Exemplo n.º 1
def LCat(*args) -> Value:
    """Left or logical concatenation.

    Concatenates arguments such that the first argument is placed in the
    highest bit positions, and the last is placed in the lowest bit positions.
    return Cat(*args[::-1])
Exemplo n.º 2
    def elaborate_right(self, m: Module):
        comb = m.d.comb
        last_round = self.input
        for i in range(self.xlen.bit_length() - 1):
            next_round = Signal(self.xlen, name=f"{self.prefix}_r{i}")
            with m.If(self.shamt[i]):
                # 00 AAAA
                # 01 0AAA
                # 10 00AA
                # 11 000A

                shift_by = 2**i
                shift_end = self.xlen - shift_by

                comb += next_round[0:shift_end].eq(last_round >> shift_by)
                comb += next_round[shift_end:self.xlen].eq(
                    Cat([self.msb for _ in range(shift_by)]))

            with m.Else():
                comb += next_round.eq(last_round)
            last_round = next_round

        comb += self.output.eq(last_round)

Exemplo n.º 3
    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()
        m.submodules += self.ila

        # Generate our clock domains.
        clocking = LunaECP5DomainGenerator(clock_frequencies=CLOCK_FREQUENCIES)
        m.submodules.clocking = clocking

        # Clock divider / counter.
        m.d.fast += self.counter.eq(self.counter + 1)

        # Set our ILA to trigger each time the counter is at a random value.
        # This shows off our example a bit better than counting at zero.
        m.d.comb += self.ila.trigger.eq(self.counter == 7)

        # Grab our I/O connectors.
        leds = [platform.request("led", i, dir="o") for i in range(0, 6)]
        spi_bus = synchronize(m,

        # Attach the LEDs and User I/O to the MSBs of our counter.
        m.d.comb += Cat(leds).eq(self.counter[-7:-1])

        # Connect our ILA up to our board's aux SPI.
        m.d.comb += self.ila.spi.connect(spi_bus)

        # Return our elaborated module.
        return m
Exemplo n.º 4
    def check(self, m: Module, instr: Value, data: FormalData):
        b = instr[6]
        input = Mux(b, data.pre_b, data.pre_a)

        m.d.comb += [
            Assert(data.post_a == data.pre_a),
            Assert(data.post_b == data.pre_b),
            Assert(data.post_x == data.pre_x),
            Assert(data.post_sp == data.pre_sp),
        m.d.comb += [
            Assert(data.post_pc == data.plus16(data.pre_pc, 3)),
            Assert(data.addresses_read == 2),
            Assert(data.read_addr[0] == data.plus16(data.pre_pc, 1)),
            Assert(data.read_addr[1] == data.plus16(data.pre_pc, 2)),
            Assert(data.addresses_written == 1),
            Assert(data.write_addr[0] == Cat(data.read_data[1],
            Assert(data.write_data[0] == input),
                         Z=(input == 0),
Exemplo n.º 5
 def process_load(self, input_value):
     lb_value = Signal(32)
     comb = self.core.current_module.d.comb
     bit_to_replicate=Mux(self.core.itype.funct3[2], Const(0,1), input_value[7])
     comb += lb_value.eq(Cat(input_value[0:8], Repl(bit_to_replicate, 24)))
     return lb_value
Exemplo n.º 6
 def check(m: Module, data: Snapshot, alu: Signal):
     m.d.comb += [
     m.d.comb += [
         Assert(Past(alu.oper, 4) == Operation.NOP),
         Assert(Past(alu.oper, 3) == Operation.NOP),
         Assert(Past(alu.oper, 2) == Operation.NOP),
         Assert(Past(alu.oper, 1) == Operation.OOR),
         Assert(Past(alu.inputa) == data.read_data[3]),
         Assert(Past(alu.inputb) == 0),
         Assert(Past(alu.result) == data.read_data[3]),
     m.d.comb += [
         Assert(data.post.A == Past(alu.result)),
         Assert(data.post.X == data.pre.X),
         Assert(data.post.Y == data.pre.Y),
         Assert(data.post.SP == data.pre.SP),
         Assert(data.post.PC == add16(data.pre.PC, 3)),
     m.d.comb += [
         Assert(data.addresses_read == 4),
         Assert(data.addresses_written == 0),
         Assert(data.read_addr[0] == add16(data.pre.PC, 0)),
         Assert(data.read_addr[1] == add16(data.pre.PC, 1)),
         Assert(data.read_addr[2] == add16(data.pre.PC, 2)),
         Assert(data.read_addr[3] == Cat(data.read_data[1], data.read_data[2])),
Exemplo n.º 7
 def check(m: Module, data: Snapshot, alu: Signal):
     m.d.comb += [
     m.d.comb += [
         Assert(Past(alu.oper, 5) == Operation.NOP),
         Assert(Past(alu.oper, 4) == Operation.NOP),
         Assert(Past(alu.oper, 3) == Operation.NOP),
         Assert(Past(alu.oper, 2) == Operation.NOP),
         Assert(Past(alu.oper, 1) == Operation.NOP),
     m.d.comb += [
         Assert(data.post.A == data.pre.A),
         Assert(data.post.X == data.pre.X),
         Assert(data.post.Y == data.pre.Y),
         Assert(data.post.SP == data.pre.SP),
         Assert(data.post.PC == add16(data.pre.PC, 3)),
         Assert(data.post.PSW == data.pre.PSW),
     m.d.comb += [
         Assert(data.addresses_read == 3),
         Assert(data.addresses_written == 1),
         Assert(data.read_addr[0] == add16(data.pre.PC, 0)),
         Assert(data.read_addr[1] == add16(data.pre.PC, 1)),
         Assert(data.read_addr[2] == add16(data.pre.PC, 2)),
         Assert(data.write_addr[0] == Cat(data.read_data[1], data.read_data[2])),
         Assert(data.write_data[0] == data.pre.A),
Exemplo n.º 8
    def handle_simple_data_request(self, m, transmitter, data, length=1):
        """ Fills in a given current state with a request that returns a given piece of data.

        For e.g. GET_CONFIGURATION and GET_STATUS requests.

            transmitter -- The transmitter module we're working with.
            data        -- The data to be returned.

        # Connect our transmitter up to the output stream...
        m.d.comb += [

        # ... trigger it to respond when data's requested...
        with m.If(self.interface.data_requested):
            m.d.comb += transmitter.start.eq(1)

        # ... and ACK our status stage.
        with m.If(self.interface.status_requested):
            m.d.comb += self.interface.handshakes_out.ack.eq(1)
            m.next = 'IDLE'
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self,
        self.domain = domain
        self.signals = signals
        self.inputs = Cat(*signals)
        self.sample_width = len(self.inputs)
        self.sample_depth = sample_depth
        self.samples_pretrigger = samples_pretrigger
        self.sample_rate = sample_rate
        self.sample_period = 1 / sample_rate

        # Create a backing store for our samples.
        self.mem = Memory(width=self.sample_width,

        # I/O port
        self.trigger = Signal()
        self.sampling = Signal()
        self.complete = Signal()

        self.captured_sample_number = Signal(range(0, self.sample_depth))
        self.captured_sample = Signal(self.sample_width)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()
        # http://teaching.idallen.com/cst8214/08w/notes/overflow.txt
        with m.If(self.sub):
            m.d.comb += [
                Cat(self.result, self.carry).eq(self.dat1 - self.dat2),
                self.overflow.eq((self.dat1[-1] != self.dat2[-1])
                                 & (self.dat2[-1] == self.result[-1]))
        with m.Else():
            m.d.comb += [
                Cat(self.result, self.carry).eq(self.dat1 + self.dat2),
                self.overflow.eq((self.dat1[-1] == self.dat2[-1])
                                 & (self.dat2[-1] != self.result[-1]))

        return m
Exemplo n.º 11
 def elaborate(self, comb: List[Statement], input: Signal):
     comb += self.opcode.eq(input[0:7])
     comb += self.funct3.eq(input[12:15])
     comb += self.rs1.eq(input[15:20])
     comb += self.rs2.eq(input[20:25])
     comb += self.imm.eq(
         Cat(Const(0, 1), input[8:12], input[25:31], input[7],
             Repl(input[31], 20)))
Exemplo n.º 12
    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()

        interface         = self.interface
        setup             = self.interface.setup

        # Grab a reference to the board's LEDs.
        leds  = Cat(platform.request("led", i) for i in range(6))

        # Vendor request handlers.
        with m.If(setup.type == USBRequestType.VENDOR):
            with m.Switch(setup.request):

                # SET_LEDS request handler: handler that sets the board's LEDS
                # to a user provided value
                with m.Case(self.REQUEST_SET_LEDS):

                    # If we have an active data byte, splat it onto the LEDs.
                    # For simplicity of this example, we'll accept any byte in
                    # the packet; and not just the first one; each byte will
                    # cause an update. This is fun; we can PWM the LEDs with
                    # USB packets. :)
                    with m.If(interface.rx.valid & interface.rx.next):
                        m.d.usb += leds.eq(interface.rx.payload)

                    # Once the receive is complete, respond with an ACK.
                    with m.If(interface.rx_ready_for_response):
                        m.d.comb += interface.handshakes_out.ack.eq(1)

                    # If we reach the status stage, send a ZLP.
                    with m.If(interface.status_requested):
                        m.d.comb += self.send_zlp()

                with m.Case():

                    # Stall unhandled requests.
                    with m.If(interface.status_requested | interface.data_requested):
                        m.d.comb += interface.handshakes_out.stall.eq(1)

                return m
Exemplo n.º 13
    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()
        uart = platform.request("uart")

        clock_freq = int(60e6)
        char_freq  = int(6e6)

        # Create our UART transmitter.
        transmitter = UARTTransmitter(divisor=int(clock_freq // 115200))
        m.submodules.transmitter = transmitter
        stream = transmitter.stream

        # Create a counter that will let us transmit ten times per second.
        counter = Signal(range(0, char_freq))
        with m.If(counter == (char_freq - 1)):
            m.d.sync += counter.eq(0)
        with m.Else():
            m.d.sync += counter.eq(counter + 1)

        # Create a simple ROM with a message for ourselves...
        letters = Array(ord(i) for i in "Hello, world! \r\n")

        # ... and count through it whenever we send a letter.
        current_letter = Signal(range(0, len(letters)))
        with m.If(stream.ready):
            m.d.sync += current_letter.eq(current_letter + 1)

        # Hook everything up.
        m.d.comb += [
            stream.payload  .eq(letters[current_letter]),
            stream.valid    .eq(counter == 0),

            uart.tx.o       .eq(transmitter.tx),

        # If this platform has an output-enable control on its UART, drive it iff
        # we're actively driving a transmission.
        if hasattr(uart.tx, 'oe'):
            m.d.comb += uart.tx.oe.eq(transmitter.driving),

        # Turn on a single LED, just to show something's running.
        led = Cat(platform.request('led', i) for i in range(6))
        m.d.comb += led.eq(~transmitter.tx)

        return m
Exemplo n.º 14
    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()
        board_spi = platform.request("debug_spi")

        # Create a set of registers, and expose them over SPI.
        spi_registers = SPIRegisterInterface(
            default_read_value=0x4C554E41)  #default read = u'LUNA'
        m.submodules.spi_registers = spi_registers

        # Fill in some example registers.
        # (Register 0 is reserved for size autonegotiation).
        spi_registers.add_read_only_register(1, read=0xc001cafe)
        led_reg = spi_registers.add_register(2, size=6, name="leds")
        spi_registers.add_read_only_register(3, read=0xdeadbeef)

        # ... and tie our LED register to our LEDs.
        led_out = Cat(
            [platform.request("led", i, dir="o") for i in range(0, 6)])
        m.d.comb += led_out.eq(led_reg)

        # Structural connections.
        sck = Signal()
        sdi = Signal()
        sdo = Signal()
        cs = Signal()

        # Synchronize each of our I/O SPI signals, where necessary.
        m.submodules += FFSynchronizer(board_spi.sck, sck)
        m.submodules += FFSynchronizer(board_spi.sdi, sdi)
        m.submodules += FFSynchronizer(board_spi.cs, cs)
        m.d.comb += board_spi.sdo.eq(sdo)

        # Connect our register interface to our board SPI.
        m.d.comb += [

        return m
Exemplo n.º 15
    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()

        # Generate our domain clocks/resets.
        m.submodules.car = LunaECP5DomainGenerator()

        # Create our USB device interface...
        ulpi = platform.request("target_phy")
        m.submodules.usb = usb = USBDevice(bus=ulpi)

        # Connect our device by default.
        m.d.comb += usb.connect.eq(1)

        # ... and for now, attach our LEDs to our most recent control request.
        leds = Cat(platform.request("led", i) for i in range(6))
        m.d.comb += leds.eq(usb.last_request)

        return m
Exemplo n.º 16
    def formal_ripple(cls) -> Tuple[Module, List[Signal]]:
        """Formal verification for a bunch of ALUs in ripple-carry mode."""
        m = Module()

        alus = [None] * 8
        m.submodules.alu0 = alus[0] = IC_74181()
        m.submodules.alu1 = alus[1] = IC_74181()
        m.submodules.alu2 = alus[2] = IC_74181()
        m.submodules.alu3 = alus[3] = IC_74181()
        m.submodules.alu4 = alus[4] = IC_74181()
        m.submodules.alu5 = alus[5] = IC_74181()
        m.submodules.alu6 = alus[6] = IC_74181()
        m.submodules.alu7 = alus[7] = IC_74181()

        a = Signal(32)
        b = Signal(32)
        f = Signal(32)
        cin = Signal()
        cout = Signal()
        s = Signal(4)
        mt = Signal()

        for x in range(8):
            m.d.comb += alus[x].a.eq(a[x * 4:x * 4 + 4])
            m.d.comb += alus[x].b.eq(b[x * 4:x * 4 + 4])
            m.d.comb += f[x * 4:x * 4 + 4].eq(alus[x].f)
            m.d.comb += alus[x].m.eq(mt)
            m.d.comb += alus[x].s.eq(s)
        for x in range(7):
            m.d.comb += alus[x + 1].n_carryin.eq(alus[x].n_carryout)
        m.d.comb += alus[0].n_carryin.eq(~cin)
        m.d.comb += cout.eq(~alus[7].n_carryout)

        add_mode = (s == 9) & (mt == 0)
        sub_mode = (s == 6) & (mt == 0)
        m.d.comb += Assume(add_mode | sub_mode)

        y = Signal(33)
        with m.If(add_mode):
            m.d.comb += y.eq(a + b + cin)
            m.d.comb += Assert(f == y[:32])
            m.d.comb += Assert(cout == y[32])
        with m.Elif(sub_mode):
            m.d.comb += y.eq(a - b - ~cin)
            m.d.comb += Assert(f == y[:32])
            m.d.comb += Assert(cout == ~y[32])

            # Check how equality, unsigned gt, and unsigned gte comparisons work.
            with m.If(cin == 0):
                all_eq = Cat(*[i.a_eq_b for i in alus]).all()
                m.d.comb += Assert(all_eq == (a == b))
                m.d.comb += Assert(cout == (a > b))
            with m.Else():
                m.d.comb += Assert(cout == (a >= b))

        return m, [a, b, f, cin, cout, s, mt, y]
Exemplo n.º 17
Arquivo: ulpi.py Projeto: jboone/luna
    def populate_ulpi_registers(self, m):
        """ Creates translator objects that map our control signals to ULPI registers. """

        # Function control.
        function_control = Cat(self.xcvr_select, self.term_select,
                               self.op_mode, Const(0), ~self.suspend, Const(0))

        # OTG control.
        otg_control = Cat(self.id_pullup, self.dp_pulldown,
                          self.dm_pulldown, self.dischrg_vbus, self.chrg_vbus,
                          Const(0), Const(0), self.use_external_vbus_indicator)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()

        # Generate our domain clocks/resets.
        m.submodules.car = platform.clock_domain_generator()

        # Create our USB device interface...
        ulpi = platform.request(platform.default_usb_connection)
        m.submodules.usb = usb = USBDevice(bus=ulpi)

        # Add our standard control endpoint to the device.
        descriptors = self.create_descriptors()

        # Add a stream endpoint to our device.
        stream_ep = USBStreamOutEndpoint(

        leds    = Cat(platform.request("led", i) for i in range(6))
        user_io = Cat(platform.request("user_io", i, dir="o") for i in range(4))

        # Always stream our USB data directly onto our User I/O and LEDS.
        with m.If(stream_ep.stream.valid):
            m.d.usb += [
                leds     .eq(stream_ep.stream.payload),
                user_io  .eq(stream_ep.stream.payload),

        # Always accept data as it comes in.
        m.d.comb += stream_ep.stream.ready.eq(1)

        # Connect our device as a high speed device by default.
        m.d.comb += [
            usb.connect          .eq(1),
            usb.full_speed_only  .eq(1 if os.getenv('LUNA_FULL_ONLY') else 0),

        return m
Exemplo n.º 19
    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()
        inverts = [0 for _ in self._leds]
        for index, switch in zip(itertools.cycle(range(len(inverts))),
            inverts[index] ^= switch

        clk_freq = self._clock_frequency
        timer = Signal(range(int(clk_freq // 4)), reset=int(clk_freq // 4) - 1)
        flops = Signal(len(self._leds))

        m.d.comb += Cat(self._leds).eq(flops ^ Cat(inverts))
        with m.If(timer == 0):
            m.d.sync += timer.eq(timer.reset)
            m.d.sync += flops.eq(~flops)
        with m.Else():
            m.d.sync += timer.eq(timer - 1)

        return m
Exemplo n.º 20
    def elaborate(self, platform):
        """ Generate the Blinky tester. """

        m = Module()

        # Grab our I/O connectors.
        leds    = [platform.request("led", i, dir="o") for i in range(0, 6)]
        user_io = [platform.request("user_io", i, dir="o") for i in range(0, 4)]

        # Clock divider / counter.
        counter = Signal(28)
        m.d.sync += counter.eq(counter + 1)

        # Attach the LEDs and User I/O to the MSBs of our counter.
        m.d.comb += Cat(leds).eq(counter[-7:-1])
        m.d.comb += Cat(user_io).eq(counter[7:21])

        # Return our elaborated module.
        return m
Exemplo n.º 21
    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()
        m.submodules += self.ila

        # Grab a reference to our debug-SPI bus.
        board_spi = synchronize(m, platform.request("debug_spi"))

        # Clock divider / counter.
        m.d.sync += self.counter.eq(self.counter + 1)

        # Another example signal, for variety.
        m.d.sync += self.toggle.eq(~self.toggle)

        # Create an SPI bus for our ILA.
        ila_spi = SPIBus()
        m.d.comb += [

            # For sharing, we'll connect the _inverse_ of the primary
            # chip select to our ILA bus. This will allow us to send
            # ILA data when CS is un-asserted, and register data when
            # CS is asserted.

        # Create a set of registers...
        spi_registers = SPIRegisterInterface()
        m.submodules.spi_registers = spi_registers

        # ... and an SPI bus for them.
        reg_spi = SPIBus()
        m.d.comb += [

        # Multiplex our ILA and register SPI busses.
        m.submodules.mux = SPIMultiplexer([ila_spi, reg_spi])
        m.d.comb += m.submodules.mux.shared_lines.connect(board_spi)

        # Add a simple ID register to demonstrate our registers.
        spi_registers.add_read_only_register(REGISTER_ID, read=0xDEADBEEF)

        # Create a simple SFR that will trigger an ILA capture when written,
        # and which will display our sample status read.

        # Attach the LEDs and User I/O to the MSBs of our counter.
        leds = [platform.request("led", i, dir="o") for i in range(0, 6)]
        m.d.comb += Cat(leds).eq(self.counter[-7:-1])

        # Return our elaborated module.
        return m
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _generate_crc_for_token(token):
        """ Generates a 5-bit signal equivalent to the CRC check for the provided token packet. """
        def xor_bits(*indices):
            bits = (token[len(token) - 1 - i] for i in indices)
            return functools.reduce(operator.__xor__, bits)

        # Implements the CRC polynomial from the USB specification.
        return Cat(xor_bits(10, 9, 8, 5, 4, 2),
                   ~xor_bits(10, 9, 8, 7, 4, 3, 1),
                   xor_bits(10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 3, 2, 0), xor_bits(10, 7, 6, 4, 1),
                   xor_bits(10, 9, 6, 5, 3, 0))
Exemplo n.º 23
    def _split_samples(self, all_samples):
        """ Returns an iterator that iterates over each sample in the raw binary of samples. """

        sample_width_bytes = self.ila.bytes_per_sample

        # Iterate over each sample, and yield its value as a bits object.
        for i in range(0, len(all_samples), sample_width_bytes):
            raw_sample    = all_samples[i:i + sample_width_bytes]
            sample_length = len(Cat(self.ila.signals))

            yield bits.from_bytes(raw_sample, length=sample_length, byteorder='big')
Exemplo n.º 24
    def elab(self, m):
        register = Signal(32)
        m.d.comb += self.result.eq(register)

        with m.If(self.shift_en):
            calc = Signal(32)
            m.d.comb += [
                calc.eq(Cat(register[8:], self.in_value)),
            m.d.sync += register.eq(calc)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def implement(self, m: Module, core):
        with m.If(core.cycle == 1):
            m.d.ph1 += core.registers.tmp8.eq(core.Din)
            core.buses.read_incdec16(m, core.Addr)

            m.d.ph1 += core.RW.eq(1)
            m.d.ph1 += core.cycle.eq(2)
        with m.If(core.cycle == 2):
            new_pc = Cat(core.Din, core.registers.tmp8)
            core.next(m, new_pc)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def reshape(self, new_shape):
        if self.shape == new_shape:
            return self
        integer_diff = new_shape.integer_bits - self.shape.integer_bits
        fraction_diff = new_shape.fraction_bits - self.shape.fraction_bits

        # Extend or reduce fraction bits
        value = self.value.shift_left(fraction_diff)

        if integer_diff > 0:
            # Positive difference, extend integer bits
            # sign-extend if needed
            top_bit = value[-1] if self.shape.signed else 0
            value = Cat(value, [top_bit] * integer_diff)
        elif integer_diff < 0:
            # Negative difference, slice away extra integer bits
            value = value[:integer_diff]

        if new_shape.signed:
            value = value.as_signed()
        return FixedPointValue(new_shape, value)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def check(self, m: Module, instr: Value, data: FormalData):
        b = instr[6]
        pre_input = Mux(b, data.pre_b, data.pre_a)
        output = Mux(b, data.post_b, data.post_a)

        carry_in = Signal()
        sum9 = Signal(9)
        sum8 = Signal(8)
        sum5 = Signal(5)
        with_carry = (instr[1] == 0)

        with m.If(b):
            m.d.comb += Assert(data.post_a == data.pre_a)
        with m.Else():
            m.d.comb += Assert(data.post_b == data.pre_b)

        m.d.comb += [
            Assert(data.post_x == data.pre_x),
            Assert(data.post_sp == data.pre_sp),
            Assert(data.addresses_written == 0),
        m.d.comb += [
            Assert(data.post_pc == data.plus16(data.pre_pc, 3)),
            Assert(data.addresses_read == 3),
            Assert(data.read_addr[0] == data.plus16(data.pre_pc, 1)),
            Assert(data.read_addr[1] == data.plus16(data.pre_pc, 2)),
                data.read_addr[2] == Cat(data.read_data[1], data.read_data[0])),

        h = sum5[4]
        n = sum9[7]
        c = sum9[8]
        z = (sum9[:8] == 0)
        v = (sum8[7] ^ c)

        with m.If(with_carry):
            m.d.comb += carry_in.eq(data.pre_ccs[_C])
        with m.Else():
            m.d.comb += carry_in.eq(0)

        input1 = pre_input
        input2 = data.read_data[2]

        m.d.comb += [
            sum9.eq(input1 + input2 + carry_in),
            sum8.eq(input1[:7] + input2[:7] + carry_in),
            sum5.eq(input1[:4] + input2[:4] + carry_in),
            Assert(output == sum9[:8]),
        self.assertFlags(m, data.post_ccs, data.pre_ccs,
                         Z=z, N=n, V=v, C=c, H=h)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def synth(core, m: Module):
        with m.If(core.cycle == 1):
            m.d.comb += core.alu.oper.eq(Operation.NOP)
            m.d.sync += [
                core.reg.PC.eq(add16(core.reg.PC, 1)),
                core.addr.eq(add16(core.reg.PC, 1)),
        with m.If(core.cycle == 2):
            m.d.comb += core.alu.oper.eq(Operation.NOP)
            m.d.sync += [
                core.reg.PC.eq(add16(core.reg.PC, 1)),
                core.addr.eq(add16(core.reg.PC, 1)),

        with m.If(core.cycle == 3):
            m.d.comb += core.alu.oper.eq(Operation.NOP)
            m.d.sync += [
                core.addr.eq(Cat(core.tmp, core.dout)),

        with m.If(core.cycle == 4):
            m.d.comb += core.alu.oper.eq(Operation.NOP)
            m.d.sync += [

        with m.If(core.cycle == 5):
            m.d.comb += core.alu.oper.eq(Operation.NOP)
            m.d.sync += [
                core.reg.PC.eq(add16(core.reg.PC, 1)),
                core.addr.eq(add16(core.reg.PC, 1)),
Exemplo n.º 29
    def elaborate(self, platform):
        m = Module()
        uart = platform.request("uart")

        clock_freq = int(60e6)
        char_freq = int(6e6)

        # Create our UART transmitter.
        transmitter = UARTTransmitter(divisor=int(clock_freq // 115200))
        m.submodules.transmitter = transmitter

        # Create a counter that will let us transmit ten times per second.
        counter = Signal(range(0, char_freq))
        with m.If(counter == (char_freq - 1)):
            m.d.sync += counter.eq(0)
        with m.Else():
            m.d.sync += counter.eq(counter + 1)

        # Create a simple ROM with a message for ourselves...
        letters = Array(ord(i) for i in "Hello, world! \r\n")

        # ... and count through it whenever we send a letter.
        current_letter = Signal(range(0, len(letters)))
        with m.If(transmitter.accepted):
            m.d.sync += current_letter.eq(current_letter + 1)

        # Hook everything up.
        m.d.comb += [
            transmitter.send.eq(counter == 0),

        # Turn on a single LED, just to show something's running.
        led = Cat(platform.request('led', i) for i in range(6))
        m.d.comb += led.eq(~transmitter.tx)

        return m
Exemplo n.º 30
 def check(self, m: Module, instr: Value, data: FormalData):
     m.d.comb += [
         Assert(data.post_a == data.pre_a),
         Assert(data.post_b == data.pre_b),
         Assert(data.post_x == data.pre_x),
         Assert(data.post_sp == data.pre_sp),
         Assert(data.addresses_written == 0),
     m.d.comb += [
         Assert(data.addresses_read == 2),
         Assert(data.read_addr[0] == data.plus16(data.pre_pc, 1)),
         Assert(data.read_addr[1] == data.plus16(data.pre_pc, 2)),
         Assert(data.post_pc == Cat(data.read_data[1], data.read_data[0])),