def test(img):
    imgT = TransformView.transformView(img, aff, interval,
                                       1)  # 1: linear interpolation
    imgA = ArrayImgs.floats(dimensions)
    ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgT, imgA.factory()), imgA)
Exemplo n.º 2
def classify(img, classifier, class_names, ops=None, distribution_class_index=-1):
  """ img: a 2D RandomAccessibleInterval.
      classifier: a WEKA Classifier instance, like SMO or FastRandomForest, etc. Any.
                  If it's a string, interprets it as a file path and attempts to deserialize
                  a previously saved trained classifier.
      class_names: the list of names of each class to learn.
      ops: the filter bank of ImgMath ops for the img.
      distribution_class_index: defaults to -1, meaning return the class index for each pixel.
                                When larger than -1, it's interpreted as a class index, and
                                returns instead the floating-point value of each pixel in
                                the distribution of that particular class index. """
  if type(classifier) == str:
    classifier =

  ops = ops if ops else filterBank(img)
  attributes = ArrayList()
  for i in xrange(len(ops)):
    attributes.add(Attribute("attr-%i" % i))
  #for name in classifier.attributeNames()[0][1]:
  #  attributes.add(Attribute(name))
  attributes.add(Attribute("class", class_names))
  info = Instances("structure", attributes, 1)
  info.setClassIndex(len(attributes) -1)

  opImgs = [compute(op).into(ArrayImgs.floats([img.dimension(0), img.dimension(1)])) for op in ops]
  cs_opImgs = Views.collapse(Views.stack(opImgs))

  result = ArrayImgs.floats([img.dimension(0), img.dimension(1)])
  cr = result.cursor()
  cop = Views.iterable(cs_opImgs).cursor()

  while cr.hasNext():
    tc =
    vector = array((tc.get(i).getRealDouble() for i in xrange(len(opImgs))), 'd')
    vector += array([0], 'd')
    di = DenseInstance(1.0, vector)
    di.setDataset(info) # the list of attributes
    if distribution_class_index > -1:[distribution_class_index])

  return result
Exemplo n.º 3
 def updatePixels(self):
     # Copy interval into pixels
     view = Views.interval(
         Views.extendZero(Views.hyperSlice(self.img3D, 2, self.indexZ)),
     aimg = ArrayImgs.floats(
     ImgUtil.copy(view, aimg)
Exemplo n.º 4
def testJython(imgred, imggreen, imgblue):
    width, height = rgb.dimension(0), rgb.dimension(1)
    hb = zeros(width * height, 'f')
    sb = zeros(width * height, 'f')
    bb = zeros(width * height, 'f')
    cred = imgred.cursor()
    cgreen = imggreen.cursor()
    cblue = imgblue.cursor()
    i = 0
    while cred.hasNext():
        r =
        g =
        b =
        cmax = max(r, g, b)
        cmin = min(r, g, b)
        bb[i] = cmax / 255.0
        if 0 != cmax:
            sb[i] = (cmax - cmin) / cmax
        # Else leave sb[i] at zero
        if 0 == sb[i]:
            h = 0
            span = cmax - cmin
            redc = (cmax - r) / span
            greenc = (cmax - g) / span
            bluec = (cmax - b) / span
            if r == cmax:
                h = bluec - greenc
            elif g == cmax:
                h = 2.0 + redc - bluec
                h = 4.0 + greenc - redc
            h /= 6.0
            if h < 0:
                h += 1.0
            hb[i] = h
        i += 1

    hh = ArrayImgs.floats(hb, [width, height])
    ss = ArrayImgs.floats(sb, [width, height])
    bb = ArrayImgs.floats(bb, [width, height])
    return Views.stack(hh, ss, bb)
Exemplo n.º 5
def read2DImageROI(path, dimensions, interval, pixelType=UnsignedShortType, header=0, byte_order=ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN):
  """ Read a region of interest (the interval) of an image in a file.
      Assumes the image is written with the first dimension moving slowest.

      path: the file path to the image file.
      dimensions: a sequence of integer values e.g. [512, 512, 512]
      interval: two sequences of integer values defining the min and max coordinates, e.g.
                [[20, 0], [400, 550]]
      pixeltype: e.g. UnsignedShortType, FloatType
      header: defaults to zero, the number of bytes between the start of the file and the start of the image data.

      Supports only these types: UnsignedByteType, UnsignedShortType, FloatType.

      Returns an ArrayImg of the given type.
  ra = RandomAccessFile(path, 'r')
    width, height = dimensions
    minX, minY = interval[0]
    maxX, maxY = interval[1]
    roi_width, roi_height = maxX - minX + 1, maxY - minY + 1
    tailX = width - roi_width - minX

    #print minX, minY
    #print maxX, maxY
    #print roi_width, roi_height

    size = roi_width * roi_height
    n_bytes_per_pixel = pixelType().getBitsPerPixel() / 8

    #print n_bytes_per_pixel

    bytes = zeros(size * n_bytes_per_pixel, 'b')

    # Read only the 2D ROI + (minY * width + minX) * n_bytes_per_pixel)
    for h in xrange(roi_height):
      ra.readFully(bytes, h * roi_width * n_bytes_per_pixel, roi_width * n_bytes_per_pixel)
      ra.skipBytes((tailX + minX) * n_bytes_per_pixel)
    # Make an image
    roiDims = [roi_width, roi_height]
    if UnsignedByteType == pixelType:
      return ArrayImgs.unsignedBytes(bytes, roiDims)
    if UnsignedShortType == pixelType:
      shorts = zeros(size, 'h')
      return ArrayImgs.shorts(shorts, roiDims)
    if FloatType == pixelType:
      floats = zeros(size, 'f')
      return ArrayImgs.floats(floats, roiDims)
def populateInstances(instances, synth_imgs, class_index, mins, maxs):
    # Populate the training data: create the filter bank for each feature image
    # by reading values from the interval defined by mins and maxs
    target = ArrayImgs.floats([width, height])
    interval = FinalInterval(mins, maxs)
    n_samples = Intervals.numElements(interval)
    for img in synth_imgs:
        vectors = [zeros(len(attributes), 'd') for _ in xrange(n_samples)]
        for k, op in enumerate(filterBank(img, sumType=DoubleType())):
            imgOp = compute(op).into(target)
            for i, v in enumerate(Views.interval(imgOp, interval)):
                vectors[i][k] = v.getRealDouble()
        for vector in vectors:
            vector[-1] = class_index
            instances.add(DenseInstance(1.0, vector))
Exemplo n.º 7
def readFloats(path, dimensions, header=0, byte_order=ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN):
    """ Read a file as an ArrayImg of FloatType """
    size = reduce(operator.mul, dimensions)
    ra = RandomAccessFile(path, 'r')
        if header < 0:
            # Interpret from the end: useful for files with variable header lengths
            # such as some types of uncompressed TIFF formats
            header = ra.length() + header
        bytes = zeros(size * 4, 'b')
        floats = zeros(size, 'f')
        return ArrayImgs.floats(floats, dimensions)
def twoStep(index=0):
    # The current way:
    img = klb.readFull(filepaths[index])  # klb_loader.get(filepaths[index])
    imgE = Views.extendZero(img)
    imgI = Views.interpolate(imgE, NLinearInterpolatorFactory())
    imgT = RealViews.transform(imgI, cmIsotropicTransforms[index])
    imgB = Views.zeroMin(Views.interval(imgT, roi[0],
                                        roi[1]))  # bounded: crop with ROI
    imgBA = ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(imgB))
    ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgB, imgBA.factory()), imgBA)
    imgP = prepareImgForDeconvolution(
        FinalInterval([0, 0, 0], [imgB.dimension(d) - 1 for d in xrange(3)]))
    # Copy transformed view into ArrayImg for best performance in deconvolution
    imgA = ArrayImgs.floats(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(imgP))
    ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgP, imgA.factory()), imgA)
    IL.wrap(imgA, "two step").show()
Exemplo n.º 9
 def prepare(index):
     # Prepare the img for deconvolution:
     # 0. Transform in one step.
     # 1. Ensure its pixel values conform to expectations (no zeros inside)
     # 2. Copy it into an ArrayImg for faster recurrent retrieval of same pixels
     syncPrint("Preparing %s CM0%i for deconvolution" % (tm_dirname, index))
     img = klb_loader.get(filepaths[index])  # of UnsignedShortType
     imgP = prepareImgForDeconvolution(
         img, transforms[index], target_interval)  # returns of FloatType
     # Copy transformed view into ArrayImg for best performance in deconvolution
     imgA = ArrayImgs.floats(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(imgP))
     #ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgP, imgA.factory()), imgA)
     ImgUtil.copy(imgP, imgA, n_threads / 2)  # parallel copying
     syncPrint("--Completed preparing %s CM0%i for deconvolution" %
               (tm_dirname, index))
     imgP = None
     img = None
     return (index, imgA)
def oneStep(index=0):
    # Combining transforms into one, via a translation to account of the ROI crop
    img = klb.readFull(filepaths[index])  # klb_loader.get(filepaths[index])
    t1 = cmIsotropicTransforms[index]
    t2 = affine3D(
        [1, 0, 0, -roi[0][0], 0, 1, 0, -roi[0][1], 0, 0, 1, -roi[0][2]])
    t3 = affine3D(fineTransformsPostROICrop[index]).inverse()
    aff = AffineTransform3D()
    # Final interval is now rooted at 0,0,0 given that the transform includes the translation
    imgP = prepareImgForDeconvolution(
        img, aff,
        FinalInterval([0, 0, 0],
                      [maxC - minC for minC, maxC in izip(roi[0], roi[1])]))
    # Copy transformed view into ArrayImg for best performance in deconvolution
    imgA = ArrayImgs.floats(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(imgP))
    ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(imgP, imgA.factory()), imgA)
    IL.wrap(imgA, "one step index %i" % index).show()
Exemplo n.º 11
def createTrainingData(img, samples, class_names, n_samples=0, ops=None):
  """ img: a 2D RandomAccessibleInterval.
      samples: a sequence of long[] (or int numeric sequence or Localizable) and class_index pairs; can be a generator.
      n_samples: optional, the number of samples (in case samples is e.g. a generator).
      class_names: a list of class names, as many as different class_index.
      ops: optional, the sequence of ImgMath ops to apply to the img, defaults to filterBank(img)

      return an instance of WEKA Instances
  ops = ops if ops else filterBank(img)

  if 0 == n_samples:
    n_samples = len(samples)
  # Define a WEKA Attribute for each feature (one for op in the filter bank, plus the class)
  attribute_names = ["attr-%i" % (i+1) for i in xrange(len(ops))]
  attributes = ArrayList()
  for name in attribute_names:
  # Add an attribute at the end for the classification classes
  attributes.add(Attribute("class", class_names))

  # Create the training data structure
  training_data = Instances("training", attributes, n_samples)
  training_data.setClassIndex(len(attributes) -1)

  opImgs = [compute(op).into(ArrayImgs.floats([img.dimension(0), img.dimension(1)])) for op in ops]
  ra = Views.collapse(Views.stack(opImgs)).randomAccess()

  for position, class_index in samples:
    tc = ra.get()
    vector = array((tc.get(i).getRealDouble() for i in xrange(len(opImgs))), 'd')
    vector += array([class_index], 'd')
    training_data.add(DenseInstance(1.0, vector))

  return training_data
Exemplo n.º 12
from net.imglib2.type.numeric.real import FloatType

ft = FloatType(10)

print ft

from net.imglib2.algorithm.math.ImgMath import compute, add, power
from net.imglib2.img.array import ArrayImgs
from net.imglib2.img.display.imagej import ImageJFunctions as IL

img = ArrayImgs.floats([10, 10, 10])

compute(add(img, 5)).into(img)  # in place

compute(power(img, 2)).into(img)  # in place

print 25 * 10 * 10 * 10 == sum(t.get() for t in img.cursor())

IL.wrap(img, "5 squared").show()
from net.imglib2.algorithm.math import ImgMath
from net.imglib2.util import ImgUtil
from net.imglib2.img import ImgView
import sys
from lib.util import timeit

roi = (
    [1, 228, 0],  # top-left coordinates
    [1 + 406 - 1, 228 + 465 - 1,
     0 + 325 - 1])  # bottom-right coordinates (inclusive, hence the -1)

dimensions = [maxC - minC + 1 for minC, maxC in zip(roi[0], roi[1])]

imgU = ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts(dimensions)
imgF = ArrayImgs.floats(dimensions)
#c = imgF.cursor()
#while c.hasNext():
# * 65535)
aff = AffineTransform3D()
aff.set(1, 0, 0, 0,
        0, 1, 0, 0,
        0, 0, 1, 0)
    0.9999949529841275, -0.0031770224721305684, 2.3118912942710207e-05,
    -1.6032353998500826, 0.003177032139125933, 0.999994860398559,
    -0.00043086338151948394, -0.4401520585103873, -2.1749931475206362e-05,
            for i, v in enumerate(Views.interval(imgOp, interval)):
                vectors[i][k] = v.getRealDouble()
        for vector in vectors:
            vector[-1] = class_index
            instances.add(DenseInstance(1.0, vector))

# pick pixels on the black line for class 0 (membrane), 4x4
populateInstances(training_data, synth_imgs_membrane, 0, [14, 14], [17, 17])
# pick pixels in the very center for class 1 (mitochondrial boundary), 2x2
populateInstances(training_data, synth_imgs_mit_boundary, 1, [15, 15],
                  [16, 16])

# Populate the training data for class "other" from two images
# entirely filled with background or foreground plus noise
target = ArrayImgs.floats([width, height])
interval = FinalInterval([14, 14], [17, 17])
n_samples = Intervals.numElements(interval)
for ci, v in enumerate([fillValue, backgroundValue]):
    for _ in xrange(training_data.size() /
                    4):  # the other 2/4 are the membrane and mit boundary
        other = syntheticEM([], width, height, 0, v, noise=True)
        vectors = [zeros(len(attributes), 'd') for _ in xrange(n_samples)]
        for k, op in enumerate(filterBank(IL.wrap(other),
            imgOp = compute(op).into(target)
            for i, v in enumerate(Views.interval(imgOp, interval)):
                vectors[i][k] = v.getRealDouble()
        for vector in vectors:
            vector[-1] = ci + 2  # class index
            training_data.add(DenseInstance(1.0, vector))
Exemplo n.º 15
# @OpService ops
# @float[] arr
# @long[] dims
# @OUTPUT Img out

from net.imagej.ops import Ops
from net.imglib2.img import Img
from net.imglib2.img.array import ArrayImgs

arr = list(arr)
dims = list(dims)
out = ArrayImgs.floats(arr, dims)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self, dimensions, filenames):
     super(Thread, self).__init__()
     self.filenames = filenames
     self.aimg = ArrayImgs.floats(dimensions)
     self.klb = KLB.newInstance()
Exemplo n.º 17
    def factory(self):
        return None

    def copy(self):
        return self  # stateless, so safe

    def randomAccess(
    ):  # optional argument handles case of having randomAccess() and randomAccess(interval).
        return self.cursor()

    def cursor(self):
        return FnCursor(self.numDimensions(), -pi / 2, self.dimension(0) / 4)

    def localizingCursor(self):
        return self.cursor()

img = FnImg([512, 512])  # shows black, yet above the get() prints values
aimg = ArrayImgs.floats([512, 512])
c1 = img.cursor()
c2 = aimg.cursor()
while c2.hasNext():
    t =
    c1.setPosition(c2)  # Shows black, yet above the get() prints values
Exemplo n.º 18
    transformedView(imgB1, matrices["imgB0-imgB1"]),
    transformedView(imgB2, matrices["imgB0-imgB2"]),
    transformedView(imgB3, matrices["imgB0-imgB3"])


exe = newFixedThreadPool(4)
  # Copy into ArrayImg
  def copyIntoArrayImg(img):
    return ImgMath.compute(ImgMath.img(img)).into(ArrayImgs.floats([img.dimension(d) for d in xrange(img.numDimensions())]))
  futures = [exe.submit(Task(copyIntoArrayImg, img)) for img in [imgB0, imgB1, imgB2, imgB3]]
  imgB0, imgB1, imgB2, imgB3 = [f.get() for f in futures]

viewAsStack(imgB0, imgB1, imgB2, imgB3) # ArrayImg instances

# Read the kernel as a FloatType ArrayImg
kernel = readFloats("/home/albert/lab/Raghav-IsoView-PSF/PSF-19x19x25.tif", [19, 19, 25], header=434)

def affine3D(matrix):
  aff = AffineTransform3D()
  return aff
Exemplo n.º 19
 def readKernel(path):
   if kernel_header is None:
     imp = IJ.openImage(path)
     return ArrayImgs.floats(imp.getProcessor().getPixels(),
                             [imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight(), imp.getNSlices()])
   return readFloats(path, kernel_dimensions, kernel_header)
def testASMFloats():
    img2 = ArrayImgs.floats(dimensions)
                img1, sampler_conv_floats), img1.factory()), img2)
Exemplo n.º 21
from net.imglib2.img.array import ArrayImgs
import sys
from random import random
from net.imglib2.loops import LoopBuilder
from net.imglib2.type.numeric.real import FloatType
from lib.loop import createBiConsumerTypeSet, createBiConsumerTypeSet2, binaryLambda, nthLambda
from java.util.function import BiConsumer

img1 = ArrayImgs.floats([10, 10, 10])
cursor = img1.cursor()
for t in img1:

img2 = ArrayImgs.floats([10, 10, 10])

#copyIt = createBiConsumerTypeSet(FloatType) # works well
#copyIt = createBiConsumerTypeSet2(FloatType) # works well
#LoopBuilder.setImages(img1, img2).forEachPixel(copyIt)

# Works well:
#copyIt = binaryLambda(FloatType, "set", FloatType,
#                      interface=BiConsumer, interface_method="accept")

copyIt = nthLambda(FloatType, "set", [FloatType], BiConsumer, "accept")

ra1 = img1.randomAccess()
ra2 = img2.randomAccess()

pos = [3, 2, 5]
Exemplo n.º 22
def test(red, green, blue, easy=True):
    saturation = let(
        "red", red, "green", green, "blue", blue, "max",
        maximum("red", "green", "blue"), "min",
        minimum("red", "green", "blue"),
        IF(EQ(0, "max"), THEN(0), ELSE(div(sub("max", "min"), "max"))))

    brightness = div(maximum(red, green, blue), 255.0)

    hue = IF(
        EQ(0, saturation), THEN(0),
                "red", red, "green", green, "blue", blue, "max",
                maximum("red", "green", "blue"), "min",
                minimum("red", "green", "blue"), "range", sub("max", "min"),
                "redc", div(sub("max", "red"), "range"), "greenc",
                div(sub("max", "green"), "range"), "bluec",
                div(sub("max", "blue"), "range"), "hue",
                        EQ("red", "max"), THEN(sub("bluec", "greenc")),
                            IF(EQ("green", "max"),
                               THEN(sub(add(2, "redc"), "bluec")),
                               ELSE(sub(add(4, "greenc"), "redc"))))), 6),
                IF(LT("hue", 0), THEN(add("hue", 1)), ELSE("hue")))))

    #print hierarchy(hue)

    #print "hue view:", hue.view( FloatType() ).iterationOrder()

    if easy:
        # About 26 ms
    hsb = Views.stack( hue.view( FloatType() ),
                       saturation.view( FloatType() ),
                       brightness.view( FloatType() ) )

        # About 13 ms: half! Still much worse than plain ImageJ,
        # but the source images are iterated 4 times, rather than just once,
        # and the saturation is computed twice,
        # and the min, max is computed 3 and 4 times, respectively.
        hsb = Views.stack(hue.viewDouble(FloatType()),
    # Even worse: ~37 ms
    width, height = rgb.dimension(0), rgb.dimension(1)
    h = compute(hue).into(ArrayImgs.floats([width, height]))
    s = compute(saturation).into(ArrayImgs.floats([width, height]))
    b = compute(brightness).into(ArrayImgs.floats([width, height]))
    hsb = Views.stack( h, s, b )

        imp = IL.wrap(hsb, "HSB view")
        # Tested it: takes more time (~40 ms vs 26 ms above)
        width, height = rgb.dimension(0), rgb.dimension(1)
        hb = zeros(width * height, 'f')
        sb = zeros(width * height, 'f')
        bb = zeros(width * height, 'f')
        h = ArrayImgs.floats(hb, [width, height])
        s = ArrayImgs.floats(sb, [width, height])
        b = ArrayImgs.floats(bb, [width, height])
        #print "ArrayImg:", b.iterationOrder()
        ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(hue.view(FloatType()), None), h)
        ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(saturation.view(FloatType()), None), s)
        ImgUtil.copy(ImgView.wrap(brightness.view(FloatType()), None), b)
        stack = ImageStack(width, height)
        stack.addSlice(FloatProcessor(width, height, hb, None))
        stack.addSlice(FloatProcessor(width, height, sb, None))
        stack.addSlice(FloatProcessor(width, height, bb, None))
        imp = ImagePlus("hsb", stack)
    return imp
Exemplo n.º 23

imp = IJ.getImage()
dimensions = [imp.getWidth(), imp.getHeight()]
ip = imp.getProcessor()
pixels = ip.getPixels()

# In practice, you never want to do this below,
# and instead you'd use the built-in wrapper: ImageJFunctions.wrap(imp)
# This is merely for illustration of how to use ArrayImgs with an existing pixel array
if isinstance(ip, ByteProcessor):
  img1 = ArrayImgs.unsignedBytes(pixels, dimensions)
elif isinstance(ip, ShortProcessor):
  img1 = ArrayImgs.unsignedShorts(pixels, dimensions)
elif isinstance(ip, FloatProcessor):
  img1 = ArrayImgs.floats(pixels, dimensions)
  print "Can't handle image of type:", type(ip).getName()

# An empty image of float[]
img2 = ArrayImgs.floats(dimensions)

# View it as RandomAccessibleInterval<FloatType> by converting on the fly
# using a generic RealType to FloatType converter
floatView = Converters.convertRAI(img1, RealFloatConverter(), FloatType())

# The above 'floatView' can be used as an image: one that gets always converted on demand.
# If you only have to iterate over the pixels just once, there's no need to create a new image., "32-bit view of the 8-bit")
Exemplo n.º 24
imgE = Views.extendZero(target)
# Integrate every dimension, cummulatively by writing into
# a target image that is also the input
for d in xrange(img.numDimensions()):
    coord = [0] * img.numDimensions()  # array of zeros
    coord[d] = -1
    # Cummulative sum along the current dimension
    # Note that instead of the ImgMath offset op,
    # we could have used Views.translate(Views.extendZero(target), [1, 0]))
    # (Notice though the sign change in the translation)
    integral = add(target, offset(imgE, coord))

# The target is the integral image
integralImg = target

# Read out blocks of radius 5 (i.e. 10x10 for a 2d image)
# in a way that is entirely n-dimensional (applies to 1d, 2d, 3d, 4d ...)
radius = 5
nd = img.numDimensions()
op = div(block(Views.extendBorder(integralImg), [radius] * nd),
         pow(radius * 2, nd))  # divide by total number of pixels in the block

blurred = ArrayImgs.floats(Intervals.dimensionsAsLongArray(img))
compute(op).into(blurred, FloatType())

# Show the blurred image with the same LUT as the original
imp2 = IL.wrap(blurred, "integral image radius 5 blur")