Exemplo n.º 1
def island_check(bm):

    selFaces = bmesh_extras.get_selected_faces(bm)

    if len(selFaces):

        checkFaces = bmesh_extras.get_selected_faces(bm)

        biggestLen = False
        biggestCon = False

        # For each face check how many are connected to it
        for f in selFaces:

            if len(checkFaces) and f in checkFaces:

                conFaces, checkFaces = get_connected([], checkFaces, f)

                cnt = len(conFaces)
                if cnt > biggestLen or biggestLen is False:
                    biggestLen = cnt
                    biggestCon = conFaces

        # Deslect all selected faces that arent part of the biggest island.
        if not biggestLen is False:
            for f in bm.faces:
                if f.select and not f in biggestCon:

    return bm
Exemplo n.º 2
def island_check(bm):
	selFaces = bmesh_extras.get_selected_faces(bm)

	if len(selFaces):

		checkFaces = bmesh_extras.get_selected_faces(bm)

		biggestLen = False
		biggestCon = False
		# For each face check how many are connected to it
		for f in selFaces:
			if len(checkFaces) and f in checkFaces:
				conFaces, checkFaces = get_connected([], checkFaces, f)
				cnt = len(conFaces)
				if cnt > biggestLen or biggestLen is False:
					biggestLen = cnt
					biggestCon = conFaces
		# Deslect all selected faces that arent part of the biggest island.
		if not biggestLen is False:
			for f in bm.faces:
				if f.select and not f in biggestCon:
	return bm
Exemplo n.º 3
def inner(bm, invert=False):

    selFaces = bmesh_extras.get_selected_faces(bm)

    # no need to continue if there are no selected faces
    if len(selFaces):

        outerFaces = []
        outerVerts = []

        while len(outerFaces) < len(selFaces):

            # Deselect the outer faces if there are any
            if len(outerFaces):
                for f in outerFaces:

                # Reset the list
                outerFaces = []
                outerVerts = []

            # Select the faces connected to unselected faces
            for f1 in selFaces:
                found = False
                for v in f1.verts:

                    # If we know this vert is on the outside... no need to loop through the linked faces
                    if v.index in outerVerts:

                    # Loop through the connected faces to see if they're unselected
                    for f2 in v.link_faces:
                        if not f2.select:
                            found = True
                    if found:

        # Invert the selection!
        if invert:
            for f in selFaces:
                if f.select:

    return bm
Exemplo n.º 4
def inner(bm, invert=False):

	selFaces = bmesh_extras.get_selected_faces(bm)
	# no need to continue if there are no selected faces
	if len(selFaces):
		outerFaces = []
		outerVerts = []
		while len(outerFaces) < len(selFaces):
			# Deselect the outer faces if there are any
			if len(outerFaces):
				for f in outerFaces:
				# Reset the list
				outerFaces = []
				outerVerts = []
			# Select the faces connected to unselected faces
			for f1 in selFaces:
				found = False
				for v in f1.verts:
					# If we know this vert is on the outside... no need to loop through the linked faces
					if v.index in outerVerts:
					# Loop through the connected faces to see if they're unselected
					for f2 in v.link_faces:
						if not f2.select:
							found = True
					if found:
		# Invert the selection!
		if invert:
			for f in selFaces:
				if f.select:

	return bm
Exemplo n.º 5
def outer(bm, invert=False):
    #print('x outer start')
    selFaces = bmesh_extras.get_selected_faces(bm)
    selLen = len(selFaces)

    # no use continueing if there's no selection
    if not selLen:
        return bm

    outerFaces = []
    outerVerts = []

    # Find faces connected to unselected faces
    for f1 in selFaces:
        out = False
        for v in f1.verts:

            # No need to loop through connected faces if this vert is on the outside
            if v.index in outerVerts:

            # Loop through the faces connected to this vert
            for f2 in v.link_faces:
                if not f2.select:
                    out = True
            if out:

    # Unselect those that don't need to be kept
    if len(outerFaces) < selLen:
        for f in selFaces:
            if invert and f in outerFaces:
            elif not invert and not f in outerFaces:
    #print('y outer end')
    return bm
Exemplo n.º 6
def outer(bm, invert=False):
	#print('x outer start')
	selFaces = bmesh_extras.get_selected_faces(bm)
	selLen = len(selFaces)
	# no use continueing if there's no selection
	if not selLen:
		return bm
	outerFaces = []
	outerVerts = []
	# Find faces connected to unselected faces
	for f1 in selFaces:
		out = False
		for v in f1.verts:
			# No need to loop through connected faces if this vert is on the outside
			if v.index in outerVerts:
			# Loop through the faces connected to this vert
			for f2 in v.link_faces:
				if not f2.select:
					out = True
			if out:
	# Unselect those that don't need to be kept
	if len(outerFaces) < selLen:
		for f in selFaces:
			if invert and f in outerFaces:
			elif not invert and not f in outerFaces:
	#print('y outer end')
	return bm
Exemplo n.º 7
def cast(bme=None, corners=0, falloff_scale=1.0, falloff_shape='STR',corner_group=None,redraw=False):

	if not bme:
		bm = bmesh_extras.get_bmesh()
		bm = bme
	print(corners, falloff_scale, falloff_shape)
	# Get a heap of lists to work with later!
	selFaces = bmesh_extras.get_selected_faces(bm)
	selVerts = bmesh_extras.get_selected_verts(bm)
	outVerts = bmesh_extras.get_outer_verts(selFaces)
	outEdges = bmesh_extras.get_outer_edges(selFaces)
	cent = bmesh_extras.get_vert_center(selVerts )
	normal = bmesh_extras.get_normal(selFaces)
	inVerts = []
	if len(outVerts):
		# Let's quickly make a list of inner verts
		for v in selVerts:
			if not v in outVerts:
		# make a quaternion and a matrix representing this "plane"
		quat = normal.to_track_quat('-Z', 'Y')
		mat = quat.to_matrix()

		# Put all the verts in the plane...
		# And.. find out for each vert how far it is along the normal
		# Ang get the average distance from the center point
		midDist = 0.0
		for v in selVerts:
			relPos = (v.co - cent)
			relDot = normal.dot(relPos)
			v.co += (normal * (-relDot))
			# If this is an outerVert... then we keep track of it's distance from the center
			if v in outVerts:
				midDist += relPos.length
		# The medium distance from the center point
		midDist /= len(outVerts) 
		# now lets put them all the right distance from the center
		top = False
		topVert = False
		for i,v in enumerate(outVerts):
			relPos = v.co - cent
			relPos = relPos.normalized() * midDist
			v.co = relPos + cent
			# Find the top vert for nice alignment of the shape (start the steploop here)
			if top is False or v.co[2] > top:
				top = v.co[2]
				topVert = i

		# As a final step... we want them to be rotated neatly around the center...
		step = math.radians(360) / (len(outEdges))

		# Now that we found the top vert we can start looping through to put them in the right position
		loopVerts = [outVerts[topVert]]
		outEdges, loopVerts = loop_step(outVerts[topVert],loopVerts,step,outEdges,cent,False)
		# Set corner group weight to 0.0 because the shape is a circle (will be reset to 1.0 later for the actual corners)
		if corner_group:
			bm, group_index = add_to_group(bme=bm,verts=outVerts, newGroup=False, groupName=corner_group, weight=0.0)
		if corners:
			# Initiate a list of all corner verts so we can set the weight accordingly later (best done in one move)
			cornerVerts = []
			c = round((360.0 / corners),2)
			a = (180.0 - c) * 0.5
			stepLen = math.ceil(len(outVerts) / corners)
			#print('stepLen', stepLen)
			aLine = False
			currentX = 0.0
			vec = falloff_scale
			factor = 1.0
			curve = falloff_curve.curve(falloff_shape, 'mult')
			loopCnt = len(loopVerts)
			cornerCnt = math.floor(loopCnt / corners)
			for i, v in enumerate(loopVerts):
				#	return
				stepPos = i % stepLen
				# Get a normalized version of the current relative position
				line = mathutils.Vector(v.co - cent).normalized()
				# Get the starting line as a reference (is also a corner
				if not aLine:
					aLine = line
					currentX = 0.0
					factor = 1.0
					#if corner_group: corner_group.add([v.index], 1.0, 'REPLACE')
					if corner_group:
					# Find the angle from the current starting line
					cAng = round(math.degrees(aLine.angle(line)),2)
					#print('ang',cAng,c,(cAng >= c))
					# If the angle is bigger than a step, we make this the new start
					if cAng >= c:
						#print('found corner')
						#if corner_group: corner_group.add([v.index], 1.0, 'REPLACE')
						if corner_group:
						# Make sure the angle is correct!
						line =  misc.rotate_vector_to_vector(line, aLine, math.radians(c))
						v.co = (line * midDist) + cent
						aLine = line
						currentX = 0.0
						factor = 1.0
					# These should all be midpoints along the line!
					# make sure we don't do the last one... because it's the first one!
						# Remove non corner items from the corner group
						#if corner_group: corner_group.remove([v.index])
						# Only if we have to scale and the line isn't straight!
						if falloff_scale != 1.0 and falloff_shape != 'STR':
							# Find out how far we are from the start as a factor (fraction of one?)
							angFac = cAng / c
							newX = angFac
							# Create a nice curve object to represent the falloff
							curve.update(1.0, 0.0, vec, currentX, newX)
							fac = abs(curve.currentVal)
							factor *= fac
							currentX = newX
						# Find the corner of the new triangle
						b = 180 - (a+cAng)
						# find the distance from the midpoint
						A = math.sin(math.radians(a)) / (math.sin(math.radians(b))/midDist)
						bLine = line * A
						bLine *= factor
						v.co = bLine + cent
				if redraw:
					scene_update.go(False, 'RED')
			if len(cornerVerts):
				bm, group_index = add_to_group(bme=bm,verts=cornerVerts, newGroup=False, groupName=corner_group, weight=1.0)
		# I want to make sure these verts are inside the loop!
		# So we move all verts halfway towards the center before smoothing (neat results in entoforms)
		for v in inVerts:
			relPos = cent - v.co
			v.co += (relPos * 0.5)

		#for i in range(100):
		#bmesh.ops.smooth_vert(bm, verts=inVerts,use_axis_x=True, use_axis_y=True, use_axis_z=True)

	if not bme:
		return bm