def __init__(self, com_port, baudrate, hasViz): rospy.init_node("rvr_lidar") = rospy.Publisher("/lidar", LidarPoint) self.lidarData = [LidarPoint() for i in range(360)] self.init_level = 0 self.index = 0 self.serial = serial.Serial(com_port, baudrate) self.hasViz = hasViz if self.hasViz: self.viz = LidarViz(8000)
class Lidar: def __init__(self, com_port, baudrate, hasViz): rospy.init_node("rvr_lidar") = rospy.Publisher("/lidar", LidarPoint) self.lidarData = [LidarPoint() for i in range(360)] self.init_level = 0 self.index = 0 self.serial = serial.Serial(com_port, baudrate) self.hasViz = hasViz if self.hasViz: self.viz = LidarViz(8000) def checksum(self, data): """ Compute and return the checksum as an int. data -- list of 20 bytes (as ints), in the order they arrived. """ # group the data by word, little-endian data_list = [] for t in range(10): data_list.append(data[2*t] + (data[2*t+1] << 8)) # compute the checksum on 32 bits chk32 = 0 for d in data_list: chk32 = (chk32 << 1) + d # return a value wrapped around on 15 bites, and truncated to still fit into 15 bits checksum = (chk32 & 0x7FFF) + (chk32 >> 15) # wrap around to fit checksum = checksum & 0x7FFF # truncate to 15 bits return int(checksum) def compute_speed(self, data): return float(data[0] | (data[1] << 8)) / 64.0 def update_position(self, angle, data): # unpack data x0 = data[0] x1 = data[1] x2 = data[2] x3 = data[3] dist_mm = x0 | ((x1 & 0x3f) << 8) # distance is coded on 13 bits ? 14 bits ? quality = x2 | (x3 << 8) # quality is on 16 bits self.lidarData[angle].dist_mm = dist_mm self.lidarData[angle].quality = quality point = LidarPoint() point.angle = angle point.dist_mm = dist_mm point.quality = quality if self.hasViz: self.viz.redraw(x1, angle, dist_mm, quality) def run(self): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: rospy.sleep(0.00001) if self.hasViz: self.viz.checkKeys() if self.init_level == 0: byte = ord( # start byte if byte == 0xFA: self.init_level = 1 else: self.init_level = 0 elif self.init_level == 1: # position index byte = ord( if byte >= 0xA0 and byte <= 0xF9: self.index = byte - 0xA0 self.init_level = 2 elif byte != 0xFA: self.init_level = 0 elif self.init_level == 2: # speed b_speed = [ord(b) for b in] # data b_data0 = [ord(b) for b in] b_data1 = [ord(b) for b in] b_data2 = [ord(b) for b in] b_data3 = [ord(b) for b in] # for the checksum, we need all the data of the packet... # this could be collected in a more elegant fashion... all_data = [0xFA, self.index+0xA0] + b_speed + b_data0 + b_data1 + b_data2 + b_data3 # checksum b_checksum = [ord(b) for b in] incoming_checksum = int(b_checksum[0]) + (int(b_checksum[1]) << 8) # verify that the received checksum is equal to the one computed from the data if self.checksum(all_data) == incoming_checksum: speed_rpm = self.compute_speed(b_speed) if self.hasViz: self.viz.update_speed(int(speed_rpm)) self.update_position(self.index * 4 + 0, b_data0) self.update_position(self.index * 4 + 1, b_data1) self.update_position(self.index * 4 + 2, b_data2) self.update_position(self.index * 4 + 3, b_data3) else: rospy.logwarn("checksum mismatch") null_data = [0, 0x80, 0, 0] self.update_position(self.index * 4 + 0, null_data) self.update_position(self.index * 4 + 1, null_data) self.update_position(self.index * 4 + 2, null_data) self.update_position(self.index * 4 + 3, null_data) self.init_level = 0 except Exception as e: rospy.logerr(e)