Exemplo n.º 1
def responder(name):
    global path
    global start
    global goal
    global grid
    global need_next
    last = None
    current = None
    # initalize the publishers
    directions = rospy.Publisher('/'+ zumy_name + "/next_cell", startGoal, queue_size=10)
    next_dest = rospy.Publisher('/'+ zumy_name + "/nav_complete", doneWith, queue_size=10)

    rospy.init_node('navigator', anonymous=True)

    r = rospy.Rate(10) # 10hz
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():

        #publish on all of my publishing topics
        if not stop:
            if not updated or dirty:
                # start a new path
                path = pth.gen_path(start, goal, grid)
                print path, start, goal
                last = 0
                current = 0
            elif need_next:
                # send the next location in the path
                last = current
                current += 1
                need_next = False
            # keep resending the old directions
            if current == len(path):
                next_dest.publish(doneWith(True, goal[0], goal[1]))
                print path[current]
                directions.publish(path[last][0], path[last][1], path[current][0], path[current][1])
    rospy.signal_shutdown("should be dead")
Exemplo n.º 2
                    if reached and points[idx, 0] == desti[0] and points[idx, 1] == desti[1]:
                        # print desti
                        idx += 1
                        reached = False
                        if idx < len(points):
                            # print 'we reached this shit'
                            pub_nav.publish(startGoalCentroid(zumy_pos[0],zumy_pos[1], points[idx,0], points[idx,1], cent[0], cent[1]))
                        pub_nav.publish(startGoalCentroid(zumy_pos[0],zumy_pos[1], points[idx,0], points[idx,1], cent[0], cent[1]))
                elif explore > 0:
                    # print done
                    print "explore done: " + str(target)
                    done = True
                    # print 'we did not reach this shit'
                    pub_fin.publish(doneWith(True, target[0], target[1]))
                    # print done
                    print "explore done: " + str(target)
                    done = True
                    # print 'we did not reach this shit'

            # stateUpdate()
        except Exception as e:
            print 'insufficient data: ' + str(e)

    rospy.signal_shutdown("should be dead")
Exemplo n.º 3
 homogeneous = eqf.compute_gab(rb_cur,rb_des)
 print 'h**o'+str(homogeneous)
 trans = homogeneous[0:3,3]
 # (omega,theta) = eqf.find_omega_theta(homogeneous[0:2,0:2])
 # try:
 #     (trans, rot) = listener.lookupTransform(rw_des, rw_cur, rospy.Time(0))
 # except:
 #     print "not enough"
 #     continue
 twist = [[0,0,0], [0,0,0]]
 unfound = True
 print 'trans'+str(trans)
 if trans[0]**2+ trans[1]**2+ trans[2]**2 < .01:
     pub.publish(Twist(Vector3(0,0,0), Vector3(0,0,0)))
     # print 'twist'+str(twist[0][0]**2+ twist[0][1]**2+ twist[0][2]**2)
     pub_state.publish(doneWith(True, rw_des.translation.x, rw_des.translation.y))
     unfound = False
 elif trans[0] < 0:
     if abs(trans[1]) > .3:
         if trans[1] < 0:
             twist[1] = [0,0,-.2]
             twist[1] = [0,0,.2]
     if abs(trans[0]) > .3:
         if trans[0] < 0:
             twist[1] = [0,0,.2]
             twist[1] = [0,0,-.2]
         twist[0] = [.2,0,0]
Exemplo n.º 4
def responder(name):
    global path, start, goal, grid, need_next, updated, current, stop
    current += 1
    last = None
    # initalize the publishers
    directions = rospy.Publisher('/'+ zumy_name + "/next_cell", startGoal, queue_size=10)
    next_dest = rospy.Publisher('/'+ zumy_name + "/nav_complete", doneWith, queue_size=10)

    rospy.init_node('navigator', anonymous=True)

    r = rospy.Rate(3) # 10hz
    while not rospy.is_shutdown():

        #publish on all of my publishing topics
        # print updated
        # print grid
        # if zumy is not None:
            # print "grid zumy: " + str((zumy[0], zumy[1]))
        if grid is not None and updated:
            # start a new path
            path = pth.gen_path(start, goal, grid)
            print 'path'+str(path)
            # print 'path, start, goal from explorer: ' + str((path, start, goal))
            # print path, start, goal
            last = 0
            current = 0
            updated = False
            stop = False
        elif not stop:
            if need_next:
                # send the next location in the path
                # print current
                last = current
                current += 1
                need_next = False
            # keep resending the old directions
            if current >= len(path):
                # print "current"
                # print current
                if current == len(path) and cent is not None:
                    print "turn_directive"
                    # plt.imshow(grid, interpolation='nearest')
                    # plt.pause(.001)
                    # plt.show(block=False)
                    directions.publish(startGoal(-2, -2, cent[0], cent[1]))
                    print "done"
                    directions.publish(startGoal(-3, -3, 3, 3))
                    next_dest.publish(doneWith(True, goal[0], goal[1]))
                print "current: " + str(path[current])
                gzum = grid.astype(float)
                for pnt in path[current:]:
                    gzum[pnt] = .75
                gzum[zumy] = .5
                plt.imshow(gzum, interpolation='nearest', origin ='lower')
                # print 'path[current], current dest'
                # print "path current: " + str(path[current])
                # directions.publish(path[last][0], path[last][1], 3, 3)

                directions.publish(path[last][0], path[last][1], path[current][0], path[current][1])
                # directions.publish(3,3,1,1)

    rospy.signal_shutdown("should be dead")
Exemplo n.º 5
                ang = np.arctan(trans[1]/trans[0])
                if trans[1] < 0 and trans[0] < 0:
                    ang = -np.pi + ang
                elif trans[1] > 0 and trans[0] < 0:
                    ang = np.pi + ang

                # print 'ang angnew ' + str(ang) + str(np.arctan(trans[1]/trans[0]))
                ang = np.median(np.asarray(list(ang_buff)))
                print "angle: " + str(ang) + " x: " + str(trans[0]) +  "y: " + str(trans[1])
                # print homogeneous, rb_cur, rb_des
                if trans[0]**2+ trans[1]**2 < .0006 or done:
                    print done
                    pub.publish(Twist(Vector3(0,0,0), Vector3(0,0,0)))
                    # print 'twist'+str(twist[0][0]**2+ twist[0][1]**2+ twist[0][2]**2)
                    pub_state.publish(doneWith(True, round((rw_des.translation.x - length/2)/length), round((rw_des.translation.y - length/2)/length)))
                    unfound = False
                    forward_mode = False
                    print doneWith(True, round((rw_des.translation.x - length/2)/length), round((rw_des.translation.y - length/2)/length))
                    # print 'hella small'
                    # print unfound
                    # print unfound

                    if abs(ang) < .01 or forward_mode:
                        # forward_mode = True
                        if turn:
                            pub_state.publish(doneWith(True, -2, -2))
                            if trans[0] < 0:
                                twist[0] = [-1*trans[0]*.6,0,0]