Exemplo n.º 1
def list():
    if request.method == 'GET':
        return render_template('proposals/list.html', proposals=get_sanitized_proposals())
    else: # POST
        proposal = Proposal(created_by=request.form['created_by'], number=request.form['number'])

        return render_template('proposals/list.html', proposals=get_sanitized_proposals())
Exemplo n.º 2
def proposals(request):
    was_limited = getattr(request, 'limited', False)
    if was_limited:
        return JsonResponse(
                'status': 'you hit the rate limit!'
        token = get_token(request)
        user_id_login = User.verify_auth_token(token)
        if user_id_login:
            if request.method == 'GET':
                all_request = Request.objects.filter(user_id=user_id_login)
                request_id = []
                for r in all_request:
                all_proposal = Proposal.objects.filter(request_id in request_id)
                data = []
                for proposal in all_proposal:
                    item = {
                                'id': proposal.id,
                                'user_proposed_to': proposal.user_proposed_to,
                                'user-proposed_from': proposal.user_proposed_from,
                                'request_id': proposal.request_id.id,
                                'filled': proposal.filled
                return JsonResponse(
                        'objects': data
            elif request.method == 'POST':
                request_id = request.POST.get('request_id')
                user_from = Request.objects.filter(id=request_id).first().user_id
                user_to = user_id_login
                if user_from == user_to:
                    return HttpResponseForbidden('the two users are same')
                    proposal = Proposal(user_proposed_to=user_to, user_proposed_from=user_from, request_id=request_id)
                    return JsonResponse(
                            'status': 'proposal created successfully',
                                    'id': proposal.id,
                                    'user_proposed_to': proposal.user_proposed_to,
                                    'user-proposed_from': proposal.user_proposed_from,
                                    'request_id': proposal.request_id.id,
                                    'filled': proposal.filled
            return HttpResponseForbidden('invalid token')
Exemplo n.º 3
    def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
        serializer = Proposal(Pitch.objects.get(pk=kwargs['pk']))
        if self.request.accepted_renderer.format == 'html':
            # we have to set unpack the tree structure here for the template
            serializer.data['comments'] = RenderTree(
            return Response({'proposal': serializer.data},

        return Response(serializer.data)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def get(self, confid, secret):
     """Download all speakers and proposals for a conference"""
     # Super-Reviewers
     committee = []
     if confid == 'droidcon-2016':
         committee = ['*****@*****.**',
     # get conference
     conference = Conference.get_by_id(confid)
     # check if the provided secret is correct
     if conference.secret != secret:
     speakers = Speaker.query()
     proposals = Proposal.query(ancestor=conference.key)
     reviews = Review.query()
     speakers_dict = [dict(s.to_dict(), **dict(id=s.key.id()))
                      for s in speakers]
     proposals_dict = []
     # create a fast lookup table - reviews by parent
     reviews_by_parent = {}
     for r in reviews:
         parent = r.key.parent()
         rlist = reviews_by_parent[parent]
         if rlist is None:
             rlist = []
         reviews_by_parent[parent] = rlist
     # crete a fast lookup table - speaker by key
     speakers_by_id = {}
     for s in speakers:
         speakers_by_key[s.key] = s
     for p in proposals:
         p_dict = p.to_dict()
         p_dict['id'] = p.key.id()
         p_r = {}
         p_sum = 0
         for r in reviews_by_parent[p.key]:
             p_r[r.key.id()] = r.to_dict()
             if r.rating:
                 if r.key.id() in committee:
                     # double the rating!
                     p_sum = p_sum + r.rating
                 p_sum = p_sum + r.rating
         s = speakers_by_key[p.speaker]
         if s is not None:
             p_dict['speaker-email'] = s.email
             p_dict['speaker-name'] = s.name
             p_dict['speaker-surname'] = s.surname
             if s.rating:
                 p_sum = p_sum + s.rating
         p_dict['reviews'] = p_r
         p_dict['rating'] = p_sum
     self.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json'
     obj = {
         'speakers': speakers_dict,
         'proposals': proposals_dict,
     self.response.out.write(json.dumps(obj, cls=DatastoreEncoder))
Exemplo n.º 5
def ajaxproposalvote(request, proposal_slug, score):
    # get vars
    proposal = get_object_or_404(Proposal.objects, slug=proposal_slug)
    user = request.user
    ajax_response = lambda msgtype, message: HttpResponse("{}\n{}".format(msgtype, message), mimetype='text/plain')
    # check legality of vote
    assert score in dict(Proposal.voteOptions()).keys(), 'illegal vote'
    votevalue = int(float(score))
    # check if vote is in progress
    if proposal.voting_stage != 'VOTING':
        return ajax_response(msgtype='error', message="Error: vote is no longer in progress")
    # check if user is cancelling vote
    if proposal.userHasProposalvoted(user) == votevalue:
        ## cancel vote
        vote = proposal.proposalvoteFromUser(user)
        return ajax_response(msgtype='success', message="Your vote was removed")
        ## remove existing and cast new vote
        # remove the previous vote of the user
        if proposal.userHasProposalvoted(user) != None:
            vote = proposal.proposalvoteFromUser(user)
        # create ProposalVote
        vote = ProposalVote(
            user = user,
            proposal = proposal,
            value = votevalue,
        return ajax_response(msgtype='success', message="Your vote was cast successfully")
Exemplo n.º 6
 def post(self, confid):
     user = users.get_current_user()
     if not user:
         login_url = users.create_login_url(self.request.url)
     # get the conference
     if confid.startswith('new:'):
         confid = confid[4:]
     conference = Conference.get_by_id(confid)
     # check if the user is an admin
     if user.email() not in conference.reviewers:
         self.response.out.write("You are not authorized")
     # get proposal id & proposal
     proposal_id = long(self.request.get('proposal_id'))
     proposal = Proposal.get_by_id(id=proposal_id, parent=conference.key)
     if not proposal:
         self.response.out.write("No proposal found for this id (" +
                                 str(proposal_id) + ")")
     # get existing review by this user
     review = Review.get_by_id(id=user.email(), parent=proposal.key)
     if not review:
         review = Review(id=user.email(), parent=proposal.key)
     # store value for the review
     review.comment = self.request.get('comment')
     if self.request.get('rating'):
         review.rating = int(self.request.get('rating'))
     # store in Data Store
     # redirect to get
Exemplo n.º 7
def update_proposal(id):
    user = g.user
    if not request.json:
    errors = Proposal.validate(request.json)
    if len(errors) == 0:
        return  jsonify( { 'result': True } )
    return jsonify({"message": "The request is invalid."},errors = [error for error in errors])  ,400
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_sanitized_proposals():
    proposals = Proposal.objects(archived=False)
    for proposal in proposals:
        if not proposal.votes_revealed:
            for vote in proposal.votes:
                vote.vote = "[hidden]"
                vote.hate_upon = "[hidden]"
                vote.love = "[hidden]"
    return proposals
Exemplo n.º 9
 def post(self, confid):
     """Accept proposals via POST requests"""
     # get parameters from request
     name = self.request.get("name")
     surname = self.request.get("surname")
     email = self.request.get("email")
     bio = self.request.get("bio")
     useOld = self.request.get("use-old")
     title = self.request.get("title")
     abstract = self.request.get("abstract")
     duration = int(self.request.get("duration"))
     comment = self.request.get("comment")
     # timestamp 'now'
     now = datetime.now()
     # search for conference
     conference = Conference.get_by_id(confid)
     if not conference:
         self.error("Conference not found", 404)
     # search for speaker?
     speakerKey = None
     if useOld:
         # get speakers for email
         speakers = Speaker.query(Speaker.email == email)
         # and order by modified-date (reverse) to get the last one
         speakers = speakers.order(-Speaker.modified).iter()
         if speakers.has_next():
             speaker = speakers.next()
             speakerKey = speaker.key
     if not speakerKey:
         # create speaker object
         speaker = Speaker(name=name, surname=surname, email=email,
                           bio=bio, created=now, modified=now)
         speakerKey = speaker.put()
     # submit proposal
     proposal = Proposal(parent=conference.key, speaker=speakerKey,
                         abstract=abstract, duration=duration,
                         title=title, comment=comment, created=now,
     proposalKey = proposal.put()
     if proposalKey:
         self.error("Error when storing proposal", 500)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def submitProposal(self, request):
     """Submit a new talk proposal"""
     if not request.title or not request.speaker:
         raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
             "Required field (title and/or speaker key) missing"
     # get the speaker (check if it exists)
     speaker = ndb.Key(urlsafe=request.speaker).get()
     if not speaker:
         raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
             "Speaker entity not found"
     if speaker.key.kind() != "Speaker":
         raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
             "Invalid key kind for speaker specified"
     # get the conference (check if it exists)
     conf = Conference.get_by_id(request.conferenceId)
     if not conf:
         raise endpoints.BadRequestException(
             "Invalid conference identifier specified"
     # TODO: check if call for papers is still open
     # fill the data structure for creating the entity
     data = {field.name: getattr(request, field.name)
             for field in request.all_fields()}
     # delete conference id, link to parent
     del data['conferenceId']
     data['parent'] = conf.key
     # update the speaker reference
     data['speaker'] = speaker.key
     # set the created date/time stamp
     data['created'] = datetime.now()
     data['modified'] = data['created']
     # store in Datastore - with correct parent
     proposalKey = Proposal(**data).put()
     # return value
     retVal = ProposalKeyForm()
     retVal.key = proposalKey.urlsafe()
     retVal.title = request.title
     return retVal
Exemplo n.º 11
def new_proposal():
    user = g.user
    if not request.json:
    errors = Proposal.validate(request.json)
    if len(errors) == 0:
        request_id = request.json.get('request_id')
        r = session.query(Request).filter_by(id = request_id).first()
        if r is None:
            return jsonify({"message": "The request is invalid."},errors = [dict({"request_id":"Request does not exist"})])  ,400
        if user.id == r.user_id:
        proposal = Proposal(user_proposed_from = user.id, user_proposed_to = r.user_id, request_id = r.id  )
        return  jsonify( { 'result': True } )
    return jsonify({"message": "The request is invalid."},errors = [error for error in errors])  ,400
Exemplo n.º 12
 def get(self, confid):
     user = users.get_current_user()
     if not user:
         login_url = users.create_login_url(self.request.url)
     new_only = confid.startswith('new:')
     if new_only:
         confid = confid[4:]
     # get the conference
     conference = Conference.get_by_id(confid)
     # check if the user is an admin
     if user.email() not in conference.reviewers:
         self.response.out.write("You are not authorized")
     # get existing proposals
     proposals = Proposal.query(ancestor=conference.key).fetch()
     # get existing reviews
     reviews = Review.query(ancestor=conference.key).fetch()
     # filter by this users
     reviews = [r for r in reviews if r.key.id() == user.email()]
     proposals_reviewed = []
     # add the review to the matching proposal
     for r in reviews:
         for p in proposals:
             if r.key.parent() == p.key:
                 p.review = r
     if new_only:
         proposals = [p for p in proposals
                      if p.key not in proposals_reviewed]
     # set of stuff to display in the template
     template_values = {
         'user': user,
         'logout_url': users.create_logout_url(self.request.url),
         'conference': conference,
         'proposals': proposals,
         'reviews': reviews,
     # display template with the reviews & proposals
     template = JINJA_ENVIRONMENT.get_template('review.html')
Exemplo n.º 13
superblockcycle = node1.superblockcycle()
nextsuperblock = node1.next_superblock_height()
curblock = node1.last_superblock_height()

if nextsuperblock - curblock > 10:
    start_epoch = curunixtime
    start_epoch = int(curunixtime + (superblockcycle * 2.6 * 60))

end_epoch = int(start_epoch + payout_month * (superblockcycle * 2.6 * 60) +
                ((superblockcycle / 2) * 2.6 * 60))

proposal = Proposal(name='proposal_' + str(curblock),
                    url='https://dashcentral.com/proposal_' + str(curblock) +
                    '_' + str(curunixtime),

print proposal.govobj_type
proposal.govobj_type = 0

#cmd = ['gobject', 'submit', '0', '1', str(curunixtime), proposal.dashd_serialise(), '0463c5b7194605e598441422a3dc99c7c96df4c943dd047310646ae2d8c43add']
cmd = [
    'gobject', 'submit', '0', '1',
Exemplo n.º 14
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from zerooned import ZeroOneDaemon
import zeroonelib
from decimal import Decimal
zerooned = ZeroOneDaemon.from_zeroone_conf(config.zeroone_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Ui|yTC62huR4YQEPn9AJHjnQxxreHSbgAoatV",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'zerooned' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
Exemplo n.º 15
def prune_expired_proposals(allgamescoind):
    # vote delete for old proposals
    for proposal in Proposal.expired(allgamescoind.superblockcycle()):
        proposal.vote(allgamescoind, VoteSignals.delete, VoteOutcomes.yes)
Exemplo n.º 16
def NewProposalEndpoint(session, wallet):
    proposals = Proposal.select().join(ProposalDecision).where(
        Proposal.wallet == wallet.id, ProposalDecision.source != wallet.source)

    return jsonify([proposal.serialize() for proposal in proposals])
Exemplo n.º 17
def prune_expired_proposals(sparksd):
    # vote delete for old proposals
    for proposal in Proposal.expired(sparksd.superblockcycle()):
        proposal.vote(sparksd, VoteSignals.delete, VoteOutcomes.yes)
Exemplo n.º 18
def setup():
    # clear tables first
Exemplo n.º 19
def post_submit(user=None, community=None):
    entry = Proposal(community='', title='', content='')

    if community is None:
        community = request.form.get('community') or None
        if community and community[0:2] == "c/":
            community = community[2:]

    if request.method == 'POST':
            entry.title = request.form.get('title') or ''
            entry.content = request.form.get('content') or ''
            entry.published = request.form.get('published') or True
            entry.vote_options = request.form.get('internalvote') or None
            entry.usepositions = (True if request.form.get('use-positions')
                                  == '' else False)
            entry.author = User.get(User.id == current_user.id)
            entry.community = Community.get(Community.name == community)

            if not (entry.title and entry.community and entry.author):
                flash('Community and Title are required.', 'error')


                # Wrap the call to save in a transaction so we can roll it back
                # cleanly in the event of an integrity error.
                    with database.atomic():

                except peewee.IntegrityError:
                    flash('This title is already in use.', 'error')

                    if entry.published:
                        return redirect(

        except peewee.DoesNotExist:
            flash('Community and Title are required.', 'error')

    if community is not None:
        community = Community.get_or_none(Community.name == community)

    return render_template('submit.html', entry=entry, community=community)
Exemplo n.º 20
def post_details(community, slug):
    query = Proposal.public()
    community_id = Community.get_or_none(Community.name == community)
    entry = get_object_or_404(query, Proposal.slug == slug,
                              Proposal.community == community_id)
    return render_template('post.html', entry=entry, community=community_id)
Exemplo n.º 21
import sys
import os
    os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../lib')))
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome, Watchdog
quantisnetd = QuantisnetDaemon.from_quantisnet_conf(config.quantisnet_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Ui|yTC62huR4YQEPn9AJHjnQxxreHSbgAoatV",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'dashd' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
Exemplo n.º 22
def prune_expired_proposals(quantisnetd):
    # vote delete for old proposals
    for proposal in Proposal.expired(quantisnetd.superblockcycle()):
        proposal.vote(quantisnetd, VoteSignals.delete, VoteOutcomes.yes)
Exemplo n.º 23
def prune_expired_proposals(genesisd):
    # vote delete for old proposals
    for proposal in Proposal.expired(genesisd.governanceblockcycle()):
        proposal.vote(genesisd, VoteSignals.delete, VoteOutcomes.yes)
Exemplo n.º 24
    if Superblock.is_voted_funding(event_block_height):
        # printdbg("ALREADY VOTED! 'til next time!")

        # vote down any new SBs because we've already chosen a winner
        for sb in Superblock.at_height(event_block_height):
            icbet sb.voted_on(signal=VoteSignals.funding):
                sb.vote(comboded, VoteSignals.funding, VoteOutcomes.no)

        # now return, we're done

    icbet comboded.is_govobj_maturity_phase():
        printdbg("Not in maturity phase yet -- will not attempt Superblock")

    proposals = Proposal.approved_and_ranked(proposal_quorum=comboded.governance_quorum(), next_superblock_max_budget=comboded.next_superblock_max_budget())
    budget_max = comboded.get_superblock_budget_allocation(event_block_height)
    sb_epoch_time = comboded.block_height_to_epoch(event_block_height)

    maxgovobjdatasize = comboded.govinfo['maxgovobjdatasize']
    sb = combodelib.create_superblock(proposals, event_block_height, budget_max, sb_epoch_time, maxgovobjdatasize)
    icbet sb:
        printdbg("No superblock created, sorry. Returning.")

    # find the deterministic SB w/highest object_hash in the DB
    dbrec = Superblock.find_highest_deterministic(sb.hex_hash())
    if dbrec:
        dbrec.vote(comboded, VoteSignals.funding, VoteOutcomes.yes)

        # any other blocks which match the sb_hash are duplicates, delete them
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_proposal_is_valid(proposal):
    from bitgreend import BitgreenDaemon
    import bitgreenlib
    bitgreend = BitgreenDaemon.from_bitgreen_conf(config.bitgreen_conf)

    orig = Proposal(**proposal.get_dict())  # make a copy

    # fixture as-is should be valid
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # ============================================================
    # ensure end_date not greater than start_date
    # ============================================================
    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch - 1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch + 0
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch + 1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure valid proposal name
    # ============================================================

    proposal.name = '   heya!@209h '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = "anything' OR 'x'='x"
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ' '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ''
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = '0'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = 'R66-Y'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = 'valid-name'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = '   mostly-valid-name'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'also-mostly-valid-name   '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ' similarly-kinda-valid-name '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean miller 5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean-millerà-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean-миллер-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # binary gibberish
    proposal.name = bitgreenlib.deserialise(
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure valid payment address
    # ============================================================
    proposal.payment_address = '7'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'GX8OZ5XBZABWU3VSJOP1QGPTO69MQTUK2K'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Uj'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = '221 B Baker St., London, United Kingdom'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # this is actually the Dash foundation multisig address...
    proposal.payment_address = '7gnwGHt17heGpG9Crfeh4KGpYNFugPhJdh'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'gX8oZ5xbzAbwu3VSjoP1qgPTo69mqTuk2k'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.payment_address = ' gX8oZ5xbzAbwu3VSjoP1qgPTo69mqTuk2k'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'gX8oZ5xbzAbwu3VSjoP1qgPTo69mqTuk2k '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = ' gX8oZ5xbzAbwu3VSjoP1qgPTo69mqTuk2k '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # validate URL
    proposal.url = ' '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = '    '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = ' http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = ' http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://::]/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://[::1/foo/bad]/bad'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://dashcentral.org/dean-miller 5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://dashcentralisé.org/dean-miller-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'http://dashcentralisé.org/dean-миллер-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'https://example.com/resource.ext?param=1&other=2'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'www.com'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'v.ht/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'ipfs:///ipfs/QmPwwoytFU3gZYk5tSppumxaGbHymMUgHsSvrBdQH69XRx/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = '/ipfs/QmPwwoytFU3gZYk5tSppumxaGbHymMUgHsSvrBdQH69XRx/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 's3://bucket/thing/anotherthing/file.pdf'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/standards/RFC/rfc959.txt'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # gibberish URL
    proposal.url = bitgreenlib.deserialise(
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure proposal can't request negative dash
    # ============================================================
    proposal.payment_amount = -1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False
Exemplo n.º 26
superblockcycle = node1.superblockcycle()
nextsuperblock = node1.next_superblock_height()
curblock = node1.last_superblock_height()

if nextsuperblock - curblock > 10:
    start_epoch = curunixtime
    start_epoch = int(curunixtime + (superblockcycle * 2.6 * 60))

end_epoch = int(start_epoch + payout_month * (superblockcycle * 2.6 * 60) +
                ((superblockcycle / 2) * 2.6 * 60))

proposal = Proposal(name='proposal_' + str(curblock),
                    url='https://dashcentral.com/proposal_' + str(curblock) +
                    '_' + str(curunixtime),

print '\ntry to submit proposal with 0 confirmations'
# should be permanently rejected by all nodes

tx_hash0 = node1.rpc_command(*proposal.get_prepare_command())
print 'collateral tx hash: {0}\n'.format(tx_hash0)
log1.expect_minimum('push_inventory:tx {0}'.format(tx_hash0), 1)
cmd = [
    'gobject', 'submit', '0', '1',
    proposal.dashd_serialise(), tx_hash0
Exemplo n.º 27
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from comboded import CombodeDaemon
import combodelib
from decimal import Decimal
comboded = CombodeDaemon.from_combode_conf(config.combode_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Ui|yTC62huR4YQEPn9AJHjnQxxreHSbgAoatV",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'comboded' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
Exemplo n.º 28
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome, Watchdog
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from dynamicd import DynamicDaemon
import dynamiclib
from decimal import Decimal
dynamicd = DynamicDaemon.from_dynamic_conf(config.dynamic_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Ui|yTC62huR4YQEPn9AJHjnQxxreHSbgAoatV",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'dynamicd' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_proposal_is_valid(proposal):
    from emixild import EmixilDaemon
    import emixillib
    emixild = EmixilDaemon.from_emixil_conf(config.emixil_conf)

    orig = Proposal(**proposal.get_dict())  # make a copy

    # fixture as-is should be valid
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # ============================================================
    # ensure end_date not greater than start_date
    # ============================================================
    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch - 1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch + 0
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch + 1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure valid proposal name
    # ============================================================

    proposal.name = '   heya!@209h '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = "anything' OR 'x'='x"
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ' '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ''
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = '0'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = 'R66-Y'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # binary gibberish
    proposal.name = emixillib.deserialise(
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure valid payment address
    # ============================================================
    proposal.payment_address = '7'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'YYE8KWYAUU5YSWSYMB3Q3RYX8XTUU9Y7UI'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Uj'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = '221 B Baker St., London, United Kingdom'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # this is actually the Emixil foundation multisig address...
    proposal.payment_address = '7gnwGHt17heGpG9Crfeh4KGpYNFugPhJdh'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Ui'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # validate URL
    proposal.url = ' '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = '    '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'https://example.com/resource.ext?param=1&other=2'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'www.com'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'v.ht/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'ipfs:///ipfs/QmPwwoytFU3gZYk5tSppumxaGbHymMUgHsSvrBdQH69XRx/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = '/ipfs/QmPwwoytFU3gZYk5tSppumxaGbHymMUgHsSvrBdQH69XRx/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 's3://bucket/thing/anotherthing/file.pdf'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/standards/RFC/rfc959.txt'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # gibberish URL
    proposal.url = emixillib.deserialise(
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure proposal can't request negative emixil
    # ============================================================
    proposal.payment_amount = -1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False
Exemplo n.º 30
def prune_expired_proposals(monsternoded):
    # vote delete for old proposals
    for proposal in Proposal.expired(monsternoded.superblockcycle()):
        proposal.vote(monsternoded, VoteSignals.delete, VoteOutcomes.yes)
Exemplo n.º 31
def attempt_superblock_creation(sparksd):
    import sparkslib

    if not sparksd.is_masternode():
        print("We are not a Masternode... can't submit superblocks!")

    # query votes for this specific ebh... if we have voted for this specific
    # ebh, then it's voted on. since we track votes this is all done using joins
    # against the votes table
    # has this masternode voted on *any* superblocks at the given event_block_height?
    # have we voted FUNDING=YES for a superblock for this specific event_block_height?

    event_block_height = sparksd.next_superblock_height()

    if Superblock.is_voted_funding(event_block_height):
        # printdbg("ALREADY VOTED! 'til next time!")

        # vote down any new SBs because we've already chosen a winner
        for sb in Superblock.at_height(event_block_height):
            if not sb.voted_on(signal=VoteSignals.funding):
                sb.vote(sparksd, VoteSignals.funding, VoteOutcomes.no)

        # now return, we're done

    if not sparksd.is_govobj_maturity_phase():
        printdbg("Not in maturity phase yet -- will not attempt Superblock")

    proposals = Proposal.approved_and_ranked(
    budget_max = sparksd.get_superblock_budget_allocation(event_block_height)
    sb_epoch_time = sparksd.block_height_to_epoch(event_block_height)

    maxgovobjdatasize = sparksd.govinfo['maxgovobjdatasize']
    sb = sparkslib.create_superblock(proposals, event_block_height, budget_max,
                                     sb_epoch_time, maxgovobjdatasize)
    if not sb:
        printdbg("No superblock created, sorry. Returning.")

    # find the deterministic SB w/highest object_hash in the DB
    dbrec = Superblock.find_highest_deterministic(sb.hex_hash())
    if dbrec:
        dbrec.vote(sparksd, VoteSignals.funding, VoteOutcomes.yes)

        # any other blocks which match the sb_hash are duplicates, delete them
        for sb in Superblock.select().where(
                Superblock.sb_hash == sb.hex_hash()):
            if not sb.voted_on(signal=VoteSignals.funding):
                sb.vote(sparksd, VoteSignals.delete, VoteOutcomes.yes)

            "VOTED FUNDING FOR SB! We're done here 'til next superblock cycle."
        printdbg("The correct superblock wasn't found on the network...")

    # if we are the elected masternode...
    if (sparksd.we_are_the_winner()):
        printdbg("we are the winner! Submit SB to network")
Exemplo n.º 32
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome, Watchdog
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from galactrumd import GalactrumDaemon
import galactrumlib
from decimal import Decimal
galactrumd = GalactrumDaemon.from_galactrum_conf(config.galactrum_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Ui|yTC62huR4YQEPn9AJHjnQxxreHSbgAoatV",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'galactrumd' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
def setup():
    # clear tables first...
Exemplo n.º 34
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from polisd import PolisDaemon
import polislib
from decimal import Decimal
polisd = PolisDaemon.from_polis_conf(config.polis_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "TXDSaTXerg68SCyLkWw2ERsqoTMWRBZiZQ|TDWz9KfMo55wzj2brbgaXxnDz28nAbdPcY",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'polisd' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
Exemplo n.º 35
def prune_expired_proposals(crowdclassicd):
    # vote delete for old proposals
    for proposal in Proposal.expired(crowdclassicd.superblockcycle()):
        proposal.vote(crowdclassicd, VoteSignals.delete, VoteOutcomes.yes)
Exemplo n.º 36
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome, Watchdog
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from lucentd import lucentDaemon
import lucentlib
from decimal import Decimal
lucentd = lucentDaemon.from_lucent_conf(config.lucent_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "n7mzEvBy6JdP2QQUqJrLjitucQKgTBZAR2|nJUUwdV8JvDXjoMLhmqi9mQCgiA86xPL4h",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'gobyted' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
Exemplo n.º 37
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from trivechaind import TrivechainDaemon
import trivechainlib
from decimal import Decimal
trivechaind = TrivechainDaemon.from_trivechain_conf(config.trivechain_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "tCa7rDMXs1KeqaqmcFoXxXMmwT9eq9r7oK|t7RKTBNZsTbjwAoXYfsSsTSwimxzDKh5Fu",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'trivechaind' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
Exemplo n.º 38
def test_proposal_is_valid(proposal):
    from trivechaind import TrivechainDaemon
    import trivechainlib
    trivechaind = TrivechainDaemon.from_trivechain_conf(config.trivechain_conf)

    orig = Proposal(**proposal.get_dict())  # make a copy

    # fixture as-is should be valid
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # ============================================================
    # ensure end_date not greater than start_date
    # ============================================================
    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch - 1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch + 0
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch + 1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure valid proposal name
    # ============================================================

    proposal.name = '   heya!@209h '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = "anything' OR 'x'='x"
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ' '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ''
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = '0'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = 'R66-Y'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = 'valid-name'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = '   mostly-valid-name'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'also-mostly-valid-name   '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ' similarly-kinda-valid-name '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean miller 5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean-millerà-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean-миллер-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # binary gibberish
    proposal.name = trivechainlib.deserialise(
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure valid payment address
    # ============================================================
    proposal.payment_address = '7'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'tCa7rDMXs1KeqaqmcFoXxXMmwT9eq9r7oo'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'tRzq9nmzqzrLztMFj15LQzZQhvhrs7WyCN '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = '221 B Baker St., London, United Kingdom'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # this is actually the Trivechain foundation multisig address...
    proposal.payment_address = 'sPnVo5H4HsWqYAc5aWHJxtAB3oGYa25nPz'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'tCa7rDMXs1KeqaqmcFoXxXMmwT9eq9r7oK'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.payment_address = ' tCa7rDMXs1KeqaqmcFoXxXMmwT9eq9r7oK'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'tCa7rDMXs1KeqaqmcFoXxXMmwT9eq9r7oK '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = ' tCa7rDMXs1KeqaqmcFoXxXMmwT9eq9r7oK '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # validate URL
    proposal.url = ' '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = '    '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = ' http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = ' http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://::]/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://[::1/foo/bad]/bad'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://gov.trivechain.com/dean-miller 5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://trivechaincentralisé.org/dean-miller-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'http://trivechaincentralisé.org/dean-миллер-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'https://example.com/resource.ext?param=1&other=2'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'www.com'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'v.ht/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'ipfs:///ipfs/QmPwwoytFU3gZYk5tSppumxaGbHymMUgHsSvrBdQH69XRx/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = '/ipfs/QmPwwoytFU3gZYk5tSppumxaGbHymMUgHsSvrBdQH69XRx/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 's3://bucket/thing/anotherthing/file.pdf'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/standards/RFC/rfc959.txt'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # gibberish URL
    proposal.url = trivechainlib.deserialise(
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure proposal can't request negative trivechain
    # ============================================================
    proposal.payment_amount = -1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False
Exemplo n.º 39
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from dashd import DashDaemon
import dashlib
from decimal import Decimal

dashd = DashDaemon.from_dash_conf(config.dash_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "yYe8KwyaUu5YswSYmB3q3ryx8XTUu9y7Ui|yTC62huR4YQEPn9AJHjnQxxreHSbgAoatV",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'dashd' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.
Exemplo n.º 40
def proposal():
    from models import Proposal
    return Proposal()
Exemplo n.º 41
def test_proposal_is_valid(proposal):
    from martkistd import MartkistDaemon
    import martkistlib
    martkistd = MartkistDaemon.from_martkist_conf(config.martkist_conf)

    orig = Proposal(**proposal.get_dict())  # make a copy

    # fixture as-is should be valid
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # ============================================================
    # ensure end_date not greater than start_date
    # ============================================================
    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch - 1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch + 0
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.end_epoch = proposal.start_epoch + 1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure valid proposal name
    # ============================================================

    proposal.name = '   heya!@209h '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = "anything' OR 'x'='x"
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ' '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ''
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = '0'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = 'R66-Y'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = 'valid-name'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.name = '   mostly-valid-name'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'also-mostly-valid-name   '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = ' similarly-kinda-valid-name '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean miller 5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean-millerà-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.name = 'dean-миллер-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # binary gibberish
    proposal.name = martkistlib.deserialise(
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure valid payment address
    # ============================================================
    proposal.payment_address = '7'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'TSTFEMEWWQICDWMSTWRAJ9WWVGNJZFFVFK'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'TSTfeMeWwQiCDwMSTWRaj9wwVGNjZFfvFK'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = '221 B Baker St., London, United Kingdom'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # TODO:  multisig address
    proposal.payment_address = '7gnwGHt17heGpG9Crfeh4KGpYNFugPhJdh'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'TFcpmdvna59VuWdhCQQYsKE4jm6tUMeuEJ'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.payment_address = ' TFcpmdvna59VuWdhCQQYsKE4jm6tUMeuEJ'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = 'TFcpmdvna59VuWdhCQQYsKE4jm6tUMeuEJ '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.payment_address = ' TFcpmdvna59VuWdhCQQYsKE4jm6tUMeuEJ '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # validate URL
    proposal.url = ' '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = '    '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = ' http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = ' http://bit.ly/1e1EYJv '
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://::]/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://[::1/foo/bad]/bad'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://martkistcentral.org/dean-miller 5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    proposal.url = 'http://martkistcentralisé.org/dean-miller-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'http://martkistcentralisé.org/dean-миллер-5493'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'https://example.com/resource.ext?param=1&other=2'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'www.com'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'v.ht/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'ipfs:///ipfs/QmPwwoytFU3gZYk5tSppumxaGbHymMUgHsSvrBdQH69XRx/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = '/ipfs/QmPwwoytFU3gZYk5tSppumxaGbHymMUgHsSvrBdQH69XRx/'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 's3://bucket/thing/anotherthing/file.pdf'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    proposal.url = 'ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/standards/RFC/rfc959.txt'
    assert proposal.is_valid() is True

    # gibberish URL
    proposal.url = martkistlib.deserialise(
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False

    # reset
    proposal = Proposal(**orig.get_dict())

    # ============================================================
    # ensure proposal can't request negative martkist
    # ============================================================
    proposal.payment_amount = -1
    assert proposal.is_valid() is False
Exemplo n.º 42
import config
from models import Superblock, Proposal, GovernanceObject, Setting, Signal, Vote, Outcome, Watchdog
from models import VoteSignals, VoteOutcomes
from peewee import PeeweeException  # , OperationalError, IntegrityError
from quantisnetd import quantisnetDaemon
import quantisnetlib
from decimal import Decimal
quantisnetd = quantisnetDaemon.from_quantisnet_conf(config.quantisnet_conf)
import misc
# ==============================================================================
# do stuff here

pr = Proposal(

# sb = Superblock(
#     event_block_height = 62500,
#     payment_addresses = "QM1sn2HmMcuVWtRXLbYP8RvwsZfGCK9tD1|QMFF2uEjWCRMS8U8pjjcNQXxaHgHJhm5wL",
#     payment_amounts  = "5|3"
# )

# TODO: make this a test, mock 'quantisnetd' and tie a test block height to a
# timestamp, ensure only unit testing a within_window method
# also, create the `within_window` or similar method & use that.