Exemplo n.º 1
def convert_lexicon():
    from kwaras.conf import config
    from kwaras.formats.lift import Lift
    from kwaras.process import liftadd

    config.ConfigWindow("lexicon.cfg", parts=["EAFL"])

    cfg = json.load(open("lexicon.cfg"))
    dir_name = cfg["EAFL_DIR"]
    inf_name = cfg["LIFT"]

    base, ext = os.path.splitext(inf_name)
    if ext == ".lift":
        print "Exposing GUID as field in", inf_name
        # update GUID field in lexicon
        lift = Lift(inf_name)
        lift = liftadd.exposeGuid(lift)
        lift.write(os.path.join(dir_name, base + "-guid.lift"))

        # add allomorphs to LIFT file
        print "Adding allomorphs to", inf_name
        lift = liftadd.addRarAllomorphs(lift)
        # dump the LIFT data to a new file
        outf_name = os.path.join(dir_name, base + "-added.lift")
        print "Data written to", outf_name

        print "Converting LIFT format to EAFL format"
        eafl_name = os.path.join(dir_name, base + "-import.eafl")
        print "Data written to", eafl_name
        tkMessageBox.showerror(title="Wrong format.",
                               message="The selected file is not a LIFT lexicon file.")
Exemplo n.º 2

    cfg = json.load(open("lexicon.cfg"))
    dir_name = cfg["EAFL_DIR"]
    inf_name = cfg["LIFT"]

    base, ext = os.path.splitext(inf_name)
    if ext == ".lift":
        print "Exposing GUID as field in", inf_name
        # update GUID field in lexicon
        lift = Lift(inf_name)
        lift = liftadd.exposeGuid(lift)
        lift.write(os.path.join(dir_name, base + "-guid.lift"))

        # add allomorphs to LIFT file
        print "Adding allomorphs to", inf_name
        lift = liftadd.addRarAllomorphs(lift)
        # dump the LIFT data to a new file
        outf_name = os.path.join(dir_name, base + "-added.lift")
        print "Data written to", outf_name

        print "Converting LIFT format to EAFL format"
        eafl_name = os.path.join(dir_name, base + "-import.eafl")
        print "Data written to", eafl_name
        import tkMessageBox
        tkMessageBox.showerror(title="Wrong format.",
                               message="The selected file is not a LIFT lexicon file.")