Exemplo n.º 1
def get_box_yaw_angle_in_camera_coords(box: Box):
    Calculate the heading angle, using the convention in KITTI labels.

    :param box: bouding box

    box_corners = box.corners()
    v = box_corners[:, 0] - box_corners[:, 4]
    heading_angle = np.arctan2(-v[2], v[0])
    return heading_angle
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_box_yaw_angle_in_world_coords(box: Box):
    Calculate the heading angle, using world coordinates.

    :param box: bouding box

    box_corners = box.corners()
    v = box_corners[:, 0] - box_corners[:, 4]
    heading_angle = np.arctan2(v[1], v[0])
    return heading_angle
Exemplo n.º 3
    def project_kitti_box_to_image(
            box: Box, p_left: np.ndarray,
            imsize: Tuple[int, int]) -> Union[None, Tuple[int, int, int, int]]:
        """Projects 3D box into KITTI image FOV.

            box: 3D box in KITTI reference frame.
            p_left: <np.float: 3, 4>. Projection matrix.
            imsize: (width, height). Image size.

        Returns: (xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax). Bounding box in image plane or None if box is not in the image.

        # Create a new box.
        box = box.copy()

        # KITTI defines the box center as the bottom center of the object.
        # We use the true center, so we need to adjust half height in negative y direction.
        box.translate(np.array([0, -box.wlh[2] / 2, 0]))

        # Check that some corners are inside the image.
        corners = np.array(
            [corner for corner in box.corners().T if corner[2] > 0]).T
        if len(corners) == 0:
            return None

        # Project corners that are in front of the camera to 2d to get bbox in pixel coords.
        imcorners = view_points(corners, p_left, normalize=True)[:2]
        bbox = (np.min(imcorners[0]), np.min(imcorners[1]),
                np.max(imcorners[0]), np.max(imcorners[1]))

        # Crop bbox to prevent it extending outside image.
        bbox_crop = tuple(max(0, b) for b in bbox)
        bbox_crop = (
            min(imsize[0], bbox_crop[0]),
            min(imsize[0], bbox_crop[1]),
            min(imsize[0], bbox_crop[2]),
            min(imsize[1], bbox_crop[3]),

        # Detect if a cropped box is empty.
        if bbox_crop[0] >= bbox_crop[2] or bbox_crop[1] >= bbox_crop[3]:
            return None

        return bbox_crop
Exemplo n.º 4
def get_box_corners(transformed_box: Box,
                    cam_intrinsic_mtx: np.array,
    box_corners_on_cam_coord = transformed_box.corners()

    # Regarrange to conform Frustum-pointnet's convention

    if frustum_pointnet_convention:
        rearranged_idx = [0, 3, 7, 4, 1, 2, 6, 5]
        box_corners_on_cam_coord = box_corners_on_cam_coord[:, rearranged_idx]

        assert np.allclose((box_corners_on_cam_coord[:, 0] + box_corners_on_cam_coord[:, 6]) / 2,

    # For perspective transformation, the normalization should set to be True
    box_corners_on_image = view_points(box_corners_on_cam_coord, view=cam_intrinsic_mtx, normalize=True)

    return box_corners_on_image