Exemplo n.º 1
def depthmatrix(leftimage, rightimage, precision=4, mask=0):
    """Returns a 3-channel 32bit floating-point distance matrix. Channels 1,2,3 = x,y,z coordinates of that point.
    Precision is the number of times to downsample mask. Downsample is the number of loops to 
    go through with successively smaller match areas. If mask is set, only pixels in the mask are set."""
    info = cv.cvGetSize(leftimage)
    width = info.width
    height = info.height
    precision_pixels = (2**precision)
    downsampled_size = cv.cvSize(width/precision_pixels, height/precision_pixels)
    print "Precision of", downsampled_size.width, downsampled_size.height, "px"
    if mask:
        downsampled_mask = cv.cvCreateImage(downsampled_size, 8, 1)
        cv.cvResize(mask, downsampled_mask)
    matx = cv.cvCreateImage(downsampled_size, 8, 1)
    maty = cv.cvCreateImage(downsampled_size, 8, 1)
    matz = cv.cvCreateImage(downsampled_size, 8, 1)
    for i in xrange(width/precision_pixels):
        for j in xrange(height/precision_pixels):
            if mask:
                if (not cv.cvGetReal2D(downsampled_mask, j, i)):
            x = i*precision
            y = j*precision
            depth = depthmatch(x+precision_pixels/2, y+precision_pixels/2, leftimage, rightimage, roi=precision_pixels, buf=precision_pixels*2)
            #print i, j
            # fill in result matrix if mask wasn't 0 at this point (X,Y,Z)
            cv.cvSetReal2D(matx, j, i, int(depth[0][0]))
            cv.cvSetReal2D(maty, j, i, int(depth[0][1]))
            cv.cvSetReal2D(matz, j, i, int(depth[0][2]))
    return matz
Exemplo n.º 2
        (0, scaleheight * val_cutoff / sample_pixels),
        (v_bins * scalewidth, scaleheight * val_cutoff / sample_pixels),
        (255, 0, 0),
    highgui.cvShowImage("Histogram - Value", hist_val_img)

    # classify objects
    for x in xrange(size.width):
        for y in xrange(size.height):
            hue = cv.cvGetReal2D(img_h, y, x)
            hue_bin = math.ceil(hue * h_bins / h_limit) - 1
            if hue_bin < 0:
                hue_bin = 0
            # print hue_bin
            if cv.cvGetReal1D(h_hue.bins, int(hue_bin)) < hue_cutoff:
                cv.cvSetReal2D(output_mask, y, x, 255)
            val = cv.cvGetReal2D(img_v, y, x)
            val_bin = math.ceil(val * v_bins / v_limit) - 1
            if val_bin < 0:
                val_bin = 0
            if cv.cvGetReal1D(h_val.bins, int(val_bin)) < val_cutoff:
                cv.cvSetReal2D(output_mask, y, x, 255)
        # highgui.cvWaitKey(1)

    highgui.cvShowImage("Obstacles", output_mask)