user-role-actor"):
            actortype_display = "USER"
                f"      role member = {actorname} {actortype_display} ({actorid})"
            print(f"         member name = {actordisplayname}")

#   if it's a group, then print the basic group info, then iterate through the members
        if (actortype == "atlassian-group-role-actor"):
            actortype_display = "GROUP"
                f"      role member = {actorname} {actortype_display} ({actorid}, {actordisplayname})"
            groupmembers = jira.group_members(actorname)
            for groupmember in groupmembers:
                groupmemberfullname = groupmembers[groupmember]['fullname']
                print(f"         member name = {groupmemberfullname}")
Exemplo n.º 6
class JiraClient(object):
    Helper class for the JIRA

    def __init__(self, url, username, password):
        :param url:
        :param username:
        :param password:
        self.url = url
        self.webhook_url = self.url.strip('/') + '/rest/webhooks/1.0/webhook'
        self.basic_auth = (username, password)
        self.client = JIRA(url, basic_auth=self.basic_auth)

    def __str__(self):
        return '{} {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.url)

#   Accounts   #

    def groups(self):
        return self.client.groups()

    def users(self, json_result=True):
        :param json_result:
        return self._search_users('_', json_result=json_result)

    def users_by_email(self, email, json_result=True):
        :param email:
        :param json_result:
        return self._search_users(email, json_result=json_result)

    def users_by_group(self, name):
        :param name:
            return self.client.group_members(name)
        except JIRAError as exc:
            return dict()

    def _search_users(self, qstr, json_result=True):
        :param qstr:
        :param json_result:
        def _user_dict_format(user):  # Note: Keep the consistent return format with the users_by_group method
            return {'key':      user.key,
                    'active':   user.active,
                    'fullname': user.displayName,
                    'email':    user.emailAddress

        users = self.client.search_users(qstr)

        if json_result:  # Note: Keep the consistent return format with the users_by_group method
            return [_user_dict_format(user) for user in users]
            return users

#  Project  #

    def create_project(self, key):
        :param key:
        return self.client.create_project(key)

    def get_project(self, key, json_result=True):
        :param key:
        :param json_result:
        if json_result:
            return self.client.project(key).raw
            return self.client.project(key)

    def get_projects(self, json_result=True):
        :param json_result:
        project_objs = self.client.projects()
        if json_result:
            return [_each.raw for _each in project_objs]
            return project_objs

    def delete_project(self, key):
        :param key:
        return self.client.delete_project(key)

#  Version  #

    def get_project_versions(self, name, json_result=True):
        :param name: project name
        :param json_result:
            version_objs = self.client.project_versions(name)
            if json_result:
                return [_each.name for _each in version_objs]
                return version_objs
        except Exception as exc:
            return []

    def create_project_version(self, name, project_name, **kwargs):
        :param name: version name
        :param project_name: project name
        :param kwargs:
        return self.client.create_version(name, project_name, **kwargs)

#   fields  #
########### #

    def get_fields(self):
        return self.client.fields()

    def get_non_custom_fields(self):
        return [each for each in self.client.fields() if not each.get('custom', True)]

    def get_custom_fields(self):
        return [each for each in self.client.fields() if each.get('custom', True)]

    def get_field_id_by_name(self, name):
        :param name:
        ids = [each['id'] for each in self.client.fields() if each.get('name', '') == name]
        if ids:
            return ids[0]
            return None

    def get_field_id_for_hours_left(self):
        # For Argo customized field
        name = 'Hrs Left'
        return self.get_field_id_by_name(name)

#  issues  #

    def get_issue(self, name, json_result=True):
        :param name:
        :param json_result:
            issue_obj = self.client.issue(name)
        except JIRAError as exc:
            logger.warn('Not found: %s', exc)
            return None

        if json_result:
            issue_dict = copy.deepcopy(issue_obj.raw['fields'])
            issue_dict['url'] = issue_obj.self
            issue_dict['id'] = issue_obj.id
            issue_dict['key'] = issue_obj.key
            # Replace custom field name
            return issue_dict
            return issue_obj

    def add_fix_version_to_issue(self, issue_name, version_name, issuetype=None):
        :param issue_name:
        :param version_name:
        :param issuetype:
        return self._add_versions_from_issue(issue_name, version_name, issuetype=issuetype, _version_type='fixVersions')

    def add_affected_version_to_issue(self, issue_name, version_name, issuetype=None):
        :param issue_name:
        :param version_name:
        :param issuetype:
        return self._add_versions_from_issue(issue_name, version_name, issuetype=issuetype, _version_type='versions')

    def _add_versions_from_issue(self, issue_name, version_name, issuetype=None, _version_type='fixVersions'):
        :param issue_name:
        :param version_name:
        :param issuetype:
        :param _version_type:
        assert _version_type in ['fixVersions', 'versions'], 'Unsupported version type'

        issue_obj = self.get_issue(issue_name, json_result=False)

        if not issue_obj:
            return None

        if issuetype is not None and issue_obj.fields.issuetype.name.lower() != issuetype.lower():
            logger.info('SKIP. The issue type is %s, expected issue type is %s',
            return None

        logger.info('Update issue %s, with %s %s', issue_obj.key, _version_type, version_name)
        ret = issue_obj.add_field_value(_version_type, {'name': version_name})
        return ret

    def remove_affected_versions_from_issue(self, issue_name, versions_to_remove):
        :param issue_name:
        :param versions_to_remove:
        return self._remove_versions_from_issue(issue_name, versions_to_remove, _version_type='versions')

    def remove_fix_versions_from_issue(self, issue_name, versions_to_remove):
        :param issue_name:
        :param versions_to_remove:
        return self._remove_versions_from_issue(issue_name, versions_to_remove, _version_type='fixVersions')

    def _remove_versions_from_issue(self, issue_name, versions_to_remove, _version_type='fixVersions'):
        :param issue_name:
        :param versions_to_remove:
        :param _version_type:
        assert _version_type in ['fixVersions', 'versions'], 'Unsupported version type'
        if type(versions_to_remove) not in [list, tuple, set]:
            versions_to_remove = [versions_to_remove]
        versions = []
        issue_obj = self.get_issue(issue_name, json_result=False)
        for ver in getattr(issue_obj.fields, _version_type):
            if ver.name not in versions_to_remove:
                versions.append({'name': ver.name})
        issue_obj.update(fields={_version_type: versions})

    def create_issue(self, project, summary, description=None, issuetype='Bug', reporter=None, **kwargs):
        :param project:
        :param summary:
        :param description:
        :param issuetype:
        :param reporter:
        :param kwargs:
        # {
        #     "fields": {
        #        "project":
        #        {
        #           "key": "TEST"
        #        },
        #        "summary": "Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the REST.",
        #        "description": "Creating an issue while setting custom field values",
        #        "issuetype": {
        #           "name": "Bug"
        #        },
        #        "customfield_11050" : {"Value that we're putting into a Free Text Field."}
        #    }
        # }

        fields_dict = dict()

        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            fields_dict[k] = v

        fields_dict['project'] = {'key': project}
        fields_dict['description'] = description or ''
        fields_dict['summary'] = summary
        fields_dict['issuetype'] = {'name': issuetype}

        if reporter:
            users = self.users_by_email(reporter, json_result=False)
            if users:
                fields_dict['reporter'] = {'name': users[0].name}

        return self.client.create_issue(fields=fields_dict)

    def update_issue(self, name, **kwargs):
        :param name:
        :param kwargs:
        issue_obj = self.get_issue(name, json_result=False)

#   issue comments   #

    def get_issue_comments(self, issue_name, latest_num=5, json_result=True):
        :param issue_name:
        :param latest_num:
        :param json_result:
            comments = self.client.comments(issue_name)
        except JIRAError as exc:
            return []
        comments = comments[::-1][:latest_num]
        if json_result:
            return [each.raw for each in comments]
            return comments

    def add_issue_comment(self, issue_name, msg, commenter=None):
        :param issue_name:
        :param msg:
        :param commenter:
        if commenter:
            users = self.users_by_email(commenter, json_result=False)
            if users:
                msg_header = 'The comment is created by {}({}) from AX system. \n\n'.\
                    format(users[0].displayName, users[0].emailAddress)
                msg = msg_header + msg
        return self.client.add_comment(issue_name, msg)

#  issue type #

    def get_issue_types(self, json_result=True):
        :param json_result:
        objs = self.client.issue_types()
        if json_result:
            return [obj.raw for obj in objs]
            return objs

    def get_issue_type_by_name(self, name, json_result=True):
        :param name:
        :param json_result:
            obj = self.client.issue_type_by_name(name)
        except KeyError as exc:
            return None
            if json_result:
                return obj.raw
                return obj

#   Query   #

    def query_issues(self, **kwargs):
        :param kwargs:

        max_results: maximum number of issues to return. Total number of results
                     If max_results evaluates as False, it will try to get all issues in batches.
        json_result: JSON response will be returned when this parameter is set to True.
                     Otherwise, ResultList will be returned
        SUPPORTED_KEYS = ('project', 'status', 'component', 'labels', 'issuetype', 'priority',
                          'creator', 'assignee', 'reporter', 'fixversion', 'affectedversion')
        max_results = kwargs.pop('max_results', 100)
        _json_result = kwargs.pop('json_result', False)
        jql_str_list = []
        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            if k not in SUPPORTED_KEYS:
            jql_str_list.append('{} = "{}"'.format(k.strip(), v.strip()))
        if jql_str_list:
            jql_str = ' AND '.join(jql_str_list)
            jql_str = ''  # Fetch ALL issues
            ret = self.client.search_issues(jql_str, maxResults=max_results, json_result=_json_result)
        except Exception as exc:
            ret = {"issues": []}
        return ret

# Query Issues #

    def get_issues_by_project(self, project_name, **kwargs):
        :param project_name:
        :param kwargs:
        return self.query_issues(project=project_name, **kwargs)

    def get_issues_by_component(self, component, **kwargs):
        :param component:
        :param kwargs:
        return self.query_issues(component=component, **kwargs)

    def get_issues_by_assignee(self, assignee, **kwargs):
        :param assignee:
        :param kwargs:
        return self.query_issues(assignee=assignee, **kwargs)

    def get_issues_by_status(self, status, **kwargs):
        :param status:
        :param kwargs:
        return self.query_issues(status=status, **kwargs)

    def get_issues_by_label(self, labels, **kwargs):
        :param labels:
        :param kwargs:
        return self.query_issues(labels=labels, **kwargs)

    def get_issues_by_fixversion(self, fix_version, **kwargs):
        :param fix_version:
        :param kwargs:
        return self.query_issues(fixverion=fix_version, **kwargs)

    def get_issues_by_affectedversion(self, affected_version, **kwargs):
        :param affected_version:
        :param kwargs:
        return self.query_issues(affectedversion=affected_version, **kwargs)

#  Query Hours #

    def get_total_hours(self, **kwargs):
        :param kwargs:
        all_issues = self.query_issues(**kwargs)
        field_id = self.get_field_id_for_hours_left()
        hours = [getattr(iss_obj.fields, field_id) for iss_obj in all_issues]
        return sum([float(each) for each in hours if each])

    def get_total_hours_by_project(self, project_name):
        :param project_name:
        return self.get_total_hours(project=project_name)

    def get_total_hours_by_component(self, component):
        :param component:
        return self.get_total_hours(component=component)

    def get_total_hours_by_assignee(self, assignee):
        :param assignee:
        return self.get_total_hours(assignee=assignee)

    def get_total_hours_by_label(self, label):
        :param label:
        return self.get_total_hours(labels=label)

#   webhook  #

    def create_ax_webhook(self, url, projects=None):
        """Create AX Jira webhook
        :param url:
        :param projects:
        payload = copy.deepcopy(AX_JIRA_WEBHOOK_PAYLOAD)
        payload['name'] = payload['name'] + self._get_cluster_name()
        payload['url'] = url
        filter_dict = self._generate_project_filter(projects)
        logger.info('Webhook project filter is: %s', filter_dict)
        return self._requests(self.webhook_url, 'post', data=payload)

    def get_ax_webhook(self):
        """Get AX Jira webhook
        response = self._requests(self.webhook_url, 'get')
        wh_name = AX_JIRA_WEBHOOK_PAYLOAD['name'] + self._get_cluster_name()
        ax_whs = [wh for wh in response.json() if wh['name'] == wh_name]
        if not ax_whs:
            logger.error('Could not get Jira webhook for this cluster: %s, ignore it', wh_name)
            return ax_whs[0]

    def update_ax_webhook(self, projects=None):
        """Update AX Jira webhook
        :param projects:
        ax_wh = self.get_ax_webhook()
        if ax_wh:
            filter_dict = self._generate_project_filter(projects)
            logger.info('Webhook project filter is: %s', filter_dict)
            logger.info('Update the webhook %s', ax_wh['self'])
            return self._requests(ax_wh['self'], 'put', data=filter_dict)
            logger.warn('Skip the webhook update')

    def delete_ax_webhook(self):
        """Delete AX Jira webhook
        response = self._requests(self.webhook_url, 'get')
        wh_name = AX_JIRA_WEBHOOK_PAYLOAD['name'] + self._get_cluster_name()

        ax_whs = [wh for wh in response.json() if wh['name'] == wh_name]
        for wh in ax_whs:
            logger.info('Delete webhook %s', wh['self'])

    def get_ax_webhooks(self):
         """Get all AX webhooks
         response = self._requests(self.webhook_url, 'get')
         webhooks = response.json()
         # filter out non-ax webhooks
         return [wh for wh in webhooks if wh['name'].startswith(AX_JIRA_WEBHOOK_PAYLOAD['name'])]

    def delete_ax_webhooks(self):
        """Delete all AX Jira webhooks
        ax_whs = self.get_ax_webhooks()
        for wh in ax_whs:
            logger.info('Delete webhook %s', wh['self'])

    def _generate_project_filter(self, projects):
        :param projects:
        if not projects:
            filter_str = ''
            project_filter_list = []
            project_objs = self.get_projects(json_result=False)
            for pkey in projects:
                ps = [p for p in project_objs if p.key == pkey]
                if not ps:
                    logger.error('Could not get project %s, ignore it', pkey)
                    project_filter_list.append('Project = {}'.format(ps[0].name))
            filter_str = ' AND '.join(project_filter_list)

        return {'filters':
                    {'issue-related-events-section': filter_str

    def _delete_webhook(self, url=None, id=None):
        """Delete webhook
        :param url:
        :param id:
        if url is None:
            url = self.webhook_url + '/' + str(id)
        return self._requests(url, 'delete')

    def _get_cluster_name(self):
        return os.environ.get('AX_CLUSTER', UNKNOWN_CLUSTER)

    def _requests(self, url, method, data=None, headers=None, auth=None, raise_exception=True, timeout=30):
        :param url:
        :param method:
        :param data:
        :param headers:
        :param auth:
        :param raise_exception:
        :param timeout:
        headers = {'Content-Type': 'application/json'} if headers is None else headers
        auth = self.basic_auth if auth is None else auth
            response = requests.request(method, url, data=json.dumps(data), headers=headers, auth=auth, timeout=timeout)
        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as exc:
            logger.error('Unexpected exception occurred during request: %s', exc)
        logger.debug('Response status: %s (%s %s)', response.status_code, response.request.method, response.url)
        # Raise exception if status code indicates a failure
        if response.status_code >= 400:
            logger.error('Request failed (status: %s, reason: %s)', response.status_code, response.text)
        if raise_exception:
        return response
Exemplo n.º 7
def create_jira_ticket(summary, description, **kwargs):
    Create a new jira ticket, returning the associated number.


        Synchronously create a jira ticket::

            create_jira_ticket("Test Ticket", "This is a test")

        Asynchronously create a jira ticket::

            create_jira_ticket.delay("Test Ticket", "This is a test")


    .. note:: watchers and watcher_group are mutually exclusive.

        :summary: The ticket summary
        :description: The ticket description
        :assignee: Who the ticket should be assigned to. Defaults to "-1" which
                   is analogous to selecting "automatic" on the JIRA web form.
        :reporter: Who created the ticket (or is responsible for QCing it).
                   Defaults to "automaticagent".
        :issuetype: The type of issue. Defaults to "Task".
        :project: The project the ticket should be created in. Defaults to
                  "ST", which is Product Support.
        :priority: Ticket Priority. Defaults to "Major".
        :components: A list of components this ticket belongs to.
        :watchers: A list of user names to add as watchers of this ticket.
        :watcher_group: A group to assign as watchesr.


    .. note:: The instance isn't returned because we need the ability to pass
              the results to another asynchronous task without blocking, which
              requires that all arguments be serializable.

        The ticket key which corresponds to the created JIRA ticket.
    jira = JIRA(options=options, basic_auth=housekeeping_auth)

    assignee = {'name': kwargs.setdefault('assignee', '-1')}
    reporter = {'name': kwargs.setdefault('reporter', 'automationagent')}
    issuetype = {'name': kwargs.setdefault('issuetype', 'Task')}
    project = {'key': kwargs.setdefault('project', 'ST')}
    priority = {'name': kwargs.setdefault('priority', 'Major')}
    components = [{'name': name}
                  for name in kwargs.setdefault('components', [])]

    watchers = kwargs.setdefault('watchers', set())
    if 'watcher_group' in kwargs:
        watchers = watchers.union(

    if assignee == reporter:
        raise ValueError("Assignee and reporter must be different.")

    fields = {
        'project': project,
        'summary': summary,
        'description': description,
        'issuetype': issuetype,
        'priority': priority,
        'reporter': reporter,
        'assignee': assignee,
        'components': components,

    issue = jira.create_issue(fields=fields)

    for watcher in watchers:
        jira.add_watcher(issue, watcher)

    return issue.key