def gnss_task(): sd_mounted = False with thread_list_mutex: thread_list[_thread.get_ident()] = 'GNSS' # Mount SD if possible sd = SD() try: os.mount(sd, '/sd') os.listdir('/sd') sd_mounted = True except OSError: pass gnss = L76GNSS(py, timeout=5) while True: coord = gnss.rmc() printt(coord) # if sd_mounted: # logfile = open('/sd/gnss.txt', 'a') # logfile.write(logstring) # logfile.close() time.sleep(2)
def __init__(self, spi, reset, dreq, xdcs, xcs, sdcs=None, mp=None, cancb=lambda: False): self._reset = reset self._dreq = dreq # Data request self._xdcs = xdcs # Data CS self._xcs = xcs # Register CS self._mp = mp self._spi = spi self._cbuf = bytearray(4) # Command buffer self._cancb = cancb # Cancellation callback self._slow_spi = True # Start on low baudrate self._overrun = 0 # Recording self.reset() if ((sdcs is not None) and (mp is not None)): import sdcard import os sd = sdcard.SDCard(spi, sdcs) vfs = os.VfsFat(sd) os.mount(vfs, mp) self._spi.init(baudrate=_DATA_BAUDRATE)
def run(): # some SD cards won't work in 4-bit mode unless freq() is explicitely set freq(240 * 1000 * 1000) # 80/160/240 MHz, faster CPU = faster SD card #sd=SDCard(slot=3) # 1-bit mode sd = SDCard() # 4-bit mode mount(sd, "/sd") print(listdir("/sd")) f = open("/sd/long_file.bin", "rb") # any 1-10 MB long file b = bytearray(16 * 1024) i = 0 t1 = ticks_ms() while f.readinto(b): i += 1 t2 = ticks_ms() print("%d KB in %d ms => %d KB/s file read" % (i * len(b) // 1024, t2 - t1, 1000 * i * len(b) // 1024 // (t2 - t1))) f.close() umount("/sd") i = 0 t1 = ticks_ms() while i < 256: sd.readblocks(i, b) i += 1 t2 = ticks_ms() print("%d KB in %d ms => %d KB/s raw sector read" % (i * len(b) // 1024, t2 - t1, 1000 * i * len(b) // 1024 // (t2 - t1))) sd.deinit()
def __init__(self, debug=False): self.cfg = None self.rtc = RTC() self.debug = debug self.battery = Battery() # use this pin for debug self.wifi_pin = Pin("GP24", mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_UP) # Empty WDT object self.wdt = None if not debug: if not self.wifi_pin(): self.wdt = WDT(timeout=20000) = None else: from machine import SD try: = SD() mount(, '/sd') self.logfile = open("/sd/display.log", "a") except OSError: = None self.logfile = None self.epd = EPD() self.log("Time left on the alarm: %dms" % self.rtc.alarm_left()) # Don't flash when we're awake outside of debug heartbeat(self.debug)
def ConnectSDcardFile(): global spi, sdfile, sd spi = SPI(sck=Pin(5), mosi=Pin(22), miso=Pin(27)) try: sd = sdcard.SDCard(spi, Pin(23)) os.mount(sd, '/sd') except OSError as e: return ("SD card", str(e.args[0])) if not sum((f[0]=="LOG") for f in os.ilistdir("sd")): os.mkdir("sd/LOG") fnum = 1+max((int(f[0][:3]) for f in os.ilistdir("sd/LOG") if f[3]>10), default=0) fname = "sd/LOG/{:03d}.TXT".format(fnum) print("Opening file", fname) sdfile = open(fname, "w") sdfile.write("Logfile: {}\n".format(fname)) sdfile.write("Device number: 3\n") sdfile.write("Rt[ms]d\"[isodate]\"e[latdE]n[latdN]f[lngdE]o[lngdN] GPS cooeffs\n") sdfile.write("Qt[ms]u[ms midnight]y[lat600000]x[lng600000]a[alt] GPS\n") sdfile.write("Vt[ms]v[kph100]d[deg100] GPS velocity\n") sdfile.write("Ft[ms]p[milibars] bluefly pressure\n") sdfile.write("Gt[ms]r[rawhumid]a[rawtemp] si7021Humidity meter\n") sdfile.write("Nt[ms]r[rawadc]s[resistance] nickel wire sensor\n") sdfile.write("Zt[ms]xyz[linacc]abc[gravacc]wxyz[quat]s[calibstat] orient\n"); sdfile.write("Yt[ms]s\"calibconsts\" orient calib\n"); sdfile.write("\n") sdfile.flush() return (["SDfile", fname[:6], fname[6:]])
def mount_sd_card(self): if not self.sd_mounted:"Mounting SD card") os.mount(self.sdcard, self.SDCARD_MOUNT_POINT) else: _logger.debug("SD card already mounted") self.sd_mounted = True
def wipe_microsd_card(): import ckcc, pyb from main import dis try: os.umount('/sd') except: pass sd = pyb.SDCard() assert sd if not sd.present(): return # power cycle so card details (like size) are re-read from current card sd.power(0) sd.power(1) dis.fullscreen('Part Erase...') cutoff = 1024 # arbitrary blk = bytearray(512) for bnum in range(cutoff): ckcc.rng_bytes(blk) sd.writeblocks(bnum, blk) dis.progress_bar_show(bnum / cutoff) dis.fullscreen('Formating...') # remount, with newfs option os.mount(sd, '/sd', readonly=0, mkfs=1)
def __init__(self, rtc): self.rtc = rtc # Try to access the SD card and make the new path try: sd = SD() os.mount(sd, '/sd') self.sensor_file = "/sd/{0}".format(SENSOR_DATA) print("INFO: Using SD card for data.") except: print("ERROR: cannot mount SD card, reverting to flash!") self.sensor_file = SENSOR_DATA print("Data filename = {0}".format(self.sensor_file)) # Setup the dictionary for each soil moisture sensor adc = ADC(0) soil_moisture1 = { 'sensor':'P13', attn=3), 'power': Pin('P19', Pin.OUT), 'location': 'Green ceramic pot on top shelf', 'num': 1, } soil_moisture2 = { 'sensor':'P14', attn=3), 'power': Pin('P20', Pin.OUT), 'location': 'Fern on bottom shelf', 'num': 2, } # Setup a list for each sensor dictionary self.sensors = [soil_moisture1, soil_moisture2] # Setup the alarm to read the sensors a = Timer.Alarm(handler=self._read_sensors, s=UPDATE_FREQ, periodic=True) print("Plant Monitor class is ready...")
def _try_microsd(bad_fs_ok=False): # Power up, mount the SD card, return False if we can't for some reason. # # If we're about to reformat, we don't need a working filesystem sd = pyb.SDCard() if not sd.present(): return False if ckcc.is_simulator(): return True try: # already mounted and ready? st = os.statvfs('/sd') return True except OSError: pass try: sd.power(1) os.mount(sd, '/sd', readonly=0, mkfs=0) st = os.statvfs('/sd') return True except OSError as exc: # corrupt or unformated SD card (or something) if bad_fs_ok: return True #sys.print_exception(exc) return False
def __init__(self, spi=None, cs=None, telegramToken=None, chatId=None, name="unnamed"): self.spi = spi self.cs = cs self.telegramToken = telegramToken self.chatId = chatId = name self.tgramActive = False self.rStatusActive = False try: = sdcard.SDCard(spi, cs) # Compatible with PCB self.vfs = VfsFat( mount(self.vfs, Logger.PARTITION) self.initialized = True print("SD inicializada") except Exception as e: print("No se pudo montar micro SD") self.vfs = None self.initialized = False print_exception(e) print(repr(e))
def mount(self): try: os.mount(self.sdcard, self.sd_path) self.mounted = True except Exception as e: sys.print_exception(e) print('sd mount failure')
def ConnectSDcardFile(): global sdfile try: os.mount(sd, '/sd') except OSError as e: oledshowfattext(["SD card", "failed"]) time.sleep_ms(5000) if not sum((f[0] == "LOG") for f in os.ilistdir("sd")): os.mkdir("sd/LOG") fnum = 1 + max( (int(f[0][:3]) for f in os.ilistdir("sd/LOG") if f[3] > 10), default=0) fname = "sd/LOG/{:03d}.TXT".format(fnum) oledshowfattext(["SDfile", fname[:6], fname[6:]]) print("Opening file", fname) sdfile = open(fname, "w") sdfile.write("Logfile: {}".format(fname)) sdfile.write("Device number: 3") sdfile.write( "Rt[ms]d\"[isodate]\"e[latdE]n[latdN]f[lngdE]o[lngdN] GPS cooeffs\n") sdfile.write("Qt[ms]u[ms midnight]y[lat600000]x[lng600000]a[alt] GPS\n") sdfile.write("Vt[ms]v[kph100]d[deg100] GPS velocity\n") sdfile.write("Ft[ms]p[milibars] bluefly pressure\n") sdfile.write("Gt[ms]r[rawhumid]a[rawtemp] si7021Humidity meter\n") sdfile.write("Nt[ms]r[rawadc]s[resistance] nickel wire sensor\n") sdfile.write("\n") return sdfile
def __check_file(self, file_path, debug=False): if 'FiPy' in self.__sysname or 'GPy' in self.__sysname: if file_path[ 0] == '/' and not 'flash' in file_path and not file_path.split( '/')[1] in os.listdir('/'): if self.__sdpath is None: self.__sdpath = file_path.split('/')[1] try: sd = SD() time.sleep(0.5) os.mount(sd, '/{}'.format(self.__sdpath)) except Exception as ex: print('Unable to mount SD card!') return False else: print('SD card already mounted on {}!'.format( self.__sdpath)) return False try: size = os.stat(file_path)[6] if debug: print('File {} has size {}'.format(file_path, size)) return True except Exception as ex: print('Exception when checking file {}... wrong file name?'.format( file_path)) print('{}'.format(ex)) return False return False
def mount_sdcard(): spisd = SoftSPI(-1, miso=Pin(13), mosi=Pin(12), sck=Pin(14)) sd = SDCard(spisd, Pin(27)) vfs = os.VfsFat(sd) os.mount(vfs, '/sd')
def mount_sdcard() -> bool: """Mounts SD card""" if not is_sd_present(): raise RuntimeError("SD card is not present") if sdcard is not None: sdled.on() sdcard.power(True) os.mount(sdcard, "/sd")
def mountsd(): try: spisd = SPI(-1, sck=Pin(14), mosi=Pin(13), miso=Pin(12)) sd = sdcard.SDCard(spisd, machine.Pin(15)) os.mount(sd, '/sd') return 1 except: return 0
def setup(): global logger, rtc, sd, iCAM, iACC, CTLR_IPADDRESS, logfile, filename global wdt, ow, temp, py, sensor gc.enable() # HW Setup wdt = WDT(timeout=wdt_timeout) sd = SD() rtc = RTC() os.mount(sd,'/sd') # Enable WiFi Antenna Pin('P12', mode=Pin.OUT)(True) # TEMPERATURE SENSORS: DS18B20 and SI7006A20 ow = OneWire(Pin('P10')) temp = DS18X20(ow) py = Pysense() sensor = SI7006A20(py) # SYSTEM VARIABLES iCAM = pycom.nvs_get('iCAM') # pycom.nvs_set('iCAM',1) iACC = pycom.nvs_get('iACC') # pycom.nvs_set('iACC',1) logfile='/sd/log/{}.log'.format(datetime_string(time.time())) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,filename=logfile) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # # NETWORK VARIABLES # pbconf = pybytes.get_config() # AP = pbconf['wifi']['ssid'] # if AP == 'wings': # CTLR_IPADDRESS = '' # elif AP == 'RUT230_7714': # CTLR_IPADDRESS = '' # # CONNECT TO AP # wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA) # while not wlan.isconnected(): # nets = wlan.scan() # for net in nets: # if net.ssid == 'RUT230_7714': # pybytes.connect_wifi() # # wlan.ifconfig(config=('', '', '', '')) # wlan.connect('RUT230_7714', auth=(WLAN.WPA2, 'Ei09UrDg'), timeout=5000) # while not wlan.isconnected(): # machine.idle() # save power while waiting socket_client.CTLR_IPADDRESS = CTLR_IPADDRESS # GREETING'--------------------')' Starting CAM{}-ACC{}'.format(iCAM, iACC))'--------------------')'AP={}'.format(AP)) gc.collect() return
def sdtest2(): spi = machine.SPI(1) spi.init() # Ensure right baudrate sd = sdcard.SDCard(spi, machine.Pin(15)) # Compatible with PCB # vfs = os.VfsLfs2(sd) vfs = os.VfsFat(sd) os.mount(vfs, "/fc") print("Filesystem check") print(os.listdir("/fc")) line = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\n" lines = line * 200 # 5400 chars short = "1234567890\n" fn = "/fc/rats.txt" print() print("Multiple block read/write") with open(fn, "w") as f: n = f.write(lines) print(n, "bytes written") n = f.write(short) print(n, "bytes written") n = f.write(lines) print(n, "bytes written") with open(fn, "r") as f: result1 = print(len(result1), "bytes read") fn = "/fc/rats1.txt" print() print("Single block read/write") with open(fn, "w") as f: n = f.write(short) # one block print(n, "bytes written") with open(fn, "r") as f: result2 = print(len(result2), "bytes read") os.umount("/fc") print() print("Verifying data read back") success = True if result1 == "".join((lines, short, lines)): print("Large file Pass") else: print("Large file Fail") success = False if result2 == short: print("Small file Pass") else: print("Small file Fail") success = False print() print("Tests", "passed" if success else "failed")
def quick_test_hw(hw):"Starting quick self test...") pycom_util.reset_rgbled()"Starting hardware quick check") chrono = machine.Timer.Chrono() chrono.start() with CheckStep(FLAG_MOSFET_PIN, suppress_exception=True): if hw.mosfet_pin:"Mosfet pin state: %s", hw.mosfet_pin()) wdt.feed() with CheckStep(FLAG_SD_CARD, suppress_exception=True): import os mountpoint = "/co2_sd_card_test" os.mount(hw.sdcard, mountpoint) contents = os.listdir(mountpoint) os.umount(mountpoint)"SD card OK. Contents: %s", contents) wdt.feed() with CheckStep(FLAG_ERTC, suppress_exception=True): ertc = hw.ertc time_tuple = ertc.get_time()"External RTC ok. Current time: %s", time_tuple) wdt.feed() with CheckStep(FLAG_CO2, suppress_exception=True): import explorir co2 = hw.co2 co2.set_mode(explorir.MODE_POLLING) reading = co2.read_co2()"CO2 sensor ok. Current level: %d ppm", reading) wdt.feed() with CheckStep(FLAG_ETEMP, suppress_exception=True): etemp = hw.etemp _logger.debug("Starting external temp read. Can take up to 750ms.") etemp.start_conversion() chrono.reset() while True: reading = etemp.read_temp_async() if reading: break if chrono.read_ms() > 1000: raise TimeoutError( "Timeout reading external temp sensor after %d ms" % chrono.read_ms())"External temp sensor ok. Current temp: %s C", reading) wdt.feed() show_boot_flags()"Failures after quick hardware check: 0x%04x", failures) display_errors_led() wdt.feed() pycom.rgbled(0x0)
def init_sd_card(): # First we would like to bount the SD card try: spibus = SPI(1, sck=Pin(18), mosi=Pin(23), miso=Pin(19)) sd = sdcard.SDCard(spibus, Pin(4)) # <- chipselect 4 on WEMOS D32 Pro os.mount(sd, SD_ROOT) except: failure()
def sdtest(): spi = machine.SPI(1) spi.init() # Ensure right baudrate sd = sdcard.SDCard(spi, machine.Pin.board.X21) # Compatible with PCB vfs = os.VfsFat(sd) os.mount(vfs, '/fc') print('Filesystem check') print(os.listdir('/fc')) line = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\n' lines = line * 200 # 5400 chars short = '1234567890\n' fn = '/fc/rats.txt' print() print('Multiple block read/write') with open(fn,'w') as f: n = f.write(lines) print(n, 'bytes written') n = f.write(short) print(n, 'bytes written') n = f.write(lines) print(n, 'bytes written') with open(fn,'r') as f: result1 = print(len(result1), 'bytes read') fn = '/fc/rats1.txt' print() print('Single block read/write') with open(fn,'w') as f: n = f.write(short) # one block print(n, 'bytes written') with open(fn,'r') as f: result2 = print(len(result2), 'bytes read') os.umount('/fc') print() print('Verifying data read back') success = True if result1 == ''.join((lines, short, lines)): print('Large file Pass') else: print('Large file Fail') success = False if result2 == short: print('Small file Pass') else: print('Small file Fail') success = False print() print('Tests', 'passed' if success else 'failed')
def mount(path): """ Mount the SD card. """ if path not in os.listdir("/"): try: os.mount(SD(), "/" + path) except: return False return True
def __init__(self): try: os.mount( SDCard(slot=3, miso=Pin(12), mosi=Pin(13), sck=Pin(14), cs=Pin(15)), "/sd") except: print("Sd card could not be read")
def start(): # FIXME lcd.erase() # mount SD card to filesystem sd = SDCard() os.mount(sd, '/sd') # navigate to first screen SeedChoiceScreen().visit()
def fstest(): ram = get_spiram() os.VfsLfs2.mkfs(ram) # Format littlefs try: os.mount(ram, '/ram') except OSError: # Already mounted pass print('Contents of "/": {}'.format(os.listdir('/'))) print('Contents of "/ram": {}'.format(os.listdir('/ram'))) print(os.statvfs('/ram'))
def print_log(path='/sd/display.log'): sd = SD() os.mount(sd, '/sd') with open(path, 'r') as logfile: for line in logfile: print(line, end='') os.unmount('/sd') sd.deinit()
def mount_microSD(self): try: microSD = SD() except OSError: return False try: os.mount(microSD,'/microSD') except OSError: return False return True
def initialize_sd_card(): """Try to mount SD card and append /sd/lib to sys.path""" global sd try: sd = SD(pins=('GP10', 'GP11', 'GP15')) os.mount(sd, '/sd') sys.path.append('/sd/lib') except OSError: return False else: return True
def mount_sd(): try: sd = machine.SD() try: # check if sd is already mounted os.stat('/sd') return True except: # not mounted: continue # todo except specific exception pass os.mount(sd, '/sd') return True except OSError: return False
def cptest(): ram = get_spiram() if 'ram' in os.listdir('/'): print('Device already mounted.') else: os.VfsLfs2.mkfs(ram) # Format littlefs os.mount(ram, '/ram') print('Formatted and mounted device.') cp('/sd/', '/ram/') cp('/sd/', '/ram/') print('Contents of "/ram": {}'.format(os.listdir('/ram'))) print(os.statvfs('/ram'))
def mount_sd():"mounting sd...") try: sd = sdcard.SDCard(machine.SPI(1), machine.Pin(15)) os.mount(sd, "/sd") except Exception as e: logger.exc(e, "sd could not be mounted.") failed_mounts_count = increment_counter("failed_mounts") if failed_mounts_count == 1: print_error_msg("SD-Karte konnte nicht gelesen werden! Sag besser mal Fabian bescheid!") else: reset_counter("failed_mounts")
def __init__(self): self.debug('doing state init') #load (or create) a local file sd = SD() os.mount(sd, '/sd') #sigfox setup sigfox = Sigfox(mode=Sigfox.SIGFOX, rcz=Sigfox.RCZ1) self.sig = socket.socket(socket.AF_SIGFOX, socket.SOCK_RAW) self.sig.setblocking(False) self.sig.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SIGFOX, socket.SO_RX, False) #py = Pytrack() #self.gps = L76GNSS(py) self.debug('trying to get state from net...') try: data = {} data["order"] = '-createdAt' data["limit"] = '1' headers = { 'X-Parse-Application-Id': PARSE_APPLICATION_ID, 'X-Parse-REST-API-Key': PARSE_REST_API_KEY, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' } self.debug('sending request.') resp = urequests.get(PARSE_BASE_URL + '/classes/ConfigObject', headers=headers, data=ujson.dumps(data)) config = resp.json() resp.close() self.debug('got state from net:') self.debug(ujson.dumps(config)) self.write_config(config["results"][0]) except: self.debug('could not get state from net.') try: f = open('/sd/config.json', 'r') config = f.close() if config == '': self.debug('found invalid local json file, writing...') config = {} config["state"] = 0 self.write_config(config) else: self.debug('found valid local json file:') self.debug(config) self.config = ujson.loads(config) except: self.debug('ERROR - could not get/create a valid config file!') pass
def initialize_sd_card(): """Try to mount SD card and append /sd/lib to sys.path""" global sd log = ulog.Logger('SD: ') try:'preparing SD card') sd = SD(pins=('GP10', 'GP11', 'GP15')) os.mount(sd, '/sd') sys.path.append('/sd/lib') except OSError:'no card found!') return False else:'mounted to /sd') return True
def save_config(cfg): """ Save out a configuration file :param Config cfg: config option :return: None """ sd = SD() os.mount(sd, '/sd') with open("/sd/config.txt", "w") as cfgfile: cfgfile.write("Host:%s\n", cfgfile.write("WiFi:%s\n", cfg.wifi_ssid) cfgfile.write("Pass:%s\n", cfg.wifi_key) cfgfile.write("Port:%s\n", cfg.port) cfgfile.write("Image:%s\n", cfg.image_path) cfgfile.write("Meta:%s\n", cfg.metadata_path) if cfg.upload_path: cfgfile.write("Up:%s\n", cfg.upload_path) os.unmount(sd) sd.deinit()
def load(debug=False, sd=None): """ Load off SD our AP, pw, and URL details :param debug: Logging :param sd: SD object if mounted already :return: Config object """ from machine import SD cfg = None try: unmount = False if sd is None: sd = SD() os.mount(sd, '/sd') unmount = True cfg = Config.load_file(open(Config.SD_CONFIG_PATH,"r"), debug) if unmount: try: os.unmount('/sd') # got renamed in upy 1.9 except AttributeError: os.umount('/sd') sd.deinit() del sd except OSError: print("Can't open config file SD card") if not cfg: cfg = Config.load_file(open(Config.FLASH_CONFIG_PATH, "r"), debug) if not cfg: raise ValueError("No config file!") print("Loaded from flash") cfg.src = "flash" else: print("Loaded from SD card") cfg.src = "sd" return cfg
print # Unpack the base yaOSp package print print "Installing yaOSp base package ..." try : os.mkdir( "/media/install" ) except OSError, e : print "Failed to create /media/install directory!" sys.exit(0) try : os.mount( partition[ "name" ], "/media/install", "ext2" ) except OSError, e : print "Failed to mount %s to /media/install" % ( partition[ "name" ] ) sys.exit(0) try : base = "/yaosp/yaosp_base.tar.bz2" ) except IOError, e : print "The yaosp base package is not found!" sys.exit(0) print for entry in base : print "Extracting /media/install/%s" % ( ) base.extract( entry, "/media/install" )
def mnt(): cs = Pin("P22", mode=Pin.OUT) sd = SDCard(SPI(0), cs) os.mount(sd, '/')
from pyb import SD import pyb import os machine = os.uname().machine if 'LaunchPad' in machine: sd_pins = ('GP16', 'GP17', 'GP15') elif 'WiPy' in machine: sd_pins = ('GP10', 'GP11', 'GP15') else: raise Exception('Board not supported!') sd = SD(pins=sd_pins) os.mount(sd, '/sd') os.mkfs('/sd') os.chdir('/flash') print(os.listdir()) os.chdir('/sd') print(os.listdir()) # create a test directory in flash os.mkdir('/flash/test') os.chdir('/flash/test') print(os.getcwd()) os.chdir('..') print(os.getcwd()) os.chdir('test') print(os.getcwd())
def mount_tf(self, mount_point="/"): sd = SDCard(SPI(0), Pin("P15", mode=Pin.OUT)) os.mount(sd, mount_point)