Exemplo n.º 1
def test_avail():
    # Get the available methods
    method_list = available_emission_line_modeling_methods()
    assert len(method_list) > 0, 'No emission-line-modeling methods available'

    # For the available methods, make sure that the ancillary databases
    # and templates can be loaded.
    for method in method_list:
        if method['artifacts'] is not None:
            artdb = ArtifactDB.from_key(method['artifacts'])
        if method['ism_mask'] is not None:
            emldb = EmissionLineDB.from_key(method['ism_mask'])
        if method['emission_lines'] is not None:
            emldb = EmissionLineDB.from_key(method['emission_lines'])
        if method['continuum_tpl_key'] is not None:
            tpl = TemplateLibrary(method['continuum_tpl_key'],
        if method['fitpar'] is None:

        if 'continuum_templates' in method['fitpar'].keys() \
                and method['fitpar']['continuum_templates'] is not None:
            tpl = TemplateLibrary(method['fitpar']['continuum_templates'],
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_init_all():
    wave = numpy.logspace(*numpy.log10([3600., 10000.]), 4563)
    velscale = spectrum_velocity_scale(wave)

    dbs = EmissionLineDB.available_databases()
    for key in dbs.keys():
        if 'MSK' in key:
        emldb = EmissionLineDB.from_key(key)
        etpl = EmissionLineTemplates(wave, velscale, emldb=emldb)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_pixelmask():
    specfile = data_test_file('MaNGA_test_spectra.fits.gz')
    hdu = fits.open(specfile)
    pixelmask = SpectralPixelMask(artdb=ArtifactDB.from_key('BADSKY'),
    assert numpy.sum(pixelmask.boolean(hdu['WAVE'].data, nspec=1)) == 489, \
                'Incorrect number of masked pixels'
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_sasuke():
    # Read the data
    specfile = data_test_file('MaNGA_test_spectra.fits.gz')
    hdu = fits.open(specfile)
    drpbm = DRPFitsBitMask()
    flux = numpy.ma.MaskedArray(hdu['FLUX'].data,
    ferr = numpy.ma.power(hdu['IVAR'].data, -0.5)
    flux[ferr.mask] = numpy.ma.masked
    ferr[flux.mask] = numpy.ma.masked
    nspec = flux.shape[0]

    # Instantiate the template libary
    velscale_ratio = 4
    tpl = TemplateLibrary('MILESHC',
    tpl_sres = numpy.mean(tpl['SPECRES'].data, axis=0)

    # Get the pixel mask
    pixelmask = SpectralPixelMask(artdb=ArtifactDB.from_key('BADSKY'),

    # Instantiate the fitting class
    ppxf = PPXFFit(StellarContinuumModelBitMask())

    # Perform the fit
    sc_wave, sc_flux, sc_mask, sc_par \
        = ppxf.fit(tpl['WAVE'].data.copy(), tpl['FLUX'].data.copy(), hdu['WAVE'].data, flux, ferr,
                   hdu['Z'].data, numpy.full(nspec, 100.), iteration_mode='no_global_wrej',
                   reject_boxcar=100, ensemble=False, velscale_ratio=velscale_ratio,
                   mask=pixelmask, matched_resolution=False, tpl_sres=tpl_sres,
                   obj_sres=hdu['SRES'].data, degree=8, moments=2)

    # Mask the 5577 sky line
    pixelmask = SpectralPixelMask(artdb=ArtifactDB.from_key('BADSKY'))

    # Read the emission line fitting database
    emldb = EmissionLineDB.from_key('ELPMILES')
    assert emldb['name'][
        18] == 'Ha', 'Emission-line database names or ordering changed'

    # Instantiate the fitting class
    emlfit = Sasuke(EmissionLineModelBitMask())

    # Perform the fit
    el_wave, model, el_flux, el_mask, el_fit, el_par \
            = emlfit.fit(emldb, hdu['WAVE'].data, flux, obj_ferr=ferr, obj_mask=pixelmask,
                         obj_sres=hdu['SRES'].data, guess_redshift=hdu['Z'].data,
                         guess_dispersion=numpy.full(nspec, 100.), reject_boxcar=101,
                         stpl_wave=tpl['WAVE'].data, stpl_flux=tpl['FLUX'].data,
                         stpl_sres=tpl_sres, stellar_kinematics=sc_par['KIN'],
                         etpl_sinst_mode='offset', etpl_sinst_min=10.,
                         velscale_ratio=velscale_ratio, matched_resolution=False)

    # Rejected pixels
    assert numpy.sum(emlfit.bitmask.flagged(el_mask, flag='PPXF_REJECT')) == 266, \
                'Different number of rejected pixels'

    # Unable to fit
    assert numpy.array_equal(emlfit.bitmask.flagged_bits(el_fit['MASK'][5]), ['NO_FIT']), \
                'Expected NO_FIT in 6th spectrum'

    # No *attempted* fits should fail
    assert numpy.sum(emlfit.bitmask.flagged(el_fit['MASK'], flag='FIT_FAILED')) == 0, \
                'Fits should not fail'

    # Number of used templates
    assert numpy.array_equal(numpy.sum(numpy.absolute(el_fit['TPLWGT']) > 1e-10, axis=1),
                             [25, 22, 34, 32, 27,  0, 16, 22]), \
                'Different number of templates with non-zero weights'

    # No additive coefficients
    assert numpy.all(el_fit['ADDCOEF'] == 0), \
                'No additive coefficients should exist'

    # No multiplicative coefficients
    assert numpy.all(el_fit['MULTCOEF'] == 0), \
                'No multiplicative coefficients should exist'

    # Fit statistics
    assert numpy.all(
            el_fit['RCHI2'] -
            numpy.array([2.34, 1.22, 1.58, 1.88, 3.20, 0., 1.05, 0.88])) < 0.02
    ), 'Reduced chi-square are too different'

    assert numpy.all(
        numpy.absolute(el_fit['RMS'] - numpy.array(
            [0.036, 0.019, 0.036, 0.024, 0.051, 0.000, 0.012, 0.012])) < 0.001
    ), 'RMS too different'

    assert numpy.all(numpy.absolute(el_fit['FRMS'] -
                                    numpy.array([0.021, 0.025, 0.025, 0.033, 0.018, 0.000,
                                                 1.052, 0.101])) < 0.001), \
            'Fractional RMS too different'

    assert numpy.all(numpy.absolute(el_fit['RMSGRW'][:,2] -
                                    numpy.array([0.070, 0.038, 0.071, 0.047, 0.101, 0.000, 0.026,
                                                 0.024])) < 0.001), \
            'Median absolute residual too different'

    # All lines should have the same velocity
    assert numpy.all(numpy.all(el_par['KIN'][:,:,0] == el_par['KIN'][:,None,0,0], axis=1)), \
                'All velocities should be the same'

    # Test velocity values
    # TODO: Need some better examples!
    assert numpy.all(numpy.absolute(el_par['KIN'][:,0,0] -
                                    numpy.array([14704.9, 14869.3, 14767.1, 8161.9, 9258.7, 0.0,
                                                  5130.9,  5430.3])) < 0.1), \
                'Velocities are too different'

    # H-alpha dispersions
    assert numpy.all(numpy.absolute(el_par['KIN'][:,18,1] -
                                    numpy.array([1000.5, 1000.5, 224.7, 124.9, 171.2, 0.0, 81.2,
                                                   50.0])) < 1e-1), \
            'H-alpha dispersions are too different'
Exemplo n.º 5

    # Fitting functions expect data to be in 2D arrays (for now):
    flux = flux.reshape(1, -1)
    ferr = numpy.ma.power(ivar, -0.5).reshape(1, -1)
    sres = sres.reshape(1, -1)

    # Fit the stellar continuum

    # Mask the 5577 sky line and the emission lines
    sc_pixel_mask = SpectralPixelMask(

    # Construct the template library
    sc_tpl = TemplateLibrary(sc_tpl_key,
    sc_tpl_sres = numpy.mean(sc_tpl['SPECRES'].data, axis=0).ravel()

    # Instantiate the fitting class
    ppxf = PPXFFit(StellarContinuumModelBitMask())

    # Perform the fit
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_read():
    dbs = EmissionLineDB.available_databases()
    assert len(dbs) > 0, 'No emission-line databases available'
    for key in dbs.keys():
        emldb = EmissionLineDB.from_key(key)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_mpl11():
    emldb = EmissionLineDB.from_key('ELPMPL11')
    assert len(emldb) == 35, 'Incorrect number of emission lines'
    assert 'ArIII' in emldb['name'], 'Does not contain ArIII in list'
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_ppxffit():
    # Read the data
    specfile = data_test_file('MaNGA_test_spectra.fits.gz')
    hdu = fits.open(specfile)
    drpbm = DRPFitsBitMask()
    flux = numpy.ma.MaskedArray(hdu['FLUX'].data,
    ferr = numpy.ma.power(hdu['IVAR'].data, -0.5)
    flux[ferr.mask] = numpy.ma.masked
    ferr[flux.mask] = numpy.ma.masked
    nspec = flux.shape[0]

    # Instantiate the template libary
    velscale_ratio = 4
    tpl = TemplateLibrary('MILESHC',
    tpl_sres = numpy.mean(tpl['SPECRES'].data, axis=0)

    # Get the pixel mask
    pixelmask = SpectralPixelMask(artdb=ArtifactDB.from_key('BADSKY'),

    # Instantiate the fitting class
    ppxf = PPXFFit(StellarContinuumModelBitMask())

    # Perform the fit
    fit_wave, fit_flux, fit_mask, fit_par \
        = ppxf.fit(tpl['WAVE'].data.copy(), tpl['FLUX'].data.copy(), hdu['WAVE'].data, flux, ferr,
                   hdu['Z'].data, numpy.full(nspec, 100.), iteration_mode='no_global_wrej',
                   reject_boxcar=100, ensemble=False, velscale_ratio=velscale_ratio,
                   mask=pixelmask, matched_resolution=False, tpl_sres=tpl_sres,
                   obj_sres=hdu['SRES'].data, degree=8, moments=2)

    # Test the results

    # Rejected pixels
    assert numpy.sum(ppxf.bitmask.flagged(fit_mask, flag='PPXF_REJECT')) == 119, \
                'Different number of rejected pixels'

    # Unable to fit
    assert numpy.array_equal(ppxf.bitmask.flagged_bits(fit_par['MASK'][5]), ['NO_FIT']), \
                'Expected NO_FIT in 6th spectrum'

    # Number of used templates
    assert numpy.array_equal(numpy.sum(numpy.absolute(fit_par['TPLWGT']) > 1e-10, axis=1),
                             [12, 13, 17, 15, 15,  0,  8, 12]), \
                'Different number of templates with non-zero weights'

    # Number of additive coefficients
    assert fit_par['ADDCOEF'].shape[
        1] == 9, 'Incorrect number of additive coefficients'

    # No multiplicative coefficients
    assert numpy.all(fit_par['MULTCOEF'] == 0), \
                'No multiplicative coefficients should exist'

    # Kinematics and errors
    assert numpy.all(numpy.absolute(fit_par['KIN'] -
                        numpy.array([[ 14880.7, 292.9], [ 15053.4, 123.2],
                                     [ 14787.5, 236.4], [  8291.8, 169.7],
                                     [  9261.4, 202.7], [     0.0,   0.0],
                                     [  5123.5,  63.8], [  5455.6,  51.8]])) < 0.1), \
                'Kinematics are too different'

    assert numpy.all(numpy.absolute(fit_par['KINERR'] -
                        numpy.array([[2.0,1.9], [1.5,1.7], [ 2.4, 2.4], [2.2,2.3],
                                     [1.1,1.1], [0.0,0.0], [26.1,30.8], [4.7,7.5]])) < 0.1), \
                'Kinematic errors are too different'

    # Velocity dispersion corrections
    assert numpy.all(numpy.absolute(fit_par['SIGMACORR_SRES'] -
                        numpy.array([23.5, 10.1, 27.3, 38.7, 22.3,  0.0, 63.8, 23.8])) < 0.1), \
                'SRES corrections are too different'

    assert numpy.all(numpy.absolute(fit_par['SIGMACORR_EMP'] -
                        numpy.array([22.6,  0.0, 26.0, 38.2, 18.0,  0.0, 70.1,  0.0])) < 0.1), \
                'EMP corrections are too different'

    # Figures of merit
    assert numpy.all(numpy.absolute(fit_par['RCHI2'] -
                        numpy.array([ 1.94, 1.18, 1.40, 1.53, 2.50, 0.00, 1.06, 0.86])) < 0.01), \
                'Reduced chi-square too different'

    assert numpy.all(
        numpy.absolute(fit_par['RMS'] - numpy.array(
            [0.033, 0.019, 0.034, 0.023, 0.046, 0.000, 0.015, 0.015])) < 0.001
    ), 'RMS too different'

    assert numpy.all(
        numpy.absolute(fit_par['FRMS'] - numpy.array(
            [0.018, 0.023, 0.023, 0.032, 0.018, 0.000, 33.577, 0.148])) < 0.001
    ), 'Fractional RMS too different'

    assert numpy.all(
        numpy.absolute(fit_par['RMSGRW'][:, 2] - numpy.array(
            [0.067, 0.037, 0.068, 0.046, 0.093, 0.000, 0.029, 0.027])) < 0.001
    ), 'Median absolute residual too different'
Exemplo n.º 9

    # Instantiate the object that does the fitting
    contbm = StellarContinuumModelBitMask()
    ppxf = PPXFFit(contbm)

    abs_db = AbsorptionIndexDB(u"EXTINDX")
    band_db = BandheadIndexDB(u"BHBASIC")
    global indx_names
    indx_names = np.hstack([abs_db.data["name"], band_db.data["name"]])

    specm = EmissionLineModelBitMask()
    elric = Elric(specm)
    global emlines
    emlines = EmissionLineDB(u"ELPFULL")

    c = con.c.to(un.km / un.s).value

    # if os.path.isfile("emission_line_params_log_scale_tq_"+str(len(tqs))+"_tau_"+str(len(taus))+"_to_"+str(len(time_steps))+"_Z_"+str(len(zmets))+"_"+".npy"):
    #     eml = list(np.load("emission_line_params_log_scale_tq_"+str(len(tqs))+"_tau_"+str(len(taus))+"_to_"+str(len(time_steps))+"_Z_"+str(len(zmets))+"_"+".npy"))
    # else:
    #     eml = []

    # if os.path.isfile("abs_index_params_log_scale_tq_"+str(len(tqs))+"_tau_"+str(len(taus))+"_to_"+str(len(time_steps))+"_Z_"+str(len(zmets))+"_"+".npy"):
    #     idm = list(np.load("abs_index_params_log_scale_tq_"+str(len(tqs))+"_tau_"+str(len(taus))+"_to_"+str(len(time_steps))+"_Z_"+str(len(zmets))+"_"+".npy"))
    # else:
    #     idm = []

    manga_wave = np.load("manga_wavelengths_AA.npy")
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_emldb():
    emldb = EmissionLineDB.from_key('ELPMPL11')
    assert emldb.size == 35

    _emldb = EmissionLineDB(emldb.file)
    assert _emldb.size == 35
Exemplo n.º 11
    # same spectral resolution. Otherwise, one cannot freely combine
    # the spectra to fit the Doppler broadening of the galaxy spectrum
    # in a robust (constrained) way (without substantially more
    # effort). There should be no difference between what's done below
    # and simply taking the spectral resolution to be that of the first
    # template spectrum (i.e., sc_tpl['SPECRES'].data[0])
    sc_tpl_sres = numpy.mean(sc_tpl['SPECRES'].data, axis=0).ravel()

    # Now we want to construct a pixel mask that excludes regions with
    # known artifacts and emission lines. The 'BADSKY' artifact
    # database only masks the 5577, which can have strong left-over
    # residuals after sky-subtraction. The list of emission lines (set
    # by the ELPMPL8 keyword) can be different from the list of
    # emission lines fit below.
    sc_pixel_mask = SpectralPixelMask(artdb=ArtifactDB.from_key('BADSKY'),

    # Instantiate the fitting class, including the mask that it should
    # use to flag the data. [[This mask should just be default...]]
    ppxf = PPXFFit(StellarContinuumModelBitMask())

    # The following call performs the fit to the spectrum. Specifically
    # note that the code only fits the first two moments, uses an
    # 8th-order additive polynomial, and uses the 'no_global_wrej'
    # iteration mode. See
    # https://sdss-mangadap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/mangadap.proc.ppxffit.html#mangadap.proc.ppxffit.PPXFFit.fit
    cont_wave, cont_flux, cont_mask, cont_par \
        = ppxf.fit(sc_tpl['WAVE'].data.copy(), sc_tpl['FLUX'].data.copy(), wave, flux, ferr,
                   z, dispersion, iteration_mode='no_global_wrej', reject_boxcar=100,
                   ensemble=False, velscale_ratio=sc_velscale_ratio, mask=sc_pixel_mask,
                   matched_resolution=False, tpl_sres=sc_tpl_sres, obj_sres=sres, degree=8,
Exemplo n.º 12
def measure_spec(fluxes, errors=None, ivar=None, sres=None):
    """ This function takes an array of spectra of shape (# of spectra, # of wavelengths) and returns the pre-defined emission line and 
    absorption features in each spectra in two recorded arrays of shape (# of spectra,). The recorded arrays can be accessed to give the
    quantities returned by the MaNGA DAP, e.g. ["EW"], ["EWERR"], ["INDX"]. 

    The user can change the emission and absorption quantities returned by specifying different emission line and absorption feature 

    Fluxes at each manga wavelength, M for any number of spectra, X. Shape (X, M).

    Recorded array containing the emisison line parameter measurements from the defined user database. Shape (X, ).

    Recorded array containing the absorption feature parameter measurements from the defined user database. Shape (X, ).

    if ivar is None:
        ivar = 1/(0.1*fluxes)**2
    if errors is None:
        errors = 0.1*fluxes
    if sres is None:
        sres = np.ones_like(fluxes)

    tpl = TemplateLibrary("MILESHC",

    # Instantiate the object that does the fitting
    contbm = StellarContinuumModelBitMask()
    ppxf = PPXFFit(contbm)

    # Define the absorption and bandhead feature databases
    define_abs_db = SpectralFeatureDBDef(key='USERABS',
    abs_db = AbsorptionIndexDB(u"USERABS", indxdb_list=define_abs_db)

    band_db = BandheadIndexDB(u"BHBASIC")
    global indx_names
    indx_names = np.hstack([abs_db.data["name"], band_db.data["name"]])

    # Define the emission line feature database
    specm = EmissionLineModelBitMask()
    elric = Elric(specm)
    global emlines
    define_em_db = SpectralFeatureDBDef(key='USEREM',
    emlines  = EmissionLineDB(u"USEREM", emldb_list=define_em_db)
    # Check to see if a single spectra has been input. If the single spectra is shape (# of wavelengths,) then reshape 
    # to give (1, #number of wavelengths)
    if fluxes.shape[0] == len(manga_wave):
        fluxes = fluxes.reshape(1,-1)
    nspec = fluxes.shape[0]

    # Provide the guess redshift and guess velocity dispersion
    guess_redshift = np.full(nspec, 0.0001, dtype=float)
    guess_dispersion = np.full(nspec, 77.0, dtype=float)

    # Perform the fits to the continuum, emission lines and absorption features
    model_wave, model_flux, model_mask, model_par  = ppxf.fit(tpl["WAVE"].data.copy(), tpl["FLUX"].data.copy(), manga_wave, fluxes, errors, guess_redshift, guess_dispersion, iteration_mode="none", velscale_ratio=1, degree=8, mdegree=-1, moments=2, quiet=True)
    em_model_wave, em_model_flux, em_model_base, em_model_mask, em_model_fit_par, em_model_eml_par = elric.fit(manga_wave, fluxes, emission_lines=emlines, ivar=ivar, sres=sres, continuum=model_flux, guess_redshift = model_par["KIN"][:,0]/c, guess_dispersion=model_par["KIN"][:,1], base_order=1, quiet=True)
    indx_measurements = SpectralIndices.measure_indices(absdb=abs_db, bhddb=band_db, wave=manga_wave, flux=fluxes-em_model_flux, ivar=ivar, mask=None, redshift=model_par["KIN"][:,0]/c, bitmask=None)

    # Close all plots generated by the MaNGA DAP pipeline

    return em_model_eml_par, indx_measurements
Exemplo n.º 13
def main():
    t = time.perf_counter()
    arg = parse_args()
    if not os.path.isfile(arg.inp):
        raise FileNotFoundError('No file: {0}'.format(arg.inp))
    directory_path = os.getcwd(
    ) if arg.output_root is None else os.path.abspath(arg.output_root)
    if not os.path.isdir(directory_path):

    data_file = os.path.abspath(arg.inp)
    fit_file = os.path.join(directory_path, arg.out)
    flag_db = None if arg.spec_flags is None else os.path.abspath(

    # Read the data
    spectral_step = 1e-4
    wave, flux, ferr, sres, redshift, fit_spectrum = object_data(
        data_file, flag_db)
    nspec, npix = flux.shape
    dispersion = numpy.full(nspec, 100., dtype=numpy.float)

    #    fit_spectrum[:] = False
    #    fit_spectrum[0] = True
    #    fit_spectrum[171] = True
    #    fit_spectrum[791] = True

    # Mask spectra that should not be fit
    indx = numpy.any(numpy.logical_not(numpy.ma.getmaskarray(flux)),
                     axis=1) & fit_spectrum
    flux[numpy.logical_not(indx), :] = numpy.ma.masked

    print('Read: {0}'.format(arg.inp))
    print('Contains {0} spectra'.format(nspec))
    print(' each with {0} pixels'.format(npix))
    print('Fitting {0} spectra.'.format(numpy.sum(fit_spectrum)))

    # Fit the stellar continuum

    # Construct the template library
    sc_tpl = TemplateLibrary(arg.sc_tpl,
    # Set the spectral resolution
    sc_tpl_sres = numpy.mean(sc_tpl['SPECRES'].data, axis=0).ravel()
    # Set the pixel mask
    sc_pixel_mask = SpectralPixelMask(artdb=ArtifactDB.from_key('BADSKY'),
    # Instantiate the fitting class
    ppxf = PPXFFit(StellarContinuumModelBitMask())

    # The following call performs the fit to the spectrum. Specifically
    # note that the code only fits the first two moments, uses an
    # 8th-order additive polynomial, and uses the 'no_global_wrej'
    # iteration mode. See
    # https://sdss-mangadap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/mangadap.proc.ppxffit.html#mangadap.proc.ppxffit.PPXFFit.fit
    cont_wave, cont_flux, cont_mask, cont_par \
        = ppxf.fit(sc_tpl['WAVE'].data.copy(), sc_tpl['FLUX'].data.copy(), wave, flux, ferr,
                   redshift, dispersion, iteration_mode='no_global_wrej', reject_boxcar=100,
                   ensemble=False, velscale_ratio=arg.sc_vsr, mask=sc_pixel_mask,
                   matched_resolution=False, tpl_sres=sc_tpl_sres, obj_sres=sres,
                   degree=arg.sc_deg, moments=2) #, plot=True)

    if arg.sc_only:
        write(fit_file, wave, cont_flux, cont_mask, cont_par)
        print('Elapsed time: {0} seconds'.format(time.perf_counter() - t))

#    if numpy.any(cont_par['KIN'][:,1] < 0):
#        embed()
#        exit()

# Measure the emission-line moments

#    # Remask the continuum fit
#    sc_continuum = StellarContinuumModel.reset_continuum_mask_window(
#                        numpy.ma.MaskedArray(cont_flux, mask=cont_mask>0))
#    # Read the database that define the emission lines and passbands
#    momdb = EmissionMomentsDB.from_key(arg.el_band)
#    # Measure the moments
#    elmom = EmissionLineMoments.measure_moments(momdb, wave, flux, continuum=sc_continuum,
#                                                redshift=redshift)

# Fit the emission-line model

# Set the emission-line continuum templates if different from those
# used for the stellar continuum
    if arg.sc_tpl == arg.el_tpl:
        # If the keywords are the same, just copy over the previous
        # library and the best fitting stellar kinematics
        el_tpl = sc_tpl
        el_tpl_sres = sc_tpl_sres
        stellar_kinematics = cont_par['KIN'].copy()
        # If the template sets are different, we need to match the
        # spectral resolution to the galaxy data and use the corrected
        # velocity dispersions.
        _sres = SpectralResolution(wave, sres[0, :], log10=True)
        el_tpl = TemplateLibrary(arg.el_tpl,
        el_tpl_sres = numpy.mean(el_tpl['SPECRES'].data, axis=0).ravel()
        stellar_kinematics = cont_par['KIN'].copy()
        stellar_kinematics[:, 1] = numpy.ma.sqrt(
            numpy.square(cont_par['KIN'][:, 1]) -

#    if numpy.any(cont_par['KIN'][:,1] < 0):
#        embed()
#        exit()
#    if numpy.any(stellar_kinematics[:,1] < 0):
#        embed()
#        exit()

# Mask the 5577 sky line
    el_pixel_mask = SpectralPixelMask(artdb=ArtifactDB.from_key('BADSKY'))

    # Read the emission line fitting database
    emldb = EmissionLineDB.from_key(arg.el_list)

    # Instantiate the fitting class
    emlfit = Sasuke(EmissionLineModelBitMask())

    # TODO: Improve the initial velocity guess using the first moment...

    # Perform the fit
    elfit_time = time.perf_counter()
    model_wave, model_flux, eml_flux, model_mask, eml_fit_par, eml_eml_par \
            = emlfit.fit(emldb, wave, flux, obj_ferr=ferr, obj_mask=el_pixel_mask, obj_sres=sres,
                         guess_redshift=redshift, guess_dispersion=dispersion, reject_boxcar=101,
                         stpl_wave=el_tpl['WAVE'].data, stpl_flux=el_tpl['FLUX'].data,
                         stpl_sres=el_tpl_sres, stellar_kinematics=stellar_kinematics,
                         etpl_sinst_mode='offset', etpl_sinst_min=10., velscale_ratio=arg.el_vsr,
                         matched_resolution=False, mdegree=arg.el_deg, ensemble=False)#, plot=True)
    print('EML FIT TIME: ', time.perf_counter() - elfit_time)

    # Line-fit metrics (should this be done in the fit method?)
    eml_eml_par = EmissionLineFit.line_metrics(emldb,

    # Equivalent widths

    # Measure the emission-line moments
    #   - Model continuum
    continuum = StellarContinuumModel.reset_continuum_mask_window(model_flux -
    #   - Updated redshifts
    fit_redshift = eml_eml_par['KIN'][:,numpy.where(emldb['name'] == 'Ha')[0][0],0] \
                        / astropy.constants.c.to('km/s').value
    #   - Set the moment database
    momdb = EmissionMomentsDB.from_key(arg.el_band)
    #   - Set the moment bitmask
    mombm = EmissionLineMomentsBitMask()
    #   - Measure the moments
    elmom = EmissionLineMoments.measure_moments(momdb,
                                                ivar=numpy.ma.power(ferr, -2),
    #   - Select the bands that are valid
    include_band = numpy.array([numpy.logical_not(momdb.dummy)]*nspec) \
                        & numpy.logical_not(mombm.flagged(elmom['MASK'],
                                                          flag=['BLUE_EMPTY', 'RED_EMPTY']))
    #   - Set the line center at the center of the primary passband
    line_center = (1.0 + fit_redshift)[:, None] * momdb['restwave'][None, :]
    elmom['BMED'], elmom['RMED'], pos, elmom['EWCONT'], elmom['EW'], elmom['EWERR'] \
            = emission_line_equivalent_width(wave, flux, momdb['blueside'], momdb['redside'],
                                             line_center, elmom['FLUX'], redshift=fit_redshift,
    #   - Flag non-positive measurements
    indx = include_band & numpy.logical_not(pos)
    elmom['MASK'][indx] = mombm.turn_on(elmom['MASK'][indx],
    #   - Set the binids
    elmom['BINID'] = numpy.arange(nspec)
    elmom['BINID_INDEX'] = numpy.arange(nspec)

    print('Elapsed time: {0} seconds'.format(time.perf_counter() - t))
Exemplo n.º 14
def main():

    t = time.perf_counter()

    # Read spectra to fit. The following reads a single MaNGA spectrum.
    # This is where you should read in your own spectrum to fit.
    # Plate-IFU to use
    plt = 7815
    ifu = 3702
    # Spaxel coordinates
    x = 25 #30
    y = 25 #37
    # Where to find the relevant datacube.  This example accesses the test data
    # that can be downloaded by executing the script here:
    # https://github.com/sdss/mangadap/blob/master/download_test_data.py
    directory_path = defaults.dap_source_dir() / 'data' / 'remote'
    # Read a spectrum
    wave, flux, ivar, sres = get_spectra(plt, ifu, x, y, directory_path=directory_path)
    # In general, the DAP fitting functions expect data to be in 2D
    # arrays with shape (N-spectra,N-wave). So if you only have one
    # spectrum, you need to expand the dimensions:
    flux = flux.reshape(1,-1)
    ivar = ivar.reshape(1,-1)
    ferr = numpy.ma.power(ivar, -0.5)
    sres = sres.reshape(1,-1)

    # The majority (if not all) of the DAP methods expect that your
    # spectra are binned logarithmically in wavelength (primarily
    # because this is what pPXF expects). You can either have the DAP
    # function determine this value (commented line below) or set it
    # directly. The value is used to resample the template spectra to
    # match the sampling of the spectra to fit (up to some integer; see
    # velscale_ratio).
#    spectral_step = spectral_coordinate_step(wave, log=True)
    spectral_step = 1e-4

    # Hereafter, the methods expect a wavelength vector, a flux array
    # with the spectra to fit, an ferr array with the 1-sigma errors in
    # the flux, and sres with the wavelength-dependent spectral
    # resolution, R = lambda / Dlambda

    # The DAP needs a reasonable guess of the redshift of the spectrum
    # (within +/- 2000 km/s). In this example, I'm pulling the redshift
    # from the DRPall file. There must be one redshift estimate per
    # spectrum to fit.  Here that means it's a single element array
    # This example accesses the test data
    # that can be downloaded by executing the script here:
    # https://github.com/sdss/mangadap/blob/master/download_test_data.py
    drpall_file = directory_path / f'drpall-{drp_test_version}.fits'
    z = numpy.array([get_redshift(plt, ifu, drpall_file)])
    print('Redshift: {0}'.format(z[0]))
    # The DAP also requires an initial guess for the velocity
    # dispersion. A guess of 100 km/s is usually robust, but this may
    # depend on your spectral resolution.
    dispersion = numpy.array([100.])

    # The following sets the keyword for the template spectra to use
    # during the fit. You can specify different template sets to use
    # during the stellar-continuum (stellar kinematics) fit and the
    # emission-line modeling.

    # Templates used in the stellar continuum fits
    sc_tpl_key = 'MILESHC'
    # Templates used in the emission-line modeling
    el_tpl_key = 'MASTARSSP'

    # You also need to specify the sampling for the template spectra.
    # The templates must be sampled with the same pixel step as the
    # spectra to be fit, up to an integer factor. The critical thing
    # for the sampling is that you do not want to undersample the
    # spectral resolution element of the template spectra. Here, I set
    # the sampling for the MILES templates to be a factor of 4 smaller
    # than the MaNGA spectrum to be fit (which is a bit of overkill
    # given the resolution difference). I set the sampling of the
    # MaStar templates to be the same as the galaxy data.

    # Template pixel scale a factor of 4 smaller than galaxy data
    sc_velscale_ratio = 4
    # Template sampling is the same as the galaxy data
    el_velscale_ratio = 1

    # You then need to identify the database that defines the
    # emission-line passbands (elmom_key) for the non-parametric
    # emission-line moment calculations, and the emission-line
    # parameters (elfit_key) for the Gaussian emission-line modeling.
    # See
    # https://sdss-mangadap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/emissionlines.html.
    elmom_key = 'ELBMPL9'
    elfit_key = 'ELPMPL11'

    # If you want to also calculate the spectral indices, you can
    # provide a keyword that indicates the database with the passband
    # definitions for both the absorption-line and bandhead/color
    # indices to measure. The script allows these to be None, if you
    # don't want to calculate the spectral indices. See
    # https://sdss-mangadap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/spectralindices.html
    absindx_key = 'EXTINDX'
    bhdindx_key = 'BHBASIC'

    # Now we want to construct a pixel mask that excludes regions with
    # known artifacts and emission lines. The 'BADSKY' artifact
    # database only masks the 5577, which can have strong left-over
    # residuals after sky-subtraction. The list of emission lines (set
    # by the ELPMPL8 keyword) can be different from the list of
    # emission lines fit below.
    sc_pixel_mask = SpectralPixelMask(artdb=ArtifactDB.from_key('BADSKY'),
    # Mask the 5577 sky line
    el_pixel_mask = SpectralPixelMask(artdb=ArtifactDB.from_key('BADSKY'))

    # Finally, you can set whether or not to show a set of plots.
    # Show the ppxf-generated plots for each fit stage.
    fit_plots = False
    # Show summary plots
    usr_plots = True

    # Fit the stellar continuum

    # First, we construct the template library. The keyword that
    # selects the template library (sc_tpl_key) is defined above. The
    # following call reads in the template library and processes the
    # data to have the appropriate pixel sampling. Note that *no*
    # matching of the spectral resolution to the galaxy spectrum is
    # performed.
    sc_tpl = TemplateLibrary(sc_tpl_key, match_resolution=False, velscale_ratio=sc_velscale_ratio,
                             spectral_step=spectral_step, log=True, hardcopy=False)

    # This calculation of the mean spectral resolution is a kludge. The
    # template library should provide spectra that are *all* at the
    # same spectral resolution. Otherwise, one cannot freely combine
    # the spectra to fit the Doppler broadening of the galaxy spectrum
    # in a robust (constrained) way (without substantially more
    # effort). There should be no difference between what's done below
    # and simply taking the spectral resolution to be that of the first
    # template spectrum (i.e., sc_tpl['SPECRES'].data[0])
    sc_tpl_sres = numpy.mean(sc_tpl['SPECRES'].data, axis=0).ravel()

    # Instantiate the fitting class, including the mask that it should
    # use to flag the data. [[This mask should just be default...]]
    ppxf = PPXFFit(StellarContinuumModelBitMask())

    # The following call performs the fit to the spectrum. Specifically
    # note that the code only fits the first two moments, uses an
    # 8th-order additive polynomial, and uses the 'no_global_wrej'
    # iteration mode. See
    # https://sdss-mangadap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/mangadap.proc.ppxffit.html#mangadap.proc.ppxffit.PPXFFit.fit
    cont_wave, cont_flux, cont_mask, cont_par \
        = ppxf.fit(sc_tpl['WAVE'].data.copy(), sc_tpl['FLUX'].data.copy(), wave, flux, ferr,
                   z, dispersion, iteration_mode='no_global_wrej', reject_boxcar=100,
                   ensemble=False, velscale_ratio=sc_velscale_ratio, mask=sc_pixel_mask,
                   matched_resolution=False, tpl_sres=sc_tpl_sres, obj_sres=sres, degree=8,
                   moments=2, plot=fit_plots)

    # The returned objects from the fit are the wavelength, model, and
    # mask vectors and the record array with the best-fitting model
    # parameters. The datamodel of the best-fitting model parameters is
    # set by:
    # https://sdss-mangadap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/mangadap.proc.spectralfitting.html#mangadap.proc.spectralfitting.StellarKinematicsFit._per_stellar_kinematics_dtype

    # Remask the continuum fit
    sc_continuum = StellarContinuumModel.reset_continuum_mask_window(
                        numpy.ma.MaskedArray(cont_flux, mask=cont_mask>0))

    # Show the fit and residual
    if usr_plots:
        pyplot.plot(wave, flux[0,:], label='Data')
        pyplot.plot(wave, sc_continuum[0,:], label='Model')
        pyplot.plot(wave, flux[0,:] - sc_continuum[0,:], label='Resid')

    # Get the emission-line moments using the fitted stellar continuum

    # Read the database that define the emission lines and passbands
    momdb = EmissionMomentsDB.from_key(elmom_key)

    # Measure the moments
    elmom = EmissionLineMoments.measure_moments(momdb, wave, flux, continuum=sc_continuum,

    # Fit the emission-line model

    # Set the emission-line continuum templates if different from those
    # used for the stellar continuum
    if sc_tpl_key == el_tpl_key:
        # If the keywords are the same, just copy over the previous
        # library ...
        el_tpl = sc_tpl
        el_tpl_sres = sc_tpl_sres
        # ... and the best fitting stellar kinematics
        stellar_kinematics = cont_par['KIN']
        # If the template sets are different, we need to match the
        # spectral resolution to the galaxy data ...
        _sres = SpectralResolution(wave, sres[0,:], log10=True)
        el_tpl = TemplateLibrary(el_tpl_key, sres=_sres, velscale_ratio=el_velscale_ratio,
                                 spectral_step=spectral_step, log=True, hardcopy=False)
        el_tpl_sres = numpy.mean(el_tpl['SPECRES'].data, axis=0).ravel()
        # ... and use the corrected velocity dispersions.
        stellar_kinematics = cont_par['KIN']
        stellar_kinematics[:,1] = numpy.ma.sqrt(numpy.square(cont_par['KIN'][:,1]) -

    # Read the emission line fitting database
    emldb = EmissionLineDB.from_key(elfit_key)

    # Instantiate the fitting class
    emlfit = Sasuke(EmissionLineModelBitMask())

    # Perform the fit
    efit_t = time.perf_counter()
    eml_wave, model_flux, eml_flux, eml_mask, eml_fit_par, eml_eml_par \
            = emlfit.fit(emldb, wave, flux, obj_ferr=ferr, obj_mask=el_pixel_mask, obj_sres=sres,
                         guess_redshift=z, guess_dispersion=dispersion, reject_boxcar=101,
                         stpl_wave=el_tpl['WAVE'].data, stpl_flux=el_tpl['FLUX'].data,
                         stpl_sres=el_tpl_sres, stellar_kinematics=stellar_kinematics,
                         etpl_sinst_mode='offset', etpl_sinst_min=10.,
                         velscale_ratio=el_velscale_ratio, matched_resolution=False, mdegree=8,
    print('TIME: ', time.perf_counter() - efit_t)

    # Line-fit metrics
    eml_eml_par = EmissionLineFit.line_metrics(emldb, wave, flux, ferr, model_flux, eml_eml_par,
                                               model_mask=eml_mask, bitmask=emlfit.bitmask)

    # Get the stellar continuum that was fit for the emission lines
    elcmask = eml_mask.ravel() > 0
    goodpix = numpy.arange(elcmask.size)[numpy.invert(elcmask)]
    start, end = goodpix[0], goodpix[-1]+1
    elcmask[start:end] = False
    el_continuum = numpy.ma.MaskedArray(model_flux - eml_flux,

    # Plot the result
    if usr_plots:
        pyplot.plot(wave, flux[0,:], label='Data')
        pyplot.plot(wave, model_flux[0,:], label='Model')
        pyplot.plot(wave, el_continuum[0,:], label='EL Cont.')
        pyplot.plot(wave, sc_continuum[0,:], label='SC Cont.')

    # Remeasure the emission-line moments with the new continuum
    new_elmom = EmissionLineMoments.measure_moments(momdb, wave, flux, continuum=el_continuum,

    # Compare the summed flux and Gaussian-fitted flux for all the
    # fitted lines
    if usr_plots:
        pyplot.scatter(emldb['restwave'], (new_elmom['FLUX']-eml_eml_par['FLUX']).ravel(),
                       c=eml_eml_par['FLUX'].ravel(), cmap='viridis', marker='.', s=60, lw=0,
        pyplot.ylabel('Summed-Gaussian Difference')

    # Measure the spectral indices
    if absindx_key is None or bhdindx_key is None:
        # Neither are defined, so we're done
        print('Elapsed time: {0} seconds'.format(time.perf_counter() - t))

    # Setup the databases that define the indices to measure
    absdb = None if absindx_key is None else AbsorptionIndexDB.from_key(absindx_key)
    bhddb = None if bhdindx_key is None else BandheadIndexDB.from_key(bhdindx_key)

    # Remove the modeled emission lines from the spectra
    flux_noeml = flux - eml_flux
    redshift = stellar_kinematics[:,0] / astropy.constants.c.to('km/s').value
    sp_indices = SpectralIndices.measure_indices(absdb, bhddb, wave, flux_noeml, ivar=ivar,

    # Calculate the velocity dispersion corrections
    #   - Construct versions of the best-fitting model spectra with and without
    #     the included dispersion
    continuum = Sasuke.construct_continuum_models(emldb, el_tpl['WAVE'].data, el_tpl['FLUX'].data,
                                                  wave, flux.shape, eml_fit_par)
    continuum_dcnvlv = Sasuke.construct_continuum_models(emldb, el_tpl['WAVE'].data,
                                                         el_tpl['FLUX'].data, wave, flux.shape,
                                                         eml_fit_par, redshift_only=True)

    #   - Get the dispersion corrections and fill the relevant columns of the
    #     index table
    sp_indices['BCONT_MOD'], sp_indices['BCONT_CORR'], sp_indices['RCONT_MOD'], \
        sp_indices['RCONT_CORR'], sp_indices['MCONT_MOD'], sp_indices['MCONT_CORR'], \
        sp_indices['AWGT_MOD'], sp_indices['AWGT_CORR'], \
        sp_indices['INDX_MOD'], sp_indices['INDX_CORR'], \
        sp_indices['INDX_BF_MOD'], sp_indices['INDX_BF_CORR'], \
        good_les, good_ang, good_mag, is_abs \
                = SpectralIndices.calculate_dispersion_corrections(absdb, bhddb, wave, flux,
                                                                   continuum, continuum_dcnvlv,

    # Apply the index corrections.  This is only done here for the
    # Worthey/Trager definition of the indices, as an example
    corrected_indices = numpy.zeros(sp_indices['INDX'].shape, dtype=float)
    corrected_indices_err = numpy.zeros(sp_indices['INDX'].shape, dtype=float)
    # Unitless indices
    corrected_indices[good_les], corrected_indices_err[good_les] \
            = SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(sp_indices['INDX'][good_les],
    # Indices in angstroms
    corrected_indices[good_ang], corrected_indices_err[good_ang] \
            = SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(sp_indices['INDX'][good_ang],
    # Indices in magnitudes
    corrected_indices[good_mag], corrected_indices_err[good_mag] \
            = SpectralIndices.apply_dispersion_corrections(sp_indices['INDX'][good_mag],

    # Print the results for a few indices
    index_names = numpy.append(absdb['name'], bhddb['name'])
    print(f'{"NAME":<8} {"Raw Index":>12} {"err":>12} {"Index Corr":>12} {"Index":>12} {"err":>12}')
    print(f'{"-"*8:<8} {"-"*12:<12} {"-"*12:<12} {"-"*12:<12} {"-"*12:<12} {"-"*12:<12}')
    for name in ['Hb', 'HDeltaA', 'Mgb', 'Dn4000']:
        i = numpy.where(index_names == name)[0][0]
        print(f'{name:<8} {sp_indices["INDX"][0,i]:12.4f} {sp_indices["INDX_ERR"][0,i]:12.4f} '
              f'{sp_indices["INDX_CORR"][0,i]:12.4f} {corrected_indices[0,i]:12.4f} '


    print('Elapsed time: {0} seconds'.format(time.perf_counter() - t))
Exemplo n.º 15
import resource
soft, hard = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)
resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE, (10000, hard))

nwalkers = 100 # number of monte carlo chains
nsteps= 100 # number of steps in the monte carlo chain
opstart = [0.7, 9.0, 1.25] # starting place of all the chains
burnin = 500 # number of steps in the burn in phase of the monte carlo chain
ndim = 3

ages = Planck15.age(mpl6agn['nsa_z']).value

define_em_db = SpectralFeatureDBDef(key='USEREM',
emlines  = EmissionLineDB(u"USEREM", emldb_list=define_em_db)
define_abs_db = SpectralFeatureDBDef(key='USERABS',
abs_db = AbsorptionIndexDB(u"USERABS", indxdb_list=define_abs_db)
band_db = BandheadIndexDB(u"BHBASIC")
indx_names = np.hstack([abs_db.data["name"], band_db.data["name"]])

for n in trange(len(mpl6agn)):
    if os.path.isfile('../data/manga-'+str(mpl6agn[n]['plate'])+'-'+str(mpl6agn[n]['ifudsgn'].strip())+'-LOGCUBE.fits.gz'):
    #     pass
    # else: 
    #     r = requests.get(top_level_url+str(mpl6agn[n]['plate'])+'/stack/manga-'+str(mpl6agn[n]['plate'])+'-'+str(mpl6agn[n]['ifudsgn'].strip())+'-LOGCUBE.fits.gz', auth=HTTPBasicAuth(up[0].rstrip('\n'), up[1].rstrip('\n')), stream=True)
    #     if r.ok:
    #         with open('../data/manga-'+str(mpl6agn[n]['plate'])+'-'+str(mpl6agn[n]['ifudsgn'].strip())+'-LOGCUBE.fits.gz', 'wb') as file:
    #             file.write(r.content) 
    #     s = requests.get(top_level_url+str(mpl6agn[n]['plate'])+'/stack/manga-'+str(mpl6agn[n]['plate'])+'-'+str(mpl6agn[n]['ifudsgn'].strip())+'-LOGRSS.fits.gz', auth=HTTPBasicAuth(up[0].rstrip('\n'), up[1].rstrip('\n')), stream=True)
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_moments_with_continuum():
    # Read the data
    specfile = data_test_file('MaNGA_test_spectra.fits.gz')
    hdu = fits.open(specfile)
    drpbm = DRPFitsBitMask()
    flux = numpy.ma.MaskedArray(hdu['FLUX'].data,
    ferr = numpy.ma.power(hdu['IVAR'].data, -0.5)
    flux[ferr.mask] = numpy.ma.masked
    ferr[flux.mask] = numpy.ma.masked
    nspec = flux.shape[0]

    # Instantiate the template libary
    velscale_ratio = 4
    tpl = TemplateLibrary('MILESHC',
    tpl_sres = numpy.mean(tpl['SPECRES'].data, axis=0)

    # Get the pixel mask
    pixelmask = SpectralPixelMask(artdb=ArtifactDB.from_key('BADSKY'),

    # Instantiate the fitting class
    ppxf = PPXFFit(StellarContinuumModelBitMask())

    # Perform the fit
    fit_wave, fit_flux, fit_mask, fit_par \
        = ppxf.fit(tpl['WAVE'].data.copy(), tpl['FLUX'].data.copy(), hdu['WAVE'].data, flux, ferr,
                   hdu['Z'].data, numpy.full(nspec, 100.), iteration_mode='no_global_wrej',
                   reject_boxcar=100, ensemble=False, velscale_ratio=velscale_ratio,
                   mask=pixelmask, matched_resolution=False, tpl_sres=tpl_sres,
                   obj_sres=hdu['SRES'].data, degree=8, moments=2)

    # Remask the continuum fit
    sc_continuum = StellarContinuumModel.reset_continuum_mask_window(
        numpy.ma.MaskedArray(fit_flux, mask=fit_mask > 0))

    # Read the database that define the emission lines and passbands
    momdb = EmissionMomentsDB.from_key('ELBMILES')

    # Measure the moments
    elmombm = EmissionLineMomentsBitMask()
    elmom = EmissionLineMoments.measure_moments(momdb,

    # Measure the EW based on the moments
    include_band = numpy.array([numpy.invert(momdb.dummy)]*nspec) \
                        & numpy.invert(elmombm.flagged(elmom['MASK'],
                                                       flag=['BLUE_EMPTY', 'RED_EMPTY']))
    line_center = (1.0 + hdu['Z'].data)[:, None] * momdb['restwave'][None, :]
    elmom['BMED'], elmom['RMED'], pos, elmom['EWCONT'], elmom['EW'], elmom['EWERR'] \
            = emission_line_equivalent_width(hdu['WAVE'].data, flux, momdb['blueside'],
                                             momdb['redside'], line_center, elmom['FLUX'],

    # Check the flags
    reference = {
        'BLUE_INCOMP': 21,
        'MAIN_JUMP': 0,
        'UNDEFINED_MOM2': 42,
        'RED_JUMP': 0,
        'DIVBYZERO': 0,
        'RED_EMPTY': 21,
        'UNDEFINED_BANDS': 8,
        'DIDNOTUSE': 0,
        'UNDEFINED_MOM1': 0,
        'FORESTAR': 0,
        'LOW_SNR': 0,
        'MAIN_EMPTY': 21,
        'BLUE_JUMP': 0,
        'RED_INCOMP': 21,
        'MAIN_INCOMP': 21,
        'BLUE_EMPTY': 21
    assert numpy.all([
        reference[k] == numpy.sum(elmombm.flagged(elmom['MASK'], flag=k))
        for k in elmombm.keys()
    ]), 'Number of flagged measurements changed'

    # Check that the values are finite
    assert numpy.all([ numpy.all(numpy.isfinite(elmom[n])) for n in elmom.dtype.names]), \
                        'Found non-finite values in output'

    # Check the band definitions
    assert numpy.all(numpy.equal(elmom['REDSHIFT'],
                                 hdu['Z'].data)), 'Redshift changed'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.isclose(numpy.mean(momdb['blueside'], axis=1)[None,:],
                        | elmombm.flagged(elmom['MASK'], flag='UNDEFINED_BANDS')), \
                'Blue passband center incorrect'
    assert numpy.all(numpy.isclose(numpy.mean(momdb['redside'], axis=1)[None,:],
                        | elmombm.flagged(elmom['MASK'], flag='UNDEFINED_BANDS')), \
                'Red passband center incorrect'

    # Check the values
    assert numpy.all(
        numpy.absolute(elmom['FLUX'][0] - numpy.array([
            0.63, 0.00, 0.22, -1.32, -0.88, -0.68, -0.44, -0.13, -1.14, -0.07,
            -0.11, 0.01, 0.38, 0.73, 0.71, 0.44, 0.08, 0.74, 1.30, 2.34, 0.55,
        ])) < 0.01), 'Fluxes too different'

    assert numpy.all(numpy.absolute(elmom['MOM1'][0] -
                        numpy.array([ 14682.6,      0.0, 14843.2, 14865.8, 14890.4, 14404.7,
                                      14208.6,  12376.0, 14662.5, 14148.5, 15804.1, 17948.4,
                                      14874.5,  14774.9, 14840.5, 14746.0, 15093.1, 14857.8,
                                      14839.0,  14840.2, 14876.0, 14859.5])) < 0.1), \
                    '1st moments too different'

    assert numpy.all(numpy.absolute(elmom['MOM2'][0] -
                        numpy.array([322.2,   0.0, 591.4, 436.4, 474.6,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0,
                                     364.6,   0.0,   0.0,   0.0, 289.1, 226.9, 282.6, 283.8,
                                     227.0, 207.7, 207.7, 253.6, 197.0, 212.4])) < 0.1), \
                    '2nd moments too different'

    assert numpy.all(numpy.absolute(elmom['EW'][0] -
                        numpy.array([ 0.63,  0.00,  0.20, -1.28, -0.76, -0.54, -0.30, -0.09,
                                     -0.61, -0.03, -0.04,  0.00,  0.13,  0.25,  0.24,  0.13,
                                      0.02,  0.22,  0.38,  0.69,  0.17,  0.13])) < 0.01), \
                    'EW too different'
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_eml_channel_names():
    emldb = EmissionLineDB.from_key('ELPMPL11')
    names = emldb.channel_names()
    assert 'Ha-6564' in list(names.keys())
    assert names['OII-3727'] == 0