def show_temperature(self, temp):
     my_aurora = Aurora(self.IP, self.AUTH_TOKEN)
     red = Color("blue")
     colors = list(red.range_to(Color("red"), 50))
     color = colors[int(temp) + 10]
     hex = color.get_hex_l()[1:]
     my_aurora.rgb = hex
     my_aurora.brightness = 40
     my_aurora.on = False
Exemplo n.º 2
 def handle_nano_leaf_set_intent(self, message):
     silent_kw ="SilentKeyword")
     str_remainder = str(message.utterance_remainder()).lower()
     message_words = []
     scene_words = []
     scene_match = False
     message_words = str_remainder.split()
     for each_scene in self.retrieve_scenes():
         scene_words = re.findall(r"\w+", str(each_scene).lower())'List Compare: ' + str(message_words) + ' : ' +
         scene_match = bool(set(message_words).intersection(scene_words))
         if scene_match:
   'Scene Found!')
             if not silent_kw:
                     data={"result": str(each_scene) + ", scene"})
     if not scene_match:'Scene not Found!')
         for findcolor in Valid_Color:
             mypos = str_remainder.find(findcolor)
             if mypos > 0:
                 if findcolor == 'read':
                     findcolor = 'red'
                 if findcolor == 'toronto':
                     myRed = 0
                     myGreen = 62
                     myBlue = 126
                     myRed = math.trunc(Color(findcolor).get_red() * 255)
                     myGreen = math.trunc(
                         Color(findcolor).get_green() * 255)
                     myBlue = math.trunc(Color(findcolor).get_blue() * 255)
                 myHex = Color(findcolor).hex_l
                 if not silent_kw:
                                       data={"result": findcolor})
                 MyPanels = Aurora(self.IPstring, self.tokenString)
                 MyPanels.rgb = myHex[1:]
     dim_level = re.findall('\d+', str_remainder)
     if dim_level:
         MyPanels = Aurora(self.IPstring, self.tokenString)
         MyPanels.brightness = int(dim_level[0])
         if not silent_kw:
                 data={"result": str(dim_level[0]) + ", percent"})
Exemplo n.º 3
from nanoleaf import setup
from nanoleaf import Aurora
from time import sleep

IPaddress = ''
token = setup.generate_auth_token(IPaddress)

myAurora = Aurora(IPaddress, token)
index = 0
while index < 4:
	myAurora.rgb = [255,0,0] # Red
	sleep(1) # Red delay
	myAurora.rgb = [255,255,255] # White
	sleep(1) # White delay
	index = index + 1
myAurora.effect = "Flames"
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():
    #the device to configure (ip, accesskey) see manual how to retrieve key)
    my_aurora = Aurora("IP of your NanoLeaf",
                       "AccessKey generated from Nanoleaf insert here")

    my_aurora = Aurora("", "loremipsumloremipsum")

    #if check_ping(""):
    #need a try catch weil es errored wenn das gerät gar nicht vverfügbar ist
    #if my_aurora.on():
    if True:
        # set you screen resultion
        screen_size_width = 1920
        screen_size_height = 1080

        # how much shall we ignore, dueto black bars in movies, suggestion 20%, so set 20
        percent_to_ignore = 20

        # in % means, 10 = 10 % of all pixels, increases performance dramatically, 100 = all pixels
        pixels_2_analyse = 1.0

        # wait time when screen does not change
        wait_time = 0.1

        # time to incease each time nothing happens
        wait_time_increase = 0.25

        # maximum wait time to increase to, before aurora gets turned off,
        # will be turned on again automatically after wait_time interval
        wait_time_maximum = 4.0

        # if something is wrong, debug = True can help to see why, check C:\out.txt
        debug = False

        ############ No need to change any settings below here ############
        if debug:
            from time import time
            import time
            sys.stdout = open("C:\\out.txt", "w")

        screen_dimensions = {
            "top": int(screen_size_width * (percent_to_ignore / 100)),
            "left": int(screen_size_height * (percent_to_ignore / 100)),
            int(screen_size_width * (1 - percent_to_ignore * 2 / 100)),
            int(screen_size_height * (1 - percent_to_ignore * 2 / 100))

        x = screen_dimensions["width"] - screen_dimensions["left"]
        y = screen_dimensions["height"] - screen_dimensions["top"]
        every_x_pixels = int(100 / pixels_2_analyse)

        old_img = bytearray()
        color_old = np.array([0, 0, 0])
        darken_threshold = 50
        flag_aurora_off = False

        while True:
            if debug: start = time.time()
            with mss.mss() as sct:
                # Grab the screen data
                sct_img = sct.grab(screen_dimensions)

            # if screen was not changed, sleep
            if sct_img.raw == old_img:

                # increase sleep time as long as nothing happens and maximum limit not reached
                if wait_time < wait_time_maximum:
                    wait_time += wait_time_increase
                    if debug: print("Sleeping for ", wait_time)
                    # check if aurora was already sent to go offline, if not go off
                    if (not flag_aurora_off):
                        if debug:
                            print("Sent Shutdown Signal to Aurora. Flag: ",
               = True
                        flag_aurora_off = True
                if debug: print("Reset sleep ", wait_time)
                wait_time = 0.1
                # flag_aurora_off = False

            old_img[:] = sct_img.raw

            # get list of all colors from img, but exclude colors darker than 50 rgb combined
            rgb_list = [[r, g, b] for r, g, b in zip(
                sct_img.raw[2::4][::every_x_pixels], sct_img.raw[1::4]
                [::every_x_pixels], sct_img.raw[0::4][::every_x_pixels])
                        if (r + g + b > darken_threshold)]

            # calculates blacknessfactor based on all black pixels / total pixels
            blacknessfactor = (len(sct_img.raw[2::4][::every_x_pixels]) -
                               len(rgb_list)) / float(

            # verify rgb_list contains more than 1 color set, otherwise cant calculate dominant color
            if len(rgb_list) > 1:
                # use dominant color:
                color_new = get_dominant_color(rgb_list, color_old)

            # make sure it is only a one Dimensional Array
            color_new = np.squeeze(color_new)

            #convert array to single values
            r, g, b = color_new

            #if debug: print("Before ",color_new)

            # if colors are too close to each other, they may be gray, white or black, so dont touch them
            if ((abs(r - g) + abs(r - b)) > darken_threshold):
                # if color is darker than darken_threshold, black is domminant
                # reduce brightness of 2. color to 60%
                # if black is not dominant, but distance > 50, increase by 50% brightness
                if ((blacknessfactor * 100) > darken_threshold):
                    rgb_list = [[r, g, b] for r, g, b in rgb_list
                                if r + g + b >= 20]
                    color_new = get_dominant_color(rgb_list, color_old)
                    brightness_factor = 0.3
                    brightness_factor = 0.6

                r, g, b = color_new / 255.
                h, s, v = colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r, g, b)
                #if debug: print("S:",s," V:",v)

                # multiple hsv with factor, clamp makes sure it is not larger as 3.arg and not smaller as 2.arg
                s = clamp(s * 1.2, 0.5, 1.0)  #farbsättigung
                v = clamp(v * brightness_factor, 0.1, 0.5)  #helligkeit
                #if debug: print("S:",s," V:",v)

                #convert hsv back to rgb % and then real 255 numbers
                color_new = np.array([colorsys.hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v)]) * 255
                color_new[:] = [r / 2., g / 2., b / 2.]

            #if debug: print("After  ",color_new)

            # make sure it is only a one Dimensional Array
            color_new = np.squeeze(color_new)

            # catch white color wakeups when screen goes standby, so only flashes up and doest not show picuture
            if debug: print("new color ", color_new)

            if flag_aurora_off:
                if np.array_equal(np.array([255, 255, 255]), color_new):
                    flag_aurora_off = False

            # if it is a new color, sent it to aurora, if not leave it as it is
            if not np.array_equal(color_old, color_new):
                    my_aurora.rgb = color_new
                    color_old = color_new
                    print("Erroneous color ", color_new)