Exemplo n.º 1
    def Simulate(self, tb_config, tst_data, dut_params={}, verbose=False):
        _start = time.time()

        tb = self.Testbench(tb_config, tst_data, dut_params, verbose)
#         tb = traceSignals(self.Testbench, tb_config, tst_data, dut_params, verbose)

        if verbose:
            mylog.infob("Simulation took %s seconds" % (time.time() - _start))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def convert(self, hdl='verilog', params={}, verbose=True):
        | Converts convertible to HDL
        if self.IMPL == self.BEH:
            mylog.err("Behavior models can not be converted to verilog!")

        self.is_top = True
        # Add resets, clock and overwritten parameters to top interface
        top_kwargs = {}
        top_kwargs.update(self.get_all_parameters(params, verbose))

        str_params = ''
        for parameter, value in self.get_all_parameters(params, verbose).iteritems():
            str_params += parameter + ' = ' + str(value) + ', '
        if verbose and str_params != '':
            mylog.infob('Parameters: {}'.format(str_params[:-2]))

        # Add flatten interface signals to top interface
        for x in self.get_all_interfaces().itervalues():

        if verbose:
            mylog.infob('Converting to {}...'.format(hdl))
        if hdl.lower()=='verilog':
            toVerilog.name = self.get_name() + self.top_suffix
            toVerilog(self.top, **top_kwargs)
        elif hdl.lower()=='vhdl':
            toVHDL.name = self.get_name() + self.top_suffix
            toVHDL(self.top, **top_kwargs)
            raise ValueError("Unknown HDL: {}".format(hdl))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def Testbench(self, tb_config, tst_data, dut_params={}, verbose=False):
        | Set-up and run a simulation of a HW module
        | Uses a DutFactory

        self.is_top = True

        # TODO: Dirty patches
        BUS_PATCH = None
        RST_PATCH = None
        CLK_PATCH = None

        trace        = tb_config["trace"]
        cosimulation = tb_config["cosimulation"]
        sim_time     = tb_config["simulation_time"]
        self.ipgi    = tb_config["ipgi"]
        self.ipgo    = tb_config["ipgo"]

        self.fdump = tb_config["fdump"]
        # Used to create test-vector files from behavior top-level model
        FDUMP = self.fdump and self.IMPL == self.BEH

        if len([self.get_interfaces()]) == 0:
            mylog.infob("Nothing to simulate: module contains no interfaces!")

        # Get clocks and instantiate clock generators
        CLK_Period_ns = 1 # clk period = 20ns
        clocks = self.get_all_clocks()
        clk_gen = [clk.gen(CLK_Period_ns) for clk in clocks.values()]
        CLK_PATCH = clocks.values()[-1] # TODO: Dirty patch, keeps the last from the list

        # Get resets and instantiate reset generators
        resets = self.get_all_resets()
        rst_gen = [rst.pulse(CLK_PATCH, 10) for rst in resets.values()]
        RST_PATCH = resets.values()[-1] # TODO: Dirty patch, keeps the last from the list

        # Get interfaces
        interfaces = self.get_all_interfaces(FDUMP)

        # Overwrite default parameters
        parameters = self.get_all_parameters(overwrite_params=dut_params, verbose=True)

        # Add resets, clock, interfaces, and parameter to DUT argument dictionary
        dut_kwargs = {}

        ## Create DUT factory
        #dutFact = DutFactory()

        ## Configure DUT factory
        #if cosimulation:

        #if trace:

        # Generate DUT
        #sim_dut = dutFact(self, **dut_kwargs)

        sim_dut = DutFactory(cosimulation, trace).getDut(self, **dut_kwargs)

        sim_control = self.simulationControl(tst_data=tst_data, sim_time=sim_time, **dut_kwargs)

        return instances()