Exemplo n.º 1
def moving_average(y, window_length):
    Compute the moving average of y with specified window length.

        y: an 1-d pylab array with length N, representing the y-coordinates of
            the N sample points
        window_length: an integer indicating the window length for computing
            moving average

        an 1-d pylab array with the same length as y storing moving average of
        y-coordinates of the N sample points

    i = 1
    moving_avg = pylab.array([])

    while i < window_length:
        moving_avg = pylab.append(moving_avg, pylab.array(sum(y[0:i])/i))
        i += 1

    for j in range(i, len(y)+1):
        moving_avg = pylab.append(moving_avg, pylab.array(
            sum(y[j-window_length:j] / window_length)))

    return moving_avg
Exemplo n.º 2
def gen_cities_avg(climate, multi_cities, years):
    Compute the average annual temperature over multiple cities.

        climate: instance of Climate
        multi_cities: the names of cities we want to average over (list of str)
        years: the range of years of the yearly averaged temperature (list of

        a pylab 1-d array of floats with length = len(years). Each element in
        this array corresponds to the average annual temperature over the given
        cities for a given year.
    year_dt = list()

    for year in years:
        city_dt = pylab.array([])
        for city in multi_cities:
            city_dt = pylab.append(
                city_dt, climate.get_yearly_temp(city, year))

        year_dt.append(sum(city_dt) / len(city_dt))

    return pylab.array(year_dt)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def tempo_search(db, Key, tempo):

            Static tempo-invariant search
            Returns search results for query resampled over a range of tempos.
        if not db.configCheck():
            print("Failed configCheck in query spec.")
            return None
        prop = 1. / tempo  # the proportion of original samples required for new tempo
        qconf = db.configQuery.copy()
        X = db.retrieve_datum(Key)
        P = db.retrieve_datum(Key, powers=True)
        X_m = pylab.mat(X.mean(0))
        X_resamp = pylab.array(
            adb.resample_vector(X - pylab.mat(pylab.ones(X.shape[0])).T * X_m,
        X_resamp += pylab.mat(pylab.ones(X_resamp.shape[0])).T * X_m
        P_resamp = pylab.array(adb.resample_vector(P, prop))
        seqStart = int(pylab.around(qconf['seqStart'] * prop))
        qconf['seqStart'] = seqStart
        seqLength = int(pylab.around(qconf['seqLength'] * prop))
        qconf['seqLength'] = seqLength
        tmpconf = db.configQuery
        db.configQuery = qconf
        res = db.query_data(featData=X_resamp, powerData=P_resamp)
        res_resorted = adb.sort_search_result(res.rawData)
        db.configQuery = tmpconf
        return res_resorted
Exemplo n.º 4
def fitting(x,y,f,p0,c0,yerr='none',qval='none'):
   if yerr=='none':
   global func
   print 'fitting with funcion: ', func
   print 'no of parameters: ', len(p0)
#   plsq = leastsq(residuals, p0, args=(y,x,yerr), col_deriv=1, maxfev=20000)
   if 'duri' in func:
      plsq= leastsq(residuals_duri_global, p0, args=(y,x,yerr,qval), col_deriv=0, ftol=1e-4, maxfev=2000000)
      plsq = leastsq(residuals, p0, args=(y,x,yerr), col_deriv=0, maxfev=20000)
   if npar==1:
      final_par = array([plsq[0]])
      final_par = plsq[0]
   if 'duri' in func:
      for i,q in enumerate(qval):
   return yfit, final_par, func
Exemplo n.º 5
def tryFits1(fName):
    distances, heights = getTrajectoryData(fName)
    distances = pylab.array(distances) * 36
    totHeights = pylab.array([0] * len(distances))
    for h in heights:
        totHeights = totHeights + pylab.array(h)
    pylab.title('Trajectory of Projectile (Mean of 4 Trials)')
    pylab.xlabel('Inches from Launch Point')
    pylab.ylabel('Inches Above Launch Point')
    meanHeights = totHeights / float(len(heights))
    pylab.plot(distances, meanHeights, 'bo')
    a, b = pylab.polyfit(distances, meanHeights, 1)
    altitudes = a * distances + b
               label='Linear Fit' + ', R2 = ' +
               str(round(rSquare(meanHeights, altitudes), 4)))
    a, b, c = pylab.polyfit(distances, meanHeights, 2)
    altitudes = a * (distances**2) + b * distances + c
               label='Quadratic Fit' + ', R2 = ' +
               str(round(rSquare(meanHeights, altitudes), 4)))
Exemplo n.º 6
def infer(model):
    print('start test!')
    label_np = array(Image.open('./data/test/Labels/672.png'))
    label = Variable(torch.from_numpy(label_np))
    img = Image.open('./data/test/Images/672.png')
    img_n = array(img)

    img_np = np.resize(img_n, (480, 480, 3))
    outputs = model(
        Variable(torch.from_numpy(img_np[np.newaxis, :].transpose(0, 3, 1,
    # print outputs.size()
    outputs = outputs.squeeze()
    print outputs
    predict = reverse_one_hot(outputs)
    print predict
    label = label.squeeze()
    print label

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3)
    ax[0].imshow(img_np, cmap='gray')

    return 0
Exemplo n.º 7
def sol_tov(rho_center):
    rmin = dr
    rmax = 20000.0
    r = pylab.arange(rmin, rmax + dr, dr)
    m = pylab.zeros_like(r)
    P = pylab.zeros_like(r)
    m[0] = (4.0 / 3.0) * pi * rho_center * r[0]**3
    P[0] = eos(rho_center)
    y = pylab.array([P[0], m[0]])
    i = 0
    while P[i] > 0.0 and i < len(r) - 1:
        y = rk4(tov, y, r[i], dr)
        P[i + 1] = y[0]
        m[i + 1] = y[1]
        i = i + 1
    rho = pylab.array(list(map(lambda p: inv_eos(p), P)))

    m, r, rho, P = m[:i], r[:i], rho[:i], P[:i]  # Give restriction for region

    if isentropic:  # Consider the isentropic case
        # We use conventional finite differencing to handle this case
        drhodr = get_dfdr(rho, dr)
        rprime = (r[-1] - r)[::-1]  # Inward integration variable
        # Specific internal energy from thermo identities
        u_integrand = (-P * drhodr / (rho**2))[::-1]
        # Interpolation
        integrand_interpol = iterp1d(rprime, u_integrand, kind='cubic')
        urhs = lambda u, rprime: integrand_interpol(rprime)
        u = np.zeros_like(r)
        for i in range(0, len(rprime) - 1):
            u[i + 1] = rk4(urhs, u[i], rprime[i], dr)  # Using RK4 to integrate
            u = u[::-1]  # Reverse u
        u = np.zeros_like(r)
    return m, m[-1] / Msun, r, rho, P, u  # Return the mass and radius of star
Exemplo n.º 8
    def imextents(self, im, buffer=1.):
        extents in pixel space - buffer in units of inner ap radius
        ca = self.imcoords(im, reg="ap")
        c1 = self.imcoords(im, reg="bg1")  # outer bg
        if self.type == "circle":
            dr = ca[2]
            xra = c1[0] + (dr * buffer + c1[2]) * pl.array([-1, 1])
            yra = c1[1] + (dr * buffer + c1[2]) * pl.array([-1, 1])
        elif self.type == "polygon":
            dx = minmax(ca[0, :])
            dy = minmax(ca[1, :])
            ctr = [mean(dx), mean(dy)]
            dx = dx[1] - dx[0]
            dy = dy[1] - dy[0]
            dr = 0.5 * max(dx, dy)
            xra = minmax(c1[0, :]) + dr * buffer * pl.array([-1, 1])
            yra = minmax(c1[1, :]) + dr * buffer * pl.array([-1, 1])

        xra[0] = pl.floor(xra[0]) + 1
        yra[0] = pl.floor(yra[0]) + 1
        xra[1] = pl.ceil(xra[1]) + 1
        yra[1] = pl.ceil(yra[1]) + 1

        if xra[0] < 0: xra[0] = 0
        if yra[0] < 0: yra[0] = 0
        s = im.shape - pl.array([1, 1])  # remember, transposed y,x
        if xra[1] > s[1]: xra[1] = s[1]
        if yra[1] > s[0]: yra[1] = s[0]

        return int(xra[0]), int(yra[0]), int(xra[1]), int(yra[1])
Exemplo n.º 9
 def updateParticules(self, X, Y, T, freq=10):
     """ rajouter une ligne dans le groupe de particules"""
     l0 = self.getObjFromType('particules')
     lignes = l0.object
     d = l0.getData()
     if d == None: data = []
     else: data = d * 1
     t = self.getObjFromType('partTime')
     if t != None: txt = t.object * 1
     else: txt = []
     p, = pl.plot(pl.array(X), pl.array(Y), 'r')
     obj = GraphicObject('particules', lignes, True, None)
     data.append([X, Y, T])
     if freq > 0:
         tx, ty, tt = X[0::freq], Y[0::freq], T[0::freq]
         for i in range(len(tx)):
             a = str(tt[i])
             b = a.split('.')
             ln = max(4, len(b[0]))
             txt.append(pl.text(tx[i], ty[i], a[:ln], fontsize='8'))
         obj = GraphicObject('partTime', txt, False, None)
     self.gui_repaint()  # bug matplotlib v2.6 for direct draw!!!
Exemplo n.º 10
    def setbgcoords(self):
        if self.type == None:
            raise Exception("region type=None - has it been set?")
        if self.type == "circle":
            if len(self.coords) != 3:
                raise Exception(
                    "region coords should be ctr_ra, ctr_dec, rad_arcsec - the coord array has unexpected length %d"
                    % len(self.coords))
            self.bg0coords = pl.array(self.coords)
            self.bg1coords = pl.array(self.coords)
            # set larger radii for annulus
            self.bg0coords[2] = self.coords[2] * self.bgfact[0]
            self.bg1coords[2] = self.coords[2] * self.bgfact[1]
        elif self.type == "polygon":
            n = self.coords.shape[1]
            self.coords = pl.array(self.coords)
            ctr = [self.coords[:, 0].mean(), self.coords[:, 1].mean()]
            x = self.coords[:, 0] - ctr[0]
            y = self.coords[:, 1] - ctr[1]
            r = pl.sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
            th = pl.arctan2(y, x)

            ct = pl.cos(th)
            st = pl.sin(th)
            # inner and outer background regions
            b = self.bgfact
            self.bg0coords = pl.array([r * b[0] * ct, r * b[0] * st]).T + ctr
            self.bg1coords = pl.array([r * b[1] * ct, r * b[1] * st]).T + ctr

            raise Exception("unknown region type %s" % self.type)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _make_log_freq_map(self):

            For the given ncoef (bands-per-octave) and nfft, calculate the center frequencies
            and bandwidths of linear and log-scaled frequency axes for a constant-Q transform.
        fp = self.feature_params
        bpo = float(self.nbpo)  # Bands per octave
        self._fftN = float(self.nfft)
        hi_edge = float(self.hi)
        lo_edge = float(self.lo)
        f_ratio = 2.0**(1.0 / bpo)  # Constant-Q bandwidth
        self._cqtN = float(P.floor(P.log(hi_edge / lo_edge) / P.log(f_ratio)))
        self._dctN = self._cqtN
        self._outN = float(self.nfft / 2 + 1)
        if self._cqtN < 1: print("warning: cqtN not positive definite")
        mxnorm = P.empty(self._cqtN)  # Normalization coefficients
        fftfrqs = self._fftfrqs  #P.array([i * self.sample_rate / float(self._fftN) for i in P.arange(self._outN)])
        logfrqs = P.array([
            lo_edge * P.exp(P.log(2.0) * i / bpo) for i in P.arange(self._cqtN)
        logfbws = P.array([
            max(logfrqs[i] * (f_ratio - 1.0),
                self.sample_rate / float(self._fftN))
            for i in P.arange(self._cqtN)
        #self._fftfrqs = fftfrqs
        self._logfrqs = logfrqs
        self._logfbws = logfbws
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_r_squared(self):

        # basic case:
        # actual values    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
        # estimated values [5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5]
        y = pylab.array(range(10))
        est = pylab.array([5] * 10)
        r_sq = ps5.r_squared(y, est)
        self.assertIsInstance(r_sq, float, "r_squared should return a float")
        rounded = round(r_sq, 6)
        self.assertEquals(rounded, -0.030303)

        # another basic case:
        # actual values    [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
        # estimated values [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16]
        est = pylab.array(range(0, 20, 2))
        r_sq = ps5.r_squared(y, est)
        self.assertIsInstance(r_sq, float, "r_squared should return a float")
        rounded = round(r_sq, 6)
        self.assertEquals(rounded, -2.454545)

        # case where actual = estimated, so R^2=1
        r_sq = ps5.r_squared(y, y)
        self.assertIsInstance(r_sq, float, "r_squared should return a float")
        self.assertEquals(r_sq, 1.0)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def __init__(self, bins = 10, rnge = (0,100), temp_file = 'temp.txt',
                    do_histograms = True, do_coincidences = False):
     """ Thread constructor
     :arg temp_file: Name of the temporary file
     :arg do_histogram:
     :arg bins:
     :arg rnge:
     :arg do_coincidences: Generate an additional 
                           histogram with the coincidences t2-t1
     self.bins = bins
     self.rnge = rnge
     self.data = [pl.array([]),pl.array([])]
     self.hist = [generateHist([], self.bins, rnge= self.rnge),
                  generateHist([], self.bins, rnge= self.rnge)]
     self.n_starts = 0
     if temp_file != None:
         self.temp_file = open(temp_file,'w')
         self.temp_file = None
     self.do_coincidences = do_coincidences
     self.do_histograms = do_histograms
     if do_coincidences:
         self.rnge_c = (self.rnge[0] - self.rnge[1], self.rnge[1] - self.rnge[0])
         self.hist_c = generateHist([], 2*self.bins, rnge= self.rnge_c)
Exemplo n.º 14
def plotstuff(cell, electrode):

    figure = mlab.figure(size=(800,800))
    l_list = []
    for sec in neuron.h.allsec():
        idx = cell.get_idx_section(sec.name())
        j = 0
        for seg in sec:
            i = idx[j]
            x = pl.array([cell.xstart[i],cell.xend[i]])
            y = pl.array([cell.ystart[i],cell.yend[i]])
            z = pl.array([cell.zstart[i],cell.zend[i]])
            s = pl.array([seg.v, seg.v])
            l = mlab.plot3d(x, y, z, s, colormap = 'Spectral',
                            representation='surface', vmin=-70, vmax=10)
            print j
            j += 1
    t0 = time()
    #ms = l_list[0].mlab_source
    while time()-t0 < 10:
        for l in l_list:
            ms = l.mlab_source
            s = pl.rand()*80 -70
            scalars = pl.array([s, s])
            ms.set(scalars = scalars)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def __init__(self, contact_area_percent=50.0):

        # begin: parameters to be specified

        self.contact_area_percent = contact_area_percent

        # resistor that is in series with the taxel (Ohms)
        self.r1 = 47.0

        # total voltage across the taxel and r1, which are in serise (Volts)
        self.vtot = 5.0

        # the maximum resistance of the taxel when no pressure is applied (Ohms)
        self.rtax_max = 50.0

        # the minimum force that will be applied to the taxel (Newtons)
        self.fz_min = 0.0

        # the maximum force that will be applied to the taxel (Newtons)
        self.fz_max = 45.0

        # the number of bits for the analog to digital conversion
        self.adc_bits = 10

        # the pressure sensitive area of the taxel (meters^2)
        self.taxel_area = 0.04 * 0.04

        # pressure that results in minimum resistance after which
        # further pressure does not result in a reduction in the
        # signal, since the sensor is saturated (Pascals = N/m^2)
        self.pressure_max = self.fz_max / (0.4 * self.taxel_area)

        # hack to specify the minimum resistance of the taxel, which
        # is associated with the maximum pressure. for now, it's
        # specified as a percentage of the maximum resistance, which
        # is associated with 0 applied pressure (no contact)
        self.r_min_percent_of_r_no_contact = 0.001  #

        # end

        self.r_no_contact = self.taxel_area * self.rtax_max
        self.r_min = self.r_no_contact * (self.r_min_percent_of_r_no_contact /
        self.fz_array = pl.arange(self.fz_min, self.fz_max, 0.001)  # N
        self.adc_range = pow(2.0, self.adc_bits)
        self.volts_per_adc_unit = self.vtot / self.adc_range  # V
        self.contact_area = self.taxel_area * (
            self.contact_area_percent / 100.0)  # m^2
        self.no_contact_area = self.taxel_area - self.contact_area  # m^2
        self.pressure_array = pl.array(
            [f / self.contact_area for f in self.fz_array])  # Pascals = N/m^2
        self.rtax_array = pl.array([self.rtax(f) for f in self.pressure_array])
        self.vdigi_array = pl.array(
            [self.output_voltage(r) for r in self.rtax_array])
        self.vdigi_max = self.output_voltage(self.rtax_max)
        self.adc_bias = self.vdigi_max / self.volts_per_adc_unit
        self.adc_array = self.vdigi_array / self.volts_per_adc_unit
        self.adc_plot = self.adc_bias - self.adc_array
Exemplo n.º 16
Arquivo: plot.py Projeto: hsk81/rpc.js
def histogram(arguments):

    data = list(map(float, sys.stdin.readlines()))
    data_min = min(data)
    data_avg = pylab.average(pylab.array(data))
    data_max = max(data)
    data_std = pylab.std(pylab.array(data))

    data = filter(
        lambda n: data_avg + arguments.n * data_std > (n**2)**0.5, data)

    pyplot.hist(list(data), bins=arguments.bins)

    if arguments.title is None:
        pyplot.title('min|avg|max|std = {0:0.2f}|{1:0.2f}|{2:0.2f}|{3:0.2f}'
            .format(data_min, data_avg, data_max, data_std))


Exemplo n.º 17
 def updateParticules(self, X, Y, T, freq=10):
     """ rajouter une ligne dans le groupe de particules"""
     l0 = self.getObjFromType("particules")
     lignes = l0.object
     d = l0.getData()
     if d == None:
         data = []
         data = d * 1
     t = self.getObjFromType("partTime")
     if t != None:
         txt = t.object * 1
         txt = []
     p, = pl.plot(pl.array(X), pl.array(Y), "r")
     obj = GraphicObject("particules", lignes, True, None)
     data.append([X, Y, T])
     if freq > 0:
         tx, ty, tt = X[0::freq], Y[0::freq], T[0::freq]
         for i in range(len(tx)):
             a = str(tt[i])
             b = a.split(".")
             ln = max(4, len(b[0]))
             txt.append(pl.text(tx[i], ty[i], a[:ln], fontsize="8"))
         obj = GraphicObject("partTime", txt, False, None)
     self.gui_repaint()  # bug matplotlib v2.6 for direct draw!!!
Exemplo n.º 18
def gen_std_devs(climate, multi_cities, years):
    For each year in years, compute the standard deviation over the averaged yearly
    temperatures for each city in multi_cities. 

        climate: instance of Climate
        multi_cities: the names of cities we want to use in our std dev calculation (list of str)
        years: the range of years to calculate standard deviation for (list of int)

        a pylab 1-d array of floats with length = len(years). Each element in
        this array corresponds to the standard deviation of the average annual 
        city temperatures for the given cities in a given year.
    result = []
    for year in years:
        city_temps = []
        national_temp = []
        for city in multi_cities:
            #Get a list of arrays, each array is all the daily temps of the year for each city
            city_temps.append(climate.get_yearly_temp(city, year))
        #turn the list of arrays into a numpy array
        city_temps = np.array(city_temps)
        #go over the 2d array and get an array of temperatures for that day, add the standard deviation to national_temp
        for day in range(len(city_temps[0])):
            daily_temps = city_temps[:, day]
    return pylab.array(result)
Exemplo n.º 19
def moving_average(y, window_length):
    Compute the moving average of y with specified window length.

        y: an 1-d pylab array with length N, representing the y-coordinates of
            the N sample points
        window_length: an integer indicating the window length for computing
            moving average

        an 1-d pylab array with the same length as y storing moving average of
        y-coordinates of the N sample points
    result = []
    for i in range(len(y)):
        start_index = i - window_length + 1
        if start_index < 0:
                #Get mean from start of array till i
                pylab.array(y[:i + 1]).mean())
                #Get mean from start_index to i
                pylab.array(y[start_index:i + 1]).mean())
    return pylab.array(result)
Exemplo n.º 20
def main(data_files1, data_files2,
         err, B=0.5003991, l=2e-2, w=1e-2,
    mu_H = lambda V_5, V_1: V_5 * l / ( V_1 * B * w)
    mu_He = lambda V_5, V_1, V_5e, V_1e: pylab.sqrt(\
                ( (l / ( V_1 * B * w)) * V_5e )**2 +\
                ( (V_5 / ( V_1 * B * w)) * 1e-4 )**2 +\
                ( (V_5 * l / ( V_1 * B * w)) * 1e-4 )**2 +\
                ( (V_5 * l / ( V_1**2 * B * w)) * V_1e )**2 +\
                ( (V_5 * l / ( V_1 * B**2 * w)) * 2e-8 )**2 +\
                ( (V_5 * l / ( V_1 * B * w**2)) * 1e-4 )**2)
    x5, x1, V5, V1, N5, N1 = [], [], [], [], [], []
    for df in data_files1:
        databox = spinmob.data.load(df)
        x, V, N = interpolate(databox)
        x5 += x
        V5 += V
        N5 += N
    for df in data_files2:
        databox = spinmob.data.load(df)
        x, V, N = interpolate(databox)
        x1 += x
        V1 += V
        N1 += N
    min_len = min([len(x5), len(x1)])
    xs = pylab.array(x5[:min_len])
    V5, V1 = pylab.array(V5[:min_len]), pylab.array(V1[:min_len])
    N5, N1 = pylab.array(N5[:min_len]), pylab.array(N1[:min_len])
    e5, e1 = err / pylab.sqrt(N5), err / pylab.sqrt(N1)
    ys, es = mu_H(V5, V1), mu_He(V5, V1, e5, e1)
    make_fig(xs, ys, es, outfile)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def plot_net(self, style: str):
     total_pd = [self.paid[0]]
     for i in range(1, len(self.paid)):
         total_pd.append(total_pd[-1] + self.paid[i])
     equity = pylab.array([self.loan] * len(self.owed))
     equity = equity - pylab.array(self.owed)
     net = pylab.array(total_pd) - equity
     pylab.plot(net, style, label=self.legend)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def plotNet(self, style):
     totPd = [self.paid[0]]
     for i in range(1, len(self.paid)):
         totPd.append(totPd[-1] + self.paid[i])
     equityAcquired = pylab.array([self.loan] * len(self.outstanding))
     equityAcquired = equityAcquired - pylab.array(self.outstanding)
     net = pylab.array(totPd) - equityAcquired
     pylab.plot(net, style, label=self.legend)
Exemplo n.º 23
def plot_data(input):
    masses, distances = get_data(input)
    masses = pylab.array(masses)
    distances = pylab.array(distances)

    forces = masses * 9.81
    pylab.plot(forces, distances, 'bo', label='Measured displacements')
Exemplo n.º 24
def getAntLocations(configuration='D'):
    """Return location information for each antenna in array.

        Takes configuration as argument (choose from 'A', 'C', 'D').
        Tuple of arrays containing antenna diameters (m), names,
        and x, y, and z locations (m).

    # Raw antenna locations in C configuration
    vx = [41.1100006,  134.110001,   268.309998,  439.410004,  644.210022,
          880.309998,  1147.10999,  1442.41003,  1765.41003,  -36.7900009,
          -121.690002,  -244.789993, -401.190002, -588.48999,  -804.690002,
          -1048.48999, -1318.48999, -1613.98999,  -4.38999987,-11.29,  
          -22.7900009, -37.6899986, -55.3899994, -75.8899994, -99.0899963, 
          -124.690002, -152.690002]
    vy = [3.51999998, -39.8300018,  -102.480003, -182.149994, -277.589996,
         -387.839996, -512.119995, -649.76001,  -800.450012, -2.58999991,
         -59.9099998,  -142.889999, -248.410004, -374.690002, -520.599976,
         -685,        -867.099976, -1066.42004,   77.1500015,  156.910004, 
         287.980011,  457.429993,  660.409973,  894.700012,  1158.82996, 
         1451.43005,  1771.48999]
    vz = [0.25,       -0.439999998, -1.46000004, -3.77999997, -5.9000001,
         -7.28999996, -8.48999977, -10.5,       -9.56000042,      0.25, 
         -0.699999988, -1.79999995, -3.28999996, -4.78999996, -6.48999977,
         -9.17000008, -12.5299997, -15.3699999,  1.25999999,   2.42000008, 
         4.23000002,  6.65999985,  9.5,         12.7700005,  16.6800003, 
         21.2299995,  26.3299999]
    d = [25.0,       25.0,         25.0,         25.0,       25.0,
         25.0,       25.0,         25.0,         25.0,       25.0,
         25.0,       25.0,         25.0,         25.0,       25.0,
         25.0,       25.0,         25.0,         25.0,       25.0,
         25.0,       25.0,         25.0,         25.0,       25.0,
         25.0,       25.0]

    # Get scaling factor for antenna locations based on configuration
        scale = 3.0
            scale = 1.0/9.0
            scale = 1.0
        print 'Using VLA C-array coords'

    # Move antennas into desired configuration
    nn = len(vx)
    x = (vx - (sum(pl.array(vx))/(nn)))/scale
    y = (vy - (sum(pl.array(vy))/(nn)))/scale
    z = (vz - (sum(pl.array(vz))/(nn)))/scale

    # Label the antenna
    for i in range(0,nn):
    return d,an,x,y,z
Exemplo n.º 25
def plotData(fileName):
    xVals, yVals = getData(fileName)
    xVals = pylab.array(xVals)
    yVals = pylab.array(yVals)
    xVals = xVals * 9.81  # convert mass to force (F = mg)
    pylab.plot(xVals, yVals, 'bo', label='Measured displacements')
    pylab.title('Measured Displacement of Spring')
    pylab.xlabel('Force (Newtons)')
    pylab.ylabel('Distance (meters)')
    def __init__(self, contact_area_percent=50.0):

        # begin: parameters to be specified

        self.contact_area_percent = contact_area_percent

        # resistor that is in series with the taxel (Ohms)
        self.r1 = 47.0 

        # total voltage across the taxel and r1, which are in serise (Volts)
        self.vtot = 5.0 

        # the maximum resistance of the taxel when no pressure is applied (Ohms)
        self.rtax_max = 50.0 

        # the minimum force that will be applied to the taxel (Newtons)
        self.fz_min = 0.0 

        # the maximum force that will be applied to the taxel (Newtons)
        self.fz_max = 45.0 

        # the number of bits for the analog to digital conversion 
        self.adc_bits = 10 

        # the pressure sensitive area of the taxel (meters^2)
        self.taxel_area = 0.04 * 0.04 

        # pressure that results in minimum resistance after which
        # further pressure does not result in a reduction in the
        # signal, since the sensor is saturated (Pascals = N/m^2)
        self.pressure_max = self.fz_max/(0.4 * self.taxel_area) 

        # hack to specify the minimum resistance of the taxel, which
        # is associated with the maximum pressure. for now, it's
        # specified as a percentage of the maximum resistance, which
        # is associated with 0 applied pressure (no contact)
        self.r_min_percent_of_r_no_contact = 0.001 #

        # end

        self.r_no_contact = self.taxel_area * self.rtax_max 
        self.r_min = self.r_no_contact * (self.r_min_percent_of_r_no_contact/100.0)
        self.fz_array = pl.arange(self.fz_min, self.fz_max, 0.001) # N
        self.adc_range = pow(2.0, self.adc_bits)
        self.volts_per_adc_unit = self.vtot/self.adc_range # V 
        self.contact_area = self.taxel_area * (self.contact_area_percent/100.0) # m^2
        self.no_contact_area = self.taxel_area - self.contact_area # m^2
        self.pressure_array = pl.array([f/self.contact_area for f in self.fz_array]) # Pascals = N/m^2
        self.rtax_array = pl.array([self.rtax(f) for f in self.pressure_array])
        self.vdigi_array = pl.array([self.output_voltage(r) for r in self.rtax_array])
        self.vdigi_max = self.output_voltage(self.rtax_max)
        self.adc_bias = self.vdigi_max/self.volts_per_adc_unit
        self.adc_array = self.vdigi_array/self.volts_per_adc_unit
        self.adc_plot = self.adc_bias - self.adc_array
Exemplo n.º 27
def plotData(inputFile):
    masses, distances = getData(inputFile)
    masses = pylab.array(masses)
    distances = pylab.array(distances)
    forces = masses * 9.81
    pylab.plot(forces, distances, 'bo', label='Measured displacements')
    pylab.title('Measured Displacement of Spring')
    pylab.xlabel('|Force| (Newtons)')
    pylab.ylabel('Distance (meters)')
Exemplo n.º 28
 def get_ind_under_point(self, event):
     'get the index of the vertex under point if within epsilon tolerance'
     x, y = self.lx, self.ly
     d = sqrt((pl.array(x) - event.xdata)**2 +
              (pl.array(y) - event.ydata)**2)
     indseq = nonzero(equal(d, amin(d)))
     ind = indseq[0]
     if len(ind) > 1: ind = ind[0]
     if d[ind] >= self.epsilon: ind = None
     return ind
Exemplo n.º 29
def makeMSFrame(dirname,msname,ra0,dec0,nchan):
  msstokes='RR LL';
  feedtype='perfect R L';

  ## Directory for the MS
  if(not os.path.exists(dirname)):
    cmd = 'mkdir ' + dirname;

  vx = [41.1100006,  -34.110001,  -268.309998,  439.410004,  -444.210022]
  vy = [3.51999998, 129.8300018,  +102.480003, -182.149994, -277.589996]
  vz = [0.25,       -0.439999998, -1.46000004, -3.77999997, -5.9000001]
  d = [25.0,       25.0,         25.0,         25.0,       25.0]
  an = ['VLA1','VLA2','VLA3','VLA4','VLA5'];
  nn = len(vx)*2.0;
  x = 0.5*(vx - (sum(pl.array(vx))/(nn)));
  y = 0.5*(vy - (sum(pl.array(vy))/(nn)));
  z = 0.5*(vz - (sum(pl.array(vz))/(nn)));

  ####  This call will get locations for all 27 vla antennas.
  #d, an, x, y, z = getAntLocations()

  obspos = me.observatory('EVLA');
  #obspos = me.position('ITRF', '-0.0m', '0.0m', '3553971.510m');

  ## Make MS Frame
               mount=['alt-az'], antname=an,
  sm.setfield( sourcename="fake",sourcedirection=me.direction(rf='J2000',v0=ra0,v1=dec0) );
  sm.setlimits(shadowlimit=0.01, elevationlimit='10deg');
  sm.settimes(integrationtime='1800s', usehourangle=True,
  # Every 30 minutes, from -3h to +3h
  ostep = 0.5
  for loop in pl.arange(-3.0,+3.0,ostep):
    starttime = loop
    stoptime = starttime + ostep
    print starttime, stoptime
    for ch in range(0,nchan):
                   starttime=str(starttime)+'h', stoptime=str(stoptime)+'h');


  return d
Exemplo n.º 30
 def get_ind_under_point(self, event):
     "get the index of the vertex under point if within epsilon tolerance"
     x, y = self.lx, self.ly
     d = sqrt((pl.array(x) - event.xdata) ** 2 + (pl.array(y) - event.ydata) ** 2)
     indseq = nonzero(equal(d, amin(d)))
     ind = indseq[0]
     if len(ind) > 1:
         ind = ind[0]
     if d[ind] >= self.epsilon:
         ind = None
     return ind
Exemplo n.º 31
 def plotNet(self, style):
     """ Plot an approxmation to the total cost of the mortgage
     over time by plotting the cash expended minus the equity
     acquired by paying off part of the loan"""
     totPd = [self.paid[0]]
     for i in range(1, len(self.paid)):
         totPd.append(totPd[-1] + self.paid[i])
     equityAcquired = pylab.array([self.loan] * len(self.owed))
     equityAcquired = equityAcquired - pylab.array(self.owed)
     net = pylab.array(totPd) - equityAcquired
     pylab.plot(net, style, label=self.legend)
Exemplo n.º 32
def cubic_bezier(pts, t):
    Get points in a cubic bezier.
    p0, p1, p2, p3 = pts
    p0 = pylab.array(p0)
    p1 = pylab.array(p1)
    p2 = pylab.array(p2)
    p3 = pylab.array(p3)
    return p0 * (1 - t)**3 + 3 * t * p1 * (1 - t) ** 2 + \
        3 * t**2 * (1 - t) * p2 + t**3 * p3
Exemplo n.º 33
    def test_rmse(self):
        y = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
        estimate = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]
        result = ps5.rmse(pylab.array(y), pylab.array(estimate))
        correct = 35.8515457593
        self.assertTrue(math.isclose(correct, result), "RMSE value incorrect")

        y = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
        estimate = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]
        result = ps5.rmse(pylab.array(y), pylab.array(estimate))
        correct = 40.513372278
        self.assertTrue(math.isclose(correct, result), "RMSE value incorrect")
Exemplo n.º 34
def fit_power(Ts, Rs, Rerr, pguess):
    'Fit a power function to the data'
    Rs, Rerr = pylab.array(Rs), pylab.array(Rerr)
    model, ps = 'a * (x-x0)**(3/2)', 'a,x0'
    # Make intelligent guesses for the parameters
    a, x0 = pguess
    # Create a spinmob fitter
    fitter = spinmob.data.fitter(model, ps)
    fitter.set_data(Ts, Rs, Rerr)
    fitter.set(a=a, x0=x0) # Set guesses
    # Fit.
    return fitter
Exemplo n.º 35
def getData(fname):
    f = open(fname, 'r')
    X = []
    Y = []
    f.readline()  # ignore header
    for line in f:
        # if line[0] == '#':
        #     continue
        line = line[:-1]
        elems = line.rsplit(' ')
    return plt.array(X), plt.array(Y)
Exemplo n.º 36
 def setpoly(self, coordarr):
     ra1,de1,ra2,de2... in decimal degrees
     self.type = "polygon"
     n = len(coordarr) / 2
     c = pl.array(coordarr)
     xi = 2 * pl.array(range(n))
     yi = xi + 1
     self.coords = pl.array([c[xi], c[yi]]).T
     # TODO checks on coordarr - at least check if its even
     # TODO do we need to close the poly to make other things work?
Exemplo n.º 37
def fit_exp(Ts, Rs, Rerr, eguess):
    'Fit an exponential function to the data'
    Rs, Rerr = pylab.array(Rs), pylab.array(Rerr)
    model, ps = 'a * exp(b / x)', 'a,b'
    # Make intelligent guesses for the parameters
    a, b = eguess
    b = pylab.log(Rs[0]/Rs[1]) / ( Rs[-1] - Rs[0] )
    # Create a spinmob fitter
    fitter = spinmob.data.fitter(model, ps)
    fitter.set_data(Ts, Rs, Rerr)
    fitter.set(a=a, b=b) # Set guesses
    # Fit.
    return fitter
Exemplo n.º 38
def infer(model):
    print 'ok'
    label_np = array(Image.open('./data/test/Labels/10.png'))
    #label_np = cv2.cvtColor(label_np, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    img = Image.open('./data/test/Images/10.png')
    img_n = array(img)

    img_np = np.resize(img_n, (224, 224, 3))
    #image = f.convert('RGB')
    #img_cuda= input_transform(image).cuda()
    print img_np.shape
    outputs = model(
        Variable(torch.from_numpy(img_np[np.newaxis, :].transpose(0, 3, 1,
    interp = nn.UpsamplingBilinear2d(size=(224, 224))
    outputs = interp(outputs[3]).cpu().data[0].numpy()
    outputs = outputs[:, :img_np.shape[0], :img_np.shape[1]]
    print outputs.shape
    #    outputs = np.array(outputs)
    #    outputs = torch.from_numpy(outputs)
    #    print outputs.shape

    outputs = outputs.transpose(1, 2, 0)
    outputs = np.argmax(outputs, axis=2)
    print outputs.shape
    mask = np.array(outputs)

    print type(mask)
    cv2.imwrite('tuandao_10.png', mask * 120)
    print('mask', mask.shape)
    print mask.max()
    #print acc
    #    acc.dtype='float32'
    #    print acc/(500*500)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3)
    ax[0].imshow(img_np, cmap='gray')
    return 0
Exemplo n.º 39
def fitData(fileName):
    xVals, yVals = getData(fileName)
    xVals = pylab.array(xVals)
    yVals = pylab.array(yVals)
    xVals = xVals * 9.81  # convert mass to force (F = mg)
    pylab.plot(xVals, yVals, 'bo', label='Measured points')
    pylab.title('Measured Displacement of Spring')
    pylab.xlabel('Force (Newtons)')
    pylab.ylabel('Distance (meters)')
    a, b = pylab.polyfit(xVals, yVals, 1)  # fit y = ax + b
    # use line equation to graph predicted values
    estYVals = a * xVals + b
    k = 1 / a
    pylab.plot(xVals, estYVals, label='Linear fit, k = ' + str(round(k, 5)))
Exemplo n.º 40
def RealtimePloter(arg):
	global values
	#current x axis (cxa) is the length of values from max length to length-100
	cxa = range(len(values)-100,len(values),1)
Exemplo n.º 41
Arquivo: GvsT.py Projeto: ejetzer/hall
def splitfit(Ts, Rs, es, a, b, c, d, pguess, eguess, outfile=None):
    ## Split the data in two parts
    x1, x2, y1, y2, e1, e2 = [], [], [], [], [], []
    for T, R, pe, ee in zip(Ts, Rs, es[0], es[1]):
        if a < T < b:
        elif c < T < d:
    ## Fit one part with the exponential
    fit1 = fit_power(x1, y1, e1, pguess)
    ## Fit one part with the polynomial
    fit2 = fit_exp(x2, y2, e2, eguess)
    res1 = fit1.results[0]
    res2 = fit2.results[0]
    fct1 = lambda x: res1[0] * (x - res1[1])
    fct2 = lambda x: res2[0] * pylab.exp(res2[1]/x)
    Rs = pylab.array(Rs)
    Ges = [[[e/R**2] for R, e in zip(Rs, es[i])] for i in range(2)]
    make_fig(Ts, Rs, Ges, a, b, c, d, fct1, fct2, outfile)
    return fit1, fit2
Exemplo n.º 42
def buildCityPoints(fName, scaling):
    cityNames, featureList = readCityData(fName, scaling)
    points = []
    for i in range(len(cityNames)):
        point = City(cityNames[i], pylab.array(featureList[i]))
    return points
Exemplo n.º 43
 def new_york_annual_temps(Climate):
     Takes in a instance of a climate object and plots model of a city's annual temperature trend over training period.
     #Get temperature for Jan 10th in New York
     city = "NEW YORK"
     new_york_temps = []
     #Make training interval into pylab.array() to use as x values
     #Only convert to array once nothing else is needed to be added (otherwise have to copy all array everytime)
     x = pylab.array(TRAINING_INTERVAL)
     for year in x:
         #For every year get the mean temperature
         new_york_temps.append(Climate.get_yearly_temp(city, year).mean())
     y = pylab.array(new_york_temps)
     model = generate_models(x, y, [1])
     evaluate_models_on_training(x, y, model)
Exemplo n.º 44
    def to_scale_sound(self,

            Realize given tuning system as a scale, starting at frequency
            f0=440., using num_harmonics=6 complex tones with duration dur=0.5 seconds, and
            default sample rate sr=44100Hz.
        p = default_signal_params()
        p['num_harmonics'] = num_harmonics
        p['sr'] = sr
        p['num_points'] = int(round(dur * sr))
        x = []
        num_samples = p['num_points']
        ramp = pylab.r_[pylab.array(pylab.linspace(0, 1, 100)),
                        pylab.linspace(1, 0, num_samples - 100)]
        for rat in tuning:
            x = pylab.r_[x, ramp * harmonics(f0=f0 * rat, **p)]
        return x
Exemplo n.º 45
def scaleFeatures(vals):
    """Assumes vals is a sequence of numbers"""
    result = pylab.array(vals)
    mean = sum(result) / float(len(result))
    result -= mean
    sd = stdDev(result)
    result /= sd
    return result
Exemplo n.º 46
def testfunction(data):
    # N-D Gaussian or N-D Runge Function
    N, sd = data.shape
    f = ones((N,1))
    for i in range(sd):
        #f = f*array([exp(-15*(data[:,i]-0.5)**2)]).T
        f = f*array([1./(1+(5*data[:,i])**2)]).T
    return f
Exemplo n.º 47
Arquivo: GvsT.py Projeto: ejetzer/hall
def main(data_files, a, b, c, d, pguess, eguess, perr=1, eerr=1, outfile=None):
    xs, ys, es, Ns = [], [], [], []
    for df in data_files:
        databox = spinmob.data.load(df)
        x, y, e, N = databox[:4]
        xs += list(x)
        ys += [abs(i) for i in y]
        es += list(e)
        Ns += list(N)
    xs, ys, es, Ns = pylab.array(xs), pylab.array(ys), pylab.array(es), pylab.array(Ns)
    pes, ees = perr / pylab.sqrt(Ns), eerr / pylab.sqrt(Ns)
    if 'current' in databox.hkeys:
        current = databox.h('current')
        current = 0.001 # A
    Rs = ys / current
    Rerrs = pes / current, ees / current
    fits = splitfit(xs, Rs, Rerrs, a, b, c, d, pguess, eguess, outfile)
    return fits
Exemplo n.º 48
def main(data_files, a, b, c, d, pguess, eguess, perr=1, eerr=1,
         I=0.001, B=0.5003991, sample_thickness=1e-3,
    R_H = lambda V_H: V_H*sample_thickness / (I*B) # Vm/AT
    R_He = lambda V_H, V_He: pylab.sqrt(\
                ( sample_thickness/(I*B) * V_He )**2 + \
                ( V_H / (I*B) * 1e-4 )**2 + \
                ( V_H * sample_thickness / (B**2 * I) * 2e-8 )**2 )
    xs, ys, es, Ns = [], [], [], []
    for df in data_files:
        databox = spinmob.data.load(df)
        x, y, e, N = databox[:4]
        xs += list(x)
        ys += [R_H(i) for i in y]
        es += [R_He(i, j) for i, j in zip(y, e)]
        Ns += list(N)
    xs, ys, es, Ns = pylab.array(xs), pylab.array(ys), pylab.array(es), pylab.array(Ns)
    pes, ees = perr / pylab.sqrt(Ns), eerr / pylab.sqrt(Ns)
    fits = splitfit(xs, ys, (pes, ees), a, b, c, d, pguess, eguess, outfile)
    return fits
Exemplo n.º 49
def pruning_plot(costs, figname, max_cost=None):
    if max_cost == None:
        max_cost = max(costs)
    assert max_cost in costs
    costs = PP.array(costs)
    costs /= float(max_cost)
    assert 1 in costs
    PP.plot(range(len(costs)), costs)
    PP.xlabel('time steps')
    PP.ylabel('proportion of edges in use')
    PP.savefig(figname + '.png', format='png')
Exemplo n.º 50
def getAntLocations(configuration='D'):
   vx = [41.1100006,  134.110001,   268.309998,  439.410004,  644.210022,
         880.309998,  1147.10999,  1442.41003,  1765.41003,  -36.7900009,
         -121.690002,  -244.789993, -401.190002, -588.48999,  -804.690002,
         -1048.48999, -1318.48999, -1613.98999,  -4.38999987,-11.29,  
         -22.7900009, -37.6899986, -55.3899994, -75.8899994, -99.0899963, 
         -124.690002, -152.690002];
   vy = [3.51999998, -39.8300018,  -102.480003, -182.149994, -277.589996,
        -387.839996, -512.119995, -649.76001,  -800.450012, -2.58999991,
        -59.9099998,  -142.889999, -248.410004, -374.690002, -520.599976,
        -685,        -867.099976, -1066.42004,   77.1500015,  156.910004, 
        287.980011,  457.429993,  660.409973,  894.700012,  1158.82996, 
        1451.43005,  1771.48999];
   vz = [0.25,       -0.439999998, -1.46000004, -3.77999997, -5.9000001,
        -7.28999996, -8.48999977, -10.5,       -9.56000042,      0.25, 
        -0.699999988, -1.79999995, -3.28999996, -4.78999996, -6.48999977,
        -9.17000008, -12.5299997, -15.3699999,  1.25999999,   2.42000008, 
        4.23000002,  6.65999985,  9.5,         12.7700005,  16.6800003, 
        21.2299995,  26.3299999];
   d = [25.0,       25.0,         25.0,         25.0,       25.0,
        25.0,       25.0,         25.0,         25.0,       25.0,
        25.0,       25.0,         25.0,         25.0,       25.0,
        25.0,       25.0,         25.0,         25.0,       25.0,
        25.0,       25.0,         25.0,         25.0,       25.0,
        25.0,       25.0];
      scale = 3.0;
       scale = 1.0/9.0;
       scale = 1.0;
       print 'Using VLA C-array coords';
   nn = len(vx);
   x = (vx - (sum(pl.array(vx))/(nn)))/scale;
   y = (vy - (sum(pl.array(vy))/(nn)))/scale;
   z = (vz - (sum(pl.array(vz))/(nn)))/scale;
   for i in range(0,nn):
   return d,an,x,y,z
Exemplo n.º 51
 def run(self):
     """ Thread loop
     In an infinite loop, it reads the TDC buffer,
     converts it in time, and optionally create the histogram
     To stop the loop, set self.kill = True
     self.kill = False
     self.demon = True
     tic = time.time()
     new_data = []
     i = 0
     while not self.kill:
         i += 1
         d = readBuffer()
         print "%6d"%len(d),
         #d = random.rand(10)*100
         if i %5 == 0:
             print ""
             new_data = pl.array(new_data)
             ## Remove timeouts
             #t = pl.nonzero(new_data < 3000)
                 new_data = new_data[new_data < 3000]
             except IndexError:
             toc = time.time()-tic
             print "Counts / sec = %8.2f"%(1.*len(new_data)/toc)
             print '                                 Starts ',
             ## Generate channels histogram
             if self.do_histograms:
                 self.hist = generateHist(new_data, self.bins, rnge= self.rnge,histogram = self.hist[1])                  
                 #print "Ch1 ",self.hist[1]
             ## Save a tempfile and flush (just to be sure)
             if self.temp_file != None:
                 for d in new_data:
                     self.temp_file.write( "%12.3f \n"%(d) ) 
             tic = time.time()
             new_data = []
Exemplo n.º 52
 def vert_vectorize(self, arg=None):
     from matplotlib.pylab import array 
     #assume copy is raw data-points in vertical order
     data_points = [] #base for final array
     tmp_list = [] #temporary list for converting to float
     for line in self.infile: #loops through each line of copy
         for points in line.split(): #loops through each element in line
             #add each element of line as float to a temporary list
         data_points.append(tmp_list) #make nested list
         tmp_list = []
     data_points = array(data_points)
     return data_points
Exemplo n.º 53
def make_error(data_file, xin=None):
    databox = spinmob.data.load(data_file)
    errs = []
    xs = databox.c('c8')
    xs -= xs[0]
    for i in range(6):
        vals = databox.c('c{:d}'.format(i))
        if xin:
            vals = pylab.array([v for x, v in zip(xs, vals) if xin[0] <= x <= xin[1]])
        std = pylab.std(vals)
    err = pylab.mean(errs)
    return err, errs
Exemplo n.º 54
def main(datafile, err):
    # load a *.txt data file (see spinmob wiki for formatting rules)
    d = spinmob.data.load(datafile)
    # create a fitter object (with a reasonable guess for the Rutherford file)
    f = spinmob.data.fitter('a*(x-x0)**2+b', 'a,x0,b')
    # set the data and error bar
    ys = d.c('R_=_V/I_(ohm)') # Ohms
    xs = d.c('B_(mT)') / 1000 # T
    es = d.c('error_V5') # V
    es = [numpy.sqrt(e**2 + (y*1e-4)**2 + (y*1e-4)**2) for y, e in zip(ys, es)]
    es = pylab.array(es) / 1.2
    a = -(ys[-1]-ys[0])/(xs[-1]**2-xs[0]**2)
    x0 = 0
    b = 65
    f.set_data(xs, ys, es)
    f.set(a=a, x0=x0, b=b)
    res1 = f.results[0]
    fct1 = lambda x: res1[0] * (x - res1[1])**2 + res1[2]
    fig = pylab.figure()
    gs = gridspec.GridSpec(4, 4)
    TR = fig.add_subplot(gs[1:, :])
    TR.errorbar(xs, ys, es, fmt=',')
    Xs = pylab.linspace(min(xs), max(xs))
    TR.plot(Xs, fct1(Xs), '-', color='red')
    pylab.xlabel('Magnetic field ($\\times10^{-1}\\mathrm{T}$)')
    pylab.xticks(pylab.linspace(0, 0.5, 6),
        ['{:1.0f}'.format(i) for i in range(6)])
    pylab.xlim(min(xs), max(xs))
    pylab.ylabel('Resistance ($\\Omega$)')
    residual1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :])
    rs = [(y - fct1(x))/e for x, y, e in zip(xs, ys, es)]
    residual1.errorbar(xs, rs, 1, fmt=',', color='blue')
    xs = pylab.linspace(min(xs), max(xs), 3)
    residual1.plot(xs, [0 for x in xs], '-', color='red')
    pylab.xlim(min(xs), max(xs))
    return f
Exemplo n.º 55
def show_color_images(samples, nsamples, d1, d2, nrows, ncols):
    Plots samples in a NumPy 2D array ``samples`` as ``d1`` by ``d2`` images.
    (one sample per row of ``samples``).

    The samples are assumed to be color images. The first ``d1*d2``
    elements of each row are the R channel values of each pixel, then
    follows the G and B channels. The images are layed out in a
    ``nrows`` by ``ncols`` grid.

    Thanks to Ilya Sutskever for sharing his code, from which this
    code is inspired.
    samples = samples[:nsamples,:]

    def fix(X):
        Y = X - X.min()
        Y /= Y.max()
        return Y
    def print_aligned(w):
        n1 = nrows
        n2 = ncols
        r1 = d1
        r2 = d2
        Z = numpy.zeros(((r1+1)*n1, (r1+1)*n2), 'd')
        i1, i2 = 0, 0
        for i1 in range(n1):
            for i2 in range(n2):
                i = i1*n2+i2
                if i>=w.shape[1]: break
                Z[(r1+1)*i1:(r1+1)*(i1+1)-1, (r2+1)*i2:(r2+1)*(i2+1)-1] = w[:,i].reshape(r1,r2)
        return Z

    R = samples[:,:(d1*d2)]
    G = samples[:,(d1*d2):(2*d1*d2)]
    B = samples[:,(2*d1*d2):(3*d1*d2)]
    img = array([print_aligned(R.T), 
                 print_aligned(B.T)]).transpose([1, 2, 0])

    imshow(fix(img), interpolation='nearest')
Exemplo n.º 56
def test_interp():
    # Testing interpolation
    nn = 33 # number of nodes
    ne = 65 # number of evaluation points
    x = cos(pi*(1+array(range(nn)))/(nn+1))
    xp = linspace(-1,1,ne)
    rbf_list = ['mq','gauss','phs']   
    ep_list = [3.,5.,7.,9.]
    m = 3
    for ep in ep_list:
        for ff in rbf_list:
            # 1D
            d = array([x]).T
            p = array([xp]).T
            rhs = testfunction(d)
            exact = testfunction(p)
            Pf = rbfinterp(d,rhs,p,ff,shapeparm = ep, power = m)

            err = norm(Pf-exact)
            print("1D interp, {}, shape = {}, L2 error = {:e}".format(ff,ep,err))
            # 2D
            d = array([x,x]).T
            p = array([xp,xp]).T
            rhs = testfunction(d)
            exact = testfunction(p)
            Pf = rbfinterp(d,rhs,p,ff,shapeparm = ep, power = m)
            err = norm(Pf-exact)
            print("2D interp, {}, shape = {}, L2 error = {:e}".format(ff,ep,err))
            # 3D
            d = array([x,x,x]).T
            p = array([xp,xp,xp]).T
            rhs = testfunction(d)
            exact = testfunction(p)
            Pf = rbfinterp(d,rhs,p,ff,shapeparm = ep, power = m)
            err = norm(Pf-exact)
            print("3D interp, {}, shape = {}, L2 error = {:e}".format(ff,ep,err))
Exemplo n.º 57
def residuals_duri_global(p, y, x,yerr,qval): 
        print p
#not the squared ones, squaring will be handled by leastsq
        err = 0
        for i,q in enumerate(qval):
           q= float(q)
#           y_calcplot=pyl.array(y_calc,typecode='d')
#           err+=y[i,:]-y_calc
#           pyl.figure(2)
#           yplot=pyl.array(y[i,:],typecode='d')
#           pyl.subplot(211)
#           pyl.semilogx(xplot,y_calcplot-yplot,'-')
#           pyl.hold(False)
#           pyl.subplot(212)
#           pyl.semilogx(xplot,yplot,'o',xplot,y_calcplot,'-')
#           pyl.hold(False)
	err = sqrt(err) 
	return err
Exemplo n.º 58
def test_dmatrix():
    # Unit tests for the dmatrix function
    x = linspace(0,1,5)
    # Test 1D without formatting input, data is 1D, shape is (N,)
    data = x
    DM = dmatrix(data)
    # Test 1D with x in wrong orientation (dim by N pts), data is 2D array
    data = array([x])
    DM = dmatrix(data)
    # Test 1D with x in correct orientation (N by dim pts), data is 2D array
    data = array([x]).T
    DM = dmatrix(data)

    # Test 2D with x in wrong orientation (dim by N pts), data is 2D array
    data = array([x,x])
    DM = dmatrix(data)

    # Test 2D with x in correct orientation (N by dim pts), data is 2D array
    data = array([x,x]).T
    DM = dmatrix(data)

    # Test 3D with x in wrong orientation (dim by N pts), data is 2D array
    data = array([x,x,x])
    DM = dmatrix(data)

    # Test 3D with x in correct orientation (N by dim pts), data is 2D array
    data = array([x,x,x]).T
    DM = dmatrix(data)
Exemplo n.º 59
# Main simulation procedure, setting up extracellular electrode, cell, synapse

#close open figures

#create extracellular electrode object
electrode = LFPy.RecExtElectrode(**electrodeParameters)

#Initialize cell instance, using the LFPy.Cell class
cell = LFPy.Cell(**cellParameters)
#set the position of midpoint in soma to Origo (not needed, this is the default)
cell.set_pos(xpos = 0, ypos = 0, zpos = 0)
#rotate the morphology 90 degrees around z-axis
cell.set_rotation(z = pl.pi/2)

#attach synapse with parameters and set spike time
synapse = LFPy.Synapse(cell, **synapseParameters)

#perform NEURON simulation, results saved as attributes in the cell instance
#cell.simulate(electrode = electrode, rec_isyn=True)

# Plotting of simulation results:
plotstuff(cell, electrode)
