Exemplo n.º 1
            {% highlight 'print "Hello World"' python linenos=true %}
    if highlighter is None:
        return '<pre>%s</pre>' % code
    return highlighter(code or '', get_lexer_by_name(lexer), HtmlFormatter(**kwargs))
highlight = function(highlight, is_safe=True)

def highlight_block(context, nodelist, lexer, **kwargs):
    Code is nodelist ``rendered`` in ``context``
    Returns highlighted code ``div`` tag from ``HtmlFormatter``
    Lexer is guessed by ``lexer`` name
    arguments are passed into the formatter


            {% highlight_block [lexer name] [formatter options] %}
                ... source code ..
            {% endhighlight_block %}


            {% highlight_block python linenos=true %}
                print '{{ request.path }}'
            {% endhighlight_block %}
    if highlighter is None:
        return '<pre>%s</pre>' % str(nodelist.render(context) or '')
    return highlighter(nodelist.render(context) or '', get_lexer_by_name(lexer), HtmlFormatter(**kwargs))
highlight_block = block(highlight_block, is_safe=True)
Exemplo n.º 2
CMDS = ('title', 'axes.type', 'axes.label', 'type', 'encoding', 'fill',
        'color', 'scale', 'legend')

def parse_cmd(value):
    value = value.lstrip()
    for cmd in CMDS:
        if value.startswith(cmd):
            return cmd, value[len(cmd):].strip()
    return None, None

def gchart(context, nodelist, type, dataset, **kwargs):
    G = GChart(type, dataset, encoding=kwargs.pop('encoding', 'text'))
    for node in nodelist:
        if isinstance(node, TextNode):
            for part in node.render(context).splitlines():
                cmd, value = parse_cmd(part)
                if cmd is None: continue
                if cmd.startswith('axes'):
                    cmd = getattr(G.axes, cmd[5:])
                    cmd = getattr(G, cmd)
    if 'instance' in kwargs:
        return G
    return G.img(**kwargs)

gchart = block(gchart)
Exemplo n.º 3
    return ''
do_set = function(do_set, takes_context=1, name='set')

def do_del(context, *args):
    'Deletes template variables from the context'
    for name in args:
        del context[name]
    return ''
do_del = function(do_del, resolve=0, takes_context=1, name='del')

def render_block(context, nodelist):
    'Simply renders the nodelist with the current context'
    return nodelist.render(context)
render_block = block(render_block)

def template_string(context, template):
    'Return the rendered template content with the current context'
    if not isinstance(context, Context):
        context = Context(context)
    return Template(template).render(context)
template_string = function(template_string, takes_context=1)
template_string.test = {'args':({'var':'T'},'W {{ var }} F'),'result':'W T F'}

def template_block(context, nodelist):
    'Return the rendered block\'s content with the current context'
    return Template(nodelist.render(context)).render(context)
template_block = block(template_block)
Exemplo n.º 4
from GChartWrapper import GChart

from native_tags.decorators import block

CMDS = ('title','axes.type','axes.label','type','encoding','fill','color','scale','legend')

def parse_cmd(value):
    value = value.lstrip()
    for cmd in CMDS:
        if value.startswith(cmd):
            return cmd,value[len(cmd):].strip()
    return None, None

def gchart(context, nodelist, type, dataset, **kwargs):
    G = GChart(type, dataset, encoding=kwargs.pop('encoding','text'))
    for node in nodelist:
        if isinstance(node, TextNode):
            for part in node.render(context).splitlines():
                cmd,value = parse_cmd(part)
                if cmd is None: continue
                if cmd.startswith('axes'):
                    cmd = getattr(G.axes, cmd[5:])
                    cmd = getattr(G, cmd)
    if 'instance' in kwargs:
        return G
    return G.img(**kwargs)
gchart = block(gchart)