def __init_serv__(ssl, address, port, crt, key, config): """ This func inits everything. Defines the queue, starts the pool of http workers, starts the logger thread, bind our script to, and finally starts new thread for each client that connects """ # Defines a FIFO queue for requests process if not config and not address: exit('Please at least use --address/-i or --config/-C') elif config: parsed_config_file = readconfs(config) address = parsed_config_file['basic']['address'] path = parsed_config_file['basic']['basic_path'] port = int(parsed_config_file['basic']['port']) ssl = False if parsed_config_file['basic']['ssl'] == 'False' else True if ssl: crt = path + 'config/' + parsed_config_file['ssl']['crt'] key = path + 'config/' + parsed_config_file['ssl']['key'] ownqueue = Queue() logger = init_log() if ssl: sock, context = start_ssl_socket(crt, key, server_side=True) else: sock, context = start_standard_socket() # We now don't need workers anymore because we had to adjust for ssl # We start a pool of N workers # They are used to serve each requests independently from the source client # We start the thread that will log every thing into http.log try: sock.bind((address, port)) except sock_err as e: print( '%s - [INFO] Exception SOCKET_ERROR: Can\'t bind.Please try again later.' % (time())) else: print('%s - [INFO] Server listening on %s:%s' % (time(), address, port)) try: # Here we just wait until we received a new connection (from a client) # We then start a thread to handle this specific client / request sock.listen(0) for num in range(15): thread = Child(target=cltthread, args=(logger, sock, context, ssl)) # thread = Process(target=cltthread, args=(queue, logqueue, ownqueue)) # We set each worker to Daemon # This is important because we can safely ^C now thread.daemon = True thread.start() while True: # max connection is set to 0, but i guess we could set it to the number of # started workers. Possibly using threading.activeCount() sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: sock.close() print('Bye') exit(0)
import re import urlparse import threading import ConfigParser import argparse import time import logging import sys import logger import config_load import seedfile_load import crawl_thread if __name__ == "__main__": logger.init_log("./log/spider", level=logging.DEBUG) # Arguments parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", help="show current script version", \ action="version", version="%(prog)s 1.0") parser.add_argument("-c", "--conf", help="set config file", required="true") args = parser.parse_args() if args.conf: conf = args.conf"Success to read conf args : %s", conf) else: logging.error("Fail to read conf args") sys.exit(1) # Config parser spider_conf = config_load.SpiderConf()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # This file load settings and can modify them # Settings are store in a JSON file # import sys import os import json # Import log # # sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir)) import logger # log = logger.init_log("setting", settings={"log": dict()}, log_type="Console") VERSION = 1.0 _DEFAULT_SETTING = dict() _DEFAULT_SETTING["log"] = dict() _DEFAULT_SETTING["log"]["level"] = "info" _DEFAULT_SETTING["log"]["output"] = "Console" _DEFAULT_SETTING["xbee"] = dict() _DEFAULT_SETTING["xbee"]["baudrates"] = ( 0, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400,
# I know it's a bit crazy like this but I couldn't come up with a smarter way # the problem that this has no order #todo think of a structure where we can specify exactly the cells/cols/rows that could be modified operations_count = { 'del_row': 0, 'del_col': 0, 'add_row': 0, 'add_col': 0, 'ch_cell': 100, #todo changing in a new row is not considered # 'me_col': [[0,1], [3,5]], #important to have the array in order ! so not [5,3]! 'me_col': [], 'me_row': [], # 'me_row': [[0,2,3]], } log.init_log(log_file) result = gen.create_table(rows, cols, min_data, max_data, data_type=int) #save the input file gen.save_table(result['table'], result['row_ids'], result['col_ids'], data_directory + in_file_name) # change ch_count = 15 for i in range(ch_count): result = change_table(result, min_data, max_data, operations_count) #save the output file gen.save_table(result['table'], result['row_ids'], result['col_ids'], data_directory + file_name + str(i+1) + '_out.csv') #just print the size to add it manually to index.json print (result['table'].shape[0],result['table'].shape[1],i) #update the ... for next round
def main(load, n_tor, n_switches, n_xpand, n_cache, bandwidth, arrive_at_start, latency, time_limit, workload, slice_duration, reconfiguration_time, jitter, uuid, log, verbose, no_log, no_pause, skewed, cache_policy, is_ml, valiant): # Set parameters # (Mb/s)*us/8 works out to (B/s)*s packets_per_slot = int(bandwidth * slice_duration / (BYTES_PER_PACKET * 8)) slice_duration /= 1000 #divide to be in ms reconfiguration_time /= 1000 #divide to be in ms bandwidth_Bms = bandwidth * 1e6 / 1e3 / 8 random.seed(40) # TODO Just to make things reproducible # Compute switch counts if n_xpand is not None: assert n_xpand <= n_switches n_xpand = n_xpand else: n_xpand = 0 #round(min(5, n_switches/3)) if n_cache is not None: assert n_cache + n_xpand <= n_switches assert n_cache < n_switches n_cache = n_cache else: n_cache = floor((n_switches - n_xpand) / 2) n_rotor = n_switches - n_xpand - n_cache print("%d xpander, %d rotor, %d cache. %d total" % (n_xpand, n_rotor, n_cache, n_switches)) if uuid is None: uuid = _uuid.uuid4() slot_duration = slice_duration #*n_rotor cycle_duration = slice_duration * n_rotor del slice_duration PARAMS.set_many(locals()) PARAMS.flow_print = -1 print(PARAMS) gen_ports() print("Setting up network...") # Uses global params object net = RotorNet() if n_rotor > 0: n_slots = math.ceil(time_limit / slot_duration) n_cycles = math.ceil(time_limit / (n_rotor * n_slots * PARAMS.slot_duration)) else: n_cycles = 1 n_slots = 1 max_slots = n_cycles * n_slots #cycle_duration = slot_duration*n_slots slice_duration = slot_duration print("Time limit %dms, cycle %.3fms, slot %.3fms, slice %.3fms" % (PARAMS.time_limit, PARAMS.cycle_duration, PARAMS.slot_duration, slice_duration)) print("#tor: %d, #rotor: %d, #links: %d, bw: %dGb/s, capacity: %.3fGb/s" % (PARAMS.n_tor, PARAMS.n_rotor, PARAMS.n_tor * PARAMS.n_rotor, PARAMS.bandwidth / 1e3, PARAMS.n_tor * PARAMS.n_switches * PARAMS.bandwidth / 1e3)) print("Setting up flows, load %d%%..." % (100 * load)) # generate flows flow_gen = generate_flows( load=load, n_tor=n_tor, bandwidth=bandwidth, time_limit=time_limit, n_switches=n_switches, workload_name=workload, arrive_at_start=arrive_at_start, skewed=skewed, ) # Start the log if not no_log: init_log(fn=None, **locals()) # set up printing time = 0 while time < time_limit * 10: time += slice_duration if verbose and not no_pause: R.call_in(time, pause, priority=100) #print time R.call_in(0, print_time, time_limit) print("Starting simulator...") if is_ml: ml_generator(network=net, n_jobs=3, servers_per_ring=4, model_name="resnet") ml_generator(network=net, n_jobs=3, servers_per_ring=4, model_name="vgg") ml_generator(network=net, n_jobs=3, servers_per_ring=4, model_name="gpt2") # Start the simulator, time_limit=time_limit) # Force log the unfinished flows for f in FLOWS.values(): LOG.log_flow_done(f) # Create a new log with the u_fn = "utilization-" + str(LOG.sim_id) + ".csv" max_packets = (R.time / 1000) * (bandwidth * 1e6) / (BYTES_PER_PACKET * 8) """ with open(u_fn, "w") as f: print("switch,type,port,n_packets,divisor", file = f) for s in net.switches: #if s.tag == "cache": #divisor = R.time #else: divisor = max_packets for port_id, n in enumerate(s.n_packets): print(",".join(str(x) for x in [, s.tag, port_id, n, divisor]), file = f)# """ # Done! if LOG is not None: LOG.close() print("done")
# I know it's a bit crazy like this but I couldn't come up with a smarter way # the problem that this has no order # todo think of a structure where we can specify exactly the cells/cols/rows that could be modified operations_count = { 'del_row': 0, 'del_col': 0, 'add_row': 0, 'add_col': 0, 'ch_cell': 100, # todo changing in a new row is not considered # 'me_col': [[0,1], [3,5]], #important to have the array in order ! so not [5,3]! 'me_col': [], 'me_row': [], # 'me_row': [[0,2,3]], } log.init_log(log_file) result = gen.create_table(rows, cols, min_data, max_data, data_type=int) # save the input file gen.save_table(result['table'], result['row_ids'], result['col_ids'], data_directory + in_file_name) # change ch_count = 15 for i in range(ch_count): result = change_table(result, min_data, max_data, operations_count) # save the output file gen.save_table(result['table'], result['row_ids'], result['col_ids'], data_directory + file_name + str(i + 1) + '_out.csv') # just print the size to add it manually to index.json
#!/usr/bin/env python #-*-coding:utf-8-*- from db import Connection from logger import init_log log = init_log() class User(Connection): def __init__(self, **db_setting): Connection.__init__(self, **db_setting) def add(self,nickname,gender,desc,friends_count,fans_count,weibo_count,avatar): try: sql = """insert into sina_user(nickname,gender,description,friends_count,fans_count,weibo_count,avatar) values (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s); """ self.execute(sql,nickname,gender,desc,friends_count,fans_count,weibo_count,avatar) except Exception as e: print e def get_user_by_condition(self): sql = "select nickname,gender,avatar from sina_user where friends_count < 30 and fans_count < 30" return self.query(sql) class Comment(Connection): def __init__(self, **db_setting): Connection.__init__(self, **db_setting)
import psutil import socket import sys import threading import time import urllib2 try: import psutil except ImportError as e: print "You should 'pip install psutil' firstly" sys.exit() qos_result = {} sys_load_result = {} logger.init_log("route_map") def get_local_lr_id(lrid_file): """ Get local LR id from local file """ try: with open(lrid_file) as fd: local_lr_id = except IOError: logger.logger.error("No such file %s" % lrid_file) local_lr_id = '' return local_lr_id.strip()
#!/usr/bin/env python # coding=utf-8 """ 主程序,运行入口。 """ import argparse import logging import sys from logger import init_log from config_parse import ConfigSpiderConf from crawler import MyCrawler if __name__ == "__main__": init_log("./log/mini_spider")"开始解析参数...") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Mini Spider of Multithreading.") parser.add_argument("-v", action="store_true", help="Show Version info.") parser.add_argument("-c", action="store", help="Input config file.") args = parser.parse_args() if args.v is True: print "Mini Spider V 1.0.""解析参数结束.") sys.exit(0) if args.c is None:"解析参数结束.") sys.exit(1)"解析参数结束.")
def start(self): """ 启动爬虫 """ # # 进程池中的进程的个数最大为配置文件中指定的process_count, 在不超过该数值的前提下,为每一个种子开启一个进程 # process_pool_size = self.conf.process_count if self.conf.process_count < len(self.seeds) else len(self.seeds) # process_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=process_pool_size) # # 多进程并行爬取每个种子 # # 每个种子内部使用多线程并发处理抓取和存储等IO密集型任务 #, self.seeds) # process_pool.terminate() # process_pool.join() #'All subprocess of top level seeds complete') self.traverse_seed(self.seeds) if __name__ == '__main__': # 初始化符合百度log规范的logger,将log输出到同级目录log文件夹下的mini_spider.log logger.init_log("./log/mini_spider") arger_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() arger_parser.add_argument('-c', help='set spider_test.conf file path', dest='config_path', required=True) arger_parser.add_argument('-v', help='set spider version', dest='version') args = arger_parser.parse_args() spider = MiniSpider(args.config_path) spider.start()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # import serial import threading import time import numpy as np import mtools from settings import settings import logger log = logger.init_log("wsn") class Xbee(object): """ This class represent the Xbee module """ def __init__(self, serial_path=None, ATMY=None, ATID=None, ATCH=None, ATBD=None): """ This method initiate the Xbee object but not the Xbee :return: """ self._lock_serial = threading.Lock() if serial_path is None: serial_path = str(settings.get("xbee", "serial")) if ATBD is None: ATBD = str(settings.get("xbee", "ATBD"))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This module treat frames to send DMX data import threading import numpy as np import ola.ClientWrapper import math import time from settings import settings from logger import init_log log = init_log("dmx") class DmxManager(object): """ """ def __init__(self, universe=0, dmxoutput_size=255): """ :param universe: :param dmxoutput_size: :return: """ self.universe = universe self.wrapper = ola.ClientWrapper.ClientWrapper() self.client = self.wrapper.Client() self.client.SendDmx(self.universe, np.zeros(255, dtype=np.uint8)) # Clean all the universe
def main(): screen_dims = (240, 160) pygame.init() pygame.display.set_caption('GBA Freecell') screen = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_dims) controller = Controller() # Input device held_dpad_direction = None dpad_repeat_event = pygame.USEREVENT + 0 dpad_repeat_start_delay = 250 dpad_repeat_delay = 50 logger.init_log() clock = pygame.time.Clock() fps = 0 deal_event = pygame.USEREVENT + 1 c_transparent = pygame.Color('#ff00ff') background = pygame.Surface(screen_dims) board_bmp = pygame.image.load('board.bmp') background.blit(board_bmp, (0, 0)) global INPUT_ENABLED global GAME_IN_PROGRESS global MENU_OPEN global DEALING INPUT_ENABLED = False GAME_IN_PROGRESS = True DEALING = True MENU_OPEN = False # Card dims: 19 x 28 deck_pos = (screen_dims[0] / 2 - 10, screen_dims[1] - 28 - 6) card_back = pygame.image.load('card_back.bmp') card_back.set_colorkey(c_transparent) suits = ('spades', 'clubs', 'diamonds', 'hearts') cells = [Cell(cell_type='cell', pos=n, col=0) for n in range(4)] foundations = [ Cell(cell_type='foundation', pos=n, col=9, suit=suits[n]) for n in range(4) ] bases = [Cell(cell_type='base', pos=n, col=n + 1) for n in range(8)] cards = [] for val in range(1, 14): for suit in suits: cards.append( Card(pos=deck_pos, transparent=c_transparent, value=val, suit=suit, suits=suits)) board = Board(cards, foundations, cells, bases, c_transparent) board.shuffle() board.initialize_card_cols() board.initialize_card_target_positions() board.reset_tableaux() is_running = True while is_running: clock.tick(60) fps = clock.get_fps() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: is_running = False elif event.type == deal_event: elif event.type == dpad_repeat_event: try: held_dpad_button = [ b for b in controller.dpad if b['pressed'] ][0] direction = held_dpad_button['name'].split(' ')[-1].lower() board.handle_move_hover(direction=direction) pygame.time.set_timer(dpad_repeat_event, dpad_repeat_delay, True) except IndexError: held_dpad_direction = None elif event.type in (pygame.KEYDOWN, pygame.KEYUP): input_event = None if INPUT_ENABLED: input_event = controller.get_action_button(event) if input_event == 'A press': if board.selected_card: # Should always be over a valid move board.place_selected_card() board.set_cards_z_index() else: # Should always be over a valid card to move board.select_hovered() elif input_event == 'B press': if board.selected_card: board.deselect() elif input_event == 'D-PAD UP press': board.handle_move_hover(direction='up') pygame.time.set_timer(dpad_repeat_event, dpad_repeat_start_delay, True) elif input_event == 'D-PAD RIGHT press': board.handle_move_hover(direction='right') pygame.time.set_timer(dpad_repeat_event, dpad_repeat_start_delay, True) elif input_event == 'D-PAD DOWN press': board.handle_move_hover(direction='down') pygame.time.set_timer(dpad_repeat_event, dpad_repeat_start_delay, True) elif input_event == 'D-PAD LEFT press': board.handle_move_hover(direction='left') pygame.time.set_timer(dpad_repeat_event, dpad_repeat_start_delay, True) elif input_event in ('D-PAD UP release', 'D-PAD RIGHT release', 'D-PAD DOWN release', 'D-PAD LEFT release'): held_dpad_direction = None elif input_event == 'SPACE press': toggle_menu() # Draw background (board) screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) # Draw cards for card in if not DEALING: board.update_highlights() card.update() screen.blit(, card.pos) # Draw hover markers, if applicable if board.selected_card: for n in range(len(board.hover_markers)): screen.blit(board.hover_markers[n], (board.hover_marker_positions[n])) # Draw card back 'deck' while dealing if DEALING: if [ c for c in if c.pos != c.target_pos and not c.animating ]: screen.blit(card_back, deck_pos) # Unset DEALING flag when cards are done animating cards_animating = [c for c in if c.animating] if not cards_animating: DEALING = False INPUT_ENABLED = True # Select bottom card in first cascade board.hover_last_card_in_cascade(1) pygame.display.update()