Exemplo n.º 1
# p = proxy(sitename, lon, lat, dpath=dpath, dataset=dataset, variable=variable,
#           season=season, value=value, period=period, climatology=climatology, calc_anoms=calc_anoms, detrend=detrend)
instantiate the analog classes with the proxy for each dataset + variable we
want to map

# ==============================================================================

sst = analogs(ens, 'ersst', 'sst').composite()

f = scalar_plot(sst, test=0.1, proj='cyl').plot()

f.savefig(os.path.join(opath, 'map_ensemble.png'))

# ==============================================================================
UWND at 850 and 200 hPa

uwnd = analogs(ens, 'ncep', 'uwnd_200').composite()

f = scalar_plot(uwnd, test=0.05, proj='cyl').plot()

f.savefig(os.path.join(opath, 'map2_ensemble.png'))

uwnd = analogs(ens, 'ncep', 'uwnd_850').composite()
Exemplo n.º 2
#           season=season, value=value, period=period, climatology=climatology, calc_anoms=calc_anoms, detrend=detrend)

instantiate the analog classes with the proxy for each dataset + variable we
want to map

# ==============================================================================

sst = analogs(ens, 'ersst', 'sst').composite()

f = scalar_plot(sst, test=0.1, proj='cyl').plot()

f.savefig(os.path.join(opath, 'map_ensemble.png'))

# ==============================================================================
UWND at 850 and 200 hPa

uwnd = analogs(ens, 'ncep', 'uwnd_200').composite()

f = scalar_plot(uwnd, test=0.05, proj='cyl').plot()

f.savefig(os.path.join(opath, 'map2_ensemble.png'))

uwnd = analogs(ens, 'ncep', 'uwnd_850').composite()
Exemplo n.º 3
instantiate the analog classes with the proxy for each dataset + variable we
want to map

if the attached dataset is the VCSN dataset, we plot the corresponding composite
anomalies for the variable the proxy is sensitive to
if p.dataset == 'vcsn':
    if verbose:
        save_progress(opath, 'VCSN', 15)
    if p.variable == 'Rain':
        vcsn = analogs(p, 'vcsn', 'Rain').composite()
        f = scalar_plot(vcsn, test=0.1, proj='cyl', res='h').plot(subplots=False)
        images.append({'id': 'vcsn_rain', 'title' : 'VCSN seasonal rainfall', 'filename': 'VCSN_rain_proxy.png'})

    if p.variable == 'TMean':
        vcsn = analogs(p, 'vcsn', 'TMean').composite()
        f = scalar_plot(vcsn, test=0.1, proj='cyl', res='h', vmin=-1.5, vmax=1.5).plot(subplots=False)
        images.append({'id': 'vcsn_tmean', 'title' : 'VCSN seasonal Temperatures', 'filename': 'VCSN_tmean_proxy.png'})

# ==============================================================================
Sea Surface Temperatures, global
Exemplo n.º 4
instantiate the analog classes with the proxy for each dataset + variable we
want to map

if the attached dataset is the VCSN dataset, we plot the corresponding composite
anomalies for the variable the proxy is sensitive to

dataset = p.dataset
variable = p.variable

compos = analogs(p, dataset, variable).composite()

if dataset in ['vcsn']:
    f = scalar_plot(compos, test=0.1, proj='cyl', res='h').plot(subplots=False)
    f = scalar_plot(compos, test=0.1, proj='cyl', res='i').plot(subplots=False)

images.append({'id': '{}_{}'.format(dataset, variable), 'title' : '{} seasonal {}'.format(dataset, variable), 'filename': '{}_{}_proxy.png'.format(dataset, variable)})


data_var = {}
data_var['ncep'] = ['hgt_1000','hgt_850','uwnd_1000']
data_var['ersst'] = ['sst']
data_var['gpcp'] = ['Rain']

for dataset in data_var.keys():
    variables = data_var[dataset]
    for var in variables:
Exemplo n.º 5
images = []

instantiate the analog classes with the proxy for each dataset + variable we
want to map

# ==============================================================================
HGT 1000
if verbose:
    save_progress(opath, 'HGT 1000 NZ', 20)

hgt_1000 = analogs(ens, 'ncep', 'hgt_1000').composite()
f = scalar_plot(hgt_1000, test=0.1, domain=[165, 180, -50., -30], proj='cyl', res='h', vmin=-25.0, vmax=25.0).plot()
f.savefig(os.path.join(opath, 'hgt_1000_NZ.png'))
    {'id': 'NCEP_NZ_map_ensemble', 'title': 'New Zealand ensemble map for z1000', 'filename': 'hgt_1000_NZ.png'})

if verbose:
    save_progress(opath, 'HGT 1000 SH', 23)

f = scalar_plot(hgt_1000, test=0.1, proj='spstere', res='i', vmin=-25.0, vmax=25.0).plot()
f.savefig(os.path.join(opath, 'hgt_1000_SH.png'))
images.append({'id': 'NCEP_SH_map_ensemble', 'title': 'Southern Hemisphere ensemble map for z1000',
               'filename': 'hgt_1000_SH.png'})

if verbose: