def future_callback(future):
     assert future.result() == 'Time passed'
     # this is no man's land, no transaction here
     trans = transaction.get(None, loop=event_loop)
     assert trans is None
     # but here there's a way to get one because the future was added
     # to the  transaction
     trans = transaction.get(None, loop=event_loop, task=future)
     assert trans is not None and trans.parent is master_trans
     with trans:
 def sync():
     trans = transaction.get(None, loop=event_loop)
     assert trans is not None
     fut = asyncio.Future(loop=event_loop)
     # there's no way to have some control on the order callbacks are
     # called so i we want to have a callback covered by the transaction,
     # we must add it to the transaction _after_ the callback
     event_loop.call_later(0.5, future_simulated_end, fut)
 def non_coro_func():
     tran = transaction.get()
     c = stashed_coro()
 def non_coro_func():
     tran = transaction.get(loop=event_loop)
     c = stashed_coro()
 def func_called_by_callback():
     nonlocal end
     trans = transaction.get(None, loop=event_loop)
     assert trans is not None and trans.parent is master_trans
     end = 'done!'
 def future_simulated_end(future):
     # this is no man's land, no transaction here
     trans = transaction.get(None, loop=event_loop)
     assert trans is None
     future.set_result('Time passed')
 def coro2():
     trans = transaction.get(None)
     assert trans is not None
     return 2
 def sync_func():
     trans = transaction.get(None, loop=event_loop)
     assert trans is outer_trans
     another = asyncio.ensure_future(on_another_task())
     log.append('on sync')
 def coro1():
     assert event_loop is asyncio.get_event_loop()
     trans = transaction.get(None)
     assert trans is not None
     return 1
 def on_another_task():
     log.append('on async')
     trans = transaction.get(None)
     assert trans.parent is outer_trans
 def __init__(self):
     tran = transaction.get(loop=event_loop)
     c = stashed_coro()
     tran.add(c, cback=self._init)
 def non_coro_func():
     tran = transaction.get(loop=event_loop)
     c = stashed_coro()
 def __init__(self):
     tran = transaction.get(loop=event_loop)
     c = stashed_coro()
     tran.add(c, cback=self._init)
 def non_coro_func():
     tran = transaction.get()
     c = stashed_coro()